All Episodes

March 25, 2024 24 mins
Keely just wanted some modifications to her dinner, apparently that's too much for Ryan. Also how many fast food trips to you take for your family? The best sequel of all time!? Who's afraid of dolphins, and a $328 invisible friend.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Really dumb. It's the Jeremiah Showninety six. Oh my gosh, we
did it. It's sixty degrees outside. Winter is finally gone. I just
jinked it. I'm sorry, guys. I apologize. Welcome into the program.
Coming up this hour two thirty,another round of does it Pop?

I got fifty bucks for free togo down to Medina, check out Blue
Hair and Brewery. Go see myfriends down there in the normal debaucherous activities
on Monday. Oh you don't know. Monday we got a ghosted forty three
thirty and five thirty also making trainertickets all the way. And I also
need to know. Am I theextra person in the world. I mean,
I know I am, but justgive me confirmation whether or not you

do this the same. That's allon the way right now. It's all
about good vibes for you, goodthings happening in your life. Would love
to hear how your weekend went,something good, that happened, something that
excited you, or something was justlike you know what, that was nice.
I appreciate that happening to me.Call you text into the show.
It's the same numb were two onesix ninety six five oh, sing that

So Jeremiah Show for your Monday Thepet So jeremiahs Show, ninety six five
ksf me sending a blue hair andmedina here in just about twenty minutes or
so. Another round is does doesit? Pops? It? Get you
to fifty bucks to get hooked up? There? Good vibes now, good
things happening in your life? Iwould love to hear about what's going on
with you. How about you,Brihanna, Brianna, spread some good vibes.

Tell me something that happened to youtoday in your life. I put
it in two weeks at my joband I got hired. I've been I've
been wanting to get hired at fora really long time. That's what I'm
talking about. I left my jobtoday too, Yeah he did. That's
fantastic. So what's the new jobgonna be? Tell me all about it.
Nursing at a hospital. Oh congratulations, and thank you for being a
nurse. We love you tremendously.Oh thank you. We would give you

a big hug, but one we'reover the radio, and two I don't
know if I really should just beoffering people hugs that I talked to on
the phone. That's probably kind ofcreepy, right, yeah, okay,
good, okay again, we justgot to test the creepy level for Jeremiah
every once in a while. Yeah, all right, I'll let you go.
Thank you for calling. We'll talkto you soon. Okay, bye,
My freelance number one hit music stationsix Jeremiah Show ninety six five KISSFM.

We're playing does It Pop? Weplayed this last week. We're teaming
up with our friends at Blue Hairand Brewery in Madna. Swing by and
see them, by the way,voted the best brewery in Ohio by Ohio
Brewers. Let's play with our firstContestant's college twelven o g listener of The
Jeremiah Show. It's Eric and Brunswick. Eric, Good afternoon. How are
you my friend? I'm good,Jeremia. How are we doing? I'm

lovely. Eric. You've been listeningsince I since I had the program where
I woke up way too early inthe morning to do it. We've been
here. We've been here almost twoyears now at Kiss FM. Any notes,
Ah, you're doing a great job. Thank you, my favorite DJH.
You're very nice man. You weregoing to say something that I cut
you off so you would brag aboutme. What were you going to say?
No, nothing, your son isvery talented. Yes. By the

way, if you did not seeit just from saleses here, just did
you see my Isaiah doing magic thisweekend? I did it. Oh my
gosh, Jay Show Radio Instagram.Check out the story there. It's I
mean not to not to toot myoffspring's horn the way, what's that?
He's my role model. I wantto be like, I'm just saying not

to toot his horn. But youknow what I'm saying. All right,
Eric, let's play the game.I'm gonna turn this music off so you
can hear the cans being open.You have five chances to get three of
these, right, it's either abeer or a pop. We've got blue
hair and beers in the can.We've got various cans of pop. You
know I didn't say soda because youknow where you live. Tell me,

is this a beer or a pop? That is a beer? Eric,
the table. This is exactly whythis is over there. This is why
I should be fired from this job. It's fine, it's fine, all
right, here we go. Youcan get like two wrongs. So let's
go to the next one. Isthis a beer or a pop? That

is a beer? That is apop, sir. I did this last
I watched your story last week andI got them perfect. Now this is
all different. On the phone.You gotta use don't use any sort of
logic at all. Just listen andgo with what your body tells you to
do. Eric, you gotta go. You gotta go. Three for three

here, my friend the world,just like the Cavs did. Pop.
That's a pop, sir. Thatis a pop. That is a story
beverage. All right, here wego. You're you're you're one for three.
You got to get the rest ofthese right to win. Here is
the next one. That's another pop. That's a pop, sir. All

right, here we go. We'reback in it. It's it's the zero
zero score. This is for thewin, Eric, for fifty dollars to
blue heron in me Dina. Isthis a beer or a pop? A
beer is a beer? Now,you did your country. Well, we're

very proud of you. Now youguys, don't let those beers go to
wait now do you know we drinkthem all? Immediately said, have you
not listened to the rest of theshow? After I play this game.
It is a mess. It isa hot mess. Eric, all right,
fifty bucks for you to Blue Heron. I believe the last beer you
opened, Jess was a hazy wife, hazy life, not the matrimony.
That's a good one. Good you'vebeen to Blue Heron. Well, I

also drink those beers that your familygolf out here? You sure do,
Eric does, He's been there beforea couple of years now. All right,
Eric, congratulations, my friend.We're proud of you. Sit tight,
I'm gonna get all that intro fromyou. The song started already.
I wasn't ready for it. Younever know what will happened when you call
into the Jeremiah Show. My familyis all healthy, and I'm grad it's

grateful for all of that. I'mgratitudinal. That sounds like a word I
would make up. It's moments likethose when you get put on the spot
to say, where'd you realize?My job's not that easy? I know
it is it. You're right,it's very easy. I just have to
not say, you know what Imean? The party starts the weekday afternoon's
at two on ninety six five Kissthat Jeremiah showed ninety six five kiss FM
ghost it is on the way,uh three point thirty. We'll get into

that. Why do someone get lefton her? That's basically how it works
mine from sales. Popping in andthrowing coffee around. I did, but
it was not that bad. Iswear she had a frozen she put her
You put your coffee in the freezer. I had an ice coffee. I
had to go to lunch. Iwanted the ice to stay icy so I
can have it after lunch. Ihave adhd forgot it existed three hours ago.

Jeremiah walked by my desk and Iwent, oh, my ice coffee
is still in the fridge freezer.No, it's a popsicle. Now it
is a pop sticle. Well,okay, So speaking of lunch, this
is this is I'm glad you're herefor this. Oh I need to know
if I'm extra, Okay, tellme. So we did this twice.
So we road trip to Eerie,Pa and back over the weekend. And
both times when we got lunch,like we got lunch, I went to

two fast food places. Oh isthat extra? Is that a life hack?
Oh? Because so first we didwhat we do. We did Arbi's
for my son and then for myother two kids and me Taco Bell.
Oh. And then on the wayhome we did Wendy's because I like the
burger better and my son likes thefries better. And then we went next

door to McDonald's and I got aMcDonald's fry in the sprite? So is
that is that me being extra?Or is that is that kind of life
hacking a good dad? Is thatwhat it is? So you're saying if
I did this for myself, itwould be extra, Yes, okay,
but I think that you know,if they're next door to each other,
if your kids have preferences. Iknow they have specific diets and have different

things. The dietary restrictions have nothingto do with that. You could pretend,
okay, we will, you canuse it was an excuse. Well,
so the poll I put on Instagramwas fifty nine to forty one percent
that it was like an extra thingto do. Interesting, But I'm looking
at the results and again I'm justjudging by what appears to be their their

avatars. Okay, I think mostof the what knows aren't parents. Yeah,
oh, except my my advotions thatyou do it? No, I
said, I said, no,that's not extra. Yeah, no,
you said, yes, I doit. I think most of the people
who voted oh no, that's extraaren't parents. Yeah, because they don't
have to, you know, caterto a bunch of little people with big

feelings and opinions on things of veryspecific tastes. And honestly, is it
that far out of your way?Is it that big of a deal if
you get to make everyone happy andyou just have to go through two drive
throughs one? See? This iswhy I need you. I think you're
doing a great jow. I needyou to validate my actions and throw coffee
all over your studio. I'm goodfor both, got you, appreciate you.

Let's get a ghost did thanks?Stop staring at that red receipt and
let the Jeremiah Show find out whyyou got ghosted? All right, Keiley,
welcome into the show. Tell usabout you and Ryan. All we
know is your ghosted as of today, we don't know anything else. So
catch us up first some thank youso much for your help, because I'm

truly you know at sea what todo. Basically, you know, Ryan
and I met the you know,the old fashioned way on an app,
you know, and he was reallysweet. And a super caring guy.
But I I don't know if somethinghappened on the date or maybe he was
intimidated by me, which a lotof guys can be. What do you

mean why would they be intimidated byyou? Well, I you know,
I know what I like, Iknow how I feel, and I'm not
afraid to express it to people,gotcha, you know, And so maybe
there's that, But I don't know. And I really really like him.
He's so cool. Can I canI have unjudgment moment for a second from

you, like, don't judge?I just I want to throw it out
there, just as the third partywho's not involved. It sounds like you're
trying to say as nice as youcan. You're you're kind of uh uh.
I don't want to say the memes. Sure, yes said it,
not me. That's again, thisis just me hearing your side of it.

Obviously, you're gonna paint yourself forthe best light. I'm not trying
to put you. I'm just I'mI'm running through the process of all right,
why would Ryan ghost this? Thisnice lady Keeley who reached out to
us and wants to find out whyshe's ghosted. So again, I'm grasping
at straws here. So that's myinitial thought. But we don't have to
worry about my go ahead. Mybrother has said that to me before,

and I tell him where he canget it right. And you know what,
I love it. I'm here forit. I love the opinions,
I love the strong woman. This. I'm just again just throwing it out
there, like, hey, thisis what I see at face value.
So what we'll do? Why don'tI play a couple songs. We'll come
back and we will give Ryan acall and see if you'll tell us what
he ghosted you. Okay, okay, okay, all right, let's go

posting, and then after dojah moreghosted on the Jeremiah Show. It's KISSFM.
You'll probably think that yours. Keeleyis opinionated. That's what she's told
us. She also said, hih, maintenance what I kind of worked it
out of her. It's The JeremiahShow, ninety six to five, KISSFM.
Keeley still here. So here's thepoint in the program. Keey,
We're gonna give Ryan a call.I want you to stay on the phone
with me, but don't say anythingright away. Let us talk to him

first, and at some point we'llbring you back into the chat. Cool,
perfect, awesome, all right,good luck? Hello, Hi,
looking for Ryan. Hey Ryan,It's the Jeremiah Show ninety six five Kiss
FM. How are you, sir? Oh, I'm fine, I'm fine.
Yeah, good good, we're actuallycalling. I'll get right to it.

On behalf of a young lady whosays she was ghosted by you by
the name of Kiely. Do youknow Akili? Did you guys go on
a date? Did you ghost her? Feel free to answer any or all
of those questions. Oh, yeah, yeah I did. Yeah, yeah,
what happened? Why'd you ghost her? Yeah? Yeah, it's a
couple of different things. Okay.So we went to like a really nice

restaurant, huh, and like shepretty much was like making her own menu.
Like she is, by far,without a doubt, the pickiest eater
I've ever seen. So like,like we went out to this really nice
place, like high like food.I'm a foodie, Like that's a big
thing for me, Like I wantto be a chef, Like I trust
the people in the kitchen who arelike making stuff for me, and I

like I enjoy it. And shejust thought fit to like modify literally everything
on the menu, and like like, when it didn't comply with what she
wanted, she just threw a bigfin and was just not really not vibe
but also just a little thing.You ever seen the movie on a Dais
I no, I don't think Ihave Go ahead, Okay, great movie.

Check it out. There's a guyin that movie won an oscar for
it, by the name of everMariy Abraham. She looks like him.
Oh, okay, I will,I'll have to google that alf dark conversation.
I also don't know what Killey lookslike because we've only spoken to her
on the phone, and I didforget to mention she's actually on the call.
She's been here the whole time.I want to bring her back into

the chat. Now, Kieley,what's going on with with all the modification?
You did mention to us your opinionated, so we knew that going in.
What what's up with the dinner?Did all this happen? I'm just
dumbfounded right now listening to this snob, this food snob, you know,
talk to me like about me likethis, and it's just, you know,

so what if I wanted things myown way? I'm very I'm very
proud of the fact that I'm awoman who knows what she wants. And
I have to go back and youknow, honestly, that place that Ryan
took me, it was gross,and you know, I'm I'm at a
restaurant. I'm not going to wastefood, food and money on something.
You know. I know I'm notgonna like so it's like, you know,

don't bring me the purple sauce whenI want the pink Sauce's like,
no, I want, I wantwhat I want. And there he's such
a food snob and he's like apretentious dude. Then I guess I'm just
blown away, really because I knowwhat I want. Boring lamb what Yeah,

No, that's just just say boring. Are you calling me dumb?
It is not dumb you are.I'm telling you are just a pretentious food
loving loser Ryan, you know.And I saw that Bill, and I
can't believe you spend that much moneyon food, on dumb food like that
you like with purple sauce and likehair coming out of it or whatever that

was that motif that like the sprigsof forest, I don't know what that
was on that place. Let melet me ask you this. So you,
I mean you just responded what Let'smaybe use a few more words than
just that. What what is?I mean, what's the beef with with
that? Like? What what shewanted with modifications on the menu and and
that sort of thing. Okay,more words, right, really dumb what

listen? Hear me out, mister, mister Abraham. I've loved your work
for years now. I think it'sgreat that you got the offer for Amideias.
You've done a lot of really coolthings. I love Grand Budapest Hotel.
I'm just not looking to be ina relationship. Wow, an eighty
four year old Academy Award winning actorwho is a picky eater. But I
love your work. Thank you somuch. Keep it up. I think

this is the first time in thehistory of our radio station someone's actually going
to google the movie Amadeas. SoI I thank you for that. You're
welcome that It's a great movie.I love it, you know, Oh
boy, it's really good. Checkit out. Were you slid into our
dms at Jay Show Radio And we'llget to the bottom of it on The
Jeremiah Show ninety six five Kiss FM. It is he Jeremiahs Show ninety six

y five Kiss FM. This sunof the program brought to you by my
friends over there King Cantley Chevrolet.Or are your hometown dealer at three ten
West Garfield in Aroar. Swing bytell them Jeremia Ascension. They will hook
you up. If you're looking forMegan frame, which he gets. We
got more of those coming up foryou. At four point thirty, We're
gonna play the Famous Megan game becauseI'm realizing there's a lot of famous Meghans
out there. You have to idthe one that I give you clues for

easy as that. So Ghostbusters yesterdayactually with the whole family took everyone.
It took the box office this weekendkind of a surprise. Ghostbusters Frozen Empire
forty five point two million over thepast weekend. It is Sony's first number
one since last summer. So congratulations. I will say it out loud and

shout out from the rooftops that Ithink Ghostbusters, the original one. It
is my favorite movie of all time. Like I know a lot of people
can't pick one. I can sayGhostbusters because I specifically remember where out the
VHS of the version of My Dadrecorded off like ABC Family Night when I
was a kid. Also shout outGhostbusters for as an Empire starring Copley,

Ohio's own Carrie Coon. So Ithought it was a great movie. And
you know, every once in awhile, every once in a while,
I got to dust this off.We get to have these conversations because I
think we're gonna have one right nowto die to die, It's an aggressive
introduction because it needs to be ahill to die on something that well,

we know what a hill to diein this right. We do them every
once in a while on the show, I will go out there and say,
the Ghostbusters franchise now has the bestsequels of all time. I'm excluding
Ghostbusters number two. I'm going tosay on this reboot, this this technically
being a sequel, because the otherGhostbusters a couple of years ago, is

the best of all time as faras the whole series goes from beginning to
end. Sorry Star Wars, SorryLord of the Rings. Ghostbusters is the
best one because it's a nice,lighthearted comedy. It's not taking itself too
seriously. You don't have Elijah Woodwith weird rubber feet on. What you
have is Paul Rudd, Paul runningas hard as Paul Rudd can. You've

got the legendary Bill Murray doing theBill Murray thing, and just a great
franchise finally back on track in fullforce because you get scared, right.
I know a lot of people didn'tlike the Paul fig version with Leslie Jones
and Kate McKinnon and Kristen Wig whatever. I liked it. It was fine.

But when you get this new generationthe first Paul Rudd Ghostbusters movie,
Kerry Coon was there as well what'shis name? From Stranger Things, You're
not sure what's going to happen.I think this sequel has sequeled all the
sequels. So I will die onthat hill and tell you Frozen Empire is
the best movie sequel of all time. Tell me I'm wrong. Throw one
in the text right now. Iwill shoot down your theory with smite with

a protown pack, even if youthink it's a better sequel. Two one,
six, five, seven, eightninety six five, Oh slide to
my DMS. If you're not scaredat Chase Show Radio getting them comments,
tell me I'm wrong, cra numberone, hit me a sic stations did
Jeremiah Show on ninety six to fiveKiss FM. We're playing Jerr's Clues Famous
Meghan's Edition. Meghan Training tickets areon the line. She's coming to bought
some in September. I give youa one word clue. That's what the

first caller gets. If you don'tget it, we'll move on to the
next one. Add another clue tillwe get ourselves a winner. Monica in
Beechwood, You're college twelve. Goodafternoon, Hey girl, Monica, how
was your weekend? Was it fantastic? I worked a weekend. What kind
of work you do, Monica?I work at a grocery store. Okay,

are you bagging? Are you scanning? Are you managing? Or do
you just make sure the melons haven'twent ripe? Oh no, we're in
the bakery department. Okay, wait, you want melons to be ripe?
That's right. I don't know whatI'm talking about. All right, let's
play the game, Monica. It'scalled Jeri's Clues, a one word or
one phrase clue. The category isvegas. That's not a word, is

it? Famous? Megans? Idon't know what. It sounded like a
curse word, but it's actually anonsense word. Oh, what is going
on with me? All right,Monica? Your one word clue famous megans
Leonardo. Who's the famous Megan Leonardo? Is your first clue? Five seconds?

Two one? Oh, I'm sorry, Thank you for playing, Honica.
I appreciate you almost called you,Megan. You'r Monica, I have
fun at work. Two one,six, five, seven, eight ninety
six. That is the first clue. We'll get you another one with the
next color. Megan Trainer tickets ifyou can figure it out. Jeri's clues

on The Jeremiah Show, It's kissFM. Jerr's clues for Meghan Trainer tickets
with It's Nicky and Men or She'sup next, Nikky, Good afternoon,
Acre Nikki Jerr's clues one word cluesfor one phrase answers. I'm kind of
making up the rules as we gohere. Meghan Trader tickets. If you
can figure it out. You heardthe first clue, right, yeah,
all right. Second clue is decepticons. What Meghan? Is that the famous

Meghan? There's a lot of themout there, Decepticons Meghan Fox. Megan
Fox is right? Nikki, youwell go. Are you a huge Meghan
Fox fan? Are you just upon your Megan Fox trivia. Well when
Leonardo, I just thought of theNinja Turtle. Yes, and she was
in the Ninja Turtles movie. Yeah, there we go. I thought,

Megan Fox, you made it happenthe Decepticons. That's Transformers. She was
in the Transformers movie. Yeah.The next clue is obviously gonna be MG
okay, and everyone would have gotit, but you beat him to it.
Nikki, you have fun at MeghanTrainer. Thank you are so welcome.
Sit tight, I'm gonna get allthe info. Okay, all right,
all right there you have a ClevelandMore Jared's Clues Tomorrow you can win
at four point thirty. Right hereon ninety six five Kiss FM, it's

time to smarten you up, Clevelandwith Jeremiah's fun Fact of the Day for
ninety six Kiss FM. Rapid firefun Facts three for the price of one.
And by the way, if youhaven't paid for these fun facts too,
you can always just m man JayShow Radio and pay me. I'm
kidding, they're free. How aboutthree fears from celebrities? You know,
Johnny Depp is terrified of clowns.They've always never done a clown movie.

Tyra Banks is terrified of dolphins,probably why she wasn't in the Flipper reboot
reboot, and Matthew McConaughey is terrifiedof revolving doors. Take that one.
Make a bet with someone immediately rightnow. Well, your imaginary friend can
cost you three hundred and twenty eightdollars. It's the Jeremiah Show ninety six

five Kiss FM with your Genius ofthe Day. Somebody's done something so stupid.
Anything you've done pales in comparison.So the California Highway Patrol have posted
to let people know imaginary friends don'tcount the car poll lane if you're not
familiar with one of these lanes.These are lanes on the highways in California
where you get to drive if youhave more than one person in the car,

kind of like an environmental impact thing. So they have fast track monitors.
You set yourself to tell the peoplethe fast track how many people in
your car. Can set it totwo or three and you get discounts on
toll So some guy was using theexpress lane on last Wednesday. When the
monitor scanned through, It's said hehad three people in the car, but

the cop only saw him with one. What was in the car well.
It was the driver of course,and a T shirt wrapped around his passenger
seat with a bucket hat on theheadrest so that passenger number two would be
represented by that person. However,there is no passenger of three at all,
so not all. He was bustedbecause he didn't have enough passengers what
they thought was three. Really heonly had one. So we had to

pay a three hundred and twenty eightdollars fine. All for having an imaginary
friend. Thanks for listening to TheJeremiah Show on demand. I Love this
show. For more, find uson TikTok, Instagram and more at Jshow
Radio and weekdays two to six onninety six five Kiss FM
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