Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
What do you remember from this past year? Twenty twenty
four was full of stick, wasn't it. You know, those
sticky little moments that just stick all over your sticky body. Whoa,
it's the end of the year, and of course all
the countdown lists are coming out, and the list of
the biggest moments of twenty twenty four has come out. Oh,
the number one moment of the year might surprise you.
We'll tell you what that number one moment is in
a second, and go over the top ones right after this.
It's the Jewbil Show. Did anything even happen this year?
It's the Jewel Show. It's like I woke up and
all of a sudden the year was over and I
don't even remember anything happening. It just feel like a blur. Yeah,
but my mind is mostly mush, full of mush. Here's that. Yeah,
so it could be that. But the end of the
year is here, and of course all the lists are
coming out of the top moments of the year, and
the number one moment of twenty twenty four might surprise you.
We'll tell you what that is in a second. But
let's go over some of the top moments of the
year in case you forgot. I definitely forgot.
Speaker 2 (01:00):
I forgot.
Speaker 1 (01:00):
I'm just trying to think what could be on the
list too. I don't remember.
Speaker 3 (01:04):
A single dang thing that happened this year other than
us like crossing five hundred thousand on TikTok. That seems
to be like that seems to be like the only
thing that's in my head. All the work is a blur,
all of the family, all of the feelings.
Speaker 1 (01:16):
It all feels like I don't know what happened with
this year's tour, this year, last year. I feel like
that tour has been going on for seven years. Going
over this list, I was like, oh, yeah, that happened.
I forgot about that. Okay, The Paris twenty twenty four
Olympics happened, right, Remember that that wasn't even that loud
in US. Just a couple of months ago, and you guys,
Reygun and the Australian breakdown. Gun Raygun took the world
by storm with her weird kangaroo hop. She didn't fully
commit to it became a nude craze that we didn't
know was coming. Another one of the top moments of
the year that you might have forgot about.
Speaker 4 (01:57):
The Hawk tool Girl. I didn't forget about high and
he didn't forget this podcast. Well, because she's on my
feet all the time and on my for you page
and all this.
Speaker 3 (02:05):
I didn't forget about her, but I did forget like
when that was.
Speaker 1 (02:09):
Oh, I can't remember that either. I don't think I
realized that was this year.
Speaker 3 (02:12):
I thought maybe that we're still She's got like seventeen
minutes of famers.
Speaker 1 (02:15):
A lot happened this year, so much that you get
to the end of it and you're like, I don't
even remember anything happening. Flavor Flave becoming the official sponsor
of the US women's water polo team, I thought happened
this year.
Speaker 5 (02:28):
I know that.
Speaker 1 (02:29):
God, Yeah, you gotta love him for that. Flavor Flav
was at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and it was
awkward because the announcers on the Thanksgiving Day parade were like,
and here it is, We're the man of the hour,
you know, talking about Santa right. But when they said that,
they cut the Flavor Flave and I was like, Flavor
Flav is the man of the hour.
Speaker 6 (02:54):
Speaker 1 (02:55):
They even said something about it because they realized it
was an awkward cut, like not flavor fla. We're talking
about Santa. I would love to see them hype him.
Like what else happened this year? As we're counting down
the top moments of twenty twenty four, the number one
moment might surprise you. The man or bear debate a
whole another ye over the year. I don't fully remember that.
Speaker 7 (03:18):
I remember people saying they rather pick a fight with
the man or bear, but I don't fully.
Speaker 1 (03:22):
Remember, like would you want to be like lost in
the woods? Oh? Bear? Oh? Victoria is like, what is
the man looking like?
Speaker 3 (03:32):
That one that went now and came out again? I
didn't know that was this year. My whole life happened
this year.
Speaker 1 (03:36):
I think I'm waiting for you this year, and that
whole thing came out. I was like, I need a
lug off on social media. Another one of the top
moments of the year very demure, very oh yeah, oh yeah.
You can't forget that one.
Speaker 4 (03:50):
Well, Tamir was one of the words on one of
the dictionaries, because you know every dictionary has a word, right, Yeah, it.
Speaker 1 (03:55):
Was wester or something like that.
Speaker 3 (03:57):
The thing I found funny about that trend was the
least demure, the least mindful.
Speaker 1 (04:02):
People were jumping on that. Yeah, Brat. Another one of
the top moments of the year, Sabrina Carpenter getting a
priest demoted. Sexy Gosh feather music video led to a
mismanagement investigation that got a priest demoted. Oh my gosh,
I forgot about that.
Speaker 4 (04:24):
Yeah, she's allegedly like connected to some like drama going
on in politics in New York City too.
Speaker 8 (04:29):
Oh my god.
Speaker 7 (04:30):
Sabrina Carpenter in general popped off this year. Now I'm
like remembering, like all the songs she came out. I'm like,
wow that.
Speaker 1 (04:37):
Yeah, this was the year of Sabrina Carpenter. Yeah for sure.
Speaker 3 (04:39):
Sure Lingerie is closed, Let's go, Which does mean the
aristour was last year, right yeah?
Speaker 1 (04:45):
Right. And then top moment from twenty twenty four Brat Summer.
Oh yeah yeah. Charlie XDX released her sixth studio album Brat,
and the term took over the summer and she says
it's done now and wants to move on because she
got tired. She's like, Okay, I I thought it was
a good idea, but now I'm really annoyed by it.
It's got fun. I liked it, it was fun. What's
the definition of a brat summer again, Victoria.
Speaker 7 (05:11):
Just like having fun, no one caring about anything, like
always say like, yes the things like go out party, be.
Speaker 1 (05:17):
Yourself, be bratt just be a be authentic. Yeah. You
always know it's over when it gets into politics. What
do you mean? Because the politicians started using it and
I was like, well, that's over to every America in
this country, April, I'm not just trying to be relevant somehow,
and free lunch. The number two moment of twenty twenty
four the Kendrick Lamar versus Drake beef that was this year.
This year, Yeah, and that was huge. I kind of
enjoyed that beef. I do why it happened though. It
was started because Drake dissed Kendrick Lamar in a song
called First Person Shooter, and then it went back and
forth and then Kendrick Lamar dropped it out like us
and the whole thing was over over undisputed. Yes, and
nobody's heard from Drake, SINSI. Yeah, we're not sure where
he is, what he's doing. That's all it was.
Speaker 7 (06:05):
It was just beeping because they put like they're dissing
each others of the music.
Speaker 3 (06:08):
Okay, you gotta understand how this works though Victoria this, Yeah,
this is like they cut so deep the things that
he said about Drake.
Speaker 1 (06:17):
I would argue, you cannot come back from because he
didn't come back from them. He didn't come back from them.
And everyone's like, why aren't you saying anything? It was
just right. It was such a huge beef that Kendrick
Lamar got the super Bowl halftime show. Yeah, he's going
to be doing He's going to have the entire stadium
for the Super Bowl singing along sece they're not like us.
Speaker 5 (06:38):
I know.
Speaker 1 (06:42):
It's going to be an interesting super Bowl any show.
The number one moment of twenty twenty four Saltburn ogot
that happened. That was last year the beginning of this year.
That's why I've never seen a carpenter. Yeah, she's with
the Saltburn guy. I don't know either. I never saw
some and people were just saying the scenes are really
sexy and weird.
Speaker 4 (07:02):
I thought the last scene because my mom, wait, you
will last see the last scene.
Speaker 1 (07:06):
That's about it.
Speaker 4 (07:07):
Yeah, my mom came up to me and she's like,
it's one of the most artistic things I've ever seen done.
Speaker 1 (07:10):
In a movie.
Speaker 4 (07:11):
You've got to come down and see this. I'm like,
all right, I see the scene. It's him dancing around naked,
full front hole and all all through the house and
it was just like it was like a big fu
or whatever was apparently.
Speaker 1 (07:21):
But she's like, look at it. You watch artistic?
Speaker 4 (07:24):
Yeah, so artistic?
Speaker 1 (07:28):
What a huge artistic, big huge artistics. That's a really
strong Here it's another jubile phone frame. Morning on the twenties. Hello, yeah, hey,
I was looking for Andrea. Right, slow down, Sorry about hello,
was looking for Andrea. Yeah, this is Andrea. Hey, Andrea,
how you doing? This is Pete Eakins with and just
calling about your car that was in your phone oil change.
I'm trying to drive here. Sorry about that. I'm sorry,
sorry about that. Oh boy, I'm sorry. What the oil change?
Speaker 9 (08:19):
Is it?
Speaker 1 (08:20):
Okay, Yeah, everything seems to be good. I'm just out
and taking her for a test dra Hey. Hey, hey,
you're driving my car. Yeah, just taking it for a
little test drive, make sure everything's going well with he
what I'm so sorry about that. I think it's the
Bluetooth connection in your car doesn't work very well. Have
you been having problems with that? Because I'm noticing that
it's just a car. Don't hawk at me, buster, I
hok at you?
Speaker 8 (08:45):
Yea what?
Speaker 1 (08:46):
I'm so sorry? What am my car okay?
Speaker 9 (08:49):
Speaker 1 (08:49):
I'm like, I'm car, pick my car right now? Why
are you called?
Speaker 8 (08:53):
Speaker 1 (08:53):
Car seems to be running smooth. I wish I could
say that for the other drivers that.
Speaker 8 (08:56):
Are a.
Speaker 1 (08:58):
I'm moving here, hold on, month just one second. I'm
so sorry about this. I'm you know, people get so
upset when they think that they own the road. Do
you know what I mean? You're out driving my car?
Bring my car back. I'm ready if i'm pick it up. Well,
I just see, you know, checking it out, making sure
it's running all smooth. It's running like it's fine. Yeah,
it's running pretty good. Uh fast are you going?
Speaker 6 (09:22):
Why are you driving my car?
Speaker 1 (09:24):
Well? Because you had the oil changed in it and
I just wanted to give the engine. Hey, hey, hey,
I will get out of this car so fast. Sorry,
what's that?
Speaker 6 (09:34):
I'm going to get my car right now? In my car?
Speaker 1 (09:37):
Okay, you can't come get it just yet because it's
not Hey, it's not done yet. Why are so many
people howking at you? I've been asking myself the same
question you know out driving my car. I only ask
for no change and nothing else you want trying to
go here? Oh boy, oh boy? Read to go back
so you can pick my car up. Just to let
you know. Any red light camera tickets that you get
in the mail, I will gladly take care of those.
I think I've hit about three or four of them.
Bring my car back, you deal right now, and let
me know what I can come pick it off the
metal fingers for you, bud.
Speaker 5 (10:15):
Yeah, dow, I'm honking at you.
Speaker 1 (10:18):
Yeah, honking right at you want to bring my car back? Well, okay, yes,
it'll be in about two hours. It should be.
Speaker 5 (10:27):
Back two Wow.
Speaker 6 (10:28):
I don't know how things done.
Speaker 1 (10:30):
What's that? So sorry? It's hard to hear you with
the windows rolled down?
Speaker 6 (10:33):
Yeah, so oil change.
Speaker 2 (10:35):
I thought that's all.
Speaker 5 (10:36):
You were doing.
Speaker 1 (10:36):
Yep, And it is all changed and done. It's just
I'm taking it over. I got a dinisappointment. Got to
keep the teeth you know, sharp in parly white. So yeah,
and I'll bring it right back after that.
Speaker 6 (10:48):
You need to.
Speaker 5 (10:49):
Bring my car back right now because you're about to
get fired.
Speaker 10 (10:53):
I'm gonna go off on your bosses.
Speaker 5 (10:55):
This is so inappropriate, bring my car back right now?
Speaker 1 (10:58):
Well I can't do that, actually all what do you mean?
Speaker 2 (11:02):
Speaker 1 (11:02):
Because this is actually Jubil from the Jewbel Show doing
a phone prank on you and your husband or honey,
set you up? Why it's a joke.
Speaker 11 (11:10):
Oh seriously, So my.
Speaker 1 (11:16):
Car is not Wait you don't have my car? No,
I don't at all.
Speaker 6 (11:19):
Oh my god, you actually went out like to the
dentist and someone just like took my car.
Speaker 5 (11:25):
I'm like, what the hell?
Speaker 1 (11:29):
Wake up every morning with Jubal phone Franks, it's time
for Nina's what's trending?
Speaker 4 (11:33):
So Disney's hunted mansion just had to be evacuated because
it got a lot more haunted.
Speaker 1 (11:38):
Why it happened again?
Speaker 4 (11:40):
What somebody sprinkled their family's ashes come on the ride?
Speaker 1 (11:44):
Why would you do that? And do that so much?
It happens all the time. Why. I'm not really sure.
Speaker 4 (11:51):
I would say that if it was one of my
family member's requests to have that be their final resting place,
I would do that. But I just don't understand why
that would be your way shrinle that Disneyland.
Speaker 3 (12:02):
I mean, do you do you not understand this is
a mega corporation. This is no different than having your
family's ashes spread in the McDonald's headquarters.
Speaker 1 (12:10):
Listen, if you sure, some people would love to be
who love those chicken nuggets? Are the McRib? You're ready
to be right there?
Speaker 3 (12:18):
Okay, I didn't I picked a bad example, but you
know what I mean.
Speaker 1 (12:22):
Drinkle beyond a McRib and eat it? Ummm no, please don't.
I just grost myself out. Really were to eat it?
I don't know. Would you like to?
Speaker 4 (12:30):
Have you ever thought about what your popcorn bucket would
look like if you were to design one just for yourself.
Speaker 1 (12:36):
Speaker 4 (12:37):
Yeah, it's now a trend obviously for big movies to
have popcorn buckets just for them. And Tom Cruise, just
so you know, designed this one for twenty twenty five
because mission impossible. The final reckoning is coming in, now,
are there? This is is that ace one?
Speaker 1 (12:53):
This will be the age There's been eight of them.
How old is he?
Speaker 3 (12:56):
He said he has a goal of going to thirty,
not him as the person, but he wants to go
all the way to thirty to compana James Bond.
Speaker 1 (13:03):
But that's the final reckoning. That kind of implies it's over.
Speaker 3 (13:06):
They've said things like this in like five of the
other movie Soon Tom Cruise is sixty two years old.
Speaker 4 (13:11):
It's oh, he's got another fifteen in him and he
still does his own stunts.
Speaker 1 (13:15):
Yeah, so he breaks a lot of things when you
get older your bones. That guy, I don't know. He's
like a robot inside right, Oh, which is an impossible ten.
He'll just be battling Versidas made blunder impossible. Mission impossible.
The impossible mission will be him being able to pee
without white trailers. So good in my head, so sad. Well,
even if he can't pee, he came up with a
popcorn bucket.
Speaker 8 (13:51):
So that's what happens.
Speaker 1 (13:52):
What is that looking We know what it looks like
and we don't. We just know that he designed it
so it will be special.
Speaker 4 (13:57):
And lastly, there's a new trend with couples and the
concept of sleep divorce. Now, sleep divorce was trending for
a while because that just meant that couples would be
sleeping in different rooms. Now they've taken it to another
another level while they sleep separately in the same room
in bunk beds.
Speaker 1 (14:13):
Wait, like one was on top, one persons on bottom,
or like the give yes, but that would probably make
a happy marriage. And bunk beds, Oh my gosh, I
would hate it so much.
Speaker 3 (14:25):
I would say, big comfy couch, you know, and then
all right, well see you later.
Speaker 1 (14:31):
Yeah I'm a brod. Then if you get an argument before,
whoever's on the bottom could kick the back of the
top bunk. Well that's what's trending.
Speaker 12 (14:49):
First Day to follow up powered by the Advocates Injury
Attorneys online at advocateslaw dot com.
Speaker 1 (14:56):
Thatsan He is on the phone today for a first
day follow up and she's getting ghosted by a guy
named Jeremy. So in a second we'll call him and
see if he'll tell us why he's a ghostinger and
maybe get on another date. But first, Bethany, how long
has it been since you heard from Jeremy.
Speaker 6 (15:09):
It's been a few weeks. I haven't heard anything from him,
and it's weird because I thought the deal went really well.
Speaker 8 (15:17):
What y'all do.
Speaker 6 (15:18):
We went and got dinner, sort of like a happy
hour type thing. We got like a couple of different
plates and stuff. We shared both of them, and I
really liked him, like we have a lot in common.
We both just recently moved here, both originally from small towns,
and we're both really like career motivated and excited about
our job and things like that. So I don't know.
I thought it was a really good match.
Speaker 1 (15:45):
Did you feel like he liked you?
Speaker 6 (15:47):
I thought he did.
Speaker 4 (15:50):
I know, it's a weird question because when you get
so caught up in liking somebody, you're not really paying
attention to if like, wait a minute, yeah that's true.
Speaker 6 (15:57):
Yeah I thought he liked me, but I haven't heard
from him, so I'm not sure.
Speaker 4 (16:01):
Okay, well I made that a very terrible narrative. I'm
not saying that he doesn't like you. Maybe something happened.
Did you guys kiss it all? Did you hug? How
did the date end?
Speaker 6 (16:11):
We didn't kiss it all, just like hug in second Night,
but the vibe was really positive, like we had a
really good time. We were talking a lot, to the
point where I thought we were going to have a
second date. So yeah, I don't I don't really know
what happened.
Speaker 1 (16:30):
Is there anything you can think of that might be
a reason that he's ghosting you?
Speaker 6 (16:34):
I don't know. The only thing I can think of
is that, like, I feel like I definitely ate more
food than him. We shared some plates, and I feel like,
now I'm kind of worried that I just like ate
a lot more of the food.
Speaker 1 (16:46):
Is that actually a thing? What do you mean?
Speaker 4 (16:49):
Like, do you guys actually like not like that. I
don't know what happened. It's definitely a thing where girls
feel self conscious about it. I know they didn't feel
self conscious about Yeah, I hear them feel self conscious.
Speaker 1 (17:00):
I didn't know if to, Like, I don't know if
I know any guys that would want to go somebody
after they went on a date with him and they
ate a bunch, Like I find I actually think it's
cool because it's like, oh, you're relaxed enough to just
eat a bunch. Yeah, you know, I would get annoyed,
like if it's go to a really nice steakhouse or
something and then somebody's self conscious about eating lots, so
then they order a salad because it sounds like fifty
bucks anyway, so it's like, just go ahead and spend
the money on a steak and enjoy yourself.
Speaker 4 (17:23):
Yeah, So hopefully that's not it, because that would be ridiculous.
Speaker 6 (17:28):
Yeah. So, like he just like walked me to my
car and we said good night and we hugged this
sort of I don't know. There was an implication that
he was going to call a text or something, and
I didn't hear anything.
Speaker 1 (17:41):
Did you reach out to him?
Speaker 6 (17:43):
I did reach out to him. I texted him once
and I didn't get a response. I didn't want to
text him too much because I didn't want to like, yeah,
I don't know, oh Walham or anything. And I really
I just thought you was going to text.
Speaker 1 (17:57):
Me or call me. So all right, and you literally
have no idea why he's ghosting Yeah, I mean.
Speaker 6 (18:04):
It's just like, I guess the only thing I can
give is the food thing. I don't know. Maybe I
was eating too loud or I was like being too
messy or.
Speaker 1 (18:12):
All right, Okay, well we'll see if we can figure it out.
For you'll play a song come back, and then call
him and see if he'll tell us why he's ghosting
you and maybe gets you another date if you still
want one.
Speaker 6 (18:20):
Okay, So I'm all.
Speaker 1 (18:22):
Right, we'll play a song, come back, get your first
day follow up next right in the middle of your
first day follow up if you're just joining us. So
Bethany is on the phone and she's getting ghosted by
a guy named Jeremy. So in a second, we're gonna
call him and see if he'll tell us why he's
ghostinger and maybe get her another date if she still
wants one. But before we do that, Bethany, why don't
you catch everybody up on your situation.
Speaker 6 (18:43):
Yeah. So, basically, I went on to date with this
guy a week or so ago. We had a great time,
got drinks, dinner. I thought it went really well. Uh,
we have a lot in common. I was really into him.
He walked me in my car, we said good night,
and I just like didn't hear from him at all.
And I texted him and he just didn't respond. So
now I'm just not sure what's going on, and I
would really like to know.
Speaker 1 (19:12):
Okay, make sure it's not because you ate a lot.
Speaker 6 (19:14):
Yeah, yeah, and I would like to know it's not
because I ate a lot.
Speaker 1 (19:18):
All right, We're about to call him right now. You ready, yep? Okay,
here we go. Hey is this Jeremy? Yeah, Jeremy with
a man? How are you? My name is Jewbel and
host a radio show. It's called The Jewbill Show. Hi Jeremy,
I'm Nina. Also on the show, Hi I'm Victoria. How
are you hi? I no, fine, sweet? Do you listen
to the show ever?
Speaker 8 (19:49):
I mean I'm familiar, Okay, I.
Speaker 1 (19:52):
Don't know if you're familiar or not with a segment
we do. It's called the first Date follow up. That's
where if you go on a date with somebody and
then you ghost them, that person can ask us to
get you on the phone and ask why you're ghosting them.
And we got an email about you from somebody.
Speaker 8 (20:05):
Oh, okay, can you.
Speaker 1 (20:07):
Think of anybody that you're ghosting currently?
Speaker 10 (20:10):
Uh p?
Speaker 5 (20:12):
Speaker 1 (20:14):
Have you gone any dates recently?
Speaker 8 (20:16):
This is this is for Bethany.
Speaker 6 (20:18):
I take it.
Speaker 1 (20:20):
Yes, Bethany email at us and then we talked to
her about your day a little bit, and she said,
it's been like a few weeks and you haven't talked
to her, So she's wondering if you would mind telling
us why you're a ghostinger.
Speaker 8 (20:31):
Well, I mean, I had.
Speaker 2 (20:32):
A great time with her.
Speaker 11 (20:33):
We I really liked it because we went out, we
had food, and she's she's nice to talk to. But
I got really excited, and so I was starting to
show my bros, you know, like pictures from the night
and I was telling.
Speaker 2 (20:47):
Her about her, and you know one of them, my guy,
uh Rob.
Speaker 11 (20:52):
Actually he said, wait a minute, no, I know who
this is. I know Bethany.
Speaker 1 (20:58):
Speaker 11 (20:59):
Actually I went out with her for a while A
few weeks ago. I actually went out with her and
we ended up we slept together, and every day afterward
she kept.
Speaker 2 (21:14):
Just trying to get a hold of me. It was
like this constant Hey, what's up. And I couldn't. I
couldn't like get her, I couldn't drop a hint that
she would understand.
Speaker 11 (21:24):
So I eventually text her on like I don't know,
like a third or fourth day, just to say that hey,
we're not a good match. And then then she stopped
bugging me. So I was like, oh, I do not
want to get into that, you know, I do. I
don't want to wade into.
Speaker 10 (21:36):
Any of that.
Speaker 4 (21:37):
Well it sounds like commun Yeah, I'm not sure what
wading into that means. But because to me, he finally
nipped it in the boat by telling her what was what.
So really it was his fault that it got weird
if you think about it, So, you actually would have
had the power to communicate with her what you wanted
from her, and especially if you were excited doesn't mean
that you guys have had the same situation.
Speaker 1 (22:00):
I don't know. I feel a littleriggered by that excuse.
I'm sorry.
Speaker 11 (22:04):
I guess I just I didn't I don't want to
even get involved with any of that. Like, I'm not
gonna I don't want it to get to the point
where I've got to send out a text of like, hey,
don't do this anymore.
Speaker 4 (22:16):
That's just I know, Well, why are you dating? Like
are you dating to be casual or are you dating
to meet someone? So why are you anticipating telling somebody?
I don't want to hear from you.
Speaker 2 (22:26):
I mean, like, I just.
Speaker 11 (22:26):
I want to meet people and hang out and I
don't want to keep it kind of casual, which is nice,
but I just I'm not going to be with someone
who's gonna be like.
Speaker 1 (22:40):
Wants to talk to you? Are you kidding me? I'm sorry, Jeremy,
Thanks for being honest with us. We'll also let you
know that Bethany is actually on the phone and wants
to talk to you, and she's been listening.
Speaker 6 (22:56):
Hi. Okay, I gotta say, I'm like a little bit
shocked by what I'm hearing right now, Like I do
I know, I know exactly what you're talking about. I
remember Rom obviously. Okay, so he said he was really
nice at first. We had a really good date. We
talked about going on a second date, and that's like
kind of the reason I slipped with him and he
slept together, and then he just completely goes to me again,
just keep having me, And yeah, I texted him a
few times we had just slept together, but I wasn't
I didn't text him like crazy. I literally texted him
a couple of times, and then he messaged back saying
he didn't want to see me anymore. I yeah, I
mean I was bummed.
Speaker 11 (23:49):
Uh mean, look, I trust I trust Rob's judgment, and.
Speaker 2 (23:53):
If it was too much for him minutes, it's gonna
be too much for me.
Speaker 6 (23:57):
And I gotta see one not too much. I literally
texted him like a few times because we had maybe passion.
Speaker 13 (24:07):
But I feel like if you put one trust Rob's
judgment on this one, Jeremy, how many friends do you have?
Speaker 1 (24:12):
Like? How many is in your inner circle? And can
we have all of their names?
Speaker 4 (24:16):
So Bethany knows not to date any single one of
them because you guys have interested in Bro rules.
Speaker 8 (24:22):
Oh just I think you know we're tight.
Speaker 2 (24:24):
We like to make sure that we're all on the
same page about this kind of stuff.
Speaker 1 (24:27):
Your friends are all on the same page about, like
how you date.
Speaker 8 (24:30):
Yeah, I mean aren't yours.
Speaker 4 (24:34):
Yeah, they don't tell me who to see and that, well,
yes I do. Yeah, but different, Jeremy, but different.
Speaker 6 (24:43):
Speaker 11 (24:44):
I think we've worked out a really nice sort of system.
You know, I talk about that date now, well when
my friend knows, hey, don't don't do that, and I'm like, okay, well,
ty Rob, I go in.
Speaker 2 (24:52):
I talked about what kind of girls to see.
Speaker 8 (24:56):
I trust Rob.
Speaker 11 (24:57):
If he says, hey, that's not that's not a good one,
then like, that's not a good one, you know. Yeah,
I mean look with us, it's dogs before broads, you
know what. Yeah, dogs before broads.
Speaker 1 (25:13):
Worse than before.
Speaker 4 (25:17):
Listen, Jeremy, I respect your friends circle, but Bethany, it's
time to get out.
Speaker 1 (25:22):
It's time to go.
Speaker 4 (25:24):
Speaker 10 (25:25):
I am not about this at all.
Speaker 6 (25:28):
I do not like that mentality from a grown man.
So I'm good.
Speaker 1 (25:35):
I still have an ash, Jeremy, would you like to
go on another date with Bethany? Will pay for it?
Dogs before No no, I got to listen to the dogs,
all right, you guys, do you guys bark when you
see each other? What was that dog? It was a bulldog, Bethany.
I'm assuming you're cool. You don't want another date?
Speaker 6 (25:55):
Yeah, I would like to never see am again.
Speaker 1 (25:57):
To be honest, there's rough in these street Jubel's first day.
Speaker 14 (26:04):
You know what's weird about your quizes, Katie, is that
all the work is right and just the answers are wrong.
I know that having a boyfriend may seem like the
most important thing in the world right now, but you
don't have to dumb yourself down to get guys to
like you.
Speaker 1 (26:16):
Almost time for America's favorite trivia game, You Versus Victoria,
And this week it's big because it's the first ever
Macy's one thousand dollars Holiday Battle Royale, a week long
competition to see who can go all the way to
win one thousand dollars Sorry Victoria, Yeah, who can go
oh way to win a one thousand dollars gift card
to Macy's. It started yesterday. Tanner took on Victoria, and
Tanner beat Victoria. Now call us right now eighty to
eight three four three one O six one eighty eight
three four three one O six one. You can also
dms at the Jewel Show or go to the Jebel
Show dot com. You get to take on Tanner and
see if you can beat him. I was kind of sad.
I was kind of me and him, We're gonna go
all week and then you can win at the end.
But nope, nope, he decided to Tanner one Victoria loss.
So now Tanner is going to try to beat everybody
he can up until Friday, and the last players standing
will win one thousand dollars to Macy's. And if you
haven't checked out the Macy's Gift Guide, you should definitely
do that Macy's dot com slash Shop slash Gift dash
Guide because they have literally everything on there that do
all your shopping there because it's very easy and they
have everything and it's really marked off, Like they have
a Macy's Diamond tennis bracelet oh in Sterling silver, fourteen
carrot played in Sterling silver or fourteen carrot rose gold
plated Sterling silver marked down from one thousand dollars to
two ninety nine. Right now, whoa man deal to see
all the glitters go to Macy's. We'll calls right now
eight eight eight three four three one six one eight
eight eight three four three one o six one. If
you think you have what it takes to beat Tanner
in your quest for the Macy's one thousand dollars gift card,
it's the Macy's one thousand Versus Victoria Holiday Battle Royale.
We'll play right after this. I'm stupid, you're smart. I
was wrong, you were right. You're the best, I'm the worst.
You're very good looking. I'm not attractive.
Speaker 8 (28:15):
All right, as long as you're willing to admit that, it's.
Speaker 1 (28:19):
Time for America's favorite trivia game, You versus Victoria. And
it's a special edition. Ooh your chance? Oh yeah, look
thee to battle in the Macy's one thousand dollars Holiday
Battle Royale, a week long tournament where you could win
one thousand dollars gift card to Macy's. If you've got
what it takes to go all the way, Tanner beat Victoria.
So Tanner is on the phone right now because Tanner
has to take on someone else to see if he
can go all the way. Tanner, how's it going.
Speaker 5 (29:03):
I'm doing well.
Speaker 1 (29:04):
You hyped up and ready to go.
Speaker 10 (29:06):
Hey man, drinking half of my coffee right now, I'm
ready to go.
Speaker 4 (29:09):
All right, Yeah, it's definitely training open to get to
victory to today and Tanner, you're gonna be facing off
against Sarah.
Speaker 1 (29:15):
Sarah, what's up? Bye?
Speaker 4 (29:18):
Speaker 1 (29:19):
Are you ready to compete in the Macy's one thousand
dollars Holiday Battle? Royale?
Speaker 6 (29:23):
I totally am.
Speaker 1 (29:25):
I'm okay. Well, we're gonna put you on hold, Sarah,
so you can't hear the questions, but Tanner's about to go. Okay,
so put you back on hold. All right, here we go, Tanner.
Sarah's on hold, and here we go. You have thirty
seconds to answer as many questions as possible. If you
don't know one, just say pass. And it's normally Victoria
has to beat somebody outright, but today you have to
beat Sarah outright to win. Okay, cool, all right man,
good luck. Here we go, Tanner. Your time starts now.
Speaker 4 (29:58):
What is the name of the Christmas time that begins
with Oh Holy Night, the stars are brightly shining path
and the song the Twelve Days of Christmas? What gift
is given on the fifth day?
Speaker 8 (30:11):
Five golden rings?
Speaker 4 (30:12):
What is the name of the ballet that is traditionally
performed around Christmas time? Nut Cracker, which reindeer is known
for having a red nose. What is the name of
the character who says bohamba?
Speaker 1 (30:28):
Okay, got that in on time, Tanner.
Speaker 5 (30:30):
How are you feeling, I've feel pretty good.
Speaker 1 (30:32):
Feeling good, You're feel good about your answers? Feeling solid? Oh,
you sing a lot of Christmas carols? No comment on that,
and you have two young kids, So one thousand dollars
Macy's gift card could go a long way for some
Christmas help a lot. All right, Well, it's time to
put you to the test, Sarah. Yes, all right, you
didn't hear any of the questions, right, No, no, you
don't hear any Okay, Well, Tanner did a good job,
so we're gonna put Tanner back on hold. So Tanner
is gonna be on bold and Sarah, now it's your
chance to see if you can take Tanner out. Yeah,
and then you have the opportunity to play tomorrow. Ye,
just see if you can go all the way for
a thousand dollars Macy's gift card. Okay, fantastic thirty seconds
answer as many questions as possible. If you don't know when,
just say pass and Tanner has to beat you outright
to win. Okay, sound good? All right, Sarah, your time
starts now.
Speaker 4 (31:27):
What is the name of the Christmas song that begins
with Oh Holy Night, the stars are brightly shining, Oh
Holy Night in the song the Twelve Days of Christmas?
What gift is given on the fifth day?
Speaker 6 (31:38):
Bye God?
Speaker 4 (31:40):
What is the name of the valet that is traditionally
performed around Christmas? Cracker, which reindeer is known for having.
Speaker 1 (31:47):
A red nose? What is the name of the character
who says ball humbug ooh screwed?
Speaker 10 (31:54):
What is there?
Speaker 1 (31:56):
Okay, okay, you guys both forgot the same amount of questions,
and Tanner's back on the phone and producer Brad isn't
here for this. So Victoria, who normally plays you versus Victoria,
gets to keep score today. So hopefully you got this right, Victoria.
Speaker 7 (32:09):
Guys, I'm not gonna lie having to keep score my
mind just like isn't oh great?
Speaker 1 (32:14):
We might never find out the score. I couldn't figure
out what question you know what? I was like, Oh wait, wait,
I can't find I know the score? If you don't.
All right, Victoria. What's the score. So Tanner got four
correct and Sarah I got five? Girl, Sarah Tanner, you
still get one hundred dollars gift card to Macy's just
for playing. Thank you very much.
Speaker 8 (32:39):
Man, Oh thank you guys.
Speaker 1 (32:42):
Yeah, no problem and Sarah congratulations.
Speaker 6 (32:44):
Oh my gosh, thank you.
Speaker 13 (32:47):
Listen to the Jubile Show all the time, like every
day amazing.
Speaker 6 (32:52):
So my son is always like, okay.
Speaker 1 (32:55):
Mom, we gotta get ready. You got you guys, so
quite I want all right, Well, you still have a
couple more victories to go if you want to go
all the way two one thousand dollars. I'm you excited
to play tomorrow?
Speaker 5 (33:15):
I am very excited.
Speaker 1 (33:16):
I'm like, okay, I feel like you're gonna be a
lot to beat. So people they want to cut out
for them if they want to take down Sarah. But
we'll play tomorrow. We play you Verse Victoria the same
time every single weekday morning and it's the special Holiday
Battle Royale from Macy's. Chance to win a thousand dollars
if you can go oh the way, we'll play again tomorrow.
Your phone break every day, go over the answer? Oh yeah,
thank you, Victoria. Also, let's get the answers with Lena.
Speaker 4 (33:45):
The Christmas song that begins with Oh, Holy Night, the
starts are brightly shining is a Holy Night, and the
song of the twelve Days of Christmas. The gift given
on the fifth day is five Golden rings, Sarah saying
the Nutcracker is the ballet that's traditionally performed around Christmas.
Rudolph is a little sucker with a red nose and
a Benezer Scrooge is.
Speaker 1 (34:04):
Known for his bohumbug. Her good job, Sarah, and we'll
play again tomorrow see if Sarah can make it all
the way.
Speaker 12 (34:13):
First Date follow Up powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys
online at adjocusla dot com.
Speaker 1 (34:20):
Bethany is on the phone today for a first date
follow up and she's getting ghosted by a guy named Jeremy.
So in a second we'll call him and see if
he'll tell us why he's ghostinger and maybe get her
another date. But first, Bethany, how long has it been
since you heard from Jeremy?
Speaker 6 (34:33):
Uh, it's been a few weeks. I haven't heard anything
from him, and it's weird because I thought the deal
went really well.
Speaker 8 (34:41):
What y'all do.
Speaker 6 (34:43):
We went and got dinner sort of like a happy
hour type thing. We got like it, a couple of
different plates and stuff. We sure, both of them, and
I really liked him, like we have a lot in common.
Both just recently moved here originally from all towns, and
we're both really like career motivated and excited about our
job and things like that.
Speaker 1 (35:07):
So I don't know.
Speaker 6 (35:08):
I thought it was a really good match.
Speaker 1 (35:10):
Did you feel like he liked you?
Speaker 6 (35:12):
I thought he did.
Speaker 1 (35:13):
He did.
Speaker 4 (35:15):
I know. It's a weird question because when you get
so caught up in liking somebody, you're not really paying
attention to if like, wait a minute, yeah that's true.
Speaker 6 (35:21):
Yeah, I thought he liked me, But I haven't heard
from him, so I'm not sure.
Speaker 4 (35:26):
Okay, well I made that a very terrible narrative. I'm
not saying that he doesn't like it. Maybe something happened.
Did you guys kiss it all? Did you hug? How
did the date end?
Speaker 6 (35:36):
We didn't kiss at all. It was like hugged in
second night, but the vibe was really positive, like we
had a really good time. We were talking a lot,
to the point where I thought we were going to
have a second date. So, yeah, I don't. I don't
really know what happened.
Speaker 1 (35:54):
Is there anything you can think of that might be
a reason that he's ghosting you?
Speaker 6 (35:58):
I don't know. The only thing I can think it
was that, like, I feel like I definitely ate more
food than him. We shared some plates, and I feel like,
now I'm kind of worried that I just like ate
a lot more of the food.
Speaker 1 (36:11):
Is that actually a thing? What do you mean? Like,
do you guys actually like not like that? I don't
know what happened.
Speaker 4 (36:17):
It's definitely a thing where girls fell self conscious about it,
and I know they didn't feel self conscious about.
Speaker 1 (36:22):
Yeah, I hear them feel self conscious, but I didn't
know if to, Like, I don't know if I know
any guys that would want to go somebody after they
went on a date with him and they ate a
bunch Like I find I actually think it's cool because
it's like, oh, you're relaxed enough to just eat a bunch. Yeah,
you know, I would get annoyed, like if it's go
to a really nice steakhouse or something and then somebody's
self conscious about eating lots, so then they order a
salad because it sounds like fifty bucks anyway, So it's like,
just go ahead and spend the money on a steak
and enjoy yourself. Yeah. So hopefully that's not it, because
that would be ridiculous.
Speaker 6 (36:52):
Yeah. So, like you just like walk me to my
car and we said good night and we hugged this
sort of. I don't know. There's an implication that he
was going to call a text or something and I
didn't hear anything.
Speaker 1 (37:05):
Did you reach out to him?
Speaker 6 (37:07):
I did reach out to him. I texted him once
and I didn't get a response. I didn't want to
text him too much because I didn't want to like, yeah,
I don't want him or anything. And I really I
just thought you was going to text me.
Speaker 1 (37:23):
Or call me, so all right, and you literally have
no idea why he's ghosting Yeah, I mean.
Speaker 6 (37:29):
It's just like, I guess the only thing I can
think it was the food thing. I don't know. Maybe
I was eating too loud or I was like being
too messy.
Speaker 1 (37:35):
Or all right, Okay, well we'll see if we can
figure it out for you. We'll play a song, come
back and then call him and see if he'll tell
us why he's ghosting you and maybe get you another
day if you still want one. Okay, some all right,
we'll play song come back, get your first Day follow
up next, right in the middle of your first date
follow up if you're just joining us. So, Bethany is
on the phone and she's getting ghosted by a guy
named Jeremy. So in a second, we're gonna call him
and he si tell us why he's ghost singer and
maybe get her another date if she still wants one.
But before we do that, beth and you want, don't
you catch everybody up on your situation?
Speaker 6 (38:07):
Yeah? So basically, I went on the jet with this
guy a week or so ago. We had a great time,
got drinks, dinner. I thought it went really well. H
we have a lot in common. I was really into him.
He walked me in my car, we said good night,
and I just like didn't hear from him at all.
And I texted him and he just didn't respond. So
now I'm just not sure what's going on, and I
would really like to know.
Speaker 1 (38:36):
Okay, make sure it's not because you ate a lot.
Speaker 6 (38:38):
Yeah, yeah, and I would like to know it's not
because I ate a lot.
Speaker 1 (38:42):
All right, We're about to call him right now. You ready, yep, Okay,
here we go. Hey is this Jeremy? Yeah, Jeremy was
a man. How are you? My name is Jewbell and
host a radio show. It's called The Jewbill Show. Hi Jeremy,
I'm Nina. Also on the show. Hi, I'm Victoria.
Speaker 8 (39:08):
How are you? I'm going fine?
Speaker 1 (39:11):
Sweet? Do you listen to the show? Ever? I mean,
I'm familiar on Okay, I don't know if you're familiar
or not with a segment we do. It's called the
first date follow up. That's where if you go on
a date with somebody and then you ghost them, that
person can ask us to get you on the phone
and ask why you're ghosting them. And we got an
email about you from somebody.
Speaker 8 (39:29):
Oh, okay, can you think of.
Speaker 1 (39:32):
Anybody that you're ghosting currently?
Speaker 6 (39:37):
Speaker 1 (39:38):
Have you gone on any dates recently?
Speaker 2 (39:41):
Is an?
Speaker 8 (39:42):
I take it?
Speaker 1 (39:44):
Yes. Bethany emailed us and then we talked to her
about your day a little bit and she said, it's
been like a few weeks and you haven't talked to her,
so she's wondering if you would mind telling us why
you're a ghostinger.
Speaker 2 (39:55):
Well, I mean I had a great time with her.
We I really liked it because we we went out,
we had.
Speaker 11 (40:01):
Food, and she's she's nice to talk to. But I
got really excited, and so I was starting to show
my bros, you.
Speaker 2 (40:09):
Know, like pictures from the night and I was telling
her about her, and you know, one of them, my
guy Rob. Actually he said, wait a minute, no, I
know who this is.
Speaker 8 (40:21):
I know Bethany.
Speaker 11 (40:23):
Actually I went out with her for a while. A
few weeks ago. I actually went out with her and
we ended up we slept together, and every day afterward
she kept.
Speaker 2 (40:38):
Just trying to get a hold of me. It was
like this constant hey, what's up. And I couldn't. I
couldn't like get her. I couldn't drop a.
Speaker 8 (40:46):
Hint that she would understand.
Speaker 2 (40:48):
So I eventually text her.
Speaker 11 (40:50):
On like I don't know, like the third or fourth day,
just to say that, hey, we're not a good match.
And then then she stopped bugging me. So I was like, oh,
I do not want to get into that, you know,
I do. I don't want wade into any of that.
Speaker 4 (41:02):
Well it sounds like communication. Yeah, I'm not sure what
wading into that means. But because to me, he finally
nipped it in the boat by telling her what was what?
So really it was his fault that it got weird
if you think about it. So you actually would have
had the power to communicate with her what you wanted
from her, and especially if you were excited. Doesn't mean
that you guys would have the same situation.
Speaker 8 (41:25):
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (41:25):
I feel a little triggered by that excuse. I'm sorry,
I guess I just.
Speaker 2 (41:30):
I didn't I don't want to even get involved with
any of that.
Speaker 11 (41:33):
Like, I'm not gonna I don't want it to get
to the point where I've got to send out a
text of like, hey, I don't do this anymore.
Speaker 4 (41:41):
That's just I know, Well, why are you dating? Like
are you dating to be casual or are you dating
to meet someone? So why are you anticipating telling somebody?
I don't want to hear from you.
Speaker 11 (41:50):
I mean, like, I just I want to meet people
and hang out, and I don't want to keep it
kind of casual, which is nice, but I just I'm
not going.
Speaker 2 (41:59):
To be with someone who's gonna be like.
Speaker 5 (42:07):
Are you kidding me?
Speaker 1 (42:08):
I'm sorry, Jeremy, thanks for being honest with us. We'll
also let you know that Beth and he is actually
on the phone and wants to talk to you, and
she's been listening.
Speaker 6 (42:20):
Hi. Uh Okay, I gotta say, I'm like a little
bit shocked by what I'm hearing right now, Like I do,
I know, I know exactly what you're talking about. I
remember Rob obviously. Okay, So he said he was really
nice at first. We had a really good date. We
talked about going on a second date, and that's like
kind of the reason I slipped with him, and he
slept together, and then he just completely goes to me again,
just keep having me me And yeah, I texted him
a few times we had just slept together, but I
wasn't I didn't text him like crazy. I literally texted
him a couple of times, and then he messaged back
saying he didn't want to see me anymore.
Speaker 2 (43:09):
I yeah, I mean I was bummy.
Speaker 1 (43:14):
Speaker 11 (43:14):
I mean, look, I trust I trust Rob's judgment, and
if if it was too much for him minutes, it's
gonna be too.
Speaker 2 (43:21):
Much for me, you know, I gotta, I gotta.
Speaker 6 (43:24):
It was not too much. I literally texted him like
a few times because we had like maybe passion.
Speaker 13 (43:31):
But I feel like if we put someone trust Rob's
judgment on this one, Jeremy, how many friends do you have?
Like how many is in your inner circle? And can
we have all of their names? So Bethany knows not
to date any single one of them because you guys
have interested in, don't just I.
Speaker 2 (43:47):
Think you know we're tight. We like to make sure
that we're all on the same page about this kind
of stuff.
Speaker 1 (43:51):
Your friends are all on the same page about, like
how you date.
Speaker 8 (43:55):
Yeah, I mean, aren't yours?
Speaker 4 (43:58):
Yeah, they don't tell me who just and not? Well,
yes I do, yeah, but different, Jeremy, but different.
Speaker 2 (44:07):
Okay, I think we've worked out a really nice sort
of system.
Speaker 12 (44:10):
You know.
Speaker 2 (44:10):
I talk about my date now, well when my friend knows, hey, don't,
don't do that.
Speaker 11 (44:14):
And I'm like, okay, well, Rob, I go in. I
talked about what kind of girls to see. I trust
Rob if he says, hey, that's not that's not a
good one, and like that's not a good one, you know. Yeah,
I mean, look with us, it's it's dogs before broads,
you know what, Yeah, dogs before broads.
Speaker 1 (44:38):
Before listen, Jeremy, I respect your friends circle, but Bethany,
it's time to get out. It's time to go.
Speaker 5 (44:49):
Yeah, I am not about this.
Speaker 1 (44:52):
At all.
Speaker 6 (44:53):
I do not like that mentality from a grown man,
So I'm.
Speaker 1 (44:58):
Good that I still have a Jeremy. Would you like
to go on another date with Methany? Will pay for it?
Dogs before? No, No, I gotta listen to the Dods.
All right, you guys, do you guys bark when you
see each other? What was that dog? It was a bulldog, Bethany.
I'm assuming you're cool. You don't want another date?
Speaker 6 (45:19):
Yeah? I would like to never see other of them again.
Speaker 1 (45:21):
To be honest, there's rough in these streets us first date.
Have you ever had one of those moments at work
where you're like, how did I not get fired for that.
Speaker 5 (45:34):
Speaker 1 (45:35):
Well, you're not alone because the trend is going viral
of people sharing the things they did at their job
that should have gotten them fired immediately but didn't. It's hilarious.
And if you have a story, call us eight eight
eight three four three one six one eight eight eight
three four three one o six one texted in four
one oh six one and we'll go over the things
that people should have gotten immediately fired for but didn't.
Speaker 8 (45:56):
This is fun.
Speaker 1 (45:57):
Right after this, it's the Jewel Show. I was managing
a restaurant and two employees got in a fistfight right
in front of me in the kitchen. I was so
annoyed I stopped the fight and then backhanded them both.
Somehow I didn't get fired, but nobody ever acted up again.
That's a text message we got in at four one
oh six one. I wish I would have been in
the kitchen that day. Wow, there's a trend going viral
of people sharing the things they did at their job
that should have gotten them immediately fired but didn't. Text
in yours at four one oh six one, or call
us eight eight eight three four three one oh six
one eight eight eight three four three one oh six one,
and we'll go over the list right now reasons people
should have been fired immediately at their job but didn't.
This one is ridiculous. You're already laughing. Somebody says smoked
crack in a porta potty while building while building a
timber bridge and Disney World, I was caught by Goofy.
At first I thought I was just tripping. They told
my manager, and I said, are you really going to
believe a guy in a goofy costume over me? And
my manager believed me and I didn't get fired nine
kind of situation? Yeah? Did you imagining that situation? And
goofy opens the door. You're just like, whoa I feel
going to Disney with a bunch of crackheads.
Speaker 10 (47:23):
Speaker 1 (47:27):
Somebody texted in at four one six one and said,
I'm not sure how I didn't get fired when I
was doing blow on my desk during a meeting. Oh
my gosh, I was working from home and didn't think
the camera was on, but it totally was. They're in
a zoom meeting. I said I was doing a nasal
clan somehow, and they believed it because the other thing
is insane, right, because the house is like, of course
you're doing a nasal clean. You wouldn't be doing that
in the same No way, are we doing drugs at work?
Speaker 2 (47:59):
You guy?
Speaker 14 (47:59):
I know?
Speaker 1 (48:00):
Why was the drugs?
Speaker 10 (48:01):
Hold on?
Speaker 1 (48:02):
Why were you doing drugs at all?
Speaker 6 (48:08):
Speaker 1 (48:09):
Four three six one? Texting four one o six one?
What's something you should have gotten immediately fired for but didn't? Hey, Deshaun,
what's up?
Speaker 6 (48:17):
Speaker 1 (48:17):
Speaker 10 (48:18):
What's going on?
Speaker 1 (48:18):
Oh damn? What's up? Dude? I haven't heard from you
in a while. Should you have gotten fired for something?
Speaker 6 (48:25):
Speaker 10 (48:25):
This is crazy, man.
Speaker 4 (48:28):
Speaker 10 (48:28):
Like, when I was in my twenty I used to
be a serve at this steak restaurant spot, you know,
bar and grill type of place.
Speaker 1 (48:35):
Speaker 10 (48:36):
So, it was a couple in there. I coached the
coup where they were sitting. I went to get their order,
and the lady she asked me, like, what would I
recommend off the menu, you know, and I was like,
you know, well me personally. I pointed out a steak.
I said, you should get this steak, this ribot right here,
unless you're one of those dumb vegans you know that
just eats.
Speaker 6 (49:00):
Like a rabbit.
Speaker 10 (49:02):
And I start saying, what's up, doctor, cracking little and
then she looked at me and said, well, yeah, I
am one of those dumb vegans.
Speaker 1 (49:12):
I was like, oh, you're not expecting her to be
a dumb vegan.
Speaker 10 (49:17):
I mean right, it's a steakhouses. In my brain, I'm like,
why are you coming to a steakhouse? But yeah, So
after that, she gets up, you know at the end,
approaches my manager and explain to him how rude I am.
And I was not a good servant. I offended her
and went down the whole list, and he had to
give me a long talk after that, you know, let
her know that he was going to write me up
and stuff like that. And when she left, he was like, yeah,
I hate those dumb vegans too.
Speaker 1 (49:52):
I was good. Oh my god, we thank you for
your pokal. I mean she was a vegan. She was right.
Explain about something. Why are you going to a steakhounts
like that is your fault? Thanksdale? Call us up eight
and eight three four three, text in four one O
six one. What's something you should have gotten immediately fired
for but didn't. Somebody texted in and said I worked
for an airline back in two thousand and four, and
a bunch of us got into celebrity mileage accounts and
set their phone numbers and would occasionally call them, mostly
Jessica Simpson and Ben Fleck. You know, would have done
the same thing when you know, violation Evil's primacy, Okay,
boring Matt. Somebody else texted and said I was sixteen
working at McDonald's. A customer asked me if I was
stupid or didn't speak English. It was over a couple
of orange juice, so I said, yeah, I don't understand,
and then threw the orange juice at her God and
didn't get fired. Wow, these are actually really sad thing doing.
Speaker 4 (50:53):
Drugs and assaulting people. I don't get fired born. I
was gonna be like I used to steal from my
job and I didn't give fired.
Speaker 1 (51:00):
But like, these are bad. I just stole toilet paper.
Speaker 4 (51:03):
Wait, you told toilet paper when I was in college, Man,
I was broke. You just had to steal some toilet paper.
A little things that you need around the house, the
closing wipes, you know, just take.
Speaker 1 (51:11):
Them from more. Yeah, I've done that, not in college
and not broke. I'm just like saving money. Somebody stolen paper.
I mean, I haven't been fired yet, but all my
printing is done here office. Oh as it should be. Yeah,
shout out hr. If you want to fire me, go
ahead over some paper that's not stealing. Somebody texted and
foie and said I tried edibles for the first time
by accident, seventy five milligrams, and I thought. I still
went and did my shift even though it wasn't a
good idea, and I continued to get more and more high.
Oh my gosh. I was a hostess and somehow started
serving customers. Let me check you in. Yeah, my coworker
helped me get off early by saying that I was
sick and I don't even remember the four hour shifts.
That's pretty impressive. Somebody said that another reason someone should
have gotten fired immediately but didn't was they fell asleep
in an orientation that's not a good sign, and then
told them the job was boring. When they woke me up,
I expected to get walked out, but a couple of
weeks later they pulled me aside and said I looked
bored and promoted me. You seem like just the right
type of fit for our company. What did you say
when you fell asleep at work? Oh you really like streaming?
I forget what. Yeah, this was years and years and
years ago. When I was first starting in radio. I
was at the comedy clubs pretty much every night, and
I was out, like partying every night, and then I
would go into work and do the morning show. And
one morning I actually fell asleep while they were having
a conversation the other hosts, and I was asleep, and
on air is on air. Yeah, they didn't notice that
I had fallen asleep, but I woke up and tried
to get in the conversation, but I was asleep. I
had no idea what they were talking about, and I
don't even know what I was dreaming about. But I
just woke up and went fat boy, and they all
stopped and they're like what. I was like, I'm sorry,
I fell asleep and I just woke up. It's time
for Nina's what's trending?
Speaker 4 (53:14):
So after declaring bankruptcy twenty three years ago, Monday, Enron
has me to come back.
Speaker 1 (53:20):
What Okay, I knew you were going to ask that question.
Speaker 4 (53:24):
So Enron was a company that basically was a whole
like fraud scheming situation. Thousands of people were out of business.
Speaker 1 (53:30):
What did they cleaned?
Speaker 3 (53:31):
They were an energy company and they would throttle the
energy to create rolling brownouts and blackouts in California and.
Speaker 1 (53:40):
Then come to the rescue with more energy.
Speaker 3 (53:43):
But they would charge double or triple quadruple for the
energy because they were in a blackout. So they closed
the blackout and then fixed the blackout like the pharmaceutical
company of energy.
Speaker 1 (53:52):
Party for it. Interesting, So that happened.
Speaker 4 (53:57):
So now on Monday, their name came up because there
are all types of billboards and add in the Houston chronicle,
promotional videos, website, merch career opportunity sings, all of these things,
and people are like, wait a second, how could they
even make a comeback after all this time. Well, it
turns out that it was actually a T shirt company,
a college company that bought in around the trademark back
in twenty twenty for two hundred and seventy five dollars,
and they decided to make this big, elaborate parody out
of it because because they were bored funny.
Speaker 3 (54:24):
If you want to learn about the story, the documentary
is Smartest Guys in the Room is a really good
documented is a really good documentary.
Speaker 1 (54:31):
They obviously want Smartest Guys in the Room because then
it failed.
Speaker 4 (54:34):
I were for a minute, yeah, okay, I whistled narc
Brad kidding. When Brad starts his company bought at him immediately.
Speaker 1 (54:43):
Ben Ron.
Speaker 4 (54:47):
So we always talk about how it's very obvious that
Sabrina Carpenter has had quite a year, but we really
need to talk about Kendrick Lamar because he's.
Speaker 1 (54:54):
Really had quite a year.
Speaker 4 (54:55):
He's got the top five songs in the country right now,
the number one album in the country right now, and
he is only one of five or one of just
a couple other artists to have the like four singles
in the top five.
Speaker 1 (55:08):
Do it you just release it? Yeah? And he called
a surprise drop of it like two weeks ago.
Speaker 5 (55:12):
Speaker 4 (55:13):
So the other artists though that are in this category
with him too, our Taylor Swift, the Beatles and then
Drake Wow.
Speaker 11 (55:20):
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (55:20):
I just think that's so fun.
Speaker 4 (55:22):
He keeps going so really, Kendrick Lamar is having it
in twenty twenty five. He's not slowing down obviously with
the Super Bowl and stuff.
Speaker 1 (55:29):
So it's pretty cool.
Speaker 9 (55:30):
Speaker 1 (55:31):
And lastly, there is apparently a correct way to eat
a burger top down right, start with the top of
the bun. You eat a hole through the center and
this is all it's working to a former royal butler.
Speaker 4 (55:43):
If you're into like royals and stuff, they eat burgers
with forks and knives and that's how you're.
Speaker 1 (55:48):
Supposed to eat it. Is this the guy from TikTok.
His name's Grant Harold. Yeah, this I think this is
the guy from there's this butler. There's a former royal
butler on TikTok. He's here's how you eat a burger
it's the most British thing ever. He's like, never touch
a burger with your fingers. Yeah, it's serious. They are serious.
Speaker 4 (56:14):
They go to etiquette school, like there are serious protocols
and how they go about doing things. And this burger
thing has got of course, the Internet divided because.
Speaker 1 (56:20):
It's Americans assume that they eat everything with forks and knives,
have little gloves on. Yeah, those white gloves dirty.
Speaker 4 (56:30):
Even the way they use a fork. Do you notice
it's like upsides down way better better?
Speaker 1 (56:35):
I don't know. It fits in your mouth better? Is
that why?
Speaker 4 (56:37):
Because I feel like it falls and things fall off.
I feel like it fits in your mouth better that way. Okay,
I'll try that, just twist it.
Speaker 8 (56:44):
I did?
Speaker 15 (56:45):
I do?
Speaker 1 (56:46):
Am I going to? Why did you hold a fork
like that?
Speaker 14 (56:50):
Speaker 1 (56:52):
Fits in your mouth? That's it's trending. The Jewels Show
is also bought to buy a better Help Give online.
There you'll try better help dot com, slash jewbel and
get on your way to being your best self.
Speaker 5 (57:05):
Jewels Dirty Little Secret.
Speaker 10 (57:07):
Hello, Hello, yo, Hey.
Speaker 13 (57:13):
What up?
Speaker 10 (57:14):
I sure do?
Speaker 5 (57:15):
I'm an admirer. I'm a secret admirer. And hello Nina.
Speaker 2 (57:20):
My name is Guy.
Speaker 5 (57:21):
I'm glad to meet you. And in the words of Jewbo.
Speaker 1 (57:25):
Coraw, what's Happeningina.
Speaker 5 (57:30):
My sweet little Persian kitty cat? Every morning?
Speaker 15 (57:34):
Nina, you make me feel so good with your sweet
melodic voice. You're a sweet independent woman, and I really
love listening to you on the radio.
Speaker 5 (57:43):
And you're so sweet i'd pour you over pancakes. And
also you're so sweet that I would like to serenade
you on the radio. Okay, it goes like.
Speaker 6 (57:52):
This, Okay, I do anything to hold you.
Speaker 15 (57:59):
I'd go anyway to times youth.
Speaker 5 (58:07):
You won me too, if you'd stay with me a while. Okay,
I am you, Thank you, And you know what's funny
is I'm serious about this.
Speaker 2 (58:23):
This is Nina.
Speaker 5 (58:25):
I think you're a beautiful person and there's no disrespect
if you have a man. He's a lucky guy. But
I also wanted to tell you that I had a
dream that my song gave you goosebumps and thrilled you
so much that you reached out and we went and
had coffee and had a wonderful conversation.
Speaker 1 (58:43):
Wow, I loved.
Speaker 10 (58:45):
Yeah, Yes, I guess.
Speaker 5 (58:48):
I guess I'm not a secret admirer anymore.
Speaker 15 (58:50):
And you know what I love you guys a show
and Nina, just know there's somebody out here that cares
about you and once all your dreams come true.
Speaker 1 (58:58):
Did you guys them to say all this tuff? You know,
I've been sad.
Speaker 5 (59:03):
No, she didn't.
Speaker 2 (59:04):
She didn't.
Speaker 5 (59:05):
I've been listening for a long time and I just
think she's a really sweet girl.
Speaker 1 (59:10):
Thank you, guy.
Speaker 4 (59:10):
I really appreciate that you took time out of your
day to say those things. It's very nice and I'm
very flattered.
Speaker 5 (59:19):
You take care of yourself girl, oh so much.
Speaker 1 (59:22):
Thank you for the song. I can't tell you the
last time I was serenaded, so that was definitely a moment.
I was dancing, okay.
Speaker 15 (59:28):
And you know, one more thing is I just want
to tell you that I'm very handsome and I have
beautiful long hair. And if you stay into YouTube Theater
of Secrets Forbidden.
Speaker 5 (59:39):
I'm on there.
Speaker 15 (59:40):
I'm the guitar player in that video, so just know
that you can look at me. I'm very pretty, all right.
I love your music, bro, I'm a musician myself.
Speaker 1 (59:52):
Your day, hey, I'll go out with you, all right, guys,
thank you so much, seriously, thank you.
Speaker 5 (01:00:02):
Speaker 1 (01:00:03):
Well, hey, you have a dirty little secret.
Speaker 10 (01:00:06):
Speaker 1 (01:00:06):
I don't know how good this is, but it is
a secret.
Speaker 9 (01:00:09):
Okay, So I got this lady at work. There's a
lady I work with who makes cupcakes, and so I
would eat them all the time, and I'd be like, okay, cool.
Well then they hired another lady who makes these cupcakes
are out of this world.
Speaker 5 (01:00:23):
They're like cupcakes more worthy.
Speaker 9 (01:00:25):
So I stopped eating the other lady's cupcakes and I
eat the new.
Speaker 5 (01:00:29):
Girls cupcakes, cupcakes cot.
Speaker 9 (01:00:33):
Yeah, but then I kind of feel bad for the
other ladies, So I'll usually go to her desk, take
a cupcake or two.
Speaker 5 (01:00:39):
Walk out of the room, lin the frosting off, and
then throw them away.
Speaker 1 (01:00:45):
Well, congratulations, you have the most No, it's good. You
have the most innocent, dirty little secret we've ever had,
but also sounds like the dirtiest.
Speaker 9 (01:00:53):
Yes, I know, right, I feel bad every time I
do it, but you know i'd like to chocolate prosens.
Speaker 1 (01:01:00):
Yeah, and it just gets even so even more innocent
and dirty at the same time. You can't keep your
hands off those cupcakes, right, Thank you, Thank you for
your dirty little secret, Thank you for having me. Yeah,
I have a good one.
Speaker 2 (01:01:16):
What's your dirty little secret,