All Episodes

September 18, 2024 60 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
All right, y'all, welcome to it. And what more can
I say?

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Podcast Episode one, seventy five, seventy six, We had one
hundred and seventy six. Yes, yes, I am one of
your whole song componed. Oh they got it right after
and Rot even gave me one two days. Let's go
ahead and introduce other members of the posse. The first

lady of the pot, the only lady of the pots.
He fluffy and fine. She's got a gray sie and
she talks so much stuff that one day I am
going to put it in the head Locke's. Hi.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
Friends, I'm always in trouble. Yeah, we did nothing.

Speaker 2 (00:40):
Yeah, you see I had Now I know. It's like
having a sister and a brother. This is crazy work,
all right, man, Let's introduce Black History.

Speaker 1 (00:52):
Month all the time.

Speaker 4 (00:55):
Boo, that is hilariat me Black History much that's facts
all the time, right, old brother, Keep the fight alive,
HBCUs matter, Yes, yes, all right.

Speaker 1 (01:09):
Let's get to it. Man.

Speaker 2 (01:10):
It's a lot of crazy stuff happening. You got the
show notes, show notes.

Speaker 5 (01:13):
I do have show notes for you, and we did
not talk before this.

Speaker 2 (01:18):
This is gonna be a free because it's my fault. Today,
I'll take it. I was like, I was like I
was talking. I was taking care of business for the pot.
I love that for us, figuring out how to sell shirts.

Speaker 3 (01:30):
I love that for us.

Speaker 5 (01:31):
When I'm at home in my bed, sleep with my
Bonney down, I'd be like, I know Tone is somewhere
thinking he's getting to the money.

Speaker 3 (01:41):
Thank God for talking about Thank God.

Speaker 2 (01:45):

Speaker 3 (01:47):
Yes, don't like being broke.

Speaker 2 (01:50):
Even when they give compliments, they give me a comm
let's get to this.

Speaker 1 (01:59):
I wanted to say this that y'all tell me if
I'm wrong. Okay, so maybe I had a mushroom. Maybe
it was some week, maybe it's a little both, who knows.

Speaker 2 (02:06):
But I was thinking of as Drake Kendrick super Bowl thing,
y'all tell me if I'm wrong to the lady who
I was talking to, somebody, maybe myself. So I look
at it, and I look at this whole thing, the
whole way it looks it could either go really bad

for Drake like this, Kendrick brings out, brings out, he
brings out Wayne, he brings out Wayne.

Speaker 1 (02:35):
We find out that Drake and Wayne we gonna get along.

Speaker 2 (02:37):
So now this is a big al for Drake he's
going to get Super Bowl, He's gonna have it's gonna
win a Grammy. It's a real nasty look for him.
Or jay Z is put together probably the most legendary
hip hop moment in history. I can't believe that k
Dot is going to actually do the Super Bowl by himself.

He can, but Willie or did they take a moment
to make a big moment like Wayne is a surprise guess.
Wayne brings out Drake. Kendrick and Drake make up. Kendrick
and Drake make up. No, listen, Kendrick and Drake make up.

And maybe they even have a song together. He does
not do not like us on the on the Super Bowl,
they performed their song together. Also also because remember they
were saying the Big Three. Also, j Cole comes.

Speaker 6 (03:32):
Out, let me tell you that some good that he
has some good. I can't wait to get on these
type of dreads. What drugs was on? I just think
it's a huge moment. It could be a moment's dreams
you had in one that was three dreams in one.
You had three whole life dreams in one dream. Lil
Wayne want to do super Bowl. Kendrick wanted to do it.

Drake and j Cole. They off are out there to
answer your dream. No, it's not gonna happen. Allegedly, Drake
turned down the Super Bowl twice.

Speaker 1 (04:06):
Yeah, I believe that.

Speaker 6 (04:07):

Speaker 1 (04:08):
I believe that Elliott Wilson said he.

Speaker 6 (04:11):
I don't care if Elliott Wilson, Elliot, you have never
had one conversation with you. But every time I say
that I don't believe that he did that, they'd be
like Elliot Wilson said it, I don't give.

Speaker 1 (04:24):
Okay, why you know.

Speaker 2 (04:25):
Why, Like, oh okay, it isn't Ellie, this is what
don't have nothing.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
Y'all don't want to believe.

Speaker 2 (04:36):
It's just like it's always Have you ever seen this,
there's always a reporter that somebody talks to the every
The big stars don't talk to everybody.

Speaker 1 (04:46):
They talk to one, maybe two people.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
Amar Rashad lived the whole career off of Michael Jordan
only talking to him.

Speaker 1 (04:54):
Steven A.

Speaker 2 (04:54):
Smith, Alan Iverson, It's a lot of people that they
only speak to one per what Rachel Nichols, Lebron James,
there's a there's a whole bunch and I could go
on the end entertainment side of thing. So Elliott Wilson,
we all know he talks to jay Z. Jay Z
doesn't talk. Who does jay Z interview with Elliott? Who
does he talk to Elliott? So when Elliott will said

Elliott Wilson said something, you got to give him a
little credit because he's the only one that has a
semi relationship with a person that does not speak publicly often.

Speaker 6 (05:29):
Okay, well, okay, well let's just that's not even the point.
Let's say he did turn it down twice. I just
want to talk about your dream, Lil Wayne. I think
feels disrespected. You saw the video that came out where
he said he was hurt and he couldn't even make
the video he wanted to cry so bad. Okay.

Speaker 3 (05:48):
So I don't think he's gonna come out with him.

Speaker 6 (05:50):
And if he does come out, I don't think he's
gonna bring Drake Widdim.

Speaker 1 (05:55):
Okay. I mean, it's a dream. It could be a dream.

Speaker 6 (05:58):
It is a dream, but it could be it could
be about I just want to say something about it
with the Super Bowl thing, Okay, And one person thing
I want to say is I was right. Okay, I
was right when I said on this very here podcast,
that that Lil Wayne was hurt about not getting the

Super Bowl. Okay, who said you was wrong? You said
I was wrong? You know I didn't Well, I don't
know exactly how you said it, but basically what I
thought was said was I that we don't we hadn't
heard from him yet.

Speaker 3 (06:35):
That's what you said. That's what you said.

Speaker 6 (06:36):
You didn't say it was wrong, but the but I
do want to say I was right because the reasons
that I said that Lil Wayne was hurt was because
of the way his team and the people that we
know that are around him reacted. They reacted as if like, oh,
you know what I'm saying, like he's really hurt. Almost
like when you with your child and somebody do something

to your child, you ain't gonna let nobody play with
your child.

Speaker 3 (06:59):
You know what I'm saying. You start going off.

Speaker 6 (07:01):
You know, you can say everything, but you know, regardless
of our relationship. It's like if somebody messing with your brother, Yeah,
you and your brother can be into it, but if
somebody say something about your brother that's not in the family,
you go off.

Speaker 3 (07:11):
And that's how they were responding. They were responding as
if they were hurt.

Speaker 6 (07:14):
For a Wayne. Okay.

Speaker 3 (07:17):
So that's the first thing I want to say is
I was right about that.

Speaker 6 (07:19):
Okay. The second thing il I want to say about
the super Bowl thing was this is for Oh, I
wish I had his name. Whoever it was, there was
somebody on my Instagram left me a long message and
told me jay Z don't make the decisions. Oh for
the super Bowl performance that has been that jay Z
does make. I came out and says j always makes

the right call. Okay. So those are the two things
that I would like that. I was happy that those
things came out. And the last thing that I want
to do that I want to change my position on
that I said on the last podcast was Kendrick Lamar
show is going to be born. I went and saw
clips of Kendrick on SMER. They were like, the show

could look like this, and I was going through the
swipes of the different videos that they had up.

Speaker 3 (08:09):
This show will not be born.

Speaker 6 (08:10):
This show will be highly entertaining if he does the
right records. Kendrick got enough for a fire twelve minute
performance without anybody else. Okay. I was upset, and then
they started showing like I was looking at clips of
him performing.

Speaker 3 (08:27):
He's a really great performer.

Speaker 1 (08:30):
Oh yeah.

Speaker 6 (08:30):
I still stand on the fact that I don't like
I felt like he was getting it because of the beef.
I still don't like that. But we not in bad
shape with the Kendrick Lamar performance. I thought I was
gonna go to sleep. You won't go to sleep on this.

Speaker 5 (08:44):
How things changed. Let me address you and a few
of your fas well. One that reached out to me
in the DM shout out to him. He said, you
know the moment Little Wayne spoke, he said, Keicky, Zach
was right. I said, what was Zach right about?

Speaker 1 (08:57):

Speaker 5 (08:57):
He said Dwayne was hurt? I said, go rewatch the podcast.
I said Wayne was hurt. I understand Wayne being disappointed. Okay,
but my status still stands on what it is, which is,
I believe all those people who were speaking out so
vocally used Little Wayne, have used Little Wayne and did
not have the best intentions for Little Wayne, but had

intentions for themselves. It still stands that way. My second
take to that is I agree. I never said jay
Z didn't make the decisions. I said jay Z is
the one in the room making the decisions, so everybody
else should shut the hell up because he made the
decision he made for a reason.

Speaker 3 (09:32):
We don't know the exact reason.

Speaker 5 (09:34):
I still stand on my decision that part of the
reason is because of the people that Wayne is connected to.

Speaker 6 (09:40):
That was my statement.

Speaker 3 (09:41):
So I don't know what you were right about.

Speaker 6 (09:44):
But no, because your statement you did say something I
said all of that. My only statement where I feel
like I was right and you was wrong. Yes, was
about Lil Wayne not being Lil Wayne being upset. I
mean you did.

Speaker 3 (10:02):
No, I didn't, I said Lil Wayne, I said that
I forgot the I got the right.

Speaker 5 (10:10):
This is but I said, little Wayne is disappointed. I
said little Wayne is or can be disappointed. Them people
that's speaking out for him. I still don't think they're
speaking out because of him. I think they're speaking out
because of themselves. And it's okay to be disappointed. But
I think I remember you saying something like.

Speaker 1 (10:27):
You don't need know Wayne.

Speaker 3 (10:29):
You don't you know because you.

Speaker 5 (10:33):
Say that jay Z was Blackball and Wayne jay Z
was you did he said, I don't like that if
the reason I performing because I added the clips. Baby,
I know what he said.

Speaker 2 (10:48):
You said when you cut your eyes again, throwing something
with jay Z.

Speaker 5 (10:53):
You said with jay Z, I don't like if if
he's being blackball from performing because of a petty reason
or because.

Speaker 3 (11:01):
Honey, I understand that I never disagree.

Speaker 1 (11:04):
With you on that.

Speaker 3 (11:05):
My stance is it's still gonna be a petty reason. Okay,
that's fine.

Speaker 5 (11:08):
But guess what, he ain't performing and I still think
that the people around him use him. I still think
that they have ill intentions for him. I still think
that jay Z is doing what's best in Lil Wayne's yeah,
thank you.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
So I'm just like, I'm okad, but neither one of
y'all on my side. So I'm okay.

Speaker 2 (11:28):
I'm okay well being in the boat by myself because
I'm the one to say this podcast was gonna be great.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
So I'm okay. I'm telling you I feel.

Speaker 2 (11:36):
That jay Z, but just because I feel like he
a big broder situation and try to fix it and
try to fix it like yo, because it initially you
got to think about whether this all.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
Came from it came from we the Big Three.

Speaker 2 (11:52):
They were giving Kendrick his flowers, Kendrick was like, NA,
something wasn't right between that relationship between Drake and Kendrick
I feel like Drake is man enough, and I think
because he hangs around enough athletes to ah, you kick
my ass, bro all right, I'm still great. It doesn't
matter you Lebrony got his ass kicked in finals. People

get that's the problem with in in sport or in entertainment,
especially in our culture. If you take an l does
not mean it's you not good. It's okay to take
an al. Everybody's not the best at everything. And I
think that going against Drake, going against Kendrick, that's a loss.

You can't go against people. You beat me Meal, that's
one one person, but you win against two people, push
your t and them and they beat you. But we
know one thing that they can't say about you. No
matter how people try to talk about the Drake situation,
he is one of the best songmakers of our generation.

Speaker 1 (12:55):
Absolutely, and that's just a fact.

Speaker 2 (12:57):
So his rap, his jersey doesn't come after rapt is
just because he took an ail to Kendrick.

Speaker 1 (13:03):
And you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (13:04):
And I don't even think this to a Kendrick fan,
does this really lift him up more? It just solidifies
in the sense that we he's a better he has
a better skill of rapp than Drake.

Speaker 3 (13:16):
Y'all, Okay, I don't know it's gonna be a moment.

Speaker 1 (13:20):
I think it's gonna be a moment.

Speaker 6 (13:22):
All of this does not negate the fact everybody can
be right. I love how everybody is right.

Speaker 1 (13:27):
I'm gonna be right.

Speaker 6 (13:27):
Okay, that could be the reason whatever. But what I'm
trying to say is, y'all keep overlooking the fact that
the reason Kendrick Lamar is performing is because of the
the at the super Bowl halftime show this year is
because of the success of They Not Like Us.

Speaker 3 (13:45):
Do we agree on that?

Speaker 1 (13:46):

Speaker 6 (13:47):
They Not Like Us is a disc record on Drake, correct, right, Okay,
So what I'm trying to say is the fact that
a man who was who has the power to choose
the former, is picking the person who has a beef
with somebody.

Speaker 2 (14:05):
Exactly why I said it's going to be a moment.
That is to say, what you're saying right now, that
line of thinking is exactly why I said it's going
to be a moment. Jay Z, who likes to keep
everything chill, is going to say, Hey, I'm going to
take this moment to really let him put his foot
on your neck.

Speaker 1 (14:26):
That does it.

Speaker 2 (14:27):
That doesn't align with what I from what I've watched
on the outside of what jay Z does.

Speaker 6 (14:33):
So you think he's gonna take this moment and make
everybody think he's gonna put his foot on his neck
and then unify everybody back and.

Speaker 1 (14:39):
See what come on?

Speaker 6 (14:46):
No, I don't believe Please, I don't believe it. I
don't believe it. I don't believe it. I don't believe
it because and that's what I'm trying to say.

Speaker 1 (14:59):
Move topics, that's ready for you ready.

Speaker 3 (15:05):
It's not even shout out to DJ Head. You gotta
watch TSR line.

Speaker 6 (15:09):
Yes, but I'm not here to fight. It's just the
fact that jay Z's pettiness can be justified due to
the success of they Not Like Us But in no
other world does it. We're a bit of this song
where you call him the man, a pedophile for the

world to know gets the super Bowl the year it's
just unheard of, and you can't act like it ain't
a little bit of you know that that song put
Drake in a very compromising position. You can't sit back
and be like, you know, let me pick the halftime
performer Chris Brown. No, we don't need him, you know,

let's let's let's get Kendrick the one who's who's the
only reason we know he's getting this moment at this
moment because of they not like us, where you diss.

Speaker 1 (15:59):
Them unifies hip hop.

Speaker 3 (16:01):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (16:03):
What I don't understand is why are you so hung
up on that? Like Kendrick got the super Bowl, he
had the biggest record in hip hop of the year,
he made the biggest moment of the year, and even
when he went against Drake, Kanye has tried to go
against Drake. It didn't move the world like this. No,
this is a historical moment and hip hop. So whatever
I did, it's my moment. Let me have my moment

and stop trying to justify why I have the moment
I have. Y'all allegedly out of nowhere that came out
with Oh, Drake was off of the super Bowl twice.
That's like when you tell your friend you got a
new man and girl, he tried to talk to me
in sixth grade.

Speaker 3 (16:38):
Girl, you ain't with him, so.

Speaker 5 (16:40):
He don't matter if he try to talk to you
in sixth grade. We don't need to know that. You
get a new job, you know, I'm planning for that
job twice you didn't get it. So that's what I'm saying.
You acting like the pettiness is all coming from one side. No,
people have been doing stuff to him as well, Like
Kendrick is reacting to things that have been done to
him as well, and it's not his fault that his
reaction just happened to be the biggest moment and hip

hop this year. Now whatever comes with that is what
comes with that, and that's what he's getting. So I
just wish we could allow Kendrick to have this mommy
because he earned it. It'll be different if you know,
we was having a fist fight and I shot you.

Speaker 3 (17:11):
No, we were having a fist.

Speaker 5 (17:12):
Fight and I just happened to whoop your ass, So
I can't you It's not my father.

Speaker 3 (17:16):
I wanted to fight. That's just what it is. I don't.

Speaker 5 (17:18):
I love little Wayne. Y'all know that I love Little Wayne,
But to see him come out and put that video
out was so weak, Like, what are you doing?

Speaker 6 (17:29):
Bro? You literally?

Speaker 1 (17:30):
What you are you gonna be? Are you gonna be
a nurturer? Be a game?

Speaker 3 (17:36):
I'm trying to.

Speaker 5 (17:37):
Get my life right. That's like my business outfit because
I'm trying to do wrong.

Speaker 1 (17:43):
He was. But this is why I'm telling you follow
the bread crumbs.

Speaker 2 (17:52):
Since as many times as our father Brad bread Crumbs
from the Lady, Drake comes out and says, hey, I
was off of the Super Ball a couple of times.
He's already telling you that jay Z if he was
offered the super Bowl when jay Z was in charge
of it, why did jay Z don't have nothing against Drake?
The only person that I agree with it. I think

that jay Z might have a little like, uh that
is against it's against Stunner because that one time, maybe
when Stunner was talking crazy about jay Z about the
money and all of that stuff, we ain't having more
money and all those different things. I think that's probably
the only way person that he feels weird about. He
probably feel the weird that Stunner let that man running
fourteen million dollars in taxes and he had to he

had to save him, and Stunner didn't save save him.
That's just a fact. Follow the bread crumb system. It's
gonna be a moment for hip hop. I told yall
he say.

Speaker 6 (18:45):
It's gonna be a moment I just want to follow
the bread crumbs to the the ad. He's still dissing Drake,
So I.

Speaker 2 (18:51):
Know that's that's the that's the that's the gassing up.
So when you see the moment, when you see them,
you want to I can see in your eyes.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
I see it. I'm telling you. It does not make
sense all of this stuff. I said.

Speaker 2 (19:05):
That was like, so, so jay Z is going to
get even though thise to big, He's gonna perpetuate more
black on black bulls on the biggest stage. What So,
you're gonna let us let crazy on each other in
front of the whites, the most whites, But.

Speaker 1 (19:23):
You're gonna let us go crazy on each other.

Speaker 3 (19:25):
That's hip hop.

Speaker 6 (19:26):
I don't even know.

Speaker 1 (19:27):
I just don't.

Speaker 6 (19:27):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (19:29):
It's it's hip hop, bro Like no.

Speaker 1 (19:32):
It's it's hip hop.

Speaker 5 (19:33):
But it's still ours to be on the biggest stage,
right in front of company.

Speaker 3 (19:39):
We ain't got to act right in front of company.
They ain't acting right for us.

Speaker 5 (19:43):
It's the biggest stage. That's my biggest record. I'm performing
it and I'm gonna walk across my living room and
I'm gonna dance with my drinking the air because Kendrick
is doing this Bowl.

Speaker 3 (19:53):
He earned it, y'all.

Speaker 1 (19:55):
Craig and j col coming out on it. I even
believe it even more, I believe it.

Speaker 2 (20:02):
Listen to listen to y'all say all of your stuff
makes me realize that Jake, Cole and Drake are coming
out on the Super Bowl.

Speaker 1 (20:11):
Why here on the biggest safe.

Speaker 6 (20:12):
My biggest thing, my whole life. And I guess I
had to sit back and figure out why I was upset.

Speaker 3 (20:20):
Yeah, why are you? And it's not being a hater
U with me.

Speaker 6 (20:23):
It's not the reason I'm that And I have never
I have no problem with people going at it, Kenny Beef. No,
I think my issue I have always my whole life
took taken up for a person who's getting jumped, or
taken up for the person who people like ganging up
on them because they couldn't beat them one on one,
and that bothers me.

Speaker 3 (20:42):
I think that's what bothers my soul.

Speaker 6 (20:43):
When the whole the thing started out with my favorite,
my favorite rapper and Kendrick coming at them. You know
it started, Let's just be real, it started with the
pop off the future Okay, future metro booming two to
that's two on one. Then Kendrick burset that was you know,
he want to Kendrick want at all to smoke. Rick
Ross jumped in Ya dropped the verse. All these uh

he had to go against Asap Rocky, he had to go.
I mean it seemed like the industry, all niggas that
have made records with him, who they thing in? Okay,
now they all got verse. So Drake song, he ain't
even going to just Kendrick. He got lines for everybody
because everybody's attacking. They jumping on the guy. White Down
didn't like that. I think that's Cornyan don't like people
get jumped. So then it finally got into a one

on one after I've already been jumped. Now I gotta
fight you one on one and got his ass destroyed rightfully,
So Kendrick dropped. Did did Drake better than Drake with
they not like us a hit record? Boom?

Speaker 3 (21:36):
Now as it's still going, it's still going up at
the end.

Speaker 6 (21:40):
Now, it's like to me, it feels like unless it's
a unity moment, it feels like Drake jay Z comes,
let me kick you in the head. Now we're gonna
make it the biggest thing in the world. That's why
I don't. It doesn't feel.

Speaker 3 (21:50):
Good to me even were even gonna keep this and
we're gonna use Apple and this too.

Speaker 5 (21:58):
It's just it's been my defense for Drake since this
whole thing started, that I didn't like how people were
jumping him. But my question to you is, if everybody
in the room got a problem with you, you think
they just woke up and decided to have a problem,
or maybe maybe you're doing stuff and people are reacting

to what you're doing. Everybody ain't lying. We're looking at Diddy.
Everybody ain't lying, Honey.

Speaker 6 (22:26):
We ain't no victims in this. Ain't no hold on,
let's talk about it. Ain't no victims in this, Kiki.
If it was if you Rick Ross, if you have
a problem with me, you should have been said something.
You had a problem with me, I should have been
said something. All these people who jumping in jumped in
because they couldn't beat him one way, so they what

I said.

Speaker 5 (22:48):
So what I'm saying is, it's not innocent, bro. Ain't
nobody whooping your ass for no reason. There is a
reason when somebody like Kendrick comes lost. When somebody like
Kendrick come out and speak against you. There is a reason. So, yes,
everybody don't have a boss to come at you at once.

They they suck us. They they I want to call
him something else. They weak for that. But we're talking
about Kendrick. Kendrick is not beefing with Drake over nothing.
It's not so Drake ain't anything. It ain't it ain't.

Speaker 3 (23:20):
Everybody just jumped on Drake. Drake had to be shooting
to do something for people.

Speaker 6 (23:24):
That what I'm saying is, don't shoot back when it
got you in the corner with the bullets your head.
I'm not talking about Kendrick. I said, Kendrick won the battle.
Kendrick went one on one Kendrick many times.

Speaker 2 (23:36):
I think y'all both talking, y'all moving the goal post
a lot between the whole conversations, y'all moving the goal
post a lot. Kigg is just basically saying, hey, some
had to make everybody once this.

Speaker 1 (23:48):
What's what's the water the damn broke.

Speaker 2 (23:52):
Everybody jumped on Drake because Drake probably had been doing
something that was That's that's what Keiki was saying. Everybody
and all of a sudden just have a problem with
you like Hey, it was because they had already had
a problem with.

Speaker 5 (24:03):
You, and even some of them, I think they were
people are jumping here because he's just the biggest, the biggest, right.

Speaker 3 (24:09):
And about Kendrick.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
Kendrick, Yeah, Kendrick was just I think you said.

Speaker 6 (24:16):
You can handle this business, went on one and handled
his business. He said, Hey, I'm talking about everybody getting
these licks in or trying to get them wildly down.
I don't like and I feel like the Super Bowl
is one of those moments where I'm gonna get my
head in.

Speaker 3 (24:29):
I don't think it's happened, and it may not be,
but that's why I don't think it's happened, but hopefully
happened and then reunited.

Speaker 1 (24:35):
I hope. So it's.

Speaker 2 (24:38):
I can't believe that jay Z is gonna I can't
dis record on the Super Bowl.

Speaker 5 (24:45):
I think so sorry for you because you are always
the one to blame. It's always your problem with these people.
What y'all just blame? I mean, everybody blames jay Z
for everything blame. I'm not blaming you get out there
and performed not like us, then you How could jay
Z let him disrespect another man like that at the
Super Bowl.

Speaker 2 (25:04):
Like I will feel I will feel I will I
wouldn't I I would be like damn because in my
way and my thing, I'm same with what Zach said.

Speaker 1 (25:13):
I get it. It's the biggest seven hip hop I
get it. I get it. But my thought is, hey,
all right, you want to beef. It's over with.

Speaker 2 (25:22):
It's kind of like it's kind of like a NAS
and jay Z ether is crazy. Everybody like it. NAS
does not allowed that to be played. They made up.
It's over with. It was they was over with. That's
what I'm saying. They going to He comes from that,
and now at that time NAS and jay z going

at it. Bro's a thing, the same way Kendrick and
Drake is.

Speaker 1 (25:47):
This was a thing.

Speaker 2 (25:48):
I'm telling you they're gonna take this moment in front
of the world and apologize. Well, they gonna just make up.
Nobody's gonna apologize. They just gonna be like, hey man,
it's over with. Watch now. What's not over now that
I can move on is Diddy and the sex trafficking, racketeering,
and kidnapping charges.

Speaker 1 (26:09):
He was indicted.

Speaker 2 (26:09):
Now they say they picked him up early for some
other reason. Uh, I think it's because he forgot to
get that ballet one way fast enough. It was like
he tried to get a bout of here. They got
they got to grab him up. When y'all see this,
this is the part that gets me. Well, first of all, Kiki,
we know you're an expert on sex traffic. You've read
the ex you read the definition of Excuse me, you

gotta reframel.

Speaker 1 (26:37):
No, no.

Speaker 3 (26:39):
Party in my life.

Speaker 2 (26:41):
I don't know what you're talking about. You know how
to sex traffic trafficking? Seriously, Oh, let me.

Speaker 3 (26:48):
Just enlighten you people.

Speaker 6 (26:53):
That's the sex traffic.

Speaker 5 (26:55):
The definition of sex trafficking is the crime of using force,
fraud or hurt. I can't say that word to induce
another individual to sell sex.

Speaker 1 (27:08):
You think he used that force fraud to sell sex? Though?

Speaker 2 (27:13):
I do?

Speaker 1 (27:14):
You think it was he having them sex?

Speaker 3 (27:16):
No, but he was buying sex. There's prostitutes in there.
You can do that.

Speaker 1 (27:21):
You can.

Speaker 6 (27:22):
You can't worker, not.

Speaker 1 (27:24):
Legally, not legally. Only in the vata, you know.

Speaker 6 (27:28):
Because that's.

Speaker 3 (27:30):
In the batta.

Speaker 6 (27:31):
You can do it so fast.

Speaker 2 (27:37):
Everybody knows if you ever walked the strip in the batter,
they had them little dudes out there hands. You're little
they'll be doing this with They'll be flicking the little
cards and they give you come on, you act like.

Speaker 1 (27:47):
You walk the strip.

Speaker 5 (27:48):
You told me I'm the sex trafficking expert. Sounds like
you are.

Speaker 1 (27:54):
I didn't know prostitution is legal, Like why were people?

Speaker 2 (27:59):
And I've always wonder why do people participate in prostitution
outside of legal places that.

Speaker 1 (28:05):
You could do it? Are not get in trouble because
ain't not there?

Speaker 6 (28:08):
That's why that's true. Looking buy it right here. If
you can smoke, you can smoke weed legally in uh, Colorado,
before you could in Illinois, but you didn't fly to Colorado.
Every time you want to hear the blood.

Speaker 1 (28:19):
I know you're right.

Speaker 2 (28:21):
Hell but okay, so it's said shandit he comes is
now a criminal defendant and sex trafficking, racketeering and kidnapping
case after a grand jury and died of him. Now indictment.
Can we look at that word indictment? I want to
I want to make sure, all right, because my thought
of indictment is like they got enough on you.

Speaker 6 (28:41):
To arrest you.

Speaker 5 (28:42):
They a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime, so.

Speaker 1 (28:48):
That we need a lawyer.

Speaker 3 (28:50):
It's a charge I mean it's a charge, got charge. Okay,
can we look up lawyer? Right? What are we doing?

Speaker 1 (28:57):
Let's have skinny, dude, I want to punch oh man?

Speaker 2 (29:04):
All right, So I mean exactly when you hear about it,
it's a lot in here, man, corrosion, prostitution. I mean,
I'm kidnapping, arson, bribery, obstruction of justice, narcotics.

Speaker 3 (29:19):
I mean, I'm telling you what jumped out to me.

Speaker 6 (29:21):
All the other stuff that we that we heard that
were in the indictment we have heard, we have seen before.
The only thing I hadn't seen was a thousand bottles
a baby, Come on, yes, a thousand bottles of loop.

Speaker 1 (29:33):
One thing about it.

Speaker 6 (29:34):
You ain't gonna dry out it, no freak out. Ain't
no drying out baby, Get the baby, Hell, get the
loop Jesus Christ. A thousand over a thousand bottles slock?

Speaker 3 (29:51):
You know how slippery? Oh my god, s.

Speaker 6 (30:00):
Like slide lock across that room.

Speaker 1 (30:10):
What are I gonna do with the freaking what did?

Speaker 6 (30:13):
You ain't gonna dry out and.

Speaker 1 (30:19):
Drying out?

Speaker 3 (30:21):
Oh my god, please ain't.

Speaker 6 (30:24):
Non stop it?

Speaker 1 (30:26):
Know what that was? That was the everything slides? Wait
a minute, where do the glasses going on?

Speaker 3 (30:32):
We were in court.

Speaker 1 (30:33):
Okay, so now you got your lawyer glasses.

Speaker 2 (30:36):
Kid, Come on, when you heard it, you had it
like you're like narcotics, narcotics, we expect narcotics.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
You prostitution, You.

Speaker 2 (30:44):
Expect some of that stuff to go on in celebrity
lamb Yes, and guns. You narcotics and guns go with
celebrities like I don't know, like I guess too, but
you got it. A thousand bottles, bro or baby or
Libi's wild work, that's very wild.

Speaker 6 (31:01):
Over a thousand bottles.

Speaker 3 (31:02):
I'm with that.

Speaker 6 (31:03):
And then let me tell you how something. Have you
ever had a bottle of loup the very small thousand bottles?
Thousand about lube? Small, baby or big go to the lube?

Speaker 2 (31:14):
Broo Kiki acting like ship we're talking to he was
like everybody.

Speaker 3 (31:20):
Said, I'm trying to paint the picture.

Speaker 1 (31:22):
You know how that drawer Kicky that year.

Speaker 5 (31:25):
I haven't reached that age yet. I don't you know
stuff still automatically. You know what I'm saying, work, you
know what I'm saying, Like.

Speaker 3 (31:39):
Now you know you're going wrong, baby, that's how.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
You don't see it wrong.

Speaker 6 (31:49):
I don't know about the dry out.

Speaker 1 (31:52):
I mean you think Diddy, no one we know.

Speaker 2 (31:55):
Russell Simmons is probably one of the smartest dudes to
ever get jammed up in the city. He got the
hell on and left and then come back at all.
Russ said, you gotta come see me. If you won't
see me, you know where I'm at. Period. That is
that is wild.

Speaker 1 (32:12):
I'm I mean, do you think that he's going to jail,
Kiki going?

Speaker 2 (32:16):
He already there, but I think convicted and stank he's there.

Speaker 3 (32:20):
He's there.

Speaker 5 (32:20):
And unfortunately, when it happens like that, it ain't ain't
no turning back. The fas ain't wasting the funds to
come get you like that. And yeah, Diddy should.

Speaker 3 (32:30):
Have went over. I mean he if he was gonna run,
he had he should have been ran.

Speaker 6 (32:33):
Because it's over with.

Speaker 3 (32:35):
It's off with.

Speaker 5 (32:35):
I feel like r Kelly was sitting there like, you
know what I'm saying, welcome brother.

Speaker 3 (32:41):
You know it's it's not it.

Speaker 1 (32:44):
No other way.

Speaker 3 (32:45):
I mean, it's over. It's over with.

Speaker 5 (32:48):
And all the people that have been accused with him,
because they haven't, I don't think that they're done picking
people up yet. You know what I'm saying, Stevie J
better get him a little spirit flight allegedly. You know
few other people that was around the need to go
ahead and book a flight. But I think when they
start picking up people, it's gonna get even worse for
Diddy because all those people who he think he has

bought over the years and that are loyal to him,
they're gonna start telling, They're gonna start confirming what the
affairs already know, and it's just not gonna work out.
And it's crazy how this has all happened in the
month of Tupac that.

Speaker 2 (33:25):
You know, you would connect some there, you with the
lady lady, you know, with the ladies.

Speaker 3 (33:33):
Yeah, you got too.

Speaker 1 (33:34):
You know.

Speaker 5 (33:34):
It's just when you think about it and you like,
it's really it's so unfortunate. But it's like, you can't
just do you can't do stuff like this and just
live life.

Speaker 3 (33:44):
I don't care how rich and powerful you are. You
will have your day.

Speaker 5 (33:48):
So for everybody else is out there being weird and
abusive and crazy, it's gonna they coming.

Speaker 3 (33:57):
Your day coming, baby.

Speaker 1 (33:59):
That's that's.

Speaker 2 (34:01):
But for dudes my age that have you know, grew
up watching Diddy this whole thing, it's wild now you
did being in this business. Then you start hearing things
about Diddy. You hear things, but you're just like, okay, cool.
You know, you hear stuff about a lot of people.
But to actually see it happening, like you said, I mean,

I just didn't want to say it like that because
I just hate seeing people go to jail.

Speaker 1 (34:26):
I mean.

Speaker 2 (34:26):
And it's not the fact that he doesn't deserve might
not deserve, it's just it's hard sometimes to separate. Dang,
this is Diddy. This is a dude that did all
of these things for culture. And then you got to
now we got to look at him as a monster.
It was the same way people feel about R Kelly.
R Kelly provided so much joy for people, but you

just had now you're looking at it and opened a
book on him. You're like, damn, it's a wild it's
really really wild to see what's happening with him. Next
question is this, though, how many people are you thinking
gonna go down?

Speaker 1 (35:03):
You think it's gonna be the inner circle?

Speaker 2 (35:05):
Do you think it's gonna be some people that we
get the pull out of the woodwork.

Speaker 1 (35:10):
We're like, oh, we ain't know you were I think
that's gonna happen.

Speaker 3 (35:16):
Let me tell you something if you participated in them.

Speaker 6 (35:19):
Thousand bottles of thousand bottles of baby'll coming for you
if you open one. You opened up more than two
bottles of that loud.

Speaker 3 (35:31):
Commercials go back when they put them on the lawyers
did the commercial?

Speaker 7 (35:36):
Were you at a diddy party? Were you a part
of a freak off? Were you forced to bathe and
lou baby? Oh my god, if so, call such and such.

Speaker 6 (35:51):
Compensation when you slide across.

Speaker 1 (35:59):

Speaker 2 (36:01):
That's not funny, y'all, y'all bogus people really was hurt by.

Speaker 6 (36:08):
This that you fall because it's so much baby, or
you could not get it off, you please call a compensation.
This dude is all That's who I know. All I
know is it's the phones man. That's what God got
loved up. I just can't get past the baby.

Speaker 1 (36:28):
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (36:29):
Maybe I was anticipating all this other stuff, but the
baby all blew me. If they always put something in
the court case on purpose just to make me laugh,
they do. They always just put that, And they didn't
have to say that in the press conference. And we
confiscated a thousand bottles of baby. That's a lot of bait.

Speaker 3 (36:48):
That's like when they had time.

Speaker 1 (36:50):
I don't know all people.

Speaker 6 (36:54):
You know.

Speaker 1 (36:56):
This is I wanted to.

Speaker 6 (36:57):
I had a little bit of babyl on you. It
is the hardest thing ever to get on you know
how shiny you are? Off a little just just a
few drops.

Speaker 2 (37:07):
If you shiny, you can't have baby as an adult
like when you got baby on when you got kids.
You kind of hate it a little bit because it
always goes everywhere. I messed up a Ganga shirt with
my kids, like I like, it's just I can stand it.
I hated baby is a wild thing. To have it

around like that. It is crazy. It's crazy, all right?

Speaker 6 (37:33):
No babies with no baby?

Speaker 2 (37:36):

Speaker 1 (37:37):
Let me? Oh yeah. I saw something on on.

Speaker 2 (37:40):
Instagram where Charles White was speaking about Woody and who.

Speaker 6 (37:48):
I didn't know none of these names. Who's Who's Charles
Charleston White, Charleston White, the little okay? And he was
talking about why what wood is?

Speaker 1 (38:00):

Speaker 6 (38:00):
I gotcha?

Speaker 1 (38:00):
All right? Cool?

Speaker 6 (38:01):
I'm here?

Speaker 1 (38:01):
Am I talking to? Who were talking to?

Speaker 6 (38:05):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (38:07):
I don't know him. I wasn't paying to teach attention.
Neither one of y'all saw like whatever he did, I
don't know.

Speaker 6 (38:16):
I don't know, I lost it. I just didn't know
who Charles White was because you called him Charles. That's
first thing I think I called him, and then you
call him Woody, And for some reason I called him.
Why I said Woody in my mind?

Speaker 5 (38:27):
Oh wow, that's that's his south Side.

Speaker 1 (38:30):
Yeah, that's.

Speaker 2 (38:33):
Why I sell Woodie. Now he they were saying, because
then you say why I sell Woody? So you know
who I'm talking about had immunity? You say he had
so he could just go up.

Speaker 1 (38:43):
And just talk.

Speaker 6 (38:44):
I think that's why he has to testify because they
gave immunity.

Speaker 1 (38:47):
Okay. So they were saying Charleston White was like, yo,
why he said? Why I sell Woody? Is the is
the dude?

Speaker 2 (38:56):
He the real He the real guy like he was
like he was like everybody was talking about thug and
all of these different people. They was like, that's the
that's the dangerous dude. That's what do you see.

Speaker 6 (39:10):
That you didn't notice that he's dangerous.

Speaker 1 (39:12):
I didn't. I didn't. I really had.

Speaker 6 (39:14):
I don't know much about Woody, okay, but if you
look at him, you can tell that he's one of
them guys that you don't play with. I believe that
he looks like one of them guys that you be like, yep,
he'll do it.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
But you know what, the thing is a lot of
times for me, I try to stay away from court cases.
I just they just because it's it's really people look
at people's court cases, and they comment on people's court cases,
and they talk about people's court cases so randomly, and
and for you know, I really don't say nothing about
him because that's people lives.

Speaker 1 (39:46):
I don't see.

Speaker 2 (39:46):
I didn't, you know, some of my friends had got
some real numbers, So I just like, those numbers come
with consequences, So I just don't even Its just it's
a nasty feeling to even watch that. But they were like,
they were saying that Boosie has never said a word
about call of Woody a snitch. He said, what he's
up there telling everything talking about it because of course
he's got immunity. And they were like, because Woody is

one of the most dangerous people that you're gonna ever
run into.

Speaker 3 (40:13):
Now, how Boosy get there?

Speaker 1 (40:15):
Charleston White said it you know him, And.

Speaker 6 (40:17):
I guess because Boosy talks about a lot of people
being snitchy or whatever.

Speaker 3 (40:22):
I think this whole conversation is out of my jurisdiction.

Speaker 1 (40:25):

Speaker 6 (40:25):
I think this whole conversation is out of my jurisdiction. Okay, cool,
because I don't know where. Because you know, once you
start talking about what Charleston White said, none you great
about Booty in it, then we're talking about Woody. Then
we're talking about the All we know is wood He
got immunity to speak freely, you know what I'm saying.
He can speak freely, you know, and he has to testify.
That's why they keep bringing him back. Thug still trying

to get off Freak the Ug. Hopefully he does, because
it just seemed like they've wasted our time. He doesne
already did what two years? Has he done? Two years?

Speaker 1 (40:56):

Speaker 3 (40:56):
I feel like it's been longer than that.

Speaker 8 (40:58):

Speaker 1 (40:59):
Yeah, it's crazy. It's a crazy situation.

Speaker 3 (41:02):
Let him, Like, y'all got to make a decision.

Speaker 6 (41:05):
I mean, people, if you got to bring up all
these people in this court case got to be this long,
and you gotta pick the right jerry. It took so
long to pick the right jerry go through this and
then interview this person, and if y'all haven't figured it out,
yet you ain't got it. Let him go. This is
a state case's quit using the state's resources right now.

Kids in Georgia, everybody ain't even got books. But y'all
got time to question young Thug and Woody.

Speaker 3 (41:31):
All day while he played with y'all the whole time.
The whole time. They asked that man, did you shoot
it in the air?

Speaker 6 (41:37):
He said, I never shoot my gun at God. That's
how you know he probably could be a good rapper
because his stuff be coming off quick. Then he told
the He said, Thug, was you into it with uh?
He asked Thug, asking him, I said, y'all don't see
this man's playing in y'all face, yep, And we just

gonna keep interviewing. We just gonna keep putting up.

Speaker 3 (42:00):
It's a show.

Speaker 1 (42:00):
At this point. That was when I heard it.

Speaker 2 (42:03):
He said that that was probably one of the funniest
things I heard ever.

Speaker 3 (42:07):
I would shoot my gun, remember even shooting in the
l I don't remember none of that.

Speaker 6 (42:12):
He said. They's like, but you said this to the police,
He said, I tell the police anything. I just be talking,
he said, I be lying. He said, I just be
talking to get y'all off me.

Speaker 1 (42:22):

Speaker 3 (42:22):
Y'all want to say he said whatever to get.

Speaker 6 (42:25):
Y'all away from me.

Speaker 5 (42:26):
But I do wonder if he's the most dangerous, why
are they wasting their time going after young thug exactly?

Speaker 3 (42:32):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (42:34):
I don't know if the richest and the most famous. Okay,
so he had the most power and.

Speaker 3 (42:37):
Brings the most power. That's why they built.

Speaker 6 (42:41):
The case around Thug being the ring leader of this
scott Erist gang. They built it on that. They even
got Gunner in it, right, They even locked up Gunning.

Speaker 3 (42:51):
And everybody know Gunn is an artist, Yes he is.

Speaker 1 (42:57):
It's a bad case. It's a bad case, have bad case.

Speaker 2 (43:00):
But I watched it, but I was just like when
Charleston White was talking about it, I was just like,
I didn't I had to go back and remember. I
was like, Okay, that makes sense, that makes sense. Shout
out to them, man, I hope everything works out. Let's
go ahead and keep it moving. We lost a lot
of people, man, we keep losing people all the time.
We lost Tito Jackson from your home state, Gary, Indiana,

home city, Tito.

Speaker 3 (43:23):
I don't know how the city gonna recovering.

Speaker 1 (43:26):

Speaker 6 (43:26):
That be tough. It's been a few weeks, a couple
of days holding it together.

Speaker 3 (43:30):
Yeah, man, why don't.

Speaker 2 (43:39):
This jack Why don't Gary put a statue up of
the Jackson five?

Speaker 6 (43:43):
We got a mirror up. Don't come.

Speaker 3 (43:46):
I'm sorry, I'm I'm never.

Speaker 1 (43:49):
You can't even go to Geary.

Speaker 3 (43:50):
I love Gary, I love beautiful place.

Speaker 6 (43:53):
Always gonna be on your I live not far, so
let me shut up.

Speaker 3 (43:57):
They're gonna ride.

Speaker 1 (43:58):
You know you're being had. You go to what's the
dame of that?

Speaker 3 (44:01):
I just went the other day, Yo, Philly take Place.
Shout out to Joey's good.

Speaker 1 (44:08):
You know.

Speaker 3 (44:08):
They stopped cooking them on Sundays. They said they had
to let the oven cool down.

Speaker 5 (44:13):
Sounds like something in Gary, Indiana together India.

Speaker 1 (44:18):
They're gonna slide on. You don't let them slide.

Speaker 6 (44:21):
They stopped cooking on Sundays because of tone, because of
the town. All they got is the Italian nice is
on Sundays.

Speaker 2 (44:26):

Speaker 3 (44:27):
I went there on Sunday looking for Philly es. I
don't forget this cheese.

Speaker 6 (44:30):
They was like, no, we don't cook on Sunday because
they said degree will be overheating. And they didn't cooked
on it all week, so they just let give it
a day the rest.

Speaker 3 (44:39):
Okay, but y'all go support them.

Speaker 6 (44:42):
Because I love them.

Speaker 3 (44:44):
Might go today.

Speaker 1 (44:45):
Okay, you know what you got? Anybody got anything else?

Speaker 5 (44:48):
Okay, Tone, I would like to apologize to you because
you told us.

Speaker 3 (44:53):
Shannon Sharp was lying. You told us that you.

Speaker 5 (44:57):
Said that Shannon Sharp all head lived and I said, no,
Toe just don't know how to use social media. On
ass line, I now agree with you. I think Shannon
Shark was lying the whole time. This man is selling
t shirts, okay, talking about that's my Michelle.

Speaker 3 (45:18):
I think every woman named Michelle in the.

Speaker 5 (45:19):
Country need to sue his ass because why would you
do that? Like we Yeah, so I agree with you
now on that.

Speaker 2 (45:26):
Thank you, Thank you, Just like y'all going with when
this moment happens at the Super Bowl, y'all gonna all
look at me and be like, Tone, you right, I
said it. I know it's to be true. The fact
that about it is Shannon Shark. It takes too many
live like live is a whole other crazy thing, like
I went live accidentally.

Speaker 1 (45:46):
It's the nastiest lie.

Speaker 2 (45:49):
Like I tried to go live out accident a couple
of times just to see if it works.

Speaker 6 (45:53):
No, let me see, it's too many steps. Do you
have to go to lines?

Speaker 3 (45:58):
Let me see if I just had to be already
on it.

Speaker 6 (46:00):
Let me see.

Speaker 2 (46:01):
You gotta open it. You gotta open it. The phone
gotta open. Then you gotta go to your Instagram app.
Instagram does just open up automatically when you open your
phone up. But if it was already open, okay, let's
just say the app's already open and you unlock your phone.

Speaker 3 (46:17):
I'm not ready to say that unk line yet.

Speaker 6 (46:19):
I can't.

Speaker 3 (46:20):
I can't.

Speaker 5 (46:22):
You don't drop a T shirt line that quick. You
ain't even know you do it. No, people, he got
mercht with the merch thing.

Speaker 3 (46:31):
I see what you're saying. I'm almost there, but I
ain't there yet.

Speaker 6 (46:34):
A lot of people who have a viral moment hurry
up and put merch out the next day. They do
it immediately when they have a viral moment, you know
what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (46:48):
And everybody trying to say that, oh yeah, it's about
him trying to prove that he not gay.

Speaker 1 (46:54):
I don't think it's that. I don't think it's that.

Speaker 2 (46:56):
I think it's I think the simple fact of it is,
you tried to do it, and you you you know
how tired it is. I try to do it. We
know how tired it is. Exactly what make content and
trying to keep creating content, especially when you on that level.
Imagine the stress you got you didn't hit. Let's just

say this around number. You make a piece of content,
that HiT's a meal. You do another piece of content,
you make another meal, you hit another piece of content,
you make another meal. But now you just did Let's
say you did another three and they start, the numbers
have started. It's not a meal no more. It's like

maybe four hundred, three hundred two. And you see your
numbers going down. You feeling stressed. You try to make
a moment to bring people back.

Speaker 6 (47:47):
In to far and that's the thing, too far. Because
I just don't think I hate y'all.

Speaker 7 (47:59):
I don't.

Speaker 1 (48:00):
Man, he's right.

Speaker 3 (48:04):
One time he started doing all philosophy.

Speaker 5 (48:08):
They said, see when I told y'all that if Chaddon
was doing that, this man just had a great interview
with Marlon Wallims.

Speaker 3 (48:15):
I don't think it was.

Speaker 6 (48:17):
A number thing. I just think I heard from attention.

Speaker 5 (48:20):
Yeah, I don't know what it was, but it was
definitely on purpose.

Speaker 6 (48:25):
If it is, in my opinion, seventeen Okay, First of all,
it's not an attention thing. He just did seventeen million
with Marlon Wayans before that, before that Cat Williams. His success,
he hasn't. That's this is his third job is oh
show and the show that he do Nightcap. You know
what I'm saying. He's on ESPN regularly. He has no
issues with attention. We talk about all the time. It's

not likens like I.

Speaker 1 (48:50):
Mean, his content is going crazy. Marlon Wayne is.

Speaker 6 (48:53):
If it's any reason, if it's any reason to stage it,
which I'm not saying this stage I still believe. But
if it's any reason to stage it, it's to get
rid of those gay rumors.

Speaker 3 (49:02):
That's what makes the most sense. The man has been
getting dragged.

Speaker 6 (49:05):
On social media about his sexuality ever since he got
out that truck with them hips. And I know, see
you he got two hip replacements. You only got one.
I have never seen you walk like that. Okay, he
had the hips, he had the straps that they got
to understand the stuff astand but also the stuff I'm

just talking about what the people were saying, the stylists
that they called his boyfriend. He's dealing with that court
side and all of that. He even fired his stylists
because the allegations got too hot. He ended up firing dude.
I don't know why they fired, but he don't work
with him no more, the guy who was the stylist.
So what I'm trying to say is these things that
we may not think about that long, Like we see

a headline and then keep going it's something that may
have really bothered him and he if it is fake,
that would be the reason to do it, is to
prove your sexuality.

Speaker 3 (49:56):
That's why he had to make sure to have a
name yep, like Michelle, Yeah, that's yeah, that's what we're
gonna do.

Speaker 6 (50:01):
We gonna call it for me. I feel like it
couldn't be Brian, if it couldn't be hearing the unisex names.

Speaker 1 (50:06):
You cared too much about that.

Speaker 2 (50:09):
I guess him caring about the sexuality part of the
whole thing was.

Speaker 1 (50:13):
Probably like okay, cool.

Speaker 2 (50:14):
But like even Joe Budden said, he was like, people
hearing that ain't gonna stop saying that. No way, anyway,
They're not gonna stop saying that about you.

Speaker 1 (50:23):
What Okay, we heard.

Speaker 6 (50:24):
You and he gave in too quick, and now that
I started to think about it as soon as the
video came out, Okay, you got me. It was me.

Speaker 3 (50:30):
That's what I.

Speaker 6 (50:32):
Six with a woman. I was engaging in activities. You okay,
it's me. You ever played hide and seek with a toddler? Yep,
and they just take hide, but they want you to
catch them because they like when you Okay, you got me.

Speaker 1 (50:46):
You know what.

Speaker 6 (50:47):
I will address this on my live. It's me sh
shark and I was having six with a woman out loud,
and everybody here think he was saying his act like
I was engaging in healthy man acted yeah, because you
know't get it in. Yeah, you know, Joe, I throw
it down. He was too happy, Thank you he did.

He was a little happy about it that I needed it.
Many'll might be tell you it.

Speaker 1 (51:13):
Was a lie.

Speaker 2 (51:14):
I knew it was a lie, and y'all trying to like,
I'm like, this is the simple logistics of it.

Speaker 1 (51:19):
I said it was a lie.

Speaker 2 (51:20):
Now, somebody had to stole your phone and you had
and that's an old video.

Speaker 1 (51:25):
Maybe I believe that.

Speaker 2 (51:26):
I believe that somebody hacked your phone, But going on lie,
it's too much of a step by step process. I
know the people on Instagram when he told that, Lie,
I was like, they're all laughing, like this, dude, lie
the lying I want to think. I don't want to
think it's because he's trying to hide the sexuality. I like, whatever, Bro,

I just think that he ran it. I think the
money probably, Like I don't think that I need the
pressure of being because I've seen people and this is
and the pressure of fame, the pressure of this business,
the pressure of being people do some stupid ship and y'all,
y'all both has.

Speaker 6 (52:10):
It's a million ways he could get more attention to
his platform if that's what he wanted. Can say something crazy,
he go viral all the time. I don't think it
was an attention thing. I just don't. This man's on ESPN,
every one of the biggest networks on the on the
largest show, first take every week.

Speaker 1 (52:26):
I'm saying video.

Speaker 6 (52:28):
I'm just saying that. I'm telling you this to give
you the reason of why attention is not. It's the
least of his worries. He's on ESPN, the largest show,
the biggest show on ESPN every day Monday and two
days a week. His his videos go viral. His interviews
go viral all the time. It's been his year attention.
Ain't The thing is, I don't like this narrative of

me being a gay man, and I'm not even I
don't even think that's what knock him that you gotta
go all the way in. I don't want to hear
you have sex. We brother see you with the hose.
That's all you have to do. If you want to
dispel anyth you gotta pop out with the hose and

don't be out with no chicks. You know what I'm saying.
When you if I see you pop out, think about it. Tom,
That don't mean nothing.

Speaker 2 (53:17):
Just so you don't mean mean anything in mirror, are
closer than your thing all the time.

Speaker 6 (53:26):
But usually when you can't tie a woman to a man,
that's when those rumors start going. If every time y'all
saw me pop out, it was where the dude with
a sweater tide across his waist and I'm at the
game sitting courtside with him, y'all gonna be like, Yeah,
I don't know, I don't know. No women would be

with but he'd be with that dude. He'd be with
his style. That's his stylist. You know what I'm saying,
that's like your auntie bringing that her roommate to Thanksgiving
with the buzz cut.

Speaker 1 (53:58):
Maybe you don't like to show us, you know, you
don't like to show us treats.

Speaker 6 (54:01):
That's okay.

Speaker 1 (54:02):
I'm not saying some super famous kiki. Why you over there.

Speaker 5 (54:05):
Because I love I mean, I just I wish you
would just I know what you're trying to do for
Shannon Shark, but it is, you know what, I'm right,
You were right that he was lying, and Zach is
right on the reason.

Speaker 1 (54:16):
And that's okay.

Speaker 5 (54:17):
And that's okay because Shannon Shark were gonna love you
either way.

Speaker 3 (54:22):
But when you drop them shirts, I.

Speaker 2 (54:24):
Was like, oh, I hope you heard me. I heard
you heard my boys in your head like I'm my
k I know for sure.

Speaker 3 (54:29):
I started to text you, but I didn't want to
put it in writing because I don't.

Speaker 6 (54:32):
Need you to go crazy. Le me telling you that's.

Speaker 1 (54:36):
That's mamachell.

Speaker 6 (54:37):
He really sold, that's mama.

Speaker 1 (54:38):
Yes, yes, bro, and we have a ball.

Speaker 2 (54:40):
Another dude's dirty talk. You're weirdo.

Speaker 6 (54:43):
Yeah, you're a weird dude.

Speaker 1 (54:45):
We we are weird man ooh that's mama.

Speaker 2 (54:48):
Unless your wife's Michelle, right, that kind of makes sense
if you got a wife, your wife or your lady
is and that yeah, okay, But still I don't know.
Every time I would read that, I wouldn't be thinking.
I would be thinking saying it. Yeah, it's a crazy
film department, all right, man, final thoughts come on, Uh,

I'm sure it was some things.

Speaker 1 (55:11):
You eat the fifteen minutes of the show.

Speaker 5 (55:14):
I ain't gonna never agree on this Kendrick thing because
I just want Kendrick to be able to enjoy his moment.
And it's like all of y'all just ruin it, like
y'all just so petty.

Speaker 1 (55:23):
You're upset for what unity to stand in your face?

Speaker 3 (55:29):
It's not unity, it's.

Speaker 5 (55:31):
Okay, Well, I really do with I would love that, honestly,
because you know me, I flip flop every other week.
Next week, i'ta be over your Kiki again. So I
would love for your dream to come true. But if
it don't, I'm gonna be just as happy. So my
final thought is, y'all stay safe, uh, stay away from.

Speaker 3 (55:53):
Baby what y'all call it?

Speaker 6 (55:54):

Speaker 1 (55:56):
Yeah? Yeah?

Speaker 6 (55:57):
And loop and that's it.

Speaker 1 (56:00):
Have you have a baby or anybody. Have you ever
been baby? Somebody dropped baby? Let me grease you up?

Speaker 6 (56:07):
No nobody, no again.

Speaker 1 (56:10):
I don't like a massage, like, hey, let me massage.
I don't know what like.

Speaker 6 (56:18):
Ain't nobody grease you baby slaps some grease so you like,
let me massage baby.

Speaker 5 (56:25):
I'm just I don't had massages before what they use it,
but they using baby worter for what you might be
using baby, I don't need it, so you know.

Speaker 2 (56:37):
I never I don't even get I don't even give
massages because I don't even like receiving massages. I hate massages.
I don't know why either. I don't know why massages.

Speaker 1 (56:51):
Don't do them. Don't do nothing for me?

Speaker 3 (56:53):
Really like I just walk around.

Speaker 1 (56:57):
Like massages.

Speaker 6 (56:59):
You don't like massages. We gotta unpack this. You don't
like pedicures, you don't like massages, because I'm that's childish
to be laughing. It's it's massages.

Speaker 1 (57:13):
I don't know. They don't never feel comfortable.

Speaker 2 (57:16):
I never it just it's not now a woman rubbing
on me, especially my head, my belly, my chest, that
of you a rubbing something else, the rubs with that.
It's the part of massage they want to. I don't
want that. Stop pushing in my skin.

Speaker 6 (57:37):
Okay, I think you. I think you did what I
did once before. You ordered the wrong one ordered what
you have to get.

Speaker 3 (57:46):

Speaker 6 (57:49):
You got her light up?

Speaker 3 (57:50):
You gotta tell her lighting up. See the thing is when.

Speaker 1 (57:52):
She just giving you a massage.

Speaker 3 (57:56):
It's crazy.

Speaker 1 (57:57):
You don't feel where you'll order.

Speaker 6 (57:59):
I'm from now massages. You go to the massage place.
They got massage to get arrested trying.

Speaker 3 (58:07):
To figure out who the real sex traffic experts.

Speaker 6 (58:09):
They have the wrong one. What because you got look,
because you got Swedish and you got deep tissues.

Speaker 1 (58:18):
They call it the sunshine.

Speaker 6 (58:22):
Is what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1 (58:24):
Regular. Then they got ten on the windows of your massage. Father.

Speaker 6 (58:27):
Let me tell you there's a nice I got a
nice massage package where you get one a month. I'll
tell you. I'll tell you all about it.

Speaker 3 (58:33):
I don't want my spot to get hot.

Speaker 1 (58:34):
I to y'all.

Speaker 3 (58:35):
I bet you don't.

Speaker 6 (58:36):
But yes, when you law enforcement, to be honest, the
facial place and the massage place are right next door
to each other. If y'all really want to self care day,
I got y'all you can go get them facial toy
even go over there and get the night emnte massage,
and a girl gave me a massage. Changing.

Speaker 2 (58:51):
She gave me a facial and started massage in my chest.
That got real. I had to get I was like, hey,
that was that's that's another thing I was and like
I was like, I ain't trying to go out like
the shine.

Speaker 3 (59:03):
Yeah, let's wrap thisself for y'all.

Speaker 2 (59:04):
She got to rubbing my chest, my face and my chest,
and she was bad, what I'm sposed to do. But
I was like, what, I'm healthy?

Speaker 1 (59:15):
You right? You bad? And you rubbing.

Speaker 6 (59:18):
All my face?

Speaker 2 (59:20):
It's candles in there. She she went for my face.
Swear to god, I ain't never knew, but they said
that's what you should.

Speaker 6 (59:27):
That's what happens.

Speaker 2 (59:28):
She went from my face right down in my neck
and then right on my chest, start massage in my chest,
and somers like, what we're doing.

Speaker 6 (59:37):
You can go to jail.

Speaker 3 (59:39):
That's in this rider. Shut it out.

Speaker 1 (59:43):
Let me, man, I gotta go to the restroom. I'll
be back.

Speaker 8 (59:47):
Oh god, you can't touch that right back, relaxed.

Speaker 1 (59:57):
I gotta think about support. I'm everything, be right, going
to jail. So I get myself up insided real quick.

Speaker 6 (01:00:08):

Speaker 2 (01:00:10):
Oh my god, all right, oh god, you gotta no
no allot is.

Speaker 1 (01:00:17):
Let's go alight try.

Speaker 2 (01:00:18):
I don't forget T s R Live on Thursday, makes
you check it out, makes you shed a pie. Those
thumbs on that YouTube use them, hit the thumb up
and subscribe. Always thank you, like we always say, what
more can we say
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