Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Michael Good Monday morning, one week and four hours until Trump.
Speaker 2 (00:10):
I hope this is the final wake up call for
Governor Poulis and Mayor Mike Johnston. Over the weekend, from
five pm to six pm on Sixteenth Street mall three
people were stabbed. One died. She was a flight attendant
just here on the layover. On Sunday night, another gentleman
was stabbed at ten pm and he died. Our city
and our state are not safe. You need to wake
up people once again. Elon Musk is helping disaster victims.
He sent cyber tracks and starlinks to the people in
the La County area with the wildfires. He also did
this in North Carolina and many other disaster areas. Very interesting,
a business guy who reaches out and does more for
disasters than about any other person I know in America.
Seven days cannot come fast enough to get Joe Biden,
Kamala Harris, and many others in his cabinet out of
our government and the White House. Wonder what KJP is
going to be doing in seven days. Do you think
there'll be a White House pressor between now and next Monday.
Probably not. I'm sure one of the mainstream news medias
will give her a job ridiculous.
Speaker 3 (01:35):
Good morning from South Dakota.
Speaker 4 (01:37):
One big challenge for the White House chef is he's
going to have to learn how to make solid food.
Speaker 5 (01:42):
Everyone, have a great.
Speaker 6 (01:43):
Day, Michael, seeing coverage of the fires over the weekend.
Also the gabe the newsome looking at cutting red tape.
Obviously government, he is a drag on rebuilding. All the
regulations are unnecessary. But I've got a great solution. You know,
they should just return it to the owners. This is
Tongva's sacred ground here. They should be turned back to
the Native American Tongua people. Yeah, you find how fast
that red tape of go away? And they could build
that thing up in no time.
Speaker 7 (02:10):
So apparently Los Angeles is getting firefighters from Mexico to
help with the fires. Here's a novel idea. With the
low staffing of police officers across the country, how about
we hire police officers from Mexico to help fight crime.
That's a novel idea.
Speaker 8 (02:31):
Good morning, Doom, Good morning, Gloom Dragon. I just thought
i'd mentioned Michael's been talking about for weeks already how
things are already changing and that Donald isn't even in
office yet not hating, just saying.
Speaker 2 (02:49):
If the stories are true that out of state fire
trucks must first go to Sacramento for a DOT infection
on their way to help with the fires in LA
and then that they must turn around and go back
to Sacramento for another inspection on their way out of state.
That is reason number seven hundred and ninety two. Gavin
Newsom should never be in politics again. And as a
crappy leader, you either waive that requirement or move the
inspection to the LA area.
Speaker 5 (03:19):
Speaker 9 (03:19):
The other thing they need to do is to change
the building code to not allow wood or vinyl siding,
only stone, brick or stucco, and only allow tile or
metal roofs.
Speaker 5 (03:31):
Michael, You're correct about forest management. It needs to be
an active thing. If they reintroduction on the wolf is
successful with large numbers of wolves, we will need to
manage the wolves as well. But the problem is emotion
and burning forests proactively and hunting wolves doesn't make a
very good Disney.
Speaker 1 (03:56):
Move, Michael. At the news break, they were explaining all
the different fire departments that are coming in, including Ukraine
in Mexico, they're going to have to train the firefighters
from Mexico how to do firefighting? Can we get more
ignorant and stupid? What happened to northern California? What happened
to the outlying places where they're not fighting fires?
Speaker 10 (04:19):
This is just the stupidest thing I've ever heard of.
Speaker 2 (04:22):
Speaker 7 (04:23):
Up here in Idaho yesterday I saw me a flatbed
on the back of a low boy flatbed.
Speaker 11 (04:28):
That's how they get them across the country.
Speaker 4 (04:32):
Good morning, Michael and Dragon. This is your favorite jugu bird.
And I know what caused the fire, Well, the cow farts.
The cow farts is what called the fire.
Speaker 10 (04:48):
Hey, have a good week, Hey Mike. At the top
of the hour news break, they said that Ukraine was
sending over some equipment some help for the fires in
southern Califorlifornia. It's wonderful that rich, newly rich country has
enough resources to lend us some help.
Speaker 12 (05:09):
Michael, you said the fire truck inspection should be made
user friendly. The regulations and policies you've worked in government.
Name one thing in government that's user friendly.
Speaker 3 (05:20):
Hey, Michael. Would it be worth having stored water tanks
underground on the properties and fire extinguishers that could be
used by generator or electricity if a firefire showed up
or a homeowner was trying to put out their own fire.
Speaker 5 (05:39):
Speaker 13 (05:40):
The's writings from California from well over one hundred years
ago just makes me think of one thing. Ecclesiast is
the Book of Ecclesiastes. They're nothing new under the.
Speaker 5 (05:52):
Sun, Brownie.
Speaker 7 (05:55):
All everybody's talking about is these huge fires out in California,
and everybody's over fucking one thing, mud slides.
Speaker 11 (06:04):
Michael. This is Guber seven three one six of Louisville, Kentucky.
You know, I think that when history looks back, it's
going to realize how brilliant Trump's maneuvers have been because
all he does is he just throws out these bombastic, laughable,
absurd demands, ideas and requests, and it's just to pacify
the children who are in Washington, and he's going to
get stuff done so they can go on deciding who's
allowed to want bathrooms.
Speaker 12 (06:31):
Michael. So what you're saying is Trump is going to
do what President Biden was supposed to do, i e.
Build back better. You start with the foundation