Episode Transcript
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Hello, Kelly Nash, Good morning, Good morning. It's tomorrow show today.
Tomorrow will be Thursday. What aweird week. It's been speeding along
and for a lot of people thatgot the day off so kind of gets
relaxing due. Now, are wepaying the listeners overtime for listening? That
is holiday question. Whatever we're payingyou, you double it? Maybe time
and a half. Possibly, Idon't want to go crazy. Okay,
we are living under tidy economic times. Maybe we can only afford time and
a half. All right, solet's talk about some of the stuff we
can tell about tomorrow when we're backon regular time. All right, Well,
pickleball. Pickleball is a thing thathas just gone crazy the last what
eighteen months or so. I actuallyheard an interview on a sports talk station
with Rick Barry. Do you rememberRick Berry? He is now the triple
threat champion of pickleball. Okay,for those of you who don't remember Rick
Berry, he was an All starbasketball player in the sixties and seventies.
He was famous for his underhand freethrows. He's now He started in the
mixed doubles pickleball category and he becamethe world champion. Then he went on
to the regular double mixed doubles meaningmale and a female regular doubles. He
is him and a male partner,and they became the world champions. He
said, I didn't know if myknees would hold up, but I tried
singles and he's the world champion ofthat. So Rick Berry is the greatest
pickleball player alive and he's eighty yearsold. I was I was looking up
because I heard about a newsport whereit's like a new ping pong version.
I think I found it. It'scalled tagball t e q ball. This
is like a soccer though I'm watchingan they can't be the one because this
was created by a senior citizen aswell. That's that's like a that's like
somebody playing soccer on a bowl.Those a young people. You're not going
to be doing that your retirement years. No, But pickleball is something that
people of all ages are enjoying.And now we've got a Morning Russia regular
who's in a pickle. They builta pickleball court close enough to his house
that that's all he can hear.He said, it was such a nice
neighborhood and now all you hear isthat click click click click click click click
click click click click all day andnight. It seems so I want to
enjoy my yard. The weather's nice, yeah, but I can't go out
there and enjoy anymore. They've ruinedthe neighborhood. So, like, I
don't know what to do. Iwas thinking because I know that there is
an apartment, not an apartment,it's an apartment complex. Maybe it's a
condo complex. I think it isa condo complex and Greenville and the whole
thing is based on the pickleball ofthe sports called pickleball Commons or something.
Oh okay, So the center ofit is like twenty five or thirty pickleball
courts. So if you're living inthe midst of that complex, you definitely
got to have a noisemaker at nightto go to bed because they're playing twenty
four hours a day down there.So I mean, is this laws suitable?
What do you do here? Canyou sue the development because that wasn't
part of the nego That wasn't whenI bought my home. It didn't have
that right Now you have lowered myproperty value because nobody wants to live next
to a damn pickleball court. It'sa lot different than a tennis court or
even a baseball field, because theyvery rarely play baseball games. And I
don't know if I found. Idid find. It's called pepper pong.
It's the next pickleball. It's allthe rage of the older people. And
it may be more quiet than pickleballmaybe, which is maybe good news.
I don't know. But the pickleballthing, you're right. I mean,
I have never played pickleball. I'vebeen invited to play it. I think
this summer I'm actually going to haveto play it because we're going to be
visiting some people that are over theFourth of July weekend and they're huge pickleballers.
So and a lot of the places, like at the Beach, they
converted a bunch of those tennis courtsto pickleball courts. Yeah, nobody promotes
if you look at real estate ads, nobody promotes, like if you live
on a golf course, you saythat I live on a golf course.
People like that. Nobody says welive on a pickleball court. We live
with an earshot of a pickleball court. And like he says, now they
have these tournaments where that's all youcan hear out there. You've got a
one hundred people cheering their heads off. It's ruined my neighborhood. And this
is going to ruin tailgating. Thepepper ball they show it here. You
can set this little plastic it's likea bip a foldable net. You set
it up and it plays with adifferent kind of ball and a slightly different
kind of paddle. But you've gotpeople setting it up on their car hoods.
So we'll be seeing this at tailgating. Now, well, how do
you handle the pickleball court? I'llgive you an example. Wildwood, where
I live, we converted one ofour tennis courts into like six pickleball courts.
I don't know if this is wherethis guy lives. Definitely can hear
it on the street over. I'vehad people complain to me about that noise,
and I'm like, well, Idon't want to tell you I didn't
want the pickle ball courts. Ijust like tennis. Yeah, I would
rather have the tennis court back.Don't complain to me pickle ball. I'm
just thankful I don't live near oneof those courts. That would drive me
nuts. Is there a way toget out of it? Do you try
to do? You have to movenow and just hope that they don't notice
there's a pickleball court because the ballitself is like a whiffle ball. Right.
I've never played with it, butI know that it's hard because I
hear the paddle and the ball whenthey make contact. That. Yes,
so there's nothing on there that's goingto be You can't dull the sound of
the pickleball. You'll ruin the sport. And they just go back and forth.
Click click, kick clack, clickclack, kick click click. Oh
that's good. Okay, Umm,pickleball. We knew this would get well.
I'll tell you what We'll say.Well with that for tomorrow morning,
all right. Other stuff, granddaughtersare dressing like hoes. According to Grandma,
they come to the pool parties atour house in front of their grandfathers
and their uncles. They're eighteen nineteenyears old and they're wearing thongs. They
got all of it hanging out andnow cheeks galore with it hanging out there.
Yeah, and I'm just reading fromher letter. I'm embarrassed. I
don't want them coming to our partiesanymore. I've told my son my feelings
because it's his daughter's. He says, the dress code is always up to
his wife. On the girls.I remember we went to It was at
the beach, so it wasn't likea family functioning exclusively. Weren't at like
an uncle's house or something, soeverybody kind of collected that the beach.
Well, one of the cousins showsup and his date, I mean,
is smoking hot. Now did shehave some work done? I don't know.
I didn't ask her. She's veryperky, incredibly blessed, endowed.
And her bathing suit literally was thestring beginning and on the front he had
like his little triangles that covered upher areola right there, but the rest
of them was just strings. AndI'm pretty sure it was John. Could
have been David. I'm pretty sureit was John. He is seeing this
girl at the pool and she calledhim over like to give him like a
juice box or something, because he'slike maybe five or six, and he
is just standing there staring at her, and I mean he's like getting closer
to her, and I'm watching him. I'm like, oh my gosh,
John, don't don't grab that girl'sstring bikini. It's even worse if it's
your cousin, Well, it's mycousin's date. Yeah, that's what I'm
saying. But if that's his cousinor his aunt, or it could be
because that's what this is. Thisis my gas are putting their butts in
their grandfather's face. I say,uninvite them first. You got to tell
them there's a dress code. There'sa look. You want to come to
the pool parties that we're having atthe house, fantastic, We'd love to
have you cover your butt, butyou can't have your cheeks out if you
go and wear and can you weara cover up? I don't just keep
it covered, That's what I'm saying. I had to walk over to him
her and pick John up, andI just looked. I think I think
I said this out loud. He'spainfully heterosexual. He goes to excuse him,
and I carried him off. Butyou got grandpa sitting there, and
he's got grandchildren there and they gottheir butts hanging out. Yeah, you
got a twenty year old granddaughter orniece and she's dressed like a porn star.
This is a culture clash. Idon't understand why this is such a
big deal for grandma to address itor have grandpa address it. Somebody needs
to address it and say, you'renot going to come to the family.
Par already's dressed like you're going tosome sort of you know, French riviera,
newdiest resource. Put some dang clotheson, show some respect for the
family, and don't tell me it'sabout your comfort. Don't tell me that
it's so hot. Five more inchesof material are not going to make you
that much hotter. Put some shortson, that's great. Yeah, don't
try to dress like that. Yeah, I don't think my dad will respond.
Well. We also have a storyon the Morning Rust blog talking about
well they're calling it sexer size isthe story. And according to a new
survey of Americans, now it's notan over it's not a majority, it's
not even close to a majority.But five percent of Americans now list sex
as part of their workout routine.And so they schedule it same as it
they would schedule a session at thegym with a trainer set. So look
on Tuesdays evenings our that's our sexercise, and then Wednesday I have a thing,
and then Thursday I do a workoutand then Friday we're back to sexercise.
And so so five percent of Americansare scheduling it as a gym workout.
Another five percent say that if thereis intimate relations, then they treat
that as I did my workout.So if I did two like, I
might have had a double I mighthave had a double session. I might
have done a workout at the gymand then had that that night. Well,
I'm definitely taking the next day off. I might even take two days
off from the gym in case you'rewondering. According to this, men burned
four point two calories per minute duringthat activity, but women only three point
four. So you're getting the shortend of the stick again on another thing,
but still get more active. Girlsburn off some of that. I
mean if you go even an hour, which I don't think is a typical
amount of time. I remember therewas a song in the fifties called sixty
minute Man that would only burn sixtwelve, eighteen, twenty four and forty
ish only the last fifteen minutes thatyou burn the calories. Why is that?
Because it was fifteen minutes of kissing. I'm going to give them the
whole whole, the whole thing.Okay, when you get into that state,
we'll call it an aroused state.You're now burning four. Now I'm
burning it thinking about it, thinkingabout it. If your body is reacting
to that thought, then you're burningfour four calories per minute. But I
mean we're not burning a lot.It's not like we're burning like if you're
at the gym, you can burnlike what six seven hundred calories. I
think you're probably getting most of you'regoing to tap out it probably about sixty.
You're saying that even if I'm atthe gym working out, so I'm
burning calories you're talking about now ifI'm looking at her, am I burning
the extra five? Now? Theydon't get that. You don't get that.
Okay, you don't get that.You don't get the bonus points.
But who who is scheduling that?Who are you is that in your part
of your workout routine? Because thedoctor's always saying, are you staying active?
What are you doing? Tell meabout you're doing your walking. I
walk every fifteen minutes, I meanfifteen minutes. Older people might schedule it
for like lunchtime, after lunch,after we've had after we've had a healthy
salad. Good. Then we cando this to burn off some calories and
then uh, you know, Idon't have to go to the gym.
I don't have to play pickleball.Did the neighbors complain about the noise when
you do your exercise? That's awhole different conversation. Have you ever been
down to Uh, oh, what'sthe place the village is? I've been
to the villages. They got pickleballand exercise the villages. Probably no,
never mind, Hey, what's goingon in todayhood? We should talk?
You got click clack and pick aball going on? It is driving your
nuts? What you got going on? Or what are the other sounds that
people are always creating? Driving yournuts? You're outside more in the summertime.
Ninety seven eight ninet two six sevennine seven eight w COS is what
you talk tomorrow and we start talkingand we will reach out to us on
social media. You can do that. You want to email us. I
am Rush at ninety seven five wCOS dot com. I am Nash at
ninety seven five w SOS dot com. And we're back in tomorrow, Thursday
the twentieth. This will be thelast day of spring. Tomorrow, twenty
first we're head in the summertime.