All Episodes

April 23, 2024 25 mins
Jeremiah might have a way to get free clothing, or banned from TikTok. Maria doesn't want a big wedding but her fiance does. What would your walk up song be? And we play Lyrics Screamed From A Roller Coaster for Cedar Point tix and a pre-ride on Top Thrill 2.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Is this how I get free clothing? It's ninety six five all our friends,
It's Tuesday, your Calv's victory Tuesday. Those are some great vibes to
start the show. Some other goodvibes mine from sales is here. What

up frag? Oh Cleveland, areyou rocking that old school MMS shirt today?
Dezard shirt? Where did you purchasethat? Did you thrift it?
I think Amy gave it to Okay, oh in the Cleveland clothing I didn't
see them on the thing. Cleveland, you had good vibes to spread today.
Something good happening in your life.Tell us all about it. Hey,
it's bark at the park. Atthe ballpark. There we go.

It's just so exciting. Yes,because it's full of dogs. We're here
for it, lots of dogs.Is this the first time they're doing this?
It's the first time we've done itat Progressive Field. Okay, for
sure some of the minor league teamshave done it. But that's exciting.
Maybe the first in that like atleast ten years. That'll be fun.
So you can bring your dog tothe park and they bring doggie bags.

I'm assuming to pick up the poo. Yeah, so you know the logistics
here. They have those new PennantDistricts up in the top area where like
the shipping containers you see now,it's kind of like a big open beer
garden situation. That's where all thedoggie tickets are. So everyone who brings
their dogs is having like a bigdoggy play date at the Pennant Districts and

they'll have like I think they'll thatwas my first question. Where will they
be. They're going to have likethose kind of like you can't grow in
the stadium with the dogs. Youhave to go direct. Do we know
that? That's a good question.I'm asking you questions that are way above
your pay. I'm interested to seethe logistics of getting the dogs up there
and where else in the ballpark theymight end up. But those are their

seats at the very lest, that'svery cute they have seats. Do they
build little doggie bleachers? Oh mygod, imagine I wish they would be.
So I'm scared. I'm kind ofscared for the hot dogs. Mine
as catch up. By the way, Oh, why you're just getting chased
which big chew toys tos? Sothere you go. Let's say, I
guess guardians dot Com. Get sometickets for that. Those are some great
vibes to start the show. Mayacool. We also have Alec Benjamin tickets

on the way two thirty today evenbetter. You got good vibes, Please
let us know all about it.Shoot us a text. Tell me something
good that happened to you today?Two one seven eight ninety six five.
Oh, So Jeremiah Show. That'sTuesday show Friends, So Jeremiah Show on
ninety six five Kiss FM. Spreadingthose good vibes all over Cleveland and beyond.

Reminder, we just talked about itwith mine. You can bring your
dog to the ballpark tonight. I'mso excited for the Guardians game. What
do we call it? What's acute name? Oh, it's bark at
the Park. Bark at the Park. Guardians dot com for tickets, you
can get that. But Tammy's gotgood vibes. If you have something good
happening in your life, tell usall about it. Shoot us a text
to two one six five seven eightninety six five. Oh maybe we'll call

you back. Maybe you can callin. It's up to you. Tammy,
what you got Tell me something goodthat happened to you today. Yeah,
I got a gift from a coworkertoday. What gift is? There
we go. I got a littlechill get back with some bath bombs and
face mess, so we'll thank youagain. So there we go. Did
you do something or do you justhave amazing coworkers? I have amazing co
workers and I did do a littlefavor on the side. So it's a

very sweet jest. That sounds yeah, that sounds potentially scandalous. If we
don't define what it was, wedefinitely won't cool. Let's go. So,
either you did something dirty or youhurt somebody. That's all That's where
my brain's going. We're just gonnaleave it at that. We're not gonna
go show right here. I'm herefor the mystery Tammy. I appreciate you.
Thank you. Music Station ninety sixAle Benjamin tickets on the way for

you right here on the Jeremiah Show. We're ninety six five Kiss FM.
Good vibes continuing to spread them allover Cleveland and beyond anywhere you're listening,
especially if you're on that free iHeartRadioapp. We appreciate you for that you
listen to anywhere in the country.A thousand bucks on the way for you.
Three o'clock, we're back to payingyour bills as well. A couple
more shouts for you right here onthe Jerremiah Show. For that. Tom's

got some good vibes. Tiny,tell me something good that happened to you
today early? Oh? How didwe manage that? Did you like have
to bribe your boss? Or didyou get in trouble and get a ride
up? Or did you get fired? Nope, it was just we were
done with our work and got togo home. There we go. What
kind of work do you do,Tanya? I work in a food manufacturing
company. What kind of foods doyou manufacture? Now we're going to be
best friends. Like Grandma's potato salad. Oh, I love Grandma's. I'm

not a potato salad guy. I'mmore of a macaroni salad guy myself.
Yeah, there's a Grandma's macaroni saladtoo. Where do you sit on the
potato versus macaroni salad debate? Tanya, I need to know potato. You're
going potato? But like that it'sa weird texture with the potatoes, is
it not? It is a littlebut I'm a potato girl. Oh,
you potato on there. I gotyou. Whether it's mashed, whether it's

salad in, whether it's French fried. Tanya is all about it. Yep,
I feel you do you? Whatdo you dip in your French fries
in? Uh? Just a littleketchup? Okay, thank god for not
saying maynaise I would have hung upon you immediately. I'd rather throw up.
All right, give you two sugs. We'll get you those Alec Benjamin
tickets. Kanye then after Ari hookingyou up on ninety six to five Kiss

FM. It's a Jeremiah show.Alec Benjamin coming to House of Blues in
October. We're hooking you up righthere on the Jeromya Show. It's ninety
six to five Kiss them. Also, don't forget we're hooking you up and
paying your bills. Thousand bucks couldbe in your pocket. Your next shot
to win happening at three o'clock onthe program. But let's see if can
give away these Alec Benjamin tickets.Katie and Olmsted Township. She's called her

twelve Katie. Good afternoon, Ancarl, Katie. Welcome into the show.
You know I forgot to tell youoff the art and I always tell the
people playing there are a couple ofrules to being on the Jaromya Show,
especially on the radio. Just remember, we can't say bad words. Okay,
okay, okay. If I don'tsay that to people, that's always
the person that ends up cussing.So I wanted to make sure I said,

you don't seem like you actually seemlike a cusser. Katie, I
am, but my daughter is okay, good? So hey yourself? All
right, here we go. Thegame is is it a track off the
new Taylor Swift album The Tortured PoetsDepartment. I'll give you the title of
a track. It's either a realor a fake one. Okay, get

two out of three and you win. Quick question before I start, how
deep have you gotten into the album? Have you exploited? Much? Very
very much? Okay? Also,you're gonna be great at this. Let's
start Katie with potential track number one, fresh out of Summer? Is that
off the new album? No?No, it is, though it actually
is? It is? It soundslike I say that again. Oh yes,

you're right, you know what.You're right And I can't read words,
Katie, look at you correcting me? You are correct? You are
corrected me saying the wrong thing.This is fresh out the slammer. New
Bit's gone great, Katie. Ithelped if I could read words. All
right, boy, here we gofor the win. Let's bring the dramatic

music back. I'm gonna make sureI'm reading these right. Here we go.
I'm gonna read it nice and slow. Candles on a Tuesday, real
or fake tailor track that is fake? That is fake and that's right one
hundred percent. See. I can'teven get this game right. I'm an
idiot. You win. Thank you. You got it right, and I
clicked the wrong button. I eitherneed to drink more drink less. I'm

not really sure how to handle this, Katie. I think see that's why
you're my favorite. All right,Katie, congratulations, You're going to Alec
Benjamin at House of Blues. Ithank you. Oh boy, I raally
messed this bit up. All right, Sit tight for me. I'm gonna
get more info you off the air. We'll have more at Alec Benjamin tickets
coming up tomorrow. I'll get thisgame figured out by tomorrow. A thousand
bucks next, I got your billswin one thousand dollars. So maya has

secrets, not secrets. Questions notsecrets questions. Did Jeremiah Show ninety six
five Kiss FM maya? What isyour question? Whenever you bring these to
me, I never know if they'regoing to be radio appropriate, so we'll
play it by you. It's superradio appropriate. It's like the most appropriate
for radio. Yes, I've everdone. What is it I'm putting you
on the spot quick? What isyour batter walk up song? You get

like fifteen seconds and picture warm upsong where you could have like one or
two songs and like two minutes total. Well, the second one confused me.
Okay, when a pitcher warms upor like when a really great closer
comes out in baseball game. Ohokay, they have like the two minute
warm up time, so their likewarm up songs are way longer that because

the batter only gets like fifteen secondsof the song and then they're going well,
I mean, obviously it's it's theicy cool I see that, I
see this. That's but is ittoo on the nose? Is that your
batter song? That was my entrancemusic when I was a professional wrestler.
I mean, you can't you can'tnot take that with you to your new
professional bass to go with me everywhere? Does? I used to have it
in the system, but I can'tfind it. I can find this right

away though. Maybe it's that Hey, I mean what or or option two
of of sounds I have available tome right now? Good God? These
are not walk up songs. That'ssuspicious. Not to be the walk up

police or anything. No, thosedon't qualify. But I don't think those
were suspicious. That's weird. Idon't know what maybe it is. What
is your answer, surfing? Oh? I did have that, but I
think I deleted that one. Okay. If not that, then ready for
it? Oh that's a good oneor nice for what is this too?

Obviously that should be my pitching songas I'm warming up, I thought this
was the immediate answer. You knowit should have been. I apologize.
This is so good. I needmatter. So here here's the story for
you really quick. While we're onthe subject. Our boss who hates this

song, Kennedy, Keith Kennedy.He hired me to DJ the Boys and
Girls Club event he was organizing anda part of. Okay, and this
is how I ended the night waswith the son and he thought he was
going to be smart and come upand turn it down when I had a
dummy mixer that only worked microfod.You are too clever. A lot of

thought went into this, clever tothe point of maybe being a little bit
evil. Yeah. Yeah, that'shilarious. This is a great warm upside.
This is it there, It isfantastic, great answer. You're welcome
America. Thank you. Thanks.You've got secrets. We love secrets.
Did here the better? This isthe Cleveland Confessional on The Jeremiah Show ninety

six five Kiss FM. The placewhere Cleveland comes to confess their secrets.
If you have a secret you wantto have on the show. It all
starts with the DM at J ShowRadio and maybe we'll call you back,
like we're gonna call Maria right now. Hello, are you looking for Maria?
Yeah, this is Maria MARIOTSI chereAmi Show ninety six five Kids FM.

Hey girl, Hey, yay,I'm so excited. So yeah,
obviously you remember shooting to the DM. You have a Cleveland Confessional for us?
Yeah. Yeah, I have toconfess. I don't have a big
family or group, but my fiancewe're having a huge wedding because he wants

to not because I do. Ohinteresting, So what's what's going on with
him wanting the big wedding? Whydoes he want it so badly? Well,
like I said, he has ahuge family and a huge group of
friends. So since the moment wegot engaged, he's just like taken over

and not like not like a groomdeller or anything. It's not like that,
but it really is. It's gonnaget huge. It's getting bigger and
bigger. And I'm like freaking outbecause it's about three hundred people. That's
a lot of people. No,I'm yeah, and I only add like
twenty Oh my gosh, Like I'mnot kidding at all. Right, And
so the latest thing, this isthe latest thing. You're gonna love this,

which is super fun. It's anice luge for the two of us
to do shots out of. Ah. That's cute. It is and it's
a lot of fun. This ishis new thing. But I just Feelly
is paying for everything. So Ifeel like I sound ungrateful, which is
not at all it. I justfeel like I'm the bride and it's supposed
to be my huge day and itdoesn't mean that doesn't mean it's a huge

group you know what I mean.I feel like people when they say it's
their big day, the bigger,the better, and I don't feel like
that. So I'm I don't knowdo I say something or do I just
go with it? So yeah,that's the common theme is it's the bride's
big day, not the grooms bigday. But he's kind of he's kind
of taking your thunder a little bit, and you're kind of like, well,
shouldn't this be more about me?I mean, yes, really totally.

And I'm not trying to make funof you. I'm sorry. I
didn't need to do the impression,but like I it's it's an interesting question
to ask because it's like, well, you know, how much do you
mind that he's kind of taking over? Obviously there's a little bit of you
that kind of cares, right,Yeah, And it's just that's a lot
of people for me, so socialanxiety. Hundred people. Yeah, I'm

already thinking about it. I'm like, oh my god, my hands are
sweating right now talking about it.Let's do this. Let's go to the
people Cleveland. What we'll do iswhen we hang up, keep listening and
we'll see if we can help youout. Okay, Oh my gosh,
thank you so much. Shoot usa text, give us a call.
It's the same number two one sixfive seven eight ninety six five. Oh.
Maria's fiance is making a big weddingwhen she kind of wants a small
one. Should she say something?Or should she just just go with the

flow. You can also leave amessage free iHeartRadio app like the lower red
microphone. There me a message onthe app. I said what I said?
Cleveland chiming into today's cleaning confession withMaria whose husband is planning a giant
wedding even though she's really not onboard with it. Should she say something?
Well, uh, Cleveland texting inI think, I mean the text

can be pretty much summed up inone message. Actually a talkback we got
from Sarah over in Broadview Heights.On that free iHeartRadio app. Click the
little red microphone. You can leavethe message here, just like Sarah did.
Here are her thoughts. Listen,just go with the flow. It's
one day. It sounds like it'sgoing to be an awesome party. I
mean ice slush. Who's not downfor an ice slush? Anyway? There
you go. I'll keep chiming inif you wanted the text two one six

five seventy eight ninety six five.Oh hey, I'll stick around. I
got fifty bucks for you. Godown to Blue Heron in Medina. After
this, it's kiss. Try tosend you to Blue Heron Brewery down in
Madonna, the right off of seventyone at eighteen. It's the cocktail game.
We'll play with College twelve. It'sTina. Tina's in the land.
Good afternoon, haykar all, Tina, how you f on on this fine

Tuesday. I'm doing great about yourself. Check Tuesday. Check Tuesday? Is
the kids say, Tina. Yeah, let's play the cocktail game. I'll
give you the ingredients from a cocktail, tell me the name of the cocktail,
and you win fifty bucks to BlueHairing down on a din. Okay,
all right? Which cocktail mixes whiskey, lemon juice, simple syrup,

and an egg white. Oh my, I was gonna say whisky sour,
but it doesn't. I have notthe decide. What is your guest?
Go ahead, throw a guess outthere. A morning slam, A morning
slam. No, I'm sorry,that's not it, Tina, But thank

you for playing. Thank you,appreciate you. Bye ye two one,
seven, eight ninety six five allpause for awkwardness. Fifty you're hearing a
midna. If you can figure outwhat that cocktail is, good luck.
Fifty bucks to Blue Hair and Brewerydown in me Dinah on the line for

you, it's a Jeremiah Show ninetysix to five. Kiss f fam.
Let's talk to our next contestant.She works at Title Select in Medina.
Who has a song right now?Shout out you guys. It is Sarah
from Barbara and Sarah. Good afternoon, hay girl, All Sarah, do
you realize why I took that awkwardpause with our lovely last contestant? No?
Okay, well we'll see how youdo here. It's the cocktail game.
Fifty bucks to Bucks to Blue Hairand Brewery in Medina. If you

can tell me what ingredients make thisa cocktail? Or what what what makes
this cocktail? With these ingredients whiskey, lemon juice, simple syrup in an
egg white. Oh, she saidit it's a whiskey, so it is
a whiskey sour one percent. Youwin. Let's go fifty bucks to Blue
Hair and for you. Congratulations,amazing, get your drink on with you're
into craft beers, cocktails or likeI just talked about that Hail Mary,

a big old bloody Mary with ameal on top. It's all in your
face, Sarah, I sting itonline. I want it. It's enormous.
Well you enjoy it. Okay,thank you. You are so welcome
to sit tight. I'm gonna getmore info from you. We got more
from for Blue from Blue hairn foryou tomorrow on the show. If you're
looking for more hook cups, youdon't have to wait long. You can
ride Top Thrill two before anyone elseand I'll be there too. You can

write it with me. Are yourshot to win? Coming up at four
thirty? It's kiss My from Salesis here hillo friend, so Jerald Maya
show ninety six y five Kiss FM. You're you're laughing because of what we
just recorded. That is insane.That will be for Cedar point tickets and
you can be one of the firsthumans to ride Top Thrill two on Sunday
along with you. All right withme? I will be there as well.
My good four to thirty your chanceto win there, We'll tell you

what laughing about it makes sense later. I have a question for you.
So, have you been using theTikTok shop a lot, A little bit,
not at all? You were refusing? Yes, that was aggressive.
Why are you refusing? It freaksme out. Okay, I've done it
a couple times and it's been prettylegit every time i've done it. So
I got some pants yesterday that Itried on. They did not fit.

They took forever to get. Therewas I don't know any Asian language,
but it was an Asian text onthe sticker, So I'm assuming it came
from China, Japan, Korea,wherever, right, Cambodia, maybe Asia,
Asia minor or major exactly. SoI tried them on, they didn't
fit. I processed the return,and all of a sudden I can emails

this morning saying cool, here's yourrefund. We don't need the product back.
Did I create a life hack?Is this how I get free clothing?
No? This is how you destroythe earth? I'm kidding them getting
but like, Okay, yes,I bought the wrong size. Yeah,
but what if I buy the rightsize return it it actually fits me?

Like, oh this doesn't fit,Like, okay, you can keep it.
Did I just find a new wayto get free clothing. That is
kind of crazy. I mean,maybe you found a life hack. I
think it probably would cost them moreto get that product back, yes,
and try to sell it again,yes, than to just chalk it up
victimless crime. Yeah, that wasright now, aside from the earth.

Well, no, but I'm goingto wear that. I'm going to so
this, like I said you,I'm sorry, this time is different.
Yes, next time you buy theright side, give you the pants.
It'll be nice. In baggings they'repacky. Maybe their jogger, I'll bring
him in. You tell me ifyou like them, or give him to
Jeffrey because I think he's smaller thanme. If it's a larger, yeah,
you're recycling, and it tells meto reuse, recycle or donate.

Okay, but I think I thinkwhat I want to do now is buy
the right size. Say it's notthere, Say it's not the right size.
Again, I get free pants.Interesting, it's only fifteen dollars,
which is not expensive for pants.I wonder if they keep track of you.
You really nice the first couple oftimes, and then eventually they just
like ban you from everything and Ijust make a new Then I make a
new TikTok. Oh, you loseyour whole TikTok fifteen dollars pants? You

think I care about TikTok? No? I mean, okay, I'll I'll
create a ghost TikTok and do itfrom there. Where am I a jidmer?
Huh? Where am I a jidmer? Said my name in there?
Oh? I did because you yourname isn't my name? Oh wait,
yeah, but it wasn't the same, so it caught me off exactly.
All right. Well, if anyoneelse has tried this, please let us

know. Yeah, shoot us atext two one six seven eight ninety six
five ozho. This could be alife pack. I mean, you're pulling
me over to your side up.Thank you. Let's do it. You
did a good job. Keeps hereto help with all of your isshoes.
This is what we do. Weexploit your trauma on the radio and then
we give you free stuff. It'samazing. Yeah, I'll take it.
Hey, it's cheaper than therapy.The Jeremiah Show ninety six five Kiss FM

Top Thrill two is opening very soon. You could get to riding before any
one else. We're hooking you up. It's what we do on the Jeremiah
Show. We're ninety six five KissFM. This hour the program brought to
you by my friends over there,Ken Ganley, Chevrolet Aurora. Swing by
and see him. Three ten WestGarfield and a row, Tom Jeremia Essential
to hook up. Hey, Savannahis Colored twenty. She's in the AKA
Ready Savannah. Good afternoon, Haygirl, Hey Savannah, welcome into the

program. If you had to choose, give me your favorite Cedar Point roller
coaster at the moment millennium fourth.Of course, that's solid. That's a
solid pick. There's so many goodones out there. I mean, no
one's really gonna say the mind Ride. But other than that, I'll let
about anything else slide. No offenseto the mind Ride, by the way,
I know, I'm not trying totake shots at it. All right,

let's play the game, Savannah.It is lyrics shouted from a roller
coaster somehow, and don't ask becausethere's probably some legalities involved. We got
Maya from Sales on a roller Coasterand we had her record herself stating some
lyrics from KISSFM songs. I'm gonnaplay this back for you if you can
tell me what the song is youwill get an exclusive ride on Top Thrill

too before almost any human on theplanet. Sound good? Yeah, all
right, let's see if we cando it. Let's turn down this music
and here are your lyrics shouted froma roller coaster. I know, Savannah
and the ak rowdy. It wasn'tmuch, but it shouldn't be so easy

to get exclusive riding on Top Thrilltwo. What song is that? Oh
gosh, I have no idea.I'll play tell you what, I'll play
it one more time. You ready? Okay? What do you think?
Uh? Slam the door, Slamthe door. Yes it's not it,

but thank you so much for playing. I appreciate you for that. Let's
do this. Let's keep it going. Let's get Kenley on the fun.
She's over in Talmage. Kenley,good afternoon, Hey girl, Hi Kenley,
welcome into the program. A happyTuesday to you, you too.
Let's play this same thing for you. It's lyrics shouted from a roller coaster
for an exclusive pre ride on TopThrill to at Cedar Point this Sunday.

I'll be there too, so youget to ride with me. If you
win, good luck. Tell mewhat song this is? What do you
think? Is it feather by SabrinaCarpenter? You bet your booty it's feather.
You are all right? Congratulations,Kenley, what's that I needed that?

It's been a day? Oh mygod. Well, I'm glad we
can turn That's what we try todo. We try to turn your day
around as best we can. Sometimesit's with delicious food from Blue Heirn Brewery.
Sometimes it's tickets to like Benjamin thistime, you're gonna ride top thrilled
too before almost any human on theplanet. Congrats, that's so exciting.
Plus call the positive or negative.I will be there as well to write
it with you. So I justI need a shoulder to cry on as

we're going insane miles per hour.Congrats. We'll have to pick out some
songs to singing. There we go. I love it. We'll sing them
from the rooftops. All right O. Congrats insight for me, Kenny.
I'm gonna get more info from you. Also, will get your parasitar point
tickets to go back. Will dothis again right here, four pint thirty
on the Jeremiah Show. It's ninetysix five Kiss FM. It's time to
smarten you of Cleveland's with Jeremiah's funFact of the Day for ninety six five

kiss F. Well, this one'sgood because I don't know if it's a
loud music, or sinuses or dehydration. I've had a headache off and on
for about two days. But didyou know that's only ninety one to ninety
six percent of us? Because therewere four percent of people who have said
they have never had a headache intheir life. I challenge those people,
if you've never had a headache inyour life, I want to talk to

you. What's your diet like?Is it a genetic thing? Maybe you're
not a geneticist. You don't knowthe answer to that, but I'd love
to know what you eat every oncein a while. Time for your Genius
of the Day on the Jeremiah Show. We are ninety six five Kiss FM.
This segment of the show, someonewho's done something so stupid. Anything
you've done pales in comparison. Moreand more, I'm having these genius of
the day who could be like Geniusof the dayaka idiots or legit Genius of

the day actually really smart. I'mnot sure where to put Charles Biolo,
he's a TikTok food scientist, andhe shared what is wine making process using
mountain dew. Initially, he facedskepticism, combining ount and DO with honey
yeast and a need kit, allowingit to ferment for several weeks. Surprisingly,
fermentation began as early as day two. I don't know what that means,

he says. Despite a slight chemicalaftertaste, Bio describes the final result
has smooth citrus meat, adding itdidn't taste completely like battery acid. Plus,
he came in at thirteen point ninepercent alcohol. Wow, that's ah
see he's trying to hide it.Despite the slight chemical aftertaste, it didn't

taste like battery acid. There's noway this stuff tasted any good. Thanks
for listening to The Jeremiah Show ondemand. I Love this show. For
more, find us on TikTok,Instagram and more at Jay Show Radio and
weekdays two to six on ninety sixfive Kiss FM
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