All Episodes

April 24, 2024 21 mins
Jeff got to the station one minute before we hit the air due to a major accident on 635! Jeff has NFL Draft thoughts! Will the Cowboys take a player named Kool-Aid? Non-competes are now BANNED in the United States! 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Let's begin the show by starting it. Look at us, Hey, look
at us, Look at us.Who would have thought not me? Shoe

oh four is the time, fourminutes past two pm Central daylight time.
According to the Tower of the FriendlyMercantile. Your tuner is set to ninety

seven one. The Freak this isthe speakeasy forms greetings to one and all.
It is Wednesday, the twenty fourthof April. We're glad you're with
us, no matter where you maybe, no matter how you may be
receiving this radio transmission. We arelocked in, loaded, aerodynamic, and

ready to roll until the witching hourof six o'clock this evening. Now you
may be wondering who is the weand all this? Well, we are
prepared to answer that question. Thuswhat I would be Mike Riner, Jeff

Cavanaugh is here, been here forever. Julie Dobbs is here. She's been
here forever, forever, forever.We didn't even go home after yesterday's show.
Nope. And over there at theHelm it is Shoopy. Hello,
Hello, I've never left either,never's little iHeart city now and we're just

gonna live here. Chris, We'rejust sleep in the County. The Ihearten
Village Pre Show Meeting Emporium. Yes, Yes, the Connie Carson iHeart Pre
Show Emporium. It's good times inthere. Man, you all right,
little buddy, Yeah, kicking anass, you know. I just rolled
and gemmed up out there on thefreeway. Yeah, six thirty five is

a problem. I got here sixtyseconds ago. I walked in as the
music started. Yeah. Yeah,it took me one hour and twenty eight
minutes to get to work today.Floored from Lake Island from Lake Hihland.
Oh no, it's seven mile driveour twenty eight. They jammed him up.
They six thirty five him. Theysmushed him on the Johnson. Yeah,
looked like a few cars all gotsmashed together. Yep. We had
trucks on trucks on truck. Abad one. By the way, if

you're out there on six thirty fivetwo one four eight one seven three three
three thirty three thirty three, becauseI think that thing was probably started by
a work truck, maybe a eighteenwheeler. And you're gonna want to call
the personal injury attorneys Franklin Frankel touh make sure that you get a nice
little settlement if you got involved init. Yes, you are going to
need to talk to them, Yes, Franklin, Frankly, they're going to

want to hear from you. Ithought about just smashing in there late,
trying to get a piece called FranklyFrankel, since you're already here, Greg,
happened here an hour and a halfago. I just got tied up
in it. Yeah, let's justsee if they could do what they say
they could do. Yeah, itwas tough, but we're here. We
all know they can. You madeit, you are here. I made
it sixty seconds to spare, noproblem, no problem. I was literally

calling Jeff to be able to talkto him during the segment on the phone.
Yep. As I opened the door, my phone was vibrating and so
free catline. I was like,here, it's me, Hi, I'm
the problem. Always like a littledrama to start the show, right,
you've had adrenaline running, You're readyto go. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah. Did you get anything donewhile you were sitting in traffic for

an hour? Far and off?A couple of tweets, Yeah, my
YouTube page A couple of times.I did a mock draft for the Cowboys.
Yeah. I was getting some stuffdone while I was sitting there not
moving for a long time. Yeah, it's one of the who'd you have
them taking in the in the freewayjam mock draft? Well, Mike,
I think in the first round Iwent with Duke's offensive lineman Graham Barton,

the second round, UH Michigan linebackerJunior Colson, And in the third round
I took USC running back I forgothis name, Oh, Marshaun Lloyd maybe,
yeah, Yeah, that's when Iwent ahead with did a little mock
draft while I was hanging out.So you think we might wind up with
a guy named Junior. Yeah,there could be. There could be a

guy named Junior. Yeah, secondround, I think that'd be Okay,
Mike, are we really going topick based on their name? Yeah,
that's what we're doing. You giveme a first name you like, and
I'll find us a player they pickedbased on everything else. So yes,
let's just go with some names thatwe like. Okay, what kind of
name do you like? Peter?I don't know if I can help you

this year. Pud, God don'thave no. I don't have a Peter
or a Pud. No, we'rein bad shape on both. Pete,
Pete, Peter. No, allright, how about Adam? Gotta be
an Adam, right, it's avery popular name these days. I don't

have an atom for him. AboutSquash, there's nobody named squash. Are
you sure this a goy named koolAid? Oh? Yeah, really?
Yeah, he's got named Chop.Oh yeah, we could have got named
squashed be far behind. Maybe notin this year's drab, but somewhere down
the road. Just on name.Would you rather have Chop or kool Aid?

Rather have Chop? Okay, yeah, it's a little more intimidating.
Yeah, you guys are picked anNFL player. You picked the pass rusher
over the corner with Chop? Okay, Okay, you could use that he
took a state man over Obama man. Okay, I'll roll with that.
Who's better? Who's the better football? Oh that's a good question, boy.

I think they're both right there intothe first round kind of guy.
Chop Robinson and kool Aid. Mckinstree, Koilaid mckinstree. I'm not making these
names up now. Is that's gottabe a nickname? Right? Uh?
Yes? What is kool Aid's realfirst name? Let's see kool Aid's real

first name is either gut or juhhyphen quincy, ja Quincy, good Quincy,
g a hyphen big q quincey,probably Jaquincy. I'd say I would
too, but when you saw thej if you want to, you would,

he would. So, I don'tknow. It might be good Quincy,
good Quincy. Dude, that mightbe even cooler than kool aid,
like it's equally unique. There's zerochance there's a good Quincy in the NFL.
Good Quincy. Yeah, I thinkit's good Quincy, good Quincy just
from looking at it. Oh,you know what I mean it. I
can definitely I can find out Damebrew Girl, Dame Brugler, who will

have the pronunciation. It's gonna takeme a while, though, we can
find the password to his draft guide. I don't worry, guys, I'm
on it. Okay, you're listeningto live coverage of trying to figure out
how to pronounce a random guy who'sgonna get picked like twenty eighth first name
in the NFL draft kool Aid GooQuincy. We got two big guests coming
up here today too, not one, but two. What who? Yes,

we will have the higher authority?Oh the great Chuck Cooperstein on with
us at four five today Good Ideaand Emily Jones with Gateway to the Rangers
will be today at five. Lookat us, yeah, look at us,
man. We are absolutely action packedtoday and tomorrow will be out on

Remote Buffalo, Wild Wings and Grapevinewith another special guest, right, Danny
Mack Yeah, Dan mac dowell.Yeah, he's gonna join us. Yes,
mister Dowell, I mean mister Dan, not mister mister Dan will be

with us tomorrow. I get waitto do some radio with mister Dad again.
Oh it'll be awesome. Miss itwill be awesome. Man, I
miss him too. Yeah, youknow, no shade thrown on anybody else.
But when I made the walk,what did it sounding? It was

not a fart walk when you weretired. No, no, it was
just it was not a walk offlatulence. People get gassy, well,
believe me, I was not gassy. That There was a lot going on,
but that was the gas was notone of them. You don't get
bubble when you're nervous or No.No, I don't big life change type

thing. No, I don't opposite. You're backed up a little bit like
you had a lot of cheese.No, no, no, cheese.
Mister Daniel was the one I missedthe cheese. About those guys up there,
he was the one I missed themost, more than Shoopy. I've
been going by them, yeah,included Shoopy had abandoned the flock, which

one right, Yes, in thename of going back to school. He
turned his back on us to provehe's not a fool, which Dan I
guarantee is going to mention again tomorrow. Yeah. I heard every time I'm
on a podcast or back in theday or whatever. Yeah, it always
gets brought up. He likes thatstory. Then it never happened here you

are acted like it never happened.It basically didn't for all intents and purposes.
I think I show up for onesemester technically, Yeah, and then
realized that you were not cut fromthat cloth. Yeah. This bird needs
to be free from its cage.Had this bird will never change shooting one

song? Woo will I have thesame say it in that MI grid away.
What's on mixmind today? Mike's mindis fueled by Celsius Essential Energy drinks.

A big story emerged as we weremaking our way off the air yesterday,
probably about an hour before we wereset to both this joint. It
came down that the US Federal TradeCommission voted on Tuesday to adopt a near

total ban on non compete provisions thatprohibit workers from switching jobs within an industry.
Hooray for the American worker. I'dalso like to announce I'm going to
a different radio station starting tomorrow.Really it was a good run. What
about us? What about us?What about everything we've built? I'm just

flaunting my ability to not have acompete. Can't be taken down? Yes,
well can you? Maybe technically youstill work from us too? I
think I don't know. Yeah,what about noncompete? Towny Carson Show prep
imporio. I'll swing by, Okay, I'll swing by. Listen, I'm
thirteen days out of contract and Idon't have a non compete. Oh,

guns and place in today's traffic dueto you. Geez, I was cooped
up. Yeah, we're never lettinghim be laid again. No, he's
crazy. The words of the FTCchair about this. The robbing people of
their economic liberty also robs them ofall sorts of other freedoms. That's right.

We need to be honoring what courtshave said over what courts in the
future might say. Now, thisis a woman who is the chair of
the FTC. Why did we needthat note? I think it's very important
to the story. Listen, it'sa woman. Yeah, just so you
know, you need to know that. Okay, you take what this whole

broad said. Picture, So thisfloozy's up there and she says this really
annoyingly. Yeah. Now, thisproposal is going to ban most new non
compete agreements, including those of seniorexecutives. Existing non competes for executives who

earn over one hundred and fifty onethousand, one hundred and sixty four dollars
a year in a policy making positioncan remain in place. So if you're
making a lot of money and you'reunder a big non compete, well they
can still hold you to that.Okay, and you're making policy of some
sort. Yeah, what about radiopolicy? There is no radio policy.

They make up as they go along. All right, good? What else?
For lower level workers? Existing noncompetes would become unenforceable after the rule
goes into effect in six months.I got time for that. And they
estimate that this is going to increaseus earnings by at least four hundred b

billion dollars over the next ten years, and the rule would not apply to
employees of not for profit entities orfranchises. I'm for profit. Yeah,
well, this is great because noncompetes are really stupid, and in theory
we're supposed to be like pro workers. But what tends to happen in the

world is the people with the mostmoney helped to make the rules, and
so the people with the most moneythat have the giant companies, it was
really fun for them to make surethat people couldn't leave their company, and
if they did, you get topunish them by not letting them work for
a long time. And that's well. There's probably gonna be some legal blowback
on this because Neil Bradley, theChief Policy offer Officer of the I don't

know, some chamber or another saidin a call with reporters that the FTC
does not have the authority to issuethis rule. Who said this, Neil
Bradley, who is the chief policyof the Chamber of Commerce, which is
the nation's largest business lobby. Ah, that covers that. Yeah, trying

to protect giant business owners. Yes, and they're saying that they plan to
sue to sue over the rule assoon as today, this may have already
come down. He said, thisrule opens up a Pandora's box where this
commission or future commissions could be literallymicromanaging every aspect of the economy. I

don't have any idea what that means, but that's what he said. So
if you have lived in fear ofthe dreaded non compete, then this could
apply to you. But you knowthat this is going to get appealed over
and over again. It'll probably windup before the Supreme Court, and they

will be the ones to make thefinal decision. And who knows when that
will come down, on how longit'll come down. So this is a
This is good in theory, butin practice it may not be. It
might not amount to much of anythingfor the here, in the here and
now well, and in the recentin our industry, there was a recent

case of someone trying to enforce anon compete and it didn't work out great
for them. So, like youat least have a ruling where if somebody
were to want to go from jobA to job B and the job A's
like, no, you can't,you have an noncompete like, sure,
you can string it out in court, but at least the labor will likely

win at this point, so that'snice. Yeah, I understand the general
premise, Like if I go workat a barbecue place and I learn how
you do everything, how you makeit, who your supplier is, and
then I basically just take all ofthat information and open something down the street,
that's exact same. That's messed up. But the non compete is in

so many industries where it's like screwoff. People are trying to make a
living and if they get an offeredto have a better job, you just
have the power to be like,you can't take that, and if you
quit, you can't take it forinsert number of months or years here,
or you can't work this close tothis area. And it's all just so

dumb. It's dumb. Yeah,and it's most base formed. The non
compete inhibit how much money a guycan make or a woman can make,
and they do it just with thatvery plan that you outlined there. Non
Competes are very common in our industry. I would imagine every one of our

contracts has one in it. Yep, I know that mine does. Everybody
who has ever worked in this industryand has occupied a position of some significance.
If you've ever been that, thenyou have had a noncompete. You
either have or have had a noncompete. Yeah, and they're dumb,

I mean, bend and skin.At one point you can hear on this
radio station from ten to two pm. At one point when they left from
one station to do something else,they had a podcast and they called it
the non compete. Yeah, becausethat was they had to wait six months
or nine months or a year orwhatever before they could take another job.
And that just that sucks. Whensomebody tries to get a better job or

tries to like literally just tries tobetter themselves in their career, how much
money making or whatever, you canjust literally tell them sidelines for a year,
sidelines for six months, and thenyou can lose some relevance, you
can lose some luster, and itcan be harder to get a job and
so use their skills. Yeah,I'm pro men and women. I'm not

pro the man. Non Competes aregreat for the man and great at controlling
employees. They suck. Yeah,And it seems like once you leave a
certain place of employment, they canno longer have control over what you decide
to do or don't do when itcomes to your career. So that's the
part that always seemed weird to me. So I think this is good.

So since it was banned yesterday,these non compete clauses were banned yesterday,
even though there's gonna be these countersuitsand other people trying to say no,
but wait what right now? Asalways, this is far from over.
Yeah, but right now, ifthis ban has come down, that means
that noncompet he can't be enforced.I don't know, it depends ye,

Like, let's say, in theory, we'll just personalize it. In theory,
I quit tomorrow and I go toa different radio station and start doing
radio, Like this company could sueme and or that company, and I'd
be like, well, there areno such thing as non competing, Like,
well, that's in court. We'regoing to sue to enforce this one.
And then you'd have to play itout, get super ticky tacky for
a while. But maybe because thishas now come down, they would just

be like, whatever, this hurtsour case. Who knows, And it's
not even I wasn't even really talkingabout us specifically, but just in general,
it's hard to keep up sometimes withthe law. It's hard to keep
up with the law. It's hardto keep up with anything. Man.
I just try to steer clear offelonies. Yeah. And if I can
do that, I'm squared away.That's about as far as my worrying about

the law goes too. Yeah.Yeah, And I can pull that off.
Eighty eighty five percent of days,I pull that off easy. No
felonies. Go cham you. Ifyou ever get popped with a felony,
call me, Okay, get youout. Okay. Oh he's got a
guy. I got a guy.You got a felony guy. I got

all kinds of guys. I gotfelony guys. I got misdemeanor guys,
you name it, I got it. I got guys. All right,
So there you go. There isthat. That is the story of what
happened yesterday with the FTC and thenon compete. Now we do have a
very very big show coming up today. I guess up. First, it's

going to be Julie's sports desk andthat will be right around the corner here.
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