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August 26, 2024 60 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hey, what up? Y'all? Welcome to it? And one more?

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Can I say podcast episode right? What episode were on?
BRO one seven two? I'm one of your hosts. Tone
gopo woo woo. Go ahead, introduce the other woo woos,
the late wood Wolves of the Pot. Uh she fumpy
adviied she's the first se pot, the only lady of
the Pot.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
Her name is Kiki Friends.

Speaker 3 (00:27):
Hey, hey wood Wool, how are you feeling?

Speaker 1 (00:30):
Yeah, I ll ask you look great today?

Speaker 4 (00:31):
Thank you? Curtsey. If Marie beauty y'all.

Speaker 3 (00:34):
Herrow first you get them filled in, then you get them.

Speaker 4 (00:42):
Zach is learning.

Speaker 3 (00:43):
Yes, yes, we just but we.

Speaker 1 (00:44):
Did watch you put on eyeliner. Ladies.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
I'm gonna let you know it's gross and interesting all
at the same time.

Speaker 4 (00:49):
I don't understand how it's gross.

Speaker 1 (00:51):
Just seeing your whole eyeball kind of freaks me out.

Speaker 2 (00:53):
When you pull your eye down like you gotta eye
out and you were doing it with one How was
you doing that?

Speaker 4 (00:57):
Yeah? I don't know. It's a task, you see.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
I have a whole yeah thing.

Speaker 4 (01:02):
One day I'm gonna have a hair makeup team. I
can't wait. That's my dream.

Speaker 1 (01:07):
Go get it.

Speaker 2 (01:07):
You gonna get it, all right, Let's get to the
funny man of the part man.

Speaker 1 (01:10):
His name is Zach Bug. What's up?

Speaker 3 (01:13):
What's happening, what's happening? How y'all feeling good? Happy?

Speaker 1 (01:18):
D n C?

Speaker 3 (01:20):

Speaker 1 (01:21):
Are you doing something? Are you doing something with the.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
D n C. No, I'm not.

Speaker 4 (01:25):
I'm not because he what she was gonna say nothing.
I was gonna make fun of you for being a
Trump supporter. But that ain't nothing to make fun. It's
all right. I've seen you down there them rally. I

seen you. I've seen you down there.

Speaker 3 (01:47):
I'm not Trump.

Speaker 4 (01:49):
He just took his red hat off before he walked
in here.

Speaker 3 (01:53):
Now, if you ask my tax bracket sometimes. Come on,
Oh good, go ahead, talk your talk sometimes.

Speaker 1 (02:01):
All right, all right, well, let's go ahead and yell
right into the pod.

Speaker 2 (02:05):
Chris Brown Tank Tank says Chris Brown is better than
Michael Jackson. I respect Tank, He's an R and B
artist and known him for a long time, a friend
of the show. But my brother has lost his goddamn mine.
In my opinion, what do y'all think, Kiki, It's just like.

Speaker 4 (02:22):
The same feeling I felt after going to see Chris
Brown at this tour. It's something that happens to you.
Like when the day I went to the tour, the
next day I made a video addressing jay Z like
I don't work in the music industry, Like I don't
need my job. I felt so deeply about what I
saw Chris Brown do. I made a full video addressing
jay Z that went viral too, right, So that was insane,

and I think that is what happened to Tank. He went,
he got mesmerized, like we tend to do when we
watch Chris Brown perform, and we come back talking crazy.
And that's that's the prime example. I've had this same
argument with Zach where he tried to compare Chris Brown
and Beyonce. I did, let's not do that. You can't
compare greats. Chris Brown is fruit off of Michael Jackson's tree.
Why would you ever disrespect him and compare them. If

somebody is fruit off your tree, Let let they're both
great in their all regard. But to say he's better
than Michael Jackson, there is no Chris Brown without Michael Jackson,
so he can never be better than him.

Speaker 1 (03:19):

Speaker 4 (03:20):
That's my take there.

Speaker 1 (03:21):
It is. I love it. I love it. Zach what
you think.

Speaker 3 (03:24):
I'm just you know, I was talking crazy. I have
to see it Chris Brown too, because I was saying
that he was better than beyond that, he was still
talented beyond that. I still stand by that, and on
his take, I believe that I don't think he's better.
I don't think that Chris Brown has made the impact
that Michael Jackson has made and still made has made.
You know what I'm saying with I love Chris Brown's

first album, which I think was his best. But have
you seen Off Off the Wall? It ain't ain't been
no off you know, said Chris Brown doesn't have to
Off the Wall type of project. He doesn't have a
thriller type of project. Michael Jackson still has the most
purchase CD of all time. You know what I'm saying.
It's still things that Chris hasn't done on the Michael
Jackson level now where I think he can be compared

to him. It's just pure talent, Like you can't deny
that Chris is. Chris Brown is the best dancer I
have ever seen when it comes to dancing, like I've
never seen even Michael's routines as fly as Mike was
as innovative as Mike was. All that stuff that Mike did,

Chris just looked like he breathed the dance moves. I
told y'all, it looked like he teached them crazy. I'm
telling you, I've never seen nobody dance and sing like
that at the same time in my life. I still
don't think he's better than Michael Jackson, but I can
see where tank might have thought that.

Speaker 2 (04:45):
Yeah, Tanker lost to the sauce he did beyond, and
I think I did too. I had to get Beyonce
her credit because Beyonce and I still I say it
all the time. I get physical sales people to sold
in the physical sale era more credit than the streaming stuff.
That metric doesn't make sense to me, and it's somebody
made up a metric. There's a real thing about a
person going to a store and grabbing it. So Beyonce

comes from a piece of that and the streaming and
the streaming thing. And I was around to see the
Beyonce like how that whole thing happened. Like, she's not
not gonna say she's cooled off, she's plateaued, she's plateaud
at her point, she's not going there's no way Beyond
could get any higher. It's no way, like there's no
way that No, seriously, there's no way. There's nothing that

Beyond could do right now that would make her bigger
than what she is. She's already the biggest. It's no
what it would be is a sustaining thing. But she
can't get bigger. What I'm saying is, I remember the
Beyonce glow up. I was there for that.

Speaker 1 (05:46):
I was there. I seen the Michael Jackson thing.

Speaker 2 (05:49):
Seeing that I see Michael Jackson and the thing where
I say with the mic thing, with the dancing, I
might agree with Zach a little bit on that dancing thing.
Michel was innovative whole a lot of a lot of
stuff was way ahead of his time, the fashion, all
of that. But Chris Brown, what Chris Brown brings it
his dancing is is a lot of street dance moves,

a lot of a lot of classical choreography and just
and then imagineation. It's like he like all of that
blends to one which makes him. It makes his dance
moves probably a little bit better than Mike's.

Speaker 1 (06:26):
But that would be the only thing that I would say.

Speaker 4 (06:28):
You can't guys, I wish we could.

Speaker 1 (06:32):
He takes Mike's stuff.

Speaker 4 (06:33):
That's say you can't.

Speaker 1 (06:34):
You can't.

Speaker 4 (06:35):
It's Chris Brown. There is no Chris Brown dance without
Michael Jackson.

Speaker 1 (06:38):
That's true.

Speaker 4 (06:39):
So therefore, how dare you ever compare? You understand that
you can't? Know you can't. In my mind you can,
but you shouldn't because because it's silly. It's it takes
away from the person who is the who is it,
which is Michael Jackson. It takes away it's this respect.
It's disrespectful to my Michael Jackson to compare him to

somebody like Chris Brown. Chris Brown is a goat of
this era. He is a goat of his time. The
next one that come after him will be comparedon y'all
will be disrespecting Chris comparing somebody to him. My thing is,
there is no Chris Brown without Michael Jackson. How can
y'all sit up and compare them to.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
Let me give you a comparison. Okay, I guess you
can understand. Okay, because you got to bring it to
because if I was talking to tone, I would use sports.
But as I'm talking to you, here we go. Come on,
you remember when y'all first black women first start wearing weave. Okay,
y'all had that yaki. It was a little stuck together.
It wasn't quite right. Okay, Now y'all have beautiful lace

front hair. You know what I'm saying, It would it
wouldn't be no, no, it wouldn't be no lace front
beautiful hair without yaki. But the lace front is still
better than the yaki. Not to say that Michael Jackson
is yaki. All I'm saying is all I'm saying is
that things do makes It's not about Its not about

Michael Jackson being yackie. It's about things coming. You can
be better. Okay. So here's the thing. If he Michael
Jackson say that he learned everything from James Brown, right,
But Mike said he learned everything from James Brown, he said,
it would be no Michael Jackson without James Brown. And
that's facts that it wouldn't be. But nobody be like, oh,
James is the greatest ever. Mike is still the greatest

ever because he just took it to another level. And
all we said was in the dancing aspect, one aspect
of being an artist, just that one aspect of being
an artist.

Speaker 2 (08:42):
Chris is superior. He always said, Key, you take comparison
all the time. Do you take comparison as disrespect? I
know when we're just debating comparison, it's just the fun
of the greats. It's the Mike versus le Bron. It's like, hey,
I say, I can't say that Lebron's better than than

Michael Jordan because.

Speaker 1 (09:04):
I've seen it.

Speaker 2 (09:05):
I've seen both of them, and I'm like, yo, I
just the Mic thing was my thing, and maybe that's
just what it is. Zack Jack's on the other side
of that argument. He's gonna say the one thing. But
I don't think either one of us are saying that
the other one is less than. It's just comparing great
with great, and I'm not I'm not. Again, like I said,

I've seen Michael. I've seen the Michael Jackson. I have
penny loafers for crying out loud and a members only jacket.

Speaker 1 (09:32):
Come on, but what.

Speaker 3 (09:36):
The Michael Jackson the.

Speaker 1 (09:38):
Jacket it had right here.

Speaker 2 (09:41):
I had a snap the black Michael Jackson. Michael Jacksons
so Billy Jean, who are members only?

Speaker 1 (09:51):
God? I hate it when.

Speaker 4 (09:52):
I'm sorry, Okay, I'm sorry, I just had all right, I.

Speaker 1 (09:56):
Aged this conversation way out, so I'm going to move respect.

Speaker 4 (10:00):
It's so disrespectful, bro. If I am the when you
think about when you when you want to describe greatness
and you use my name, nobody can be compared to me.
I'm Michael Jackson. Every male and female artist has mirrored
their career or tried to to what I have done
from the impact that he had across the world, people

that didn't even speak English running down the street. That's
Michael Jackson. Nobody has done that. Nobody has that impact.
So how can y'all sit up and compare them? If
I am the great of my genre, don't dare ever
compare somebody to me. Just tell them person, mich will
be proud. You're doing a great job. You're gonna be

the first Chris Brown. You will never compare to Michael
Jackson because that's Michael Jackson. But you will because you
are great.

Speaker 3 (10:53):
I get it, I get what you're saying.

Speaker 4 (10:56):
You say I love There's only one Michael. There's one Oprah.
There's one like you.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
Can't who are you.

Speaker 2 (11:04):
When you think it's disrespectful to compare uh Oprah? And
like a windy not windy now, but I'm talking about
Windy at her height and like and the impact the media.
That's not saying either one of them are bad. They
are both great media moguls. But to compare to how
they came up the impact, that's just fun conversation.

Speaker 1 (11:24):
That's fun debate.

Speaker 4 (11:25):
It's not there's one Oprah and I loved down. There's one. O.
Here's the thing, there's one. There's never been another one.
There's one Oprah. Ain't nobody dominated television that way, started
her own network, came out with cooking books, came out
with put other people on create. There's not another one.
So to compare to.

Speaker 1 (11:45):
Respectful can you compare? Can you compare?

Speaker 2 (11:48):
And just to compare, like say like an Oprah who
came before Tyler period with a Tiler perioder, that's a
fun conversation to have.

Speaker 4 (11:54):
That's Tyler Perry. There's one. They both came up present
who came up through plays.

Speaker 3 (12:06):
Here's the thing, y'all not realizing the reason, y'all. So
it's because because he did not grow up in the barbershop.
This is what we do in the barbershop. You compare
and argue, and we have these debates, and it just be.
That's what it is.

Speaker 4 (12:24):
Compare people that are comparable.

Speaker 2 (12:27):
Chris Brown and Michael Jackson can be compared to this.

Speaker 4 (12:31):
Brown set it out his own mouths, I'm done arguing
with y'all after this. He set out his own mouth
that he that he could never be compared to Michael Jackson, he.

Speaker 3 (12:40):
Said, and Michael Jackson said he could never be compared
to James Brown.

Speaker 4 (12:44):
He can't because guess what, he ran lots around James.

Speaker 1 (12:48):
But you gotta understand what I'm saying. It was Mike James.

Speaker 3 (12:52):
Was James his mind about James Brown.

Speaker 4 (12:55):
Ain't no other Michael Jackson. I don't give a damn
what y'all say. Is one Michael Jackson.

Speaker 1 (13:01):
It's one.

Speaker 4 (13:02):
Bra was just dancing the whole Guess what, because because
before Chris Brown thought to move his hand.

Speaker 1 (13:11):
And Michael did that.

Speaker 3 (13:14):
This Okay, okay, James, it's one person that move walked.
It's one person. But he wouldn't know to move walk
if James, it's the same one. You do that all
day for everything.

Speaker 1 (13:30):
All right, all right, let's move on, man.

Speaker 2 (13:32):
This is an interesting conversation to Gary Indiana shot Michael
I don't shot.

Speaker 3 (13:38):
Him out disrespect.

Speaker 2 (13:43):
We love Michael obviously comparing to you, youmaniac, you go crazy.

Speaker 1 (13:49):
Let's go, let's get to this.

Speaker 2 (13:52):
Uh, this was interesting, and I thought this was a
I thought this is a weird exchange between Blad and Marlon.

Speaker 3 (13:59):
Wayne saw it, man.

Speaker 1 (14:02):
You didn't see a kiki, so you saw it. Talk
about that little bit. Yeah, So they.

Speaker 4 (14:05):
Were arguing back and forth on Twitter. I didn't know
what was going on, but I saw that Vlad was
reaching out to Marlin for an interview, and I believe
Marlin responded, if I'm right rider with a saying, my
fee for the interview is what forty thousand dollars? Yea
forty thousand dollars? And Vlad got offended and started, you know,
blasting him online for that. And y'all know how I

feel about this, because I feel like we messed up
the game when we decided to First of all, no
mean's not say week because I ain't never paid for
an interview and never planning to. So what I feel
like the game got messed up when people on social
media started paying for guests to come onto their platforms.
To me, that is insane. It's insane. And it's disrespectful

to the craft because I'm doing you a service, just
like you doing me a service to sit across from
me and have me ask you about your career. I
wish I would pay for an interview, y'all know how.

Speaker 1 (15:00):
Okay, So, but this is another thing. Though.

Speaker 2 (15:02):
There are like Jimmy Fallon, I mean, there's other there's
instances where people good morning a Marria. There are instances
do they union, No, they pay for the interview because
it's not necessarily paying for the giving of the information rights.
It's the time the artists getting there because they don't.

It's a lot of different it's a lot of different
reasons why they pay.

Speaker 1 (15:25):
They do pay.

Speaker 2 (15:27):
Like you know, when you see people come on and say, hey,
you know, come tell us about your life story. And
let's just say it's a regular person that that show
pays for their travel the per diem and they're not
giving them physical the money, but they're taking care of
the expenses and everything. I totally agree in some cases,
but I understand when it happens. My thing, what I

thought was that it was and Zach you could respond to.
I thought it was just unprofessional. I thought, I mean,
blad blad been doing this for a very long time.

Speaker 1 (15:56):
I was disappointed in them.

Speaker 2 (15:57):
I mean, all right, Marlon gave his number forty k
if it's a dumb ass number, you and I think
he's friends with Adam twenty two or academics. Y'all gonna
laugh at it, behind this, behind the back. But you
don't go on social media. That's your business because we
know you don't pay other people for interviews. Are you
talking about every money that you gave somebody? No, he

gave you a number. You ain't like it.

Speaker 1 (16:19):

Speaker 2 (16:20):
The part where God sticky to me was is when
Marlin said, hey man, look, you can't let a black
man tell your number, and now you mad about it
because I gave you my number. If you ain't want it,
don't take it. The point of it being when he
and Blast said, are you bringing race into it?

Speaker 1 (16:36):

Speaker 2 (16:36):
The problem is and this is where I might be
Tsu little tsukin comrad, is that yo, when white and
traditionally black folks get get angry, and maybe it's people
be and mill around the same age.

Speaker 1 (16:56):
We get upset because when a.

Speaker 2 (16:58):
Black person say something, now you mad. When we say
something about like, hey man, this is my number. Let
it be my number and you don't mess with me.
Why you gotta go telling everybody? Would you have done
that to one of your white counterparts? Why can't I
just stand on my number. It is what it is
and cool, But instead you want to try to blast
it and not be professional. That's not professional to say

something about somebody's number public That's like talking about your
salary publicly.

Speaker 4 (17:24):
I agree with that part. I don't think he should
have put his like that shouldn't have been the reason.
I was just more insulted, like why are we Like
I understand covering travel and things like that. If I
have you coming, I have a network show that a
network is paying for. But like, just if I built
a platform and I'm watching and I want to invite
you on my platform to talk about everything that you

have going on and promote whatever you have going on,
I cannot see myself paying you.

Speaker 2 (17:50):
But if you're reaching out key, key, if you reaching
out to that person like, hey, I want that any
because I've done it. I've reached out for people to
be on ipop and be on my show and they
come back with an number, I'll be like, no, I'm
not doing that but it's somebody that I really wanted.
Let's just say it with somebody I really wanted and
they had something popping. And I'm like, yo, because you

gotta remember now wearing the information age where content. But
you don't even know Cat like Cat Williams that we
all know got put on by Cat Williams's rent. And
I know because I know Shannon Sharp is a solid dude,
So I know we peeled them to me from cool.

Speaker 3 (18:29):
Bread, get it, Tomato. Paying for an interview is like
paying for coochie.

Speaker 4 (18:33):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (18:34):
It just don't feel right. It just don't feel right.
I just would not if I can't get your saying that.
But if I can't, if I can't get your interview
based off my mirriad, I need to work harder.

Speaker 4 (18:45):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (18:45):
You know what I'm saying. Put myself in position.

Speaker 1 (18:47):
I'm reaching the interview. I get it. Why can't I
reach it?

Speaker 3 (18:50):
So now I'm gonna dress that. Now I'm an address boss, okay.

Speaker 2 (18:54):
Because if I'm reaching out to you, I'm asking for
your team.

Speaker 3 (18:57):
Rubs me the wrong way anyway with his interrogation style
of interview, where you ask these young black artists incriminating
questions that you don't even show your face on that
his whole his whole setup has always bothered me. First
of all, I hate that, you know what I'm saying,
you older, You are older white male who has more

intelligence in certain areas. And you get these young street
dudes who got followings and asked them streak incriminating stuff,
you know what I'm saying all the time, and then
put them in positions. Then you put these these captions
and headlines that in site, beefs and on what's the name.
Response to this is, I don't like a white man
doing that with our culture, playing with us like that
in the first place. Okay, not saying it'd be better

for black men was doing it, but I don't like it.
You don't even show your face. That really pisses me off.
Second thing is this is this is the second or
third time he has tried to out black celebrities. Just
recently boss Man Dillo. He was trying to get boss
Man Dilo, who was coming right boss Man. He said
he got scammed by boss Man Dil, put him all out,

made this big old scene about it, and it come
come to find out somebody had changed the number on
his page and he wasn't talking to boss Man Dilo people,
But that wasn't the way he came at it. He
came out and said, boss Man Dilo, if you want
to last in this industry, you can't be scamming people
like trying to blow him up right, using his platform
to shit on that man. And he was wrong. Now

it's Marlin WANs. And then didn't he get into it
with somebody one of these It was a political person
he had got into it with not too long ago.
I can't remember who. It was, another black person, just
out back and forth and they called him out and
then he oh, he played He said, I'm gonna tell
your network or something. He cried wolf basically, you know

what I'm saying, and acted like this person was just
totally against him and was a racist. You know what
I'm saying. I'm not a fan of lad First, I
follow Boosy all that money. Boot He tell us how
much you pay all the time you talk to Boosy
every single week, and you pay Boosy. So if you don't,

now Marlin give you a number, and you got a
problem with it, you don't you not standing on what
me and Kei Kei talking about as far as I'm
not paying nobody, maybe you might have something to stand on,
but you pay certain people. Yeah, you pay for your interviews.

Speaker 2 (21:20):
You and I look, I don't have a problem with
how have a black because it's a content business. What
Blad is doing is a smart move. He pays for
the person to come sit down. You sit down, I
get the content I made. I may I make money
off of the content. I make money off of the content.
Because even in some of the responses, he was saying that, YO,
forty K for an interview, Your interview only gonna do

X amount of views, which that equals whatever that equals
for him on his monetization. So I understand the whole
paying paying back and forth for interviews. I understand what
artists are like, Yo, I can't just come sit down
with you because.

Speaker 1 (21:57):
I don't know this interview is going to make some money.

Speaker 2 (22:00):
I might sit down and say something and you're going
to cash out. Now, if we we you on a
promo run, You're on a promo run.

Speaker 1 (22:08):
Come on, that's an even exchange. But if I'm we
the what more can I say? Podcast?

Speaker 2 (22:13):
And I'm like hey, and I'm like hey, I'm reaching
out to you, because I know if i'm we're gonna
reach out for the trending people. They they deserve a
chance to make money off of their content. Now that's
just how if we like a breakfast cub, No, you
don't have to. If you're the breakfast cup, you the
biggest thing in culture. You don't have to pay for

anybody to sit their ass down there, because if you
don't go talk to them, nobody's gonna know what the
you have going on. But if you that's when you
reach that point, that's when you reached that point. But
I'm sure, I'm sure early on something. Maybe maybe it
was an exchange sometime.

Speaker 3 (22:51):
Maybe it's like paying for I'm not paying for you.

Speaker 4 (22:54):
If you If you, I'm sorry, I haven't made it.

Speaker 3 (22:58):
If I haven't made it to the situation where that
young lady would like to just give me the vagina
based off of who I am and what I've done
so far, then that means it ain't for me exactly.
But I'm not gonna try to speed up my process
or speed up anything.

Speaker 4 (23:16):
You've taken the value out of what we do. I'm sorry.
That's you've taken the value out of what we do
and who we are because guess what, you don't respect me.
You don't. You didn't come sit on my platform because
you respect me. You think I'm dope, you think I'm intelligent,
you think I'm gonna have a great conversation with you.
You came here because I paid you. I can't, I
don't want it.

Speaker 1 (23:36):
I got It's.

Speaker 2 (23:40):
If you're the breakast stake were the breakfast Cub, we
sit down, you're the breakfast Cub. It benefit the breakfast
Cup has built up their platform so crazy that it
benefits everybody to come sit their ass down. I eat
while the president, the people that are trying to become
president are coming to sit down. But does it bit
fits you to go sit to somebody on a lower pat.

Speaker 4 (24:03):
Yes, yes, because guess guess what. You're not popping unless
all of us are talking about you. You're not popping
unless I'm giving my commentary about your concerts and talking
about your music and talking about your your design, your
clothes and what you do. We make you dope, we
make as an entertainer. You're not trending unless we're talking

about it. Breakfast club or not. You're not You're not
unless we're talking about it. Guess what, you're not popping.
So if I'm giving you my I'm giving you my
platform and paying you for it, that that that takes
away all the value in what I do and what
I bring to the table, because now you don't respect me.
You don't you think I need you and you don't

need me. That's how you when you when you let
when you pay somebody for an interview, you're telling them basically,
I need you so bad, but you don't need me
at all. But guess what, if we stop talking about
all these artists, nothing happens. And that's what that's what
content create. That's for TikTokers, content creators and musicians. If
we if the people that if we stop talking about it,

not's hopping. I don't give a damn.

Speaker 1 (25:11):
Who you know what I'm saying because because if you want,
I guess I understand it. From the business perspective.

Speaker 3 (25:17):
I don't, But I don't care if you want, if
you won't act, Let's say I got a thousand people
to listen to what I say. Okay, if you want
access to this thousand in Chicago, you need to sit
your ass right here. If you don't think my thousand
or whatever is valuable to your career. Move along.

Speaker 1 (25:33):
I get it, No, I get it.

Speaker 3 (25:34):
But but on the same hand, you can't be sitting
here charging for interviews and then your album drop and
you sell thirty thousand copies in the first week and
then be saying the man is trying to take you
out and don't nobody, ain't nobody support you.

Speaker 1 (25:47):
That's a whole nother That's a different conversation.

Speaker 3 (25:50):
So I shit your butt down. Money is exchanged, Okay,
the money should never be exchanged before between the person
interviewing and the artists. The money is exchanged to the
going to should be the back end people, the labels.
You know what I'm saying. They put the money out
there to be able to send the play of people
out there because they're gonna recoup and whatever they situation

or deal is. We shouldn't be going back and forth.
It just it's cheap.

Speaker 1 (26:15):
I think. I think what we're doing is I think
it's cheap. We're doing is two different It's cheap.

Speaker 3 (26:20):
It's like taking steroids.

Speaker 4 (26:21):
That's cheap.

Speaker 1 (26:21):
I think.

Speaker 2 (26:22):
No, No, I think what you're what you're mixing up is
two different type of things, right, and I think that
because we've been in radio for so long, and I
do understand what you because we understand, we understand the
process of building the personality. If you build it, they
will come. We all been the we've all been the
weekend personality. Well, hey, you don't get the interviews, you've
been the overnight personality.

Speaker 1 (26:42):
You don't get the interviews.

Speaker 2 (26:43):
You're like, Man, I just got to keep building myself
up so I'll eventually get these, right. But I think
I think that's that type of media, right. But then
you have this over here, which is a business. It's
a business, not it's not necessarily not necess necessarily the
way we are traditional on the traditional media side, see it.

It's a business. It is a content. I have to
get content. I'm either we're gonna get paid regardless. We've
said it before a monthst ourselves. It don't matter if
anybody come in here and talk about like I said,
any I've said this a thousand times doing radio.

Speaker 1 (27:21):
You could talk about.

Speaker 2 (27:22):
Hey, telling you man, you don't have you don't get
to interview. The guests know you wish you was in
LA I will know you wish you was in New York. Yeah,
I do, And I think that's a and I love
those people that are in those media markets with the celebrities.
But which one is easier to be on with all
the celebrities or have people listen to you for twenty
years for just you, Because that's the thing, you know.

Speaker 4 (27:47):
That's why any artists that come in here need a
value the platform that you've created, in the space that
you've created to allow them to promote their art. So
that's why if we give it away, we're diminishing what
we've built. I'm just saying now, I do understand why
there are people out there paying because there are a
lot of people who want to be interviewers and who

want to be personalities, who don't have the gift, who
were never never supposed to be doing that, but they
saw a way to go viral and a way to
make money, and now they've overly saturated the market with
the with the bullshit is what it is. It's a
lot of it's a lot of people out here with
a microphone that don't need one, okay, and they paying
for interviews. I'm telling you right now now, you ain't

getting no money out of me. I don't give that
if I gotta talk to Ryder for twenty years. That's
gonna be my podcast, me talking to Rod. He'll listen,
because it ain't no way I'm paying for anybody to
sit across from me. But I didn't have a platform.
I was on my computer before I even walked in
the radio station. I had a blog that I built
up that had a million followers. Somebody like Tank didn't

know me from nobody. I sent him an email, can
I interview? He did a phone interview with me. I
had no real platform, but he did it. So now
whenever solid, very solid. So now whenever Tank, no matter
what Tank doing his career, he can always come on
any platform on my own because he gave me that
opportunity from the ground up. So if you yes, and

so it's like artists, so you don't have to have
if you truly about your business, an artist will give
you opportunity, like Zach said, to build up your yourself
to get to a point. So now you now you
deserve to have artists come talk to you. But if
you don't, if you just out here paying, I have
no respect for you.

Speaker 1 (29:31):
I get it. I get it. I get that. I
get that.

Speaker 2 (29:33):
And to what me and all of us were saying,
I mean, it's a reason why Zach's Zach said it
and you said it and I've said it, is that
Tank's gonna be around. All of those artists are gonna
be around because they the way they do promote. You
do promote and they do get out and touch everybody.
You say, Nipsey Hustle. The reason Nipsey Hustle was so
loved because he talked to God damn, you didn't realize

he talked to every single person every blog while he
was on this planet.

Speaker 1 (29:58):
He talked to everybody and had interaction.

Speaker 3 (30:01):
That's the one victory lap the album before he passed,
he went on a crazy crazy It was everywhere and
that album was super successful. If you look at everybody
who does the crazy media runs, they win. You don't
talk to everybody and lose. Now, if you just go
like you said, just go talk to the breakfast club
and go home and post that ain't enough. That's not

gonna cut it.

Speaker 1 (30:24):
People don't.

Speaker 3 (30:24):
They care more. They more attached to it. When they
see when they see give me an artist, when they.

Speaker 2 (30:31):
See talking, when they see ice, spice next to tone,
Your people are gonna be more inclined to see what
Ice Spice got going on, opposed to somebody that they
don't know.

Speaker 1 (30:40):
That's fair.

Speaker 3 (30:41):
You know what I'm saying. You like somebody that they
can't touch and see. That's a difference.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
That's fair. Oh I love that, man. I love media.
Love that, Kiki. I love a media bag. All right,
let's get you this real quick.

Speaker 2 (30:58):
Sexy Sexy Red release some lip gloss.

Speaker 1 (31:04):
Who saw it? You see it? You heard about it?

Speaker 3 (31:08):
Ahead, well, Kiki, Uh, Sexy Red has her own lip
gloss with some interesting names. You want to hear them?

Speaker 1 (31:13):
Yes, I got him.

Speaker 3 (31:17):
You got him in front of him.

Speaker 1 (31:18):
I have it right in front of me. I want
to read them. Okay, you go ahead read him.

Speaker 3 (31:23):
I thought you had him some very interesting names. And
I writer, please get the editor out right now. As
I say some of the names. Cou chie juice, I
repeatku chie juice. I got to say, like an iHeart
radio music festival. Uh keyword booty brown. That's booty brown.

Speaker 1 (31:49):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 3 (31:51):
H n ut.

Speaker 1 (31:58):
Pink mhmm.

Speaker 2 (32:01):
Yellow discharge, you're lying, yellow discharge.

Speaker 4 (32:08):
You gone aria gonorrhea, blue.

Speaker 3 (32:16):
Sack sex on my period fruits, you lion, you can
get all these.

Speaker 2 (32:29):
Great sexy red lip glosses. My god, that's got you.

Speaker 1 (32:35):
That is don't stop.

Speaker 2 (32:37):
That's that's that's some of the worst names ever. But
it's sexy red dough. Gee, what you thought she's gonna
name it? I thought she's gonna name it pink rainbows
over the No, she's named it. Who's wearing gonarea and
who's kissing the girl that's got the gona real lip gloss?

Yellow discharge, yellow discharges craz mm hmm.

Speaker 3 (33:03):
I saw boody brown coming. Yeah, I expected boody brown,
even p hole pink.

Speaker 1 (33:09):
But I didn't think she was gonna say nothing blue.

Speaker 3 (33:13):
I think this is I ain't gonna lie tell you
as much as you know, I love big sexy, but
I gotta keep it real.

Speaker 1 (33:19):
It's the pot.

Speaker 4 (33:20):

Speaker 3 (33:21):
This is a disgrace. This is not only a This
is a disgrace. This is a disgrace to to our people.
This is a disgrace to black people, just disgrace to herself.
This is just this is we're getting kind of like
they have they have a thing in comedy where let's
say you make fun of like special people or like

special d or something, and they call that it like
a cheap joke like this is just a cheap joke.
It's like you don't get no respect for that. Anybody
can make fun of something like that. That's like low
hanging fruit. And this feels really cheap and low to me.
You know what I'm saying, Like, come on, man, sex
on my period yellow dish. We gotta have some type
of cool, some type of ware. I'm not necessarily saying

it's got to be Christian lip gloss. I'm not saying
it has to be you know, like I'm just above
this whole moral compass. But come on, bro, Donna, Rhea,
we had a point and you and who you think
your fan base is. That's what I'm more young girls,
and a lot of these young girls don't know it's entertainment.
They take this and believe it like I believed my

artists coming up. You know what I'm saying, like, come on, man,
this is.

Speaker 1 (34:30):
I mean sexy red. It's what it is.

Speaker 2 (34:33):
It's all in character. It's all falling in character. So
who's whose fault?

Speaker 1 (34:38):
Is it? Whose fuck?

Speaker 2 (34:39):
It's definitely on brand. It ain't like you see it
ain't like Alicia Keys released this sexy Red. Did I
mean so it's not like everybody acting surprised. I said, man,
you can't be same thing I've always said, you can't
be surprised when you we smoking cousin, roll up weed
in the place you're not supposed to roll weed up.
Shouldn't should have never been invited her to the party

like this.

Speaker 1 (35:03):
She here, Now, this is what you're gonna get. This
is what you ate.

Speaker 2 (35:07):
Sexy Red not going anywhere now is a woman? Key, key,
here we go. This is what I say. Women don't
check other women. Y'all be like, okay, sis, this is
what this is one of those moments.

Speaker 4 (35:21):
First of all, shut up because you're talking about some women.
Don't check women.

Speaker 1 (35:27):
Each other.

Speaker 4 (35:29):
Y'all don't check each other.

Speaker 1 (35:30):

Speaker 2 (35:31):
If a dude messes up in a relationship, we'll tell
it same to his face.

Speaker 1 (35:34):
We're like this, this.

Speaker 4 (35:36):
Ain't messing up in a relationship.

Speaker 2 (35:38):
This is if you get caught, If your boy get caught,
your boy get calls selling drugs, You're like, I told
you shouldn't have did that.

Speaker 1 (35:45):

Speaker 4 (35:45):
Let me tell you my only the only thing that
is upsetting to me about this is the young fans.
Her fan base is little children. Her fan base unfortunately
is high school age girls. And although it's so hard
for me because I I don't you know, it's so

hard for me because it's not I don't like it
if I feel sorry for all the parents who are
gonna have to tell their daughters you cannot order the
sexy real loss lip gloss. I bet not catch you
with the sexy red lip gloss. It's just unfortunate because
I think you are free to be a character and
express yourself, but there is a point where you're marketing

to a certain demographic, and lip gloss is for little
girls who can't wear lipstick or have it, don't do
full beats. Lip gloss is something you take with you
when you first start wearing makeup. So to me, it's
very much geared towards children. It's in this pink, sparkly case.
It's giving child like and that's what's that's what's really
bothering me is because I love sexy red music. I

like I like twerking and turning up to sexy red.
But I'm a grown woman and so when you know,
if I bought this for one of my girls bachelorres
party as a joke or something that's different but it's
not being marketed towards me. It's being marketed towards little
kids and teenagers. And that's what's uncomfortable for me because
as an artist, if I was sexy read this would

be an exclusive line that you could only get, you know,
at a certain like it would be some type of parameter.
That packaging will look totally different. It would be like
almost like a sex toy thing versus lip gloss. That's
something a child would want.

Speaker 2 (37:25):
And you know what, I never knew that that lip
gloss is the beginner.

Speaker 3 (37:30):
Yeah, make up.

Speaker 4 (37:31):
Yeah, And it's like in the world it's so demonic
and it's so it's like we okay, we.

Speaker 2 (37:38):
Let that is not that is not title.

Speaker 1 (37:51):
I got it. I got it.

Speaker 3 (37:53):
I have to I found it.

Speaker 1 (37:54):

Speaker 3 (37:57):
First of all, Key Key's title is director of Outreach. Yes,
at Jesus is the life my church?

Speaker 1 (38:05):
Into this into this mask.

Speaker 3 (38:09):
What you're gonna kill the kids? It's at church.

Speaker 4 (38:12):
I can't, I can't. You have to take a stand somewhere.
And I hate when you put me in a position
where I gotta take a stand because, like I again,
you know what I'm saying, it's fun be a lot
of sex Red. That's what you say, that's red. But
now it's like, that's making me uncomfortable that you're selling.

Speaker 3 (38:29):
But I guess what I'm saying is what makes I
mean even with the those titles, then that means you're
really uncomfortable with sexy Red because those the music is
still geared for those same girls that you are, you know,
looking at you know that you're talking about it, you
feel this concerned for but but they actually singing and
loving the music.

Speaker 4 (38:49):
They love her and the music and they love it.

Speaker 3 (38:52):
So it's really it's all tied in because the lip
gloss is only an extension of the brand of her brand,
which is that, you know what I'm.

Speaker 4 (39:00):
Saying, absolutely same way when we was coming up, we
had Little Kim, we had Trina, we had Nicki Minaj,
we had you know, all our female rappers were very
vulgar in their lyrics and said all kind of stuff
saing with male rappers. We all rap it, we all
sang it. But I wasn't putting lip gloss on my
lips at twelve. You know what I'm saying. I was
sneaking and listening to Trina. I was sneaking make it better,

though it does make it better. I was Trina didn't
give me a lip bloss that call to put on
my lips. But singing a like, singing a song is
selling me a product to put on my lips.

Speaker 1 (39:35):
If you put lip gloss song, I mean, what's the
next step?

Speaker 3 (39:39):
And I guess, I guess. What I'm trying to get
y'all to see is I understand that lip gloss is
a physical product, right, but so is music. You just
don't may not physically grab it.

Speaker 4 (39:49):
So you want to cancel her.

Speaker 1 (39:50):
I don't.

Speaker 3 (39:50):
I don't want to count. But since we have, since
we hear and we having this conversation, do you think
more kids know about out the lip gloss or know
about the music that Sexy Red puts out consistently? Do
you think they're hearing the lip gloss more than they're
hearing this music in rotation time after time after time
when they go to the party. They friends may not

even that, they might not even get the lip gloss,
but they know the songs, they know the music, and
they live that. You understand what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (40:19):
That's way the music is way more impactful than the
lip gloss to.

Speaker 1 (40:24):
Me, I mean like at that point. But this is
the thing.

Speaker 3 (40:28):
No, we have to stay here because you canna say you.

Speaker 2 (40:32):
Could you could, Like I told you, my whole era
of my life was gangster music. I was there, you
guys make fun. I was there the creation. I was
there the creation of gangster music as a kid.

Speaker 4 (40:43):
As a kid, it didn't make you go pick up
a gun.

Speaker 1 (40:46):
It didn't make me go pick up a gun. The
biggest drug dealer in the city, it didn't take me.

Speaker 3 (40:52):
No, it didn't do that to you. Hold on, hold on,
let's stay there. Write what you just said. It didn't
do that to you, but it did that to somebody else.

Speaker 2 (40:59):
That's it, dudes, and my Now you could come on, Zach,
drug You cannot say that music does not influence our culture.

Speaker 1 (41:10):
Zach, let me get right here, and it does have
a bit of an influence. But listen to me. Tell
you done, Drew, or you then grew up with the dude.

Speaker 2 (41:19):
You the dude that you grew up with, grew up
y'all hanging out everybody.

Speaker 1 (41:22):
It's a cruel y'all.

Speaker 2 (41:23):
Five guys, y'all hanging out, y'all hoop every day, and
then you know the dude is going to be the
drug dealer out of your group because his family life
is just a little different than yours. His mama carried gun,
his daddy different, They his uncles, his uncles always got weed.
He a kid and he coming up in it. It's

his surroundings, his surroundings in his neighborhood.

Speaker 3 (41:47):
That his surroundings are influenced by the music, whether it
came directly hood a.

Speaker 2 (41:53):
Hood family, zach a hood family going to produce hood kids.
I do the god turned out to be one of
the biggest drug dealers in on the South Side.

Speaker 1 (42:04):
It that I grew up with. Guess what. His whole
family were hustlers. They it it.

Speaker 2 (42:10):
That's what he knew. So when he got old enough,
he got o. All the music did was tell his
family story. So it made them more comfortable. Yes, but
he was gonna be a drug dealer.

Speaker 4 (42:21):
I think what both of y'all saying is true. What
I think the part where missing is that and why
I say it's a difference when you're selling a child
an inappropriate product versus putting out an inappropriate song, is
that it is really your parents' job to raise you.
It is your parents' job to be your biggest influencer. Now,
a lot of parents out here are not doing their job,
and so you do have kids that are are influenced

by music and are at school showing people they booty
is brown and everything else because they mamas and daddy's
ain't teaching them the right way to go. That's the
difference for me. As far as when an artist is
actually marketing and selling a child an inappropriate product, that's
where the difference is. Music has been toxic since the
They all people music the freakiest. If you listen to

some of them all records, they nastier than anything Sexy
Red could say. But if your parent is doing your job,
then the music cannot be blamed for who you turn
out to be. In my opinion, so because a lot
of because like what you're saying is it's some truth,
there's act. But then Dan, we might as well be
a gospel station. Everybody gotta play because if you say
anything incorrect, then you saying that we influence in the
just but your parents got to do their job at.

Speaker 1 (43:28):
The end of the day.

Speaker 3 (43:29):
Here's the difference. Here is the difference. And I'm happy
we are here because we are having this conversation. The
difference is this as a people. As a people, we
are influenced by music. Okay, Tone said he saw the
gangster rap era come up. Okay, here's the difference. The
difference is back in the day, there was balance. Okay,

you there was a balance. You had R and B
music when we was out, there was dance music. There
was music that was and violent at all. There was
music where there were people rapping about positive things that
weren't rapping about picking up a gun at anything. So
as a child growing up, you are influenced. Whether you
think you it's just your parents or whatever. Everybody is

influenced by what they see in here or their childhood.
That's completely what it is. But what I'm saying is
back in the day, when you have varieties of music,
you could literally go to what fit you the best.

Speaker 1 (44:26):

Speaker 3 (44:26):
What I'm worried about with today is most of our
all of all black people ain't gangster. All black people
don't sell dope. But my issue, all black women ain't
nasty and want to be And that's okay if that's
who you are, Like you said that, brother, But guess
what where is the music that sounds like the person.

Speaker 1 (44:47):
That I am and.

Speaker 3 (44:50):
Heart finish because I know, because I'm at the point
in my life where I know it's entertainment. What I'm
trying to say, what you've.

Speaker 1 (45:00):
Been listening to the future since you grew up said.

Speaker 2 (45:03):
Nine, you drunk Lean and I ain't touched the I
ain't touch no lean because it's all been entertainment to
me and I got good parents, right. But here, hear
me out, hear me out. Do you think I got
these tattoos.

Speaker 3 (45:18):
On my body because I liked tattoos or because Wiz
Khalifa was out and Skinny was getting tatted.

Speaker 1 (45:25):
Yes, it was getting tatted. That was the thing.

Speaker 4 (45:29):
Yeah, I got mad because I had.

Speaker 3 (45:32):
What I'm trying to say is we do stuff because
of art with people that we like. Yeah, mine was
just a tattoo and it's not a life ending decision.
But some people decided tom to carry a gun, some
people decided to sell dope because Jeez made it sound good.
Some people did it. No, I'm not saying it's his fault.

I'm saying music influences us, and we can't sit up
here and act like music that.

Speaker 2 (46:01):
You're trying to act like. It's the only.

Speaker 4 (46:07):
Music is bad. Were playing Tyler TAM's you got us
ain't from here? It don't matter you got we have?
You act like we just out here in all our
music and shoot them up back back our killers. Don't
even wrap about it no more.

Speaker 3 (46:24):
All I'm all I'm saying is music has in music.
Now I'm getting to take it even deeper.

Speaker 1 (46:30):
I'm ready to argue that it is music.

Speaker 3 (46:35):
If this is what I'm trying to get, try to
understand it's not about I don't even want to get
that deep. All I'm trying to say is we don't
control the music that is mainstream, and I'm gonna leave
it here. We don't Other entities and other corporations that
do not look like us control the mainstream music. Okay,
there is a reason R and B has died and

it's not become as mainstreaming. I'm not saying R and
B artist don't because you know, people say what about Tim?
What about I'm not saying That's what I'm trying to say,
what about him?

Speaker 1 (47:08):

Speaker 3 (47:09):
What I'm trying to say. What I'm trying to say
is are the music had so much influences that corporations
and people that wanted people to act a certain way
when they wanted the flood. The prison pipelines started to
sign more gangster artists and started to push that more
often because they realized that that behavior caused people to
go to jail, which fed the prison pipeline system. We

had more love song to the lady, Why you got him?

Speaker 4 (47:35):
We say, I'm trying to save our jobs because Zach,
what you want us.

Speaker 3 (47:39):
To do and nothing we can do about it. I'm
not saying anything we can do about it, kid, Oh,
it's not gonna hit the same if I ain't introducing
the sexy red record you, I'm not telling the girls
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (47:51):
I'm just saying I love.

Speaker 3 (47:53):
I love first of all, I love when women pop
ay couchie. I would never stop a grown woman from
popping up kochie. I just don't want a teenager to be.

Speaker 1 (48:02):
The point this one.

Speaker 2 (48:04):
Like at some point, and what I do, I wish
somebody would have it's on brand for sex.

Speaker 1 (48:10):
You read again, it's on brand.

Speaker 2 (48:11):
But I still wish that somebody would have told told
her like, you know what, nah this one, this one,
let's not do this one, or let's have far with
let's have far with another couple of names.

Speaker 1 (48:24):
Let's just play with but nah, not these. But I
mean it is what it is.

Speaker 2 (48:29):
It's on brand. We'll see what happens with it. Last
one before we get out of here. It's a couple.

Speaker 1 (48:35):

Speaker 2 (48:35):
I want to ask you, when you are out with somebody,
is there etiquette involved?

Speaker 1 (48:40):
Is there?

Speaker 2 (48:41):

Speaker 1 (48:41):
There is the etiquette?

Speaker 2 (48:42):
Like so you Zach brings a girl around, Zach brings
a girl around me and you and all our co workers?

Speaker 1 (48:51):
Is is there a certain etiquette she has to fall into?

Speaker 4 (48:56):
I would hope everybody got a little etiquette about themselves
in all settings.

Speaker 2 (49:00):
I mean in a sense of about being over familiar
with your friends, Like have you ever worried about how
your person is gonna be when they meet your friends
or it's a gathering at the house all you have
you ever worried about that?

Speaker 1 (49:12):

Speaker 4 (49:12):
Me, personally, I don't play that. So everybody around me?

Speaker 2 (49:14):
Are are you coaching? Like you coach them up? Like, hey,
we get over here, don't do this, don't do that?

Speaker 1 (49:21):
Is that something you do?

Speaker 4 (49:22):
No? But I feel like if I have to do that,
then we already got some issues because you should know
how to conduct yourself around my friends, around my boys, homeboys, whatever.
Like if me and Timothy go out and we run
into his friends, I'm not I'm not. I'm not in
his friends like I'm not in the friends face and

trying like you know what I'm saying. It's just a
certain you your have. I don't like when you say
I know better, because I'm what like I'm you know,
I'm me? I know better?

Speaker 1 (49:54):
You don't know better? You got good sense?

Speaker 3 (49:57):
Yes, that's why you're talking back in the day, you
no better.

Speaker 4 (50:02):
Woman my friends. Damn yeah, like I don't.

Speaker 1 (50:15):
I don't know how it was. That was because you
know better?

Speaker 4 (50:20):
Like, yes, you can't tell a millennial woman she know better.
But yeah, yeah, it's a certain way to act around
your your your spouse's friends in a in a different setting.
And we all have seen the girl that's way too friendly.

That's so what way too friendly? We have all seen that.
Like if my guy is cracking, you could see my
man side too when he talks to you. I got
a problem because why is he smelling that hard? What's
all over here? What's what's so funny? You know what
I'm saying? Like And if I'm not in the conversation,
Why is you bring my man to the function and
he and corner just cheese. I see all his teeth.

That's a problem for me.

Speaker 1 (51:04):
What you're doing exactly? You think that's there's there's etiquette.

Speaker 2 (51:08):
Do you ever worry about that when you bring somebody
around the friends?

Speaker 3 (51:11):
Hell, yeah, I took this girl. I brought this girl
to the club one time, and I didn't know. I
guess I was just a stepping stone for her to
get to the guys.

Speaker 1 (51:25):
You yeah, there go.

Speaker 3 (51:28):
When I tell you she was like all in his face,
I was like, oh I had I was. I was
so embarrassed, in hurt, you know what I'm saying, Like,
I was like, damn, she really is in this dude's face.

Speaker 1 (51:43):
You know what I'm saying, Come.

Speaker 2 (51:44):
Back to you, like, what what are you trying about?

Speaker 3 (51:46):
What we're talking about?

Speaker 1 (51:48):
Grandfad to leave you?

Speaker 2 (51:49):
Yeah, like it's etiquette right here. I don't even know
what I still no shade. I couldn't really even tell
you what Zach ex wife looked like. I on like, like,
I just don't look at people's women in the face
friendly with Now, if we become friends over years, you'd
have been man with it and it's over time.

Speaker 1 (52:11):
Now we now we we cool. Everything's cool. But when
I first be I'm not gonna be all engaging with
your girl and.

Speaker 2 (52:18):
Hey, what's up? Hey laughing and touching on her and
none of that stuff. And your girl don't touch on me, right,
don't touch on me. It's just a But I've seen situations,
I've been in situations. What else that etiquette is? It
just goes out do it. I always I'm I promise
you just because I'm out. There's some alcohol. A lot
of times I understand women and they get that they

might feel insecure, and it's in a space.

Speaker 1 (52:44):
And if we all feel script. If I go around
you and you got.

Speaker 2 (52:47):
Your guys, your guy friends, your girlfriends around, it's I'm
gonna feel insecure.

Speaker 1 (52:52):
But I'm only locking in with you.

Speaker 2 (52:54):
I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm really kind of
play the friends of the conversation. They laughing, I'm a
laugh somebody laughing. Somebody speak to me, say something cool,
But it's all I'm just here.

Speaker 1 (53:05):
I'm really just decoration. I'm not I'm just sure.

Speaker 3 (53:08):
I'm not the life of the party.

Speaker 1 (53:09):
I'm not the life of the party.

Speaker 3 (53:10):

Speaker 2 (53:11):
I'm not the life of the party. I'm super hospitable.
Anybody wants some drinks, I'm about to go to the
bar get some drinks.

Speaker 1 (53:17):
I'm not.

Speaker 3 (53:18):
And even when you ask that, you ask your woman first.
Oh you got hey, baby, you need anything? You know,
you need anything? Any y'all y'all straight? Maybe good? You know,
you might even come back to her just to reassure.
Like I'm being a gentleman for everybody. But you know,
I'm here, this is my this is my one on
what I'm saying, Like you know, it ain't no you know,
and none of that.

Speaker 2 (53:37):
But I've seen women get out their body and they body.

Speaker 1 (53:42):
I was in the situation before a long time ago
where woman.

Speaker 2 (53:45):
Grabbed one of my friend's legs, laughing, laughing, kept grabbing it.

Speaker 4 (53:51):
It's like that that real crazy.

Speaker 2 (53:56):
So let me ask you what type of laugh with
it like? Or like did she grab it with some
like it was? It was it was a patent three grabs.
I counted, Oh my god, I couldn't help it. Man,
I locked in. I locked it after I did the
first one. I remember locking in after the first one.

The pat with you, the first happened with the arm
on the shoulder. It was arm on the shower, and.

Speaker 4 (54:22):
Like, I'm like, she's doing too much.

Speaker 2 (54:24):
I was like, okay, I'm gonna say something. It was
I'm gonna say something about this a little later. Huh oh,
that was out of pocket. Out of the pocket.

Speaker 1 (54:36):
He's still cracking jokes though it's a time, but I'm watching.
I'm gimmin. I can't help it.

Speaker 4 (54:40):
What was your homie doing.

Speaker 2 (54:42):
My homie is stead telling, telling the joke, but he's
getting uncomfortable.

Speaker 3 (54:45):
You can see.

Speaker 1 (54:46):
I can see it on his face. I gotta remember
how this happened.

Speaker 2 (54:49):
And he was like, so then she did it again,
and then and then again, and then he cracked did
it again after the fun He's he freaked out. He
freaked out. He like he freaked out, and I'm looking like.

Speaker 3 (55:08):
Yeah, oh, you're gonna came out here inbarrassed.

Speaker 2 (55:10):
I was like, you came out here embarrassed. She tried to,
you know, like reaffirm and touch me, touch me. I
just took my hand off, took her hand out.

Speaker 1 (55:20):

Speaker 2 (55:21):
He got up because he knew what was getting there happened.
He got up and I just you know, I just
I explained to it like that's high disrespect. That's a
high level of disrespect. And she tried to explain it like, yo,
I'm just trying to be engaging with everybody.

Speaker 1 (55:36):
But I was like I said, I never understood that.
I never understood.

Speaker 2 (55:40):
I watched people do that this past weekend with other people,
did I know. I was like, I watched my guy
person he brought and she was overly friendly, and I'm
watching him get watching him get disgusted. I'm just looking
at it like I was like, damn. And that's why
I wanted to bring it up on the pocket. I
was like, is there like this unwritten attiquette that people

shouldn't have?

Speaker 1 (56:03):

Speaker 4 (56:04):
Absolutely, women when you are you know, I have a
lot of male friends. I think I hang around more
men than I do women, And I'm very conscious about
when I meet one of my male friends partners, if
we go out, I'm addressing her. You know what I'm saying.
When I run into Hey queen, I might not even
know your name. Hey beautiful, I'm gonna speak to you
before I just come in and start having a conversation

with your man. To me, that's like you it's just
a level of respect, like as a woman. How would
you want somebody to active that if you was out
with your man. You know what I'm saying, Like, don't
disregard he got a woman with him, addressed her first,
and then I just talked to that's his name, Drip.
I just talked to Cocho Jones about this. I said,
when you did that, well, she did the Usher tribute,

everybody started across the world. She went to do a
lap dance in the front row. She danced on his
wife first, and then asked her. Wasn't okay if she
danced on Usher? That's Russia? But he has a wife.
You have to just be respectful. It's a way to
do things. And so when you see somebody with their
partner address state partner, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (57:17):
All right, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (57:19):
It's a funny thing. We almost ad time. It's a
little bit longer. Boy.

Speaker 4 (57:23):
Wow, y'all stressed me out.

Speaker 1 (57:25):
Yeah, we stressed you out. We didn't get to see
you and we do that on the audio only pod.

Speaker 2 (57:31):
Yeah we could do that. Yes, sorry, we could do that.
Oh yeah ts R Yeah, shout out to everybody. Final
thoughts Kiki. Let's go ahead.

Speaker 1 (57:38):
We got a wrap. We're not able to transfer this audio.

Speaker 3 (57:42):
Final thoughts.

Speaker 4 (57:43):
I love y'all. Y'all got a badshirt from tone.

Speaker 1 (57:47):
Yea, I found a way that to get it done too.

Speaker 4 (57:49):
Come on now, if you see my man out and
he's smelling, you could see his sattooth missing. Just no,
I'm not going to say it between the watching and
dryer when I get home. I'm just playing. But yeah,
that's it. Be respectful see people, partners.

Speaker 3 (58:01):
Uh sid uh to final thought. Make sure y'all continue
to support us on TSR Live. Man, we appreciate everybody
who's been checking in. We do that on Thursdays at
seven thirty Central time. Man, and shout out to Rider.
I want to give a special shout out to Rider

while we're on the pod for the way he was
hitting them switches. Shout out to did.

Speaker 1 (58:28):
You thank you? Right showed up? Yeah, right, showed up
showing in the fourth quarter.

Speaker 2 (58:33):
Baby that's learning on the fly, learned it and got
this is what I need to do.

Speaker 1 (58:39):
My dog, my dog wait to show up. Hey.

Speaker 2 (58:43):
Yeah, final thoughts, I'll keep echoing it like the rest
of my members of the pod Man, we want to
thank you so much for supporting us on here and
of course the audio and TSR Live that is the
new baby.

Speaker 1 (58:54):
Definitely run those numbers up. Share it.

Speaker 2 (58:56):
Tell everybody when you see us post up something, please share,
share a share, but thank you so much. We really
appreciate it. And that link is coming up for the merch.
I found out how to do it through Amazon. Yeah,
I do this that so oh that's the special help
of somebody from the pod.

Speaker 4 (59:14):
Can we get one?

Speaker 1 (59:15):

Speaker 3 (59:16):
We gotta pay.

Speaker 1 (59:18):
I got, I got a free you want to? Plus
I got? I got them?

Speaker 3 (59:24):
You got any more media?

Speaker 1 (59:25):
I got? So? I got?

Speaker 3 (59:25):
How many more?

Speaker 1 (59:26):
You don't cut up? I only had to I took.

Speaker 2 (59:29):
I took my two out cutting them up.

Speaker 3 (59:35):
So I got them on and.

Speaker 1 (59:39):
Get out.

Speaker 3 (59:39):
Seen everybody with one?

Speaker 1 (59:41):
But I got I'm gonna give you all next bottle grin?

Speaker 4 (59:46):
Yeah, where you get that from?

Speaker 1 (59:48):
You get that? Babe?

Speaker 2 (59:49):
Okay, I hate y'all, but that being said, but what
can we say
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