All Episodes

April 18, 2024 30 mins
Paige is in to older dudes and has a hack on how to find them. Also Maia from sales breaks down the latest Taylor news. Is Heather being Jealous? We play Jock Jams for CAVS playoff tix, and does it pop for $50 to Blue Heron.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Someone that like could be a grandpaCheryl mis Cheryl Mice show. Let's get
ninety six five Kiss that found allour friends welcome into your Friday Junior on
the eve of new Taylor Swift music. Actually things might be happening sooner because

I was just walking uh from anotherstudio, and Maya from Sales, who
was sitting right out there, toldme Taylor Swift has a countdown that ended
two minutes ago. I'm going togo grab her and we're going to figure
out what the balls is going onwith that. Those are some great vibes
have like good vibes you have inyour life. Tell us all about it.
You can call her, text itinto one, six five seven eight,

ninety six five. Oh tell mewhat's going on in your world as
we're on the eve of this wholeTaylor Swift. Just I say nonsense,
but in the best way possible,because we're doing an album listening party tonight
right here our ninety six five KissFM hosted by Taylor Swift. Did you
hear me? Did you hear people? Did you hear what I said?
So there's no reason to even leavethe radio because on top of that,

still this hour today on the showthis hour, we got blue hair and
gift card for you two thirty.You can win that. Tory Kelly tickets,
Sam Hunt tickets. Oh and Ijust casually have a pair of Calves
playoff basketball tickets for the game onSaturday. A lot going on, A
lot going on. I don't evenknow what to do with myself right now.
I think my computer is breaking becauseit doesn't know because I hit a

button. It didn't do the thingthere's the thing I wanted it to do.
Because I'm not ready. I'm notready for her. I better get
ready, as should you. Friends. It's a Jeromyah Show, ninety six
five Kiss FM. It is theJo Mayas Show, ninety six five GISs
FM, GISs FM. Yes,affair, guys, glad to be speaking

with you. That's Maya from Sales. It's not some German lady. Thanks
so much. Copy guys. Weare on the eve of Taylor Swift and
the Tortured Port Poets, the Department. I keep wanting to say, Society,

tortured poets, the tortured Port.I can't talk at all. Society,
the tortured poet. We have wehave some breaking news. Tortured Orchard
Poets Department at midnight tonight. Bythe way, before we get to breaking
news, we have got Taylor Swiftas a guest DJ and midnight here on

ninety six to five KISSFM, goingthrough every track of the album. Yes,
so if you want reminders, goto up to our instance story ninety
six five Kiss FM. You canset your reminders there so you can be
with us. At twelve oh one, come on down, let's go.
Okay, I was good like that. So I'm walking to the studio to
begin the program and you just lookat me and you go Breaking Taylor Swift

News, and I say, getyour booty in the studio right now.
That is pretty much how that wentimmediately. What is going on? So
she's been super cryptic in her zodiacsort of serial killer type way, leaving
clues and hints and stuff all overthe place. And there was a countdown
on her website that ended at twopm today the eighteenth, And if you're

following along, there have been two'sall over the place, twos, two's
peace signs twos. They added apeace sign to the description of the This
is Taylor Swift Spotify playlist. Alot of twos happening theme of the Ports
Department. You're gonna need to gohome and do some reps, reps of

that album. So what's the breakingnews? What do the twos mean?
I don't know what the twos means? Still waiting, But that wasn't even
the breaking news. I was justnoting that it was at two and there's
something going on, yes, twos. At two pm, she announced the
lead single from the album, Oohis Fortnite featuring post Malone Interesting and for

six hours or something. The singleCD is available on her website. There
it is there. It is breaking, Taylor Swift news, breaking, Taylor
Swift mine, it brings it tous. We got the lead single from
the album. We've got Posty.We already knew that, but we've got
Posty and we have t minus tenhours. Can I predict some breaking news?

Yeah? Not again? Sorry everyone. Taylor Swift concert on Fortnite.
That's the breaking news that I'm thatI'm that I'm making up. That's so
funny because I think you might beonto something. You think that's gonna happen.
Maybe not a not a concert.I don't think Taylor Swift Fortnite,

well, fortnite has the like festivalthing now that's basically like rock band or
Guitar Hero. What. Yeah,that's like part of it. There's like
a racing game spare me and everyoneelse you can play. You can play

fort rock thing they introduced, likethere's like a Lego universe in Fortnite.
That one, there's rock band GuitarHero that they call Fortnite Festival, and
then there's Rocket Racing, which islike a racing game. I didn't know
about. It's all within Fortnight.I'm finally going to connect with my son.
I'm just no, that's exactly.I like sat down and was like,

I need to learn Fortnite so Ican hang out with my brothers.
Yes, is there a guitar forit? And everything? I have never
done investigate that. We'll not haveto look into it. But the Fortnite
Festival person for like what seems likemonths now, has been Lady Gaga.
It's been a Lady Gaga tie infor a really long time. It's definitely

due for an update. Here,she comes, would it not be?
It would be kind of It mightbe almost too perfect, spanning reaching out
into a demographic that maybe Taylor Swiftis still a little bit shallow in that.
You know, well, you demo, if it's here, if it
happens, we'll have your breaking news. I want all right, stick around,

blue haired gift card all the way. We'll get you fifty bucks in
like fifteen minutes. Wow, thebuttons aren't working. Oh man, Hello
rats, Hello, good in themorning. Welcome to Gize the film Music
Stations ninety six five Happy Taylor,Even's at Jeremia Show ninety six to five

Kiss FM. There's more breaking newshappens with Taylor. You know we got
your back, so keep us inyour ears, on your speakers wherever we're
at. We in here all day, every day. Let's bread good vibes,
so good things happening in your life. I get fifty bucks for you
to get a blue hair to Medinathat is coming up here in just under
five minutes. Let's talk to Natashawith the good vibes. Tell me something
good that happened to you today.Well, I had a three hour gap

in my schedule, so I'm outrunning from and let's go. What are
you shopping for? Just retail therapyor something specific? Where are we going?
And I said we because you're goingto put me in the suitcase,
right, yes, New Orleans?Oh what takes us to New Orleans?
I mean the obvious reasons? Anythingspecial. I'm actually just recently divorced.

Oh we're celebrating that though, rightabsolutely, it's the good vibes that I'm
talking a freedom. That was mybest love it Who sang that song in
Davis? Was that George Michael?I don't know, it doesn't matter.
You have the best time in theworld. Okay, make some poor decisions.
Oh yes, try and do hookyou up with fifty bucks to blue

Hair and Prairie Doown in Madonna,we're playing does it pop to go?
Get some free food on us?Let's talk to College twelve. It's Marina
in Parma. Marina. Good afternoon, Hey girl, hey an, good
afternoon. Welcome into the program.I haven't looked outside for a minute.
Is it nice out because it waslike colder earlier, but it's supposed to
like warm up. What's the forecast? Gorgeous? Yeah, it is gorgeous.

It's like a sunny sixty five.This is my perfect day. I
absolutely love it. Do you wantto come down to the studios? Take
over the show and I'll take theday off. Oh man, it's really
tounting, but I think I'm goingto soak up some fun today. Okay,
you do that. Get that vitaminD Marina. All right, let's
play the game. Does it pop? I've got some cans here in the
studio. I'm going to open them. It's either a beer or a pop.

You got five chances to get three? Right, Okay, Okay,
got it. Let me turn thisdown a little bit. Fifty bucks to
Blue Hand Brewery on the line.Tell me this first can. Is this
a beer or a pop? Thatsounds like a pop? That is a
beer? There's really People say there'sa science to it, but there's really
no science to it at all.Like I don't know the difference personally,

and I'm staring at these things.All right, how about this one?
What's this? Okay, I'm gonnasay that's a pop. That is a
pop? That is accurate. That'sa mountain dew. Okay, here we
go two more right, you canstill miss one. What is this one?

That is a beer? That's apop? No? All right,
it's all right, you've missed two. You've you've got to go one hundred
percent. Here is this a beeror a pop. Listen closely, that's
a pop. That is a pop. Oh all right, you're making me
nervous here for the wind. Isthis a beer or a pop? That

is a beer? That is abeer? You were come on fifty bucks
to Blue Heron Brewery down in Madinah. Have you ever been? I have
not. I'm still sady to go. I'm gonna make my stounce go say
this. We yes, there yougo. He's gonna absolutely enjoy it.
They got brunched this weekend too,Saturday and Sunday in the in the branch
time. Okay, awesome, I'mso excited. Thank you very much.

Called it what I think it's calleda It's not called a bloody mar It's
called a hail mary because it hasa whole frigging meal on top. Oh
my gosh, Okay, I'm notto try to get it all up in
that. Okay, Marina, awesome, Thank you so much. You are
so welcome. Sit tight, I'mgonna get more info from you. The
hookups are continuing, by the way. Just today, still got Tory Kelly
tickets, Still got Sam Hunt tickets. And I did manage to whisel myself

a pair of calves playoff tickets.You want to go see Game one of
the playoffs on Saturday. We're hookingyou up right here on Kiss FM.
Hang on Friends, Hey your sinone thousand times. She's a Zaddy Hunter
and she is a Today's Secret Sharer. Kleby Confessional all the Way At three
thirty, it's ninety six y fiveKiss FM, The Jeremiah Show. Heather
shot us at DM and well,I've got her on the phone now,

she is dealing with jealousy question Mark, let's welcome her in Heather, Good
afternoon. Hey girl, Hey girl, So you you shot us a DMA
Jay show radio with the situation withyour boyfriend and a female who's not you.
Catch the catch Cleveland up and we'llsee if we can help you out.
So basically, I don't want myboyfriend to meet up with we like

with any females without me. Butthis one particular female friend that he has
at whom I've never met. Okay, how is she? Who is she
in his life? If you don'tknow who this is, well, I
mean, and this is like theplant Dickens. I guess it's this friend
from high school. And he saysthey never hooked up or anything, and

they grew up down the street fromeach other. And she's apparently in town
for a wedding and my boyfriend,his name's Mason. He just thinks I'm
being jealous and I don't think Iam. And I mean, I don't
know what to do. It's youknow, I'm being honest with him.
I'm putting myself out there and beingvulnerable. I'm just saying, listen,

I don't feel comfortable with you doingit. And then he kind of labels
me, you know, with theJ word or the sea word crazy mean
crazy crazy, not the sea word. We can't say on the radio,
no, not that that would betoo mean. I you know what,
this is interesting because I've been withmy wife for almost twenty years and I

don't think we've ever had this situationcome up. I don't know how I
feel about it, right, Likeit feels it feels eky to me,
but I don't know. I'm nota jealous guy per se, But like
it seems like bad form to goget drinks or food with someone who was
a friend with interesting, right,And I mean, I just this is

how these things start. Yeah,And I think he's only throwing fuel into
the fire by not inviting me,because if he wants, you know,
wants to keep up his friends likewe're together. Yeah, but it also
it could have been a thing oflike he didn't think it was a big
deal because a dum dumb man brainis kind of the motto of this show.

Us men were done. We havedone, man brain, and like
him, excluding you might not havecome from a place of malice just in
consideration. Does that make sense?Oh? Yes I do. But now
that I've spoken up and I've saidsomething, yeah, nothing's changing. I
We're zero good advice for you,Heather. That's what I'm gonna tell you.
But that's why we have a textline. That's why we have a

phone number. That's when we whywe have the talk back on the free
iHeartRadio app. That's a plug foryou. So here's what we'll do.
When we hang up, keep listeningand we'll see what Cleveland has to say
about your situation. See if wecan help you out. Okay, give
you some more perspective. Okay,all right, please because I just don't
know what to do. Okay.The number two one six five seven eight

ninety six five. Oh, youcan call or text Heather's boyfriend wants to
meet up with a female friend whoHeather doesn't know. Friend from high school,
neighbors from childhood, bad form onhis part? Is Heather being jealous?
I think that's kind of where we'resitting on them. Like I said
to a free iHeartRadio app, Boom, click the red microphone. It's called
a talk bag, Heather. We'lltry to get you some answers. Okay,

oh please, thank you so much. Cleveland's number one hit music station
ninety six five Kiss. We gota Zaddy Hunter on our hands. You're
cleaning confessional all the way down theCheeraia show. It's ninety six five Kiss
FM. That'll make sense in afew minutes, but let's continue our conversation.
Heather is being jealous question Mark becauseher man wants to go grab drinks

hang out with someone he knew fromhigh school who is a lady, and
she's uncomfortable with that. Let's welcomeHelena into the show. Helena, Hey
girl, where do you live?Wickliff? And I just want to say
I have not talked to you sincefour Oh girl? Will you been sorry?
But I love you so much.It's just like I go to work

till like by the time I gotto work, like I didn't even know
you were on the station. Helloso much, I love you so much.
You're so sweet. I had tostart there. Sorry, I appreciate
that I'm her boyfriend, though I'vebeen with my husband for seven years.
And uh, even if he toldme something like that, that's a major

red flag. That's not jealousy.She's gone, she's a female, she's
gone naturally get jealous. But tosay that, oh, she's just a
friend from high school and don't bejealous, that's just gonna make her more
jealous. Wait, well, who'sthe red flag I got? I got
thrown off her boyfriend. He's thrownup the red flags by calling her jealous,
is what you're saying? Yes,Like, no, I would not
be okay with that, Like shedoesn't know him. I just think it's

this respectful, Like if I didthat with a guy, yeah, my
husband would fuil the same way.It's a two way street. So that's
absolutely a notame. And that's andthat was that was me. I'm like
this, I'm not a jealous guy, So me thinking that, I'm like,
am I wrong for thinking I don'twant my wife to go, uh,
hang out with with some dude sheknew in high school. That seems
weird to me. It is weird, And I think he made it weird

by telling her don't be jealous,because now she don't want to be jealous,
and that's weird. Yeah, Ilove it. Well, Helena,
I'm so glad that you you foundme over here. I've been here.
I've been here for a minute now, so welcome. We've missed you terribly
over here on The Jeremiah Show.Yeah, I'm here all the time.
Call her text Okay, well,thank you, bye bye. Turned down

the you got secrets? We lovesecrets. The juicier the better. This
is the Cleveland Concession on The JeremiahShow ninety six five Kiss FM. If
you have a secret, you arejust dying to tell someone and you really
can't tell us at the Jeremia Show. Be anonymous if you want, slide
into our d MS at j ShowRadio and maybe we'll call you back.

Look, we're gonna call Page rightnow. Hello. Hello, was this
page? It is Page. It'sThe Jeremiah Show, ninety six five Kiss
FM. Hey girl, oh hi, hey hi Page. Do you remember
dming us and saying that you hada Cleveland confessional. You got a little

secret you want to tell somebody?Oh, yes, yes I do.
Yes, that's what we're calling for. We're calling now to get your cleaning
confessional. Are you in a placewhere you can tell us? Yes?
I am. Okay, go ahead, tell us. What do you want
to catch us? I want toassess that I'm using dating apps that i'm
daddies. Those are hot dads,right, those are grandpas? Yeah?

Oh wow, okay, so wait, how do you because those guys aren't
on the apps use both ways?It's been it's been used both ways.
Okay, for a hot dad orlike someone that like could be a grandpa,
you know. Yeah, how howdo you find said zaddies? Because
typically they're not on dating apps?No, they're not. So like for
example, I just Matt with aguy online and I chat. I chat
them up like really casually, youknow, enough to kind of get into

their world, get their ig,and then I'll end up doing a guy
and I'll find their dad, sayon Facebook, and go from there.
Yeah. I mean, it's it'sjust how I've been. I've always been
into older dudes. Like you said, they've never been on apps really,
so I'll tend to be on Facebook. Okay, there, this is I
mean, I'm not gonna lie thisis this is quite the task you give

yourself. But I mean, youlike what you like, right, and
you got to find your way tofind that. At this point, it's
kind of a com routine. Theonly thing is is, like, you
know, the last dude I connectedwith, I actually found out he was
married. And this was after we'dhooked up. Oh how did how did
you not know? Auns? Well? Afterwards it was really well heading on
his Facebook. I know maybe hejust doesn't use it, But now that

I know that, it's really awkwardbecause he's really trying to win me over.
He's sending me gifts like asking methat you know out and that he
really wants to go out again.Yea, And yeah, it's weird.
It's craze. Why do you justlike block him block his number? I
don't. I just I don't know. Maybe I'm not going to stop.
I don't know. You've got somethingyou want to confess? Send us a

DM Jay show Radio ninety six KissFM. Here's what happens when I just
get the influx of hookups. Youwin because Calves tickets less than an hour
from right now in the playoff game, we're doing that. At four thirty,
we were doing the sam Hunt movingeverything around. Right now. You
get your pick, and it's reallyeasy. All you gotta be is College
twelve right now in two one six, five, seven, eight ninety six
five. Oh, you get yourpick between Tory Kelly tickets because she's coming

to House of Blues October first,or sam Hunt tickets coming to Blossom July
the nineteenth. Easy as that.I'm not even gonna make you work for
him. College twelve, they areyours, simple as that. The numbers
save list on your phone, bythe way, two one, six,
five seven, eight ninety six five, Oh, College twelve. You getting
hooked up on Kiss FM. Heyyour bills hook up time. It's the
Jeremiah Show, ninety six five KissFM, thousand bucks on the way after

the next song, will hook youup there and then Calves playoff tickets on
the way four thirty on the show, let's talk to Stephanie and Strongsville.
Good afternoon, hachar Hey, Stephanie, you're College twelve. You win.
Let's go and because we've got somany hookups today. I've just got tickets
to sam Hunt or Tory Kelly.Which would you like? Well, since

I missed those fake country singers,well for sam Hunt, I want sam
Hunt. Did you get to playlast week and just completely vomit? I
did? It was a hard game. Stephanie. Congratulations, you're going to
sam Hunt. Okay, let's go. You know, I just I feel
overwhelmed with hilcups. But that's like, that's my overwhelmingness. Is your opportunity
to be happy? Right? Yes, I'll take care. There you go,

Stefany, you have the best timeat sam Hunt. Sam Hunt?
Okay, oh I will. I'mgonna get more info from you. Let's
do this. Kis Famela. Whois this? This is Alex. Where
do you live? Yes? Ilive in Middleburg Heights. Alex in Middleburg
Heights. Good afternoon, Hey girl, Hey, hey, yeah, Alex,
you are actually caller thirteen. Butthat's not necessarily bad news for you.

Stephanie was called twelve. She pickedsam Hunt tickets. What tickets were
you hoping for? I was,oh my god, okay, my daughter
was hoping for the other one.She wanted the Tory Kelly. What you're
daughter wins? You guys are goingto Corey Kelly. Let's go. Yeah,
Oh my gosh, you could beso happy. She'll be so happy.
It's going to be amazing. Thereyou go. We're making dreams come

true. What can I say?Alex, Well, thank you so much.
You are solome. You guys havea blast. What's your daughter's first
name? Penny? Penny. Ohthat's a cute name. By the way,
just a quick sidebar. I lovethat name so much. All right,
Penny. I hope you have thebest time, and I hope you're
learning about this right now just fromlistening to the radio station. I love
it. Yes, she will.Where does she work? He worked?

He worked at Sorry, uh brownDerby ind Oh, there you go.
Well, hopefully brown Derby's at leastbumping us in the kitchen. I think
they're a little too fancy. Heput us in the dining room. Thank
you, they do, all right. Well, we appreciate you Brown Derby.
We love you so much. Allright, Alex, sand on hold
for me. I'm gonna get somemore info from you. Okay, awesome,
Thank you. You are so welcome. Now. The reason we did
that is because I have Cav's playoffstickets for you. You can win those

at four point thirty right here onthe Jeremia Show, keeping the hookups on,
how about a thousand bucks for younext for paying your bills? And
then a little Taylor mini mix celebratingthe Tortured Poets Department Department. I keep
wanting to say society. It's TorturedPoets Department goes You're in seat Jeremiah,
Yes FM, Happy Taylor Eve.By the way, it's a Jeremiah Show,

ninety six to five Kiss f M. Of course, Torture Poets Department
comes out at midnight tonight. It'sI keep wanting to say society because I
think keep thinking of the uh,what is this poet Society from? Are
you afraid of the dark? It'sTortured Poets Department comes out at midnight and
we have an exclusive Taylor Swift isgoing to take us through the album mid

midnight right here on ninety six fiveKiss FM. So don't go anyway for
that. Right now, I've gotCalves playoff tickets. He's just popped up
in my email this afternoon, sowe got him for the rest of the
week on the show. New gamethat I just made up today let's play
with Coller twelve. It's Courtney andWilleby Courtney, good afternoon, Hey girl,
right Courding, I've got so muchtailor on the brain. I almost

called you Taylor. There's a lotgoing on, all right, cording,
here's the game. Have you everheard of the Jock Jams. Yeah,
it's okay. That's not winn orlose. That's just a question. Jock
Jams was a series of albums thatcame out between nineteen ninety five and nineteen
ninety nine. They did five ofthem. They were kind of like pump
up albums, right. You wouldplay them before a Cavs game, or

before your middle school basketball game,whatever it is. So what I have
here for you is I have fivesongs that could have been on any one
of the Jock Jams albums through theyears. You don't have to know the
name of the song, you don'thave to know the artist. All you
have to do is guess which volumethe song was on. And I'm only
doing the first three, Okay,so I'll play the song. I want

you to keep in mind the firstalbum came out in nineteen ninety five,
and then each subsequent year after Let'sstart the dramatic music, and here is
your first song. Just got toget the majority right. Three out of
five, here's your first song.All ready for this, Courtney and Willoughby,

that is too unlimited, Get readyfor this? Do you think that
was on jock Jams one two orthree? Volume two? Volume two?
No, I'm sorry that was jockJams one, but that's okay. You
just need a majority of the five. You missed one, you can miss
up to two. Let's go withthe next song in the Jock Jams game.
What volume do you think this was? They threw some throwbacks on here.

This is Casey in the Sunshine Band. That's the way. Uh huh
uh huh. I like it,Cordy. What do you think one,
two or three? Which version wasthat on? I'm gonna guess two number
two. No, I'm sorry thatwas version three, but that's okay.
You just got to go one hundredpercent from here on out. Okay,

deep breath, here we go.Tell me what album was this on of
the Jock Jams. This is Snapthe Power. This was also in Bruce
Almighty. I believe right, Courtney, what do you think one, two
or three? I'm gonna get oneone. You got it? There you

go. There we go. Allright, we're doing good. Now let's
go with the next song. We'reone for three. What's uh this one?
This is Macho Man by the VillagePeople. You think that's on one,
two or three? Three? No, I'm sorry, Corney. Thank

you for playing though. Let's goon to Hiram and Bath. Hiram,
welcome into the show. How areyou great? How are you? Hiram?
Do you remember the jock jams jams? I do, yeah, it
was. It was quite the playlistthere. I forget when I would play
with Corney. Did I tell herthe right answers? Are not? I
completely forgot? No, Okay,I didn't. So let's start you from

the beginning. I know, right. So here we go from the beginning.
Is this one, two, orthree? I'm gonna get one.
You're gonna go with one and Hiram? That would be right, sir.
Congratulations, There you go, onefor one. Let's move on to the
next one. That's the way.Uh huh uh huh, I like it.

Casey in the Sunshine Band, one, two or three. I'm gonna
go all with number three, numberthree. Dude, you're two for two.
Right now, you get this nextone and you win, and tell
me, macho man by the villagepeople, is that one, two or
three? She kind of helped youout, Like, what's that? I'm

also gonna guest three. You're gonnayou're gonna go three again. No,
but that's okay because you can missa couple of you're two for two.
All you gonna do is get one. I'm not giving you the power again.
Even though it's a great song.What a great song, Drake needs
to sample this song or something,you know what I'm saying. All right,
here we go. Let's go tothe next song. This one by

back black Box. It's called Everybody. Everybody you know this one? Owl,
Hiram. What do you think?One? Two or three? Oh
man, that's a tough one.I'm gonna say let's go two, number
two. That's right, you are, come on up, Let's go there.

You go, man, Let's goCalves and do you gain one of
the playoffs. You are going tobe there. Congratulations, my friend,
you did the hard work. Thankyou, you are so well. America's
proud of you. Your Cleveland Cavaliersare proud of you. Have the best
time at the game. I hopeyou're their good luck charm. Okay,
all right, dude, sit tight, I'm gonna get more info from you.
Hiram. Thank you so much forplaying my dude. We'll go again

tomorrow. Like I said, moreCavs tickets four point thirty you can win
them. Right here on the JeremiahShow, we are ninety six to five
Kiss FM. Stick around. Wehave a thousand bucks coming up for you.
Five o'clock. Here, it's timeto smarten you up, Cleveland with
Jeremiah's fun Fact of the Day forninety six five Kiss Out. I'd love
to wish you a happy International Highfive Day. Give someone a high five

today, and your fun fact isn'tabout the high five, but how to
properly execute one. You may knowthis, you may not. Maybe this
is today, I was today,years old situation. But the best way
to perfectly execute a high five isnot to watch the hand, my friends,
now, that is to put yourhand up in the air, stay,
stand at your partners stand, stareat your partner's elbow as you perfectly

execute the high five every single time. Trying right now, try with yourself.
I guess that's not high five.That's a clap. Then it's E
Tamia showing ninety six five KISSFM withyour Genius of the day. Someone who's
done something so stupid. Anything you'vedone pales in comparison. A woman outside
of Cincinnati was robbed by a personclaiming to be Aaron Rodgers online. Oh
boy. They met it on somemessaging app. It's called Viber. She

and Aaron talked for a couple months. He was confident it was him because
the profile picture had a photo ofAaron Rodgers wearing a Green Bay Packers hat.
He plays for the Jets. Now, by the way, any quote
talked about himself personally, whatever thatmeans. She was so sure he was
legit she gave him her driver's licensenumber, self's security number, and bank

account details. No. Now,if you're wondering why Aaron would need this
random Ohio woman's bank account, hmmm. He said, I'll send you ten
thousand dollars to help you move outof your apartment, but first you need
to send me eight hundred to mywife's lawyer. He's not married, right,
please invest getting It's unclear if they'remaking any headway though. In the

meantime, they told her to blockAron on all social media's Freezell accounts,
change your passwords and monitor her creditbecause he's scamming her. Guys. Guys,
just a little Google next time.Thanks for listening to The Jeremiah Show
on demand. I Love this show. For more, find us on TikTok,
Instagram and more at Jashow Radio andweekdays two to six on ninety six

five Kiss FM
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