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September 11, 2023 • 54 mins
Fillmoe Mike of 106.1 KMEL recently sat down with FOD Boss Philthy Rich on this latest installment of the Wash Ya Back podcast.
Producer of this episode is Christian Montoya
Media provided by Duarte Productions and E.McGee Photography
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Here. Oh hello, testing,testing, you can hear me. Okay,
get for real, okay, down, okay, say something I didn't

I didn't see you come up.How do you come up? Yeah?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, okayyeah, move right here and then I'm
how you go right here? Youmoved out on right here? Right?
I was black magic water there.I know. I don't move this thing
over. Then they take this onetee but yeah, yeah yeah, test

and testing say something yo yo yoyo. Okay here you say something d
yeah, yeah, okay, perfect, all right, we're in the building.
Man. When you put the uhyour headphone by the mic, it's
gonna make that little that little manysound. But now you're good. You're
good. Just just don't go likethis. That's all. You're good,
all right? Tell me when itgot black man. It's recording you see

it, or you can sit backa little bit show all right man,
We live, we live perfect timing, We live with live man. It's
film on Mike on a one onsix point one, cam yeo, repping

one on six point one, camyeo. This is the Wash Your Back
Podcast. I got a very veryspecial guest in the building, two special
guests, but we got filthy richin the building. My guy deep on
the building, man repping that fodone time. What's up? My guy's
going on film? Hey? Youknow, man, I'm living, working,
chilling. But we always got tostart the show off with a question.

Man, It's a very simple question. Did you wash your back today?
Of course last night in this morning? But the show man, we
got filthy rich in this thing?Man, what's up? Brother, let's
let's cracking man, working Man yesterdayhad a party Bay Area Alert Culture Ball.

What else we had going on today? Was shot a video? Just
left the studio a Friday yesterday,Uh, which is what just a Friday
was for fontact head. Yeah,we just put up on millions and butter
at the day party. But hewas supposed to be here. Yeah,

we've been, we've been working man. We put up on fab day alimeter
bug paced out last night. Yeahafter having moving man moving me Man.
I supposed to be at Vanda atnight, but they shut it down.
So you know, it's just uh, stay in their face. I mean,
like, where do you get thewhere do you get the freaking energy
from brouh Like you got kids andship I was one of my questions,

like how do you balance like yourkids? Crazy? Okay, I went
picked up today. They was withme earlier, sent them to the Little
Baby concert. Yeah, at thelittle Skybox Sweede or whatever, you know.
They they You gotta balance it.It's gonna get done, you know

what I'm saying. And on topof that, school back to school shopping
right all that. I mean,it's what you're doing for, So you
gotta get done. So let's getdown the business man, because I didn't
interviewed a couple of fo D artists. Man, I need I need a
five nine chain now. Now,man, you've been putting in that work,

bro, Like I don't mean itlike because I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
a real nigga. Feel like Idon't hold back. You feel me and
what I was in. I'm gettingsome people from behind the scene. Shit,
you'll be up sending me content,sending me shit. Check this out
booty wooty whoop. You know keypoints man to like you know, stay

in tune what's going on? Right. I appreciate that too. You know
a lot of people that just comedo interview and be like oh blah blah
blah, nothing there and be done. You know what I'm saying. So
you're trying to be you know,let him know what's going on. Eric,
I did not say that last week. Diggas covered here right. I'm
like, so, man, what'spopping? Bruh? What you got cracking?
Oh? You know, just chillingmy nigga? What the fuck?

Say something? What do you havegoing on? You got something cracking?
Tell me something you It's a totallydifferent thing, man, You like on
top of your ship cracking. Man, were standing they face. Man,
you know, I mean shit,that's all I know how to do,
right, keep it in they face. You feel me something regular? It's
regular to me. You know.We gotta keep the motion going, like
you gotta gotta keep it going.I don't know if you remember this,

but this happening back in the daywe at we at the mezzanine, and
my shout out to my nigga,feel more digger. But he fucked your
name up. You was like Filmo, Mike, who the fuck is this
nigga? That don't happen? NoMo, na na, I mean I
didn't like whatever you happened, Likethe DJ be fucking up, Like if
my DJ don't be with me orJ twelve shot out J twelve right now

him some about the DJ, likeat the club, okay, I'd be
like, hold on really playing themusic too fast, I don't let me
talk to the crowd. And I'mlike hold on, like just chill out.
I'm gonna tell you when to dropit and you be on that ship
field for sure, for real,for real control. Crowd control is key,
Like you were real MC. Imean I ain't like the MC the

battle a MC no. I like, I like to you feel me show
my confidence. You get up thereand talk to the people and we appreciate
their breasts. So let's get intosome shit man, Like I'm hell a
random yeah, number forty d fortynot forty, You're number forty on the
top the bags list, the topbackpack? Who is that teen Bay Area

lists? The fun going on aroundhere? Man, I'm I'm on.
I'm on the wait list for theFerrari truck. Man, you got it?
Wor about that? I mean yougot understand. It's like this,
the just the damn age of theuh, the social media, the internet,
Like who are the people to evenbe able to even make these lists?

Like I know who make the listeningyou know who did it? Nigga
who make the list? Ain't neverdid nothing to make a list. Okay,
you know what I'm saying. Soit's like, how it is this
opinion valid? You see, Idon't go on there on comment. I
don't Back in the day Oh backin the day out they went crazy,
you know what I'm saying. BecauseI was just so passionate about my craft.

But I you know, I didn'thave so many talks with different people
that man, that's they gonna dothat. That's when it didn't be a
nigga right next to you. It'slike and then and then when you and
then what kills it? This?Because I could have been on there and
like this nigga ain't did this.This, nig ain't did this. This
nigga ain't did this. And andI did this and I did it,

and they're gonna be like, ohhe hating. See that's the thing that
I didn't like it. There's twothings I didn't like about it. So
I was telling Vine, I'm like, bro, we need to do a
list, but we'll put our faceon it. Yeah, whoever the fuck
that nigga used to do listen exactly. He used to so like I'm telling
him, like, bro, weneed to do like hundred something that a

nigga could be like, I didn'tstep my ship up in exactly what I'm
saying, but it's like he's justbe popping out of I could make a
list, Yeah, do what theyyou know what I'm saying. But it's
like like who, like who howdid these niggas who made this list get
valid? You know what I'm sayingto be able to make a list like

And then even even with that,it's like like whoever, Like you gotta
be bored to take the time outto do all this, Like you know
what I'm saying, Like you don'tgot nothing to do with your day that
you gotta sit up here and puta hundred niggas on the list. Come
on, bro, that's too muchpeople and all that. And then I'm
looking at it and I could havejust been like because I've seen something on

there that I didn't agree with,and I'm like, but if I go
in there and gonna say something,I'm not hated, Oh he mad better.
I'm man, Listen that shit don'tbother me. Man got shot out
to everybody on the list, youknow, what I'm saying, it is
what it is. I'm just happyto be on it. Nah for real.
The na I mean, my thingis we don't know who did it,
and then we don't know the criteria, Like what are you basing the

criterial point? I know who madethe list? That yeah, I don't
made that list. Somebody that he'snot on the list is helf Oh he's
a rapper. This is a rapper, that man, not a fan rapper,
not a stand a rapper. Interesting, Interesting, dude, what's up
blood? He was? He wasa rapper? Okay, what's up?

Blood? Are you feeling? Youknow? Man? Dark skinning niggas matter?
I see you, cousin, butyou got up? Man? What's
popping? Man? I don't liketo leave nobody out. Man, you
in the bullis. I know I'mquiet chosen man, Man, I'm just
constantly working album drop Folksman, he'snot quiet. You be talking your ship
but all the time, all time, you all right right now. You

just got back from Seattle use witha big side, ye nigga short hunt
big That's why I look at usbiggest Jay Stalin La. Those niggas that
make it applies little ways all themniggas little hey, when you beat niggas

the little ways, And she waslike, Bro, this nigga, it's
tiny like the niggas that's tall.Like I didn't like game. Yeah,
Braking fifty even tall fifty is nottall. He's not short like them.
He he's he got some height onhim. He had good games running for
his money. I swear to God, this nigga, Lloyd Banks has the
biggest fucking head, fucking life.But he got like a he got like

a cow. Hid. Yeah,I sweat of God when they came through.
They shut down a whole building.Nigga, it was like you feel
they had like they had fifty hassecurity. Y'all can't like he was the
president. Bro was crazy and soyou got to drop a little baby no
matter what. Who nothing trying togive me now, But man, tell

me what tell the people. Talkto the people, mate, Let him
know what's up with what you gotcracking? You feel I'm gonna be going
back and forth to you. Iusually like to do one interview, right,
it's to show the people appreciation.We're gonna have to have you back
home. But tell him what's cracking. So basically I got a new album
dropping. Yeah nine to eleven.Spokesman four are presented by fo D.
Shouts out to the man that's upbehind that. If you don't know you,

you shouldn't know. Uh. Besidesthat I have my own label,
then I'm pushing with the smart typeEntertainment. And I got that's what the
STI. That's what the STI isall about. You, you know what
I mean. Shout out to theartist that I'm dealing with on the label
is a hub from Oakland and uhcertified said, okay from Oakland. Okay,

for sure. They both got albumscoming out dropping real soon. One
on the thirty first of August,yeah, and one on the thirtieth of
September. Okay, so they droppingback to back. Were all dropping and
we're just trying to get the groundedfollow the process. Man. That's a

beautiful thing, right, because alot of people don't like sometimes people try
to be individuals and try to gooutside of it. But what I like
about you all and filthy, Whatwhat I admire about what you're doing.
It's almost like on some early macdre shit. Yeah, like when he
said this is what I want thisis to be and I was seeing your

interview with Lower Rap and he waslike, man, you know, I'm
putting everybody in a position to doit and stick to the script and stick
to the to the program. Youknow what I'm saying, Like, what
gave you motivation? Because like betweenme and you, were you boyd or
rap? Yeah, because you betrying to retire like too short. Then

like tomorrow I got to meet himwith guys, Yeah we have him.
Don't be wound me too, right, because nigga need to feel that void.
Yeah what I'm saying. So it'slike, you know, that's a
big stepping stone just to fall back. But that's what I've been focused on.
I've been focused on that for yearsnow, trying to figure it out.
Then you know, I was sittingon my album for like damn there

a year. You know what I'msaying, due to my legal issues.
Lawyer just like just hold off untilthe end. So I've just been sitting
on that and then just getting alla ends and out. Was taking care
of make sure they know what thisis like it's as far as the artists,
yes, yes, it ain't norest having this ain't no daycare.

I don't feel I don't got nocar. See in the back of the
car, you fem me riding aroundbabysitting nobody Like like you you don't kill,
you don't eat. You know whatI'm saying. You gotta ring to
the table over here, right,so you gotta you gotta weed them out,
you know, the ones that justwant to come over talk about it
for an Instagram post or or achain, or for a follow or for

a push or and really not herefor the movement, just a moment.
How annoying is that? Like dealingwith people like like, because not really
annoying me because I know it comeswith it. Got him watch other CEOs
and business no label heads deal withthe same thing, so I know it's
there. I wish I wouldn't haveto deal with it, but I have.

You know what I'm saying, It'sjust part of the game. Family,
learn, fem you take your eilswith your ws. My nigga Elias
was like, He's like, bro, you go, you don't understand,
Like brou nigga see shit and theysee an Instagram post, they get motivated
for like twenty four hours a week, and then they be alcoholics and drug
addicts and you feel me. Ilike to do what I do too,

But it'd be like broad they don'thave no type of focus or training,
discipline, discipline. How do youfind how do you weed them out?
Is it just like I mean,because I mean you people peep peep some
signs. He's not really early.You just start seeing it. I mean,
it comes with it, like youknow, they start getting jealous of
the other artists, or they mightbe at war with their self, you

know what I'm saying, when takeit out of you? You know what
I'm saying, uh, Or it'sjust little things they say you catch like
they might be playing, but they'reserious, like they say little slick shit
like you're here. You know whatI'm saying, You'll catch it, you
know. So I mean it's happening. It's happening, you know. Salute
to those you know what I'm sayingthat failed to the side. You know,

but you know, I really ain'tseen nothing happen for them successful after
that, right, you know whatI'm saying. So, I mean,
I'm sure they wish they were ableto. You know, a lot of
people they want overnight. I saidthat too, they want overnight. That's
what I was saying they don't theydon't understand the grind of this ship.
Like I seen Raw say something likethat, and they like, I ain't

started getting paid like ten years after, you know what I'm saying of me,
really like really seeing a bag offthis ship. Like you know what
I'm saying. You know, ifyou adding up shooting videos, studio time,
mixing, mastering, traveling, travelingshit, artwork, whatever it is,
you're doing promotion and you're marketing allthat that shit costs, you know

what I'm saying. So that wasThat's what I was going through in my
early stages, trying to fund that, you know, coming from the block
to this, and I was haveingmy little hiccups or whatever. But it's
like, okay, cool, You'rereally not gonna start seeing though, no
real bagg until they just booking you, you know what I'm saying. Like
you booked every weekend. I mean, yeah, let's talk about the bookings.

Man, Will you be everywhere?Bruh? Yeah, that's where I
want to be, like booking herebecause it's like everybody your friend, they
know you. They want the homeprice. You know what I'm saying.
They don't want to give you whatyou're worth. You know what I'm saying.
Out of town you feel me?You can had your tax on it.
You know what I'm saying, youcan get You can go out of
town, get a host and thenget a show and get to travel,

go to the mall, meet somebodythey want to do a verse you ain't.
And go to the clubs. Somebodywant to do a verse after the
club You know what I'm saying.Add Up, I didn't. I didn't.
I didn't left feel me. Ididn't want out of town, left
with a fifty piece off doing versusyou know what I'm saying. Trying to
figure out how about to get allthis shit on yea. So it's just

they, you know, like theyappreciate you, appreciate and appreciate you more
where you're not from. You knowwhat I'm saying. That's real, that's
real talk. I appreciate you moreportmore and all that. I appreciate you
more, support you more. Youfeel me? They I would just I
just did love bit Texas. Ain'tI never heard of that place until I

just they just booked me. Yeah, but they was dear you feel me?
I know that. Daddies all onstage dancing, they rapping. I've
seen them. You had them tarking. That's what I'm talking at something hell
of gangster too. It wasn't evenno no, no, no, no,
no no. It was make aliving. I do that all the
time. Like when I be doingmy shows, I don't be wanting to

be to had a stiff crowd andall that, like, come have fun,
like motion party, Come up here, have fun. You feel me
one of your niggas might get somepussy off for nigga to night. You
got real talk bitches, Mike,you know, go home with your crush
or something. You know what I'msaying, Yes, come up here and
have fun, make it home safe, enjoy y'all nights so you know the
club like I could book him again. You know what I'm saying. No

problems, no shootings, no fighting, no arguments. You know what I'm
saying. I ain't I ain't aliability. I'm an asset, you know
what I'm saying. Like when youhad to learn that later on two when
you were a lita bility like andwe ain't bringing it ga up to the
club because you're gonna be a shootingand we got I mean we got insurance
on the club. You know whatI'm saying. Shit like that, Like
even with the in the early stageswith this, like I remember I used

to be see Von like be mad, like, man, why I ain't
give me no interview? I ain'tplaying my song? You got what I'm
saying. So I'm like, youknow, like brother, you know certain
people that they fuck with it morelike the people person I might be unapproachable,
right, you know what I'm saying. So they're like, man,
I'm not about to bring him upto Camille and he come up here with

fifty niggas and they smoking weed,they got guns, they're doing you know
what I'm saying. Not saying thatthey can't control the nigga, but it's
like, bro, we don't evenwant to be bothered with that man.
So you got to learn how toseparate the business from your feel me from
from street ship. Like what you'retrying to do with this shit. It's
crazy how you speak about that andthe people that I talked about, how

I've had some of your artists shoutout to Pedro Classic, which left me
the studio right now left, bro, Like I've been working all days since
I've been you told me. Youwas like, Bro, I'm out here
today, end yesterday like this,which is what I came out here to
do. Right. I ain't comeout here to sit in the room or
or an Airbnb or on the block, like I came out here to you

feel me to do what I hadto do. I a ship like the
video shoot studio. Show my faceover here, show my face over here.
You you know what I'm saying,Bro, I appreciate it, brut
because I'm what I was. Iwas talking a little rap about this,
and what I was gonna say wasFonte and Pedro they came super professional.

They had they shit in order,and you feel me and you're doing the
same thing. But what I was, what I was saying was was basically
like I appreciate you, and Iwas talking a little rab like brout.
We gotta get the Bay Area onthe level, and I feel like you're
doing it from the from the labelaspect. I'm trying to do it from
behind the scenes where we just makeit bigger. You feel me, Like

when niggas come to the Bay theyneed to come to feel my mic little
raps whatever. It's just it's justabout looking like something. Yeah, you
know what I'm saying, putting intheir face looking like something like I always
looked at it like No, Iwatched an interview being Meth niggas. They
was like, if it's just onenigga with the shirt on, then then

seeing twenty niggas with the shirt on, it's a bigger Yeah, you know
what I'm saying. Now, wemight not have the same shirt on.
He might got the same chain,or he might be representing the same thing
or pushing the same movement, andit looks a lot bigger than just one
nigga saying like and he probably wouldn'tgetting noticed, but niggas walking ain't gonna

stand out Like Okay, that's them, you know what I'm saying. And
we're all looking like something. Weall got some shit going on. We
dropping music, you know what I'msaying. We were pushing so and gonna
respect it. Let me ask youa question, why do you think you
get like not like a bad rap, but like why do people think you
cocky? They don't know because theydon't know. Niggas me thinking feel haloky,

Like brother Nigga had look cool.That's because he don't talk to you.
I mean because they don't know me, got you, So they're going
off. They might be going offwith another nigga that don't know me said
to them, mad because he can'tget a verse, or going off of
a female that don't know me saidto them mad because I ain't trying to

talk through her, you know whatI'm saying, Or or they just could
just be going off nigga Instagram postsvideo or with a nigga guide or like
me, I keep it respectable,like definitely, if I go somewhere,
like I treat the janitor like thelike the like the boss what I'm saying.
So it's like like I go tothe hood, I speak to everybody,

I shake hands, I feel Ishow love. I don't go nowhere
and be acting cocky. I probablywouldn't have lasted this long, you know
what I'm saying, Like wherever itis, like, that's what it's about.
Like so like the niggas that dodo that or act like that,
they don't even know nigga around.That's a I mean you I've not but
I am I am anti because it'dbe so much fake shit. So it's

like okay, cool, Like that'sa bar you you you can't. You
can't set you, You can't setyourself up for failure. You always gotta
you gotta keep in the back ofyour mind because like when you meet certain
niggas, you meet him in character. So if so, if I bump
into a rapper right now, heain't gonna tell me his real name,
He's gonna tell me his rapper name, so he ain't character of him being

a rapper. So I'm not gonnalearn who he really is until later on
down the line. I'm not gonnaknow he is snitch or he backedoor his
potting, or he ain't rapping,living with he rapping, he ain't writing
his own but whatever flaw about him, you know what I'm saying, You're
not gonna figure that out to lateron. So okay, So with that

being said, I just try tolike I haven't been through that with so
many people, so it's like,brah'm I don't really let to me many
people in yeah, because it's it'snot worth it like it Like it's like
you, it's not now to thepoint where you don't even be surprised,
like niggas be like, bro,you ain't you ain't mad I'm like,
shit, Bro, this a rapshit, Bro, this what goes with
this ship? You know what I'msaying. So I've heard you say that
so many times. But at firstI'd be like, but I had to

get out of that, like becausemy niggas, my street niggas, they
be like brun nigga did that,bro, like ready to be tripping.
I'm you know what I'm saying,Like, why you ain't something like Bro,
it's rap Bro's it's what they do. You can't get mad at everything.
You just be pulling your hair.I can't get mad at nothing.
You can't control right, control thecontrollables. So that's why I just focus

on what's mind. Bro. Itend to stay on my niggas and make
sure we all think and we ontop ride. Shit, we last on
coming last, We're moving right,moving correctly. You know what I'm saying.
We staying on top ride game.And that's just it with them niggas
doing over there. I don't know. I don't worry about it, nah
for real for real? Uh youseem like I know you don't like sports

or watch it. You told meI've seen that winner, but like you
seem like like a Magic Johnson,Like you seem like you getting hell of
joy. No, I'm saying yousee like you know what I'm saying,
Like I feel it. I feelit. You like to win. Magic
Johnson was a winner. I'm justsaying, like it seems like you're getting
a lot of joy and just givinga ball to someone else and seeing it.

It's like the team still win andthe points still get scored. You
know what I'm saying. Like thethe referees don't argue with the owners,
you know what I'm saying. Theydown there talking to the coaches or whatever.
If me be up in a skybox, a man ain't pat ball,
you know what I'm saying, puthim off the bench that do this,

you know what I'm saying. Butthe game still? Are you hands on
with all your artists like Debo orwhoever, a man anything that I fuck
with got a investment with a tellingme I got to be like, what's
the point of even it was pointing? I mean some people just like to
put the stamp on it. Yeah, investing just putting the stamp on it.

And you gotta be on top ofoverseeing all the albums, artwork videos
like yeah, I'm showing him likeI don't just like even my ship too.
Even to this day, if niggasshooting video for me, I don't
really give me anything. Like whateverhe edited with, I be sitting there
edited with him. Take that out. Put this in it, because you
got understand like this, because theycaramans, they don't come from where we

come from. Him he could bea squid. He might not be he
might not put something in there,and I would like, remember one time
I had Nigga the corn Lady roadPass. I'm shooting the video. I'm
like, get that, and hegot it to my last But then when
the video he didn't put in there, I'm like, why are you put
it in here? Like I ain'tthink you want. I'm like, bro,
I told you to get a littleBut that's how he looking because he

not from over here. He's notknowing. That's that's part of the He's
part of the culture. So yougotta be hands on with it unless you
gonna listen. Didn't get you anything, right, man, I mean filthy
Rich on the Wash Your Back podcast. Let me reset this motherfucker's film on
Mike. We got Dee Blue inthe building. Yeah, I mean like
when you like, when did youlike? I mean, I mean,

who who said this? I thinkit was? I think it was Stylin.
Stylin was like birthday changed my life? What song kind of like changed
though? Like what song took youfrom okay to oh shit? You feel
biggest probably was to make a littlesong. But what song that really got

aka Frank produced that? Uh hedidn't make this? Beg who we really
got the attention? I mean Isaid, like Bay Area wise, but
I got bigger songs than that.Yeah that that like the Bay are I
don't even know about it, right, but I can go out of town
somewhere and theyin't know about it,and they work for work because when I
was out there, he's stopping thething, the whole crowd sing the song.

But if I probably performed that songhere, they wouldn't even know it,
you know what I'm saying. ButI would say make a living.
I'm exhausted, of course, dobetter? M shit. I remember Ready
to Ride. Yeah that was toughhours that but like really who who?

Who really got their attention? Likehere was the I had a song called
represent It Okay, Yeah, itwas on my album Funka die. Uh.
I think I wrote that ship whenI was like, uh sent a
rita or whatever. But that wasa song that everybody was like it was.
That was like one of the firstsongs they got tuned in and bro
I remember brut because uh, Idon't know if you remember I was working

at SMC yeah and working at camiYo back in the day. So they
have put out. I think theyput your shit out. Will have put
your shit out and your ship startedto just pick up. Brouh did that?
You have the black tea all right? With ye? Remember life we

did kills one, We did allthat over there, Will yeah, stretched
yep ye. So, uh justget on this real quick. So every
May you do a five nine day, right, Yeah, So tell the
people about that. For the peoplethat don't know, just the hood jay
five May nine celebrating the block.A lot of people have been no following

suit they're seeing see that. Yeah, but it ain't just about just you
know, negativity. I'm really beout there doing charity work. Yeah,
That's what I wanted you to talkabout. So I'm I'm passing out,
you know, stuff for the kids. If it's merchandise, you know what
I'm saying, if it's if it'sif it's a chain day, it might
be a chain day, yea chainingday. Whatever. Whatever. We were

promoting positive, bro, you knowwhat I'm saying. So you know,
positive attract positive, negative attract negative. But just celebrate celebrating life for me,
putting that motion in their face.Able to even do a lot of
niggas not able to do that,not alone, just even they self being
their neighborhood, have company, youknow what I'm saying. You know I
didn't have a lot of famous rapperson the block. You know what I'm

saying. But that's what it's about, just having fun. Who you who
you're like? I want to askyou a question, what real quick?
Just in random? Who your mouthrushmore of? Of of? Like?
Who you listen to? Like?Who do you listen to? Who do
who does filthy rich listen to?For motivation? Are you? Are you?

Are you not inspired by any artistsout right now? And if so,
I don't like music wise? Yeahshit, uh, I fuck with
I fuck with Meek Tough, gotyou, I fuck a little Baby Tough,
I fuck with Future Tough, HuckDolf Touff, nip shit like that.

Yeah, I fucking rosstuff. Youknow what I'm saying, ship that
I could get something from. Imean, I didn't fuck it all even
earlier days, coming up, cashmoney, no limit, you know what
I'm saying. Them niggas. Ialways was attracted to the stunting shit,
right, the fly shit. Ialways liked the burry Man, the master
Piece ship. God I was Iwas messing right, I ain't got thirty
thirty two platinum to even rights,like even back then, they ain't like

damn, you know what I'm saying. Then't got the bubble beings like you
know what I'm saying, that shitand from the rapper ship to the niggas
in the streets that I've seen doingit. You know what I'm saying.
I always was like like a moth, like if I'm attracted to that ship,
didn't wanted to see that ship likeyou know what I'm saying. So
that's what I really fucked with.Like musically, I listened to everything that

come out, you know what I'msaying, but like as in like for
me to get like something from that'swhere I'm gonna go. Yeah, because
those artists, yeah got you uhd bo Yes, sir what's popping brou
What have you? Uh? Howlong have y'all been knowing each other?
It's high school, okay, sothat's a long time. Are you older?

I don't mean to getting your business? You older? He alder.
The only reason I'm actin is becauseI was trying to figure out what have
you picked up from him? Andwhat have you? What have you picked
up from Phil? And what isPhil probably picked up from you? We're
changing a bunch of knowledge. Sostill supper still and when I picked up

from him? It's shit work,Nah, that's real, y'all. Niggas
be working brouh. Y'all the hardestworking labels. I've seen him sit back
and he had artists and he pushingand it's not going the way he wanted

to go. But I'm looking,I'm like and like, nigga, take
that same push you doing for them, and do it for yourself. Really,
in my eyes, I'm like,nigga, you the store, but
you're trying to you feel me.It's kind of like with the how I
kind of looked at it was likethe n wa easy yeah, and like
he like nigga, you the niggayou say it right? You know what

I'm saying, You the one doingall that you got, You're really doing
it so like that like that,like I'm looking at like like like that
kind of like the same thing.But I'm seeing him like, you know,
spending his money, got his artistsin the studio. You feel me,
he got the formula of the packageright there. But I just feel
like he should have put the lighton himself instead of because like, you

can't want it more than the nextnigga want it right, you know what
I'm saying. So it's like Ifeel like he wanted more for them,
and they wanted for theirself. Soit's like, nigga, Okay, fuck
that put it on you. Thatain't working. Now that motivating them,
like because now they seeing you knowwhat I'm saying, him turning up,
So now they wanted anymore. They'retrying to get that motion. Yeah,
definitely trying to get it. Nowthey gonna get it. We've been passing

that shit out. Yeah, yeah, they gonna get it. Wein stings
you with it right, gonna passingit out. Yeah. You just gotta
just gotta work for it. Yeah, key thing, you gotta work for
it. I got you. Igot you. Yeah, but shit,
what day the album coming? Noteleven? No eleven? What's it now?

Spokes Before I spoke, I gotthe Federal and Diamond album all right
now, Ye, I was gonnatalk about Fontage just dropped this album perfect
time in two Pedro Pedro. Whatdo he had classic? I thought that
he had hot ties ship two tojust drop bang out of the streets,

bang coming right now. He didthe emotional with the King Junior Junior coming.
You're going crazy? Yeah, weworking fine, te Go brou I
said. I told Fine, I'mlike, bro, you go crazing in
Pedro Pedro always working. That's thewhole thing is like, uh, they've
been doing that, but now thelight is on them, right, So

it's like, you know, finteoff like a five piece, you know
what I'm saying. So he thisis really like his really first time really
getting the recognition that he been wound. So it's like, now you gotta
go crazy, you know what I'msaying. But he he's been going crazy,
but now the light is on themfrom everybody to see it though,
So now, ain't you know whatI'm saying? Something put on the g

Yeah, why you only wear aGucci, filthy, I ain't even been
wearing Gucci. No, oh forreal, No, I've been wearing all
my oh my black owned That's whatsucks, you know, up and coming
people that. Yeah, you know, i'd be off and on ship like
I did the same ship with Fasachia Marry back in the day Rocket where

Jabbow like your feel me is justI don't know. I got on it
because I was just going in motherfuckingthrow a fit on and leave. I
could just it was easy, right, you know what I'm saying, was
just easy going there and get someshoes. I had to come in there
with some jeans on, going andthrow some shoes and T shirt and I
was good. So I just goton like that. I know you don't
do this because you're a rapper,but you gotta take yg how to dress.

And I'm drunking. I said itdown, filthy, I said it
said. I'll give a fuck thatthey got their bullshit. There's a lot
of rappers that's been Maybe she's gonnahelp me. It's a lot of rappers
been on some man, what thefuck is going on? Nah? I

don't know, but we're not talkingabout that. Let's do this. Let's
get into some uh some music.Take a real quick break. We're gonna
get into some music right now,some uh some fifty nine bars. One
second, let me set this upone time. We got uh Filthy Rich
on the washing Back podcast. It'sfilm on Mike and this motherfucker we got

Christian my uh producer. Hold onone second, I thought I had it
up already. This motherfucking not getthis. Y'all enjoy this. We'll be
right back. It's fifthy Rich.Need be thinking, bit bitchy TI.

I love love nigga niggas. Notme like I'm from down in Detroit.
Niggas love me like I'm from now. Slow and no mos s. Put
my niggas in positioning, seeing mymark. The highest niggas out the open.
Bit some top five free, freejack back, free that nigga visa

free tact time men spinny, havingseen no conversations, I don't know them.
Broke niggas, ain't got no relationsnow. But by the hand that
feeds you, guarantee you gonna needanywayy for my knees. Big five nine.
I got five bitches. Can't believethat I really spend five million,
and I'm talking about just on nicefist one ship looking like some disco like

I'll be talking to Hella. It'sa lady Chay. The met fo D
niggas had to save the bay.We brought motions to the city. Niggas
saved the way, shine the light, owners record labels look the other way.
Ten dollars versus twenty dollars show atanother ten thousand foot a video.
Bad bitch up in OKC and bitch, I feel don't like it, bitch,

okay leg yeah, motionless motion thatbut them ffol D niggas brought the
motion back. I've been blowing moneylike it's ninety no if it ain't the
billy truck and I'm in the road, I mean Houston with a thick bunny.
The broken niggas takeing shit from me. Who leggas look good beside me?

Devn and shut same niggas. Haytonwas in my thems. It's back
in the sun. My bitch headdown to the ass. I bounced back.
I was down to my last Allmy bitches got cardiers of Rolex.
He in there fo D thing outa cardio Rolex. My Toronto bitch told
me to slut out. If thatbitch ain't had no bags, then I'll
put it out a Mexican or whiteor black in the Asian bitch bit.

Thinking about that Rory truck. I'mon the waiting list Big five nine fifty
nine bars out of had it leadsIt's fifty nine fourth car bad motto.
Bitch looked like a porn starre bitchleft it came back. It ain't no
going for the bitch saw me.She could never leave me. Really stuck
on seminary. I ain't have iteasy. That was so luck. I'm

from the jointing through seminary, butgot love or through the chronies or trials
to trip relations. A lot ofniggas Hayton for me to fall off,
a lot of niggas waiting federal indictment. What a nigga facing a hundred million
cash for the nigga facing they believe? But filthy? Then they can't believe
what filthy? Then I gave acity hope, a lot of motivation.

Still a king of Oakland. Theyain't no debating, Still a pull up
to the hood, like I ain'trich, go for me in the night
zone. They ain't trying to shitreally having things rest in peace to Body's
Philly, Then what's your friend?You definitely hick me up. I didn't
use that through Man Interview, Weback Man, Filthy, rich in Here,

wash It Back podcast, Federal andDytment back in Yen. It's straight
up for real, for real.So what what? What? What?
Real? Quick? You know weain't gonna. We ain't gonna now that
we're born to people, I thinkwe have an excellent conversation, but we
ain't gonna have them. We havekeep them too much longer. What can
they expect off this new album?And then what can they expect from you

going forward? Phil? Shit?The new album growth maturity, you know,
talking about real life experiences, beingauthentic, principles, morals. Yeah,
you know what I'm saying, Shitthat matter, family, no day

to day shit and going forward likeshit. I'm just I'm really focused on
them. I ain't really ain't.I ain't. I don't want to cut
you off, but you seem likeyou haven't fun. Yeah, you seem
like you haven't like you at meals. I'm having more fun seeing them do
what they're doing than me. Idon't see. That's why I said Michael

Magic Johnson. Niggas you've had youhaving fun passing the ball, seeing niggas
shine, getting niggas pegging Nate.You feel me? Yeah, off the
board and all that shit. Youknow what I'm saying. I'm a team
player, right, what I'm saying, I've I've been doing it for so
long. I've been no front lineand nigga's faces or whatever, so che

I feel like a step back andlet the niggas do theything right, right,
DBO, what's up with true?What? What do you look forward
to in the future besides the album'scoming out? Let them know when they're
coming out the thirtieth, I meanthe thirty first and the thirtieth. Yeah,
but it's August in September, right, I'm looking for more artists let
us know. Yeah, I'm lookingfor more hardists that want to work,

that don't mind working, know whatit takes to get there, knowing that
you gotta spend some money and don'tact funny when you're doing it. You
said that on your Instagram post too, because they need to know that.
You know what I mean. Thisgame don't just pay you by your talent
and pay you by how much youinvest in it, and then you'll invest
your time in your money the rightway. You'll get it coming back to

you the right way. So we'regonna invest a little more. We're gonna
work even harder. We're gonna getthe people involved, the fans involved,
the underground uh personnels like yourself involved, the promoters appreciate that, you know
what I mean, And just tryto make Oakland the Bay area great again,

not just the Bay Area, justthe whole northern up north down south
Arizona. You know that little trastthat little mac dre train they used to
have, you know what I mean. They used to make good money on
that little train circuit, right,you know what I mean from that Portland.

I was going to ask you aboutthat field, like what's your chiling
circuit? Like what the Seattle,Portland, Tacoma, Uh, you know
anywhere around here, the Cheekos,the friends Knows, the Stocktons, the
Celias, all that. It'd becrazy. The small city beach. They

be showing a lot of love me. And then right you gotta that I
know for sure. What's your favoriteplace to eat? Eat? Eat in
Detroit a strip club at a stripclub at the strip clubs, all the
strip clubs, they got good foodthere, like for real, Yeah,
they got truth. I wish theother one with the p truth troof is

the truth though, because you can, because you can go in there and
get a five course meal right there, right there. It's not we're not
talking about you know. You knowthe Gold Club got that Weekend's little five
dollar man. Those dogs. Yougotta be on Yanks to club. You
know, Pool used to going inmotherfucking and and leave food. Gotta have

a Yank card to get in there. But it's way better than that ship
all right, Right, I gothooked on the Lamb chops out there,
Lamb chops with the zip sauce.I got that mac, they got that
fried lobster tail if feminal vegetables.Yeah, but they got a culture bro
to where it's like, you know, our strip clubs is different than what

they got going on, right,you know what I'm saying, Like our
strip clubs is more conservative, Likethey're like it's a culture. Like niggas
go there. That's how I reallyniggas show who getting money. It ain't
about the car, It's about niggagoing there and go fuck it up,
right, you know, and that'swhat that's how they look at We don't
even we don't even start thinking likethat. So we like thirty thinking like

that. See, I had toreally go somewhere because like I remember,
I remember where I was. Ithink I'm in Miami. I'm with the
nigga Jim Jones, right, andthen uh, the niggas say, I'm
ain't about that. I'm about torent this car, pull up to the
uh to the club, like right, bitchess, ain't gonna see what car
you leaving in inside of that.They don't give a fuck about that,

give a fuck about them bottles comingout with them sparkles on it, right,
Yeah, you know what I'm saying. But we're in a strip club.
They get fun about them ones.You know what I'm saying. They
don't give a fuck about what's outside. They ain't gonna see it by time
you leaving, they leaving, theyget off. Nigga, you're gonna be
going. I don't see the corethey care about them sparkles back to back
coming to that mother was that niggaover there k throwing you know on this

third third ram? Right, youknow what I'm saying. So we look
at it coming from this way thisway. You know it's tricked on the
bottles ball. It's tricky coming fromthis way, right, but it's just
you know, from that way it'shaving money. I remember this fucked me
up too. I'm in a koD in Miami, and uh, I

didn't know back then, like theygive you the money to throw the rappers.
So when I'm when I found thisout, like, I was fucked
up the rest of the day becauseI'm like, all these throwing thirty thousand,
hundred, I'm thinking they throwing theirmoney, right, So when I
found out, because so we walkoff, they get him like tangs and

once grab a cover walk off.You're like, man, about to make
this bitch stand on the on theon the ceiling and walking through this and
through this. Right, So I'mwalking, I'm like, the money ain't
like they ain't still it. Theygave it to us, right, I'm
like, you didn't even trip whenthey gave it to you. That's craz
Yeah, that's they give you themoney. So now I'm playing all these

rappers my head, right, Ididn't heard all these niggas talk about I'm
like, oh, gave you themoney, and throw them right off or
nothing. Now I'm like, okay, so but it's all when I'm now,
I'm getting booked. That's done withit, right, you get sex.
I don't really like doing strip clubsbecause it's like they expects you to
throw money, Like I ain't tryingto go on my pocket and throw the

money. But that's what they wantyou to do there because it's it's it's
a life. It was entertainment,right, so you gotta put it in
the rider, like, okay,cool, whatever your booking is, plus,
give me this for that, youknow what I'm saying. If not,
you're gonna be coming out of thatfor that. But what you like
to eat? What's your go tomeal? What's your what? What's your
what's what's your game day meal?Beans? Right, nigga? No,

I'm just saying it's African Japanese.Okay, got you, got you,
got you? If I gotta goto okay, got you, I go
to this red beans and rice forthe southern part for the black folks.
But you know that Habacci never feelsme, you know what I mean?
I liked, Oh, we hada some shouts out, We had wheezy

plates, Wheezy plays one of mygood brothers. He'd be cooking, putting
it on for he beat down therecooking at the sports base. Okay,
you know what I mean, theoutside grinding front of the sports place.
Shouts out to Wheezy. He hadsome little parmesan chicken. Oh shit.
Uh, some cheeseburger egg rolls,seafood egg rolls, soul food egg rolls.

Uh uh, some kind of scampypasta. Yeah. We used to
put that shit down for us todayfor a good cup with a good cup
of that kool aid though off topbecause Phil, the reason I ask is
you didn't have you can have likepersonal chefs and shit. So right before
you write your battle rap, whatdo you eat? Bullshit? Some chips

be jerky, Get out of thereoff the pringles. When you when you
being that mother, you know't eat, You're just mad, right you feeling
step into a slim jim probably onlyeat. Yeah, yeah, you know

I ain't did that in a while. So yeah, man, I got
you Mane before we get out ofhere. You got into it what happened
in Vegas with the bullshit, andyou got off of it with the week
after you dropped the album. Oh, I mean I don't. I don't
even like no, you know,I was fighting the case or whatever during

the time. Yes, yeah,like been like two years, two and
a half years now, you know, I feel like I was in the
wrong place, wrong time, gotyou in stereotype as a black man,
and you know, the Internet leftin the Laura's hands and uh overcame the
obstacle. You know what I'm saying. You know what they was asking for

thirty three months. You know,best lawyer in Vegas got that ship down
to two years probation. So that'sno taking care of right now. I'm
getting off that ship. So that'sreally it, you know, just before
we get out here. Also,I'll be having hella like random questions at
the end of my interview. Don'tknow why they all spring got me up.
At the same time, your relationshipwith Ghazi, can't you talk about

that because y'all seem like y'all gotlike on some like another level. Y'all
not, It's it's just not likea rapper and a owner of the CEO,
yeah, other label. It seemedlike y'all like more of a partnership
as bro and I'm brought a lotof artists to him. You know what
I'm saying, Like just off thestrip, simple factor want to see his

ship run smooth. I want tosee I've been doing gods for hell.
He want to see other black mensuccessful. You know, a lot of
people can't get to him, sothey know, like, okay, broke
out relationship with you can calling fromhe can get this done whatever situation may
be. But uh yeah, Ijust I love what he's doing, you
know what I'm saying. So I'mall in. You know what I'm saying,

whatever I could do to help,you know what I'm saying. That's
just how I've been. Like it'sjust been genuine since day one, even
when like I had had the recordand make a living room here, like
when we decided to invest into it, it wasn't just off him. It
was like okay, how much Okaycool? I brought my half. So
it's like, okay, he believein itself too. He ain't just got
his hand out or looking for somebodyelse to be the fall guy. You

know what I'm saying, if yougonna win together, they're gonna lose together.
But he always looked at you knowhow I handle situations as you know,
with the boss mentality, right,So you know I've been playing an
A and R roll over there witha lot of a lot of artists,
just not just a bear. Youknow what I'm saying. Remember one time
he wanted me to put a ABear CD together like some San Francisco artists

and shit, yeah, bro,you guys have to call him and tell
him that because I'm not trying tocall him telling them. They feel like
I'm telling him. Yeah, youknow what I'm saying. He didn't want
to get any politics, saying whatyou're trying to have me do. I'm
with it, but I just wantedyou to have that conversation with them so
they know that, Like, youknow what I'm saying, what's going on?
So I ain't trying to be youknow, stepping on toes or whatever.
Next time I happened to be like, you know, I got film

on Mike to A and R thatas well, so he'll be out there
now. I'm drunking, But man, watch your black podcast, man,
filthy man, I want to giveyour flowers. I believe I appreciate you
for coming through. I'm gonna haveyou come back on again as well.
But I just want to give yourflowers. BROB, really appreciate you.
Appreciate you fuck with me, youfeel me. You was sending me content
to help ask you questions and shitlike that, And I really appreciate that.

Brother. I do that with anythingI know, and I got something.
You know, mother got it.Be in tuned what's going on.
Definitely have a good conversation. Yeah, was it a cool interview? Of
course? Sure watched that back.Nigga watch that back, shouts out to
everything. Yeah, I love that'swhy. Yeah, that's why I got.

Yeah, that's my nigga. That'smy nigga. Know you feel my
Oakland nigga. Yes, yet shoutsout to death man, true Oakland Man.
But that nigga. Depth brother usedto be at Hamilton's. Brad Hamilton
is a is a gym and film. He went to Gale, but he
used to be at ham every dayand he played football when I so when
I was Yeah, he played football. Little ass niggas. So when I

uh seen the nigga in the town, yeah, like after high school,
like nigga, he was like Ididn't even know he was really from the
town. It fucking shot my mind. I'm like it's not from Oakland.
Feel I feel like I'm really fromOakland. He is shout out to the
Devil one time man for real,for real, So I appreciate y'all.

Main we off this motherfucker. Y'allbe smoothie and make sure you wash short
back. Thank you. You couldsay that it's all good, wash your
ass, all that shit.
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