Episode Transcript
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This could give me for our podcast. What Up? I'm jizz O.
That is John Magic, and weare back. I was about to call
this a bonus episode, but it'slike a regular episode because usually we've been
doing guests every week and we've hada guest for what the past two months,
I don't know. Yeah, itfeels like it a guest every week
we've had we've we've done those episodesand we haven't done an episode in a
while where it's just us to whichthis is the way our podcast started with.
It normally started with just us twoand we would have guests here and
there. But I think coming intothis year, we wanted to kind of
focus more on guests. And it'sbeen a lot of fun highlighting some people
that are doing big things in Fresno. I mean we've talked to DJ's club
promoters, concert promoters, business owners, business owners. Yeah, it's been
a lot of fun gettings to knowthese people. And uh and this week
we didn't have anybody, so wethought we would just be us two.
Well, also we have guests linedup like on our schedules. Well schedulings
didn't work out, I guess iswhat I'm meant to say, so we
do. We are going to getback to having guests here because another thing
I'm seeing is are the numbers havebeen going up? Yeah, the listenership
has been great, So we appreciateall the newcomers and people that's been with
us from the beginning. And usuallywe have when we do these episodes where
we record our podcast, usually wehave some sort of idea, yeah,
what the topic is going to be. But we decided, let's just turn
on the mics and let's just talkabout whatever whatever is on our minds.
Yeah, because we haven't really hadthat situation where me and you have just
kind of cracked the mic and hadan open conversation about whatever just popped in.
We've had these guests or we've hadtopics that we wanted to go down.
But with this week, you know, to kind of go back to
it, saying kind of it feelslike a bonus in a way. So
we thought we just cracked the micand just kind of see where this goes.
Something that I remember us saying abouttwenty twenty four is we wanted to
do new experiences. You remember thatwas that's a big goal, is new
experiences. You know, five monthsinto the year. Have you done anything
new, new, different? Yeah, I mean I've done some things.
I haven't done anything that was likecrazy news. We've been going more,
Yeah, I've been going more conventions. Yeah, I just came from one.
As matter of fact, I'm goingto be leaving next week. It
won't be for convention, but I'llbe at Disneyland for a Star Wars night.
So I think I've been keeping thatsame energy of wanting to just do
a lot of experiences. The newhasn't really came. I guess maybe new
conventions that I've done if you wouldcount that, it's still coming man,
And I know next year will probablybe my really big new one because next
year I plan on going to Japan. There you go. Matter of fact,
I have to pay for that whileI'm out at Disneyland. Tickets will
be going on sale for Star Warscelebration that will be taking place in Japan
a year from now, so I'llbe out in Disneyland trying to book that
vacation while on vacation. So thatshould be a lot of fun. How
does that work? Is there amonthly payment plan or is this one paid?
Like, just do the whole thing. Just do the whole thing.
Yeah, just all in, youknow what I'm saying. And first I
hope I can get the tickets becausethese things do sell out. And then
after that, it's just going tobe like a year of planning because I've
never been that far before. Haveyou traveled that far before? No,
that's one of my bucket list traveldestinations. Japan is Japan, China.
Even so, super jealous and happyfor you that you're gonna get to do
that. The thing I'm not lookingforward to. I think it's like a
thirteen hour flight or something like that. Yeah, what's the longest flight you've
done? However long? I don'tremember the It could be fourteen hours too
to Australia. Oh I heard thatone's like one of the longest ones.
This was years ago, so Ican't tell you an experience, but uh,
the thing that I do remember isbeing excited. Yeah. So you
the mentality is you take it forwhat it is. You go into it
knowing it's going to be a longflight. Yeah, so just you just
enjoy the process sort of thing thatyou say, Just go into it knowing
that it's gonna be that long.So just mentally prepare of you know,
you don't you don't remember how youfelt during that time or like no,
man, yeah it sucked. No, I don't. You know a lot
of movies. I remember that,just a lot of movies. Sleep,
Get some sleep. Yeah. Theysay to like deprive yourself almost like the
day before. Yeah, so thatwhen you get on the plane you can
kind of just crash out. SoI think that's that's gonna be one of
my plans. But yeah, Imean, I'm with you. The excit
I mean, and everything's probably gonnaget my adrenaline going in. Yeah,
it'll override the annoyance of the flight. I guess. Yes, So I'm
interested to hear. Yeah, howhow that's gonna go. I've experienced,
you know, I've done a lotof new experiences so far this year.
But a big one that I've neverdone before is a festival. And we've
talked about how music festival. I'mgoing to a country festival this weekend.
Oh, you're going to uh stagecoach, stage coach, that's the that's
basically the Coachella of country, right. Yeah. After two weeks of Coachella,
it's like one week off and thenit's they use the same staging,
same decoration, everything stays the same. But it's all country artists. This
past year, I've been DJing alot of country events, and there's these
songs that I play and I'm like, yo, this is like you you
know me. I love it whenthe crowd gives me energy, so it
makes me enjoy the song. AndI'm learning that these songs. Oh it's
Morgan Wallen, like okay, sonow I'm like listening to that. So
I just told my as you know, I'm not good at festivals, just
the outdoor, the thousands and thousandsof people. But I told myself new
experiences, So I want to experiencethis because I've never experienced it before.
Are you going for all days?All days? Is it a two week
thing like how Coachella is. No, I think it's just one weekend.
And so it was that Friday,Saturday, Sunday, Saturday Sunday. Yep,
okay, Oh it's Friday tomorrow tomorrow, so you're gone tomorrow. You
didn't get the email. I didget that. I just remembered right now.
So new experience. That's the mainthing is. Even though I have
these thoughts, negative thoughts of festivals. I've never done it, you know,
so yeah, I promise myself newexperiences. I mean, yeah,
festivals are not my thing, man, even just going to the ones here,
the ones here, it's just outdoorevents, just the dust, the
dirtiness. But hey, I mean, if if it's something that you're willing
to do and you're excited about it, then yeah, yeah, I'll come
back with a report to see ifall our thoughts is what we think or
yeah, who knows, I mightenjoy myself. Do you get VIP tickets?
Oh of course? Okay, Sowhat does that mean? You get
like a better section? I don'tknow, no idea, but it did
say on their air conditioned restrooms,shaded areas. I think I'm hoping that
the VIP section means more space,because that's mainly my thing is just being
surrounded by strangers. That's what.You know. We're lucky when when we
say we do festivals out here,we're fortunate enough to go backstage. Yeah,
we're usually a part of it.Yeah, yeah, I think that
would get my anxiety. Is Ithink we might have talked about this before
on a podcast. Is usually whenwe do our you know, events in
the cities usually we have access tobackstage or on stage or in a VIP
section, but a lot of timeswhen we're going out of town, we
kind of got to be just inthe crowd, and I just I can't
do it. And a big festivallike that or like Coachella is something that
I just couldn't do. Man well, like I said, you know,
we always talk about energy. I'mjust about energy when it's a big crowd
and I'm surrounded by weird energy,and that's kind of that's why my anxiety
goes high. But if I canbe comfortable and just be, like like
I said, in a spacious,spacious area, and maybe that's why it's
a good thing that I have theVIP passes. Also, just the people
you're with just good energy. SoI'm I'm positive, I'm thinking positive about
it, and I'm excited. Sothat's mainly the good step right there,
is I'm excited about it. It'snot a burden feeling. Just a side
note on festivals or concerts in general. Because I was watching some of the
Coachella performances on YouTube and one thingthat I've always kind of noticed recently,
and it kind of goes hand inhand when we talk about like the new
generation, and as I was watchingCoachella, when they would do the crowd
shots, it's pretty disappointing when someone'sperforming and there'd be a lot of people
write and maybe a certain song wouldcome on or a certain drop, and
you can hear the crowd kind oferupts in those moments. But when they
pan to the crowd, nobody's moving. It bothered because why because everyone's got
their cell phones up, so there'sno no jumping, there's no moving,
there's no dancing, and it's soweird when someone's performing and it sounds turns
up and then they pan to thecrowd and everyone's steal like that bothers me
so much. I don't know why, because when I look at old festivals
or old concerts, you know,or even going way back in the days
to the Super Bowl festivals and theywould perform, everyone's jumping, everyone's getting
rowdy. It looks like a lotof fun, and everyone's just steal out
in the crowd because everyone's recording,and it's just back to you're not really
in the moments because obviously we haveour share of Tom's or we're recording something
maybe we're working, and it reallydoes take you out of the moment when
you're having to record something because reallyyou're looking at you're looking at their performance
through your phone, and it's justnot the same. And it just sucks
that we live in a time wherethat's what's most important is capturing the footage
mix making sure that we post,rather than just kind of being in the
moment and having fun. Anyways,that was just a side note. Didn't
want to sound like old heads talkingabout that, but that was something that
I just recently noticed watching these Coachellaperformances, you know, being a DJ
at nightclubs, and yeah, Ididn't get that energy too well. I
wish I made festival DJ money.Yeah, but you know how people have
their lanes, their strengths. Itwas always weird to me the festival,
the festival DJ scene because of whatyou just said. When the DJs up
there performing the thousands, millions ofcrowds, it looks like it is just
staring at you phone. Some aredancing and all this stuff. To me,
that's weird. It is, ButI think it's just my personality where
I don't want people staring at me. I'm just trying to create an energy
so people can dance. So Ienjoy making people dance and just have fun.
But it's weird when it's just everyone'sjust watching you DJ. To me,
that's weird. Like I said,I wish I was making that kind
of money that these festival DJs aremaking, but it doesn't fit my personality
because, Yo, why are youguys just staring at me? I'm just
pressing buttons here. Yeah, it'salmost more weird for DJ because it's not
like you're dancing up there or performingmusically. You're just playing records and people
are staring at you. You're noteven playing like an instrument. But I
kind of just take it as it'sthis is the generation we're in. I
try not to overthink it, butyeah, I feel you like it is.
I feel bad for the performer becausethey feed off energy. I wonder
how they're feeling when they know it'sthat high part of the show and everyone's
nothing. Yeah, that's tough.Another thing that I noticed that we've been
having a lot of conversations about isour finances, and we were talking about
how there's an episode where we talkabout this about that we're both savers we
have a savings account in the bank, but as of late, just what
maybe for me just to past sixto eight months learning about a different savings
account where so, for example,I have a Chase savings account, and
I noticed every month I would getsense like here's some sense and each month
and I never took it as anythinglike all right, thanks and just it
would just save up. But thenyou would learn about, no, there's
different kind of savings account where youcould get more more money, more money
back just for having it at thatcertain savings account. So, you know,
I would talk to my mom aboutit, and she would tell me
the things that she's doing. Sonot to get into super detail, but
I started mirroring what my mom's doing. So now my finance, my financial
mindset is slowly changing from how itwas before with just having a savings account
to now moving my money around todifferent ones. I have CDs now that
can mature. You know, I'mbasically trying to make more money by using
my money. Yeah, well,yeah, so me and you have talked
about that we do a good jobin savings, but we noticed that our
money is not kind of going towork, it's just sitting there. Yeah,
it's safe, but it's not doinganything. So we've had these conversations,
and yesterday I actually set up ameeting with my bank and I switched
some things around and I feel better, like, Okay, now my money's
kind of going to work, andam I actually gonna speak to a financial
advisor about some other things that Ican do? But yeah, I mean,
this is something that we were talkingabout yesterday, even with our bosses.
These certain things in life you don'tget taught, you know, even
like when I was doing my situationwith the house that was like a few
years in our podcast, when Ihad bought a house, I didn't even
know, like where do I start, who do I call? It was
just so weird. And at thetime I had just reached out to a
realtor and she kind of explained whatyou do and how you go about it
and all these things and all theseterminology, and it's just a learning process
and either either it has to betaught to you through maybe your parents,
or you really got to go andjust learn on your own. But it's
something that you don't get taught inschool. And it's so disappointing that these
life skills that you need, whetherit's filing taxes, how to buy home,
how to put your money to work, and what's the difference. Yeah,
investments like these. I know youcould take those classes in school and
learn a little bit more, butthis should be kind of the things that
you that we were learning in general, not random math classes or random science
classes. And so this is somethingthat me and you have kind of like
shared information back and forth about withour finances, which is good because we're
helping each other out, but it'sjust we feel like, man, what
if we knew this the information inour twenties. That's where I'm at.
Where where did our money be at? Now? An example of that is
this was also in a past episodewhere I talked about I got into stocks.
This was during the pandemic. Igot into stocks during the pandemic because
that's what my friends were doing.And you also did the Oh no you
didn't. What was the movie about? It was Game Stop? You didn't
do the Game Stop? Right?Yeah? I did AMC that was popping
off during the time. Yeah.Yeah, So I got into learning investments
in twenty twenty, and what's wildis four years later there's a good amount
Yeah, you know, double it'salmost tripled now of my initial investments.
So again, like what you said, imagine if we started this in our
twenties. But at least we're doingit now. And it also triggered something
right now. These are some guestsmaybe that we should have. Oh is
some financial financial guests? Someone toteach us how to buy a house.
That would be some oddo invest somemoney. What does this terminology mean?
Maybe some somebody that knows stocks.That might be a good Yeah. So
if you're listening out there and you'rea financial person, hit us up.
We'd love to get you on thepodcast because I think that would be interesting.
Man, that would be some goodlessons on the pod. Oh something
else is new that happened from bothof us recently. We both paid off
our car. Yeah, yeah,Biden, we met. Funny story people
may not know about this. Wepretty much bought the same car at the
same time. Yeah, and weboth just paid it off within like a
month of each other. Yeah.I hit you. I was like,
you know, I just got theemail. It says congratulations, you're all
done. Got the pink slip.It's official. We paid off our cars.
The optimum boys. Yeah, yeah, you talked about your restaurant right
that you sold it. Yeah,we sold it, so was that completely
done? That's pretty much done.I think there's like one more paperwork that
that we're waiting for, but it'spretty much done. The new person that's
there opening his restaurant, I thinkhe started April first, Okay, so
yeah, yeah, what restaurants beingopen in there. I'm not sure.
I might have to go drive bythe sea if our sign is down already.
But yeah, I think we talkedabout it on a previous episod son.
Yeah, good experience. Not sureif I do it again. I
mean, especially a restaurant tough.I mean, you are a restaurant during
the pandemic. Like if it doesn'tget any more tough than that, then
then I don't know. But youcame out on the other side in the
green, so that's good. I'mDJing. I want to move to this.
We started another R and B nightat another location at the Standard because
we're doing Mondays and just a scene. I know we're gonna have more DJs
as guest here and to talk aboutthe scene. And usually when I try
to start my own event usually doesn'tpan out the way I feel like it's
gonna be like not a lot ofpeople show up. But the grand opening
of this Thursday night that we doat the Standard, man, it was
a good opening night, and thenour second night was amazing. So third
Nights tonight, Third Nights the podcasttonight. So I can't wait to see
where this goes. But I guessthe topic that I wanted to bring up,
Man, it's refreshing to see theR and B nineties R and B
music in general, no R andB music in general, but it is
a kind of a thing right now. So that's exciting to see. And
I think us being in radio,we know that I don't want to call
it a phase, but at somepoint it's not going to be a thing.
So yeah, I'm enjoying that allthese nightclubs are embracing R and B
nights. So that's been a funthing so far. This is like a
middle of the year, like checking. I guess, yeah, kind of
what do we was April now aboutto head into May. Are you watching
anything right now? Streaming? Anythingnew? Came up on anything the Well?
I've always heard about Equalizer with Denzel, never watched it, but I
always heard how good it was Ifinally, I think it was a weekend.
I was off, wasn't doing anything, so I streamed all three equalizers.
That was fun to watch. Soyeah, it was good to watch.
And as of late, I'm watchingFallout. It's the Amazon Amazon Prime.
It's based on that video game,I think, which I'm not.
I'm familiar with the game, butI'm not familiar what it's about. I'm
on episode three and there's something thereI'm I'm I'm pretty much invested. Now
how many episodes I'm not sure.I don't know, but Fallout so far,
so good. Yeah, I'm definitelygonna dive into that at some points
on my watch list. I watchedthis last night and it's actually kind of
part of an ongoing documentary. Rememberthe documentary Jinx. Yeah, about that
Robert what was his name? FuckRobert. He had murdered all those people,
but just like had always gotten awaywith it, and then he was
doing these documentaries talking about it.And then the last episode of of that
documentary, he's in the bathroom.He doesn't realize he had the mic on,
and he's like, I killed themall and then remember we're like,
oh shit, which, by theway, he's actually I think he believed
he's dead. Now I think herecently died. Yeah, but they just
came out with a new episode postthat drama. So now this kind of
takes place of that documentary airing,and they reopened the case and they're bringing
him back in for questioning, andthat's kind of what this first episode is.
Okay, So I saw this,yeah, and my first thought was,
why do I need to Why doI need to watch this? You
already know what happens. Yeah,So it is he going back on trial
to talk about the things he admitted. Well, I don't know how the
trial wins. I believe he well, actually, yeah, he got convicted
or he got charged, right,So what is the second part about?
So I guess it's just going tobe the trial and everything. So,
by the way, his name isRobert Durston. Yeah, he did die
in January of twenty twenty two,but at this time of this documentary he's
just locked up and so now it'sgoing to go. Now they showed,
they actually showed when they brought himin for questioning he was actually So you
actually do learn some things because Ididn't know this when that documentary is airing
the first time around, and hewas watching his own documentary and he kind
of realizes like, oh shit,like I said some shit in this documentary
that I could get caught up onand not to like spoil it, but
he basically tries to go on therun. So this new episode is kind
of like that part of them gettinghim. He's locked up now and then
I believe they're probably going to gothrough the trial and we're going to hear
everything from there. So that's kindof what these next few episodes are going
to be. But I just gotinto that last night and it just came
out up on a Max. Isthat all your because I was gonna ask
if that's all you're watching, becausedo you feel like so far these past
three I'll just say twenty twenty four, there hasn't been those power shows.
No, there hasn't, And yes, to answer your question, that is
all one watching. But I knowJune is gonna be like a good month
because I know House of the Dragoncomes back. Okay, I know the
new season of the Boys comes back. There's gonna be a lot of stuff
coming in in May and June andlike through the summer. But yeah,
to your point, it has beenkind of a slower year even movie wise,
I haven't really watched that many movies. I'm gonna watch that new movie
tonight, actually Challengers with Zendia.She plays like a tennis a tennis to
player. Did you ever watch thatmovie that we were talking about? Civil
War? Yeah? I did watch. Do you recommend it? I do?
But you have to go into thismovie with a different mindset because my
mind was like, oh shit,this is like a civil war of like
modern times, like like a civilwar in today's day. So I kind
of assume, like, oh man, especially with the temperature of the country
now, like us so divided,you got right, left, you got
blue red. You know, like, is this what this movie is gonna
be about. It's going to talkabout like how you know, we were
so divided and then we just startedto like fight each other. And it's
not really about that. It's kindof already going on once the movie starts.
It's more about the war correspondence.You know, people that follow the
war and you know those people thatare actually literally in the war, but
they're like journalists. It's more aboutwhat they go through and the things that
they see and the photography that theytake and the risks they put themselves in
trying to get photos and in documentingwars, it's more about their journey while
the Civil War is happening in thiscountry. I mean, just to put
it in perspective, I mean,we know which side California leans and we
know which side Texas leans. Well, in this movie they're on the same
team, so you know, weknow that probably wouldn't happen in real life,
but in this movie either on thesame team. So they you can
tell they were trying not to makeit because I don't know, they could
go down like a deep hole ifthey really went political with this movie.
So it's not really about that.But with that being said, I thought
the last thirty minutes are really actionpacked, really good. There is a
lot of things that are something tobe said in this movie. Overall,
I thought it was solid. Butif you've got to go into that mindset
that it's not like a civil warmovie storyline I'm a fan of, like
you know, those wow moments ofoh, it wasn't this guy, it
was this guy who was twenty fourmovie, So they didn't really dive too
much into like backstory on stuff orthe storyline is pretty simplistic. It follows
like these like four reporters and theirjourney and it's pretty so no twist,
no twists, I wouldn't say that. Nah, all right, nothing crazy
like that. I guess we couldwrap up with radio life. Yeah,
how's what's what's new in twenty twentyfour in your radio career? In my
radio career, I mean, stilldoing multiple radio stations, still doing voiceover
work, still maintaining great ratings,and still love what I do. So
you know, of course, youcan catch me on the radio station right
here in Fresno on BE ninety fiveMonday through Friday three to seven. That's
my show. You can stream onthe iHeartRadio app. Of course, we
got this podcast that we still doon a weekly this could get Me Fired,
which you can listen to on iHeartRadio, Apple and Spotify. But yeah,
man, everything's everything's going good.Yeah, I mean, on my
end, it's been you know,if you've listened to the past of my
workload, it's been wild these pastcouple of years. And I just got
a third assistant, so it's definitelyhelping with the workload and a lot of
events going on in Fresno. Rightnow, there's like so much did it
We're having this conversation about do youfeel like it's almost too much? Yeah,
because we've talked about this before.It's it's Fresno almost has this mindset
if there's kind of too much goingon, they sort of have to pick
which thing they're going to do,and they're not going to do all of
them, so some events kind ofget left a little bit and some are
more a little bit more popular.But I mean, we have like the
Tequila Fest concert, we have theR and B concert, this coming,
the Kisha cole One. You know, they announced Summer Jam, Yeah,
Summer Jam ice Cube. Of course, they announced G Eazy coming to the
fair in October. That's gonna comeup sooner than later. And then who
knows what's going to be popping offin between there. But yeah, it's
a lot going on in Fresno.It's it's it's been pretty busy out here,
especially on work related stuff. Youknow, Yeah, I wonder you
brought it up. I wonder whatpeople are if if people are picking and
choosing one or two of those shows, which ones are going to be big
and not only not only to thepoint of, Oh, there's a lot
going on. We're not I'm makingthe same the money the money we're making,
like, do can we afford allthese shows? So it's understandable that
when people can only pick one oryes to do, Yeah, it's tough.
But yeah, I mean summer's comingup, so I know a lot
of people are going to be planningon summer vacations too, So is there
money going to that's? Uh?What to what? Out of all the
events that that's happening. If youwere paying customer, what would I pick?
Yeah, what would you pick?I would pick, Uh, let's
see what do we have? Iwould pick the R and B Nights.
I think that's gonna be good.That's gonna be at seln Arena. Kisha
Ko shouts to bradger Ricky. Secondone, I would pick what else do
we have? Maybe the some thesummer one with ICEQ. Yeah, because
that's gonna be at what Seman Center. I know Baby Bash is gonna be
there, so he actually I'll probablybe there because I always like to link
up with the homie. And thenuh yeah, those were probably the two
that I picked. Tequila Fest forme because he pain puts on an amazing
show, and Busta Rhyme is oneof my favorite artists when he puts on
an amazing show. Yeah, man, so I gotta see that live.
I want to. You know what, you might have changed my mind now
because t Pain because he performed forus before when we had our holiday jam.
Were you at that one? Yeah? I think I think so.
I don't remember it was te payinforty I was at a holiday jam with
UH with Omarion. I remember thatwith that one, and I forgot these
lineups. We did a few ofthem, but yeah, te Pain because
I think people forget about how muchhits the catalog. Yeah, the catalog
is crazy. I mean that eraof Tea Pain was like he was either
he had his own ship that waspopping off or he was featureding on everybody
ship that was popping off. Sohe has a strong catalog. So he's
going to be popping off at TequilaFest. And then if you were a
bust fan from even like back inthe days to you know what he puts
out now. And we actually hada chance to interview bust Tho. We
always talk about it when the bestinterviews we've ever done. It was a
lot of fun. So two greatacts that's gonna be That's gonna be at
chick Chancey Park. Uh. Thefirst one was last year, so this
is kind of like the part twoof Tequila Fest. Uh. And actually
we're gonna be at all these essentially. Yeah, I was just seeing what
you would pick if I was acustomer. Let's say my second would be
the R and B Night. Yeah, just because, like I said earlier
in the episode, this R andB Surge Resurgence is amazing. So those
are the two shows i'd picked.But but all the shows uh that's coming
to Fresno. We're so lucky tohave them all coming in. Always you
know, wants to talk shit aboutnothing coming to Fresno or there's nothing to
do, and trust me, there'sa lot going on. There's even the
the Aladdin Broadway that's coming to fressAre you gonna go check that out?
I think I'm I mean, yeah, we were all invited as a staff,
so I might do the staff nightwhere we all go yeah. Yeah,
yeah, there's so much to doyet, let's wrap it up.
Do you want to talk about theLakers? No? Okay, good,
No, I'm good that I'm good. I'm good.