All Episodes

April 29, 2024 61 mins

The Jubal Show is on the radio all over the country. They are unafraid to tackle the topical world we live in, and can’t get enough of the drama. Nothing is sacred, and nothing is off limits on The Jubal Show.

Join Jubal, Nina, Victoria, Executive Producer Brad, and Producer Sharkey, and their listeners on a journey through romance, secrets, pop culture, and pranks.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Whether it's warmer, the sun is out longer, I'm about
to act up. How about act up? The uh for
me to say a louder.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
It's the Jewel Show. You know, cheating is bad? Yeah,
also stressful.

Speaker 3 (00:13):

Speaker 2 (00:13):
And if you need proof of that, private investigators have
revealed the craziest things that people have done to hide cheating.
Oh and it's pretty ridiculous. We'll go over it right
after this. It's The Jewel Show.

Speaker 4 (00:24):
Beauty and the Beast is the one that is really
upsetting to me because they try to make it like
the Beast is this disgusting monster.

Speaker 1 (00:31):
The Beast is easily six.

Speaker 4 (00:33):
' four, definitely could play for the NFL hold down
for the prize. He's a homeowner with a mansion that
has a library.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
That's you money, Okay, he loves to read. That's adorable.
It's the Jewel Show perspective. Thank you.

Speaker 2 (00:51):
And we've all heard stories about somebody having an affair
and wondered how they managed to get away with it
without getting caught. Well, there are people that know exactly
how people get away with it, private investigators. The head
is going viral of private investigators sharing details on some
of the crazy ways that people get away with cheating.
So let's go over that right now, so you can

see if your partner is cheating.

Speaker 1 (01:15):
Everybody's going to be at the end of this life.

Speaker 2 (01:17):
But wearing disguises, stop it, which is crazy to think about.

Speaker 1 (01:22):
Stop it?

Speaker 2 (01:23):
Like I picture a guy with those glasses on, with
a fake nose and a mustache.

Speaker 5 (01:28):
Like a picture.

Speaker 2 (01:30):
What do you mean, I'm out to dinner with another woman.
I don't even know who Tim is. My name is Billy, ma'am.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
You do not see him wearing those guys? Imagine my
friends like mean, why is your man out here in
a green wig thing?

Speaker 2 (01:47):
They say, whether it's changing their name, their hairstyle, clothes,
or glasses. According to a survey a date from alicit Encounters,
a dating site for married people, forty two percent admit
that they've experimented with disguises, including eight percent who have
dressed up as the opposite sex in.

Speaker 1 (02:06):
Order to cheat. Did it in a movie and you
want to see the guy pulled it off?

Speaker 6 (02:12):

Speaker 2 (02:12):
How much work is it to cheat? It's way easier
to break up with somebody, Yeah, and then go get
what you want.

Speaker 1 (02:21):
Make me tired thinking about it? Where is this night?
My name's not John, it's Jane.

Speaker 2 (02:33):
We're going over the thread from private investigators talking about
how people get away with cheating business trips. One guy
said he caught someone who was not having won, but
three affairs behind his wife's back.

Speaker 1 (02:46):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2 (02:47):
She was suspicious because he would disappear on business trips
for days at a time, and he had a pilot's
license and owned a small plane, so, oh my gosh,
he can literally fly back and forth from places he's
just made up business trips.

Speaker 1 (03:01):
Yeah, so sorry, I'm on a business trip.

Speaker 2 (03:04):
The private investigator found that he was cheating with three
women on different nearby islands and.

Speaker 1 (03:08):
Had been doing it for years.

Speaker 7 (03:09):
WHOA, I mean, that's terrible, but that's very smart.

Speaker 1 (03:14):
That's terrible.

Speaker 6 (03:16):
But I don't know.

Speaker 1 (03:18):
Like style. I guess that different islands and not just
different hairstyles. And he has a plant like he can
fly to them. I mean, that's that you can see.
He just flies to me. It's very cool.

Speaker 2 (03:41):
And the funny thing about people like that is the
women that they're cheating with, three of them in this instance,
all of them probably think they're the only one. Yeah,
that's the exhausting part, right, how tiring is that.

Speaker 1 (03:52):
It's just like different lives, Like does he have kids
with all of these people? Like that would make me insane,
that would make him insane. Good point, Yes.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
From private investigators talking about the crazy ways that people
try to get away with, cheating, faking a family member's death.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
Why why so silent? Actually, I've known people that have
faked having cancer to get out of going to different
parties and stuff, which is insane. And then this one
dude I was beating. He faked having cancer because he
didn't want to be with this girl anymore. So he
thought the best way to do that was to just
tell her that he had testicular cancer and that he

couldn't be with her. And so then she started freaking out,
inspiraling and investigated to find out that he didn't have that.
He just didn't want to be in a relationship anymore.
And that is karma that's going to come for you.
On another level, talk about yes, why would you say that?

Speaker 8 (04:50):
Great question, I don't know. But he got out of
the relationship. This is horrible. This is more common than
you think. A friend of mine's girl wife at the
time was cheating on him and they were having some problems.
So she went back home or whatever, and she said
she had cancer, but she was actually pregnant, pregnant with
another person's baby.

Speaker 9 (05:08):
Did she think she knew she was pregnant? She want
to keep that insurance, made sure it wasn't gonna divorce her. Wow, Yeah,
that was.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
Her planned, just to like try to get knocked up
by the other guy. And then she did get knocked
up by the other guy.

Speaker 9 (05:20):
Oh, he said, Oh, I have all these medical appointments
because I have cancer.

Speaker 2 (05:24):
Not a lead from another man.

Speaker 1 (05:26):
Yeah, we're having problems right now. Please don't divorce me
because I have cancer because the insurance. It's a wild
talk about a fear of conflict.

Speaker 2 (05:36):
And then also when her case just wanted the insurance, right, Okay,
what kind.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
Of life do we live in when you can't even
trust somebody who says they have cancer? The for real true.

Speaker 2 (05:46):
The website elicit Encounters found that thirty eight percent of
people have faked a family member's death to hide an affair.

Speaker 3 (05:53):
How do you do?

Speaker 6 (05:53):

Speaker 1 (05:54):
Is it just fun? Is it like a distant relative, babe?

Speaker 2 (05:58):
I know it's late on a Saturday evening, but Grandma
just passed away, So I got to go to the
funeral real quick?

Speaker 1 (06:03):
Why am I dressed up? Well?

Speaker 2 (06:04):
She always wanted me to dress up nicely when I
went to places, figure a lot of respect.

Speaker 1 (06:11):
I just pictured a grown man dressing up for his grandmother.

Speaker 9 (06:13):
Actually, like he's got the part, and it's all like
his hair is matted down, and it's the.

Speaker 1 (06:17):
Whole thing so bad.

Speaker 2 (06:20):
We're going over some of the crazy ways that people
have tried to get away with cheating, living a double life.
One private detective found one man who had been cheating
on his wife of fifty years, with whom he shared
three kids and seven grandkids.

Speaker 1 (06:34):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
Once he was caught, the guy confessed to living a
double life for almost as long as they'd been married.

Speaker 1 (06:40):
Yeah, for decades.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
He had also had a mistress and had two kids
with her and three grandchildren with her.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
So much child support? Is he rid? Yeah? That's what
I was thinking too. It is a lot of child support.
It's a lot of colleges are gonna have to pay for.

Speaker 10 (06:55):

Speaker 2 (06:55):
So where's the Netflix documentary on him? I want to
see it.

Speaker 1 (06:58):
Sounds like one, doesn't it. It's another jubile phone Frameday.
Mornings on the twenties.

Speaker 10 (07:10):
Hello, this is Josh.

Speaker 1 (07:12):
Hey, new guy.

Speaker 10 (07:15):
Up, guy, Well, I have a little bit of troubles
right now.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
The new guy.

Speaker 2 (07:21):
You're the new guy in the office. You just started
a few weeks ago.

Speaker 10 (07:22):
Yeah, yeah, I just started a few weeks ago.

Speaker 2 (07:25):
This is Tom Portugal over in Accunting. We haven't met yet,
that new guy. Hey, Tom, just calling to give it
an introduction. Since we haven't met. I'm kind of the
welcoming committee here. I don't know if you told you.

Speaker 10 (07:38):
No, nobody told me.

Speaker 2 (07:39):
Well, I've officially been welcome to the office until you
get welcomed by Tom Portugal.

Speaker 1 (07:43):
So what's up, new guy. Let's shoot this shit a
little bit.

Speaker 5 (07:48):

Speaker 10 (07:49):
All right, Tom, I'm really busy right now. I'm looking
for some stuff.

Speaker 2 (07:54):
Hey, Josh, Josh, can I call you? Can I call you? Joshi?
I'm gonna call you, Joshi. Hey, Joshi. So I got
an email from you that I need to speak with
you about.

Speaker 10 (08:07):
Okay, I didn't send you an email.

Speaker 1 (08:09):
Okay, I think you did.

Speaker 2 (08:12):
I opened up my email this morning and there was
an email from you with a Mallard duck in it.

Speaker 10 (08:21):
S No, I didn't send you a duck. Hey, Josh,
my laptop is missing.

Speaker 2 (08:25):
You know that it's against HR rules to send unsolicited
duck picks.

Speaker 1 (08:32):
Hey, yeah, that's what you get.

Speaker 10 (08:36):
From me here, Man, you actually get an email because
my laptop is missing.

Speaker 2 (08:41):
I'm kind of the fun guy in the office. New guy, So, hey,
I know you got a presentation today.

Speaker 10 (08:46):
Huh yeah, and I can't do it right now because
I'm looking for my laptop. Hey man, And now your bother.

Speaker 1 (08:53):
Hey guy, guy, Hey you guy, Hey guy, Hey guy,
what tom?

Speaker 2 (08:57):
Let's me and you get out of here and go
get some brus maybe head over to the strippy club.

Speaker 10 (09:02):
Look, man, I'm not going to strip club with you.
I'm not getting blues. I have to do this present tape.
New job.

Speaker 2 (09:08):
I've been working here for fifteen years, and trust me,
they have no idea. I stumble back from work on
most days and I can barely even stay awake. So
you're good man. Let's go, new guy, come on, have
a little fun.

Speaker 5 (09:19):
Live a little Are you drunk?

Speaker 10 (09:22):
What is your brother?

Speaker 1 (09:22):
I mean, what time is it?

Speaker 11 (09:24):

Speaker 1 (09:25):

Speaker 5 (09:26):
Is it?

Speaker 1 (09:26):

Speaker 10 (09:27):

Speaker 1 (09:27):
Get it?

Speaker 2 (09:27):
Because yeah I am so Hey dude, let's go hang
out a little bit. And new guy, I want to
get to know you.

Speaker 10 (09:32):
Look, I'm not hanging out with you. I gotta find
my laptop. I got to get this presentation done and
stop calling me new guy.

Speaker 1 (09:38):
Or josh or Joshua new guys.

Speaker 2 (09:42):
Got a little fire in him, huh.

Speaker 10 (09:45):
I have a big presentation today, and unless you can
tell me where my laptop is, shut up and get
out of my face.

Speaker 2 (09:52):
Well, a little birdie might have told me where your
laptop is.

Speaker 10 (09:56):
With is my laptop?

Speaker 11 (09:58):

Speaker 1 (09:58):
I don't speak Bertie, do you?

Speaker 10 (10:02):
Tom? Is a little birdie that told you that someone
took my laptop? You you just take my laptop?

Speaker 1 (10:10):
No, new guy, new guy?

Speaker 2 (10:12):
Are you accusing me of taking your laptop right before
you have a big presentation?

Speaker 10 (10:17):
Once again, don't call me new guy. And yet did
you take my laptop? Tom?

Speaker 1 (10:22):
Tweet? Tweet Tom? That little birdie would be me. I'm
just kind of like that.

Speaker 2 (10:27):
I mess around.

Speaker 1 (10:27):
You know you'll find him my office chokester.

Speaker 10 (10:29):
You know what I'm coming down to accounting right now.
I'm going to take your computer and take your keyboard
and smash it over your head and then throw the
rest of your computer at the window. If you don't
give me my laptop right now.

Speaker 2 (10:46):
Okay, calm down, new guy. I'll just let you know
it's a prank phone call.

Speaker 10 (10:49):
I'll have time for prank phone calls. Right now, Tom,
I have a presentation. Where is my laptop?

Speaker 2 (10:56):
I mean, this is actually Jubil from the Jewbil Show
doing a phone prank on you and your coworkerar set
you up.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
It's a joke.

Speaker 2 (11:02):
Oh, she has the laptop and she wanted to meet it.

Speaker 10 (11:07):
Mess with you, Karen, give me my laptop. Okay, okay.

Speaker 2 (11:13):
She said that she wanted to welcome you to the
office and good luck on your first presentation.

Speaker 10 (11:18):
Thanks for the fun phone call.

Speaker 1 (11:22):
Wake up every morning with Jubile phone Franks, It's.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
Time for Nina's What's Trending?

Speaker 1 (11:26):
So Charlie Pooth has responded to his name check on
Taylor Swift's new album Oh really Yeah. So there's a
song on the album where she says basically that she
thinks Charlie Pooth should be a bigger artist. And I
was kind of excited to hear that because I was
hoping that all the Swifties would be like, Yeah, let's
go ham on like Charlie because he's great. But some
people on the internet were kind of upset about it, like, oh,
he's going to be so annoying, Like I can't believe

that she did that. I don't. There's always a reason
to hate out here. The internet is a really dark place.
But Chartlie responded with, what do you mean?

Speaker 10 (12:02):

Speaker 2 (12:02):
Because also right, Oh, people don't fact me or like
me more.

Speaker 1 (12:08):
They should like me more.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
What what's wrong with you? Maybe he was just like
very happy with where he's at. Maybe he's like Taylor's
swipt says, I need to keep people.

Speaker 1 (12:21):
What I need to be better?

Speaker 3 (12:26):
Like that?

Speaker 1 (12:26):
How stressful?

Speaker 9 (12:27):
Yeah, it does bring up a good point about weird
expectations in the world today. The dude's a multi millionaire
record like producer and artist fairy Town Good. That's fine.
Most people make sixty thousand dollars, right, you know, like
like what's a weird.

Speaker 2 (12:44):
Maybe he's reached the point where he wants to reach right,
you know, or just like.

Speaker 1 (12:49):
Be happy in his life and it has nothing to
do with you mean, I can see him saying it, Hey,
what does that mean? Yeah? Sorry, I guess y up.

Speaker 2 (13:01):
Pay more attention to me, please people, because Taylor just
says I need it more.

Speaker 1 (13:05):
It's honestly one of the coolest dudes. PS. I love Charlie.
Major League Baseball is going to fix the uniforms, but
not until next season. Really all season, all season long.
So they've got the mismatched gray tops and bottoms. They've got,
They're gonna have last names on the back of the
jerseys again. The sea through pants will go away. Congrats,

It's all going to start next year.

Speaker 9 (13:30):
Do you think it was this weird karmic balance? Do
you remember when a bunch of leggings came out or
yoga pants that were like yesday through You know what,
We're gonna give men that opportunity in baseball to feel
this as well.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
That's what my thought was. The first time I heard
it too, I was like, Okay, is this equality? You
gotta have it? I don't know, but I am glad.
It's not cool to be uncomfortable in your clothes, you
know what I mean, feeling vulnerable and stuff. So sorry,
real quick.

Speaker 9 (13:58):
If I was a baseball player looking like a baseball player,
I would I would not mind.

Speaker 1 (14:03):
I'd be like, take a look.

Speaker 2 (14:04):
See, especially what the cakes those guys have. Baseball players
have big butts.

Speaker 5 (14:08):

Speaker 1 (14:10):
I wouldn't know I never noticed mean as a baseball
player hound you can them.

Speaker 5 (14:19):
I can.

Speaker 10 (14:21):
Why they walk.

Speaker 1 (14:22):
Disney World is at war with crocs. Why because visitors
are getting their crocs all stuck in these escalators and
they've got to shut them down. So they are no
longer allowed to wear crocs while riding on escalators at
the Magic Kingdom. So you can wear crocs if you're
not on an escalator, but you get on that escalator
with crocs, you're breaking the law. You got to take
your shoes off. That's you can't think. Yeah, I really,

I don't know how they plan on having that workout,
but that's that's what they're saying. Can't ban shoes on
an escalator.

Speaker 9 (14:52):
You can do whatever you want if you're Disney. First
of all, I'd rather you lose a toe than me
lose an escalator.

Speaker 1 (14:57):
Rely, it's really scary getting stuck on an escalator. I've
told you guys story before, but I was wearing a
Maxi dress when I was in Spain and I got
stuck on the escalator and I was really afraid it
was going to pull my whole dress off. So like
the force of my life, I had to yank on
this dress just so it would rip so I wouldn't
die or be naked.

Speaker 7 (15:14):
So, Nina, you you just you're naked.

Speaker 1 (15:17):
You don't dying is not an option. You just be naked.
Take that. You really missed out on your viral moment, Nina,
I guess now.

Speaker 2 (15:29):
My dress so that happened a superiority complex on crock detail.
I mean you think moll cops are bad, the croc
police will get here.

Speaker 1 (15:41):
And that's what's trending. It's time to catch a cheater.
Only on the Jubile Show.

Speaker 2 (15:47):
Vanessa is on the phone today for to catch a cheater.
She's been with her husband Ryan for five years, but
now she thinks something might be going on. So we're
going to see if we can catch them in just
a minute. But first, Vanessa, tell us what's going on?

Speaker 12 (15:59):
Okay, yeah, right, we've been married and we actually have
a doctor too. Her name's Abagail, and my husband's a consultant,
so he kind of travels wherever and gets paid a
lot of money just to tell people they're doing it wrong.

Speaker 2 (16:12):
That's a fun job, right.

Speaker 12 (16:14):
He thinks it's pretty funny that he's paid just to
do that, and always been pretty lacked and they don't
really fight all that often. We don't either, And you know,
after five years, I can say that Antonacy wise strong
as ever, even before we were married.

Speaker 2 (16:29):
So what's going on now.

Speaker 13 (16:30):
Though, Well, everything seems great.

Speaker 12 (16:33):
Mostly is it's just my husband went out of town
recently for a work trip. He had a flight to catch,
and so he'd been waiting around for me because he
wanted to say goodbye. And when I got home, he
was running around getting things done, you know, super last minute. Honestly,
He's never been on time for anything in his life.
I was telling him, like, you didn't have any time
to like, you were home all day with our daughters,

so I don't know what you do with your time,
but whatever, we kiss goodbye and off he goes. So
that night, I'm just playing with my daughter. I asked
her how the day went, and she said she had
lots of fun with Daddy and that you know, they
just watched movies and were hanging out. And then somewhere
in her just like going off in nonsense monologue about

movies and dolls and like what pokeingon she's discovered she.

Speaker 13 (17:20):
She said she saw Daddy kissing aunt Rachel.

Speaker 12 (17:24):
Yeah, I was just taking it back of like, what
who is aunt Rachel? And she said Aunt Rachel is
Daddy's true love. And I just I never thought Ryan
would waver cheat on me, and this just it feels
like something that I just implored, implored, and I just

I asked to Abigail, like if Aunt.

Speaker 13 (17:46):
Rachel comes over a lot or you know, and.

Speaker 12 (17:49):
She said she's seeing aunt Rachel another time, but just
like then trails off into nonsense, you know, kids. I
just I tried to get her to say more, but
it was no use.

Speaker 13 (18:00):
And then and finally she was like off in the cloud.

Speaker 12 (18:02):
Yeah, I wanted to say something to Ryan, and I'm
just I'm scared to even know.

Speaker 14 (18:09):
Yeah, just ausually be capable of cheating. It's like what
and then maybe leave. It's just so much so I
don't know what to do, how to approach him or what.
I just if she's talking about what she actually saw.

Speaker 12 (18:21):
In front of her, I don't know. I just I
can't think of that anymore. I'm so thrown.

Speaker 1 (18:25):
So do you guys know anybody named Rachel?

Speaker 13 (18:28):
Not really, I mean maybe she has a classmate named Rachel.

Speaker 2 (18:31):
And you were gone at the time where she said
she saw him kiss Rachel, right right, Yeah, that's that's
weird change. And kids, will you know they don't know
what they're saying. Yeah, necessarily so.

Speaker 1 (18:42):
And also that would be horrific if your husband decided
to do that in front of your four year old. Yeah,
I'm sorry, that just hit me right now for real.

Speaker 12 (18:50):
Wait a second, I thought you could call maybe from
the credit card company, because you know, he flies a lot,
and I thought maybe you could offer an option to
have a family get away or man to get away,
and then just see what he chooses.

Speaker 15 (19:06):
Okay, okay, yeah, yeah, And if he chooses the romantic getaway,
just see if he can list anybody else like who
he would take.

Speaker 2 (19:14):
Okay, see if he takes you or someone else. All right,
we can do that. Well, we'll play a song come back,
and then call him and see if he is or
isn't cheating. Right after this, right in the middle of
Today's to Catch a Cheater if you're just joining us,
Vanessa is on the phone and she thinks that her
husband of five years named Ryan might be cheating on hers.
So we're about to call him and see if we
can catch him if he is, or find out that
he isn't. But before we do that, Vanessa, why don't

you catch everybody up on your situation.

Speaker 12 (19:39):
Yeah, my husband was getting ready to catch a flight,
so he was home watching her.

Speaker 13 (19:43):
Daughter just like celebrated a birthday, so they were getting
into good quality time.

Speaker 15 (19:48):
And you know, he goes to catch a flight.

Speaker 12 (19:50):
We kiss goodbye, and you know, I was just chatting
with my daughter about what happened?

Speaker 13 (19:54):
How is the hang? And she had said she saw
daddy kissing aunt.

Speaker 1 (19:59):
Rachel just makes no sense.

Speaker 12 (20:01):
Yeah, and I'm devastated, and I just I want to
call from the credit card company and and see if
he would choose between really a family getaway or a
romantic vacation.

Speaker 13 (20:12):
And if she chooses romantic, see why who it is?

Speaker 5 (20:15):
All right?

Speaker 1 (20:16):
Well, are you ready for us to call him?

Speaker 10 (20:18):

Speaker 2 (20:18):
Okay, here we go.

Speaker 5 (20:31):
Hello, Hi, how are you?

Speaker 2 (20:32):
My name is Ferrari. I'm calling from credit card Services?
And is this Ryan? Who's the customer with us?

Speaker 10 (20:40):

Speaker 5 (20:41):
Yeah, speaking Ryan?

Speaker 2 (20:43):
This is not a marketing phone call. You're not laid
on your bill either. Congratulations you're this month's big winner.

Speaker 11 (20:50):
Oh okay, I thought I was going to have like
a giant bill. I'm leunting my adrenaline come down. I'm like,
you be what what's going on?

Speaker 2 (20:56):
Every single month, we choose somebody who spends a lot
on travel and we reward them with a free trip.
So congratulations.

Speaker 11 (21:04):
Okay. So I'm like, there's not going to be like
a hidden fee or something like once I get there
and then they're like, oh, it's two thousand dollars or
something like that.

Speaker 2 (21:12):
No, our way of saying thank you for being a
valued customer and for obviously you can spend quite a
bit of money on travel, so we want to give
you a little something back. So the offer is this,
well it's not really an offer. You've won it either
a you can choose between a family friendly trip to
a Disney location, or you can choose a more romantic getaway.
And we have a few options on that.

Speaker 11 (21:35):
That's a tough one. So there's a family friendly one
and then there's like a more like adult one.

Speaker 2 (21:42):
We have a few different beach locations for that.

Speaker 11 (21:45):
Yeah, I mean, we got a kid. It would be
nice to do the family friend anything, but it would
be nice to get away too. I don't know, uh,
you know what, Let's do the romantic one. Maybe that
will be be a good thing.

Speaker 2 (21:55):
Okay, So what it's the name of the woman that
you want to take on the romantic.

Speaker 1 (22:00):
Trip with you?

Speaker 11 (22:01):
Her name?

Speaker 5 (22:02):
Oh Vanessa?

Speaker 1 (22:04):
Oh okay, Oh that's your wife. Oh cool.

Speaker 2 (22:07):
Hey, trust me, I've been doing this a long time
and sometimes people do not take their wife on there,
or they're significant not they're on the trips if.

Speaker 16 (22:14):
You know what.

Speaker 11 (22:16):
Oh yeah, no, yeah, I just figured we could get
away and have a nice romantic time or something.

Speaker 5 (22:21):
That's funny.

Speaker 2 (22:22):
Do you ever have anybody else on deck there? You know,
for you know, you fly a lot and you travel
a lot, so you know, get different cities, different ladies.

Speaker 11 (22:31):
No, guy from the credit card company.

Speaker 2 (22:34):
Okay, just wondering. I'm actually not from the credit card company.

Speaker 5 (22:37):
By the way.

Speaker 2 (22:38):
What my name is Jewbell and I host a radio show.
It's called The Jebel Show.

Speaker 1 (22:42):
Shows all here, I'm Nina and I'm Victoria.

Speaker 11 (22:45):
What is going on right now?

Speaker 2 (22:46):
What's going on is we do a segment called to
Catch a Cheater, where if somebody thinks they're significant other
is cheating on them, they can see if we can
find out. And that's what we were trying to do.
Your wife, Vanessa is actually on the phone and wants
to talk to you.

Speaker 11 (23:00):
Oh wait, I can't wait to hear this.

Speaker 5 (23:02):
Let's go.

Speaker 11 (23:04):
What is going on right now?

Speaker 1 (23:05):
It's not a terrible reaction.

Speaker 13 (23:07):
I mean to send you off.

Speaker 17 (23:12):
Most recently, well, Abby said she saw Daddy kissing at Rachel.

Speaker 11 (23:18):
Abby said that, yeah, what are you talking about, Rachel?
What do you mean our daughters?

Speaker 17 (23:25):
That's what she said to me when I asked her
about how your han was, and Abbie said, like a
bunch of stuff. And then she said, Daddy's kissing aunt
Rachel and like she she's his one true love.

Speaker 13 (23:37):
Like, what is that about?

Speaker 6 (23:42):

Speaker 11 (23:45):
Oh my god.

Speaker 13 (23:46):
Now I have to.

Speaker 15 (23:47):
Say this on the radio.

Speaker 11 (23:48):
This is so embarrassing. Okay, I know what happened, but
this is hilarious. And you owe me one for this, babe,
pre saying this on the radio. Okay, so this is
minime life. Everyone said, I look like Freddy Prince Junior.

Speaker 1 (24:04):
Okay, good for easy.

Speaker 11 (24:08):
I have longer hair, but I do look like him.
I really, do you give me a nice short haircut?

Speaker 5 (24:13):
That's what I look like. It's creepy, do I not?

Speaker 15 (24:17):
You do you do?

Speaker 11 (24:18):
Okay? I was rushing around. I was trying to get ready.
I just threw on something on the TV. I just
kind of threw Abby down. I was like, hey, screen time,
let's go, and I started packing my bag. I was
running late, and then I'm in the other room and
I hear her saying like, daddy no. And like the
first like few times, I ignore it because I figure
she's just doing something. But over and over again, I'm like,

what is going on? They just turned the TV on
and I had just put on She's all that without
even thinking about it. It was the end where you know,
Freddy Prince Junior and Rachel Lee Cook were just kissing
and they're all in log or whatever, and she's all
like seeing a guy that looks just like me, her
dad sing up some girl and she's like, daddy no.

Speaker 15 (25:03):
I kind of diffused the situation.

Speaker 11 (25:06):
But I grew up in the nineties. She's kind of
always been like, jokingly, my hall pass too, Rachel, and
that's Daddy's true love. And it was funny.

Speaker 1 (25:19):
I thought I forgot.

Speaker 11 (25:20):
She retains literally everything we say to her now at
this point.

Speaker 2 (25:24):
Wait, so she saw a movie scene and thought it
was you actually kissing someone else?

Speaker 1 (25:28):
Oh yeah, And I.

Speaker 13 (25:30):
Just I'm okay, so she thought you were Rachel. Okay,
your father was in a movie. Sorry.

Speaker 2 (25:43):
If Vanessa wasn't like saying like she knows that you
look like Freddy Prince Junior and this could happen, I
would think you were lying.

Speaker 13 (25:49):
Yeah, no, he totally does.

Speaker 15 (25:54):
It's just the look thing.

Speaker 13 (25:56):
And if you know her daughter, you could totally see
it happening.

Speaker 1 (26:00):
That's funny, it's really funny.

Speaker 2 (26:02):
Well, congratulations, Vanessa, you found out your husband is not
cheating on you.

Speaker 11 (26:07):
Yes, yeah, congratulations.

Speaker 2 (26:12):
The only bad news is there's no real trip getaway
trip there.

Speaker 1 (26:15):
But she did say you made a lot of make
a lot of money though, so you're probably booked one.
He looks like Ready Brins Junior, and he's loaded Vanessa.

Speaker 13 (26:24):
And doesn't cheat.

Speaker 12 (26:31):
The jubile shows to catch a cheater.

Speaker 18 (26:38):
Got room for one more if you still want to
go to ask But where did you find that some
kid back in town traded the van for it?

Speaker 5 (26:45):
Straight up?

Speaker 1 (26:45):
I can get seventy miles to the Gallon on this hog,
you know, Lloyd.

Speaker 18 (26:51):
Just when I think you couldn't possibly be any dumer,
you go and do something like this and.

Speaker 2 (26:58):
Totally it's almost sign for America's favorite trivia game. You
versus Victoria your chance to take on our own Victoria
Romire is in a swag straordinary game of trivia. Hello
for the honor of being known as pretty decent at
Triviaay also justin Timberlake tickets and now so call us

up eight and eight three four three one o six
one eight eight eight three four three one o six one.
If you want to play Victoria, you can also d
m us at the Jebel Show, or you can go
to the jubilshow dot com as you want to play.
And now for a rapid fire word association to see
how quick Victoria's brain is doing its thing today. Yike's
first word that comes to mind when I say ferrari.

Speaker 1 (27:39):
Car Okay, not ry, I like it, Misty, I just
feel like missed Horatio. The only think who in my
head is hypatio. But that's a word. You versus Victoria
is up next.

Speaker 16 (28:00):
What you've just said is one of the most insanely
idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in
your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything
that could be.

Speaker 5 (28:11):
Considered a rational thought.

Speaker 16 (28:13):
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened
to it, I award you no points, and may God
have mercy on your soul.

Speaker 2 (28:21):
It's time for America's favorite trivia game, You versus Victoria,
Your chance to take on our own Victoria Ramirez and
a game of trivia for the honor of being known
as pretty decent at trivia.

Speaker 6 (28:33):

Speaker 2 (28:34):
Also justin Timberlake tickets, and let's meet today's contestant for
you versus Victoria.

Speaker 1 (28:38):
Elizabeth. What's up? Elizabeth?

Speaker 10 (28:41):

Speaker 3 (28:42):

Speaker 1 (28:42):
How are you?

Speaker 15 (28:44):
I'm good?

Speaker 2 (28:49):
Are you ready to take on Victoria?

Speaker 15 (28:52):
Yeah? I love listening to this, so I'm definitely ready.

Speaker 2 (28:55):
Okay, Victoria, do you have anything to say to Elizabeth?

Speaker 1 (28:57):
She sounds really sweet. I don't have really any fighting wars.
They're more like good luck. There you go.

Speaker 2 (29:02):
Okay, we're gonna send Victoria out of the studio while
she leaves Elizabeth.

Speaker 1 (29:07):
The game is played like this.

Speaker 2 (29:08):
You have thirty seconds to answer as many questions as possible.
If you don't know one, just a pass, and Victoria
has to beat you outright to win. Okay, Okay, all right,
here we go, Elizabeth. Your time starts now. The circulatory
system has how many miles in it? Long or how
many miles is it?

Speaker 1 (29:29):
Okay? Where was black forest cake invented?

Speaker 15 (29:36):

Speaker 1 (29:38):
What is the deadliest animal in the world?

Speaker 10 (29:43):
It's the blue whale.

Speaker 1 (29:46):
What is the only continent all four hemispheres?

Speaker 15 (29:52):

Speaker 10 (29:54):
All right?

Speaker 1 (29:55):
Got that in.

Speaker 2 (29:55):
We'll bring Victoria back into the studio while she's getting settled. Elizabeth,
what's something interesting that you would like the world to
know about you today?

Speaker 3 (30:03):
I was a gymnast for until I was twelve, and
I know Olympics and I know an Olympic gymnast.

Speaker 1 (30:12):
Oh that's cool.

Speaker 3 (30:16):
Yet she's going to be Olympic gymnast at a Paris Olympics.

Speaker 1 (30:21):
Oh yeah, Shylie's Jones. Okay, she went to gym.

Speaker 3 (30:29):
So I know her.

Speaker 2 (30:30):
All right, we'll look out for her. Then, Victoria's so cool?
Do you want to try to do some sort of
backslip or something? Right now?

Speaker 1 (30:36):
Probably I could do a backlip? You would try? Well,
I have I failed?

Speaker 5 (30:43):
All right?

Speaker 2 (30:43):
Here we go thirty seconds to answer as many questions
as possible. If you don't know one, just say pass,
and you have to beat Elizabeth outright to win. Elizabeth,
you can tell Victoria whin to go.

Speaker 15 (30:56):
I'm scared your time starts now.

Speaker 1 (31:00):
The circulatory system is how many miles long? A five?
Where was black forest cake invented? What a black forest?
What is the deadliest animal in the world?

Speaker 2 (31:13):

Speaker 1 (31:13):
Oh, oh, oh oh a black widow? What is the
only continent spanning all four hemispheres? Asia? What letter doesn't
appear in any US state names?

Speaker 9 (31:33):
See all right for Arizona.

Speaker 2 (31:41):
Over to the scoreboard and see how you guys did
with our scoreboard.

Speaker 9 (31:44):
Producer bred Victoria got a big old goose egg. That's
zero and dad speak and Elizabeth got one. Whoa Elizabeth?

Speaker 2 (31:50):
Congratulations for today you're now known as pretty decent at trivia.

Speaker 1 (31:57):
Also, we've got justin timberlake ticket. But then what am I?

Speaker 2 (32:02):
Let's go over the answers less and decent.

Speaker 1 (32:05):
The circulatory system is sixty thousand miles long fall black
black forest cake was invented in I don't know. I
was going to ask that it was like a dark
chocolate cake. Me too. Black force cake was invented in Austria.
The deadliest animal in the world is a most a mosquito,

the ones not. The only continent spanning all four hemispheres
is Africa. And then, yeah, that's what you've got girl
and the letter Q is the only one that doesn't
appear in any US state name. Almost said Africa. I
was kind of.

Speaker 2 (32:44):
Close totally for the state names question. I believe yeah, why, yeah,
completely wrong. I almost said, wait, well, I'lburtquerque. But that's
not a state, right right?

Speaker 1 (32:55):
Almost like wait a second, but your brain was braining.
So Elizabeth, thank you for playing congradualy.

Speaker 2 (33:06):
We play you versus Victoria at the same time every
single weekday morning. Remember, if you want to play Victoria,
you can always dm us at the Jubil Show or
you can go to the Jubilshow dot com.

Speaker 1 (33:15):
Victoria. How are you feeling. I'm kind of mad. I
didn't say Africa.

Speaker 7 (33:19):
I was just like trying to think in my head
of the continents, and I was like, which one is it?

Speaker 1 (33:22):
Which one is it? Also, I don't believe the mosquito thing.
I'm not gonna on you. I don't believe. I have
a lot of questions about that actually too, because that
scares me. I'm juicy and they always bite me, so
are they going to kill me? I'm juicy? I feel
like you just wanted to add that.

Speaker 2 (33:36):
Anna's goal today was to call herself juicy on the air,
and she found a way to do it. First Date
follow Up powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys online at
Advocateslaw dot com. Teddy is on the phone today for
a first date follow up and he's getting ghosted by Maya.
So in a few minutes we're gonna call her see

if she tells us why she's ghosting him and maybe
get him another date. But first, Teddy, how long has
it been since you heard from her?

Speaker 5 (34:02):
I spent about a week.

Speaker 1 (34:04):
How many times have you tried to reach out to her?

Speaker 6 (34:06):
Maybe three times? Like what's every couple of days, two
or three days, just you know, saying what's up?

Speaker 5 (34:12):
How's it going.

Speaker 6 (34:13):
We were talking before h and after we went out
that it just kind of stopped.

Speaker 1 (34:19):
She didn't respond to any of those.

Speaker 5 (34:21):
No, not not at all.

Speaker 1 (34:23):
Well, let's talk about the date and see if we
can see went wrong? What and see what went wrong?

Speaker 6 (34:29):
We went to a really nice place we went to
I don't know if you've ever been there, but really cool.

Speaker 5 (34:34):
If they have a rooftop dining area.

Speaker 6 (34:36):
So she suggested, you know that we sit outside because
it was a really really nice day.

Speaker 5 (34:41):
It was cool.

Speaker 6 (34:41):
We had a really great conversation. She's got her head
on her shoulders, you.

Speaker 5 (34:45):
Know, in the right way.

Speaker 6 (34:47):
You know how a lot of people they focused too
much on like social media and stuff, you know what
I mean, they playing about everything like their job, and
that's I'm not I'm not trying to meet anybody like that,
you know, but she really loves her job.

Speaker 5 (35:00):
She's got a really good job. She works, and she's got.

Speaker 6 (35:04):
Goals, which is always a good thing, you know what
I mean, like like a five year plan. That's you know,
that's that's important, and that's something that I was I
really thought we hit it off on on that level.
And uh, you know, the food is great and the
hombi anption is great.

Speaker 5 (35:20):
You know. So I really can't really think off the
top of my.

Speaker 6 (35:24):
Head of why after such a nice state that, you know,
I just she just stopped communicating with me, Like I
can't say that.

Speaker 5 (35:29):
We stopped communicating. I'm so you know, trying to reach out.

Speaker 2 (35:32):
You know, but there's nothing on the other end. Well,
was there anything awkward that happened on the date at
all that you can think of?

Speaker 5 (35:40):
I don't know if it's anything I did.

Speaker 6 (35:42):
I mean, I'm thinking maybe she didn't like the restaurant,
even though it was great, you know, but I picked it.
That might have been something. I will admit. The service
wasn't the best. You know, we wanted to sit outside
like that she suggested it, but then they sat as
were the stuns like directly in our faces, you know,
so I had to move us.

Speaker 5 (36:01):
And maybe like because the service wasn't so great. I
think maybe like the way, you.

Speaker 6 (36:07):
Know, I can be a little assertive when I you know,
when when the situation calls for it.

Speaker 5 (36:11):
And maybe that's part of the reason.

Speaker 6 (36:13):
Why after like the second time that I had to
ask to be moved to get somebody's attention, that might.

Speaker 5 (36:19):
Be, you know. Other than that, we talked for a while.
We watched you know, the sun go down. It was
really really cool, you know, and again we had a
lot in common, and you know, we had you know,
we had we talked about goals. That was always really good.
You know.

Speaker 1 (36:33):
So like after you were being assertive, she didn't seem
to change her on my quote unquote assertive. She didn't
change her demeanor. Do you feel like she kind of
was like, what are you doing?

Speaker 3 (36:42):

Speaker 6 (36:43):
No, I mean, in the moment, I can't I don't
remember any disagreement.

Speaker 1 (36:49):
I'm going to say, no, you sound really really nice.
So I'm having a hard time picturing that, Like, what
did that sound like? Do you mind like pretending for
a second.

Speaker 5 (36:56):
Well, no, it was because it's like, you know, excuse me.

Speaker 6 (36:59):
You know, I don't know if you remember the Old
Bugs Bunny cartoon where he's trying to get see an
other animal's attention.

Speaker 5 (37:05):
He's like, hey, all the animals are just running.

Speaker 6 (37:07):
He's trying to figure out what's going on, you know,
And then finally I was like, hey, excuse me for
a second, you know. Okay, I didn't like raise my
voice or anything, but I definitely had to like get
up and go talk to somebody.

Speaker 1 (37:18):
It's very tame. Yeah, very very tame. That's what I
was trying to figure out. Like, it wasn't an excuse.

Speaker 5 (37:23):
Me, No, I'm not going to do that. That's inappropriate.

Speaker 1 (37:26):
Did you guys kiss or anything?

Speaker 5 (37:28):
No? No, I didn't hug. I don't really make any
moves in that direction. It was a nice little hug
at the end.

Speaker 2 (37:35):
Okay, okay, not like a side hug.

Speaker 5 (37:39):
No, it wasn't. No, I wasn't like a side hug.
But it was very briefly. Oh, thank you very much,
A little peck on the cheek. That was it.

Speaker 2 (37:44):
Well, plus song, come back and then call her soshal
tell us why she's ghosting you, and maybe get you
another date. Okay, okay, great, all right, well plus song
come back. You get your first A follow up next.
Right in the middle of the first aye follow up.
If you're just joining us, Teddy is on the phone
and he's getting ghosted by Maya. So we're about a
caller see if she's all us, why she's ghosting him,
and maybe get him another date. But first, Teddy, why
don't you refresh everybody's memory on your date with Maya?

Speaker 5 (38:07):
No, we met online, We talked for a while.

Speaker 6 (38:10):
We went on a really nice date at dinner and
talk for a while, and I thought.

Speaker 5 (38:18):
Everything was going great and I haven't been able to get.

Speaker 1 (38:21):
A ups since you ready for us to call her?

Speaker 5 (38:24):

Speaker 1 (38:24):
Yeah, okay, here we go, I may I speak to Maya. Please.

Speaker 2 (38:40):
This is see Hey Maya, how are you? My name
is Jewbel and this is a radio show. It's called
the Jebel Show.

Speaker 1 (38:46):
Hi, Maya, the whole show's here. My name is Nina
Hi and I'm Victoria.

Speaker 15 (38:49):
Hi cool.

Speaker 1 (38:52):
How are you?

Speaker 15 (38:53):
I'm good?

Speaker 3 (38:53):
How are you?

Speaker 2 (38:54):
I'm wonderful. Thank you for asking. Well, we're calling you
today because we do a segment on the show. It's
called the first date fiollow up. What that is is
if you go out on a date with somebody and
then you ghost them, that person can email us to
call you and ask why you're ghosting them.

Speaker 15 (39:08):
Okay, that makes me nervous. I guess like kind and
I feel like I know this is up. Maybe about Teddy.

Speaker 1 (39:23):
You're correct.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
Congratulations, you got it right. You don't get any price
for that, but yes, it's Teddy. Would you mind telling
us why you're ghosting him?

Speaker 15 (39:32):
Uh? Well, so we So I met him online and
I had when I was when I was online and
I was like going to the app or whatever. A
friend of mine was with me, your girlfriend, and she
noticed him actually, and she was like, oh, I know
exactly who that is, and she was telling me all
about him. She mentioned that he was kind of a

tool and that like, I don't know, like dating him
is kind of it's just so bad. Dating him is
kind of like getting a like a loan at a bank.
And so for some reason that really made that. I
was kind of intrigued and I was like, I want
to see if this guy is really like that. Maybe
he's totally not and it'll be great. So I ended

up we ended up going on the date, and I
just like the whole time he was complaining about things
and like making kind of like a fuss about things,
Like we were sitting outside and the sun was like
on our table and he like made us move and
I just I didn't really mindn't really like totally care
and it was like super busy in our restaurant too,

because like this was kind of like uncomfortable. And then
when we started talking, he only asked me about my
career and like how my lifestyle is and stuff like that,
and I just felt like I was like, don't you
actually want to get to know me? Like it kind
of felt like he had already like made up his mind,
like he's like I could date her and let me

just see how it fits into my life that like
what's exactly is she? Like I just felt like I
had like no stay in it. And I was like, Okay,
this was kind of strange.

Speaker 1 (41:03):
Don't we want somebody that wants to date us?

Speaker 15 (41:09):
Of course, of course. I think it was just that
you didn't really ask me about any of my hobbies.
He didn't ask me about like anything that I like.
He was just like, what's your job? Like? Do you
make enough money to like support yourself?

Speaker 10 (41:21):
Like what what do you do?

Speaker 3 (41:23):

Speaker 15 (41:24):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 11 (41:24):
Like it was very like I just feel like I
was in a job interview or something.

Speaker 1 (41:28):
Those are kind of weird questions, especially on a first date.
There's ways to get those answers without asking that question.
By the way, if you'd like to learn but well
guess what maya what. It's not as easy as you think.

Speaker 2 (41:43):
Because Teddy's actually on the phone and he's been listening
this whole time, wants to talk to me.

Speaker 6 (41:50):
I don't really know how much I want to have
this conversation.

Speaker 5 (41:54):
Now. That's that's super messed up.

Speaker 6 (41:56):
You know that you and your friends are making fun
of me, And that's that's really what's wrong with these apps.
Instead of trying to get to know someone or or
share a you know, like anything proper, it's just, oh,
let me go see what this person's like really about
with a you know, with a with an agenda that
you don't even like articulate.

Speaker 15 (42:14):
You know, there wasn't like a vet or anything. I
was just genuinely curious, genuinely curious.

Speaker 6 (42:20):
And you could have just asked that before we went out,
all of the questions saying that we were talking about.

Speaker 5 (42:26):
You could have asked me about me before we went out.

Speaker 6 (42:28):
You could have actually just said, hey, I spoke to
my friend, do you know whatever whoever your friend was,
and we you know, we could have had this conversation
and just avoided all that whole thing.

Speaker 5 (42:36):
It's just a little on the ridiculous.

Speaker 6 (42:38):
Side, you know, And that's that's that's a problem, the
anything that you would have just acted probably like like
a different way, and then I would have not actually
known who the real you is.

Speaker 15 (42:48):
Like I just think that that's the silly thing. I
just I went on the date, I like tried to
get to know you a little bit, and you did
not care about anything I had to say. You just
cared about like the way I like was in my life,
like how I fit into your life. And I just
think that that's a silly reason.

Speaker 6 (43:04):
I don't know about other people online. I definitely me
twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. So
if you would have asked me. We could have you know,
we could have avoided that. All you had to do
was ask me about my experience with your friend. And
if I could have remembered your friend, I would have
told you exactly what you know, what I felt. But
when I meet with somebody, when I meet anyone, you know,
I'm very straightforward about you know, what's important to me.

Speaker 5 (43:27):
And I think that we know.

Speaker 6 (43:28):
What we talked about was really cool, and I thought
we had actually, you know, thought.

Speaker 5 (43:31):
We had a cool vibe. Now I don't know how
good thing it was. You know how much that was
you you you.

Speaker 15 (43:35):
Know, I mean it was all me. I just I
just expected. I mean I could have actually been a
little bit more fun and stuff. But you didn't ask
me anything about me as a person. So I you
got what she asked for. I mean you asked me.
It felt like I was in a job interview, Like
I just don't get it.

Speaker 6 (43:54):
Well, when you say job interview, if you're gonna, you know,
meet someone and you want to know if you're compatible,
you would ask questions. And for me, I'm I'm a
person who does a lot of I'm very serious about
work and goals and meeting my goals. So I just
wanted to make sure that I was, you know, on
the same page as somebody who had, you know, goals.
I mean, do you even have any type of goals?

Or was that all just stuff that you were saying?

Speaker 1 (44:18):
Of course I have.

Speaker 15 (44:18):
So it's like a silly, silly thing to say, you know,
I just I just expected you to give a little
bit more of a crap about like who I am
as a person, and all those other things that you're
asking of me would have came naturally, they would have
come out. You could have like just been a little
bit more like, I don't know, like swab about it
or something did not go well, Well, tell me one

thing that I said about myself on the day. Tell
me because if if it was good, then you should
know this, right.

Speaker 6 (44:46):
Yeah, but that's not the point, all right now, you
know he maya.

Speaker 2 (44:54):
Would you like another date with Teddy? We'll pay for it.

Speaker 15 (44:57):
No, thank you, I'm sorry.

Speaker 5 (45:00):
I don't want to go out with you again. I
get it, you know. They just just have fun on
your apps.

Speaker 6 (45:04):
Maybe you can meet somebody that you're not going to
be playing games with from.

Speaker 15 (45:08):
The beginning, Okay, ted you, well, you have fun playing
games to do so.

Speaker 1 (45:15):
Jubile's first day follow up, If my best friend ever
gets married and in the wedding I hear something like,
I'm so happy to be marrying my best friend. Bunch
of lies, I'm your best friend. It's the Jewel Show.

Speaker 2 (45:29):
And what are the seven dating red flags and men
that you should never ignore? Is that one of them
following you their best friend when they have a best
friend already. We'll go over those right after this. It's
the Jubile Show.

Speaker 1 (45:44):
Hey, I just want to set the record straight. If
you tell me a secret, I will tell my best friend.

Speaker 5 (45:47):
But don't worry.

Speaker 1 (45:48):
She signed a friend da and she can't afford the
legal feest to go in front of Judge Judy qt
ptuti right here. I knows that was a little judge.

Speaker 2 (45:56):
It's the Jewble Show and is going viral with the
seven dating red flags and men that you should never ignore? Okay,
so we'll go over them right now. Text in four
one oh six one if you agree with any of
these or if you have your own red flags, and
I'm sure we'll hear from some in the room, the room.

Speaker 1 (46:17):
The trigger and it's fine, it's fine.

Speaker 2 (46:20):
Here is one red flag that they say you should
never ignore when it comes to dating a man. He
rushes physical intimacy. That is more of a trigger now
than it used to be. A fine rush, like.

Speaker 7 (46:35):
Immediately after the first I don't know, but yeah, how
long are we talking into the first dinner?

Speaker 1 (46:41):
You have to get It's not even that, Like I
think it's like in the early stages, like makeouts or whatever.
You go and you have this like really hot makeout
and then they start kind of like fumbling for buttons
and like, yeah, button stuff, Like that's very presumptuous and
that is very aggressive. Again, it wasn't really a red
flag until like recently because I just you know whatever,
But it is because they they're not really paying attention, correct,

you know what I mean?

Speaker 7 (47:03):
Yeah, I'm out if you guys, Like literally immediately after
like we're making out, he's like, okay, So my apartment's
like around the corner.

Speaker 1 (47:09):
I'm like, I'm good, I'm gonna go home. Actually that's cool.
It's a short walk home for you. Yeah. They'll try
to get whatever they can, let's be honest, it's up
to you to dictate the speed.

Speaker 2 (47:23):
Another red flag they say you should never ignore when
it comes to dating man, conversations are surface level. It
says a man whose conversations lack depth focus more on flirty,
suggestive topics is likely to be only interested in a
physical connection and not an emotional one.

Speaker 1 (47:39):
I don't necessarily agree with that, but if you push
the conversation to try to get something else out of it,
because a lot of times people are nervous and they
don't know how to open up and they're always like
shut down. So if you can get past that level,
then you know there's hope there. But if they still
like divert the conversation to staying surface, then yes.

Speaker 2 (47:56):
I feel like I want you to get a little
deeper with me. Oh, no, worry, that's not.

Speaker 1 (48:01):
What I meant. He's like, I've already had that book. Yeah,
my place is right around the corner.

Speaker 2 (48:07):
Yeah, going over unless this is going viral of seven
red flags you should never ignore when it comes to
dating a guy. He's not interested in your day.

Speaker 1 (48:20):
Oh, I asked to ask how your day was? Yes,
And I hear.

Speaker 2 (48:23):
That's a common thing. Like I've always I'm the opposite.
I've always been very interested in the people that I've
been with in their day and how it's gone. But
I have heard that complaint a lot that a lot
of guys aren't like that. Is that true?

Speaker 1 (48:34):
Yes? And if they're not asking you how you are,
how your day was, did you like your food anything
like that, it's just like your food a check in, Yeah,
because I love food, but it's like just to check in.
It's very selfish, and that's how it's going to be
with everything else about them on their time, what they want.
Now you try to insert it, so my day was
really great? Cool, and they don't ask any follow up questions.

Speaker 9 (48:55):
This one's a little complicated, I think because people do
get stressed out, and it's not that your day doesn't matter,
it's that their day is so intense that they don't
think to ask.

Speaker 1 (49:08):
So I don't know. If you want someone to know
how your day is, you should tell them. But okay,
it's such a dude or spot, but let me ask
you this though, I don't think that that's every single day.
If most days there's a balance of asking how it is,
I'm not saying like, if you've had a tough day,
focus on me, No, let's focus on you. But if
more times than not you're asking, then you're okay.

Speaker 9 (49:28):
To add to this red flag to make it a
little more complicated. If they ask too much about your
day and tell you nothing about theirs, that's a problem
as well. You gotta find the middle ground. If it's like,
how's your day? Tell me everything about your day and
they're like and they're like, what'd you do?

Speaker 1 (49:41):
I just worked?

Speaker 2 (49:43):
Yeah I didn't getting no information right, Yeah, that's just
a good point.

Speaker 1 (49:47):
Communication is a big issue there.

Speaker 2 (49:48):
I actually helped a friend of mine out recently because
he was telling me about a situation that happened with
his wife and he's like, yeah, I came home and
she was like upset that I came home late. And
she was like saying that she doesn't feel like she's
get enough attention. And then I was like, what do
you talking about? Like I'm only home like fifteen minutes
after or whatever and whatever, and then showing her text
messages so how much I texted you during the day,
And I was like, well, the issue is the attention. Yeah,

you're trying to fix like the textinger thing or that
it's only a few minutes late. Pay attention to the
first thing, So go home and then ask her some
questions about it, and then I saw him the next
day and he was like, dude, completely different reactions.

Speaker 1 (50:30):
Wow, you're a genius. We're going over it. Not hard.

Speaker 2 (50:36):
Seven red flags that you should never ignore about a man.
Plans are last minute or late at night. Wow, yeah,
that's common sense.

Speaker 1 (50:45):
I mean they're only interested in one things, are not
thinking about you, and you have no like priority like
on their lists.

Speaker 2 (50:51):
Yikes. And also it's late at night, then it's you know.

Speaker 1 (50:54):
Well that's the obvious one.

Speaker 7 (50:55):
But if it's like plans are made last minute, some
people just like have too much going on to plan.

Speaker 1 (51:00):
But if it's always last minute, then that means you're
not really thinking about that person. It's like, well nobody
else can hang out tonight, you want to wait.

Speaker 7 (51:06):
I always get a message from a guy, the guy
that I was telling you about.

Speaker 1 (51:10):
It's always on.

Speaker 7 (51:10):
A Thursday night, and he always texts me and he says, hey,
what you're doing?

Speaker 1 (51:14):
What time? It's like four three, four o'clock.

Speaker 7 (51:18):
But I'm like, I'm still working at that time, and
so I get annoyed that he messages me, and I
just don't mess him back. But one of these days
I'm going to messge him back and then I'll have
the ans what happens.

Speaker 2 (51:26):
But it's usually if it's like late at night and
they're like, are you up? I can grab slurpees on the.

Speaker 1 (51:31):
Way over.

Speaker 5 (51:34):
The thing.

Speaker 1 (51:35):
Yeah, yeah, that's you know what, that's a good call
slurpees That actually could be really fun.

Speaker 2 (51:43):
Another red flag they say to make sure you pay
attention to when it comes to dating guys is he
avoids meeting your friends or family.

Speaker 1 (51:50):

Speaker 2 (51:50):
A man's reluctance to meet your friends or family or
introduce you to his own is a big red flag,
signaling he may not be interested in a serious relationship.

Speaker 1 (51:58):
Or he doesn't have any friends, which is also a
red yeah, or he doesn't like his family. Oh, he
doesn't want to burden you with it. There's layers there,
so you just got to find out why.

Speaker 2 (52:09):
Also another red flag, they say you should pay attention
to your gut tells you something's off, and not just
because of indigestion. Yep, fat Never underestimate the power of intuition.

Speaker 1 (52:19):
Do guys have the same type of intuition that that
women do, because ours is really strong? I think they do.

Speaker 9 (52:26):
Yeah, listen, I think guys have it. I think women rely.
I think their gut is stronger than it is.

Speaker 2 (52:31):
Sometimes I don't know about that true. And sometimes you
can be paying attention to intuition that is off right.

Speaker 9 (52:37):
Right, because you're triggered by something you don't realize you're
in a weird space, and then you're like, my gut's
telling me this, when it's just it's you telling you this.

Speaker 1 (52:45):
Yeah, my gut's never really been wrong, though it's me
that tells my gut to shut up. And then I
mess up, and then I'm like I was right the
first time.

Speaker 2 (52:50):
See, most of my life, my intuition has been off
because I will meet someone who's nice and then I'll
be like, push them away for whatever reason. And then
I'll meet someone who is it's going to be really
not good match with me, and I'm like.

Speaker 1 (53:04):
They're great. I want to get married. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (53:07):
I know everything about this is wrong on the inside,
but I'm just gonna go with it because screw you, stummy.

Speaker 1 (53:13):
You don't rule me. Yeah, I've learned my lesson with that.
Another red flag.

Speaker 2 (53:22):
He shows disrespect or manipulative behavior that's pretty.

Speaker 9 (53:26):
Obvious, I guess. So that's that's a red beacon. Yeah,
flashing light.

Speaker 1 (53:31):
You gotta say it, though. Sometimes you gotta say it
because if people aren't paying attention, you're gonna miss it.

Speaker 2 (53:36):
Yeah, trust me, I've missed it many times.

Speaker 1 (53:39):
Girls stummy talk to it.

Speaker 2 (53:41):
Yeah, it's time for Nina's what's trending.

Speaker 1 (53:43):
So Dojha Kat has a PSA for all of her fans.
She says, I don't know what you think this is,
but I don't make music for children, So leave your
kids at home. Wait why? And honestly, I think that's
actually kind of smart of her, because she's very aware
of what her content is all about. If you listen
to her music, it's explicit, it's kind of dirty, it's
all of those things. And so while she's performing on stage,

she looked out and some people had brought their children
to the show. So all of her albums have the
Parental Advisory explicit sticker on them.

Speaker 2 (54:14):
Yeah, you should be aware that you're taking your seven
year old to a Doja Cat show.

Speaker 1 (54:18):
Yeah, And maybe they are aware and that it's fine.

Speaker 2 (54:20):
I don't know, but I think sometimes people hear music
that's played on the radio and then they think that
the artist is going to be radio friendly. That's you
know that's fair. Like me with doing stand up. I'll
be doing a stand up show and people will bring
their kids sometimes and I feel bad because my act
is not necessarily radio friendly, right, But what am I

gonna do? I can't change my act last minute because
I can't do that because I've written an act and
prepared it for the stage, and I would not know
what I would talk about, so I can't adjust it
for the twelve year old that's in the audience, you know,
And I'll address it and be like, man, I hope
you're in for a ride.

Speaker 1 (54:56):
I mean, I guess you guys start doing with Dosa said,
what do you think this? Don't bring your kids? Protect
him or you just like have a kid friendly show?
But yeah, you could do that, Drew Bill, I don't
know if Dosha could a kid friendly show. I don't
know if I could not with my stand up. I'll
try try. They got the Wiggles for that. You go
to the Wiggles.

Speaker 2 (55:16):
I hosted like a thing for kids the other day
and the guy who booked me was like, don't worry,
you don't have to do any material, and I was like, good,
because I don't think I can do that, but the
guy that did do it was amazing. I was like, Wow,
how do you create an act that like adults and
kids can get way out of my skill level?

Speaker 1 (55:34):
Buddy? That's impressive. Yeah, very impressive. The question is being
posed again, why are people posting photos and videos of
themselves crying. We've talked about this on the show a
few times because Victoria does it, but you're not alone, VICKI,
So it does Justin Bieber. You may have seen Justin
Bieber post a few pictures over the weekend of himself crying,

and of course all of his fans are worried about it.
But the comment that's got everybody's tension is Haley the
best hype woman of all time. Hailey Bieber goes such
a pretty crier. No one commented that I'm a pretty
crier because you're not. I don't think you are. He
actually kind of is a pretty crier. She's kind of right.
He just sits there and has his like poudy lips

and beautiful face. It's like watery eyes with just one
tear coming. Did you guys ever see that movie cry
Baby with Johnny Depp? Literally my favorite movie. Oh yeah,
you said that? So cry Baby is an older movie
and it's got Johnny Depp in it, and he would
cry and all the girls are like, ah, I give
you your tears. That's what the Justin Bieber photo is.
Although I do hope he's okay, and a lot of

fans have expressed their concern, but with Haley's hype, I
think he's fine.

Speaker 2 (56:42):
When Bieber cries, the whole world cries with him.

Speaker 1 (56:44):
Who cries when I cry? No body, okay. I'll cry
with you, Victoria. I won't leave you alone. We just
have to get this peelable candy from Walgreens because it's viral.
There's a new peelable candy and it's available Walgreens. Thank
you for calling that out, because I tried at Walgreens.

It's gone viral and it's selling out. So it's shaped
like a cute little baby mango. Gen z Ers specifically
have gone crazy for it. It's tiny, it's squishy, it's chewy.
It's at Walgreens, but they've had to limit one bag
per customer because everybody wants this peelable Walgreens mango candy.
Why peewable? I don't. You can only get it at Walgreens,

and people are saying this is great for Walgreens because
they've been kind of suffering a little bit. I didn't
know that, but I guess the stuff has been going
on over there, and so now this makes them competitive again.
And it's all things to TikTok and people being obsessed
with the gummy mango. So go get yours and tell
us how it is. That's what's trending.

Speaker 15 (57:44):
Jewbles dirty little secret.

Speaker 2 (57:46):
Hello, Hello, Hey, what's up? You have a dirty little secret?

Speaker 19 (57:50):
I have two little dirty little secrets.

Speaker 13 (57:53):
Oh okay.

Speaker 19 (57:57):
The first one is back in nineteen and seventy five,
I was getting married and his girlfriend at the time
they broke up, she kept like making me feel uncomfortable,
you know, like she wanted him back. Sure, so I
wrote a letter to him to his house in her name,

stating that she was not going to be with him anymore,
that she was getting married.

Speaker 13 (58:24):
And to leave her alone.

Speaker 20 (58:26):
What he said, well, let's get married, and so we
got married and we stayed married until two thousand and five.

Speaker 1 (58:41):
He got neck and throat cancer.

Speaker 2 (58:43):
Oh I'm sorry to hear that two years old. Well,
two gratulations on the marriage that long? You know it
doesn't happen. And obviously you know sad story at the end,
but sure, but you got.

Speaker 1 (58:56):

Speaker 20 (58:56):
I did, Yes, I did woman o Heay.

Speaker 19 (59:00):
My second one is I love bah love to smell manure.

Speaker 1 (59:04):
I love it. I love it all right.

Speaker 2 (59:07):
You know what. I'm kind of with you on that
last one. Whenever I drive through like a place that
I don't know why, I just I take big whiffs.
Sometimes I'll run down the window even.

Speaker 8 (59:19):

Speaker 13 (59:19):
I love listening to you.

Speaker 19 (59:21):
I'll show your pride.

Speaker 15 (59:22):
Are just out of this world.

Speaker 19 (59:24):
I like out loud.

Speaker 1 (59:26):
Okay, thank you very much, appreciate you. Have a great
day if you need to go manure, but we'll go
with you.

Speaker 5 (59:32):

Speaker 2 (59:32):
If you ever need someone to just walk around and
field the cows with you, I'm down. Have a good
day happening. Hello, Hello, Hey, what's up. You have a
dirty little secret?

Speaker 5 (59:47):

Speaker 18 (59:48):
So my dirty little secret is this. Ever since college,
I've been into like older women. And that's not the secret,
but like I kind of lie about my.

Speaker 1 (59:57):
Age, okay, to be when we were younger.

Speaker 18 (01:00:01):
Oh, definitely older, because like I'll go on like dating
apps and stuff like that, and like I want to
see the ladies that are like in their late thirties
maybe early forties, that sort of thing.

Speaker 2 (01:00:12):
And so like I thought we say older, I thought
you were like going way older, right right?

Speaker 10 (01:00:17):
Yeah, well maybe maybe not that old, maybe not yet.

Speaker 18 (01:00:21):
But like you know, I've always had like a deeper
voice and like a lot of facial hair, so you know,
it's been really easy to lie about my age. So
like even when I meet the dates, I'm like, you know, Ai, yeah,
I'm like forty two or like forty three, that kind
of thing, and they totally buy it.

Speaker 1 (01:00:37):
How old are you?

Speaker 10 (01:00:39):
Twenty seven?

Speaker 12 (01:00:41):

Speaker 1 (01:00:42):
Okay, and they believe you.

Speaker 5 (01:00:43):

Speaker 2 (01:00:44):
The thing is with most of them, I guess you
could call them cougars pumas pumas Okay, they probably would
like it if you were twenty seven.

Speaker 1 (01:00:52):
I know, right.

Speaker 18 (01:00:53):
You know, well I don't know, man, So far, it's
been really working out.

Speaker 5 (01:00:59):
Like you know, some of the older ladies have.

Speaker 18 (01:01:01):
You know, really felt like, oh they're making a connection
that sort of thing. But for me, it's just they
know what they want, they're beautiful, and you know, I
just kind of go for that.

Speaker 2 (01:01:11):
You know, who really knows what they want and they're beautiful?
Eighty try it?

Speaker 10 (01:01:18):
Who knows, maybe one day.

Speaker 1 (01:01:19):
I don't know why.

Speaker 9 (01:01:20):
I have a weird question, what are you going to
do like later in life if you're still into older women?

Speaker 1 (01:01:25):
Like, are you just planning to be alone the last fifteen.

Speaker 18 (01:01:27):
I don't know, maybe eighties where it's at.

Speaker 1 (01:01:31):
Man, Well, thank you for your dirty little secret.

Speaker 10 (01:01:35):
Hey, no, thank you?

Speaker 1 (01:01:36):
Yep, all right bye? What's your dirty little secret?
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