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April 25, 2024 • 17 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hello, Kelly Nash, Good morning, It's tomorrow show today. Thank god
tomorrow is Friday. Here we go, weekend forecast still holding out pretty good,
So and kick it off tomorrow morning. M It's been a long week,
has it not? I guess Idon't know, you know, it
seems like sometimes things happen and Ijust feel like I'm so busy the whole

week that I don't know what's actuallythe days a long, the week's are
short, I guess. I mean, I feel like this year I don't
even remember it. You know whatI'm saying. It was like I remember
Christmas and that my last memory.I tell you, when the world stopped
for me yesterday, time stood still. I was frozen in time. I

averted my eyes thankfully before I wassucked into a black hole of what the
hell is going on here? Okay? Kelly showed me a picture out of
a television show called Thousand Pounds Sisters. I had never heard of the show,
but I am suddenly obset sessed withit. Just based off of a
photograph of a woman named Tammy Slaton. Headline at Yahoo one thousand Pounds Sister

star Tammy Slayton shows off figure inswimsuit on vacation after weight loss. I
can't really describe how she looks inthe photo, and I'm wondering if it
didn't if it just didn't hit right. Sometimes pictures just are not the right
angles or something. Some people arejust aren't photogenic. Maybe that's the tragic

case of this. But when youlook at other photos of her before and
after the weight loss, she doesn'tlook like that. I'm not looking.
She didn't. I mean, I'llbe, in all honesty, she doesn't
even look human. No, shelooks like one of those Lord of the
Rings. Yes, that's a greatdescription. Yeah, because they were so

good at creating these unbelievably kind oflife. They were lifelike looking creatures,
but they were so strange it kindof hurts your eyes. Like even Golm.
I mean, you know, justthat guy gave me the creep for
a lot of different reasons. Butall the other characters, she's the Lord
of the Ring character. I'm assumingexcuse me, I've never seen the show,
so I'm assuming thousand pounds sisters wouldhave been in this case, like

two women who weighed five hundred poundseach. I think if I read her
bio right. At one point,this one weighed over seven hundred pounds or
stuff. She had to get downto five thirty nine was the goal.
She had to diet her weigh tofive thirty nine in order to get gastric
bypass surgery. And I don't knowwhat she weighs now, but a fraction

of that, you know, oneninety or something. Guess, Yeah,
it's hard to test them, buta lot of skin there still to take
a long time for that skin toretract or whatever it would redo. But
you know, this is one ofthose things where you start going down the
rabbit hole. And now I can'tstop. Oh, I'm reading about her

husband. Her husband died, butshe broke up with her husband because she
was I don't know, I'm readinginto it maybe, but Tammy when she
got her goal and then she gotthe gastric bypass, then she broke up
with her husband or separated, andthey were separated for several months, and
then he died at age forty.And he said in his last confessional on

the television show, I feel likemy emotional eating is now out of control
since Tammy left me. This isshe got a sister just like it and
the sister and the husband. Theygot divorced too. What's going on with
the show? I can just tellyou that when I'm scrolling through cable.
Yes I'm still a cable subscriber,when I'm scrolling through cable and Sally's flipping

around checking out what's on TCM.First and foremost, last night was Apocalypse.
Now it's Marlon Brando or something that'snot a good man scrolling doctor pimple
Popper shows up on the on theguide. I'm not clicking it, don't
click it. I've only clicked ita couple of times in my life,
once on purpose, twice or threetimes by accident. And every time it's

some it's some close up shot ofsome kind of boil or pimple and I'm
like, uh uh uh no,I'm not watching it. That's just and
this is in the same category forme. But maybe I'm missing out on
getting emotionally involved in the characters onthe show. I don't know. I
don't know what kind of psychology flawsor maybe maybe I shouldn't pay it so

negatively. But what causes somebody togo on one of these types of shows.
It's not the money, the ultimateaccountability because they don't get paid a
lot of money. Anybody who's everbeen on these realities, it's a story
out for the nation. Now,I'm accountable to the show. But let
me just read some of the headlinesfrom In Touch Weekly guarding this woman over
the last year or two. Okay, let's see that. Thousand pounds Sister

Tammy flaunt's weight loss and tight newHalloween costume. Thousand pound Sisters. Tammy
Slayton post tribute to her late husband, I miss him. Thousand pounds.
Sisters. Tammy wears jewelry with latehusband Caleb's ashes in it. I mean

even talking like you left him.He died and then you went and got
his ashes. How did you dothat and turned it into a jewelry?
Thousand pounds Sisters. Tammy says shehas stopped drinking the twelve sodas a day
that she was averaging. Whoa wow, thousand pounds Sister Tammy Slayton rocking tight

leather. Look, oh you gottasee it, bro see thousand pounds.
Sister Tammy moves in with her brotherafter fight with Amanda. All this drama,
this is all like must see TV. And when I say it's myst
CEETV. According to Wikipedia, they'reaveraging one point three to one point nine

million viewers per episode. This islike more than CNN. What's the expense
of five hundred pounds just moving her? You gotta get a U shoot and
weigh that now. Sorry, that'sright, that's why she's rocking the tight
new leather outfit. Now, Imean, this is a bizarre headline.
Thousand pounds sisters. Tammy Slayton saysshe's single after Caleb's death. Well,

you yeah, we need to confirmthat. Remember the end, just had
a movie flashback, Remember the endof the movie Wesity in Gilbert Grape.
I remember the name obviously, I'mtrying to remember who is in that was
it about? Oh? Probably LeonardoDiCaprio's finest acting performance ever. Okay,

and the other guy, you know. Pirates of the Johnny Depp Johnny Depp
very young. Johnny Depp could havebeen his first movie or it's his first
like starring role. But at theend of the movie, the mom who
was massively overweight, instead of thetown gawking at her and them trying to
figure out how to get a casketand all that, they moved all the

furniture out of the house and setit on fire. Okay, now we've
gone to we're not going to letthem gawk at her, Mama to let's
get her own a television show.This is how far we've come as a
nation. We make great strides here, Kelly, I'm looking at, by
the way, Tammy's tight leather outfit. It's actually it's tight in the sense

that she's wearing like Nike spandex pants. But she's wearing a that's calling it
is an insult to leather. It'sa pleather jacket and she's already got paint
stains all over it. She apparentlywas painting a wall in it. But
my favorite headline of this one,by the way, is I always to
get back to it. It saysshe wants to pursue a modeling career.

Now, I don't know who's hiringyou as a model. I'm not sure,
but with that many of youers ona television show, don't be surprised
when you read about it. Yeah, plus girls from time. I mean,
she's not going to be a model, right, but she could be,
and she apparently is becoming a TikTokstar. Is in the process of

looking to cut deals with companies topursue her modeling career grow her publicity.
On the TLC show Now Morning RussianRegulars, I desperately need your help.
Number One, I've got to getover whatever this mental block is that will
not allow my brain to watch theshow. Kelly showed me one picture I
had reminded my brain is not asdry a RaSE board. I can't get

an image out of my mind again. If anyone has seen that photograph,
and I guess millions of people haveseen it by now, it's it's that
is not how she looks in therest of the photograph that I don't know
what happened, the angle, thelighting, but she does have a very
golm look to her face at thatpoint. Number two, help me understand

what I'm missing by not watching it. Is it that these people's stories are
tragic and you get emotionally attached tothem and you want to encourage the underdog?
Is that what it is? Oris it just more big curiosity?
I mean there's I think the realityshow phenomena is really based a lot on

well it's two or three different angles. But like when you used to watch
soap operas, not that you watchsoap opera, but when people in general
used to watch the soap operas,it was about the drama and also kind
of about the good looking people.It's like, these are good looking people
who are having incredibly tragic lives.The brother kills the brother, but then

it turns out that he killed himselfand it was his twinter. I mean,
they have all these weird angles,and so and so is going to
try to kick his son off thewheel, but the mom's fighting to save
him. And then in a fairstarts and it's blue blue, Blue,
Blue Bloo. But now we've gotpeople who are not even actors and actresses.
In some shows, they're really goodlooking, you know, real housewives

I guess might be one of those, or the Kardashians. And then he
got people who are not good looking. What was that girl? What was
that girl's name, baby or whatthey used to call honey booboo, Honey
booboo and her mother Kim what washer name? I think I forget,
but I mean these types of showswhere you're just like looking sometimes at abjact
poverty, but other tise it's thefair, it's beside youa like my wife

also likes a show like I thinkit's called ninety Day Fiance. And then
there's another new spin off or whatevercalled ninety Day Fiance the other Way.
And so the first one, Ithink ninety Day Fiance, and I might
be confusing my reality show, soplease don't butcher me too hard if I
am. But one of the showshad something to do basically with foreign people

wanting to marry Americans. Obviously,the green card is the the is what
they're looking for. So you'd havethese people who are like living in trailers
in Kentucky, you know, talkingwith twenty seven year old Russian models,
and then they come over and theyshow you what it's like when the twenty

seven year old Russian model experiences backwoodsKentucky. Yeah, you gotta see it,
right. And then we got theninety Day Fiance the Other Way,
which that one really surprised me becauseit's Americans going in a lot of instances
to third world countries to marry people. Wow. And like, there was
a several episodes that I'll never forget. One was a woman from Florida.

She was like a fifty five yearold blonde, very loud, like smoke,
drank, did all the things,and like it was almost like a
biker, you know, and justlike she had a and she would tell
you, I have a very outspokenpersonality. Ain't nobody gonna put me in
a box? Well, she wasengaged to like a bodybuilder from the Middle
East. And she gets over there, you say, the Middle East we're

talking about? Yeah, like oneof those countries. I don't know which
one, but she's it authoritarian manrual country. The meeting that she has
with the guys, oh my god, like what do they call mcleric?
Yeah, the guy explains to herin the meeting. But of course,
if you disrespect your husband in anyway, including in the garbage that you
wear, he could have you beheadedand you will walk seven paces behind him

with your head down. You woulddo what he tells you where you would
die and you cannot leave the countrywe fly. The woman from Florida say
about all that, what, oh, yes, and we've already taken We've
already relieved you of your passport.You will not be able to leave this
country. And like the TLC cameras, right, Oh my gosh, there
was another guy. He left hisbeautiful home in San Francisco area that he

was still living with his parents,but he had saved up enough money to
buy a house. And this girl, pretty hot girl from like Central America
somewhere, comes up and steals hisheart and then she says, I miss
my family back home in Central America. I'm going back. So he then
tells his family, I'm going backwith her. And then what he didn't
tell him is that she had bade. She told him it was an investment.

Turns out it's really a con.He invested all of that money,
his life savings into like her family'squote unquote restaurant, which was really nothing.
And then she then he gets downthere. She didn't even meet him
at the airport. He had tofigure out how to go one hundred miles

from an airport to where she lives, and it included a train, a
bus, and then he had towalk like eight miles into a village.
It was insane. And then hegets there and there's no place for them
to stay, and he ends upsleeping outside I think the first night,
and there's like bugs all over himand whatnot. And then then he goes

in and he says, well,let's take a look at the restaurant.
There is no restaurant. All thatmoney's gone. Then turns out she's been
sleeping with a guy in the neighborhoodwho trying to befriend him. Just explained
that to him, like very matterof factly, like, I think it's
so cool that you're not threatened byme and her still having sex. He

excuse me, I mean, you'rejust watching this whole guy's life being destroyed.
One of those things where you're like, that's entertainment. Yeah, I
mean, it's why would he beso stupid to do this and then do
that, and then do that,And it's like it's it's one bad decision
after another, and unfortunately he hadalready agreed to have all this broadcast.

It's really unbelievable. So I'm notsure what I'm gonna get with thousand pounds
Sisters with Jimmy Allen. It lookslike there's going to be part of it's
going to be inspirational in the sensethat, wow, look at that she
lost eight hundred pounds. The partsare going to be like relationships are a
disaster for these people. I amnot going to go watch it tonight.
I can tell you that I gotto hear from the morning Rusher regulars.

I got to you. Got togive me a reason I got to hear
from you. All right, Idon't know if I want to see all
that to begin with. All right, well, let me see if I
can get this lady's thing up.Okay, Oh that's the wrong one,
dang it. All right, SoI know that the problem that the lady
has is that she has a child, and the child's friend came over and

in the middle of the hangout time, some sort of fight began. Okay,
they started fighting. Something got droppedon the floor. I heard it.
I went over to her bedroom andI started yelling at my child.
But then I also yelled at herfriend, which I mean, what did

she put it? I mean shethat girl was wrong as well, and
she's showing disrespect in my house byraising her voice. Blah blah. Okay,
so this was my natural reaction.Of course, I was upset.
I may have been a little tooaggressive in my yelling at her. But
when she went home, she toldher mom about it, and now that

mom is very upset and asked mewho the hell I am to discipline her
child. But I feel like Iwas in the right because she's in my
house disrespecting me and my family.Oh this is good. I like it.
All right. We got to dothat tomorrow early, like sickly as
there you go. All right,So we're gonna do that in the Morning
Rush tomorrow. What's going on inyour neighborhood. We should be talking about

it. Let us know you howto reach out to us on social media.
You could do that. If youwant to email, you can do
that as well. It's Rush atninety seven five w docs dot com or
Nash at ninety seven five w sosdot com. We start talking tomorrow.
You start explaining what the hell I'mmissing with thousand pounds Sisters or other television
shows at ninety seven eight nine,twenty six seven on the Morning Rush
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