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May 8, 2024 15 mins

The Jubal Show is on the radio all over the country. They are unafraid to tackle the topical world we live in, and can’t get enough of the drama. Nothing is sacred, and nothing is off limits on The Jubal Show.

Join Jubal, Nina, Victoria, Executive Producer Brad, and Producer Sharkey, and their listeners on a journey through romance, secrets, pop culture, and pranks.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Me and Vince Boone on a tiny couch. I gotta
tell you one of the happiest moments that I had
in the last two months. I'm not lying to you
because I'm talking to you right now. Yeah, but I
was in the car and I pulled up Top one
hundred list on Apple Music and I'm like, oh, Benson Boone,
So I hadn't heard your song yet. Yeah, and then
I put on and I was like, damn, it is
so good. Thank congratulations on everything, man.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
Thank you so much. It's last time I saw you.
Since then, a lot's changed. Yeah. Yeah, we were.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
At the trampoline park the last time I saw you.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
Oh my gosh, dude, I forgot about the trampoline walk.
Oh wow.

Speaker 1 (00:35):
And Victoria was trying Victoria for my show, went and
jumped at you guys for I couldn't because I had
to go do something. And then she also was like
she had a crush on someone one of your one
of your friends.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
Oh, probably Jacob.

Speaker 1 (00:45):
That was yeah. Yeah, I was really thought Jacob was
cute and I was trying to talk to him.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
He's a handsome guy. Yeah, that's that's that's a common
thing I've been seeing. I think people now are starting
to come to the show more for Jacob than me,
and you know, I can't I can't be mad at it.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
But yeah, dude, a lot is happen since then. That's dope. Congratulations.
What's been the craziest thing so far?

Speaker 2 (01:03):
Oh gosh, Honestly, I think this tour has probably been
the craziest thing for me in a very good way,
where like this tour is such a step up from
last time, my production wise, and we sold it out
like right as Beautiful Things dropped, and it took a
while for Beautiful Things to kind of go to where

it went and get up to number one. So a
lot of these venues, like we could have tried to
upgrade them, but like I didn't want to, and I
wanted to keep them where they are because I do
love doing like more intimate shows and seeing more of
the crowd, and it's always nice to come back to

the hometown. I've been very excited for the show, but
the whole tour has just been unbelievable, just so cool.

Speaker 1 (01:54):
I mean, even at the radio station, because like I
don't know how to mean. I should know this because
I've been a radio for a long time. But I
don't know how they do, like choose the music and
stuff like that. But and every once in a while,
I think there's been like two times in my career
where I've said something about the music, like why aren't
you playing the song, because like it's not what I do, right,
I just I just tell jokes and stuff, right, So
I let them do the music. But with your song,

I was like, why why is Benson boone song not
on the show? Like that song is so good and
it's number one. I'm like what, But you know they
were adding there, like we're adding it like you don't
know what don't tell us what to do, you don't
know what you're doing. And I'm like, yeah, good point.
I don't know how you guys do it, But tell
me a little bit about making that song, like yeah,
because it's different than anything, it's different than anything out there.
But it's like you're an artist. I mean that like musically,

and then also you do art too, you know, And
I'm like, that is a it's an artistic piece that
you put together. It's really cool.

Speaker 2 (02:47):
Yeah, I wrote it in two parts cause it's it's
very different from all my other music. And I feel
like a lot of my other music, like it's very
piano based in ballid and this one I just kind
of wanted to wanted a new sound, and it's like

more similar to a lot of the music that I've
been writing. And so I wrote it on the piano,
but I wrote it in two separate parts where the
verse and the chorus were actually two different songs that
I was working on, and so I brought it into
the studio with Jack and Evan Blair. I didn't even
think to put them together, and then Jack was like, dude,

we could put those in the same song. It would work,
and we just changed the key and we did, and
it like that's kind of how it came about. And
when you're in this, like when you hear a song
back in the studio, obviously, however good it is, you
never know how it's actually going to perform once you
release it. You can only put so much into it.
And I knew that one had a lot of potential

because it was like my favorite song I had ever written.
When I was listening to it, I just didn't know
how much potential it had. And so watching everything that
it's done and watching the numbers that it's done and
what it's done for this tour and for my career. Like,
I'm just so grateful to feel heard and for people
to be listening to that song because it's I'm very

proud of it.

Speaker 1 (04:15):
Yeah, Like it was one of the It was one
of those moments when I first heard it where I
was like, Okay, I could see that something flipped, like
career wise, I mean for you, you know, because like
you already you're doing your thing, but like it's one
of those defining moments you could tell just by the
performance of it even.

Speaker 2 (04:30):
Yeah. And I think also when I first started doing
music and writing music, when I think back, like, I
don't think I was as passionate about it as I
am now, like not even near it. And I think
around the time I wrote Beautiful Things, that's kind of
when I really started to like actually genuinely love just

writing music and making music and creating it. And I
think that was the biggest thing that changed for me,
is it became came less of something that I saw
as like, oh, this is like a cool thing to
do in a cool place to get it became less
of that and more like, this is what I love
to do.

Speaker 1 (05:08):
That's what I got from it.

Speaker 2 (05:10):
I just want to keep doing this because I genuinely
love making the music, right.

Speaker 1 (05:15):
Because I've talked to you a few times, like we
you know, went to the trampoline park and Victoria was
hitting on Jacob and then and then you come by
the studio and like tried to teach us how to
do a backlip and stuff. But like, so I know
you well enough to know the difference in what I
heard there though. It was just like, oh, you like
fully stepped into you really like because you could just tell.

So that's how I feel good that you're just like, yeah,
this is this is me, and this is what I'm
doing now. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, that's dope, man, thank you.
I do have a couple of questions. Well, I'll ask
you a question while I get this out, because I've
we talked to your fans outside and asked them if
they want to ask you anything. So we have a
couple of questions. Oh yeah, people outside.

Speaker 2 (05:50):
Absolutely so yeah, dude, they are hilarious. They are and
I that's something I love so much and appreciate so
much because I very strongly understand that, like I could
not do this without them, and I and I need
them and that I love them and just appreciate their presence.

So they are they are so incredible. I really do
think that, and I'm not just saying that. Like every
time my parents whenever they come to a show, they
love to just go and talk to people in the
line and in the crowd and like over and over
and over. It's just incredible stories that people are telling
about what my music has done for them, and that
means so much to me.

Speaker 1 (06:35):
Yeah, it's really cool. That's what music does for people too.
It's so cool, like the memories it creates and then
the way it helps people bond and stuff like that. Yeah, yeah,
it's dope. I'm gonna ask you these questions that we
got from them, but I do have a question for
you for me, So I'm getting into music now. I'm
releasing my first song on May fourteenth. Well, what advice
do you have for me when it comes to dropping
a song?

Speaker 2 (06:53):
Like, dude, Well, I mean, it depends. It depends on
what your intent is, because everybody's got different intent. For me, like,
when I release a song, I want people to like.
I try and tease it before. That's just like my thing.
I don't know why.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Yeah, I've been trying to do that. I kind of
get on social media and more and do it.

Speaker 2 (07:12):
Yeah, it's dude, it's no, it's hard. It is really
hard because it's like two separate jobs like fifty years ago,
like people aren't like going on TikTok and teasing their
music like people it's the music would speak for itself
and then that person would you know, speak for the music,
Like it's that's not how it is now. So like

I don't know, man, I think I think if you like,
what what are your intentions with the song and with
your music and where you want to go?

Speaker 1 (07:44):
Like I think that, Well, it's something that I've always
wanted to do. Yeah, And like you, I do a
lot of different things, so art, comedy, radio show. I
wanted to show a different side of me. And I
like learning things. So I over the last two years
learned piano, learn music and all that. So and that's
and and I've realized that I have, just like you said,
a passion for it, Like I've poured myself into that

more than I ever have my stand up And so
I'm like, well, obviously I really love this. I've always
wanted to do it. Yeah, and so it's really just
to be heard and show people a different side and
like create, create things, be heard from a different point
of view, Like yeah, you know.

Speaker 2 (08:20):
Yeah, I would just do it. Then I would just
recommend taking that passion for wanting to be heard too.
I mean, for me, like the Internet is the best
place to do that, whether it's on TikTok or Instagram
or freaking Twitter, dude, or X. I guess now it's
called confusing. Yeah, that's so confusing.

Speaker 1 (08:39):
I feel like that's the worst name any part. Time
anybody says they X somebody or they were on X,
I'm like, you got back with your ex? What? I know?

Speaker 2 (08:45):
It confuses me to I'll always call it Twitter.

Speaker 1 (08:48):

Speaker 2 (08:48):
But yeah, just like I think, find the best part
of the song, the part that you love the most,
and then just like try and make any sort of
video to it that feels right for that sound, and
then just keep making.

Speaker 1 (09:01):
We'll say, in the first song that I'm releasing, especially
to me, I wrote it for somebody, yeah, you know,
and the first time I ever sang in front of anybody,
and I was like nerve racking, you know, like, yeah, that.

Speaker 2 (09:11):
Dude is that's opening up in that way.

Speaker 1 (09:13):
Is really hard. It really is, like, because I thought,
always thought I was pretty vulnerable. Like on stage, I'll
talk about whatever, on the radio, I'll talk about whatever.
Singing from people is a whole different moment.

Speaker 2 (09:22):
Music is a different kind of vulnerability that most people
like don't understand. It's like ripping a page out of
your diary and reading it to someone exactly, but like
twice is embarrassing because if you mess up, then you're.

Speaker 1 (09:33):
Just like, yeah, exactly, yeah, And so I kept messing
up the song. I was like, hold on, I'm gonna
start over. But that was it. I feel that Yeah,
I'm like, all right, this is embarrassing, but just wait,
I'll get to eventually. Yeah. All right, So I got
the questions from your fans that are outside.

Speaker 2 (09:47):

Speaker 1 (09:49):
The first one is what color is your toothbrush?

Speaker 2 (09:52):

Speaker 1 (09:53):
Pink? That was quick, Yeah, okay, is you always have
pink toothbrush?

Speaker 2 (09:57):
Or no, you used to be black?

Speaker 1 (09:58):
Okay? But I got a no one, All right, what's
your favorite food?

Speaker 2 (10:05):
Probably, dude, honestly, probably probably a crispy chicken sandwich.

Speaker 1 (10:10):
That's just like where Yeah, Chick fil a, It's got
the freaking best They do.

Speaker 2 (10:15):
It's stupid. They're so ridiculously good. You know what, yesterday
we had a day off yesterday on tour and Bend
organ and there was one like we were all it
was like like nine pm. We're looking for a store
or like a restaurant or like somewhere to go eat.
Everything closed at nine And I was like, bro, there's
a mod Pizza at Chipotle and a Chick fil A

all next to each other that are all open till ten.
Let's just go. We go. Everybody's eating at MAUD. Like
a couple of us went to Chipotle, and I'm like,
mine set on Chick fil A. Where did Chick fil A?
Like the actual store itself, like going inside to eat
was closed. All they had was the drive through and
we didn't have a car. We just ubered there and
the uber had already left. So I tried to walk
through the drive through and they're like, no, it's a

safety regulation, you can't do this. So I ordered another
uber to take me through the drive through to get
Chick fil A. In the Uber driver eight Chick fil
A and it was yeah, awesome, Yeah, well he was hungry, Yeah,
just to.

Speaker 1 (11:12):
Get an uber just to go to the Driver. It
was amazing.

Speaker 2 (11:15):
All right.

Speaker 1 (11:16):
What is your favorite song on your new album?

Speaker 2 (11:18):
Oh, that's a really good question. It changes every day.
Probably my greatest fear.

Speaker 1 (11:24):
Okay, Yeah, And what is your dream collaboration.

Speaker 2 (11:28):
Billie Eilish or Olivia Rodrigo. I think I think one
of those two. Billie Eilish is like, I don't know,
her voice is like, I mean, it's angelic, obviously, but
I just think it mixes very well with other people,
Like she does a really good job when she does
collaborations at Some people's voice kind of overpowers the other
and some is like underpowers the other. I just I

don't know. I think it would sound good, but I'm
just putting it out into the world.

Speaker 1 (11:55):
Billy Eilish, It'll happen. And what's your favorite part about Seattle?

Speaker 2 (12:00):
The mountains? Not like Seattle Seattle to the city, because
if we're talking about the city Seattle, I don't actually
know what my favorite part would be, but I think
like the Seattle area definitely the mountains. It's something I
think about all the time because I grew up backpacking
a lot and I miss it so much, Like there
is nowhere with with just more greenery and beauty than

the mountains up here. Like, it's ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (12:24):
I miss it. Where do you live now? You live
in La?

Speaker 2 (12:27):
Now? Yeah, I just moved to La like maybe five
months ago, so I'm.

Speaker 1 (12:30):
Pretty not as much greenery there at all.

Speaker 2 (12:33):
And everybody there is like, oh, you want hiking, Well
I'll take you on a hike. And it's like a
walk I know, with like ninety other people up to
the Hollywood Sun.

Speaker 1 (12:40):

Speaker 2 (12:41):
I'm like, that's not a hike.

Speaker 1 (12:42):
I grew up in La so I know exactly. It's
so funny because we don't know how to hike, and
then I came out here and then someone asked me
to go hiking. I was like, this is mountain climbing.
Now I'm into it though, Now I'm into it. Yeah.
What's your favorite place to perform?

Speaker 2 (12:57):
That's a really good question. My faceavorite place to perform
probably probably Amsterdam. Uh yeah one. Amsterdam is like the
coolest city on this planet. It's it's incredible. If you've
never been, you should go to Amsterdam. But the crowds
are electric, dude, Yeah, amazing.

Speaker 1 (13:17):
I bet, I bet the crowds are crazy there. I've
only been there once. Minute was on New Year's and
it was nuts.

Speaker 2 (13:21):
Oh dude, it's insane, and I bet New Year's gotta
be insane.

Speaker 1 (13:24):
Yeah. Actually the local people like, don't come here on
New year whe you come here on New Year's or
like we all leave on New Year's because it so nuts.
But it was crazy.

Speaker 2 (13:30):
That's why.

Speaker 1 (13:32):
What's your favorite sport to watch?

Speaker 2 (13:34):
Football? American football? Yeah? Definitely.

Speaker 1 (13:38):
Are you a Seahawks fanily?

Speaker 2 (13:39):
I am? Okay, Yeah, it's the most entertaining. Like I'll
watch basketball, I'll watch baseball. Is like I can watch
it on a TV for like maybe twenty minutes and
then I'm cooked. But like like if I go to
a game, I can watch the whole game and be
completely satisfied right in person. I could watch any sports
game and just like be so happy to be there,
but on a TV.

Speaker 1 (13:58):
Football Okay, they noticed, So somebody noticed the theme of
skin and bones? Is it seam or theme? They say,
seem the theme and theme okay of skin and bones?
U huh? Behind that? Want not really?

Speaker 2 (14:16):
I just think like in a lot of music that
I write and create, I don't know. It's it's just
something that I feel is a metaphor that's comprehensible and
easy to understand, because a lot of times I'll put
metaphors in my music that like most people don't catch
and that is not easy to understand. But like things

like that where it's tangible and it's like it's just
a basic description of something physical that you can imagine
in your head, I think it just makes it easier
to paint a picture that makes sense.

Speaker 1 (14:48):
Yeah, well, dude, I know you're busy because you have
a show to do, and then also you have a
show a ton of fans that's waiting to meet you.
So dude, it's always great seeing you and congratulates on everything.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
Man, thank you.

Speaker 1 (14:57):
Was honestly so excited for you.

Speaker 2 (14:58):
Dude, thank you so much. It's always a pleasure.

Speaker 1 (15:01):
I still am excited first and say it was I
still am.

Speaker 2 (15:03):
For everybody that didn't know. I actually grew up every
day of high school listening to him on the radio
in my car and every single morning, so full circle moment.

Speaker 1 (15:14):
Yeah, it is.

Speaker 2 (15:15):
Love you guys,
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