All Episodes

October 29, 2024 50 mins

The Jubal Show is on the radio all over the country. They are unafraid to tackle the topical world we live in, and can’t get enough of the drama. Nothing is sacred, and nothing is off limits on The Jubal Show.

Join Jubal, Nina, Victoria, Executive Producer Brad, and Producer Sharkey, and their listeners on a journey through romance, secrets, pop culture, and pranks.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Do you know it all?

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Or maybe do you know somebody who knows it all?
You know somebody that thinks he knows that.

Speaker 1 (00:08):
Everyone in this room knows somebody knows it all?

Speaker 2 (00:10):
Wow, everybody has dealt with someone who just seems to
be convinced that there isn't a single thing in the
universe they haven't figured out. Well, Luckily for us, the
internet has come through again. A popular psychologist just released
a list of the phrases that people who act like
they know it all constantly use. We'll go over it next,
so you can see if you're guilty of this, which

if you are, you probably already knew that, or you
can be prepared to spot and know it all as
you navigate your day. We'll go over it next. It's
the double show. Have you been in a conversation with
someone who just thinks they know everything?

Speaker 1 (00:45):
It's the show.

Speaker 2 (00:47):
It's hard to spot those people sometimes not for me.
I can always spot them. It's very easy anyway. We
all deal with know it alls, and they can be
hard to spot until you're way too deep into the
conversation and you're like, oh, how do I get out
of this now? Well, thanks to the Internet, a popular
psychologist has released a list of phrases that people who

think they know everything constantly use and will go over
them right now, so you can be prepared to deal
with a know it all as you get through your day,
or you can realize, oh wait, I'm gonna know it all?

Speaker 1 (01:17):
Can we can?

Speaker 3 (01:19):

Speaker 1 (01:19):
I should have known that? Now I know everything?

Speaker 4 (01:20):
What can? We make this into a drinking game every
time the person that thinks they know everything has done
whatever it is we drink.

Speaker 2 (01:30):
Here are the phrases that people constantly use if they're
a no it all. I've already mastered that. I don't
think I've ever heard anybody say that.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
Have you said that, Nina?

Speaker 5 (01:40):
No, Well, I've never said that. I've never mastered anything.
I know enough to know. You can't thank you, producing Brad.
What about your black belt? That's not a master, that's
a black belt. There's many, many years of training left
for me to do.

Speaker 6 (01:54):

Speaker 2 (01:54):
Of course, says people throw around the phrase I've mastered
that already because they want to seem like they're so
smart that they have nothing left to learn. Yep, I've
never been in a conversation where somebody use that. But
if they use that, I might laugh out loud. I
might not be able to help you. Oh sorry, go ahead,
tell me more about how you.

Speaker 1 (02:10):
Messed it that.

Speaker 4 (02:12):
I want to find a way to use it for
fun now.

Speaker 2 (02:14):
Another phrase that psychologists say people will use if they're
a know it all it's common knowledge.

Speaker 1 (02:21):
M I feel like I've heard that a lot.

Speaker 2 (02:23):
Yeah, and that is kind of a condescending thing to
say to somebody if you're teaching them something that they
don't know. It's common knowledge that. Oh really, so you're
saying that I don't have common knowledge.

Speaker 1 (02:32):
Thanks. I definitely said this to Victoria, not to know
it all.

Speaker 4 (02:38):
But sometimes you put me in position to remind you
that some things aren't common.

Speaker 7 (02:45):
Everything's common knowledge in it and fact, nothing's common knowledge.

Speaker 4 (02:48):
Your body parts are common knowledge.

Speaker 2 (02:54):
Another phrase that psychologists say that people who think they
know everything constantly use.

Speaker 1 (03:00):
I know for a fact that you're wrong.

Speaker 5 (03:04):
I mean, when somebody says I know for a fact
that you're wrong, I consider the challenge, accept it, and
I will find out right.

Speaker 1 (03:11):
I will absolutely find out and I am wrong. I
won't say anything.

Speaker 2 (03:13):
There are people that use that though, when they don't
actually know if they're right. It's crazy to me. Like
I've said before, I know for sure that you're not
right about this, but I mean it because I know
that I know, because I don't want to be like
I know for sure and then they fact check it
and I'm wrong.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
You know what I mean, because that's worse.

Speaker 2 (03:32):
But there are people who go like, no, no way,
no way, and you're like, all right, let me google
that real quick, and it's like, you're wrong.

Speaker 1 (03:41):
I will say.

Speaker 4 (03:41):
There's a lot of conversations similar to that with you, actually, Brad,
but you're really good at like if you're wrong, then
you'll be like, oh.

Speaker 5 (03:49):
Oh yeah, I'm the best of knowing when I'm wrong.

Speaker 4 (03:54):
Well that's not what I said.

Speaker 6 (03:56):
But the.

Speaker 2 (03:58):
People who know everything constantly use you probably don't know this,
But I see.

Speaker 4 (04:04):
The thing is when someone tells me that, I will
take that as a you're correct, I do not know this.
Let's learn.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
It's a nice way to do it, but it's a
subtle way to insult somebody's intelligence, is what they say
it is.

Speaker 5 (04:16):
Yeah, it's the same as the common knowledge thing, just
a nicer way to say you specifically probably don't know
this because you're a dummy.

Speaker 1 (04:24):
But let me educate you I do.

Speaker 2 (04:27):
I use that a lot if I'm in a conversation
with somebody that I'm telling them something I think they
don't know, but I don't say you probably don't know this.
I'm probably you probably already know this, but right right,
that's what I say, You probably already know it, but
I know that they probably don't know it. Want to
be nice so they might know it, you know, and
probably don't.

Speaker 8 (04:44):

Speaker 2 (04:44):
And I've been around people who I've been like telling
them something, They're like, already know that and they don't
know it, but they got very offended that I was
giving them information that they didn't know. Right, So I
want to be nice to go, you might already.

Speaker 1 (04:55):
Know this, Yeah, I use it, maybe you've heard this.
But but and then sometimes yeah, people have heard it.

Speaker 2 (05:00):
And I don't want to seem like I'm being like,
you know, you probably don't know, but oh, I've got
all the info.

Speaker 4 (05:05):
Maybe I'm smarter than I think because I say a
lot of this stuff.

Speaker 1 (05:10):
Is that what we're talking about smart people? Well it
feels that way because you don't know this already.

Speaker 5 (05:15):
That means that I'm smart, which is not the same
as intelligence.

Speaker 2 (05:19):
Another phrase a psychologists say, people who think that they
know everything constantly use well, actually, I can't stand it
when that's us I just always used so slowly too well.
Actually they have to break it to you.

Speaker 4 (05:35):
But I like that one actually do this? Do I
not do this?

Speaker 1 (05:39):

Speaker 4 (05:40):
I know I do, Okay, I just I mean, I'm
surpriseding of you guys are roasting.

Speaker 1 (05:45):
Me for it. Why we don't want to roast you, Nina.

Speaker 4 (05:48):
We love you, well, I do, but I don't know it, Nina.

Speaker 2 (05:53):
But the number one phrase that people who think they
know everything constantly use is everybody knows that.

Speaker 9 (06:02):

Speaker 2 (06:02):
The statement is a subtle way to a subtle insult,
and usually said to some to some to single someone
out for not having information.

Speaker 10 (06:10):

Speaker 1 (06:10):
Anina's version of this is, how do you not know that?

Speaker 7 (06:13):

Speaker 4 (06:13):
I do say that, say that.

Speaker 1 (06:16):
How do you not know this?

Speaker 11 (06:17):

Speaker 9 (06:18):

Speaker 4 (06:19):
I get frustrated when it's the very basic things. So
I'm not acting like I'm reading every encyclopedia with all
the information.

Speaker 1 (06:25):
I'm talking about life one on one stuff. How do
you not know that?

Speaker 11 (06:29):
It's not as basic as it may seem.

Speaker 2 (06:31):
Are certain cases with conversations that we've had in studio
regarding questions Victoria's had about certain things where I'm like, oh,
how does she not know?

Speaker 8 (06:39):

Speaker 1 (06:40):
Is that basic?

Speaker 7 (06:41):
Guys, sometimes you just gotta call it.

Speaker 1 (06:44):
Nina said it best when your body parts should be over.
Now it's another jubile phone.

Speaker 11 (06:52):
Frame morning the twenties.

Speaker 2 (07:00):
Hello, yeah, hey, this is Donk calling from dog Lounge.

Speaker 1 (07:05):
I was looking for Craig. Yeah, that's me. Yeah, dude,
what's up? This is Donk.

Speaker 9 (07:14):

Speaker 1 (07:16):
Okay, oh yeah, sorry, dude.

Speaker 2 (07:18):
I'm calling to inform you that your pop who's staying
with us. I know you were scheduled to pick him
up tomorrow, but like he's not going to be available
for pick up for three weeks.

Speaker 8 (07:31):
I need to pick him up tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (07:34):
Yeah, dude, I know you are scheduled to pick him
up tomorrow, and Donk apologizes, but it's going to be
three weeks dude until you can pick up your pop.

Speaker 1 (07:42):
And DONK could like feel.

Speaker 8 (07:43):
Bad about that? Did you say, Donk?

Speaker 2 (07:46):
Yeah, dude, that's well. My name is Paul Donkler, but
like everybody just calls me Donk.

Speaker 8 (07:51):
So okay, so Donk, why is my dog not able
to be picked up tomorrow?

Speaker 1 (07:57):
Okay? So dude.

Speaker 2 (07:59):
I'll explain it, and I'm sure you understand because you're
also a dude, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (08:03):
But like, so I was at the gym the other
do you work out?

Speaker 4 (08:07):

Speaker 6 (08:07):
Not really?

Speaker 1 (08:08):
Okay, dude, well I do, you know, like I work out?

Speaker 2 (08:11):
Hell sou I was at the gym the other day, dude,
and like I was doing some legs and stuff like that,
and I.

Speaker 8 (08:18):
Was, you know, I'm I'm actually asking about my dog though,
because okay.

Speaker 1 (08:24):
So long story.

Speaker 2 (08:25):
Sure, dude, there was this hot chick working out next
to me.

Speaker 8 (08:30):
You know. No, I'm asking about my dog.

Speaker 2 (08:32):
Yeah, and That's what I'm talking about. So I struck
up a convo with her, and like we were talking,
and then I set up a day.

Speaker 8 (08:40):
For talking about my dog. What's going on with my dog?

Speaker 2 (08:43):
So I borrowed your dog to go on a date. Yeah.
She likes dog dudes, and I'm not a dog dude,
you know. But I was like, dude, I want to smash.

Speaker 8 (08:54):
And you work at a boarding facility.

Speaker 2 (08:56):
Yeah, Like I don't have a dog. Like, you know,
dogs are cool, you know, but like I don't have one.
And so she wanted to go to the dog park
and I was like, yeah, I got a dog, and
then like I went to work and.

Speaker 8 (09:08):
Okay, he took my dog to the dog park to
get with a girl.

Speaker 2 (09:12):
Yeah, dude, Like she's totally into it, but like we
were messing around and stuff, and then she said, it's
going to be three weeks until I can, you know,
like totally seal the deal. So I need to like
pretend to have your dog for three weeks. Dude, I
know you understand.

Speaker 8 (09:28):
Oh that's completely that's completely unacceptable that you have my
dog and you take my dog to a dog park.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
Well, like don't want you to think about it a
little bit, like it's kind of like a high compliment
to you and your pop, you know, because like I
looked at all the other dogs, dude, and I was like,
they're not gonna be able to get.

Speaker 8 (09:46):
And who is taking my dog to a.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
Dog donk dead dude?

Speaker 8 (09:51):
Okay you are Donkerson.

Speaker 2 (09:56):
Oh no, it's just and yeah, there's nobody else exactly. Yeah,
So I don't know why you think there's a third person.

Speaker 8 (10:04):
Why why are we doing this. I'm picking my dog
up tomorrow. There's no donk involved.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
Okay, but if you pick your dog up tomorrow, dude, like,
I'm not going to be able to, you know.

Speaker 1 (10:15):
Like hook up with this check.

Speaker 8 (10:18):
She's going to know that I oh sorry, Okay, listen,
I don't care if you're wanting to use my dog
or you need my dog for your.

Speaker 9 (10:25):
Own personal purposes.

Speaker 12 (10:26):
This is stupid.

Speaker 8 (10:27):
I need to talk to your manager.

Speaker 1 (10:28):
I could tell that you're upset.

Speaker 8 (10:32):
I think, oh yeah, definitely upset.

Speaker 1 (10:35):
You've got me there.

Speaker 12 (10:37):
It is good.

Speaker 8 (10:38):
Good on you, mate, but absolutely not. I need to
talk to manager.

Speaker 1 (10:43):
Help. I texted you pick of the check.

Speaker 8 (10:47):
No, that would not help it. That would make it worse.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
Then you can see like a hotches you know what
I mean?

Speaker 8 (10:53):
Uh no, you look, I need to talk to your manager, right, yes.

Speaker 2 (10:57):
Okay, well then I'll just let you know it's a
prank phone call. Your girlfriend set you up. What this
is actually Jubil from the Jewbel Show doing a phone
brank on you and your girlfriends.

Speaker 1 (11:07):
Say you up.

Speaker 2 (11:10):
Out of town and you're coming back to pick up
your dog tomorrow and she wanted to mess with you.

Speaker 8 (11:16):
I mean truly couldn't believe this when he was trying
to take my dog to get living wake up.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
Every morning with Jubile phone Franks. This time for name
is what's trending.

Speaker 4 (11:25):
So what are we calling posts when you like, are
posting for somebody to read it like an X or something.
It's not so it's not passive aggressively. What would you
call it?

Speaker 1 (11:32):
Cry for attention?

Speaker 4 (11:34):
It is, I guess it is that kind of Okay,
so guys cry for attention to Tom Brady reacted to
his ex wife's pregnancy.

Speaker 11 (11:45):
Wait, what.

Speaker 1 (11:47):

Speaker 4 (11:48):
Ella is pregnant, So apparently she's already halfway through her pregnancy.
But she had already told Tom and her kids beforehand,
so they wouldn't find out through the media. But we're
all just finding out now. And then leave it to
Tom Brady to post a picture of a sunset with
the song from Landslide.

Speaker 11 (12:07):

Speaker 4 (12:08):
It's really called Landslide. Yeah, I'm just trying to remember
who sing it. Sings it?

Speaker 1 (12:11):
About nine different artists have sung it, but yeah, it
really good.

Speaker 4 (12:14):
Okay, this is the song you know from the past,
This is the one I know, those songs by Journey anyway,
So he posts the sunset and it's that song. It's
just kind of like people are reading into it a
little bit. But also maybe you know, maybe then there's
little hearts there too. So maybe just like you know
that love is completely sunset now, like it's it's over.

Speaker 2 (12:35):
Maybe he's just just in front of a sunset and
liked it and likes the song.

Speaker 5 (12:39):
That relationship sunset when she start talking about with her
jiu jitsu and that part, that part long before the
marriage was over.

Speaker 11 (12:45):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (12:45):
It feels like there has to be some kind of
meaning to it because how often does Tom Brady just
post a picture of a son.

Speaker 1 (12:50):
I don't know. I don't follow him, but.

Speaker 2 (12:58):
Ready, I used to play football, but now oh I
just love something. I mean maybe okay, but all eyes on.

Speaker 4 (13:05):
That right now?

Speaker 1 (13:06):
She got knocked up. Oh my goodness, I guess.

Speaker 4 (13:08):
Congratulations to them and they're expanding family. This is interesting.
Netflix has just added a new feature and it's called Moments.
So now you can share your favorite scenes from TV
shows and movies that you watch on Netflix on social media,
or just have them save so you can watch your
favorite scenes over and over again.

Speaker 1 (13:26):
So this just dropped on Apple iOS. Why is that funny?
I just want to see the data on what scenes
are being saved.

Speaker 4 (13:36):
You know, what happens on Netflix and what people search
tells you a lot about a person. This is a
very fair thing to giggle about. But you can do
it now and then you can share it. I didn't
notice it when I was watching Netflix yesterday, but it's
there now.

Speaker 1 (13:50):
What is good about that?

Speaker 5 (13:51):
You ever try to tell somebody you're like, oh my god,
you see this scene? It was so funny and you
can never find it on like YouTube or anything. So
what is nice about that is if you, if you
forward thinking, you can save those scenes.

Speaker 1 (14:02):
Oh it's right here. Yes, that's the exacting I'm talking about.

Speaker 13 (14:05):

Speaker 4 (14:06):
I am going to start going over to people's houses though.
Once this has been around for a while. It's like,
show me your moments.

Speaker 1 (14:12):
I need to see your moments.

Speaker 4 (14:14):
We continue.

Speaker 1 (14:15):
It's all just murders. I don't know, man.

Speaker 5 (14:20):
A woman in the room, Nina, who is the most
scared of ending up dead from any given situation, is
all in on murder.

Speaker 1 (14:29):
Guys all the time. That murder guys just like murder shows.
I want to date a murder Come on, you say that,
like guys, I wouldn't want to date a.

Speaker 4 (14:40):
Murder Okay, anyways, weirdos. So the Stanley Collection came out
with Elf. They did a little combo. Do you see this?

Speaker 11 (14:51):
That's okay?

Speaker 4 (14:52):
Yeah, so Elf as in makeup, lip glass, all of
that not what I thought. Okay, I'm on the shelf.
Oh yeah, she thought the movie. I thought Elf bar
and and then you thought makeup.

Speaker 1 (15:03):
It is makeup.

Speaker 4 (15:04):
It is Elf makeup. There's an Elf makeup. Yes, it's
called Elf. They've got a great lip oil. Anyway. No,
I don't know what else stands for. But anyways, my
point is the thing that's really cool about these tumblers
now is that they have a little spot for your
lip glass to go. So now you got your little water,
you got your lip glass, and you set this will
at all. They are available at Target. I'm I'm ignoring you.

They're available at Target. They're not going to restock. So
if that's something you wanted, they just dropped. So it's
a Stanley cup for you. It's a Stanley and.

Speaker 1 (15:35):
Lip glass, so you drink your water, reapply, Dan apply.
They should make one with the will faraow Elf.

Speaker 5 (15:43):
So different conversations have it should have the soundtrack by
Danny Elfman, but I'm pretty sure it was.

Speaker 4 (15:49):
Nina's what's strending.

Speaker 14 (15:50):
So that's what First Day to follow up powered by
the adjrecates injury Attorneys online at adjocuslaw dot com.

Speaker 2 (16:00):
Julia is on the phone today for our first Day
follow up. She's getting ghosted by a guy named Walker.
So in a minute, we're gonna call him and see
if we can figure out why he's ghostinger. But first, Julia,
how long has it been since you heard from Walker?

Speaker 11 (16:12):
About a week?

Speaker 1 (16:13):

Speaker 9 (16:14):

Speaker 4 (16:14):
Okay, that's kind of the sweet spot. How many times
have you reached out to him that in that time?

Speaker 11 (16:20):
I've sent him a couple of tecks, like three or four, Like,
what's a couple?

Speaker 9 (16:24):
About three?

Speaker 1 (16:26):
It's not too bad, and you've heard nothing from him?

Speaker 11 (16:29):
Nothing, not a peep.

Speaker 1 (16:30):
All right, tell us a little bit about your date.

Speaker 14 (16:33):
He asked me to meet him at a sushi restaurant,
which I thought was really cool. Okay, we had dinner
and he hadn't had much sushi before, so he let
me kind of pick everything out, and he seemed to
really like what I picked out, like especially the spicy tuna.

Speaker 11 (16:53):
Yeah, so dinner was went really well.

Speaker 14 (16:55):
He told me all about his business studies starting, and
he just seems so motivated and passionate.

Speaker 11 (17:03):
I loved that. And then we went for a walk,
which I thought was a really good sign.

Speaker 1 (17:09):
Okay, how was the walk?

Speaker 11 (17:12):
It was nice. I mean it lasted about an hour
and we just kept talking.

Speaker 9 (17:18):
How did it end?

Speaker 3 (17:20):

Speaker 4 (17:20):
Did you all kiss?

Speaker 1 (17:21):
Hug We hugged?

Speaker 8 (17:24):
Okay, yeah.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
Did anything happen between the walk and dinner that may
have been a little bit off?

Speaker 14 (17:31):
I mean, the only thing I can think is that
I recently I told him a lot about my work too,
because he was telling me a lot about his business.
And I recently got a promotion at work and I
was so excited about it, Thank you. So I just
wondered if that rubbed him the wrong way.

Speaker 1 (17:51):
Or something like, how do you think that could rubbed
him the wrong way?

Speaker 14 (17:57):
Well, he loved a little I don't know, like he
didn't want to ask me a lot about it or something.
And I wondered if because he's having he's just at
the beginning stages of starting a business, if he felt
a little insecure or something that I'm doing.

Speaker 11 (18:13):
So well in my career. Did he talk a lot
about his business?

Speaker 14 (18:19):
He did talk a fair amount. I mean, he seemed
excited about it. And like he was really interested in
what he's doing.

Speaker 4 (18:29):
I don't know how that would take away from what
you're doing, but I mean there are guys like that,
so I believe it.

Speaker 1 (18:35):
But I love this.

Speaker 11 (18:37):
Yeah. Yeah, it seems like maybe he's not quite where
he wants to be in his career, so I wonder.

Speaker 1 (18:45):
If that was it.

Speaker 4 (18:46):
Well, that's also kind of a red flag for you,
because you want to be with somebody that's a little
bit more secure in that space.

Speaker 1 (18:52):
Yeah, right, if that was it, I mean, we're highly
speculating it's this point.

Speaker 11 (18:57):
Yeah, I mean, I'm on a I feel like I've
come across this before.

Speaker 1 (19:02):
So Okay, that's what.

Speaker 14 (19:05):
Made me wonder if that's the only thing I can
think of, because we just had the best.

Speaker 1 (19:10):
Time, okay.

Speaker 2 (19:11):
And then at the end when you guys hugged, did
he say like, oh I want to meet up again
or anything like that, or did he just bounce?

Speaker 11 (19:19):
No, I think we just said we had a really
nice time.

Speaker 1 (19:22):
Okay. Well, we'll see if we can figure it out
for you.

Speaker 2 (19:25):
We'll play a song, come back and then call him
and see if he'll tell us why he's ghosting you
and maybe get you another date. If you still want one. Okay, okay,
all right, we'll plays on come back, get your first
afe follow up next. Right in the middle of your
first date follow up, if you're just joining us, Julia
is on the phone and she's getting ghosted by a
dude named Walker. So we're just about to call him

see if he'll tell us why he's ghosting her and
maybe get her another date. But before we do that, Julia,
why don't you refresh everybody's memory on your date with Walker.

Speaker 14 (19:55):
We went out for an amazing Seehi's dinner and had
a nice walk afterwards, and he told me about his
business study's starting up, and he seemed super into.

Speaker 11 (20:04):
It, and I told him all about my promotion at
work and how excited I was about it.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
Did you make a lot of Walker jokes while you
were walking? I just thought of her right now. That
could also be a reason if you wouldn't stop with
the Walker jokes like I would go hand on.

Speaker 11 (20:21):
That that would have been a great joke to.

Speaker 2 (20:26):
Okay, I was thinking maybe that is the reason, but
maybe not. Well away, we'll call him right now, are
you ready?

Speaker 11 (20:31):
Yeah, here we go.

Speaker 2 (20:43):
I'm asking the Walker please, Hey man, how are you
this is a radio show. It's called The Jewel Show.
My name's Jebel. Hi.

Speaker 4 (20:50):
I'm also on the show.

Speaker 1 (20:52):
Hi, I'm Victoria.

Speaker 2 (20:53):
We got an email about you from somebody that you
are ghosting and they want to know why you're not
calling them back.

Speaker 9 (20:59):
Oh okay, yeah, okay, this is Julia.

Speaker 12 (21:07):

Speaker 2 (21:08):
Yeah, Julia emailed us, told us a little bit about
your date and is really confused why you're a ghostinger?

Speaker 1 (21:13):
A mind telling us.

Speaker 13 (21:15):
I mean, that's that's about it. I'm starting to think
maybe you've go in a radio show about it.

Speaker 9 (21:21):
To be on that list. But that wasn't it initially?

Speaker 1 (21:24):
Okay, so wait, what's the deal? Why are you ghostinger?

Speaker 10 (21:29):
I don't know.

Speaker 11 (21:30):

Speaker 9 (21:30):
Like, we went to dinner and it was fun. It
was great. Actually we got some sushi. I'm not used
to that stuff, but I housed a couple of spicy tuneroles.
Those things are great and it was fun, you know,
like it seemed pretty easy at first, but she kind.

Speaker 13 (21:49):
Of got on, Oh god, she kind of got on
like this tangent about her job and stuff and how
she got this new promotion, and then she was very
excited about it.

Speaker 9 (21:58):
It's it's it's cool.

Speaker 13 (21:59):
But it's kind of dominated the whole back end of
the night, so I don't know, it just kind of
felt weird.

Speaker 1 (22:06):
Not I don't know she talked about her job too much?

Speaker 15 (22:08):
Is that it it's not even just about I don't
know about the job, but just seemed to be just
all encompassing, you know, like I don't know, like somebody's
whole identity is wrapped up in that, you know, and
it's just I don't know, it just kind of it
was it was kind of boring.

Speaker 1 (22:23):
I'm sorry her job is boring, or the way she
talked about it.

Speaker 9 (22:27):
No, not that I don't know, you like, I don't
know much about finance, but that you know, just the
same thing over and over again.

Speaker 14 (22:36):
You know.

Speaker 13 (22:36):
Does that make sense that somebody's talking about just something
like you get excited and then it just goes downhill and.

Speaker 2 (22:41):
It's like, God, all right, I get it, you know,
I mean, is that all she talked about? It just
wasn't interesting or what I mean.

Speaker 13 (22:48):
Sure, it's interesting to fr She talked about some friends too,
and you know, they seem nice and a little bit
about her family, but for the whole thing, it was
about like wanting a promotion, and then what I had
to do to get it, and I finally got it.
Now I felt about it afterwards, like God, rent a
movie or something that's terrible.

Speaker 9 (23:08):
I shouldn't say that, but I feel bad.

Speaker 4 (23:12):
Did you ask her question?

Speaker 9 (23:15):
I mean the usual stuff like, you know, where'd you
grow up? And what were you into as a kid?
You know, did you play any sports? You know, where
do you live in the city?

Speaker 13 (23:25):
Like that kind of stuff.

Speaker 9 (23:26):
You know, pretty pretty basic stuff I think when you're
on a first aid.

Speaker 1 (23:29):
All right, well thanks for telling us, man, Yeah.

Speaker 9 (23:32):
For sure, thanks for asking, No problem.

Speaker 2 (23:36):
Julia is also on the on the phone and has
been listening to this whole time and wants to talk
to you. I shall tell you that I have recommendation.

Speaker 9 (23:44):
Yeah, yeah, no, I'm I'm sure she is. Man, Yeah, right,
she really is.

Speaker 8 (23:51):

Speaker 9 (23:52):
Hey, welcome, Hey Julia. Hey.

Speaker 11 (24:00):
Yeah, I guess I'm a little confused.

Speaker 9 (24:05):
I mean, you seem yeah, I don't really know how
to put it any more plainly than I did what
I didn't know you were there. But you know, I
don't want to be mean. It's just I'm really happy
for you, but it just I don't know, I just
feel like maybe we're it's just not in the same spot.

Speaker 14 (24:24):
I mean, I just feel like someone can't accept a
woman in a relationship.

Speaker 11 (24:31):
To be successful.

Speaker 9 (24:33):
Well, I mean, that's that's not it. That's no, it's
not it at all. It's you know, I just wanted
to interest in life.

Speaker 11 (24:42):
I just are you intimidated by me?

Speaker 8 (24:46):
Not even a little bit?

Speaker 9 (24:47):
No, no, not at all.

Speaker 13 (24:49):
I think it's great, you know, it seems to make
you really happy, and that's wonderful.

Speaker 9 (24:54):
I just don't know if I can be a part.

Speaker 14 (24:56):
Of Well, I think you're intimidated. I mean, and you
can't be with a woman who's more successful than you.
I think that's what it is.

Speaker 9 (25:06):
I'm sorry. I really don't know how to respond to that.
But that's absurd.

Speaker 13 (25:11):
That's not what this is. And it feels kind of
I don't know, that feels oddly accusatory and weird to
go to.

Speaker 9 (25:19):
It's not that at all, trust me. I just think
we're on two different playing fields right now.

Speaker 8 (25:25):
That's all.

Speaker 11 (25:27):
Okay, I think that's exactly what it is. But agree
to disagree.

Speaker 9 (25:30):
I guess, sure, I guess yeah.

Speaker 13 (25:34):
I'm sorry if I gave you that impression, but that's
not what this.

Speaker 9 (25:39):
Is, so please don't harbor that ill will.

Speaker 14 (25:42):
Towards Okay, Well, if you don't want someone who's happy
and feels good about their job, then you know what
can I do about that?

Speaker 9 (25:52):
There's nothing you can do about it. Keep being those things.
It's just not for me. I think it's great. I'm
very happy for you.

Speaker 11 (26:00):
Okay, Well I don't really believe you.

Speaker 14 (26:03):
So yeah, just because you can't be happy at your
job doesn't mean I can't be happy at mine.

Speaker 9 (26:12):
Sure, yeah, okay, Walker.

Speaker 1 (26:14):
Would you like another day with Julia? We'll pay for it.

Speaker 9 (26:17):
I mean, I think it would be horrible.

Speaker 4 (26:20):
This was rough?

Speaker 11 (26:23):
You will first day follow up?

Speaker 1 (26:25):
I'm stupid, You're smart.

Speaker 9 (26:28):
I was wrong, you were right.

Speaker 1 (26:30):
You're the best.

Speaker 9 (26:31):
I'm the worst.

Speaker 11 (26:33):
You're very good looking. I'm not attractive.

Speaker 9 (26:37):
All right, as long as you willing to admit.

Speaker 2 (26:39):
It's almost time for America's favorite trivia game. You versus Victoria.
Your chance to take on our own Victoria Ramirez in
a pumpkin bumpin game of Trivia, all the trivia glory.
Also speaking of fall and Halloween and pumpkin Muslin. Well, Macy,
this has got you covered with one hundred dollars gift
card to Macy's because not only are they here to
hook you up for you Versus Victoria, are also here

to help with all of your fall decor needs a
shopping store or at Macy's dot com and call right
now if you want to play Victoria eight eight eight
three four three one one eight eight eight three four
three one oh six one. You can also d m
u s at the Jubel Show or go to the
Jebel Show dot com if you want to play. And
now let's get Victoria's brained, all warmed up and ready
to go. Here we go, Victoria. What does a zombie
sound like watching a Kevin Hart movie? What does the

ghost sound like crying?

Speaker 4 (27:32):
Oh? Wait, you can't really hear a ghost, so I
guess they're quiet for sure, I think.

Speaker 2 (27:40):
So what does a vampire sound like? Eating Cheetos? Okay
you verus Victoria is coming up right. It's a double show.

Speaker 1 (27:50):
She felt that good morning.

Speaker 11 (27:51):
Can I take your order?

Speaker 9 (27:52):
I'm a tall tries a large black cock? Large black cock?

Speaker 11 (27:57):
Do you mean a Venti?

Speaker 8 (27:59):

Speaker 11 (27:59):
I mean he means to venty Yeah. Have the biggest
funny That Venti is.

Speaker 9 (28:02):
Large is twenty cool.

Speaker 13 (28:06):
Large is large In fact, cole is large and.

Speaker 9 (28:09):
Grande is Spanish for large.

Speaker 11 (28:11):
Venti's the only one that doesn't mean large.

Speaker 1 (28:13):
It's also the only one that's Italian.

Speaker 9 (28:14):
Congratulations for stupid and three language.

Speaker 2 (28:17):
It's time for America's favorite trivia game. You versus Victoria.
Your chance to take on Victoria Ramirez in a game
of trivia for one hundred dollars Macy's gift card. And
let's meet today's contestant for you versus Victoria.

Speaker 1 (28:28):
Jose. What's up, Jose?

Speaker 12 (28:31):

Speaker 6 (28:31):
Good morning?

Speaker 1 (28:32):
Good morning?

Speaker 4 (28:32):
How are you?

Speaker 8 (28:34):

Speaker 6 (28:34):
I'm great, on my way to work? Take going?

Speaker 8 (28:37):
All right?

Speaker 6 (28:37):
Glad I made it through?

Speaker 1 (28:38):
You Ready to take on Victoria?

Speaker 8 (28:41):

Speaker 6 (28:41):
Yeah, I have already feel extra smart today?

Speaker 1 (28:45):
Victoria? Do you feel ext'ally smart today?

Speaker 4 (28:47):
I normally do every day until we play this game?

Speaker 2 (28:49):
All right, Victoria is going to leave the studio. Here
we go, Hose The game is played like this. He
got thirty seconds to answer as many questions as possible.
If you don't know one, just say pass and Victoria
has to beat you out right to win.

Speaker 6 (29:00):
Okay, okay, perfect?

Speaker 4 (29:02):
All right, man, here we go. Your time starts now.
How many countries are in Africa? What year was Barack
Obama elected to the US presidency? What is the main
ingredient in shampoo?

Speaker 13 (29:22):

Speaker 1 (29:23):
What's the festival Coachella's actual full name? Oh Man, pet
which which.

Speaker 4 (29:32):
Country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun?

Speaker 6 (29:37):
Are the US? All right?

Speaker 1 (29:39):
Got that in?

Speaker 2 (29:39):
In time, we'll bring Victoria back into the studio, and
while she's getting settled, Josey's what's something you would like
the world to know today?

Speaker 6 (29:47):
Oh man, I worked for UPS and I drive big
brown trucks for a living.

Speaker 4 (29:52):
You have hot outfits too?

Speaker 9 (29:55):
Oh yeah, we do.

Speaker 6 (29:56):
Yeah, I gets hot there in the summer.

Speaker 1 (29:59):
Those little shorts. You wear little shorts right now?

Speaker 6 (30:03):
My little source on freezing my butto.

Speaker 4 (30:06):
A lot of people use that uniform to dress up
for Halloween too, So you just go ahead and fleas.

Speaker 6 (30:13):
I've actually warned this for Halloween as a cost them
before I did too.

Speaker 2 (30:17):
I put a sausage in my pants and I went
as an UPS guy delivering a large pack.

Speaker 4 (30:24):
Because that was what we needed.

Speaker 11 (30:26):

Speaker 2 (30:28):
Victoria's back in studio. Here we go thirty seconds, sins.
There as many questions as possible. If you don't know when,
just say pass and you have to beat Jose outright
to win.

Speaker 1 (30:36):
Are you ready?

Speaker 2 (30:37):
Here we go Victoria your time? Oh, actually, Jose, you
can tell Victoria win.

Speaker 8 (30:40):
To go.

Speaker 9 (30:42):
Ready sick.

Speaker 4 (30:44):
How many countries are in Africa?

Speaker 10 (30:46):

Speaker 4 (30:46):
Boy? Uh passed? I'm not even trying. What year was
Barack Obama elected to the US president?

Speaker 1 (30:53):
You do an eight?

Speaker 4 (30:54):
What is the main ingredient in shampoo? I think so
my ingredient in shampoo? What's the festival coach Ella's full name?
It has another name, uh, Coachella Music Festival. Which country
is known as the Land of the Rising Sun? I
was gonna say America Battle, that's true. Gave just passed.

Next in the Simpsons, what is the name of the
town where the Simpsons live? Oh?

Speaker 1 (31:18):
Oh oh wait, wait wait, wait, wait wait, there is
no waiting the time. Time's up? Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (31:28):
All for that, all right, and send it over the
scoreboard and see how you guys did with our scoreboard.
Producer Brad Jose got too correct and Victoria got one correct. Congratulations,
you did it. You beat Victoria outright. That's a little slab.
Got one hundred dollars gift cards to Macy's. That might
keep you a little bit warmer. In those short little shapes.

Speaker 1 (31:48):
You got one. Let's get the answers now with Nina.

Speaker 4 (31:53):
There are fifty four countries in Africa. Now I was
gonna get Barack Obama was elected in two thousand and
eight to the US presidency. Water is the main ingredient
in shampoo. Wamchella's actual name is Coachella Valley Music and
Arts Festival.

Speaker 1 (32:08):
Bro, why don't they say that it rolls off the tongue.

Speaker 4 (32:13):
The Land of the Rising Sun is Japan, and then
The Simpsons takes place in Springfield. Yeah, I didn't know
that one.

Speaker 1 (32:20):
I should have a donut, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I
just know they have a donut. They have donuts. I
know you're done. Thank you for playing amer Congratulations, Thank
you guys.

Speaker 6 (32:35):
Good one.

Speaker 1 (32:35):

Speaker 2 (32:36):
We play U verus Victoria the same time every single
weekday morning. Remember, if you want to play Victoria, all
you have to do is d m us at the
Jubil Show or go to the Jubilshow dot com.

Speaker 11 (32:44):
It's time to Catch a Cheater Only.

Speaker 1 (32:48):
On the Jubile Show. Allison is on the phone today
for to catch a Cheater.

Speaker 2 (32:51):
And she's been married to her husband Tie for five years,
but now she suspects that something might be going on,
so we'll see if we can help her out. Allison,
I'm sorry you're going through it, but why do you
on you? Hi?

Speaker 11 (33:02):

Speaker 7 (33:02):
Yeah, so it's kind of complicated, and I want to
tell you the whole story. So basically, like you said,
we've been married for five years, and I'm really excited because,
like you know, five years.

Speaker 16 (33:13):
Is kind of a milestone anniversary, right.

Speaker 7 (33:16):
Sure, Now, Ty was kind of a wild child like
when we met, but I've had time to work on him. Yeah,
and she's like really absent minded. He's always getting lost
and I get that. But and I get that he's
like a hot mess express on wheels, okay, and I
love that. But so we got married on Halloween in Vegas. Right,

that's fun.

Speaker 9 (33:38):
Yeah, it was super fun.

Speaker 11 (33:39):
And Halloween is literally my favorite holiday.

Speaker 7 (33:41):
So we always look forward to our anniversary every year
and we always do a couple's costume. But this year
we go to like start talking about our costume, right,
and I'm trying to come up with suggestions on like
prince and a princess, and he's totally not into it,
doesn't even look like he cares and didn't have anything

to suggest, and this is the first time in five
years that he's been like completely disinterested in it.

Speaker 1 (34:09):
So that was my first red flag.

Speaker 11 (34:13):

Speaker 16 (34:13):
I said, first we have more, so this gets worse.

Speaker 7 (34:17):
So I'm like, okay, well that's weird, but I'm trying
to be on his side, right, But then I noticed
that he's being weird about his phone. And he's never
been weird about his phone. Okay, like he let me
pick up his phone and check messages for him. No, no,
not now, and he'll go in the next room and
I hear him whispering, and I'm like, first of all.

Speaker 11 (34:34):
I'm not deaf.

Speaker 7 (34:35):
I can hear you kind of like, honey, you're not
that slick. But yeah, so I'm sitting here again trying
to get them the benefit of the doubt. Right, it
gets worse. That was red flag number two, Red Live,
red flag number three. So he does the whole old honey,
I'm sorry, I've got a work late thing, which I'm

already like, okay, gotcha. Yeah, again, not slick, and he
has we have like shared locations on our phones, and
I'm like, okay, i'll bite.

Speaker 16 (35:09):
I'm just curious, and I go on my check and
he's not at work. He was at a flower shop.

Speaker 11 (35:17):
Could he be getting flowers for you?

Speaker 7 (35:20):
Well he has got he's getting flows for me. I
ain't got him yet, so like they're not here, So
I don't know. And like I said, like I try
to be on his side. I know he is like
always like a like scatterbrained and like if I I
feel like sometimes I got to put a leash on
this man or he's just going to walk off into
the woods.

Speaker 1 (35:43):
So I get it, Yea, it can be hard to
deal with sometimes.

Speaker 7 (35:50):
So now I I've got no real He still hasn't
brought up any ideas for the Halloween, for our Halloween anniversary,
and I'm just like, I don't know. I never thought
he would eat, but now I'm like, I can't think
of any other reason why he's hiding his phone, why
he's going into the next room to answer messages and
and and he's lying about where he is.

Speaker 4 (36:09):
Yeah, is he planning a surprise?

Speaker 1 (36:11):

Speaker 4 (36:13):
Would he be that type?

Speaker 11 (36:15):
He's never done that before.

Speaker 2 (36:17):
Well, you told us what a grocery store he's a
rewards card member at so will play a song, come
back and then call him pretend to be from the
grocery store and say that he's this month's big winner
of flowers delivered from our Florida apartment, and we'll see
if he sends us see you or to somebody else.

Speaker 1 (36:30):
Okay, more flowers.

Speaker 16 (36:32):
Yeah, oh god, I'm scared to find out.

Speaker 2 (36:35):
But okay, well, class song, come back and get you
to catch theeter next. Right in the middle of today's
to Catch a Cheeter And if you're just joining us,
Allison is on the phone, and Allison suspects that her
husband of five years named Time might be messing around.
So in a second, we're gonna call him and pretend
to be from the grocery store that he's a rewards
member at, and say that he's this month's big winner
of free flowers delivered from our Florida department, and we'll

see if he sends those to his wife, Allison or
to somebody else. Before we do that, Allison, you want
to catch us up on your situation real quick.

Speaker 11 (37:03):

Speaker 7 (37:03):
So, basically, like you said, Ty and I've been married
for five years. Our anniversaries on Halloween and we always
have a couple of costume that we've planned together. And
this is the first year that we don't have anything
in the work, and he's been weird around his phone,
and he's not where he says he's going to be,
and I just I can't get over the feeling that
something is off.

Speaker 1 (37:23):
Okay, Allison, are you ready for us to call him?

Speaker 8 (37:26):

Speaker 16 (37:26):
God, I guess so.

Speaker 1 (37:28):
Okay, here we go.

Speaker 11 (37:39):

Speaker 1 (37:40):
Hey, this is horrible calling from I was looking for
a rewards card member name type.

Speaker 12 (37:45):
Yeah, this is se Ty.

Speaker 2 (37:47):
How are you please don't hang up. This is not
a marketing phone call. I'm actually calling to tell you congratulations.
You're this month's lucky winner. Thank you for shopping with us.

Speaker 1 (37:54):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 12 (37:56):
I feel very special.

Speaker 2 (37:57):
I'm not sure if you're aware, but every single month,
we choose one rewards card member at random who gets
free flowers delivered from our floor department, absolutely free. So
you've won thirty six long stem red roses, a box
of candy or chocolates, and a card to deliver to
anybody that you want.

Speaker 12 (38:10):
Okay, yeah, how many is it like buck of roses.

Speaker 2 (38:13):
Or thirty six long stem red roses? Beautiful roses? Okay,
And here's how it works. I would just need to
get the information from you. I can do that on
the phone in just a matter of minutes. If you
know who you want to send them to right now,
it's fine, I can do that right now.

Speaker 1 (38:29):

Speaker 2 (38:30):
If you know you want to send to, I just
need the first and last name of the person you'd
like the flowers to go to.

Speaker 12 (38:34):
First about Shannon, mm hmm.

Speaker 1 (38:42):
Okay, And is there anything you'd like to put on
a card to Shannon?

Speaker 12 (38:45):
Yeah, definitely, just put on Gie. You're the greatest. I
can never repay it.

Speaker 1 (38:51):
And thank you very much.

Speaker 2 (38:52):
Tight And the next thing is I just need to
tell you that this is not a grocery store. This
is actually the Jubill Show. It's a radio show. My
name is Jubal, I'm Nina Victorian.

Speaker 12 (39:01):
I'm not getting flowers, free flowers.

Speaker 8 (39:02):

Speaker 2 (39:02):
We do a segment on a show where if you
think you're signific, another might be messing around you. See
they send flowers too, And your wife Allison is actually
on the phone.

Speaker 12 (39:10):
Oh okay, cool, let's.

Speaker 16 (39:14):
Okay, who is Santon?

Speaker 11 (39:17):

Speaker 16 (39:17):
You're gonna send flowers to some other girl our anniversary? Literally,
like what, I don't even know what day it is
right now? I'm so freaking mad. What the hell, just
once I call your mother. Dude, you're going to rude
the day that you met me, I swear to god.

Speaker 12 (39:31):
Oh yeah, what is wrong with you?

Speaker 4 (39:35):

Speaker 12 (39:36):

Speaker 9 (39:38):
Oh oh my goll.

Speaker 16 (39:43):
Dude, Like, I'm sorry, what what?

Speaker 9 (39:47):

Speaker 16 (39:47):
So let me guess, mister. I'm sure you have some
great excuse. M Yeah, that would be a good time
tie earth to tie today.

Speaker 11 (39:56):
Yes, please, thank you?

Speaker 12 (39:58):
Honey? Are you dead? Okay? So no, one not shooting? Okay,
where do you do it?

Speaker 2 (40:04):

Speaker 11 (40:04):
Why are you sending flowers of Shannon?

Speaker 12 (40:07):
Well, I don't know if she told you, but our
anniversary is on Halloween.

Speaker 4 (40:10):
She did.

Speaker 12 (40:11):
Yeah, So she came up with this idea like a.

Speaker 17 (40:14):
Prince princess type, you know, collaborative costume for our five
year anniversary. And I kind of tried to let her
down gently and not be offensive, but it just sounded
it sounded so basic. I was like, Okay, cool, we're
going to be Disney prince and Princess. This is five years,
you know what I mean? Five years and we've we've

overcome a lot. So I was like, you need to
be special, it needs to be like memorable. So I
have a friend Shannon from work the person who was
going to send the set the flowers to. And Shannon
is also a professional makeup artist and she's worked on
a bunch of cool stuff. She worked on a Walking
Dead and so I was like, I got this idea.

I started begging her. I was like, please help me this,
and she agreed to make, you know, help out with
her anniversary, make it special.

Speaker 12 (41:04):
So she's been helping with the custom and like the
makeup idea.

Speaker 7 (41:07):
So, babe, yeah, I don't even know, like if you're
coming up with this on the spot, this is like
the best bull crap you've ever made up.

Speaker 16 (41:15):
And I'm not entirely sure I.

Speaker 9 (41:16):
Believe you yet.

Speaker 12 (41:17):
But okay, Also I'm.

Speaker 16 (41:21):
Not basic, and I don't think I appreciate that.

Speaker 12 (41:26):

Speaker 9 (41:26):
Okay, So job's bling.

Speaker 16 (41:30):
It is anyway, Okay whatever, it could have been cute.

Speaker 12 (41:33):
Sure, So for a five year anniversary, I was like,
I want to marry you again, but as a zombie
that would be so cool. So Shannon helped me come
up with this. You'll be a zombie bride. Listen, You're
going to be a zombie bride. I'm going to be
a zombie groom, and we're gonna be okay, and like
riting became you know, and.

Speaker 11 (41:59):
You had my curiosity, you now have my attention.

Speaker 9 (42:02):
You may proceed.

Speaker 17 (42:03):
Okay, I'm going to send you some spec pictures. Like
we've been messing around with some of the makeup that
we're going to do. I've been maybe I have some prosthetic,
you know, residue in my face when I come home.
But you've been playing around, and I've been playing this
for a long time. Hence whatever, you know, strange habits

I've been just displaying. But I want to make it perfect.

Speaker 7 (42:31):
You mean, like the immense guilt every time you try
to look at me in the eye, like you're the
worst liar.

Speaker 11 (42:35):
I've ever met.

Speaker 12 (42:36):
Kill it's I think something, you know, I think that's
a good quality.

Speaker 16 (42:42):
It is not I think you're cheating on me.

Speaker 17 (42:47):
Hey, I guess that a text of like of kind
of my mock up of what just set your phone
real quick?

Speaker 11 (42:54):
Oh okay, I kind of love this.

Speaker 1 (43:01):
All right? Were you going to do this reveal?

Speaker 4 (43:03):
Were you just going to come home like a zombie
and tell her to go put something on that you
have laid out for her?

Speaker 17 (43:08):
But oh yeah, I was going to come home as
a zombie and Sharon was going to come with me
and then we would present it to her and then.

Speaker 9 (43:15):
She would do hers.

Speaker 4 (43:16):
Oh all right, well thinks that that would cause a
hard to no discussion of anniversary for the day.

Speaker 1 (43:27):
I'm glad you're heading harder in the right place.

Speaker 2 (43:29):
Sorry to ruin the surprise, Alison, but at least now
you know Ties not cheating. You know.

Speaker 7 (43:33):
I'm going to be honest. I think you guys have
a point. If he had come home like that, I
might actually only hit him with something. So maybe maybe
a radio reveal.

Speaker 1 (43:41):
Was congratulations on the zombie wedding a pie. I'm sorry,
eat some brains.

Speaker 16 (43:50):
I'm also mad at you still, but I'm also fine.

Speaker 1 (43:55):
The jewel shows to catch a cheater sign for namas.

Speaker 4 (43:59):
What's so a bunch of billionaires have gotten together and
they have decided to work on a new project, and
that is to block out the sun. So Bill Gates
and his billionaire homies have decided to create a startup
called make Sunsets and the goal is to reverse global
warming through solar engineering. So they plan to fly a
jet around the planet the dump sulfur dioxide into the

atmosphere and so then the so too would then blanket
the stratosphere, reflect light away from the planet, and then
gradually cool the earth.

Speaker 1 (44:26):
Don't we need light?

Speaker 5 (44:28):
I love that the climate plan, the climate U whatever
plan has to do it starts with we're gonna fly
a jet around the k Yeah, that's the same thing
when you're driving around your text test. I'm helping the climate.
Oh yeah, how about the coal plant that powered that
Tesla break? But also I just have a question. Don't

like all of our plants and stuff need the sun
for photosynthesis and all of that.

Speaker 1 (44:54):
Is also very important for human right, it can't be
messing with the sun.

Speaker 4 (44:57):
Like global warming is the scary thing. But I don't
know if that's the way to solve it. Yeah, I'm
not a scientist or a billionaire, so I don't know.

Speaker 1 (45:05):
I think I could use a little bit warmer weather anyway, So.

Speaker 4 (45:08):
Yeah, me too, especially the sum of year. That's what
they're doing. But if you're trying to cool it down.

Speaker 1 (45:16):
Wow, I just wish people knew how proud Nina was
the transitions.

Speaker 4 (45:24):
I didn't write that one down.

Speaker 1 (45:25):
That just came out.

Speaker 4 (45:29):
If you're into a mcflurry or some McDonald's soft serve,
you know, there's always a problem, right, So there's an
ongoing joke that those mcflurry machines are always broken, so
much so that there's a website that tracks it and
it's called mcbroken dot Com money. So all across the
country at any given time, there's about fifteen percent of
all of these machines that are just not working. But

now we know why and it will be solved. So
this entire time, McDonald's had a deal with a company
called Taylor whatever that was supposed to be the only
company they could go in and fix these machines, the
only one. So they have to sit there and wait
for somebody from this tailor machine to come over and
fix it. So now they've got this new US Copyright
Office weighing in saying that they're going to exempt this

given exemption to this whole situation, so McDonald's can have
third party machinists come in and fix.

Speaker 1 (46:18):
Oh, Taylor, I don't.

Speaker 2 (46:20):
Feel so bad about now about not being able to
get a mechanic out to something that I need fixed
or whatever.

Speaker 1 (46:24):
Donalds can't do it, right, yea, I'll just wait.

Speaker 4 (46:29):
Yeah, begbroken dot Com. Fifteen percent the problems have been solved.
Get those mcflury's. Man, I love a good vanilla cone.
That's my go to in the summer.

Speaker 5 (46:37):
I'm such a nerd. I'm over here saying when did
they get that domain name? Because that must have been
hard to get time for a long time.

Speaker 1 (46:47):
Yeah, at the beginning of the internet name.

Speaker 4 (46:52):
And lastly, just for funzies, it is the season. Do
you know what the stem of a pumpkin is called?
This is not a joke. This is just an actual
I'm gonna tell you something you're gonna need to know
mom to handle. It's called a peduncle. It's called a peduncle,
called a peduncle. So when you go ahead and somebody
said you better grab that peduncle, got the heavy bun.

Speaker 1 (47:18):
Jokes in my head.

Speaker 4 (47:21):
I did that for you.

Speaker 1 (47:22):
Then that's sound pretty funny. Yeah, they were naming pumpkin
parts with the guys. I was like, I know what
we call it.

Speaker 18 (47:31):
That looks like a peduncle. That's a great name for it,
said a stam. It's a peduncle. That's what's trending.

Speaker 9 (47:43):
Jubles dirty little secret.

Speaker 1 (47:45):
Hello, Hi, Hi, you have a dirty little secret. I
do sweet?

Speaker 5 (47:51):
What is it?

Speaker 3 (47:52):

Speaker 10 (47:53):
I was dating this jeeris for a while, and he
gave me access to his social media and female and
well his passwords, and then we broke up. And I
still go to Instagram and Facebook and hiss and stuff,
and I read his messages and speaking.

Speaker 1 (48:10):
Teams and talking to Do you see anything good?

Speaker 3 (48:14):
Not really?

Speaker 10 (48:15):
I mean I've seen him talking about me a couple
of times.

Speaker 1 (48:17):
But how did you, guys break up? Was that like
a your call a mutual thing?

Speaker 10 (48:23):
It was a hymn thring. He just appoted he was
done with me, and so kind of get revenge on
reading this messages?

Speaker 2 (48:30):
Do you every think about sending some messages for him
that the real lench.

Speaker 10 (48:34):
I've thought about it. I used to do it. But
if I didn't, now you know that I still have access,
so then he would change his pastords and I wouldn't.

Speaker 3 (48:40):
Be able to read him.

Speaker 1 (48:41):
So yeah, well, thank you for telling us your dirty
little secret.

Speaker 3 (48:46):
Thank you?

Speaker 12 (48:47):
Yeah? Bye?

Speaker 1 (48:47):
Hello, what's up? You have a dirt little secret?

Speaker 8 (48:51):

Speaker 1 (48:52):
Sweet? What does I do?

Speaker 8 (48:54):

Speaker 3 (48:54):
My dirty little secret is I'm a thirty year old woman,
but I like to collect.

Speaker 8 (48:59):
Them dressed them up?

Speaker 1 (49:02):
Okay, what kind of dolls?

Speaker 14 (49:05):

Speaker 3 (49:05):
It ranges from like Barbie to American girl dolls to
whatever I can find in a free market or drift store,
or if I see one on the side of the road,
I'll rescue it.

Speaker 1 (49:14):
Oh you're a doll rescue What is it about it
that you love?

Speaker 11 (49:21):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (49:22):
I like to be able to manipulate their little bodies.
I have like five hundred of them just in my basement,
and in my main level about another thousand. I just
hide them everywhere, and I dress them up for holidays.
Sometimes I'll amputate like an arm or something.

Speaker 1 (49:38):
How does your significant other feel about this? That's your question?
After she says she likes.

Speaker 11 (49:45):
My cats are okay with it?

Speaker 1 (49:47):
Oh, oh, because they're probably doing it too well. Thank
you for telling us your little secret.

Speaker 3 (49:54):
Yeah, thank you.

Speaker 1 (49:55):
Have a good one.

Speaker 9 (49:56):
Bye you too, By what's your aardy little secret?
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