Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Mike or Michael, I find it incredibly offensive. The dragon
doesn't want me to be offended for him. I find
that very thankless. Caution, you are about to experience the
taxpayer relief shot segment on the situation with Michael Brown. Caution,
you are about to experience the taxpayer relief shot segment
on the situation with Michael Brown. We do not necessarily
relish the death of any criminal, but we do celebrate
our god given and constitutional right to self defense in
the event that the criminal becomes DRT. The taxpayers spared
the cost of public defenders, court costs, incarceration, and continued
parole supervision. As the Sheriff of Santa Rosa County, Florida
says insert audio here, or Sheriff Grady of Polk County says,
insert audio here, you have been warned listen at your
own risks.
Speaker 2 (00:57):
Mike, Well, let me insert audio here.
Speaker 3 (01:00):
Hey does that still watch somebody's break? What does that
still make everybody else laugh? Because it makes me laugh
every time every time. I just want to know if
there's any goopers out there that that, you know, chuckle
at that as well.
Speaker 2 (01:13):
I don't chuckle any edit anymore. I just find it.
I guess just a part of the bit like.
Speaker 3 (01:18):
It's it's as funny to me as the smoke detector chirp, which.
Speaker 2 (01:24):
For whatever I don't and again I don't find that
when funny I find it. It's it's such a it's
just a marker that signifies the end of the show. Yeah,
it's it's a well, and we just call them markers.
It's it's a marker. It's an audible marker. Uh so
let me insert audio here.
Speaker 4 (01:46):
Somebody's breaking in your house here, more than welcome to
shoot them. In Santaise Accounting, we prefer that you do. Actually,
hopefully you'll save taxpayers money.
Speaker 2 (01:53):
And that's exactly why we call them taxpayer relief shots.
Speaker 5 (01:57):
I would highly suggest that if a lout or bright
into your home, comes into your home while you're there
to steal stuff, that you take your gun and you
shoot him. You shoot him so that he looks like
grated cheese, because you know what, that's one leader that
won't break into anyone else's home.
Speaker 2 (02:14):
Yeah, grated cheese. And my all time favorite is this one.
Speaker 6 (02:19):
I would tell them, if you value your life, you
probably shouldn't do that.
Speaker 2 (02:22):
In Polk County, because.
Speaker 6 (02:24):
The people of Polk County like guns.
Speaker 2 (02:26):
They have guns.
Speaker 6 (02:27):
I encourage them to own guns, and they're going to
be in their homes tonight with their guns loaded. And
if you try to break into their homes to steal
to set fires, I'm highly recommending they blow you back
out of the house with their guns.
Speaker 2 (02:38):
So leave the community alone. Just leave alone. Leave alone.
And for all the all of you are who are
worried about the South American Games, well maybe you ought
to figure out something out of defend yourself. A man
shooting remember I don't listen to these A man shooting
at I mean I don't them beforehand. Man shooting the
pope pod with a shotgun ends up.
Speaker 7 (03:06):
A Steuben County man is dead after investigators said he
shot two patrol cars, sparked a twelve hour standoff, drove
into a police barricade, then fought with deputies. The stub
Ben County Sheriff's Office saying they were called the Angel
Road in the town of Cameron that was just before
one am, where they found a fifty year old Alan Hod.
The second investigators tell us that Hod shot at two
patrol cars with a shotgun, causing police to retreat Stuben
County Swap team and crisis negotiators and spent twelve hours
tried to convince Hod to exit the home un armed.
Speaker 2 (03:41):
Police to have you a jerk. Once you've taken a
shotgun to a couple of patrol cars, do you really
need your crisis intervention team. I think you've already crossed
the line. Something tells me you've already crossed the line.
Speaker 7 (03:56):
They at two pm, Hod, with his weapon, got into
a vehicle, proceeded to drive through a police barricade and crashed.
Speaker 2 (04:03):
Into And now you've definitely crossed the line. Hey, listen,
he's taken a couple of shot sandels with a shotgun,
and he just barreled through a couple of cruisers and
a barricade. But could you come and negotiate with him?
Could you just come and negotiate. Maybe if we've stopped
the negotiation and start doing what.
Speaker 7 (04:26):
Patrol car we have learned, deputies began shooting to quote
stop Hod from causing serious injury. The suspect got out
of his vehicle was taken to the hospital, where he
was pronounced dead. Police have not yet announced his cause
of death. We will keep you updated on this story
on air and online at Rochester first dot com.
Speaker 2 (04:46):
Which raises the question was he DRT or DOA because
they don't really make it clear. The popele shoot and
kill a fleeing arm suspect that has a hostage ooh, and.
Speaker 8 (05:03):
Is dead this morning, reportedly leading police on a chase
with a hostage in his car.
Speaker 2 (05:08):
This happened in the Calb.
Speaker 9 (05:09):
Officers. We're trying to pull over a car suspected in
a Rockford shooting and that's when the driver took off.
Speaker 10 (05:15):
Rob Hughes is live where it happened.
Speaker 11 (05:17):
Rob, Yeah, guys, I can tell you this scene now
has turned into an investigation. The active part of this
scene appears to be over. This stretch of Nelson Road
behind me is completely closed to through traffic. In fact,
this is as close as the Kalb County Deputies will
allow us to get to the scene, at least several
hundred yards away. As you can see, we are in
a rural area of the Colb, about five miles I
should say, northwest of the Calb. This hour's long situation
culminating in a chase, a hostage situation, shootout, and ultimately
the death of the suspect. What we know is almost
exactly twelve hours ago that a Cowb County Sheriff's office
says it received a report of a vehicle that was
allegedly involved in a suspected shooting in Rockford. Now, this
vehicle was registered to an address in the Calb and
sheriff's units spotted the suspects vehicle as it pulled in front.
Speaker 2 (06:07):
Of that address.
Speaker 11 (06:08):
The Sheriff's office says a deputy later attempted a traffic stop,
but says the driver refused to stop and sped away
from the scene, and that's when the chase began. Deputies
say they used stop sticks to deflate the suspects tires,
bringing us to this location roughly the intersection of Nelson
and rich Rhodes. At this point, deputy saw the suspect
was armed with a handgun. There was another person in
that vehicle that was being held hostage, according to deputies,
The Calb Special Ops team, including hostage negotiators, were ultimately
successful in getting the hostage released after several hours were
told of negotiations. The Sheriff's office says it continued to
attempt to get the suspect to surrender but the suspect
instead suddenly pointed a gun at police, firing several rounds
of them. Police say they returned fire, killing the suspect.
Speaker 2 (06:55):
I did just.
Speaker 11 (06:55):
Speak with the Calb County Sheriff, Andy Sullivan, and he
told me the location here is unrelated to the suspect.
This is simply where the chase ended and the hostage
situation played out overnight.
Speaker 2 (07:08):
Right now, the.
Speaker 11 (07:08):
Illinois State Police as well as DeKalb County State's Attorney's
Office are conducting and independent outside investigation.
Speaker 2 (07:17):
Yeah. Well, don't take hostages of you. My suggestion, let's
see the popo shoot and kill a man who will
for every reaction. For every action, there is a reaction.
Good afternoon.
Speaker 9 (07:29):
I'm Karen Drew. We are following breaking news right now
just into our newsroom. Two Detroit police officers are hurt
after shooting on the city's east side. Now, this happened
within the last ninety minutes in the area of East
Davison and Ryopel near I seventy five. Let's get right
out to Pamela Osborne. She is live with more on
what happened there.
Speaker 12 (07:46):
Pam, Karen, So, we know that the two officers were injured.
We also know that a suspect is dead. We're standing
on da Quinder and I want to point your attention
just down the road a little bit on Davison East,
where that water's power is, just underneath that overpass. There
are dozens of law enforcement officials under there taking part
in this investigation which is now under way. We first
started hearing about this in our newsroom at around three
o'clock this afternoon. When we got to the scene, this
is what we saw. We had sky Force the chopper
up in the sky taking a look at what's happening
down on the ground. Where at a staging area here
away from where this investigation is taking place, likely where
this incident unfolded again between two DPD officers and a
suspect of some sort. Now, I spoke with a gentleman
who lives nearby the area, heard all of that gunfire
and came out to see for himself what was going on.
I want you to take a listen to what he
saw and what he heard this afternoon.
Speaker 13 (08:50):
First just heard engines and stuff moving fast, and my son,
he looked at his back bedroom window, alerted me that
what's police activity. I come to the back window and
look out and it's like ten police cards and trucks
out there, and they was looking around or whatever. Then
they had a handgun fire first and police returned fire,
and moments later they were still standing. And moments later
after that heard a rapid fire like it was like
some type of machine gun aka or something, and all
these police causes out afterwards.
Speaker 12 (09:31):
And as you heard, he is describing a pretty chaotic scene.
We want you to take a look now at the hospital.
This is Detroit Receiving Hospital. This is where those two
injured officers were taken after this exchange of gunfire that's
being described by witnesses on the scene there. Again, we're
hearing those officers were grazed. We are waiting right now
for police to come and give us a little bit
more information. They're supposed to be doing.
Speaker 2 (09:57):
That any moment.
Speaker 12 (09:58):
Of course, if that happens during this broadcast, we'll jump
back in and let you hear the details as we
ask questions and try to make sense of what's.
Speaker 14 (10:05):
Going on here.
Speaker 9 (10:06):
Karen, back to you, obviously hoping encore those police officers
to be okay. We'll check back with you as soon
as that information comes in.
Speaker 2 (10:12):
Thanks, Pam, don't shoot at cops. I'll popo shooting, stop
and don't do this either.
Speaker 15 (10:25):
Now we're learning more about the armed man who was
shot and killed by DC police yesterday morning in Southeast
Police have identified him as twenty six year old Justin
Robinson of Southeast DC. Now Police Chief Pamela Smith said
two officers fired at Robinson after he grabbed an officer's weapon.
But as that Rothael Sanchis Scruz tells us tonight, this
case has a lot of people asking questions, Rafa, what
are you learning.
Speaker 16 (10:46):
Yeah, Lorenzo. Throughout the day, neighbors have been stopping by
trying to piece together this incident. But Justin's family has
the most questions and they're telling us they want justice
for Justin. So let's walk you through what police say.
Speaker 2 (10:59):
How So.
Speaker 16 (11:00):
Police Chief Smith said that the driver first crashed into
a wall and the drive through of this McDonald's, and
that when the officer arrived, he was unresponsive. She also
said that officers noticed a gun on his laugh Now,
once the Robinson began to gain consciousness, officers told them
to drop the gun. According to authorities, Chief Smith said
her officers extended their guns into the car, and that
Robinson grabbed one of the officer's weapons, which prompted them
to shoot. Now, Robinson's family says they're calling into question
the entire response. They tell me that the twenty six
year old leaves behind a twin brother, and that he
was a community activist doing anti violence work here in SOUTHEASTDC.
Speaker 2 (11:39):
Let's listen.
Speaker 17 (11:40):
I don't think he deserved this, and this is why
I came up here on my own to see what
it was that made these officers shoot this.
Speaker 10 (11:51):
Baby like that.
Speaker 17 (11:52):
Regardless if he hit a wall or hit anything, he
didn't deserve to die. And that's the problem. Now these
officers are said and taking out keys away for no
apparent reason. Even if he had a gun, it did
not give them the right to shoot and kill him.
Speaker 10 (12:07):
He did not deserve this.
Speaker 2 (12:09):
Wow, wonder what law school she went to, even if
he had a gun, even if tried to take the
cops gun, even if he shout out him, just making
that there's no excuse.
Speaker 16 (12:21):
Yeah, that loved one did not want to be identified.
They're telling me that although it might be painful, they
want to watch that body worn camera footage and the
surveillance footage that would be obtained from this McDonald's. Now,
this incident is under review by DC Police and also
by the US Attorney's Office. Under DC law, they have
five days to release the names of the two officers involved,
as well as the footage from the body worn it
camera that we're on when this incident happened.
Speaker 2 (12:50):
Coming up at six o'clock, we'll.
Speaker 16 (12:52):
Learn more about Robinson and all the work that he's.
Speaker 2 (12:56):
Been doing in Southeast DC.
Speaker 16 (12:57):
I'm live, I'm provide just CRUs wus any and.
Speaker 15 (13:00):
As you mentioned, with this DC law, we should be
able to see that video sometime this week to answer
some of those lingering questions.
Speaker 2 (13:05):
Ratha, thank you, thank you. By the way, Dragon. Just
as a footnote here, uh Kyroland CNN Liz Cheney slams
Trump after he calls for her to be shot. Just
thought you might want to know, Uh num dude, the
popo shoot and kill a one in suspect who huh
produced something?
Speaker 18 (13:31):
If you begin here at five with that breaking news
in Chelsea in Manhattan where police if shot and a
greeting card.
Speaker 3 (13:37):
He produced flowers a welcome, thank you you card, you
card exactly.
Speaker 18 (13:44):
We begin here at five with that breaking news in
Chelsea in Manhattan, where police if shot and killed the man.
Speaker 9 (13:49):
NYPD spoke at the scene just a few minutes ago.
Speaker 7 (13:51):
CBS two's Navine Dolly Wall is there.
Speaker 10 (13:53):
For us live navin Yeah, Jessica.
Speaker 19 (13:57):
We just wrapped up a news conference with the NYPD
and they tell us that the shooting happened here on
Wessel twenty fourth and near seventh Avenue, inside that Maximize
Optical store. And right now this is what we know.
Police say officers were assigned to the Gang Violent Gang
Task Force, which is the NYPD and Homeland Security investigations
that were working this area looking for a man, a
twenty five year old who was wanted for an assault
earlier this month. Now they spotted him here on the
West twenty fourth block. Now, investigators say they tried to
arrest him. They approached him, he ran into that optical
store and that's when a struggle began and the suspect
produced a gun. Immediately, officers just discharged their gun and
that twenty five year old was shot. Witness is here
heard the commotion.
Speaker 10 (14:46):
Take a listen.
Speaker 20 (14:47):
Good office is assigned with join NYPD and Federal Homeland
Security Folent Gang Task Force. We're in the vicinity of
Seventh Avenue and West twenty fourth Street, searching for a
twenty five year old male want of a a felony
assault that it occurred earlier this month in Manhattan. Members
of the Task Force located this male standing in front
of two hundred West twenty fourth Street and verbally identified
themselves as the police. The mail then fled into this
commercial establishment that he was standing in front of. While
inside of the store, members of the Task Force attempted
to place him under arrest, and a violent struggle ensued.
The male produced a gun and members of the Task
Force discharged their weapons several times, striking the mail.
Speaker 19 (15:31):
Yeah, this has happened about two forty five PM.
Speaker 21 (15:35):
Very busy area.
Speaker 19 (15:36):
People walking around here, people working here, tourists here, So
you can imagine the fear when they heard those gunshots,
three of them exactly. Now, police say the gun was
recovered inside. They also tell us that that gun was
it did belong to these suspects. Now, another man was
also arrested. It's unclear his involvement in this. He is
in custody, and we have learned that only one officer
was injured.
Speaker 10 (16:04):
He had a gash to his forehead.
Speaker 19 (16:06):
He was taken to the hospital and he was released
for live in Chelsea. Navin Dolliwalt, CBS.
Speaker 2 (16:11):
Ten year ok levin Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
An elderly homeowner.
Speaker 8 (16:20):
Elderly homeowner, an intruder pays with his life when a
homeowner shoots to protect his territory. That tops our news
tonight at six. Two people try to make their way
inside of Detroit home just after three this morning.
Speaker 9 (16:33):
That turned out to be a deadly decision, as one
of them was shot and killed by the homeowner. Now
the community is coming together to protect him as police.
Speaker 10 (16:40):
Search for the second intruder.
Speaker 16 (16:42):
Prey Man is live.
Speaker 8 (16:43):
After speaking with concerned neighbors and Preya, they believe the
victim here was targeted well.
Speaker 22 (16:49):
Neighbors say a family friend had just left the home
moments before this attempted home robbery, and that friend was
dropping off food to the elderly homeowner. He's been struggling
with some health issues, and neighbors believe these two robbers
may have thought the home was empty. Instead, this seventy
five year old homeowner was forced to protect himself with
deadly consequences.
Speaker 2 (17:10):
My prayers go out to you.
Speaker 22 (17:12):
Sir, a grassroots group is living up to the motto
of its community. After a seventy five year old man
was the target of a home invasion.
Speaker 23 (17:20):
The homeowners in trauma. He did not expect anyone to
invade his privacy.
Speaker 22 (17:28):
Around three Friday morning, two young men tried breaking into
a home at Lyndon and Asbury.
Speaker 10 (17:33):
The homeowner happened to be awake and was armed.
Speaker 23 (17:36):
They stepped inside of the property. They were warned by
the resident to leave. They didn't leave, and he raised
his repon and fired three shots.
Speaker 22 (17:45):
One man was shot in the head and passed away
in the homeowner's backyard. Neighbors say the seventy five year
old man is devastated.
Speaker 23 (17:52):
You feel violated and you really need to protect yourself.
It's intimidating, it's life threatening.
Speaker 22 (17:58):
The Grandmont Association is now upping patrols in the area
and watching over the elderly homeowner.
Speaker 23 (18:04):
First of all, you hadn't head any suit. Just making
sure that he rests. You know, he has a heart condition,
he's not a very healthy senior citizen, and then he
needs a rest.
Speaker 22 (18:15):
As police search for the second robber, and in light
of a young life lost to crime, they're hoping lessons
are learned.
Speaker 23 (18:22):
Crime does not pay y'all. Life may the life you
save may be your own.
Speaker 22 (18:29):
And neighbors say they're going to be extra vigilant. They're
concerned this elderly homeowner maybe targeted again. After this young
would be robber was killed. Police are still looking for
that second man who's believed to have run away from
the scene on foot. It's not clear if that young
man may have been injured. Reporting line from DVD headquarters,
I'm preman oc four.
Speaker 2 (18:49):
That's pretty good. That was a very good award winner.
Homeowner shoots and kills another home intruder.
Speaker 24 (18:56):
Out the last ninety minutes, we have learned that a
Franklin County man who police say was shot while forcing
his way into a Pennsylvania County home last night, has died.
He's been identified as twenty two year old Nicholas Marlowe.
Speaker 2 (19:09):
Now Tendows.
Speaker 24 (19:10):
Reporter Coulter Anstadt has information that homeowners need to know
about protecting themselves and their property.
Speaker 14 (19:16):
Virginia is a standiard ground by practice state, meaning there
is no actual law on the books regulating when a
homeowner can and cannot use deadly force, but there are
guidelines that have been developed based on past cases. According
to the Pittsylvania County Sheriff's Office, just before eight thirty
last night, a call came in from the thirty eight
hundred block of Smith Mountain Road. A man had been
shot by a homeowner while reportedly trying to break into
the homeowner's house. The man was taken to Karellian in
Roanoke with life threatening injuries. In Virginia, you can only
use deadly force if there is a present danger of
great bodily injury, and words alone cannot justify the use
of deadly fefe. So far, no charges have been filed
in this case.
Speaker 2 (20:04):
Dragon. When Michael says, can I be a jerk?
Speaker 6 (20:08):
Your automatic response should be better than anybody I know.
Speaker 2 (20:16):
Yeah, it's pretty good, or you already are. Yeah, either one,
that's pretty good. We're doing taxpayer relief shots. We call
them this because.
Speaker 4 (20:27):
Somebody's breaking in your house here, more than welcome to
shoot them. In centai's accounting, we prefer that you do. Actually,
hopefully you'll save the taxpayers money.
Speaker 6 (20:35):
And I would tell them, if you value your life,
you probably shouldn't do that. In Polk County because the
people of Polk County like guns.
Speaker 2 (20:43):
They have guns.
Speaker 6 (20:44):
I encourage them to own guns, and they're going to
be in their homes tonight with their guns loaded. And
if you try to break into their homes to steal
to set fires, I'm highly recommending they blow you back
out of the house with their guns. So leave the
community alone and not least, I.
Speaker 5 (21:01):
Would highly suggest that if a looter breaks into your home,
comes into your home while you're there to steal stuff,
that you take your gun and you shoot him. You
shoot him so that he looks like grated cheese, because
you know what, that's one leader that won't break into
anyone else's home.
Speaker 2 (21:18):
And just as an example of what U. F.
Speaker 21 (21:21):
Grady means, the suspected intruder shot and killed inside an Ostila.
Speaker 22 (21:26):
County home tonight.
Speaker 10 (21:28):
We're learning that suspect lived just down.
Speaker 24 (21:30):
The street from the victims.
Speaker 25 (21:31):
This is New six at five getting results. I'm Lauren
corn In for Lisa Bell and.
Speaker 26 (21:35):
I'm Justin Wrmathin from Matt Austin. We're told a husband, wife,
and their friend were inside the home when a man
broke in and shots rang out. This all unfolded late
last night along a Laddin Court in Saint Cloud, that's
just north of US one ninety two. New six reporter
Jennifer war Teca has been getting answers about this all afternoon,
She joins, joins US Now Live, Jennifer, you talked with
a friend of the victims.
Speaker 2 (21:56):
What did he tell you?
Speaker 27 (21:58):
Yeah, he tells me the family is just torn up
about what happened. Now, we did learn that that suspect
and the victim's family live exactly on the same street.
Speaker 10 (22:07):
Just a couple of houses away.
Speaker 27 (22:08):
Deputy said before the shooting, the suspect was seen walking home.
Speaker 10 (22:12):
From a bar.
Speaker 28 (22:14):
He stopped to talk to him, and the suspect indicated
he was leaving a local bar.
Speaker 27 (22:18):
Deputy saying thirty year old bo Garris was shot multiple
times Wednesday night after he tried to break into his
neighbor's home.
Speaker 28 (22:25):
While they were inside, they heard what sounded like someone
trying to break into their home. He obtained a weapon,
walked to the back of the residence and confronted an
unknown suspect.
Speaker 27 (22:36):
The homeowner asked Garris who he was and told him
to leave, but Garris lunged at him, and that's when
the homeowner fired a shot. Investigator saying Garris then pushed
the homeowner onto a table, getting on top of him,
causing the homeowner to shoot again.
Speaker 29 (22:50):
My friend defended his home as he felt he needed to,
and that's all they're going to say right now.
Speaker 27 (22:56):
Garris was taken to the hospital where he later died.
Speaker 28 (22:59):
It is unfortunate at the suspect died, but the homeowner
felt like he did what he had to do to
protect himself.
Speaker 27 (23:08):
Detective saying Garris has a criminal history including drunk battery
and trespassing charges. As of now, the homeowner isn't facing
any charges. They say he shot the suspect out of
self defense justin all right.
Speaker 26 (23:22):
Thank you Jennifer taking reporting Live tonight.
Speaker 2 (23:24):
Thank you Jennifer reporting Live tonight. Let's see non fatal
but nonetheless a homeowner.
Speaker 21 (23:33):
Kittyving and thanks for joining us.
Speaker 28 (23:34):
I'm Madeline Schmidt.
Speaker 21 (23:35):
A northern New Mexico homeowner took matters into his own hands,
shooting a suspected criminal with a bow and arrow when
then the wounded man tried to take off from the hospital.
The thirteens Rebecca Atkins has the lapel video showing how
deputies connected this guy to his alleged crimes.
Speaker 30 (23:53):
San Juan County deputies were called to a bizarre incident
in your Bloomfield late last month. A woman told deputies
a man she didn't know was bleeding all over her porch.
That man turned out to be thirty eight year old
Eric Tillerson, who had this arrow lodged in his arm.
Speaker 5 (24:12):
Speaker 30 (24:16):
As Tillerson was rushed to a nearby hospital, deputies tracked
his trail of blood back to the scene of the crime,
where the homeowner says Tillerson had been coming by his
home making threats. The homeowner says Tillerson later hopped a
fence and shot at his dog. That's when he pulled
out his bow and arrow and shot Tillerson in the arm.
At the hospital, Tillerson bolted, but deputies found him soon
after and eventually sat him down to ask what happened.
Tillerson says he didn't know why the homeowner shot at him.
He claimed he was good friends with the person that
shot him, but deputies weren't buying it. Surveillance video ended
up connecting Tillerson too an attempted break in just days
earlier at a Farmington home one town over, and one
arrow through his arm. Later, deputy said they had their guy,
Rebecca Atkins kr qey.
Speaker 1 (25:25):
He was thirteen.
Speaker 21 (25:26):
Tillerson has a long criminal history that includes numerous charges
for birthry and aggravated assault.
Speaker 2 (25:33):
And he escaped one more time, but next time. There
are times at jar another award winner. However, it is
non fatal.
Speaker 1 (25:41):
He just protected our family.
Speaker 31 (25:43):
Yeah, he did what he had to do.
Speaker 32 (25:45):
That's the short version of why. Christina says her husband shot.
Speaker 10 (25:48):
It would be intruder trying to get in their home
Tuesday night.
Speaker 31 (25:51):
It was self defense. What I'm afraid of is for
the guy getting out, maybe the bond or something coming back.
Speaker 10 (26:00):
Lingering fears why.
Speaker 32 (26:01):
She asked us not to show her face or use
her last name, and she told us the long version, Cilly.
Speaker 31 (26:06):
In this neighborhood, we see a lot of stuff going on,
but we never thought we were going to go through
something like this, something so scary.
Speaker 10 (26:14):
She says. It all started just before midnight.
Speaker 32 (26:16):
She her husband, and three young kids had already gone
to bed.
Speaker 31 (26:20):
I started hearing our dogs parking, so I woke on
my husband. I'm like, hey, something is going on.
Speaker 20 (26:26):
Speaker 32 (26:26):
Looked out the window and saw a man on their
property acting radically.
Speaker 31 (26:30):
He already had tore down some part of.
Speaker 33 (26:32):
The wooden fence.
Speaker 31 (26:33):
He was just going back and forth in the backyard
to our driveway.
Speaker 10 (26:37):
Christina called nine one one.
Speaker 31 (26:38):
He came to our driveway and with a plank, a
wooden plank from our fence, he broke our daughter's bedroom window.
Speaker 10 (26:46):
Her husband screamed at him to go away.
Speaker 31 (26:48):
Instead of him leaving, he came and tried to open
the door, our kitchen door. So that's when my husband
had to fire his gun.
Speaker 10 (26:56):
Well Worth police were there minutes later and the suspect
was taken to the hospital, shot a couple of times.
Speaker 32 (27:01):
Lise say he's been released and is now in jail
facing burglary charges.
Speaker 2 (27:05):
This guy is lucky to be alive.
Speaker 18 (27:07):
The homeowner did what any of.
Speaker 10 (27:09):
Us would have done, liseay.
Speaker 32 (27:10):
Christina's husband isn't facing any legal action. The family is
still shaken up.
Speaker 1 (27:15):
It was really.
Speaker 31 (27:16):
Scary, especially for my children.
Speaker 2 (27:21):
It was a pretty good one too, another one a
single woman.
Speaker 34 (27:26):
O Eminol County Deputies just released video of a light
colored Ford tourists. They say it was seen speeding away
from the area of the shooting. It all happened yesterday
on Westbourne Drive, near Ovito that is not far from UCF.
As New six's Clay Leaparde explains, deputies may already know
who was behind the burglary, but they still need your help.
Speaker 33 (27:48):
The backscreen door is boarded up at this home on
Westbourne Drive near Ovito after deputy sale woman shot an
intruder Monday afternoon. It all happened at around one o'clock,
as investigators spent the rest of the afternoon placing nearly
fifty evidence markers around the home. Now, Seminal County Deputies
are asking for your help finding this Ford Taurus, which
is seen on surveillance videos speeding away from the home.
Speaker 10 (28:11):
Well that burglary.
Speaker 33 (28:12):
Investigation was unfolding, deputies were called out after they found
a man with a gunshot wound at this gas station
about two and a half miles away. That man was
taken to a nearby hospital, where he later died. Seminal
County Deputies say they're still working to confirm whether or
not that man who was shot was the same man
who burglarized this home. We spoke with the woman who
lives here and is believed to be the one who's
shot at the intruder she declined to go on camera.
Speaker 2 (28:36):
I was a shock at the I couldn't believe it
that it cannot put over there.
Speaker 33 (28:41):
Vincent Mandola lives right next door and was surprised to
see something like this happened during the day. He used
to leave his door unlocked and not worry about security,
but yesterday changed his mind.
Speaker 24 (28:51):
I mean, I got that arm sun I don't even
put on because I know expect that something can happen.
Speaker 33 (28:56):
At this time, deputies with the Seminole County Sheriff's Office
are not set whether or not this burglary is tied
to other recent break ins in the area in Seminole County.
Speaker 10 (29:05):
Clay Laparde News six, No.
Speaker 2 (29:08):
They're never related. That would never happen. Another award winner,
A woman shoots and kills an intruder who was here.
Speaker 25 (29:19):
We go a new information within the past half hour
about a woman who shot and killed an intruder in
this Ortiga Farms neighborhood early this morning. Neighbor's teles intruder
was her children's father, and she had a restraining order
against him. These four Jack's reporter Britney Muller, is live
outside the apartment complex on Kotoma Street and Brittany, you
just got new information from the State Attorney's office.
Speaker 35 (29:43):
Yes, I did, Mary, that court hearing was scheduled for
this morning about that restraining order. They had two kids
together and broke up last March, but since then, she says,
he's threatened to kill her. A smashed window and crime
scene tape covering the back of this Mission Brings apartment
on the west side.
Speaker 36 (30:01):
But I pulled up, I immediately my heart dropped.
Speaker 10 (30:05):
About two and a half years ago, my cousin was killed.
Speaker 17 (30:07):
Somebody broke in and killed him over in the apartments
right down from her.
Speaker 35 (30:11):
Police Sadie received multiple nine one one calls about gunfire
on Katoma Street near Timakwana Road, including one from a
woman who said she was the shooter. When officers arrived,
the woman told police that the intruder was still inside
of her apartment. Homicide detectives found the man laying on
the floor by the master bedroom with multiple gunshot wounds.
Speaker 2 (30:32):
You never know, you gotta be for pre paris. It's
something like that.
Speaker 29 (30:35):
Ain't any moment.
Speaker 36 (30:36):
He's very concerned because there's a lot of seniors, children
and elderly people out here.
Speaker 35 (30:43):
News for Jack's crime and safety expert Ken Jefferson says,
if someone is forcefully entering your house, you have the
right to protect yourself.
Speaker 36 (30:50):
A person after midnight or in the wee hours of
the morning is unlawfully entering this house. The person's inside,
don't know who it is, don't know what's going on
other than there's an intruder coming through, and they have
the right to protect themselves, even if it means using
daily force.
Speaker 35 (31:06):
There have been several other cases where intruders have been killed.
In April, a thirty six year old man was shot
to death after he kicked in a door in Riverside,
and in December of last year, a twenty one year
old was killed when he tried to break into a
neighbor's home in Julington Creek and the Sheriff's office says
this is an ongoing investigation and the next step will
be for the State Attorney's office to decide if this
shooting will be ruled justifiable or if any charges will
be filed.
Speaker 10 (31:38):
We'll keep you updated.
Speaker 35 (31:39):
We're putting live from the West Side Brittany Muller Channel four,
the local station.
Speaker 2 (31:44):
More taxpayer relief shots after this, you know Michael, restrainted
orders should come with I can still.
Speaker 6 (31:51):
Okay, fermit right there in the courtroom.
Speaker 2 (31:56):
Well, and Dragon asked me during the break right, how
can that restraining order didn't work? They had the wrong
way of paper. If they'd had a heavy like cardboard.
Speaker 3 (32:07):
Yeah, a little construction paper, yeah, construction paper.
Speaker 2 (32:09):
Yeah, color construction paper probably would have done it. Uh
doing taxpayer relief shots. We call him this.
Speaker 4 (32:16):
Because somebody's breaking in your house here, more than welcome
to shoot him. In Santaoise accounting, we prefer that you do. Actually,
hopefully you'll save the taxpayers money.
Speaker 2 (32:23):
And that's why we call them what we do. Let's see,
we'll start here.
Speaker 16 (32:33):
People got up in the morning to head out to work.
Speaker 8 (32:36):
A man and police got into a confrontation at a
gas station.
Speaker 12 (32:39):
That man is dead and police are now trying to
piece it all together.
Speaker 10 (32:43):
Fox was Kevin Stewart.
Speaker 12 (32:44):
Is live at the gas station in Conyers with more details.
Speaker 29 (32:50):
Yeah, guys, and this actually started as a confrontation between
a customer and a clerk and it ended in the
seventy fifth officer involved shooting in the state this year.
This is surveillance video just before Kanye's police arrived an
unknown man scrabbling around on the ground in and out
of a car in front of a soon to be
crime scene. A possible clue as to what happened here.
First thing in the morning, around a quarter to seven.
Speaker 37 (33:17):
The clerk at the location called to state that there
was a mail inside of the location, causing the servants
and refusing to leave.
Speaker 29 (33:24):
Kanye's Police say when they arrived at this chevron and
the eleven hundred block of Sigmund Road, the armed suspect,
who they identify as Jesse Roach, was leaving the convenience
store and fired at police after they say they attempted
to take them into custody.
Speaker 37 (33:36):
Doing the encounter with the suspect, rounds were fired from
our officers. The suspect was struck.
Speaker 29 (33:43):
Killing the forty year old, a Carrollton man. Kanye's ped
asserts the suspect did not follow commands and officers were
unsuccessful in trying to taste Roach. That's when they say
the suspect tried to escape in his truck.
Speaker 37 (33:56):
For portions of the shooting, the suspect was behind the wheel.
Speaker 2 (34:00):
See the aftermath.
Speaker 29 (34:01):
The suspects truck smashed into a store and a garbage
can buy the gas.
Speaker 2 (34:05):
Pump, Big Booze consecutively behind.
Speaker 29 (34:08):
Him, Anthony Jackson, Liz By the subdivision just see away
from all of this.
Speaker 2 (34:12):
This is a total shot to the community. Everyone's talking
about it in our group chat for the neighborhood. We
don't know how this happened. It's such a quiet neighborhood
or something like this that.
Speaker 29 (34:20):
He's trying to figure out why this happened here, and
so are investigators.
Speaker 37 (34:24):
There are several witnesses on scene that are being interviewed
by the GBI conducting a investigation as that of standard
protocol for us. We'll also be running a internal affairs investigation.
All right now, I had a chance to talk to
the clerk who was involved in the confrontation with the suspect.
He says this all began when he was asked who
are you voting for? And he said, none of your business?
Five and Congyre's Keptain Stewart Fox five New, All.
Speaker 2 (34:49):
Right, thanks seriously, or this one h a bb gun.
Speaker 38 (34:57):
We're learning new details tonight in the Officer in All
shooting and Carmel by the Sea, the DA's office confirming
tonight the suspect was armed with a BB gun and
lunged at officers with a crowbar, the DA tells Kiwen.
The man, later identified by the Sheriff's office as twenty
seven year old James Marshall, was also wearing a bulletproof
vest while walking around eighth in Monteverde streets on Friday.
The DA says Carmel police fired non lethal beanbags at Marshall,
who then dropped his BB gun and ran into his yard.
Officers surrounded Marshall when the DA says he lunged at
them with a crowbar. One officer fired six rounds, with
one round breaking through Marshall's vest and later killing him.
Additional new info from the DA shows the windows in
Marshall's home were covered in tinfoil and incoherent riding was
found on the walls.
Speaker 2 (35:49):
Sounds like Dragon's sales