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May 1, 2024 60 mins

The Jubal Show is on the radio all over the country. They are unafraid to tackle the topical world we live in, and can’t get enough of the drama. Nothing is sacred, and nothing is off limits on The Jubal Show.

Join Jubal, Nina, Victoria, Executive Producer Brad, and Producer Sharkey, and their listeners on a journey through romance, secrets, pop culture, and pranks.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
People are always like, be the bigger person, Be the

bigger person. I'm the baby of the family. Okay, that
actually goes against everything.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
That I know.

Speaker 3 (00:06):
You know what I'm saying, Like, I was bred to do.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
The complete opposite of that.

Speaker 1 (00:08):
It's my job to belittle anyone who is mean to
me or someone that I love and make them feel
two inches tall.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
And I'm actually very good at it. A guy.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
I've about twenty four years of experience in this department.
So thank you so much for the advice, for the recommendation.

Speaker 2 (00:19):
But no, it's the show and something is going to
happen to you today. Uh. It's it good not to
freak you out, but at some point you might find
yourself trapped in the middle of a boring conversation. Okay, hey,

there's a bunch of weather out there today. Huh those
like three of those yesterday? So much. Yeah, I went
outside earlier and there was all kinds of weather. Well.
A new poll asked people how to get out of
boring conversations without going you're boring. You did bring the bread.

That's usually pretty rude, and so you don't want to
do that. But we'll tell you how to get out
of a boring conversation. Next, it's the dubile show. When
I was at.

Speaker 4 (01:14):
Stagecoach this weekend, we were in line to get in
and this guy comes up to me and he goes, hey,
are you a nurse? And I look at him. I'm
not kidding you, guys, I look at him, my girl, no,
but I'm a therapist and I can fix you. Then
he looks at me, he says, oh no, actually, like
my friend needs help.

Speaker 2 (01:40):
It's the double show. He needs.

Speaker 5 (01:45):
What you say?

Speaker 2 (01:48):
Has this ever happened to you? You're in the breakroom
at work and then you hear footsteps and you're like,
oh no, who is that?

Speaker 6 (01:56):

Speaker 2 (01:57):
Please don't let it be built from accounting. He's a
close talker and he's gonna trap me in here for
an hour telling me about the Dewey decimal system or something.

Speaker 6 (02:04):

Speaker 2 (02:05):
Well, I sit there and have to inhale his tail
coffee breath, and of course you turn around, Hey, how
you doing this morning? You got time to talk? Well?
Fourteen percent of people say they're regularly trapped in boring
conversations and don't know how to slip out of them.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
Yikes, that's a good amount.

Speaker 2 (02:27):
Of people that is. Are we just also kind yeah,
we don't. We don't want to be like, hey, I'm
I can't with this.

Speaker 3 (02:35):
Well you're taught.

Speaker 7 (02:36):
I feel like when you're younger that that's rude to
get out of a conversation, and so you have to
say it in a nice way, or something has to happen
where you have to like text and want to be
like sos, get me out of this conversation.

Speaker 2 (02:46):
To get out of set conversation. Some people are really
good at it. They'll look at their watch or if
they're not wearing watch, they've done it so many times
and they look at their wrists and they're like, yeah,
I got a thing coming up, and then they're just gone.
You're like, whoa. They obviously were not into that conversation
the own time. I'm always impressive when people do that.
We actually had a meeting with one of the big
weeks here at our company and he did that at

the end of the meeting. It was like right toward
the end of wind and he's like, Okay, well guys,
thanks a lot. And I was like, in the meeting, said, oh,
so that's how you own your own time. No wonder
you've got that job right, say that nothing we had
to go.

Speaker 8 (03:24):

Speaker 2 (03:25):
Yeah, impressive, sir.

Speaker 9 (03:29):
Yelling down the hallway.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
I'm gonna be like. Five percent of people claim that
they never get bored during conversations, meaning those five percent
are the people that are a boring conversationalist. That's Gary
and Jenna from the sales story. When we do get
stuck in them, we're not good at wiggling out of them.
Thirteen percent of people said they think that they're better
than most people at slipping away, while forty five percent

of people say that they just get stuck in a
boring conversation like the rest of us.

Speaker 3 (03:57):

Speaker 7 (03:58):
I stayed on a date for four hours one time
because I didn't know how to slip away. I was
so close to texting one of you guys, I being like,
can you call me and tell me there's.

Speaker 2 (04:09):
A work emergency on that date.

Speaker 3 (04:11):
It was like nine o'clock at night. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (04:13):
What was he talking about?

Speaker 3 (04:15):
Literally everything? And it wasn't interesting. He would talk.

Speaker 7 (04:18):
He granted this man like saves or cure's cancer, Like
he's a researcher who careres cancer.

Speaker 10 (04:25):
And I'm like, well, well he researches how to cure
cancer he doesn't actually do the curing.

Speaker 7 (04:29):
Well, if you think about carrying cancer, then what I'm doing.
I'm like it was very interesting for a few minutes,
but then he started going into it and I got
a solid like b maybe in biology, so I did
not understand anything he was saying. And then he was
going to like past relationships, and he was like, well,
how many have you, like serious relationship have you been in?

Speaker 3 (04:46):
And my answer is zero? But I told him one.

Speaker 2 (04:49):
I lied.

Speaker 3 (04:50):
I was scared. He gave me the most judgmental.

Speaker 7 (04:54):
Look really yes, and so then I was like, oh
my gosh, like yeah, razy. Then he went in about
his he had been on like four and he like
went into it, and I just he kept asking.

Speaker 3 (05:06):
Like, so like now do you want to go get food?
Like yeah, sure? He just kept saying yes, and he like,
you want to go get ice cream? And I'm like,
well I like ice creams, like yeah sure.

Speaker 2 (05:15):
I'm talking about a new poll that surveyed people, and
fourteen percent of people say that they get stuck in
boring conversations and don't know how to get out of them.
Whenever I'm in a boring conversation, I'm always active listening,
but I'm not really listening at some point, and I
can find myself going, oh cool, yeah, And I know
at some points I was like yeah, so then my
grandma died and I'm like cool and said to look

on her face.

Speaker 3 (05:38):
So bad.

Speaker 10 (05:40):
I was talking with someone yesterday and this is the
only way that I've ever found to get out of
a boring conversation. They were talking to me about me,
and I was bored, and I said out loud, Hey,
I'm bored with this conversation. I think I'm going to go,
now what. That's a good way to get out of it.

Speaker 3 (05:56):
That's not what you say to someone.

Speaker 2 (05:57):
Though, especially your boss, like nine levels up here for long.
Some people don't get the social cuys either. You're looking
at at your phone, they just keep talking. Sometimes I've
been on my phone literally doing things, being like okay.
At some point they're going to realize that I'm being
rude and tuning them out and they don't even notice. Dude.

Side note, I do it to Jubil all the time.
He'll be on his phone doing something completely not paying attention.

Speaker 10 (06:23):
I'll have a whole conversation with him, and I don't
know if it's because I don't think he's bored.

Speaker 2 (06:28):
He's not listening. I think I just needed to tell
something someone, and I'm okay to tell you because it's
on the phone. I can't stand in. People listen in
on conversation and then join in on it. So I
don't listen to other conversations unless I'm in it, you know.
And so even in the studio when people are talking,
if I'm not in the conversation, if I've been doing
something else, I don't want to tune in because I

think it's rude. So I don't. I literally don't pay attention.
But then someone will go like yesterday Nina passed just
like write Jubeil, and I was like, well, I'm sorry.
I was not listening to a single word.

Speaker 7 (06:59):
The thing is like half the time we're talking to
the whole room, which does include you, and it's just
like literally we'll go like through a five minute conversation
and you will just be like, oh, sorry, what.

Speaker 3 (07:09):
I don't pay attention.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
I also have attention issues. So there's that. But they
say that fourteen percent of people are regularly stuck in
a boring conversation and don't know how to get out
of it.

Speaker 3 (07:20):
You have to keep my attention.

Speaker 7 (07:21):
I also have attention issues, and sometimes I'll be trying
to pay attention, but I can't help it.

Speaker 3 (07:25):
Like if I see a bird fly by, I'm gonna
look at the bird more than this conversation.

Speaker 2 (07:28):
I'm just gonna start juggling when I have conversations with
people that would always be interested.

Speaker 3 (07:33):
Actually, I like that idea.

Speaker 2 (07:35):
It's another Jewbile phone.

Speaker 3 (07:37):
Frame day Mornings on the twenties only on the new
Hits one o six point one.

Speaker 9 (07:41):
What hello?

Speaker 2 (07:50):
Oh my gosh, is this Aaron?

Speaker 9 (07:54):
Yeah, this is Aaron.

Speaker 2 (07:55):
Oh my gosh, what a beauty you have?

Speaker 9 (08:00):
Beauty? Are you calling about the desk?

Speaker 2 (08:02):
Oh my gosh? Yes, okay, okay, yeah, what a mute?

Speaker 9 (08:09):
Yeah, I know it's something that's it's great, good condition too.

Speaker 2 (08:12):
Yeah. So I was just perused in the Facebook marketplace
like I do, and then I saw that raire Jim
for just two hundred dollars. You're selling that desk? My gosh,
that's that's right too. My gosh, it's a good deal, right, Yes,
seems like a great deal. How many miles on it?

Speaker 9 (08:34):
Uh? No, I mean's just just headed for about a.

Speaker 2 (08:37):
Year actually word count? H Well, I mean when you
have a desk, especially when that pretty. Oh my gosh,
you want to you want to subtract how many words
are used on it? For mileage?

Speaker 11 (08:50):
Well I'm not a writer myself, but yeah, I've used
it for work for sure.

Speaker 9 (08:55):
You can use it for a lot of things.

Speaker 2 (08:56):
Well, now that I've got some questions answered, I need
to think for a oh man, but oh my gosh,
it is a beauty my gosh.

Speaker 9 (09:04):

Speaker 11 (09:04):
Well, yeah, like I said, the price two hundred dollars.
Can get ready for this afternoon or pickup?

Speaker 9 (09:08):
What is your name?

Speaker 2 (09:09):
Oh my gosh, my name is Pete.

Speaker 9 (09:12):
Okay a pe, my gosh.

Speaker 2 (09:14):
Well, thank you for the information, my gosh.

Speaker 9 (09:18):
Okay, Yeah, you're welcome. It's still available.

Speaker 2 (09:31):
Hello, does it got penn stains?

Speaker 9 (09:35):
Excuse me?

Speaker 2 (09:36):
Pen stains?

Speaker 9 (09:39):
Is it? Are you calling back about the desk?

Speaker 2 (09:41):
Oh my gosh, y, my gosh, I was just looking
at the pictures again. Any pen stains?

Speaker 9 (09:48):
No, there are no pen stands out. The service is
totally queen. It is virtually you fag you pickup?

Speaker 2 (09:53):
Are you firm?

Speaker 9 (09:55):
Am I firm?

Speaker 2 (09:56):
Yes? Are you firm?

Speaker 9 (10:00):
I don't know what you're talking about.

Speaker 2 (10:02):
Two hundred dollars for the desk. It's oh my gosh,
it's a beauty. It's a beautiful desk. I'm just wondering
firm on your price?

Speaker 9 (10:10):
Yes, Pete, that's it. That's the price. Twohundred dollars.

Speaker 2 (10:13):
Okay, I'm gonna have to think about it and i'll
call you back.

Speaker 9 (10:16):
Come on again. Two hundred dollars for pickup. Hello, Peter,
are you there? You hung up? I'm like, what we're real? Hello?

Speaker 2 (10:35):
One seventy five and seven pennies?

Speaker 9 (10:39):
Is this Pete? Is that you again?

Speaker 2 (10:40):
Oh my gosh, yes, and I made the decision to
say yes. I was able to scrounch together some cash
and I have one seventy five and eight pennies.

Speaker 9 (10:52):
No, the price is two hundred dollars. Oh my gosh,
you asked me what you called before? That's what was
ferm Firm on the price? Two hundred dollars, peop.

Speaker 2 (11:01):
Oh my gosh. Is there any way you could budget
on that price?

Speaker 9 (11:05):
My gosh, shine, I want to get rid of the desk.
It's whatever you said, one seventy five and whatever whenever's
the problem? Change?

Speaker 2 (11:12):
Oh my gosh, thank you, I said one seventy five
and eight pennies and it's mostly in quarters.

Speaker 9 (11:19):
Sorry quarters, you're talking.

Speaker 2 (11:22):
Oh my god, Yes, you said one seventy five and
eight pennies, and so you said once I have eight
quarters and eight pennies and I'll meet you wherever you want.

Speaker 9 (11:32):
That's like two dollars. That's like two dollars and a
dollar eighty me. Listen to me.

Speaker 11 (11:37):
I said one hundred and seventy five dollars. I don't
know what language you think I'm speaking, but I'm telling
you one seventy five dollars, one hundred and seventy five.
I don't want your pennies.

Speaker 9 (11:47):
I want any of it.

Speaker 2 (11:49):
One seventy five and eight pennies in a back rub
here is this?

Speaker 11 (11:53):
No, that's why I don't put my son online. Maybe
insane people like you just almost god, I used to
waste my time. Oh my god, Oh my god, that's
how you sound. Yeah, Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
Just what I'm hanging up on you.

Speaker 2 (12:08):
You don't don't hang up because this is actually Jubil
from the Jubil Show doing a phone brank on you
and your roommate Tyson set you up. He said that
you put a desk up on Facebook marketplace and you've
been kitting something but calls from weirdos.

Speaker 9 (12:22):
Oh god, oh, I should have known.

Speaker 12 (12:25):
Tyson wake up every morning with jubile phone pranks.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
It's time for Nina's What's Trending? Nina is out today,
so producer Brad has your trending. I'm gonna do an
all sports edition of Trending. Ladies and gentlemen. There's a
new job opening in baseball. You could be the next
person to embody one of the best known mascots in sports,
mister or missus met. Ooh, the Mets.

Speaker 10 (12:50):
Are looking for a new manager of mascots since we
found out how much mascots make in baseball.

Speaker 2 (12:56):
I would love to be a mascot. Well, I do
have a I have a rice on this head.

Speaker 10 (13:01):
But here's the requirements now hiring out going an energetic
baseball fans.

Speaker 2 (13:05):
Oversized head required.

Speaker 3 (13:07):
Oversized head? What does that mean?

Speaker 2 (13:10):
You gotta have a huge head?

Speaker 10 (13:11):
Yeah, it's manager of mascots. The gig includes time is
either mister Met or his wife, Missus Met, and the
gig pays between sixty seven and ninety grand a year.

Speaker 2 (13:20):
Not bad to be a mascot.

Speaker 10 (13:22):
Big gap though, what makes the determination whether you make
sixty seven or ninety your experience. Yeah, I hope it's
not like he gets ninety and she gets sixty. That's
even the playing field on the money, you know.

Speaker 9 (13:37):
Oh, I didn't even.

Speaker 2 (13:37):
At the actually uproar. I can't think of what mister
and miss met look like. I think that's just the
baseball heads with the base. I think they're just baseball
heads with the little hat on it. It's kind of
boring mascots. Honestly. The body, like, what's the body, It's
just a regular body.

Speaker 10 (13:51):
I think they were the first mascots ever in the
major leagues.

Speaker 2 (13:54):
So okay, it's why they're boring. Yeah, because they are
very that's very boring compared to the other things that
are out there.

Speaker 10 (13:59):
But it's kind of oh yeah, yeah, there's a picture.
It's just a baseball hit. They're just like a happy
baseball head couple.

Speaker 7 (14:05):
That's very nice though, because if you think about it,
in some of those mascot suits, like it gets pretty sweaty.
I once had to wear a bunny suit and like
the Easter Bunny, Oh my gosh, I'm so hot in there.

Speaker 2 (14:14):
Else passed out.

Speaker 10 (14:15):
Have you ever seen those pictures on the Internet of
siblings are dating two people to look like siblings. That's
how you feel like you have mister and missus mett. Yeah, yeah,
it's a little weird. Hey, if you want to get famous,
you got to start saving up. The next super Bowl
will be on Fox, and they have released the asking
price for a thirty second ad. Maybe you have a
new course teaching people about how to make courses. Maybe

you have a new Etsy product which is a course
about how to make courses about Etsy products. What, well,
how much will it cost to advertise to every red
blooded American? How much seven million dollars every thirty seconds?

Speaker 3 (14:50):
Wasn't that how much it was this last year?

Speaker 2 (14:52):
It was six point three or something. This year seven
million dollars for thirty second ad? So every single time.
If you're a beer company and your ad airs over
and over again, it's seven million every time for thirty second. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (15:03):
Well, but they can do fifteen seconds. They can split
it up into two.

Speaker 10 (15:06):
Yeah, okay, what about those minute long ads. Every time
I'm watching the Super Bowl and i see one of
those longer ads, like a ninety second and I'm like, wow,
it's a lot of money.

Speaker 3 (15:16):
Yeah, fourteen million dollars right there.

Speaker 2 (15:18):
That company has too much money. And finally Peacock has
hired Kevin Hart and Keenan Thompson to do Olympic highlights
in Paris at the Olympics in July. That's fun, that'd
be funny.

Speaker 10 (15:29):
Yeah, they did Snoop DOGG last time. I think there
was something the Snoop dog did. I thought there were
I think they will also have him back. But they've
also added Kevin Hart and Keenan Thompson.

Speaker 3 (15:39):
That's perfect.

Speaker 2 (15:39):
So they just realized how boring the Olympics can be,
and they're like, we just need some entertaining people to
do commentary. That's what's trending.

Speaker 13 (15:47):
First day follow up powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys
online at Advocates Law dot com.

Speaker 2 (15:54):
Craig is on the phone today for a first date
follow up and he's getting ghosted by Bailey. So in
a few minutes we're gonna call her and see if
she told us why she's ghosting them and maybe get
them another date. But first, Craig, what's up. How long
has it been since you heard from Bailey.

Speaker 9 (16:07):
It's been about a week.

Speaker 14 (16:08):
Okay, seems like the sweet spot. You know in that week,
did you try to reach out to her at all?

Speaker 15 (16:14):
Yeah, I have.

Speaker 6 (16:15):
I don't know, I don't know what's going on is happening.
I thought it went really well, so I'm not sure
why she's not getting back to me. Okay, what'd y'all do?
We went to We went to this restaurant the water.
I would say, it's stipoo placed nice.

Speaker 16 (16:31):
Yeah, they have like great appetizers and stuff.

Speaker 6 (16:33):
And and then we talked a lot. And I mean
she did bring tear cards to.

Speaker 2 (16:38):
The date, like to do a reading.

Speaker 6 (16:41):
Yeah, but she really didn't know how to how to
use them. So it was kind of like fun. And shoot, it.

Speaker 16 (16:46):
Was kind of like a like an ice picker type deal.

Speaker 2 (16:49):
Okay, and yeah, we.

Speaker 6 (16:52):
Were both like making up stories about what our future
would be like. And it was cool.

Speaker 16 (16:56):
We kind of we kind of just like.

Speaker 6 (16:58):
You know, talked about how much kid me want it
and grew up with a farm. It was fun.

Speaker 16 (17:02):
It was like we woth she was saying was saying
something similar as well.

Speaker 6 (17:07):
And yeah, then it was going everything was going great.
And we walked I walked into her car and we
kind of, you know, we made out of the parking lot,
and we did for a while and it was great,
and then I don't know, and I want to get it,
you know, to hold her. She's like really really fun.
She's like really fun, spontaneous, that person, which I'm really

like looking for right now. And I really liked the
excitement she brings.

Speaker 2 (17:33):
Did anything happen on the date that was awkward at all?

Speaker 9 (17:36):
Yeah, a little bit, because.

Speaker 6 (17:42):
Thing afterwards I realized, I actually I'm kind of embarrassed
by it, actually, because when I got home, I realized,
like I spilled olive oil on my my my pants,
like my mom from the breade on like my my
crotch area. Okay, And I didn't not at all until
until I got home. So the only thing I'm thinking of,

I'm afraid that she thought, like, you know, I peed
myself or like something worse. From the makeout, I got
too excited.

Speaker 2 (18:10):
Oh so was this a book?

Speaker 3 (18:13):
So it's a big oil scene that was on your pants?

Speaker 6 (18:16):
Yeah, it's because I dropped bread on me and the
bread had a lot of oil on it. Yeah, and
I didn't, I didn't even know. I would have talked,
I would have mentioned I didn't even know. So that's
the only thing I think why she would not be
might be not be calling.

Speaker 2 (18:29):
You back, especially if it's in a certain area. I mean, yeah,
And I tried like on her next day. She didn't answer. Yeah,
I don't know if it's a pants or it's something else.

Speaker 6 (18:41):
I don't know. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (18:43):
Then you said you've texted her? What did you say?

Speaker 6 (18:46):
I was just like, Hey, how's it going? I had fun?
But like you looked at it again, like you a lot.

Speaker 3 (18:52):
Yeah, you can't really explain over text. I feel like
if I got a message like a guy trying to
explain what that was, I don't know how i'd react.

Speaker 2 (19:00):
Well, especially if she didn't see it.

Speaker 6 (19:02):
Maybe she did. I don't want to like take a
picture of my pants. It's like, hey about this, I
think weird?

Speaker 2 (19:08):
All right, well, yeah, that would be worse you. We
want to talk to you about this. What is this?
All right? Well, we'll play a song come back, and
then call her see if she'll tell us why she's
ghosting you and maybe get you another date.

Speaker 16 (19:20):
Okay, okay, great, all right.

Speaker 2 (19:22):
We'll play a song come back, get your first date,
follow up next right in the middle of your first
date follow up, and if you're just joining us. Craig
is on the phone, and we're about to call Bailey,
a girl that he went out with who's now ghosting him,
and see if she'll tell us why she's ghosting him
and maybe get him another date. But before we do that, Craig,
why don't you catch everybody up on your situation.

Speaker 6 (19:39):
Yeah, I went up this girl, key Bailey. We had
a lot of fun with's a sheepho plays we uh
you know, played tear cards, left around, joked around me
out a little bit. I think it went well. I
think everything went well until I got home and I
realized I had some oil from the bread and I
spilled on my pants and us in my crotch area.

And it doesn't look uh, it doesn't look great.

Speaker 16 (20:03):
So and I can call texted.

Speaker 6 (20:05):
I haven't heard back, so I don't know. She's kind
of good's ghost.

Speaker 3 (20:09):
I'm so sorry.

Speaker 14 (20:10):
I'm laughing the host. I mean, come on, yeah, I
mean it is even if she is ghosting you because
of that, it's.

Speaker 2 (20:16):
Still pretty funny.

Speaker 3 (20:17):
I know it is.

Speaker 2 (20:19):
All right, you're ready for us to call her?

Speaker 9 (20:21):
Yeah? Sure, yeah, okay, here we.

Speaker 2 (20:22):
Go, hello him, I speak to Bailey please, Yeah, she Hi, Bailey,
how are you. My name is Jewbel and this is
a radio show. It's called The Jebel Show.

Speaker 3 (20:42):
Hi, the whole show's here. I'm Nina Hi, and I'm Victoria.

Speaker 11 (20:46):

Speaker 17 (20:47):
I'm good. Hi guy, I think for calling, I guess.

Speaker 2 (20:50):
Yeah. Have you listened to the show before?

Speaker 17 (20:53):

Speaker 2 (20:54):
Cool? So we're calling because this is a first day
follow up where if you go on a date with
somebody and you end up ghosting them, they can get
they can have us get you on the phone and
ask why you're ghosting them. And you're currently ghosting somebody?

Speaker 17 (21:06):
Okay, maybe do.

Speaker 2 (21:09):
You have any idea who would email us?

Speaker 17 (21:11):
Oh? You know casually. You know, I have met some people,
so I'm not exactly sure.

Speaker 2 (21:17):
Okay, Bailey's busy, so it could be a number of people.
You want to throw out a name.

Speaker 17 (21:23):
Okay with ses? Is it Craig?

Speaker 9 (21:26):

Speaker 2 (21:27):
Congratulations, you did wear something? You got that right? It's Craig.
He emailed us and told us about your date and
he says that you haven't talked to him for a
week and he's wondering if you'll tell us why.

Speaker 8 (21:40):
I mean, it actually might kind of sounds super stupid,
but yeah, I guess I have been avoiding him.

Speaker 17 (21:47):
So I didn't like his shoe.

Speaker 2 (21:49):
Well, it's wrong with his shoes.

Speaker 8 (21:51):
She was wearing these like these like half sneaker kind
of like half hiking boot kind of shoe.

Speaker 2 (21:57):
Uh huh.

Speaker 8 (21:59):
Date, and and he just felt a little too like
you know, crunchy granola for me.

Speaker 18 (22:05):
Okay, you know there's like that type the granola.

Speaker 9 (22:10):

Speaker 17 (22:10):
I don't know that shouldn't be a big deal.

Speaker 8 (22:12):
I know that sounds probably a lot of people think
that sounds super stupid, But for me, at this point
in my life, like it just seems like that's his vibe.

Speaker 17 (22:20):
And I'm like.

Speaker 8 (22:21):
Way too tired and like getting older, like to try
to change a man and like make a man fit
into like the kind of style in life that I
would live, and to change how he acts or how
he dresses. So yeah, I just feel like I'm past
that teaching stage of my life and I just want
to find a man who is like an already trained
ready to be like the way that I like him.

Speaker 2 (22:44):
So you don't want to have to train a dude
again to get into that.

Speaker 17 (22:48):
Yeah, Like let's be real, we all know we train
our men.

Speaker 8 (22:51):
I mean, come on like you know, the drastic like
women kind of you know, we train our dude to
be in the way that we like our dudes, and
it just seemed like I'd have to work too hard
to try to change him.

Speaker 17 (23:00):
And I shouldn't want to have to change somebody from
who they are.

Speaker 14 (23:03):
You shouldn't. Yeah, you're right there, you shouldn't want to
do that. I mean, I get wanting to influence somebody,
Like if you really like somebody and you really hate
their shoes, I mean, there's definitely a way to be like, babe,
you know, you look really cute.

Speaker 17 (23:14):
And I know, and that seems simple, but it just
seems like the way I life.

Speaker 8 (23:18):
I know, I guess I just felt like I was like, oh,
this is going to take like months years of like
trying to like maybe make you be the dude that
I'm usually into, but this is not your style. So
at this point I was just like, eh, you know what,
forget it. Like he is actually super hot. I had
a great time with him. I just yeah, after that,
I was just like, this isn't going to go past

the first date.

Speaker 2 (23:40):
Did you know that Craig is on the phone listening
and wants to talk to you, no is a well, hi,
hello you doing.

Speaker 17 (23:51):
I'm good. I'm sorry that you had to hear all that.
It's nothing personal.

Speaker 6 (23:57):
I think it's kind of shallow to be honest, especially
like over shoes, like I have other pairs of shoes.
I mean, yeah, I mean I think it's I don't
know how you judge someone based off one appearance one day,
but I guess that's your thing. It's kind of what
you do so well.

Speaker 8 (24:15):
I mean, I'm and I'm pobab that if you were
like confused. I mean, I know, we had like an
awesome kiss at the end of the night and that
was great. It's just like to me, of course they
made out, you know, like I had two less of
a startin a and you were there, you know, like
make ups were just like innocent and fun. Like I
think maybe by us kissing, you probably thought it would
be more serious after that. Like I don't know, it

didn't have to mean anything, like I just thought it
was a one great date and that was a great time.

Speaker 17 (24:42):
But that way just like believe it is that okay.

Speaker 6 (24:45):
I mean, that's that's fine. I mean, I guess you
had a lot of past trauma about training guys or
whatever that what that means. But there was just a
pair of shoes, So I mean, it's fine, it's cool,
no worries. I hope you, uh you bring a pair
of shoes to your next date. Do you want the
guy to wear so you feel more comfortable?

Speaker 8 (25:07):
Yeah, I mean I wouldn't really need to bring the shoes.
I was obviously looking for a man who just like
knows how to dress on a date, is what I
got to mean, Like, I mean, you do you. I'm
sure you have plenty of other grat shoes. Then, like,
why was that like this choice to represent who you
are on date one? So I wouldn't say this is
all on me, just like I don't think it has

anything to do with trauma. It's just call I don't
want to waste my time on someone you like. He
isn't really putting the thought in on a date.

Speaker 6 (25:34):
I mean, I think a lot of girls like what
I wear. I mean I didn't like your I don't
like your makeup. It was a little spy. But I
wasn't trying to end the entire relationship because you couldn't
you don't know how to put on makeup. I guess
that's your thing. So you know, I just thought you
had a bad makeup day.

Speaker 9 (25:49):
I wasn't.

Speaker 6 (25:49):
I won't see how well you didn't the next time.
But I guess we're not doing mass.

Speaker 8 (25:53):
Themselves now, And like you said, you'll find you said,
there's plenty of girls who like your shoes, so definitely
go find one and you'll have a second date.

Speaker 17 (26:01):
I'm sure.

Speaker 2 (26:02):
Are we sure about that? Bailey? Would you like another
day with Craig? Will pay for it?

Speaker 17 (26:06):
No, I'm good.

Speaker 8 (26:07):
I you know, I like somebody who really wants to
bring it and wants to respect me on the date
I'll pay.

Speaker 6 (26:12):
Uh No, I'm good as well. I'd rather not go
on second date someone who's empty and Shallo has trauma
over shoes and shirts and the very questionable makeup choices.

Speaker 17 (26:23):
Okay, Juble's first date follow up.

Speaker 13 (26:27):
Now, what's weird about your quizes, Katie is that all
the work is right and just the answers are wrong.
I know that having a boyfriend may seem like the
most important thing in the world right now, but you
don't have to dumb yourself down to get guys to
like you.

Speaker 12 (26:40):

Speaker 2 (26:40):
Almost, Time for America's favorite trivia game. You versus Victoria
your chance to take on our own Victoria Ramirez in
a funtastic game of trivia for the honor of being
named the Trivia Maestro of the Nantucket Trivia Orchestra.

Speaker 19 (26:54):
I want to be that maestro. Is such a cool title.
It really is if I winkly put it in our
jewel show, while definitely also justin Timberlake tickets. So call
us right now eight eight eight three four three one
six one eight eight eight three four three one o
six one. You can also dm us at the Jubil Show,
or you can go to the jubeilshow dot com if
you want to play and now for a rapid fireword

association to see how quick Victoria's noodle is noodling this morning?

Speaker 2 (27:19):
Uh oh. First word that comes to mind Victoria when
I say squid games gibberish. The way I talk walkie talkie.

Speaker 7 (27:29):
Yeah, channel five like on the walkie talk You know
you can go different channels.

Speaker 2 (27:35):
I want to so bad.

Speaker 7 (27:37):
We can talk around the office with them.

Speaker 2 (27:41):
You versus Victoria is coming up right after this the
Jubile Show.

Speaker 3 (27:44):
Good morning. Can I take your order? I'm not gonna tallies.

Speaker 17 (27:47):
At a large black cowk.

Speaker 9 (27:50):
Large black cock.

Speaker 3 (27:51):
Do you mean a venty No, I mean a large
he means eventy.

Speaker 12 (27:54):
Yeah, the biggest one you've got venty is large?

Speaker 2 (27:57):
Is twenty Danny, Yeah, is large. In fact, cole is
large and grande is Spanish for large. Fanti's the only
one that doesn't mean large.

Speaker 9 (28:06):
It's also the only one that's Italian. Congratulations for stupid.

Speaker 2 (28:09):
And three, it's time for America's favorite trivia game. You
versus Victoria, your chance to take on our own Victoria
Rameiri is in a game of trivia for the honor
of being named the Trivia Maestro of the Nantucket Trivia Orchestra.

Speaker 3 (28:24):
What Yeah, I want that.

Speaker 2 (28:25):
It's huge honor. Also justin Timberlake tickets. And let's meet
today's contestant for you versus Victoria. Patricia. What's up? Patricia? Mom?

Speaker 18 (28:34):
Not much?

Speaker 5 (28:34):
What's not much?

Speaker 2 (28:36):
Is this Victoria's mom? Because Victoria's mom's name.

Speaker 3 (28:38):
Is please scary for a second.

Speaker 5 (28:40):
Sorry, I'm old, but I'm not that old.

Speaker 2 (28:46):
About to be here? About to be here? Trivia? Mommy? Yeah?
Are we gonna send Victoria out of the studio? Here
we go, Patricia. You have thirty seconds to answer as
many questions as possible. If you don't know one, just
say pass and Victoria it has to beat you outright
to win. Okay, okay, got it all right, Patricia, Your
time starts now. How much cheese does the average American

eat in a year? What continent has the smallest population?

Speaker 9 (29:23):

Speaker 10 (29:24):
How many congress people by percentage does it take to
overturn a presidential.

Speaker 9 (29:27):
Veto fifty one?

Speaker 2 (29:32):
What society invented candles on a birthday cake.

Speaker 9 (29:36):
America? I don't know.

Speaker 2 (29:39):
I got that on time. We'll bring Victoria back into
the studio while she's getting settled, Patricia. What's something you
would like the world to know about you today?

Speaker 12 (29:49):
I'm a workaholic and I like to I'm in jack
of all trades.

Speaker 9 (29:52):
I work on cars and computers and TVs and all
kinds of stuff like that.

Speaker 2 (29:57):
Cool. Nice. I've always wanted to work on that kind
of stuff. Anytime I try, though, I just break them more.
You're gonna hire somebody will teach you. Yeah, all right? Cool?
I want to learn some new things. I want to
be a TV repairman TV. Do they have TV repairman anymore?

Speaker 16 (30:13):

Speaker 9 (30:14):
You would love it.

Speaker 17 (30:15):
It's very easy.

Speaker 9 (30:17):
I do a million of them. I do a ton.

Speaker 2 (30:19):
Of them, really, Okay, they're very easy. I opened up
a TV when I was a kid to try to
mess with it, and then I put my finger on
something and it gives sent a really weird vibebration through
my body, and I've never been the same since. So
I don't know what I touched.

Speaker 9 (30:34):
That's not the kind I work on either.

Speaker 2 (30:36):
Okay, yeah, I don't know what I touched, but I
still think about it to this day. I'm like, I
don't think I should have touched that part of the TV.
I bet all right, Victoria, are you ready? I think
so thirty seconds to answer as many questions as possible.
If you don't know one, just say pass and you
have to beat Patricia outright to win, and Patricia, you

can tell Victoria win.

Speaker 3 (31:02):
To go, guys, I really want to.

Speaker 9 (31:03):
Win, Victoria. Your time starts now.

Speaker 2 (31:07):
How much cheese does the average American eat in a year?

Speaker 3 (31:10):
What two bounds?

Speaker 2 (31:12):
What continent has the smallest population.

Speaker 3 (31:17):

Speaker 10 (31:18):
How many congress people by percentage does it take to
overturn a presidential veto?

Speaker 18 (31:22):

Speaker 2 (31:23):
Gosh? What society invented candles on a birthday cake?

Speaker 3 (31:28):

Speaker 2 (31:29):
How big is a standard sheet of plywood?

Speaker 18 (31:34):

Speaker 3 (31:34):

Speaker 11 (31:35):

Speaker 2 (31:36):
Repeat? How big is a standard sheet of plywood? I'm
still dying at the Canada line. All right, let's send
it over to the scoreboard and see how you guys did.
Nina is out today, so our scoreboard is our social
media producer Gabby.

Speaker 20 (31:56):
All right, Patricia, I'm so sorry. The questions were very hard.
You didn't get any correct and Victoria did sneak one in.

Speaker 2 (32:03):
Whoa, oh victory for Victoria. Congratulations Victoria. Patricia. I'm sorry
you did not beat Victoria today, so it means that
you're not the trivia maestro of the Nantucket Trivia Orchestra
that goes to Victoria. But you do get justin Timberlake
tickets just for playing.

Speaker 8 (32:23):
That's a win.

Speaker 2 (32:25):
All right, Let's send it over and get the answers
with producer Bread.

Speaker 10 (32:29):
Twenty three pounds of cheese is consumed by the average American,
up eight from eight pounds in nineteen seventy one. Australia
is the content with the smallest population. It takes two thirds,
or sixty six percent of each house to overturn presidential veto.
The ancient Greeks invented Candles on her birthday cake.

Speaker 2 (32:46):
A typical a standard sheet of plywood is eight feet
by four feet. Huh. I still think Canada, and with Canada,
I'm Canada, Patricia. Thank you for playing. We play You
versus Victoria the same time every single weekday morning. If
you want to play Victoria, you can always DM us
at the Jubile Show or just go to the Jubilshow
dot com.

Speaker 3 (33:05):
It's time to Catch a Cheater Only on.

Speaker 2 (33:09):
The Jubil Show. Holly is on the phone today for
to Catch a Cheater and she thinks that her husband
of four years, Alan might be starting to see somebody else. Holly,
thank you for coming on the show. I'm sorry that
you're dealing with this. What's going on with Alan.

Speaker 17 (33:21):
We've been married for four years, but we.

Speaker 18 (33:23):
Were together probably three and a half years before that,
so almost eight years we've been together. He's just been
really distant all of a sudden, for like the past
five to six months. I don't know what's going on.
I've asked him. He's just like, everything's fine or it's

not you. I'm just going through some things. So I
was like, okay, well, if you're going through some things,
do you want to be in therapy or anything like that.

Speaker 17 (33:54):
And he was like sure, So he started.

Speaker 18 (33:57):
Therapy, which I could meant him for and I'm like, oh,
I'm I'm happy that you're doing that. But he's still
like distant and even.

Speaker 17 (34:10):
After therapy, that's not like it got kind of worse.
She spends his time.

Speaker 15 (34:14):
On twitch and on his phone.

Speaker 18 (34:17):
And we even used to once a week, like we
would take our lunch breaks together from work and have
lunch together, and that stopped like two months ago, Like
we don't even do that anymore. Huh.

Speaker 9 (34:31):
I don't know what to do.

Speaker 18 (34:33):
So I'm suspecting there's another person.

Speaker 14 (34:38):
Is there anything that is pointing to another person outside?
I mean, the distance is definitely a big flag for sure,
But have there been any signs of another person?

Speaker 18 (34:49):
Well, he's always on his phone, right like I said,
and we don't do our once a month lunch breaks
together anymore.

Speaker 2 (34:58):
So did he give you a and for stopping those?

Speaker 18 (35:01):
Well, he just said he's swamped at work and everybody
knows that's a cliche.

Speaker 9 (35:05):
Come on, really, I mean.

Speaker 2 (35:08):
It could be.

Speaker 7 (35:09):
I mean, you tried to just show up at his
work with lunch and be like, hey, you couldn't go.

Speaker 3 (35:14):
That do that?

Speaker 2 (35:15):
Yeah, yeah, surprise.

Speaker 18 (35:18):
I mean, for lack of a better to, I do
not have to do.

Speaker 14 (35:21):
That, Okay, Okay.

Speaker 3 (35:29):
Does he interact with his friends the same way that
he was before?

Speaker 17 (35:33):

Speaker 18 (35:35):
Really, so that's kind of weird too. And I'm like,
who is getting all of this attention from him? You know,
because it's not me, it's not his friends, it is
his phone. So I'm not going to go through his
phone like I tried to want we got a big argument,
didn't work out, so I stay away from going through

his phone.

Speaker 17 (35:57):
I just don't know.

Speaker 18 (35:59):
I'm like, okay, so everyone's supposed to help, but it
got worse. So now that i'd be like, stop going
to therapy, I'm gonna look crazy.

Speaker 9 (36:05):

Speaker 18 (36:07):
What if he's like having an affair with his therapist.

Speaker 2 (36:10):
Oh that would have been a podcaste. Yeah. Then I
would say, ask him to stop going to that therapist.

Speaker 14 (36:16):
Yeah, and then go to a therapist that can talk
about ethics and yeah, teach you how to get over divorce.
And not getting a full blown, like one hundred percent
cheating vibe from this though, I'm getting more of a
like something's going on with him and he's just isolating
himself from the world's kind of a thing, which is
tough because when a guy gets to that space, it's
hard to break through.

Speaker 3 (36:37):
But if he's not acting like if he's acting weird
with his friends.

Speaker 14 (36:40):
Also, that's what I mean, he's an isolation phase. I
don't know, Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 18 (36:45):
I just feel like it's got to be something like
he's never done a drug in his life, so it's
not drugs.

Speaker 2 (36:50):
Well that's good, yeah, all right, Well we'll try to
figure it out for you. We'll play a song. You
already told us what grocery store he's a rewards card
member at, so we'll do the usual and call up
present to be from the grocery store and say that
he's this month's lucky winner of thirty six long stim
red roses, deliver to anybody that he wants to, and
we'll see if sensos to you or to somebody else. Okay, okay,
all right, we'll play a song. Come back and get
your to Catch a Theater next if you're just joining

us for today's To Catch a Teater. Holly is on
the phone and she thinks that her husband of four
years might be messing around We're about to call him
and pretend to be from the grocery store that he
is a Rwards card member at and say that every
single month, we randomly choose one Awards card member who
gets free flower delivery from our Florida department, and we'll
see v sends those flowers to Holly or to somebody
else Hally. Before we do that, why don't you refresh

everybody's memory on what's going on with Alan.

Speaker 18 (37:37):
Alan and I have been together total, it was almost
eight years, four of them married.

Speaker 17 (37:42):
She's guys really distant.

Speaker 18 (37:44):
He spends most of his time playing Twitch or on
his phone. He stopped our monthly lunch date that we
do together from work. He did start therapy, but it
only got worse after happy and I don't want to
go through the phone and I'm not a pack of

pop up at works.

Speaker 2 (38:08):
You ready for us to call him? Yeah, okay, here
we go. Hi, this is jorable calling from I was
looking for our rewars card member named Alan.

Speaker 16 (38:29):
Uh yeah, this is Alan.

Speaker 2 (38:31):
Hi, Alan, Please don't hang up. This is not a
marketing phone call. I'm calling to give you some exciting news.
You're this month's big winner. Thank you very much for
shopping with us. Yeah, the club if we're here in
the office and everything.

Speaker 15 (38:40):
Hey what did I win?

Speaker 2 (38:41):
Every single month we choose one Rewarce card member, totally
random who gets free flowers delivered from our floral department.
So it's thirty six long stem red roses, a box
of candy or chocolates or whatever, and a car that
sent to anybody that you want.

Speaker 15 (38:54):
Oh hey, that's pretty cool.

Speaker 2 (38:55):
You said free, right, absolutely free pocket nothing out of pocket,
will give you a confirmation and everything, so you know
that it's free. It's just our little way of saying
thank you very much for shopping with us.

Speaker 15 (39:04):
Oh well, all right, I mean I guess I could
use that for sure.

Speaker 2 (39:07):
Great. If you know the person that you want to
send the flowers to right now, I can do it
quickly over the phone in just a matter of minutes.

Speaker 15 (39:13):
But yeah, I can do it to you on the
phone now, so it's it's easy.

Speaker 2 (39:16):
The first thing that I will need would be the
first and the last name of the person that you
would like to send the flowers to.

Speaker 15 (39:22):
Okay, why don't you make the card out to Judy.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
It's j U d Y Okay, and you know the
last name on on Judy.

Speaker 15 (39:30):
Yeah, what's the same as my last name?

Speaker 2 (39:32):
So things your last name is? What was that your wife?

Speaker 15 (39:35):
Or uh no not Actually I'm going to put this
in the card, but if you could write I love
you mom, it's going to be okay.

Speaker 2 (39:44):
Oh that okay, yes, I can do that. Were it?
And at this point I'll just let you know that
I'm not from the grocery store at all. Wait what, Yeah,
this is actually Jewbel from the Jewel Show. That's a
radio show. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (39:57):
I'm Meana on the radio show too, Hi, and I'm Victoria.

Speaker 15 (40:00):
Yeah, and wait, what's going on?

Speaker 2 (40:03):
Your wife, Holly is actually on the phone with us.

Speaker 15 (40:07):
Holly, Are you kidding me?

Speaker 2 (40:08):
Nope, Holly. Do you want to explain what this is?

Speaker 17 (40:12):

Speaker 18 (40:14):
I kind of. I'm feel stupid now, but I kinda
ask them to do this because you've been getting like,
really really distant and you haven't been telling me what's
been going on, and I've been asking you about it
and spend most of your time on your phone and
you've been canceling Island State.

Speaker 2 (40:35):
The segue is called to catch a cheater Alan, So
if somebody thinks their significant other might be cheating, then
they will email us to call them and see see
who they send flowers too.

Speaker 15 (40:44):
Oh no, okay, I've seen Now. Well, I gotta tell you, babe,
I'm not I'm not cheating on you. I'm so sorry
that you even thought that. And yes, I've been distant lately.
And the truth is that I do have a secret.
But you know it's it's nothing about you. It's actually
my mom has been getting sick.

Speaker 2 (41:05):
Oh answer, I'm so sorry.

Speaker 15 (41:08):
Oh we just kind of figured this out. And you know,
my siblings, they're not going to be helping me, so
it's it's like pretty much my responsibility here.

Speaker 17 (41:19):
Oh my god, I'm so sorry.

Speaker 18 (41:22):
I mean, your mom has Why why wouldn't you tell
me something like that.

Speaker 15 (41:29):
I don't want to put the burden on you. I mean,
you know me, I'm the kind of person who just
kind of deals with whatever is in front of them, and.

Speaker 16 (41:39):
I should have told you.

Speaker 9 (41:40):

Speaker 2 (41:40):
And also, Alan, just a quick note, I get what
he's saying with that person that deals with stuff in
front of him. Everybody needs somebody to lean on, especially
if you have a wife. Sounds like you have a
supportive partner.

Speaker 14 (41:51):
It sounds like it's been going on for a long time,
and you probably you know, you shouldn't have to bear
this by yourself.

Speaker 2 (41:56):
I have six months and if you if your partner
cares about you, it's not burdening them with anything. They
want to be there for you all. Do you want
to be there for them? Of course I do.

Speaker 18 (42:07):
I'm even embarrassed that it had to come this far
to be on the radio, But like I wish I
would have known, like this is a big deal.

Speaker 15 (42:20):
I'm sorry, you know what, It is my fault that
you feel this way, and you guys are totally right.
I mean you should have let her know and and yeah,
I guess I could use some help myself.

Speaker 16 (42:29):
So yeah, build me at all that.

Speaker 18 (42:33):
Okay, Well, do you want to finish having this conversation
like outside.

Speaker 15 (42:39):
Of Actually, baby, you know what I really missed and
we haven't done it in a while because you know,
I've been so wrapped up and all this, But you know,
we haven't had lunch in a while, and I think
if maybe we go to lunch today that would be
pretty cool.

Speaker 17 (42:53):
I'm sure up for it, of course, Yeah, let's do that.

Speaker 2 (42:57):
Okay. Well, yeah, I mean you have a lot to
talk about and I'm glad that he wasn't cheating me too.

Speaker 9 (43:05):
We too.

Speaker 14 (43:07):
I am sorry to hear about about your mom, Alan,
and this is going to be a tough time for
all of you, but thankfully you have each other and
a lot of love.

Speaker 2 (43:14):
So you're lucky in that.

Speaker 15 (43:15):
Thank you and I appreciate you guys for that.

Speaker 3 (43:18):
The Jewel shows to catch a cheater.

Speaker 4 (43:21):
When I was at Stagecoach this weekend, we were in
line to get in and this guy comes up to
me and he goes, Hey, are you a nurse? And
I look at him. I'm not kidding you, guys. I
look at him, Michael, No, but I'm a therapist and
I can fix you, okay, And he looks at me
he says, oh no, actually like my friend needs help.

Speaker 2 (43:43):
Oh girl, that's awkward. It's the Jewbil Show. You know
what else is awkward? Our lives. If you want to
feel a little bit about a little better about yours,
just listen and we'll check in with the show coming
up right after this. It's the Jebal Show.

Speaker 16 (43:59):
This is.

Speaker 2 (44:05):
Hot, is true? Your pell and co f down in
everyone just a little. The biggest gift would be from
me and the cor detached would say that really good

Every iconic show has their wacky cast of characters, and
The Jewel Show is no different. It's the Jewel Show.
We've got your drunk and Nina, who's out today, but
we're gonna call her and see if we can get
a hold of her. And then there's everybody's favorite younger sister,
Victoria Ramirez Hi. And who could forget the quirky neighbor
kid who lives next door and pops by every once

in a while asking if she can sell us some
magazine subscriptions so she can send her chinchilla to Argentina
from the summer. Gabby our social media Hey, also our
producer Brad, he's a dad. Hey, there's sport. And then
there's me. I'm Jewel and this is the Jewel Show.
And let's find out what's going on with us this week.
And we do have Nina on the phone. So Nina,

what's up with you today? Since you're not in studio?

Speaker 14 (45:17):
Well, well, thanks for asking.

Speaker 21 (45:19):
I'm currently sitting in the parking lot of virgin here
because I woke up this morning and my eye looked
like it was full of something juicy and it was
heavy and it was gross.

Speaker 18 (45:28):
I know.

Speaker 21 (45:31):
This this weekend, and I was hoping I could tell
you guys a really cool story. And then I started
spiraling on the internet trying to figure out what was
wrong with my eye, and I got scared of I a
pink guy. It was like, I can't go to work
if I have pink guy, because that's contangious.

Speaker 6 (45:44):
It is.

Speaker 9 (45:44):
So I just finally left the doctor's office and it.

Speaker 21 (45:48):
Turns out that I have a sty growing underneath of
my eyelid. Oh like, oh, so it's not outside, it's
under my eyelid. And so I've got this like really thick,
puffy situation going on.

Speaker 3 (46:01):
Kind of right, I'll send you a picture.

Speaker 16 (46:02):

Speaker 2 (46:06):
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas unless you rub
your eye on something.

Speaker 18 (46:14):
You guys.

Speaker 21 (46:15):
I really didn't want it to be that because that's sary.
I was like, I didn't know, but nothing growth.

Speaker 9 (46:20):
It's just it's the stye. So I don't care that
came from.

Speaker 2 (46:23):
We'll get some get some rest and take an app
like close your eyes, have some cold cold compress on it.
I don't know what you do to be hot.

Speaker 21 (46:31):
No, she said, it's got to be hot hot compress.
I gotta keep my eye under a hot compress like
all day and then I gotta go get anti hissed
means to like help with the slowing and the itching
and stuff. But hey, man, if anybody else has got
some tips on how to deal with a weird sty
growing under your eye, hit me up at you.

Speaker 2 (46:48):
We'll let you go. Now, take care of yourself.

Speaker 3 (46:53):
I'll be in there tomorrow. Okay, tomorrow in person.

Speaker 2 (46:56):
All right, do you need an extra chair for that stye?

Speaker 21 (47:00):
It should be cool, But let me just tell you
it's not contagious.

Speaker 2 (47:03):
Don't be scared. Okay, all right, Victoria, what's going on
with you?

Speaker 3 (47:08):
Well, thankfully I don't have a sigh growing under my eye.

Speaker 7 (47:12):
But but guys, I'm here to tell you hot plates
is not for the week.

Speaker 3 (47:21):
And I am not weak by any means, but I
don't think I'm that strong like I thought.

Speaker 7 (47:27):
I walk in there first off, first day, and I
look like a bodybuilder to compare to some of these girls,
just because like I have muscle, but I'm also just
like like it's like a little bigger than some of
these like.

Speaker 3 (47:41):
Like they're all smaller.

Speaker 7 (47:42):
So it's just funny because like I'm doing like my
little plea and you see like both of my muscles
on my legs just like pop out, and I'm like, wow,
I'm s.

Speaker 3 (47:50):
Wrong that I'm like, oh my god, I look like
a bodybuilder. But it's like but it's ninety five degrees
in there.

Speaker 7 (47:56):
And they have like the bar which is like the
bad Amunia Bar, and they have a boot camp that
I did yesterday, and oh my gosh, the girl who
I went to yesterday, I was sweating. I really sat
in my car for five minutes after just goes like
I need a break.

Speaker 3 (48:10):
That was so hard. Anyways, it's a great time.

Speaker 2 (48:14):
I just want to say I'm really proud of Victoria
because for like months and months she's like I want
to do this, I want to do that, and I
want to like work out and I want to get healthier,
and she had done none of it. And then lately
she's been going to this place like what feels like
every day. Yeah, So really proud of Victoria.

Speaker 3 (48:28):
Good job, really, thanks guys. I was so proud of myself.
I gave myself a little smile after right first.

Speaker 2 (48:33):
Day and I was like.

Speaker 18 (48:35):
Right, I was so.

Speaker 2 (48:39):
Hey, look everybody, it's a quirky neighbor. A kid Gabby
stopping buy our social media producer, what was up with
you this week?

Speaker 20 (48:45):
So I did pilates the other day too, the most
humbling experience of my entire life. It is like it's
because it's high intensity interval training pilates, so it's like
you're doing cardio in a sauna.

Speaker 9 (48:59):

Speaker 2 (48:59):
I didn't did it too a while back. I'm missing
out here into some hot I was just confused because
they have all these like little strappy things you have
to put on the machine that whatever it's called, I
don't know, the intimidator or whatever it's called. And I
did not know what I was doing, so they had
to keep helping me out.

Speaker 3 (49:17):
No, it's crazy.

Speaker 20 (49:18):
And they call the girlies like the plates princesses, but
they're like the pilates warriors because it's hard.

Speaker 2 (49:24):
I like that start out here.

Speaker 3 (49:26):
Yeah, not easy.

Speaker 20 (49:28):
I saw a raccoon this morning and I was really
excited about it. Yeah, that's what I wanted to I
was really happy about it.

Speaker 2 (49:33):
I so cute cat.

Speaker 20 (49:36):
I thought it was a cat in the bush, but
it was it was like a little trash panda coming
to say hi.

Speaker 3 (49:40):
So we did not try to pick it up. I
did get really close to it.

Speaker 2 (49:45):
They scared me. I used to. I used to live
in the back of this guy's house and there was
this one raccoon. I lived very early for work because
I was doing morning radio stuff at the time too,
And it would always wait in the bush right where
I had to walk out, and I would have to
jump over because I know that they're raccoon wants to
bite you and give you rabies.

Speaker 18 (50:02):

Speaker 20 (50:02):
I heard they can travel in packs.

Speaker 2 (50:04):
Too, which they can. There's one near my apartment. There's
a pack of four of them.

Speaker 9 (50:08):
They run around.

Speaker 2 (50:08):
Yeah, they're huge too. They're way bigger than people give
them credit for. Yeah, they lumber around what they're doing.
Producer Bread, was up with you this week? Yeah, just
some quick advice.

Speaker 10 (50:21):
I want to make sure because I made some purchases
recently that I regret and I just wanted my advice is,
never buy anything made from velco Velcrow.

Speaker 2 (50:29):
It's a total ripoff.

Speaker 3 (50:30):
Why what did you buy that's made of Belcrow jeans?

Speaker 2 (50:35):
Total? I want to play a little rim shots off
for you.

Speaker 10 (50:41):
But also I'm on a real big healthcake lately, and
so I wanted you to know which state gives you
the smallest beverages because I think it's important to like
control your intake. And the state that gives you the
smallest beverages is Minnesota.

Speaker 20 (50:58):
Oh, I thought you were going to act.

Speaker 9 (51:05):
Well, what's going on with you?

Speaker 11 (51:06):

Speaker 2 (51:06):
Nothing. I'm just still excited about I'm releasing. You know,
I've been stepping into music and I'm releasing my first
official song on May fourteenth. You can if you go
to my if you go to at Jewel Fresh on Instagram,
there's a link there for the Spotify follow. But yeah,
dropping it on the fourteenth. I'm very excited about it.
Here's a clip of it so you can hear it.
And everybody wants to think that it's going to be funny,
but I'm actually doing music. It's not a joke album.

Language is important, so I try to take the word
try out of stuff. I was about to say try.
But I'm doing it right. If you like it or not,
it's up to you. Because I posted on my social
media too, and then someone was like, this is not
good music. Most people have been most people have been
very excited about it, which is dope, Thank you very much. Well,
one person was like, this is not good music. And
I was like, that's the thing about music, it's open
to your opinion. So that's your opinion, man. But here's

the clip of it.

Speaker 22 (51:53):
I tell you that.

Speaker 2 (52:13):
We'll play the full thing soon coming up on the show.
But yeah, I'm excited about it, so I want everybody
to check it out.

Speaker 3 (52:17):
It's really catchy. Like I did have it in my
head all day the other day.

Speaker 2 (52:21):
It does get stick in your head. I've annoyed myself
with it.

Speaker 10 (52:23):
I'm really I'm really excited for so May fourteenth. Right,
they can do the pre follow on Spotify. Also, you
can hear a longer clip than you just heard if
you go to the Jubile Show podcast, So jubileshow dot
com or wherever you get podcasts, just search Jubile Show
and it's all in there.

Speaker 2 (52:37):
Check it out. Thank you very much for the download
ahead of time. Yes, I like the pre follow.

Speaker 10 (52:42):
That's cool now, and it's gonna get released on.

Speaker 2 (52:45):
May four exact. I love that. And I've got more
music thatan I'm gonna be dropping after that too, So
I'm excited about all of it. Are you gonn do
an album?

Speaker 3 (52:50):
Yes, that's amazing.

Speaker 2 (52:54):
Let's check out. Should I let the listeners name it
absolutely not album MC album face, which actually might be
it's time for Nina's what's trending? Nina's out today, So
producer Brad has your trending.

Speaker 10 (53:09):
I cried about ninety seconds into Top Gun, Maverick Heroo.

Speaker 3 (53:13):
Are you serious?

Speaker 2 (53:14):

Speaker 10 (53:14):
I don't know what came over me, but I don't
know if it was nostalgia or what, but it just
it flooded through my body. And the question has been
since that movie ended, will there be a Top Gun three?
It was twenty years between Top Gun one and Top
Gun two, apparently. Jerry Bruckheimer, producer of the first two
Top Gun films, said last month an idea for a
third movie was pitched to Tom Cruise, Wow, and.

Speaker 9 (53:36):
He liked it.

Speaker 2 (53:36):
How old is Tom Cruise?

Speaker 9 (53:37):

Speaker 2 (53:38):
Nobody knows. That's a mystery. I don't think we're allowed
to know.

Speaker 3 (53:41):
Top secret is Glenn Powell and Miles how.

Speaker 2 (53:44):
Going to be in it? It looks like everyone from
the cast was down to do it again.

Speaker 10 (53:48):
Obviously they get to fly around in planes for six
months or however long it takes the film.

Speaker 3 (53:52):
That's true.

Speaker 7 (53:52):
I'm pretty sure Glenn Powell is like producing a different
flying movie. Also, yeah, Blue Angels poser. What he's no pilot.
You know why he's the pilot because Tom Cruise made
him one. Yes, so he's a pilot now, Okay.

Speaker 10 (54:04):
Sligne le More News Lindsay lohand and Rachel McAdams are
interested in doing a Mean Girl sequel. That's two of
the Plastics and Mean Girls. They are ready, they want
to do it. Lindsay Lohan and Rachel McAdams, who played
Katie and Regina in the original Mean Girls two thousand
and four, have expressed interest in revisiting those exact roles

that four yeah years ago. Yeah, twenty years ago. And
so I'm assuming they'd be like a mom version of
Mean Girls. That would be Actually I would watch this, Yeah, me,
Mean Ladies. We've written it for him. We've written it
for him.

Speaker 9 (54:43):
All right.

Speaker 2 (54:44):
It's official. Women no longer have to make the first
move on Bumble.

Speaker 10 (54:47):
Bumble is the dating app that women have to say
hello first and then men can interact with them.

Speaker 2 (54:55):
They've released that feature.

Speaker 10 (54:57):
It is now anyone can message anyone on us basically
ten now it is tender.

Speaker 3 (55:01):
Yeah, honestly, I'd agree with that.

Speaker 2 (55:03):
That's funny because women were like well, we'll use bubble
so that we can make the first move. But then
most women are like, I don't want to make the
first move. They yeah, I guess they did a big
survey and women are like this, it's exhausting. Yeah, it
is exhausting. Imagine imagine how exhausting it is for the
dudes that are in the dms that you ignore. I mean,
those guys are persistent too, That's all they do. They're

doing it. Yeah, I know, nineteen messages unanswered. They don't
ever get tired. That's why I've always said, if like
dudes would focus on something else, everybody could. Every guy
could be president if they wanted to, if they didn't
think about that one thing all the time.

Speaker 10 (55:41):
I want to let you know. Final story. Walmart is
introducing Better Goods. It's a new store brand targeting younger,
less brand loyal consumers with preference for gourmet yet affordable
food options.

Speaker 2 (55:54):
Walmart Gourmet. Walmart is releasing a gourmet food line.

Speaker 3 (55:58):
I need someone to try that from the tea. It's
not me, just to let.

Speaker 2 (56:03):
You know how it's gonna go.

Speaker 10 (56:05):
It's uh, it's the largest in twenty years as far
as the launch for them, It includes three hundred new items,
ranging from premium Italian pasta to plant based.

Speaker 3 (56:12):
Mazzarella, plant based mozzarella.

Speaker 2 (56:15):
Most products priced under five dollars. So super fake cheese
five bucks. Yeah, gourmet food quote end quotes under five dollars.

Speaker 3 (56:25):
I should say, really unhealthy for you. If I'm going on,
that does not sound like it's gonna be great.

Speaker 2 (56:30):
There, Gormet food everywhere, what's training is brought to you
by Mucleshoot, Casino Resort, Palmetishing me, Walmart.

Speaker 3 (56:41):
Well, they think they are.

Speaker 2 (56:42):
Smart and classy whatever.

Speaker 3 (56:45):
Why is it like a country accident?

Speaker 2 (56:46):
Like have no idea? Just sounds better that way. Well,
because to be honest, the country accent be more like finally,
gourmet food my stole. Walmart has Gourmets. Dirty little secret? Hello, Hello, Hey,
what's up? Do you have a dirty little secret?

Speaker 23 (57:08):
I do? Okay, So this is something that I have
never said out loud, but basically, I met this guy
at a bar and me just hit it off. I
was in, I was feeling myself. We had a great time.
We drank a lot at the bar, and then you know,

it was just one of those nights that you're feeling
really good. And I decided to go back to his place.
I would go back to his place, and he offers
to like make me more drinks, like he wants to
make me a nice cocktail, and we drink more. Okay,
and long story short, I spent the night, but I

was so drunk that I wet the bed.

Speaker 2 (58:02):
I've had that happen to me before. What, Yeah, it
happens the guy a lot. Yeah. Well, I've had a
girl do it in my bed before.

Speaker 19 (58:09):

Speaker 5 (58:09):
Yeah, did you ever speak to her again? Because, let
me tell you, I have never seen this person again
in my life. I was so mortified I left and
never spoke to him again.

Speaker 2 (58:21):
Yeah. No, I did speak to her again. Yeah, she
peed in my bed a couple more times, and then
that was about it. No, it wasn't cute. She was
just a train wreck.

Speaker 8 (58:32):

Speaker 23 (58:33):
Well, that's my dirty little secret, and it feels really
good to get it out. But it's something that will
haunt me, I think forever.

Speaker 3 (58:39):
It's funny.

Speaker 2 (58:40):
Well, thank you for telling us your dirty little secret.

Speaker 23 (58:43):
Yeah, be careful, don't drink too much on the day.

Speaker 2 (58:46):
All right, Bye? Hey, what's up? Hey, how are you?
I'm good?

Speaker 3 (58:52):
How are you?

Speaker 2 (58:53):
I'm good? We were just talking to people on the
street and they said that you had a dirty little secret.
So we're like, we stand on the phone, Yeah, what's
your little secret?

Speaker 3 (59:02):

Speaker 12 (59:02):
So three and a half years ago, I moved to
a new neighborhood, same community, but different neighborhood. And I'm
home most days, so I thought, you know, I got.

Speaker 17 (59:13):
A ring doorbell.

Speaker 12 (59:13):
All joined the neighborhood group of people who watch the neighborhood.

Speaker 17 (59:18):
So this first meeting that I attended, one of.

Speaker 12 (59:21):
The moms was complaining that the neighborhood was going down
the tubes and that it was smelling more and more
like college.

Speaker 2 (59:31):
Okay, it sounds like such like a homeowner's association type.
It just smells so much like college around. I don't
even really know what that.

Speaker 17 (59:39):
So I chose a different life path. I went in
the military, so I don't know what college smells like.

Speaker 2 (59:45):

Speaker 12 (59:46):
After the meeting, I went up to this other mom
and I was like, what what does college smell like?
And she told me that it's pot that they're all
concerned about the pot smell in the neighborhood.

Speaker 2 (59:57):
Oh that's what she meant. I thought.

Speaker 14 (59:59):
I was, Oh yeah, I was like Oh, so like
a mixture of pea and beer. Yeah, that's what I
was thinking. That's the smell I get sometimes frat house
is flashback. Yeah, I didn't go to college, but that
is what I was thinking, just from what I know
of college. Yeah, so she was upset. Yeah, it smells
like weed around the neighborhood, right.

Speaker 12 (01:00:15):
So she was asking everyone to like search their videos
and see if they saw drug deals, and well, my
dirty little secret is I'm the one who moved to
the neighborhood who's smoking the pot.

Speaker 2 (01:00:27):
And you didn't go to college, so it's not the
smell at college. That's hilarious. Thanks for telling us your
dirty little secret. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 13 (01:00:40):
What's your dirty little secret.
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