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April 5, 2024 19 mins
A Texan mom and daughter duo have been arrested for operating an illegal butt lift operation! We have a Rashee Rice update! 
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Episode Transcript

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In nineteen eighty three, this girlthat lives in our neighborhood called me and
my friend into the backyard and shetook a dump on the yard and then
pulled her pants up, walked backinside like it was no big deal,
and me and my friend poked itwith a stick and we just kind of
shrugged her shoulders and walked off.It's to be easy. On ninety seven

one, the Freak heard a lotof weird stuff about her show the other
night that I don't know. It'skind of hard to get a beat on

what went on because I'm just hearinglittle snippets, but a lot of people
are saying that it and she weremore weird than anything else. I like
weird, Yeah, I like weirdtoo usually, But if I'm gonna pay
a lot of money to go intoa place and see somebody do their thing,

and I just want to see himdo that thing, and I'm not
really concerned with any kind of statementor otherwise weirdness that they may may be
wishing to throw down that when thattakes the day, I'm a little bit
disappointed. I got a feeling Iwould have been very disappointed had I gone
to that and this is coming froma big fan of herks anyway. What

you say, you say you're abig fan. Yeah, I do say
I'm a big fan. Fire andshots here. We'll have a little Hollywood
swinging coming up here in just abit, so get you head right for
that. But right now, timeto give something. All we have to
give is what's in our bucket towelcome you to Jeff's Bucket of crap,

where we handle all of the mostimportant news of the day or whatever caught
my attention on the Internet. Iwas apprised of this situation yesterday by TC,
but then I couldn't find it,and then I was apprised again,
this time by groups with a link. Okay, so I can make sure

you stay up to date and keepit moving. That's all I want.
The mother daughter duo here in Texashave been arrested for allegedly running a nationwide
illegal butt injection operation. What startshere changes the world. I think it
started in Brazil. Are they justgood at it? They got the good

branding? Yeah. The salted caramelguy said, Hey, Brazil, I
can do you a favor. Hey, could you get you attached to butt
lifts? Yeah? You guys.Do you guys do anything involving butts.
I got a campaign we're gonna buildaround it. Uh yeah, So you
gotta be careful out there. Thisis one of those things. This goes
back to my It's like a premierepricing thing. There are certain things that

you're looking to get a good dealon. Right in this world, right
there are things I'm looking to geta good deal on. There are some
things that if the deal is reallygood, there's no chance I'm buying it
unless I'm desperate. I will notbuy cheap toilet paper. I ain't doing
it. You're not single plying,my boo, who not doing it?

Okay, I demand at least threeplies. I understand that I'll take as
many plies as you can get.If there's a fifteen ply, I want
it. If I were going tohire a hitman, if it costs less
than one hundred grand, I ain'thiring you. And if it's more than
a hundred, I can't afford you. So if you're listening, there's no

threat I'm gonna have anyone killed.I think butt lift is the same.
You need to do your research andmake sure we're going as an accredited institution
and then it's not too cheap.Otherwise you end up with weird butt.
You don't want to end up withweird butt. The two have been arrested
mother daughter duo can Sway. Dalbouis fifty six and Isabella is eighteen.

And as you can see from theirpictures, whatever they're injecting into people's butts,
they're also smashing as much as theycan into their own faces. Yes,
concerning I saw these the pictures ofthese two earlier today. Which one's
hotter? Mom or daughter? Iguess daughter? But you're setting them up

asking him, is this eighteen yearold hot? Huh? Yeah? Sure
did? He's an older man.You need to stop praying on with your
elders. Well, you will notice, I hope the reluctance, Yes,
I heard, which I thought youpassed the test. Yeah, I think
you handled that well. But Imean the only reason I answered it at
all was to get the conversation moving. Yeah, because you want to keep

it moving, right? How also, were going to the daughter? Is
the victim child abuse? For sure? No one who's that age ought to
have that much in their face.Face. It's a lot of face happening
so they're busted in a staying operationby an undercover cop in Houston. They
thought they were meeting a client whothey charged six thousand dollars for the illegal

procedure. And I got to tellyou that price. I don't know what
a butt thing costs, but thatmight pass my smell test, my butt
lift smell test. Like you said, six grand, I bet it sounds
legit. They if you were insuch a market, Yeah, for that,
and somebody told you, okay,I'll do it for six grand,

you're on board. Yeah, Ithink because if you told me, if
you told me three hundred bucks,I'd be like, okay, I need
to look this up. And I'mgoing to look this up. How much
does a butt lift cost? Typicallythe cost for a Brazilian butt lift in
Texas ranges between sixty five and ninetyfive hundred dollars, So if they're charging
six grand, you're almost into therange of going to a real place.

It's just a little hookup. Iwould assume you might, you might have
the goods. Yeah, if Iran into that, I'd go somewhere and
get it done right. Yeah,you'd go. And I do want there
to be a storefront for my buttcosmetics. Yeah, and I want that
storefront to have a picture of alifted butt yeah on it with a phone
number and an email that I couldcall that person and be like, is

that your butt? And are youhappy? Yeah? Now, there is
a side to this, which isno one should ever get a Brazilian butt
lift. They look stupid. Justjust telling you, as a guy with
the definitive opinion of America behind me, it looks stupid. Yeah, don't
do it. And as a guywith a definitive opinion of butts, just

roll with what you got. Yeah. Now, I mean if you want
to do squats and lunges, yeah, sure, do it that way.
Yeah, get your butt right,don't. It is amazing the workout advances
that we've made in that space overjust my lifetime. The butt. I
feel like when I was a youngerman, we didn't have a sense of
how you could work yourself out intoa top quality butt. Yeah, and

now it seems like that word hasgotten around. And I still don't know
if you can go from non butthaver to like premium and large, but
you can definitely get a little shapein there. You can get a little
work done, Yeah, and Imean if you're willing to, you know,
if you can combo the two,the natural and unnatural, means seems

like anyone can have a good butt, you know what. In that case,
I might be on board the one. I'm not on board with the
Brazilian butt lift because, like,you don't look like a person anymore.
There's people that I see pictures ofwhen I'm swiping where it's like, you
don't look like a person because youare clearly a skinny person, but you
have the butt of a large personand it all looks really dumb. You

no longer fit as a person,so you're gross. Uh, And so
that makes an easy swipe decision there. Uh. But yeah, like if
you're if you're out there doing thework and you just want to get a
little extra extra junk back there,I get on board with that. You
just got to make it's got tobe believable. If it doesn't look believable,

you look stupid and out of notto me, I love you.
Out of every ten that looked tome like they are possible suspects for having
having it done at the very thethe low water line for stupidity is five

at least five of them will reallylook stupid. Okay, maybe more.
Yeah, Well, the mom anddaughter were planning to inject the undercover cop
with an unlabeled brown liquid. Accordingto court documents, Hmmm, and maybe
that would be weird to put inthere. You always got to be worried
about any kind of unlabeled brown liquid. That's one of the rules I live

by. In an apparent effort tocalm the cop down before the procedure,
mom also allegedly offered him a xanax, just like, hey, we're ready,
but would you like some drugs too? So that's the drug charge,
I guess. Officers then descended onthe scene and collected bottles of illegal injectables

and medical equipment from their bags.The two suspects allegedly claimed they were a
quote, not even sure what wasin the bottles. That's not the defense
you want to go with, ohki, I think that's how you dodged
the charges or try to where you'rejust like, what, I know,
I wasn't gonna inject anything if Idon't even know what those are. If
your best case thing is this stuffthat we were about to put into you,

I don't even know what it is. I don't think you have a
good defense. Well, yeah,they're not going to have a good defense.
They were They got arrested by anundercover cop because they were going to
inject stuff in his butt or herbutt. I don't know if it's a
him or her. Yeah, probablyher, right. You know a lot
of guys with butt lift. Idon't know a lot, but you know

some. I don't know any.Yeah, if you're a guy with a
butt lift, text in how'd thatgo? There's a Tom Cruise movie where
he has a fake butt, butI think it's stunt related, Like he's
falling down? What? Why doyou know? How? It was a
clip that on the interne don't ask, he knows everything. There's a clip

that that people will just stated onOkay, it was just clear that he
had too much butt for him.There's like two frames where like he's got
a giant but that's awesome, goodfor him. Could just be a weird
angle, you know, it'd bea weird angle. I also think just
you know, if he's supposed tolike fall down a second later and some
stunt, having some padding makes sense. I do think he does more stunts

than most, or at least hemaymore because he's still absolutely the making of
stuff for the last mission Impossible isso good. Him going off the he's
got a motorbike where he goes offa mountain yeah yeah, yeah, parachutes
yeah, and the behind the sceneson that is beautiful, perfect, And

he really did that one like sixtimes. Oh yeah, he's so cool.
Yeah, well, I don't knowif he's cool. He's definitely cool.
Do you think he's cool? Yes, Like I'm I'm I watched the
whole Like, what about a eddleof valor ceremony whenever the scientology church made
up of did in order to givehim. Didn't he buy the way his

way to the Right Hand of Godor something? Yes, okay, cool,
I'm fully versed on it. Ihave a PhD. And how weird
he is. Yeah, I stillwatch the movies and I say, anyone
that does that is cool. Yeah, that's pretty badass, because you know
how there's Chuck Norris jokes like he'ssupposed to be the biggest badass ever.
I had my heart broken one timebecause they were filming Walker Texas Ranger here

in DFS and they shot some ofit. I guess there were airplanes involved.
Or something, and they shot someof it at what's called the Kavanaugh
Flight Museum. May rest in peaceat the Addison Airport. Is that your
pops was just real hopped up onflight for a while. A family member
of mine, Yes, is reallyhopped up on flight and was willing to

lose money to let people see airplanes. That's pretty tight. Yeah. And
so they shot some Walker Texas Rangerthere and I got a full report on
how many stunts Chuck Norris does.I bet it's not the number you wanted.
He don't throw a punch. IfChuck Norris throws a punch in Walker
Texas Ranger, it's a stunt doubleman. God, he don't throw a

punch. I mean, he's oldas hell. He probably did disappointing He
probably did stuff back in the day. It's just not his day anymore.
Everything you see Tom Cruise do,Tom Cruise did, but he has a
stunt man. So there's something hedoesn't do because he does have a stunt
man. I don't know. Ithink you just saw that clip with Ben
Stiller playing a stunt man. Idon't know if that's true because I can't
think of that clip. It's fromMTV like twenty years ago, does Tom

cruise the mission impossible Halo jump fromlike two movies ago, three movies ago.
He did that. He did likea month. It took a month
to get that shot. He wasup doing like three Halo jumps a day
for a month. Geez dude,that's a high altitude, low opening jump.

Mike Twenty actors who performed their ownstunts. Daniel Stern in Home Alone.
That's fallsy, That's awesome. Iwould not want to do that.
Didn't he eat a paint can?To the hell? Yeah, he stepped
on stuff and on his face.I just had the thought of him and

Rookie of the Year being stuck inthe between doors at the hotel. Yeah,
Daniel starting to crack me up fora while. He's greatness. He
contributed a lot to all of ourchildhoods. Rest in peace. Zendia in
The Greatest Showman, which I haven'tseen, but the picture of her doing
a stunt makes me think maybe Iwant to see that movie. Obviously,

Jackie Chan and Rush Hour, thatmakes sense, of course. Another one
of the goats, Harrison Ford inIndiana Jones, that's pretty cool, Angelina,
Joe Lee and Salt. Okay.Jamie Lee Curtis in True Lies,
That's tight. Michelle Rodriguez in TheFast and Furious also thought I was so

into her for a while, especiallywhen she was struggling. Yeah, you
thought you could save her. Iwanted to try. I wanted to try.
I wish you'd gotten that opportunity afterwe lost Paul Walker. Yeah,
and she was courtside drunk making outwith girls because I was like, man,
she's going through it. Get himin a shoulder for her to cry
on. Yeah yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah. But you're looking

like you're thinking something, mate,what are you thinking? Tell us?
Tell us I'm applying all this tomiss Rock, our radio friend of the
same name. Oh yes, nodifferent person. No, no, no,
he's never been She does not doher own stunts. I bet she

does her own stunts. How manystunts do we do? I do my
own stunts. True. We didn'tbring in a second butt to get tattooed
with the Rangers, Tea. Wehave an update on Rashi Rice? Do
we do? We? Sure do? Mike? How long are you sending

Rashi Rice to prison? Currently?If it were up to you, I'm
sitting there for the rest of hislife. Okay, so it's not going
to go up. It has nowbeen confirmed Rashi Rice acknowledges he was driving
the Laneamborghini that was involved in amulti vehicle crash on Central Expressway. Right.
The next step is, per apolice report that has been obtained by

people, ten point eight grams ofmarijuana was found in the Lamborghini that he
was driving. Is that two jointsor what? Yeah, it's something around
there. It's not a lot,it's not much, but I'm gonna go
through more than that this weekend.It does raise my promise to you.
It does raise a question for me. Just one thing. If you've wrecked

the cars and you are going toflee the scene, it don't take long
to grab the weed. Yeah,why did you leave the weed in the
car? And it's not a bigdeal anymore? Like it's punishable by now
technically up to one hundred and eightydays in jail, but really you just
get a fine. Within Dallas Countyif it's less than two ounces, they
are not supposed to prosecute unless it'squo connected to another crime, which in

this case it is so oh yeah, ever, might getch you for that.
He probably just wasn't thinking real straight. Why are you leaving weed in
the car? It's not gonna sayhe probably wasn't just thinking real straight.
That happens when you get into anaccident. If if you ever break down
on the freeway, I guess weedsin your car or have a wreck.
Please, if you have to getout of your car, and sometimes it's

pretty important you do, step overthe guardrail, step over the concrete wall,
get out of the way of anytraffic because they O he's just been
waiting for that. Oh he's beenwaiting for Oh no, you call my

eye like a minute ago. AndI was reasonably sure that's where you're going
with it, and I veered offa little bit. I didn't have a
chance to write all that down,can you know? So, does this
change the sentence in your mind?Mike? Now, not only did he
put people in danger, but hehad the devil's lettuce in the car.
No, not at all. Itonly makes it worse, so further than
I'd be willing to be a littlebit more lenient at the walk hadn't been

in play. Yeah, yeah,yeah, yeah. But every time I
see the video and I see thewalk off. That really irritates me.
It's just very rude. I alsoand I don't like it's not I don't
aspire to have the same opinions asa seventy five year old man. Seventy
three seventy three year old come on, sorry to give me the extra two,

but that is exactly how I feelwhen I see the walk off.
I'm like, that's it's just mean. It's rude. It's you're not treating
the people around you like people.I understand if you need to get the
guns out of there, but saysorry on your way out. That's all
I'm asking. Say sorry on yourway out. I'll take ten years off
the prison sentence that Mike just gaveyou, ten years less than life.

Now, life is just twenty fiveright technically, I think, so okay,
but you're not saying twenty five years, Mike. You are saying the
rest. I'm saying the rest hisnatural born life. Yeah, if he
is, if he wakes up inthe morning, he does it in jail.
Okay. Fair, it's a fairopinion. We also, by the
way, have a giveaway for youpeople out there. What I'm looking for.

I'm looking for the big adam Antfans out there, because we have
tickets for adam Ant at the Majesticon the sixteenth of April. For you,
you just send a talk back inon the iHeartRadio app beat Yo Groups.
It's me the adam Ant Fan.Yeah, I'm trying to get up
in the midw Well, if youdon't win this five hopefully yeah. And

if you don't win them, youcan just check out Live Nation and they
could probably get you squared away andyou can get to that adam Ant show
that way. But just purchaing yousome tickets, but leave it talk back
with your name, email, addressingand phone number or else or else.
Coming up next this time to goHollywood Swinging and tc. Where are we
headed? A movie announcement that's gotat least me excited? Does it excite

the rest of the crew? Findout next
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