Episode Transcript
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All right, we are looking atfive o'clock here on ninety seven to one.
The freak not to bring the roomdown or anything, but we just
saw that you're going to bring theroom down. I am going to bring
the room down. Okay. Now, this probably will not impact anyone else
in this room save for me,but it will impact me greatly, and
I know it will impact many othersgreatly. But we have just learned that
Dicky Betts of the Alman Brothers haspassed on to the next plane today at
the age of eighty and right beforehis son, Dwayne Betts, is scheduled
to play the Granada Theater in thenext day or two. I'm not exactly
sure when that show is, butit's near enough to where he's up there
on the marquee. Dicky Betts wasthe guitar one of the guitar players for
the Almond Brothers, and he didsongs like Jessica, he did Rambling Man.
He kind of took over after DwayneAlmond died and assumed a place of
more importance in the band than heever had before. And he died today
at the age of eighty. Andthose were eighty hard years. Let me
tell you that's a good run.He's a good run, all right.
That said, now, what wellcarry on in that way that we do
fire fun drive on a Thursday,his group's grenades. We were looking to
the stank tank and we see whatthe shoot he has for us. He
pulls the pin and rolls something inhere, indeed, and we got to
jump on it, either jump onit or run away from him, but
hopefully jump on it because that makesfor better radio. But first, do
you know who Jaguars GM Trent Bulkyis? Oh? Yes, I do.
He farted during a press conference.You want to hear yeah, Oh
my gosh. Still got a coupleof days going through coaching. I haven't
sat down and go excuse me goingthrough the final hoard yet, Oh my
god, crapy, no, watchit. Oh Shoopy just loves this.
So oh I'm so happy like hestopped to do it and Alic not hiding
anything. Let's hear it again.Still got a couple of days going through
coaching. I haven't sat down andgo excuse me going through the final board
yet. Boy, listen to thatbrushover he does it that has excuse me
and just goes right on to whathe was talking about, which I guess
the way to do it. That'swhy they're not good. You can't have
a GM Barton in the presser.No wonder they got twenty two millions stolen
from him? My god, theyhad twenty two millions stolen from him.
Yeah, did you see that?Like a couple months ago, one of
their like finance people, like theguy responsible for the team credit yehs or
something, was running up charges atDraftKings. But the Jaguars were so badly
set up that basically he was hisown checks and balance. Yeah, like
you know, normally have like Iguess, three people that kind of check
and balance each other in the financedepartment. He somehow wound up being like
his own checker who he's like justmoving money around and all that. Yeah.
Do we have those kinds of checksand balances around here? I don't
know. I mean no. Look, the Cowboys are the most we hire
our friends organization of all time.Like, if you were to compare who
does each job, like, forinstance, their salary cap guy to the
guy who just retired from the Eaglesfrom doing their salary cap, you'd be
like, wait, our guy's anengineer and their guy has a background in
economics, and yeah, accounting,the cow was checks and balances. Go
on, man, Dalrymple was nevermind. Actually I was talking about around
here, that's what you meant.Yeah, I thought you were talking about
football team. We don't either.No, I don't know. I don't
know, man, I don't know, man, Man, I don't know
anything anymore about anything. Anyway,back to Grooves Grenade. Yeah, Jack
Lyder made his MLB debut today.Tell me about your first day in the
media big leagues. It depends whichone that is what whatever you want there
can be mone go if you wantme to start, what y'll think the
first day that I this was probablyright up there with one of my first
days. So when I was interningover at Fox Sports Southwest when I was
in college. I don't know ifthey'd still do this, but they would
just kind of take their interns andlike send them out to the ballpark to
get sound like whatever sound you canget. And so I found myself face
face with Mark to Shia and noplan because I didn't know, I don't
know. I thought there'd be someoneelse there asking the questions, and then
all of a sudden it was justhim and I and uh, it was
like in the morning. So thiswas at any event, some event they
had for kids or something like that, and there was a game that night,
and I kind of panicked, andI'd never been in this situation before,
and I didn't really know what questionsyou're supposed to ask because this was
all new to me. I askedhim what he was gonna do that day,
what's your favorite snack? Was gonnado that to like prepare for the
game? I was like, sothis was it, Like, so what
are you going to do today?Yeah? It was like it was literally
like you're gonna go to the range, get somebody, get somebody eat,
like that's what I did. Theyhad finished with this event and I was
like, so, now now whatdo you do to prepare in the game
tonight? And then what then?I think he laughed and he was like,
well, usually I go home,you know, have something to eat,
nap. He wanted to jerk abouthim huh to the ballpark. He
wasn't a jerk. No, AndI thought it was a decent question at
the time, And then I learnedthat that's not really what you ask monishly.
No, I just learned it onmy own Greg Doyle that contest.
I was like, this is notoh okay, that was not a good
question. That's embarrassing. But hey, they're just throwing in turns out there
with a microphone. Sure, whatdo you expect? I didn't know what
to do. What do you expect? They throw you out there. They
don't tell you what to do.There is no uh do this, don't
do that, you know. No, all they told you is just not
to wear short skirts and stuff.That's all they really cared about. Oh,
they'll be hussying it up out there. Just make sure you dress professionals,
like, okay, so I'm professionallydressed. I'm here now what I
like? Went out and bought blazers? All right, But I didn't didn't
plan my questions. Do you stillhave the blazers? I think I had
to give them away finally have togive them to Mark to share his favorite
charity as an apology or thanks fornot being a jerk. Yeah, be
with me. Here's my story.I mean, I know the first time
that I ever spoke to a coachor athlete where a microphone could pick it
up and it would go out overthe radio. I definitely shake voiced to
Jason Garrett, remember that something abouthow the offense had been going any way
it sounded. The first time Idid a radio show was on a Saturday,
and the very first segment we plannedout at the time up here our
segments last twenty minutes, maybe alittle more, and ours where I was.
I think they were eleven minutes,and about four minutes into the first
segment, I realized I'd run outof stuff to say, and I'd love
to hear what happened the next sevenminutes. I don't remember, but it
was awful. It was terrible.Did you go to the repeat yourself circle?
I don't remember what we did.I just remember looking up and it's
like maybe the show was ten totwo and it was like ten oh four,
and I thought I'd plan out allthis cowboys stuff, and I finished
it on was looking at my partner, who hadn't done a lot of radio
either, and then I looked upat the clock because I can't go to
break for seven minutes, but Iran out. That's a lovely feeling.
Oh it's awful. So like,if you think you could do our job,
I encourage you to try it.Someday and record yourself and send it
to it everybody does. Yeah,just start going for twenty minutes, and
then when you're done, do twentymore on your next topic, and then
twenty on your next one, yournext one, your next one, or
your next one, and send itall in on the talk back. Yeah,
we'll rank them, rank the glens. All right, shooty, you
got another? We still need yours, Mike. Yeah, when did you
che up? Yeah? Okay,it wasn't even it doesn't even have to
be an f off. It's justyour first, uh, your first media
experience. Based That would have beenin nineteen seventy nine. I'd heard that
the Zoo was looking for somebody todo something unspecified, and by then I
decided that I'd like to take ashot at radio, and so I called
the guy. It was a guythat I had heard on the air many
times over the years, and Icalled him on the air and said,
hey, I hear that you guysmight be looking for a little for somebody
to do something down there. Becauseit was all very nebulous to me,
and it had not been laid outin any kind of real clear, concise,
definitive way as things would were atthe rock and roll stations of the
day, and he didn't say anythingfor a second, and he said,
now what I said. I justheard that somebody's going back to school down
there and they need somebody to helpout with whatever it is that he used
to do. Yeah, I'll doit. And finally he said, oh,
yeah, yeah I could. Didyou come down here tomorrow sometime?
And I said, you bet Ican. And I went down there,
and what he wanted me to dowas go out and do man on the
street interview nice for a thing thatthey played on the morning show. They
had a really really lame morning showlike then called it was called the zoop
Hole. Oh god, that's prettygood. Yeah, that's pretty good.
And I had to go down outand do man on the Street stuff,
come up with a question and andand go execute it. Can we just
tickle each other? Yeah? Somethinglike that. Yeah, something like that.
That made about as much sense asthat, except he wanted serious stuff
like there was stuff going on andI ran back then stuff like that,
you know, so I couldn't goup to somebody to ask if we could
just tickle each other. That's whatI did, And I would go down
there and give him what he needed. And I wanted to hang around,
and so I did, and finallypeople started noticing me, and they were
looking at each other like, what'sthis guy's trip? Why is he always
here? What does he do?Who is he? And that's kind of
how I somehow squirreled my way indown there. You must have done a
decent job asking people about irn.Yes, I don't know. I don't
know anyway, that's my weird story. That was my first radio scene.
And I became the thing that wouldn'tleave until you did, until I did,
until they figured out that, untilthey figured out that I was a
guy who would do anything for anybody, anywhere, at any hour of the
day or night. You have donejust about everything, haven't you, And
if you will do that and youwill do it for free, then yes,
they welcome that sort of thing.It still happens. So that's my
first dip into the radio waters.It's pretty awesome shooting Antonio Brown named Caitlin
Clark is cracker of the week.What's your favorite cracker? It says,
the cracker of the day. I'msorry, standard saltine. Well, no
that's not true, because a goldfishis take a cracker and it Yeah it's
goldfish. Yeah, that's a cracker. Man, it's a bakednat cracker.
Is the cheese at a cracker?Yeah, that's a tough race. Yeah,
cheese it versus goldfish is very mucha day to day proposition. Then
I might make extra cheesy cheesey.What I know? That was weird.
I'll make a note. Make anote on yourself. How could you be
more cheesy than a cheese than cheese? You'll see? How do you get
more cheese down? Like the extrachatter goldfish and stuff? But that's flavor
blasted. Yeah, okay, it'seither goldfish or cheese. Those are the
finest crackers obviously, unless the pretzelcrisps are considered crackers. All allow it.
That's tough. It turns out Iam a fan of the cracker,
like a cracker. I love thecracker. Mine's kind of boring, but
I have to have gluten free,so I usually like the nut thin what.
Yeah, that's right. I'm abig nut goal bee. It's a
nut or a cracker. It's acracker. It's called nut thins because I
think it's made of nuts. What'syour favorite cracker? Mike, Mike,
give me the saltine or give medeath was a good cracker butter? No,
no, If I put anything onthem, it's peanut butter. But
other than that, I'll eat themstraight up. I like to take the
saltine, some deli meat, andsome craft American singles. I don't top
it, so it's more like sometoast. You just one cracker and then
you What do I usually do tolike a cheese cheese and the meat on
top of the cheese. Yeah,a little saltine cracker toast sandwich. A
cracker sandwich on you too? Iwill it's good. What about you,
Shoopy made you weigh in on this? Crackers sandwich on you? I do
think the flavor blasted goldfish those arepretty much king for me. Yeah.
Might Shoopy mister eat one goldfish andpronounce it trash? They at least tried
it, like I said, itwas trash. Try to get in here.
There's one bag left, Try anotherone we've left out. Ritz crackers.
Those are really Ritz's ass. Theokay, Ritz is nowhere near the
saltine. Yeah, what about theritz bites with the little cheese in the
middle. That might be Okay.I don't know. That's too tricked up
for me, but I'd rather havea pretzel. If I'm gonna have a
cracker, I got to have astraight away cracker. Yeah, he's right,
I gotta have a straight up cracker. It's salt and Rits. Don't
do that. They met in thering first round knockout for the saltine way
better, stupid Rits. Okay,are you ready for another grenade? I
think we are. Hey, theSectives are having a moment. Damn it.
What's your stance on birth control?I mean, just are you guy?
You are you glitching? I justthink as long as you po,
you know, just to go withthe po. That's like ninety nine.
They say, what's the IM?I don't mean to explain. I don't
want to not push. Oh okay, not in. I just felt like
I just had an Edith Bunker momentthere. Yeah, you know, I've
done my I've done my research,and they say that that's pretty good birth
control. That's what they say.Yeah, Mike, what are your thoughts
on birth control at this stage ofthe game. I hope it's not something
I ever ever have to deal withagain or think about. You do though.
Yeah, al Pacino's out here poppingout kids. Yeah, your boys
can still swim. Al Pacino's onehundred and thirty and he's got like a
three year old. I just hopeI'm never in that bag. Are you
saying that? You just it's notthat you're not humping. Oh shoot,
because your swimmers they could swim.Yeah, well, humpers like to hump.
Have you been thinking you're like freeand clear now that you're older.
I wouldn't say free and clear,but probably freer and clearer though. No,
he's out there firing off. Well, Michael been like, if you're
staying within your demographic, you mightbe fine. Yeah. Yeah, I
don't know if we can count onthat. Yeah, no, we can't.
No way. The amount of timeswith anybody, the amount of times
I see this guy out on thetown grinding with twenty somethings, I just
can't have never seen me with twentysomethings. I fear the twenty something every
time I go to the clurb.See Mike, Julie, what are your
thoughts on birth control? I can'ttalk. Well that was fun. I
love y'all both. Mike, atwhat point do you think a fetus turns
into a human. I would liketo think about those things all right.
Then we'll just go to the SunsetLounge and we'll be there in a second.
See you there,