All Episodes

October 18, 2024 • 33 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Listen, here your microphone monkey less than one tenth to
one percent of the world's population or bald. That puts
us in a special category. And then there's the other
category of people who have here and shave it so
they can be bald. So don't be picking on the
redheaded bald guy. We'll come down there and put your

plugs out. I don't know if any of those numbers
are right. I just made them up. I'm practicing. I'm
being a Democrat.

Speaker 2 (00:31):
Oh that's classic. That's funny.

Speaker 3 (00:34):
That was infinitesimally more funny than the Kamala Harris al
Smith in her video.

Speaker 4 (00:39):
Well, Alexi said us. Apparently, and this doesn't show up
on our clipping service, but apparently Jim Goffagan actually had
something pretty scathing to say about Kamala Harris's lack of
her appearance.

Speaker 2 (00:57):
Now, but I googled.

Speaker 4 (00:59):
I did use Google because I wanted to see all
of the nasty stuff about Donald Trump's appearance. Oh, it
must have just been awful. Now I would play it,
but I'm just not interested in it. And it's I
think it's twenty eight minutes long. That's too long.

Speaker 3 (01:22):
Oh Trump's video, Yeah, yeah, that's a posted at Michael
says go here dot com.

Speaker 2 (01:26):
If you did you watch any of it? Is it really? Yeah? Me,
I'm not gonna watch anything, but this is funny.

Speaker 5 (01:32):
You know.

Speaker 6 (01:33):
This event has been referred to as the Catholic met
Gala of Americans identify as Catholic. Catholics will be a
key demographic in every battle ground state. I'm sorry, why
is Vice President Harris not here? I mean, consider this.

Speaker 7 (02:03):
This is a room full of Catholics and Jews in
New York City. This is a layup for the Democratic nominee.
I mean in her defense, I mean, she did find
time to appear on the View Howard Stern Colbert and

the longtime staple of campaigning to call her daddy podcast.

Speaker 2 (02:31):
Now that's good.

Speaker 4 (02:34):
That's the kind of humor that well, Frankly that I enjoy.

Speaker 2 (02:41):
This story.

Speaker 4 (02:46):
You know how we're being told that trenda Ragua is
just a minor problem. It's you know, like an Aurora.
He was just two apartment buildings. And then we hear
about El Paso and it was just it was just
a hotel. And then the the black gangs on the

South side of Chicago upset and and they want to
start a gang war with Trenda Ragua. I mean, that's
just another weekend in Chicago, So no big deal there. Uh,
they're showing up in Los Angeles, Los Angeles. They're they're
showing up. You know, they're they're, they're, they're. They seem
to kind of be popping up everywhere, kind of like weeds.

Do you know, you have your yard treated and you
put the weed killer on, and you know, you mow it.
It looks really good, and then you look, there's a weed.
A dangerous Venezuelan gang has taken over at least at
least four apartment complexes in San Antonio, dub the epitome

of evil, Trenda Ragua TDA is known to run drug smuggling,
child prostitution, and human trafficking rings in South America, with
members now crossing over in the United States. In recent
youre's a middle wave of Venezuelan migrants. Now let me
just remind you that this wave of Venezuelan migrants is

not spontaneous. This wave of Venezuelan migrants that includes TDA
is being lured here, lured here by something called temporary
protected status, which is in essence saying too, and one

day I'll look up the fourth country saying the citizens
of Cuba Venezuela Haiti, and one of the fourth one
is I never can remember that. If you can just
find your way to America, and oh, by the way,
if you're Venezuelan, to show up at the airport Raucus

and you know, we'll have a plane there. No, don't
worry about id don't worry about you know, going through security.
Just just show up at the airport, board the airplane.
We'll fly you into you know, Houston and or Continental,
we'll fly you into Denver International. We'll fly you into wherever.
And then you can just kind of go out among
the people and be sure and check in with a

border patrol agent because they'll give you temporary protected status
and also give you a work authorization so you.

Speaker 2 (05:31):
Can go to work.

Speaker 4 (05:33):
I mean, just like seeing a stray cat out in
your front yard and going, oh, poor little kiddie, here,
let me fix you a little bowl of milk and
some you know, some cat food. The cat's gonna say, Okay,
well thanks, and I'm moving on now. No, the cat's
gonna say, hmm, sucker here. I think I'll come back
tomorrow and get some more. Yeah, we're feeding the stray cats,

which just happened to be criminals, and we're somehow shocked
by this. The gang's activities in American cities are back
in the spotlight after ABC News and Martha Radditts claimed
that the instance of gang members presence and apartments was
just limited to a handful of complexes or wear of Colorado.

Remember I played that SoundBite for you on Monday and
JD Van said, whoa, whoa, whoa who stop? Do you
hear yourself? Just last week a small army at tops
rated an apartment complex in San Antonio and arrested only
nineteen individuals.

Speaker 2 (06:38):
It's only nineteen. It's not twenty or twenty five.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
I know.

Speaker 4 (06:41):
And this is why I wanted to make sure everybody
knew the story, so that they would understand that when
Mike Kaufman and Jared Poulis and Mike Johnston and Martha
Radditts and the cabal and all the rest of them
tell you this is no big deal, it's no big
deal because Dragon's right. If it had been twenty well,
had a different I would have had an entirely different

attitude about this story. Now, this may be concerning to
some of you, but law enforcement is right on top
of this. Law enforcement sources confirmed that TDA had been
operating at the Palatia.

Speaker 2 (07:26):
I wonder what the Palatio.

Speaker 4 (07:27):
Apartments no p A l A t I A Palaysia,
not Palatial, Palaysia, Playsia.

Speaker 2 (07:36):
Palasia, Palladia, Pilates. I don't know.

Speaker 4 (07:42):
The TBA has been operating at those apartments four and
again no big deal, five to six months squatting in
empty denons that they either rented out to other illegal aliens,
used as a base to deal coke, or as prostitution

dens to pimp out women and children, women and children
sometimes called sometimes we refer to that as child prostitution,
child prostitution. Even for those of you that might believe

that prostitution is a victimless crime or that prostitution ought
to be legalized, I think even you might agree that
child prostitution really out.

Speaker 2 (08:36):
Of remain illegal.

Speaker 4 (08:40):
Trenda rod We have been operating at the Palicia apartment
homes near the airport for at least five or six
months before.

Speaker 2 (08:52):

Speaker 4 (08:53):
I don't know why I would take this many, but
according to this story, before hundreds of cops raided the
property on October five, but almost two weeks ago, according
to the San Antonio Police Department, uh let's see. In

a pre dawn operation, hundreds of law enforcement officers closed
in on the sprawling Polaicio apartments in the early hours
of October five, after spending weeks investigating reports that Trenda
Arragua had control of the area. Control of the area,
neighbors recounted how they awoke to the sound of helicopters, droans,

and doors being kicked in at around five am. One
female resident, who asked to remain anonymous, that every department
was here. They were wearing helmets and body armor. Key,
I wonder why. I wonder why you want to wear
body armor when you're going after one of the.

Speaker 2 (09:52):
Most violent gangs in the entire world.

Speaker 4 (09:55):
Dozens of apartment units that the Placia showed signs of
the raid, including where a police have.

Speaker 2 (09:58):
Breached doors with battering rams.

Speaker 4 (10:01):
Eviction notices could be seen like you're gonna ram down
the door, you're gonna blow out the door, you're gonna
use flash bangs, You're gonna do everything you can and then, oh,
by the way, don't forget to tack up an eviction notice.
Yeah keviny Christmas. After searching more than three hundred units,

cops arrested nineteen individuals. One TDA member is a confirmed
enforcer for the gang, and fifteen were in the country illegally.
Mobsters who brazenly show off gang tattoos or wore red
clothing were squatting in empty units where they sold drugs
or they sold humans. They had women and children were

prostituting the women and the children, said one resident. There
was a lot of them watching all the women and
the children being put into a paddy way, and I
was like, ah, TDA had also does this sound familiar?

Speaker 5 (10:57):

Speaker 4 (10:57):
Just does this sound familiar to Mayor Kauffman. TDA had
also threatened apartment property staffers who discovered their criminal schemes. Now,
according to this report, the gang's San Antonio activity almost
exactly mirrored what was happening in Aurora, Colorado, where a

video of armed gang members storming an apartment made national
headlines Back in August. Gang members were squatting in vacant
units of San Antonio apartment complex using okay, we already
dubed in this scene. In South Texas, TDA then set
up shop in an area of just just north of
San Antonio's Migrant Resource Center, a shelter run by Catholic

charities that has welcomed more than one hundred and twenty
thousand illegal aliens since the organization started tracking numbers in
twenty twenty three, illegal alien seeking to inter the US
through a barbed wire fence installed the loot along the
real brand. We're driven away with pepper spray shots by
the Texas National Guard agents. Oh so, the Texas National

Guard repelled the invaders, not the federal Popo. An undercover
officer operating in the migrant shelter was able to gather
intelligence that led to the operation at the Placia apartments,
according to Fox San Antonio. The local police chief added

that authorities knew of other locations where the criminals were
operating and would be making more arrests.

Speaker 2 (12:36):
He warned, we know who you are and we're coming
for you.

Speaker 4 (12:44):
TDA is now believed to be replicating what it did
at the Placia apartments at three other properties in San Antonio,
using the units they occupy to illegally make money.

Speaker 2 (12:57):
I don't know how many cops I'm serious For a moment.

Speaker 4 (13:02):
I know we've had some fun today, but for a moment,
let's think, seriously, why do we allow this? Why do
for example, Democrats, Now I want to mention specifically Democrats
because I want to talk about Congress at large.

Speaker 2 (13:24):
Why do why does the Congress allow this?

Speaker 4 (13:29):
If the House is controlled by Republicans, Republicans could be
revoking the president's authority under the Immigration and Naturalization Act
to grant temporary protected status. They could just say, you
know what, we're going to strip the law of that,
and we're going to forbid the President from enacting any

sort or authorizing any sort of executive orders that would
grant temporary protect the status to Haitians, Venezuelan's, Cubans, and
matter just anybody else.

Speaker 2 (14:01):
Why don't we just take it away for everybody right now?

Speaker 4 (14:04):
I mean, you know, a few bad apples spoil the
entire bunch, So let's just take it away for everyone.
But the better question about why Republicans aren't doing it
is why aren't members of the United States Senate doing
it where that's controlled by Democrats. Now, I happen to

still have the video of Jim Gaffigan at the lecture
at the Al Smith Dinner immediately to his right, since
the since the Senate Majority leader a Yahoo, a dirt
by a dirt bag by the name of Chuck Schumer,

Chuck Schumer knows what's going on with these gang members.
Chuck Schumer knows that child children are being trafficked in
sex and slave labor. And there he sits at the
Al Smith dinner with a bunch of Catholics and Jews
having I don't know, but I'm sure it was a

really nice rubber chicken dinner. In fact, if this is hell,
I know whether it's hell at the Plaza, the Walldorf,
or the w I don't know where it's held, but
wherever this dinner is being held, it's better than any
rubber chicken dinner you've ever had at any sort of big,
giant banquet. And here he sits laughing his little fat

ass off while children are being trafficked in sex, used
for slaves, drug trafficking, everything else by a Democrat administration,
and he's complicit in it, and he's sitting right there
not doing one damn thing about it. Now we can

go to the Republican side, and yes, I want to
say exactly the same thing about Mike Johnson, the Speaker
of the House, I want to say exactly the same
thing about whoever the current chair of the Homeland Security
Committee is. Is there not anything that we could agree on?
I think this is one thing we could agree on

that we don't want these people here, and that we
need to even if it's temporary, but at least show
us that you actually care about children being trafficked for
sex purposes by this gang, and that you're going to
revoke the president's authority to grant them temporary protected status

and then order customs and border patrol, immigrations and customs
enforcement and if so. But you won't do this because
Donald Trump suggested it, Why don't you use the United
States military to put them on a bunch of C
fives and fly them back to their home countries and
just drop them out. Pull up, you know your land,

pull up the end of the runway, drop down, open
the bay, and just shove them out, grab the engines,
back up, turn around. Oh they're gonna scatter, They'll scatter
like cockroaches, and just take that C five off and
just come back to the United States and Chuck Schumer,
Mike Johnson, why don't you do it?

Speaker 2 (17:23):
Get dirt bags?

Speaker 7 (17:25):
Hey, Dragon?

Speaker 1 (17:26):
With all this talk of your weight loss, so today whatnot?

Speaker 8 (17:28):
I went and did a Google search on you and
found your shrub redded your face weight an.

Speaker 5 (17:34):
Oh mind, God, that's just like you really are, bald.

Speaker 4 (17:43):
Well do you think I'd ever lie about anything about Dragon?
I told you he's a bald a hole, and I don't.
I don't know how to harassment. I don't know how
to make it any clearer. And he keeps threatening sexual
harassment charges. But I haven't heard from anybody yet, so
I don't.

Speaker 2 (18:00):
Though. I got to give that talkback credit though.

Speaker 3 (18:02):
Listening to it, it was like, okay, all right, good, he's
gonna come from me on the weight loss. Yeah, that's amazing. Nope,
complete one eighty loved it. Fantastic talkback that's set up
and delivery glorious.

Speaker 4 (18:15):
Exactly why we love our audience exactly? Why how many
times have we heard about election interference? And we've heard
about forum election interference? It's news to me, Michael and
specifically Dragon. Maybe you've heard about Russian interference?

Speaker 2 (18:36):
No in our election? Not I know, And it's.

Speaker 4 (18:40):
Always because and why do we hear about it? Because
Donald Trump is what Donald Trump is a putin puppet.

Speaker 2 (18:49):
Hmmm, well, I find that.

Speaker 4 (18:52):
Kind of interesting because if that's the case, why is
nobody upset about the idea that, I don't know, there
might be some foreign interference coming into this country from
of all places, What if I told you it was.

Speaker 2 (19:13):
Great Britain.

Speaker 4 (19:15):
According to a social media post by the Labor Parties
head of Ops Sophia Patel, more than a hundred current
and former staffers of Britain's current ruling party, the Labor Party,
are coming here to help American Democratic presidential nominee Kamala

Harris's campaign in several key key swing states. Patel says
that the Labor activists are going to travel to this
country in the coming weeks to help the Hairs campaign
in North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Now, she advertised
in a LinkedIn post made on Wednesday that there were

still ten spots remaining for those who wish to go
to North Carolina and that housing accommodations would be provided. Now,
I couldn't figure. It's not really clear whether the Labor Party,
the harris campaign, or anybody else might be paying for
the accommodations, but it is pretty clear that you're not
going to be paying for the late for the housing accommodations,

that if you sign up, housing will be provided to you. Now,
foreigners can volunteer in elections, but they cannot be directly compensated.
Now that's lawyer weasel words. You cannot directly compensate someone.

And I think that's why that nobody wants to say
who's paying for the housing? Because if the Harris campaign
or say, oh, I don't know, the North Carolina Democrat
Party is paying for the housing, I think that's direct compensation.
Because if if I travel from here where I'm sitting

in this fed up studio, and I go to Chicago
to campaign for the mayor, or I go to Wisconsin
the campaign for or no, I want to go to Minnesota.
I want to go to Minnesota campaign for for for
wall ten walls. That's what I want to do, and
the Democrat National Committee pays me to do that. But

now that analogy doesn't work. I want to I'm a
bripped and I want to go to I want to
go to Minnesota, and the DNC pays me or covers
my housing, that's direct compensation. Why because other way, I
have a place to stay and if they pay, if

they pay for a hotel, they pay for an apartment
or an airbnb, that's direct compensation. That's money that's not
coming out of my pockets, coming out of their pocket
for my benefit. Now, earlier in the year, quite a
few high profile Labor Party figures, including several sitting members

of Parliament and the Labor General Secretary David Evans, actually
attended the DNC and the Harris campaign also recruited Deborah Madison,
who's a former strategy director for Britain's current leftist Prime Minister, Starmer.
Madison had helped rebrand Labor in an effort to appeal

to the party's traditional working class voters. Now, let's just
think about this in terms of foreign interference. Sophia Patel's
announcement shows that there are really deep connections between the
Labor movement and the Democrats. All the while that we
keep hearing about foreign election interference in this country, But

corporate media election interference reports are actually largely limited to
countries like Russia, Iran, China and are filled with claims
that those countries are attempting to aid Republicans, and of
course the campaign at Donald Trump. Now, Vadimir Putin actually

endorsed Kamala Harris and Iran allegedly has been attempting to
assassinate Donald Trump. So you might say that China, Russia,
Iran really would prefer to see Kamala Harris now having
watched that interview and seeing her unwillings to even stand

up in front of a bunch of Catholics at a
roast shows her unwillingness to stand up and be counted
when it really when it really counts. But isn't that
election interference? Isn't that foreign interference in our election? And
it's not some ephemeral kind of pie in the sky

we think, you know, we think that Vladimir Putin really
does want Trump to win, so he's going to go
endorse Kamala Harris as kind of a you know, reverse
psychology deal. Now, in this situation, the Labor Party is
actually is literally coming here to campaign on behalf of
Kamala Harris. M Now in the next story, which I

can't play the audio for you because of the it's
just it's too chopped up and it's one of these
undercover videos. But a senior engineer at Meta, Facebook, at
Instagram and obviously What's that, has revealed that it has
what they call an integrity team, and that integrity team

is targeting social media posts that are critical of Kamala Harris.
In a hidden camera footage shop by an undercover journalist,
medicenior software engineer Jeven Garwali disclosed this quote, say your
uncle in Ohio said something about Kamala Harris is unfit

to be a president because she doesn't have a child.

Speaker 2 (25:28):
That kind of s word is automatically demoted.

Speaker 4 (25:33):
This engineer confirms that users posting that kind of content
are told their content is being suppressed, which is obviously
a method of cutting engagement and cutting the reach known
as shadow Benny.

Speaker 2 (25:48):
He explains that Medics.

Speaker 4 (25:49):
Integrity team uses what they call civic classifiers to control content.
He also reveals the existence of a so called SWAT team,
literally a special weapons and tactics team created to monitor
and address the platform, which has.

Speaker 2 (26:09):
Been active since April now. When he was asked about.

Speaker 4 (26:14):
Facebook's I should say Meta because it's not just Facebook,
It's it's Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram. When asked about the
influence over election outcomes, He confirms that the company has
the ability to sway political results and its moderation decisions
favor the Democrat party, and he adds that Zuckerbird himself

supports the platform's role in shaping political discourse and outcomes
one hundred percent. Can you say election interference? Can you
say cabal? But go find that, Go do a Google
search about that.

Speaker 2 (27:00):
It's on X.

Speaker 4 (27:01):
You can watch it on X. I don't want to
do that because I don't want I don't want to play.
Hang on a second, Oh it is, it's that's what it's.
It's O'Keefe. O'Keefe's got it. So if you follow James
O'Keeffe on X you can watch the video or I

imagine Dragon might put it up to. So when O'Keefe
contacted uh this engineer to request comment regarding the hidden
camera footage in which he discusses the censorship, upon hearing
the details, the engineer responded, oh f word and then

hung up.

Speaker 2 (27:45):
I think that comment kind of speaks for itself, doesn't it.

Speaker 4 (27:51):
Then? How did Democrats also go about getting people to vote?

Speaker 2 (27:58):

Speaker 8 (27:59):
What if you got I think I found the secret
to Michael, and that is Dragon. Remember those old horses
that you'd find in grocery stores and you'd put a
quarter in it.

Speaker 2 (28:10):
It would ride for a couple of minutes. You could
put your kid on it.

Speaker 8 (28:13):
Well, Dragon is putting a quarter in, Michael. We need
to take Dragon's quarters away.

Speaker 4 (28:31):
You know, Dragon, there's just such a love hate relationship
with this audience. I just don't you know. I love
the engagement. I love the cleverness. I love the inventiveness,
the uniqueness, I love the imagination, love all of that,
and yet at the same time I despise these Yeah,

these goobers are just despicable human beings. So I mentioned
earlier in the program that last night, or maybe night
before last, I don't remember when it was, I don't know.
I'm listening to Tucker Carlson interview Mark Alprin about the election,
and of course, the trend lines are great for Trump
right now, and it does look, you know, barring some

unforeseen circumstance, that these trend lines continue. In fact, there's
new national pulling out just this morning that shows in
the general election, in the in the popular vote, that
Trump's moving had by two or three points. And that's
in verse of what has been for the past, you know,
several months, so his trend line is moving upwards. But

Tucker Carlson asks Mark Alprin a pretty interesting question.

Speaker 5 (29:41):
You know, have to have to understand under the circumstances,
if it's not going to be an invocation of the
twenty fifth Amendment, if he's not going to resign, we
have to be grateful that it's well managed.

Speaker 2 (29:52):
Let's say Trump wins.

Speaker 9 (29:56):
Three weeks from today, what happens the Democratic parties. I mean,
as you said, a lot of Democrats, maybe the majority,
believe that Trump becoming president in is the worst thing
that ever could happen.

Speaker 2 (30:10):
I say this not flippantly.

Speaker 5 (30:13):
I think it will be the cause of the greatest
mental health crisis in the history of the country. Seriously,
I don't. I think tens of millions of people will
question their connection to the nation, their connection to other
human beings, their connection to their vision of what their

future for them and their children could be like. And
I think that will be require an enormous amount of
access to mental health professionals. I think it will lead
to a trauma in the workplace. I think there'll be
some degree of one hundred percent serious, one hundred percent serious.

They'll be alcoholism, they'll be broken marriages, they'll be Yeah.
They they think he's the worst person possible to be president.
And having won by the hand of Jim Comey and
Fluke in twenty sixteen and then performed in office for
four years and denied who won the election last time
in January sixth, the fact that under a fair election,

America shows by the rules pre agreed to Donald Trump again.
I think it will cause the biggest mental health crisis
in the history of America. And I don't think it
will be kind of a passing thing that by the
inauguration will be fine. I think it will be sustained
and unprecedented and hideous, and I don't think the country's
ready for it.

Speaker 9 (31:37):
So mental health crises often manifest in violence.

Speaker 5 (31:41):
Yeah, I think there'll be some violence. I think they'll
be They'll be workplace fights, They'll be fights at birthday
kids' birthday parties.

Speaker 3 (31:51):
Are we gonna have fights at horror Yes, but the
president doesn't try.

Speaker 4 (31:57):
Oh okay, all right, all right, Well what about a
birthday you kids birthday party? Because Trump's president, I.

Speaker 3 (32:04):
Don't get in a big enough slice of cake. I
need a bigger slice of cake than the birthday kids.
So I'm gonna fight and this.

Speaker 4 (32:09):
Friend I'm getting less now because Trump's president or my president.
Mommy and Daddy, the gift you got me wasn't enough.
Well you know that's kind of true right now because
of inflation.

Speaker 5 (32:19):
Uh. I think they'll be protests that will turn violent.
I hope they're not, but I think there will be
some done that. But I think it will be more.
It'll be less anger and more a failure to understand
how it could happen, you know, like like like the
death of a child, or your spouse announcing that that

that you know, your wife announcing she's a lesbian and
she's leaving you for your best friend, like a like
a like a something that's that's so, I.

Speaker 2 (32:51):
Assume you're whispering in my ear. The last couple were
on the air. Oh okay, all right, been there, done that,
Been there, done that. Wow.

Speaker 4 (32:58):
And I I've got the greatest respect from Mark Alpern too,
So there you go. Uh, taxpayer relief shots coming up?

Speaker 2 (33:08):
Is that what we're gonna do.

Speaker 4 (33:10):
I'm not going to do them. Apparently Vegas, I don't
have access to a computer
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