Episode Transcript
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All right, five thirty four.This is ninety seven to one the freak.
What a day we've had. It'sbeen a very silly day. And
if you were off put by thesilliness of the presentation today, then eat
it. My sentiments exactly. Yeah, we will run over you have a
coke and a smile and shut up. I was hoping somebody wouldn't come along
and blby out there, and Ineed somebody to fire shots at the listener.
I got you. I'll do it, kiss my ass. Yeah,
I've been looking to bring the likabilitydown. That'll do it. Yeah,
eat it. Well, it seemedlike less offensive and edgy than going degeneration
X in the circu Yeah, Ihaven't eat it, And I mean I
didn't mean it, obviously. I'mjust trying to my sentence for him.
Well, I mean I didn't meanthat either when I said it. Yeah,
it sounded like you did, Mike. You said that like you meant
it. I saw Mike stumbling downa path towards the door that wasn't open,
and he was gonna smash headfirst intoit. So I just kicked the
door open and just finished it forhim. That's all. That's what friends
do. Right, if you eversee me lost in the wilderness, you
cuss at somebody to finish my sentence. All right, it is and with
that song, that means today isjust about done. And if it's just
about done for us, I hopeit's just about done for you too.
And I hope you were in astate of mind today where when you tear
it on down, you make upyour mind ahead of time. You're gonna
stop at your place. That'd bepretty cool, because it's your kind of
place. It's a place where theyknow you, you know them. It's
a place where you can go inbefore you go home and kick back,
tell a couple of stories, acouple of dirty jokes. Nah, take
the edge off. The place wherethe lights are dim. The music swings
with lou Covid and the cobras backthere in the corner. But it's never
too loud, and you don't evenhave to tell them when they make it
a double. It's a place wherethe skirts are tight and the necklines plunge.
Now, maybe you're saying, well, okay, I guess never heard
of a place like that. Ican't imagine that they exist, Ah,
but they do. It's the SunsetLounge, go on, step inside the
Green Door Coppa seated at the bar, and get in the groove at the
Sunset Lounge with the Freak and theSpeakeasy, or on ninety seven to one
the Freak and with the Freaking Us. Are you guys gonna watch hoops tonight?
I'm just I'm gauging here. Well, oh yeah, but maybe maybe
in fifty two minutes or so,the Lakers play the Pelicans in a play
in game. Oh yeah, it'splaying time. Yeah, yes, snuck
out tonight. The play ins effectivelystart tonight. The Western Conference ones are
tonight, the Eastern Conference ones aretomorrow, and I just think it's We've
got two games tonight. Yeah,you'll have Lakers Pelicans and then Warriors Kings.
Okay, so the Western Conference playin tonight will be Lebron and Anthony
Davis playing in a play in game, and then Steph Curry, Klay Thompson,
and Draymond Green playing in a playin game. While the top seeds
in the West, one of themis led by Shay Gilgess Alexander and one's
led by Anthony Edwards, which Idon't say that to like diminish either one
of those guys who are incredible players. It's just weird watching the world move
on that Lebron's team has to winto get into the playoffs, and then
when he's done, Steph Curry's teamhas to win and then win again to
get into the playoffs. It's aweird world where Lebron's thirty nine and Steph
is thirty six, and neither oneof them. Like I've seen quotes from
him over the last few days,and it's not like we want to win
a championship, like Steph last weeksaid, This last thirty games has just
been operation give ourselves a chance,like, you know, let's just see
if we can make the playoffs.Steph Curry's team and Lebron, it's kind
of the same thing where they playedreally well down the stretch to get out
of the bottom playing game and intothe top playing game. And it's just
a weird world to live in thatthose two dudes who we got used to
see and play each other in thefinals a bunch that's kind of over.
And you know what, it's aweird world. I'm ready for it.
I'm ready for somebody else. I'mready for a change. I'm ready for
the playoffs to roll on with themnot in it. But if they do
get in it, if they butif they get it, it'll be a
lot of fun. Yeah, itwill. I think it'll be fun either
way, it'll be a lot offun. Yeah. Last year was it?
Last year they played each other?Yeah, last year they played in
the series against each other and theysmashed TV ratings. So they still draw,
they still pull. We just livein a world where they're not on
the best teams anymore. The bestshooter ever and one of the best players
ever, their teams aren't that goodand they just kind of put her along
and hope to make the playoffs andhere we go. But I'll be watching.
I Yeah, I will be too. I'll watch old man Lebron.
Yeah, watch old Man's Steph brokenKlay Thompson. It'll be fun. Yeah,
I'll be by the channel. Andif they suddenly regain their form and
do that thing that they always seemto do this time of year, I
will It'll be hats off to them. Man. I still think I want
to play against Lebron. I don'twant my team to play Lebron. No,
because old Lebron. Yeah, whatif the old man is just like,
well, I mean it's just afew games, I still got it.
Well, he's gonna get as turnedup as he possibly can in the
playoffs, whatever's left in him.Obviously, the competitor's still there. He's
going to bring it. Looks likemost people think the Lakers will win this
one. Yeah, and Lebron,oddly enough, he just had his best
three point shooting season he's ever had. He's thirty nine, so he's thirty
eight last year and at the endof the season, he's still going,
what if I changed my shooting forma little bit? And he did,
and he changed his game a littlebit, and at thirty nine, he's
the best shooter he's ever been.Oh, Lebron, you sweet man.
You it's pretty awesome. But itdoesn't surprise me. I mean, he's
always been a guy who could morphinto whatever he needed to be at the
time. I think he's probably ifhe's not the most, he's one of
the most impressive. Like you knowwhen we talk about uh child actors,
Disney kids, whatever, Right,if you're famous when you're young, your
life's probably gonna suck. And Lebron'ssupposed to have been what he turned into.
Since he was like what fourteen fifteensomething like that, that he got
to grow you started hearing about him. Yeah, he grew up with that
through high school and then lived upto every single thing you could have ever
hoped he would be. And asfar as we know, is actually a
normal, well adjusted human. Whatare the odds of that small very I
mean, he's never he's never gotteninto you know, any kind of serious
Kobe Colorado. Yeah, yeah,nothing like that that we've at least that
we've heard about. No me too's, no infidelities, no weird stuff.
The worst thing he did was thedecision of that still raised money for the
boy Scouts or whatever. Yeah.Yeah, the thing we kill him for
is for raising money for charity whileannouncing where he's gonna play. The worst
thing he did was be a littleself aggrandizing from time to time. Yeah,
now, now, who among us? He definitely has an ego.
Lebron will definitely make things about Lebron, There's no doubt about that. But
I mean we all have egos andwe're not him. It could be big.
Yeah. I really don't like himbecause of that. And when you
point all these things out, Iguess there's a lot of people who have
done a lot worse things. He'sjust annoying. Yeah, he's done.
He can do stuff that'll sports pissyou off. Yeah, but I feel
like most people who are slapped withthe weight of expectation that he has at
the age that he was crumble andlife gets off the rails on him.
Yeah, and none of that's happenedto him. Yeah, Ji that we
be nice to Lebron or else.Lebron is just fine. He doesn't care
about me. He made fun ofDirk one time. You can hate Lebron.
Yeah, these things like that thatI haven't forgotten. So he's thirty
nine years old, the oldest activeplayer in the league, and he's dealing
with lots of stuff. He's dealingwith lots of stuff, chronic injuries,
left angle, right foot, longterm maintenance of other he's like his lower
back. So he's just us.Think about how fast he's us out there
trying to play. Think about howfast he runs, how high he jumps.
Yeah, the strain on your ligamentsof basketball, and he's done the
whole thing at I'm gonna guess itis weight to sixty to seventy he can't
wait that much. Ken. Hehe's a big as Yeah, I next
eight, I know, but andhe ain't skinny. I don't know what
they listen him at. Let's seewhat they list him at. Nine.
Okay, so they call him twofifty. That's a lot to be toting
around for one years in the leagueor whatever. That's a big ass.
That's a big ass, all right, the k on that last word was
completely chopped off by the devil.What are you talking about? We just
heard it. But that's everything yousaid. Man, that's a big ass.
That's what you said. What Isaid was that's that's a big ask.
Ask. That's a big ass.Hoops will be fun tonight. Do
you guys see the Golden Bachelor update? Yes? Yes, did you like
that? Mic? Yeah, Iwas gonna I was gonna do that tomorrow.
I can hold it. We canhold it, all right, hang
out to it. We'll do ittomorrow. Close tab, all right,
don't forget. Everyone's gonna be waitingfor this, all right, all right?
What's on Mike's mind? Yes,gold y'all see Pringles and Crocs are
teaming up, Jack, What wasit? CROs tomorrow? Come on?
I was gonna do that. Iclaimed that chip first? You claim what
that chip? Oh? First toexplode? Just a guy trying to get
through to day. You know,no home run Picks already played. Trying
to get through a show. Wehad no winter last night, and home
run Picks they've already played today.What are we going to do tonight?
Jesus? Okay, tell us aboutthe Crocs? All right? Cool?
Uh So I didn't know that ourhomiees over at Crocs, which, if
you're out there, I want totell you we do croc Fridays and it's
great. I do not encourage youto get crocs. I don't what do
you mean. I feel like youlike your crocs, you wear them outside
of crock Friday. So here's whathappens. You buy Crocs because you're being
cute and funny, like for CrocFriday. Yeah, and then you realize,
I'm just walking outside to get themail. Crocs will slide right on
a slippery slope, and so youslide on your crocs and you grab the
mail and then you're like leaving thehouse for whatever else, and it's like,
man, it sure is cool tojust slide something on. And so
you end up wearing your crocs alot, then you're a full blown croc
person. Yeah, and you willbe judged. I see people in public
and they're like, crocs, huh, and I'm like, well, it's
the thing we do at work onFriday, and they're like it's Tuesday.
Like yeah, But then they're soconvenient and you just end up wearing crocs
a lot and people won't be kindto you about it, so don't.
I don't encourage people to buy crocs, but I like, hey, just
be confident in who you are,and I am gonna get some more crocs.
They must not have seen all yourgibbits. They saw my gibbets and
they're like, wow, you don'tjust have crocs, you have decorations on
your crocs. Yeah. Yeah.I felt like I was in high school
again. I'm like, why iseverybody judging me? Why can't you just
be cool? I didn't walk inand talk about your foot wears. Nobody
that I know calls them gibbets.Really, yeah, people call them.
I don't know. I don't knowanybody that wears them. I mean,
I don't think my my peeps callthem anything. You Yeah, I know,
I know jipped up, but Ididn't know what they were and never
had heard that word until until Igot the jib. Jib is the jib?
Yeah, I can't believe you.Jib's a word we don't use chip
and you want your life while youhave it. Yeah, we don't use
that word enough, but it's agreat word. Like if you meet somebody
that you like, telling them thatyou know, I like the cut of
your jib. That's right, greatcompliment. What you never heard the cut
of your jib? No, that'sa compliment. Yeah, what is the
jib in that CNT? I don'tknow the orange talking about gibbs. I
like your style, yeah yeah,yeah, cut of your jib like I
feel you, Oh like, digyour vibe, dig your groove, dig
the cut of your jib. One'sgeneral appearance or personality you can gape of
the jib sale. Yeah, it'sbasically a boating thing, like this is
a jib? Yeah yeah yeah.Dictionary dot com as in I don't like
the cut of Ben's jib. Youdon't like their personality or their appearance.
Oh yeah, this is just asentence from dictionary dot com. I wasn't
saying I don't like Ben Rogers,jib I don't. I was just reading
off dictionary dot com the name benOkay, Well, Crocs Crocs is partner.
Oh, you can get gibbets thatare crocs. What like gibbit that's
crocs there, those are gibbits.Yeah, the whole thing is a GiB
little tiny crocks. I thought you'resaying because it's it looks like a black
crock with white eyeball gibbets. That'swhat it looks like. But that is
not what it is. That's justa gibbet. They're gibbit crocs. I
don't know if I like that.You can get little crocs to go on
your crocs. That's confusing. Iknow Crocs is partnering with Pringles, And
if you think I'm not buying apair of these suckers, you are wrong.
Like we need four pair. Iam going to get the sour cream
and onion Pringles Crocs are their barbecue. That's the first one. I bet.
So each flavor like has its ownshoe. Yeah, like the color
scheme of the canister, huh so, Like the green one over there is
clearly sour cream and onion, andthe blue one is probably what some sort
of ranch. Yeah, and theyhave stashes on them, so the you
know how you can be in cruisemode or what's the other modest sport mode?
Yeah. So the strap is thePringles guy's mustache. That's the strap.
What do you mean you're I don'twant a mustache on my foot.
That is very unstable. Well you'realready out. You don't even do Croc
Friday, I know. But Iwas gonna be in if Mike was going
to fund some Prinkle's crocs for allof them. And it looks like they
have. Yeah, that's right,I will. Yeah, I'm seeing two
sets. It looks like one pairis the original and the cheese like left
shoe is a original, right shoeis orange. Oh yeah yeah yeah.
The chest then looks like maybe Ranchand sour cream. Oh crap, I
can't get two greenies. Oh they'reall combos. Yeah, I'm out too,
because they don't have the combination.I would want the two best flavors.
Well, I guess original and cheddar. I support both, but I
really like the sour cream, butit comes with the Ranch one and I
don't like the Ranch even though Ido like the color blue. Could I
wear the ranch Croc, even ifI don't support the ranch. Oh no,
I'm thinking about Dorito's. I'm sosorry. What are you doing?
What you Doritos? We are nottalking about Dorito's. You're going to time
out. I'm sorry. I wasthinking about cool Ranch. Mike, shoot
me? What am I gonna do? She's your friend? Is she?
Do you have any unrelated snack youwant to talk about? No, no,
I don't. I don't. I'mlocked into what you have to say
about Pringles. I'm so sorry.Pay attention to the show. I'm sorry
it's a Pringles conversation. No,I have no unrelated snack to throw in
here. I got my chips makeup. That's such an overreaction. That's
a good bit by Crops, though, I like, I need to see
what other bits they got going on, because as a guy who now actually
accidentally wears c more than nine tentwo, I'm open to more bits with
Crocs, okay for sure? Twoone four seven eight seven one nine seven
one. It's a phone number thatI'm giving out for a specific purpose.
That purpose would be to let yoube a part of our radio show.
The number that you call, ofcourse, two one four seven eight seven
one nine seven one. Once you'vedialed that number, the phone will ring,
and then just keep letting it ringuntil you hear somebody prompt you to
do something. And here's a guyto explain what's happening. What's happening is
the two minute drill. Now Hereare the mandates. You get thirty seconds
or until we determine that your storyhas become tiresome, whichever happens. First,
start whatever you have to say withthe words. I think that be
ready to go when we come toyou, turn your radio down. Don't
ask us how we are, expectnothing from us by way of responsory.
Reply. Adhere to those six simpleedicts, and this can go wherever you
like. Were good, Let's go, all right, let's do this.
You're on the two minute drill.Go. I think that in honor of
silly Freak Tuesday. I noticed thatnowadays Lance is that a common name,
But back in medieval times it waslance A lot of crap. I know
something, joke, I just startover. Yeah, just call back in
and try it again. You're onthe two minute drill. Go. Like
King Arthur humor, I think thatwe should rock out with our crunk out
there, mym in. Okay,you're on the two minute drill go.
I think that jibs are good andI'm gonna smoke a big old bag of
pot. Okay, I like jibs. That's a good one. You're on
the two minute drill go. Allright. I think that I'm gonna go
home, eat some Chinese food,smoke some pot, and watch the NBA
playoffs. And I don't know,man, but Jeff, you should try
wiping standing up. I used todo that. I did that for the
first like seventeen years of my life, maybe eight ten years. I'm a
sitter. Now you're on the tubidof drill Go. I think that she'sould
get the Pringles Crocs, but dothe cool rand Storrito JITs bits win when
let's do that for Julia. Yeah, you're on the two minute drill go.
I think that I really love thissegment, but I wasn't expecting to
get through, and now I don'tknow what to say. Okay, that's
great, you're on the tube ofthe drill go. Thanks for calling.
I think that Cross Friday is thebest thing y'all have ever done. And
the Crocs are a movement be real. Okay, thanks for your contribution.
Something you're on the two minut drillgo did great. I think that I
don't know, man, what happensand can join twins fight each other?
Do they both knock each other outand then kind of fall back and hold
each other up, or do theyfall to the ground and dunk their heads.
I don't know, man. Theycan't even fall down because you're ow
the tube of the drill. Go. I think that Jeffrey, you broke
the radio when you said you takeyour cousin when you're a middle school you're
a teenager, said as if allyou're O the tube of the drill,
and you got the last word.Go. I think that the Dallas Star
is gonna win the Stanley Cup.And I want to see some pringles with
that guy with a big old bagof pot that has every day. You'll
have a good one. Fair enough? All right, there you go,
quite a successful tube of the drill. You have to top everything off.
Great job everyone that will do itfor us for today. Thank you very
much for being by the channel thisafternoon. We hope you are sufficiently outified
by all that we did to thepoint where you will return tomorrow, very
sorry as we will thanks to Shoopyover there making it magical in that way
that only he can now do.Stay tuned because we got a lot of
good stuff coming up for you tonighthere on the Freak. That will commence
with a little bit of the newsjunkies, They're coming right up, so
stand by for that. Be bythe channel tomorrow with two when we are
back with another edition of the Speakeasy. Until then, Jeff, remember you
have no idea what anyone is goingthrough. Soopy cool to everyone. We
love you, be easy, enjoyit, have a couple of beers to
night, but you know, getready to work tomorrow. I'm got a
recovery beer. Good show. Loveyou, bye bye, Keep living,
Bubba, all right bye.