All Episodes

April 15, 2024 19 mins
Finley wants nothing to do with keeping the mans last name, even though it wasn't even on the table. Also should we put vinegar in our laundry? Centuries game for Sam Hunt tix, and a Genius of the day with a fax machine.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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It's more Harriet's Cheremia show. Let'sGot go ninety six five kiss that found
all our friends, welcome back intoanother week. We're hooking up with fifty
bucks to blue heron down in Medina. That's coming up A two thirty other
round of does it pop right now? Good vibes with uh Vanessa? You

get good vibes by the way,Shoot us a text, give us a
call two one six five seven eightninety six five? O Vanessa, what
she got? Tell me something goodthat happened to you today. So since
I were at Starbucks, I gotto help this older lady like pick out
a drink. She it was herfirst time. Ah, I'm just picturing
possibly the cutest thing I've ever seenin my life with you try to help

this old lady like pick all thesefancy ass coffees. Yeah, what did
she end up going with? Now? I have to know she ended up
going with like a calmer ribbing crunchwith extrascizzle. And I told her,
like, if you're not into coffee, but you want coffee, this is
something for you to get because youyou are the best in the world.
Where do you bereis Dad? Iwant everyone to come see you and say

hi next time you work. Iwork at Cleveland Clinic in the cryobility.
All right, go see Vanessa thereand tell her Jeremiah such because you deserve
all the people to come say hi. Do you? Okay, okay,
all right, thank you for beinga good human. Thank you. I
want to take care of your dinner. We'll do that with Blue Hair gift
card fifty bucks for you. Comingup at two thirty on the Jeremiah Show.
We are ninety six five. Yes, FM, Aaron has got some

good vibes for us. Aaron,tell me something good that happened to you
today, Something good that happened tome today. Oh, let's see,
I actually talked to the nicest personon the phone today. I's actually just
calling to cancel appointment, and shewas able to help me connect to a

whole other doctor and everything else.So I just thought that was you don't
meet a lot of nice people onthe phobe. I'll tell you what,
as much of a pain in theacid is to get anyone on the phone
to do anything productive, that's ahuge win. Are you kidding me?
Eron? I know, And shetold me to call her back and let
her know how things went. What'sher name? Her name is Kanya,
Kanya. Wherever you are in thisworld, Tanya, you're a good human.

Keep it up. We appreciate Aaron, and I appreciate you. We
want to take you out for dinner. That's right there, we go,
Eric, Well, thank you forcalling Kiss FM. Have a great day.
Okay, thanks you too, hieBie, Cleveland's number one music station,
Jeremiah Show ninety six five Kiss FM. Lauren from Broadview Heights joining us

on the show. Now, heygirl, Hey Lauren, how was your
weekend? Did you enjoy some sunYes? I got sun burn? Anyone
else out there? Just us?I didn't get some I had four lacrosse
games yesterday, so I was anice toasty mess this even lea yesterday evening.
Oh wow, Yeah we had onesoccer game. Okay, yeah,

nothing, not enough to get sunburn. It's so nice to be out there
with the people, isn't it?I love it all? Right? Does
it? Pop? Is the game? We got fifty bucks to go to
Blue Heron brewerydown in Madina. I'mgonna open a can either it can,
a pop, a pop or beer. Get two out of three and you
win. Okay, okay, here'sthe first one. Let me know if

you can hear this? Okay,I can hear it. Is it a
popper beer? Oh pop? That'sright, look at you. You're killing
it all right. Three to win. You got the first one. Tell
me uh this one poper beer?Uh pop? That's a beer. But

that's okay, you can. Youcan miss a couple because we're gonna going
best out a three out of fiveyear. Okay, okay, how about
this one poper beer beer beer.That's right. Okay, we're doing all
right. One more and you winit. Okay, okay, good luck.

You didn't think it was gonna bethis hard, did you? No?
Would you say against it again?That's come on. Fifty bucks to
Blue Heron. You enjoy the Food'simmaculate. If it is nice out when
you go, make sure you gosit on the patty. Okay, okay,
great, thank you so much.I appreciate you. Sit tight.
I'm gonna get more info from you. Okay, okay, that's how you

do it. We'll go again tomorrowtwo thirty. Get hooked up writing on
The Jeremiah Show. It's kiss FMto Jeremiah Show ninety sixty five Kiss FM.
We'll get you a ghosted coming upat three thirty. Why did Logan
get left on red? We'll getto the bottom of it, see if
we can help him out. We'llsee, we'll see what let's say to
that. Also, Tory Kelly ticketson the way this hour. We'll get
you before four o'clock. Hook youup there. I got to ask this

question. So normally I talk aboutdon't I'm not a fan of these these
national holidays, right, they've gotone for everyone. This one took my
interest because I was reading the stackof stories I have today and I saw
this and it made me think,I've never thought about this for more than
thirty seconds of every time I dolaundry. I want to know if your

team fabric softener or team dryer sheet, because are they interchangeable? Because I
feel like I've only had growing up. My mom was a dryer sheet queen.
But now my wife, who we'vebeen together almost twenty years, she's
a fabric softener. I really haveno preference one way or the other.

But is there a reason you doone over the other, Like do you
do you alternate? Are you outthere double dipping dryer sheeting and fabric softening
at the same time. Do wefavorite Shoot me a text right now two
one sixty five seven eight ninety sixfive zero and tell me what you do.
Maybe you do both, and Iwould love to know the reason.

If you know why you do oneover the other. Answer that too,
because I don't. I don't know. I really don't know. Two one
ninety six five, O drop atext. If you're listening on the free
iHeartRadio app, you can do thatas well. I'll leave a message there.
It's called a talkback guys. Ghostdown the Way three thirty Cleveland,

number one hit music station, ninetysix five Kiss FM. All right,
let's say ten minutes. We'll keepwith the Ghost in the Jeremiah Show.
We are ninety six to five KissFM. Let's talk to Jackie Northfield right
now, Jackie, Good afternoon,a girl, Jackie. This is this
might be more divisive than the nextpresidential election. This debate about dryer sheets

and fabric softener. I did notknow it was such a big thing.
I didn't either. The text isexploding right now with a lot of people
saying they do dryer sheets, someuse fabric softener. But your your team
both ways on this. Okay,so my family's always been bold, but
I now do vinegar instead we fabrics. But I still do the dryersat to

hang on a second, I didn'tI didn't know we were bringing vinegar into
the mix. Here. What theballs are you talking about? It's big,
I'm telling you. Listen. Iread something or maybe in one of
my little Mami groups somebody said youneed to use vinegar instead of fabric softener,
and it is a game changer.Explain what does it smell like?

So it's nothing. It's not likenothing like when your clothes come out of
the washer. It doesn't sell likevinegar. It just sounds like whatever you're
detergent you were using. Use detergent. I feel like you're messing with me
right now because you want me towash my clothes. No, it's so
good for your wash. It cleansout your washer while it's running. Uh
huh, take it right, brightensyour clothes. It gets rid of odor

on your clothes and it softens them. Does it? All? This is
cheaper? All right? So youdo how much vinegar do you do?
You like, use the same amountof vinegar that you would use, ye
fabric softener. You filled it becausemine's got a min and max line for
the fabric softener. Yeah, sodoes mine. I kind of just I
just talk them. They're very kindof usually the same. All Right,
I'm gonna I have you. Ihave your phone number now, so I'm

gonna do this and if I walkinto the studios tomorrows, moll, I'm
like Vinega, I'm calling you Jack. Okay, I'm trusting you here.
Okay, thank you for Comcast FM. I appreciate you. Yeah, you're
welcome. Bye. Stop staring atthat red receipt and let the Jeremiah Show

find out why you got ghosted.All right, Fanley, welcome into the
show. Tell us what's going onwith you and logan date you've been on,
how many where you met all thatstuff. Give us the full background
here. So we've been dating liketwo dates so far, and I thought
it was great. I think webalanced each other really well. I'm a

total type A personality and I foundthat he's the opposite and in my history
I found that, you know,it definitely doesn't work out with the type
A guy because you just got hadyou know, okay, you know,
look at you recognizing what's working andnot working, as opposed to some people
who when they can't find guys orgirls to date, they're like, I
don't know what's wrong with everybody.You've you've you've found a problem, and

you're like actively trying to find aguy that's that's copasthetic with you. Yeah,
he's like super chilling, laid back, and it just sounds to me
perfect. We had a good time. He's really sweet. So huh,
And nothing weird happened, nothing likecrazy. I don't know. You complained
about the temperature the meat. We'vehad a lot a lot of them here
on the show. Yeah, Like, I thought we had a great time.

We had some great conversation. Therewas a lot of passion in it,
and I mean I just yeah,I mean it was it was,
it was great. I thought wehad a good time. So I don't
know what's going on. Okay,Well let's do this. Let me play
a couple of songs. We'll comeback and we'll give Logan a call.
See if we let us know whyhe ghosted you more ghosted after this did
Jeremiah Show on ninety six to fiveKiss FM. All Right, Finley ghosted

by Logan? She did tell usshe knows she's a Type A and she
knows she needs a not Type Ato date. That's kind of the backstorre
we got there. Other than that, no giant red flags that were apparent
to you, Finley, right right? Okay, Well something happened? Was
it a red flag? Let's findout. I'm gonna give Logan a call.
Do my favorite stay on the phone, but don't say anything right away.
Let us talk to Logan first,and at some point we'll bring you

back into the chat. Okay,okay, right, good luck? Hello,
Hi, looking for Logan? IsHey Logan, it's so Jeremiah Show
ninety six five, Kiss FM.How are you? I'm doing okay,
good, I'll get right jo areyou? I'm well? Thank you for
asking? Hey, did you ghosta girl named Finley? A ghost her?
I know Finley? I mean,I guess you might use that word.

I don't know. I feel likethat's harsh. Why why aren't you
continuing correspondence with her? That's whatwe want to know. Yeah, I
like that a lot more. Maybewe'll change the name of the segment.
She was great. She was reallysweet, I thought, I mean,
at least at first, but behonest. I guess you could say she
was a little bit too much.She was just a bit much for me,
you know what I mean? Okay, No, I don't what do

you mean? What was What wasit? Like one thing that was so
much? Was it a compilation ofkind of looking back on the day,
like, oh, that's too much? What can you boil it down to
one fine point? Yeah? Yeah. She's really high energy first of all,
which is normally a good thing.It started off good. Yeah,
then like at some point in theconversation, sister she just got married about

a month ago, uh huh,and she's really happy with her new husband.
She has a new last name,she might have a new baby on
the way. And that's when Finleykind of like lost it. She she
went nuts because my sister changed herlast name to a man's last name.
And oh, I didn't know whatto do with that. You know,
what do you say when you're you'regetting berated in your face for being a

misogynist because your sister changed her lastname, Like, what do I do
with that? I that's that's alot now, Okay, three sides to
every story, right, logan.I guess yeah, I forgot to mention
Finley's on the Phone's actually I've beenhere the whole time, fatally sorry,
welcome back in. Let mean,I'm going to allow you to tell your

side of the story here. Isthat accurate as to what happened or what
did happen? If not accurate,I mean, oh my god, that's
what triggered you. That's what triggeredyou. I mean, the whole thing
that I was against, like takingthe last name of a man. I
mean, come on, it's it'sridiculous. I mean it should have triggered
you because I can't believe you guysare all going to be on the wrong

side of history on this. Thisis this is freaking ridiculous. What listen.
It's barbaric and it's misogynistic. Onehundred years from now, it isn't
even going to be a thing takinga man's last name. It's outdated.
I'm not property. No woman isproperty. This is just it's it's it's
a barbaric. Look. Look,look, I'm really sorry that I brought

it up again. I guess Idon't want to set everything. I don't
want to make things crazy again,So I'm really sorry I brought it up.
But also like you're the one thathas them called me, so don't
get on my phone and start yep. Let me first you agree like with
this ancient, barbaric ritual, andthen like that's the reason you got me.
I mean, I don't even knowwhat to say here. For the
record, he didn't really say heagreed with it. He just told you

his sister changed his last name.Yeah, well, obviously he doesn't have
a problem with it, so heagrees with it. I mean, it's
disgusting, it's barbaric. It's justoutdated, ancient, and it shouldn't even
have any place in this world anymore. I mean, great, well,
if I get married one day,my wife's probably going to take my last
name, I assume. But it'snot like a hill that I'm going to

die on here, so out ofchair, I don't here's silence back out.
Now you're totally backtracking on it.Come on, I don't know,
I'm done. What were you?Slide into our dfs at Jay Show Radio
and we'll get to the bottom ofit on the Jeremiah Show. Kiss FN,
I want you to shoot me atext really quick. I saw this
floating around the internet and I'm curiousto see what the people would say.

So here's the scenario. You havea table full of your exes sitting together
ew right around a table, maybeenjoying a meal. Basically they're just bitching
about you. And what would theybe saying about you that they all pretty
much pretty much agree on? Whatdo they agree on about you? I
had to ask someone this is upon our Instagram story ninety six five Kiss

FM. If you don't follow usbecause they're hook ups there too. This
person said, they've all been disappointedby a man is one thing they would
say. So text me in rightnow two one, six, five,
seven eight, ninety six five ozhowhat would all your exes if they were
sitting around the table, what wouldthey agree about? You leave a message
on the iHeartRadio app as well.It's free click that we're a low red

microphone. See mine would be prettyeasy because it wouldn't be exes. It
mainly be girls that put me inthe friend zone. So there's that.
Cleveland's number one hates music station atninety six five Kiss FM, Cleveland texting
and the answer to this question,it's a Jeremiah show. By the way,
ninety six five Kiss FM. Let'sget you Sam Hunt tickets in less
than in ten minutes. How wouldyour exes describe you if they were like

sitting around a table text out ofthe two and six. My exes would
say you're too nice. People caneasily take advantage of you. Wow,
that's telling. Judging by the numberof times she tried to slim her way
back in my life, I'd saythe reviews would be golden. That's quite
confident of yourself smothering. Probably someonetexted in. He manipulated me every chance

he got and ruined my relationship withmy best friends by cheating on me with
her. Oh boy, that's yeah. You probably probably shouldn't do that at
all. A sweet and caring guy, I still can't figure out why she
cheated on me. Oh man,that one's sad and finally a guy with
oh no, I can't say anyof that. On the radio, Stick

around Sam Hunt, Dickens on theway next, did you? On my
show ninety six to five Kiss FMtalking to Alexis She's all the way out
and here on Alexi. Good afternoon, Hay girl, alex It's the centuries
game for sam Hunting kets. Youwant to go see Sam at Blossom.
Yes, yes, I do.You would have thought paying attention in history
class could hook you up right?All right, all right, I have

three questions for you. Get twoof these right, and you are at
sam Hunt Blossom. Okay, okay, awesome. You can miss one?
What century was the Declaration of Independence? Sign? I don't know why I
slurred that. I haven't been drinking. I don't think Declaration of Independence?
What century was that? Seventeen hundred? That's correct, look at that?

All right, you get this one. You win? In What century did
Columbus land in what is now America? We all know it's the Caribbean.
What century was that? The century? The rhyme? Do the rhyme in
your head? What eighteenth fourteen hundreds? That'd be the fourteenth hundreds? All
right, here we go. That'sokay. What century was the American Civil

War? The American Civil War?Entry was the American We fought ourselves,
Abraham Lincoln. I'm trying to giveyou all the hints in the world.
Eighteen eighteen. You win. Let'sgo. Come on, Alexa, you're
going to sam Hunt. Yes,and now you have to tell everyone in
the world you did it because you'reawesome at history. I am awesome at

History. It's my favorite. Ilove it awesome. All right, sit
tight, you have the best timeof the world. I'm gonna get more
info from you. Okay, Okay, thanks more some Hunt more Sam Hunt
tickets all week on The Jeremiah Show, We're hooking you up. It's ninety
six five, kids up, It'stime to smarten you up Cleveland with Jeremiah's
fun Fact of the Day on ninetysix five. Kiss us at back gold
Knowledge. Now you're just a littlepiece of information. I think you should

know to get out there, haveyourself a great freaking day. Oh we
do fun facts every day on theshow. You got one you want to
send my way? I would loveto know all about it. At Jay
Share Radio side into those dms.Who doesn't love Sarrachha. Now, I'm
the type of guy I've got tohave. I've got a certain hot sauce
for each style of food I'm eating. SARAHI mainly for Chinese food. I'll

throw it on some scramby eggs everyonce in a while. But the rooster
that is on the bottle of saracha, why is it there? Right?
It's not made with chicken. Well, the rooster is there because the guy
who made it in nineteen forty fivewas born in nineteen forty five brother that
was of the rooster. Hence,while the rooster is on the label Damn

I'm starving, it's Eechielmia show inninety six five. Kiss FM. It's
time once again for your Genius ofthe day, someone who's on topics so
stupid. Anything you've done pales incomparison. This guy was a legit genius
of the day until he just completelyroyally messed it up. A high schooler
has been arrested for sending a factthat his principal was going to resign.

A seventeen year old high school studenthas been arrested for the stunt he pulled
last month. He sent a faxposing as the principal stating he was resigning.
However, he got caught. Hedon't know how factses worked. This
was over at Baker High School inNew York and he was arrested for the
stunt. He sent a fact posingthe principle saying I resigned from this position

while he was called after police realizedhe put his own cell number at the
cover sheet of the facts, sohe was discovered. Because he didn't know
how that worked, he created afake school email accounts to use to send
the fake facts. He also usedthe accounts to try to give another student,
get them in trouble, and getprivate information about a third student.

All of that unsuccessful boom because youcan't put your I couldn't even set a
fact right now. If if youheld a gun to my head, I
wouldn't know how to do it.Thanks for listening to The Jeremiah Show on
demand. I Love this show.For more, find us on TikTok,
Instagram and more at Jashow Radio andweekdays two to six on ninety six five Kiss FM
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