All Episodes

September 25, 2024 • 70 mins
Tone Kapone, KeKe, and Zach Boog talk Young Dolph Murder Trial, Tone Almost Got In A Fight, The Gangsta Rap Debate & More!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hey, what's up? Welcome to it? And one more?

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Can I say podcast episode?

Speaker 1 (00:07):
Is it two hundred yet? Oh yeah? Oh yeah? Seven?

Speaker 2 (00:14):
All right, yeah, yeah, I'm in the future.

Speaker 1 (00:17):
I'm already up for We always say that. Shut up, no,
don't time. All right, trying to get through the holidays.

Speaker 3 (00:25):
Y'all see here these crazy people. Let me go ahead
and introduce them to you. She's the first lady of
the pod, the only lady of the pod. She's braided
up fluffy five, mister goddess, break, I don't got its break.

Speaker 4 (00:40):
These are bohok not less braids? Okay, howld on they
take shout out to Norris braided. It only took like
five hours I got They started at ten am and
I was out of about like two forty five. That
has never happened in the history of me ever getting
my hair braided. Normally, when a black girl get her
hair done any style, it is a full work day.

Speaker 1 (00:59):
Yeah, I'm talking eight hours more. I got out of there.
So this was the best great experience I've ever had
in my life. So shout out to oh so you're going.

Speaker 4 (01:07):
Back absolutely, what if your edges come out? I don't
have no edges to begin with yeah, right, cool, let's.

Speaker 1 (01:14):
Get to it.

Speaker 2 (01:15):
Uh, he's a funny man in the pot. He's a
little irritated today.

Speaker 1 (01:19):
I don't know. He's skinny and he's upset. I don't know.
I don't know why my skinny.

Speaker 2 (01:25):
Friend is upset today. Maybe he didn't eat enough. He's
a funny man.

Speaker 5 (01:29):
I saw in person do a great job of standing
up comedy zact book.

Speaker 1 (01:33):
Why this is a salt? That was a lot? That
was it? Why does he keep blaming mind you and
your position on food? I don't know.

Speaker 6 (01:44):
I just think I am hungry skinny people when y'all
don't eat. Man, it's a different it's a different type
of feeling. But how y'all feeling?

Speaker 1 (01:54):
We're good, Okay, we're gonna talk about it. No, okay,
m hmm. Well, you know if you needed to talk
about something, because to tell it and you don't take nothing,
so that you know that is a that is actually

a good description. I tell y'all description, And I would
rather be the friend and don't take nothing. Life life deep,
dark and secret. I don't tell.

Speaker 5 (02:28):
I don't tell, don't get y'all stuff to anybody.

Speaker 1 (02:32):
I just tell.

Speaker 2 (02:32):
If you tell me something Zach. I gotta tell Kiki.
I don't tell stranger telling Zach.

Speaker 1 (02:39):
You're not gonna tell. But what if I told the stranger.
See here's what I You tell strangers on this pod
stuff all the time. That's just all the time. That's
not like. Your hints are descriptions without the name. That's
all Tone do. This is Tone not telling.

Speaker 4 (02:56):
He'll be like, hey, so it's this dude, I know,
skinny and black and she got a jean jacket.

Speaker 2 (03:03):

Speaker 4 (03:04):
I ain't talking about Zach though, I ain't talking about Zach.

Speaker 1 (03:09):

Speaker 2 (03:10):
So we was at the club the other night, Tone,
you just told it. You told it, man, I don't know.
I hot like Zach is a walking story in nightclubs.
All every time I've been to the club with Zach,
something funny happens every single time. That was the night
when I malfunctioned, when I first got my relationship. I

ain't never malfunctioned in my life around women, and Zach
was that. It was a funny story.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
It was so funny. Yes, it's that.

Speaker 4 (03:41):
But you know, before we started this podcast, Tone told
Zach that he needs an n d A for on me,
and I'm like, out of all the people in this room,
I'm not the one that we need an NDA for.
Tone Caupon is the one that we need an NDA
from because he cannot help himself.

Speaker 1 (03:57):
Everything is on the radio.

Speaker 4 (03:58):
Okay, yes, I don't think he's on the radio everywhere
he goes. He'd be in the drive through order and
he think he's doing a break on the radio.

Speaker 1 (04:06):
It ain't breaking news. So I can hold secrets. Other
folks cannot.

Speaker 5 (04:11):
I've learned not to talk. It's drive dudes, ubers anything,
cause they know who you are.

Speaker 1 (04:17):
I shut the hell up.

Speaker 5 (04:18):
I've realized that my voice and I didn't really think
it's that the stick.

Speaker 1 (04:22):
No, it is. It's very people like.

Speaker 5 (04:25):
As soon as I started talking, it's like, hey, bro
oh yep, I gotta.

Speaker 1 (04:32):
Work on that. I got to work on that walking
radio walking walking.

Speaker 2 (04:37):
Ready here come, I've been doing it so long. All right,
let's go ahead and get you this. Shout out to
Zo Doo coming with the pod topics of the day.
End of the podfaum, yes, yes, who uh on the day.

Speaker 5 (04:49):
Is kind of light on pod topics. He came with
some good ones.

Speaker 2 (04:52):
Let's get to this Young doshs murder trial started and
we found out that it was one hundred thousand dollars
hit put on Dolph.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
That's crazy, insane, that's crazy, and what do you do?

Speaker 4 (05:06):
I just want to know, what did you think he
was frona bow with one hundred thousand dollars? Like, what
did like if you send me to kill somebody, right
and you said, hey, I'm gonna give you one hundred
thousand dollars in the long scheme of my twenty five
years in jail to life, what is one hundred thousand dollars?
That is insulting that you took away this man from

his family over one hundred thousand dollars.

Speaker 1 (05:29):
That is not no money, bro.

Speaker 4 (05:31):
Then these idiots you have y'all been watching the case.
This idiot is in the courtroom, like so, then I
was gonna get forty k First of all, if this
only if the hit is one hundred thousand dollars, I'm
not doing it with nobody. I'm doing this hit by myself.
I need all the hundreds of thousand dollars. What I
look like me and Zach, I'm like, Zach, it was
a hit for a hundred thousand. Let's do it together.

Now I gotta get Zach fifty of my one hundred thousand.
That don't make no sense. So y'all just did something
for y'all could have worked a regular job and got
that little piece of Then y'all brought in another person
talking about but we was gonna give him ten k
a piece and then we was gonna walk around with like, y'all,
they're so dumb. It's so sad to watch it because

like you're you're you got to be a special type
of dumb to do that.

Speaker 5 (06:15):
So wait, a man, this person must be getting immunity.

Speaker 4 (06:17):
So he's telling me, telling the whole thing like wood
he would never wood he would like this ain't no
Woody that we're dealing.

Speaker 1 (06:23):
With in a Dolph case. I don't know what this man.

Speaker 4 (06:25):
They don't even show his face, They just show his
body on a little video I watched telling everything.

Speaker 1 (06:30):
Yeah, Woody wood he and.

Speaker 2 (06:32):
They said what he had the brand of a squirrel,
when actually what he's probably the smartest person in the
court room.

Speaker 1 (06:36):
Yes, no, he's very smart.

Speaker 2 (06:38):
He's probably probably the smartest person in the court. When
you think about I ain't never thought in my life.
It's never in my life. It been a thought when
I if you shoot a gun in the air and
saying I would never shoot at God, it's crazy, insane.

Speaker 1 (06:54):
Your mind got to be quick. He quit.

Speaker 2 (06:56):
Your mind gotta be working on a whole other type
of level to say something like that.

Speaker 1 (07:00):
He's slow though, he is slow, but he's smart. You
ever made a slow smart person.

Speaker 6 (07:05):
He's the epitome of that. So he ain't got it all,
but his dude is smart. Like I don't know how
to explain it.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
So, I mean, this is the thing, though, Zach, you
see this. Do you think these dudes are gonna watch
this recording back? Because I mean you could watch the trial.
I mean they got access to computer, you're gonna watch
it back. And they after they've.

Speaker 5 (07:23):
Done whatever years and we look at themselves like, do
I really went on there?

Speaker 1 (07:27):
And I was forty thousand dollars.

Speaker 2 (07:29):
You took away one of the best entertainers in the world,
somebody that was completely about black uplifting up black people
his city.

Speaker 5 (07:41):
I mean, daf was just one of them ones. I
ran in the Dolph so many times.

Speaker 1 (07:45):
Always cool. I'm talking about.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
When he was bubbling to even when he was on fire.
Always a cool dude. And you just took away for
forty thousand dollars, like Kiki said, which is really a
fast food job.

Speaker 4 (08:00):

Speaker 1 (08:01):
Yeah, I mean it is.

Speaker 6 (08:02):
It is, And I agree with y'all and we're gonna
we're gonna missed off. But I will say people have
done hits for less, like that's a dumb people be putting.
But to a hit man, that's a lit But you
a hit man that got caught. Yes, even they're not
even good hit me.

Speaker 1 (08:21):
Worked the gun.

Speaker 6 (08:22):
No, they were just doing something. And then did you
see that he shot him on his daughter birthday? That's
why I said he left his.

Speaker 1 (08:30):
Daughter birthday party to.

Speaker 2 (08:31):
Go do that.

Speaker 6 (08:31):
He go do that hit and go ahead and told
the judge was like, oh yeah, I want her have
a good birthday. So I figured I get the money,
it'll be a good birthday. So that tells you how
the type of brain that we're dealing with. Yes, and
we have to We have a lot of slow people
in the world, you know what I'm saying. And there
are more slow people than it is smart y'all, So
be careful out here. People are stupid. That people are stupid.

Speaker 1 (08:55):
If you if you have a somewhere and you be
like man, you know what, ain't no way. Nobody would
do that. No, it's a way. It's away.

Speaker 6 (09:03):
That's trying to take forty thousand, like he said, and
it be gone after you bought what man like, that's
the thing you.

Speaker 1 (09:12):
Can't get even get.

Speaker 6 (09:15):
You can't get a luxury truck with forty thousand, you
can't buy a house, you can't pay for your kids
to school, school intuition with forty thousand. Only thing you
can do with forty thousand is buy some drugs and
maybe have a little rent.

Speaker 1 (09:29):
In the crab bol bag. Yeah, those are almost forty thousand.

Speaker 2 (09:33):
Like. It's the thing of it is is when you started,
especially in today's in today's world, maybe forty k. Back
in the day when I was growing up, was like, ooh,
you can do make it. Make a shake, make a
shake a little bit. That's how I want people to
really pay attention when they make fun of basketball players
and entertaining. It's about going broke. Money goes up and

down so much, and forty k it sounds like a lot.

Speaker 1 (10:00):
It's not a lot. No, forty k will be gone fast.
It's not worth somebody life.

Speaker 2 (10:05):
It's deitely not work all life and that other person
exactly because you go to jail. Bro, with your dumb ass,
You're gonna go to jail, and it's just not worth it.
Ain't forty thousand nothing. We're being in jail.

Speaker 4 (10:18):
And then when you face I'm sorry, then you face
they face time allegedly allegedly right after the hit.

Speaker 1 (10:26):
If I hired you to do a hit, allegedly, you
think I want you.

Speaker 4 (10:31):
To call me the moment you did to hit, ain't
no other way you think you can send me an email?

Speaker 1 (10:37):
Why would you call me? Because when the police take
you down.

Speaker 4 (10:41):
If he got shot at twelve oh five, your dumb
ass then called me at twelve ten to tell me
what you did?

Speaker 1 (10:48):
Yeah, how how dumb are you? And you know they
didn't get the money. They never got the money, never
got the money.

Speaker 6 (10:55):
Because if I don't know if he did it, but
allegedly if he did get that face time, he said
they Dumba's hell, I'm not giving them a die. I'm
not getting involved in this. They got eight hundred dollars.

Speaker 2 (11:10):
Look, all criminals, if you are watching this, if you
are watching this, guess what this right here that I'm
holding up, this is gonna get you called every time. Everybody.
Everybody got one. I know you're talking about burning phons.
Guess what, the federal government figured out burning phones. They
figured those out, and they know how to get you

off the burning phones too. This right here has solved
more cases than anything. Detectives don't even have to detect
no more.

Speaker 1 (11:41):
They got this. Ain't some of y'all.

Speaker 2 (11:44):
Just y'all, don't just do good bro, Like really, at
the end of the day, just do good, bro. This
right here is gonna send you to jail every time.
This thing right here is gonna send you to jail.
The thing that we cannot live without is sitting here.

Speaker 1 (11:57):
Ask to jail. All right, let's go ahead and get
you this.

Speaker 2 (12:00):
Uh. The cub tries to charge her three hundred dollars
of park it and g herbal handed in a true Chicago.

Speaker 1 (12:08):
Boys a very much. I didn't see the videos. What happened?
He kept it saw Chicago. What do you do?

Speaker 4 (12:14):
He was sitting in there, he was sitting in the
chair and dude said it fast. It was one of
them fast talking to her. He's like three hundred park
and then he said three hundred the part he said
the park he's a VIP parking usually four hundred. Herbal
looked at him, look back, pull the rack, pulled the
not out, hit him with the I got a hundred, like,

what you're gonna do a hundred?

Speaker 1 (12:39):
Like I got a hundred? What you're gonna do? Take
it to leave? You know what I'm saying. I think
he took it? Did he take the hundred? He took
the hundred, took.

Speaker 6 (12:45):
The hundred in Gebo Park talking about VIP parking three
hundred dollars, because really, what was gonna.

Speaker 2 (12:49):
Happen if he did take the hundred? They was getting
out of the car, just closing up and walk in anyway.

Speaker 6 (12:54):
No, what they were gonna do was if you didn't
take the hundred, they were gonna close the door and
park in the VIP.

Speaker 1 (13:00):
Dare you to touch my cock? Exactly?

Speaker 6 (13:02):
That's what I'm saying. That's exactly what that was. All
that was gonna happen. I dare you, Oh it's three hundred,
the part I got a hundred for you?

Speaker 1 (13:13):
But that was that.

Speaker 2 (13:15):
That's exactly what everybody is in Chicago. You saw the
face that he made, like he if you see the
face that he made you looked at him, he looked
at him like I want to say something crazy, but
he knew shot the herbo, knowing the cameras on him.
He knows the camera, so he looked at him like,
all right, look, I'm gona handle this a different way,

Hey man, I got a hunting for you. I got
you know, you know if we say I got this
for you, that's kind of you at your last. Ain't
no more bargaining.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
I just did this on the man that me and
that be doing the soldier field bikes. You know, like
you gotta you know, mean like that, I said.

Speaker 4 (13:57):
He turn he look, I'm walking to this concert. I'm
by myself, and I'm like, you know, Celdia, feel y'all
really need to get that under control. While y'all trying
to build stuff. Why at the parking faux miles from
the venue. That just pisces me off all together. I
already paid thirty dollars to park.

Speaker 1 (14:12):
So I walk up.

Speaker 4 (14:13):
You know, they riding around, they see me. They think
I'm the usual suspect. They know I don't want to walk,
So he come up, I'll take you over there, I'll
take you. I'm like, all right, mabe, I got twenty dollars.
That's all I got. You know what I'm saying, Guy,
is he talking about some all that these rides be.

Speaker 1 (14:27):
Sixty who or ride be sick? Like I'm thinking aback
because I used to think they actually be peddling.

Speaker 4 (14:34):
And if I'm getting on your wagon, bro, I will
throw you an extra cover dollars because you got to
work a little harder to give me to where I'm
trying to go. So I'm like, you know, I give
you twenty five. You know you got twenty five for you.
You're talking about sixty dollars. Baby, I'm finna put this
air Force one in front of the other one. I'm
not getting in that wagon. So yeah, I hate when

people try to get over, like, don't do that to me,
don't do.

Speaker 5 (14:57):
Me that, because that's exactly what her was gonna do.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
He was gonna tell it, I'm parking anyway, close the
car and then like, hey man, I try to give
you one hundred dollars.

Speaker 1 (15:04):
Don't touch it though, all right, and it would have
been problem.

Speaker 2 (15:09):
Yeah, people always try to get over that valet stuff.
It's like, I get it. It's a hustle. I always
tell people, man, you kind of got to stand on it.
You kind of got to stand on it. Just holler
at people in a way like, hey, I'm really good.
That's my that's one of my gifts. Like night life,
I know how it moves.

Speaker 1 (15:25):
You are a specialist. I know how I move. You
are special.

Speaker 2 (15:28):
Like when people started yelling out numbers and wild numbers,
I always like, hey, man, come in and holler at you. Yeah,
because I know I know what to say. I'm not
gonna tell y'all what I say. I can't give away
my secrets. But you got to know how to talk
to people in night life because they will. Every every
person is a check.

Speaker 1 (15:45):
Yep, every go ahead, change the subjects.

Speaker 4 (15:51):
That's that's why I don't do it the night life though.
But I'm not gonna play this game with you. You
know what I'm saying. You want to add on two
hundred dollars to some because you're holding a firework. I
don't want it, you know what I'm saying, Like if
it's if you, if I pay for you to come
walk this to the table and hold the firework, I
don't want so, Like I can't.

Speaker 1 (16:10):
I don't want only the firework is crazy, you know
what I mean? Like right that cigarette ight to day,
bring me my drink. I don't need all this extraist.
You know I don't.

Speaker 6 (16:27):
I don't get it, but you know I will tell
you that speaking of night life and speaking of Chicago
and somebody getting ready to go up, Tone was about
to fight.

Speaker 1 (16:38):
Yeah, said that the story Who's the snitch?

Speaker 2 (16:48):

Speaker 1 (16:48):
Now you can't believe it. Look like y'all need nd
as on each other.

Speaker 4 (16:55):
I'm over here just as we talk about it.

Speaker 2 (17:00):
Why because I don't want to aggravate the situation.

Speaker 1 (17:03):
Bro, he ain't from him. You ain't gonna see him again.

Speaker 5 (17:07):
I didn't want to look. I didn't want to fight.
I was just very taken.

Speaker 1 (17:11):
I know you ain't run. Oh no, what I know
you ain't run. He ain't never ran. Okay, he's win
the story saying he don't want to fight. I'm like, wait,
see Tone is a nice guy. Look at it, like
right now he's smiling. You see what I'm saying. He
just seemed like I ain't want no problem.

Speaker 6 (17:29):
But when he feel disrespected, it tried Gemini. Man, it
still turns into a different person.

Speaker 1 (17:36):
That scares me. I didn't run, but I was scared.
I said, it's about to go down. Town's a big guy.

Speaker 4 (17:45):
This dude is a big guy, and it's gonna be
a lot of furniture moving if this happened. Man, all
I know is I get a call from somebody like hey,
Tone about to fight this dude. Now, mind you, We're
at a comedy show and I no tone.

Speaker 1 (18:00):
I just left him.

Speaker 6 (18:01):
I just left where we were sitting at and he
was laughing. So I'm thinking, first of all, highest tone,
even in a fight like this is this don't even
make sense.

Speaker 1 (18:11):
I walk up.

Speaker 6 (18:12):
I can only speak from my spot. He gonna tell
what he did. But from my view, I walk around
to where he was at.

Speaker 1 (18:19):
Tone is in this dude's face literally this close, this close,
and jaws.

Speaker 6 (18:28):
You already know when he get into that mode, showed
us up, like saying to him like like oh like hey,
Like I was like, hey, if he touched him, Tone
is in complete fight mode, like complete complete, I'm about
to bust you in your face.

Speaker 1 (18:46):
Keep playing with me. And then all I know, he
stepped outside. I seen him.

Speaker 4 (18:52):
He started doing that pace. He was still mad, and
I was like, hey, I don't know what happened, but
this dude is about to get his ass beat.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
Yeah, man, so.

Speaker 2 (19:05):
Was Jackson making it. He's added some sauce to it.
But we're laughing. It's a comedy show.

Speaker 5 (19:13):
Now you're the comedy and they were at Little Rails.

Speaker 2 (19:17):
He had his his uh comedy fest, com his festival,
so this is a chance for comedians to get on.

Speaker 1 (19:24):
But so I'm sitting there with Brig and.

Speaker 2 (19:27):
Some other people. They making me laugh. I'm having a
good time. It's a great time. Zach just came off
the stage and quite frankly the other comedian. It didn't
grab my attention. But that's still rude in a comedy show. Yes,
I should not be talking.

Speaker 1 (19:41):
Should not?

Speaker 2 (19:42):
I should if I should have went because they had
an area if you want to have conversation, I should
have went there. So it is my fault now that
it's definitely my fault. I got a little loud. Plus
Leon was giving me some drinks, so I'm in it's music.
I'm in full kicking it moment.

Speaker 1 (19:58):
At this point.

Speaker 5 (19:59):
It's women around, it's people out there and talk.

Speaker 4 (20:02):
You're on the radio, so you might think you was whispering,
but you were probably giving them people.

Speaker 5 (20:07):
Full I probably was because I was having a great time.

Speaker 2 (20:11):
Yes, this dude comes over and says, hey man, y'all
being rude to the comics. Rude to the comics, And
before I could get my words out, he starts talking
to the young lady. He stides because he started talking
to me and start talking. I said, hey, no, I mean,
I'm trying to explain, and he's ignoring me. Now I

get frustrated at the ignorant and I say, hey, man,
you came over here talking to me. Don't talk to
the ladies. Talk to me, hey you, I said, hey,
make you turn and talk to me. Don't talk to
the ladies. And I like me in the mist of
saying that, he turns and looks at me, like dead
in my face and says, hey man, we can.

Speaker 5 (20:54):
Step outside and have a conversation.

Speaker 1 (20:58):
I say, you know, don't you know, don't invite me
outside that you ready to I said what I like.

Speaker 5 (21:07):
Now I'm in full apology mode. I'm getting ready to.

Speaker 1 (21:10):
Say my bag, man, my fall dog.

Speaker 2 (21:13):
You know what I mean, But you can't go start
talking to me and ain't go talking to the ladies
and they ignoring me after you basically kind of trying
to police the situation.

Speaker 1 (21:21):
Let me at least say man, I wasn't trying to
be loud.

Speaker 2 (21:24):
I apologize and move on, and that's all I wanted
to do, get back to drinking and having a good time.
I was having a good time. But once he said
step outside, I'm like, what, oh, let's go outside. How
this conversation is? So that's really when Zach saw me
having that conversation with him face to face like that.
I was just saying, hey, man, you just invited me outside.

Let's go have this conversation.

Speaker 1 (21:47):
That's how you said, that's how you said.

Speaker 4 (21:50):
He tried to protect his checks. I understand you plitely said, sir,
would you like to go outside? And I will know
he basically talking at me. You walk outside, I'm I'm
going to beat your ass outside. Can you come outside
this though, I'm about to beat your ass.

Speaker 1 (22:07):
You can't do that.

Speaker 5 (22:08):
He was in the toes in his face, like with
the shoulders too, like I knock your ass out. And
I saw that energy and I said, what, no, what
it was was?

Speaker 2 (22:19):
And I felt and this is the thing, I looked
a little what's it? Demure sitting down?

Speaker 5 (22:28):
Sitting down down in the chair, sloshed way down.

Speaker 2 (22:31):
So I probably didn't look my side, but he was
in full intimidation moment when he sit because he was
talking to the girls, and it was like it wasn't
just like, it wasn't a It was kind of like
he just turned me like basically like I'm about to
shut this dude up.

Speaker 5 (22:46):
He was like, oh, hey man, we can step outside.
And I was like, and then I got up.

Speaker 1 (22:52):
His face changed a little bit. Yeah, he got right.

Speaker 2 (22:55):
His face changes a little bit, and this is gonna
be a I just wanted to have that conversation because
I just don't in my mind. In my mind, and
this is why I said about people that they just
do stuff right. We grown men, man, we all grown men.
I'm not ever ever because because life is crazy, I'm

not ever telling another grown man to step outside.

Speaker 1 (23:20):
No, you can't do that. I'm not hey man, look
we going. No, bro, I'm not on that. I'm not
on that. Hey brother, I don't get along with you.
I'm grown boy, my business bro.

Speaker 5 (23:30):
But when he told me to go outside, I just
wanted to have a conversation with you.

Speaker 4 (23:34):
No, you right, I'm sure, I'm sure you can't. Yeah,
I can't be inviting on outside.

Speaker 1 (23:39):
You can't do that. Man got a new hip. He
will no, I will not. I will.

Speaker 5 (23:46):
No, I won't.

Speaker 1 (23:46):
I won't do it.

Speaker 5 (23:47):
I won't, I won't touch it, fly, I won't do nothing.
I was going to have a conversation.

Speaker 1 (23:52):
That was it. Well, I mean very spirited.

Speaker 4 (23:54):
Okay, if I go outside, don't that mean if I say,
me and me, I said, either somebody finna die or
y'all start trying to.

Speaker 1 (24:02):
Break it up.

Speaker 4 (24:03):
That's the you to start breaking it up. Okay, If
y'all hear me say let's go outside, that means either
key finish do something she can't take back, or that's
y'all cue to start breaking it up.

Speaker 1 (24:14):
Because I'm I'm probably gonna get beat up. I need
y'all to start breaking it. So here's the thing.

Speaker 4 (24:20):
You ever got so mad? You ever got so mad,
and you played it back in your head and you
got remad. Yeah, yeah, that's what half.

Speaker 1 (24:27):
Of the talk.

Speaker 5 (24:27):
So we outside, Oh my god, we just starting the
story outside.

Speaker 6 (24:33):
Outside and Tony is I see him kind of talking
to him so as he was explaining it. Yeah, and
then he was like, oh no, he got me and
went back inside and went to dude face and said, hey, man,
so now dude is a little more apologetic because he
didn't go outside because he saw that he didn't follow
him outside.

Speaker 1 (24:53):
Tom was outside, Okay, he didn't follow him outside.

Speaker 4 (24:55):
So Tom comes back inside, Oh god, and tells him,
hey man, now he's in his face again.

Speaker 1 (25:01):
It's close. He says, hey man, you don't tell no man.

Speaker 4 (25:06):
I can see a Snouf movie. You don't tell no
man to step outside. And his nose just going up.

Speaker 1 (25:14):
Know that changed his.

Speaker 6 (25:16):
Whole Alex and my mama and grandma sitting right here,
He said, Bro, my grandma and mama.

Speaker 1 (25:19):
Sitting right Why does He was like, I just he
was like, I didn't mean it like that.

Speaker 4 (25:23):
I mean I just want to have a conversation outside
because I'm a comic and we work hard.

Speaker 1 (25:27):
To be here and we won't. We won't, you know.
So it's his tone. His energy changed, was like cool,
I respect that bomb. And they ended up. You know
what I'm saying. But he was still pissed and then
tone left. Where were you at? He was watching everything?

Speaker 2 (25:43):
Zach was Zach was watching everybody and everything that was
you know, he he was, he was making it was okay,
And you know, I know I learned a lesson. That's
time somebody asked me to step outside. I'm going to
call the uber and I'm going I'm going to leave.

Speaker 1 (25:59):
I'm leave. I learned he was too mad. When he
gets that mad, I worry. Yeah, I was very upset.
He was at that point of like if it went down,
it was gonna be the point of no return. Yeah.
So it was.

Speaker 2 (26:17):
My thought is this is that you gotta know when
God is testing, you gotta know where the devil stuff
happening to. So so for me, I feel like we
got all of this good stuff happening and for that
moment to happen. I was when I went home, I
was a little bit ashamed of myself because I was like, yo,
I said, I really should have been like word, all right, man,
hold on, I got you, got on my phone, called

my uber and got the going out of it. That's
what I should have went home. That's in my in
my mind because I feel like those are like what
you say on boom Docks if you ever seen that
boom Docks, when they say you have an N moment,
the N moment, and I felt like that was an
INN moment. I'm older, I need to calm down. I
didn't you know what I mean, ain't no what was

gonna prove of anything? The other thing that my pride
or oh yeah, he didn't do this to me. I
should just left because there was another situation on Sunday.
On Sunday, I'm in front of somebody that owes me.
This stole basically a thousand dollars from me. I'm right,
and they ordering bottles and they ordering bottles right in

front of me.

Speaker 1 (27:24):
I'm on the phone like, I'm on the phone.

Speaker 2 (27:27):
Talking to my talking to my brother like hey man,
and my cousin like, hey bro, this is not cool man.
This makes me feel so so kind of some some
kind of ways. So I'm literally like I'm literally watching it.
I'm really why I like and I want to just
go and say, hey man, can I got my thousand
dollars back? Since you got money to order bottles with? Right,

And I was just like I was sitting there thinking,
and then my cousin came back, because my God, bless
my cousin.

Speaker 1 (27:54):
He came back.

Speaker 2 (27:55):
He said, hey man, he said, you got too much
stuff going on. This is God testingy man. This is
the that like just let that don't any worry about it, bro,
don't let it that. That's just one of them things
that this one of the and I did, and I went,
I went on to have I went on to have
a good night, went home, prayed about it, went to church,
prayed about it. Like, man, God, don't let me make

any more rash decisions. Because even let's say that, let's
say I got into it with that dude and at
the comedy show, and I went out.

Speaker 1 (28:24):
There and he shot me, not what everything everything ruined.
I get what you're saying. You know what I'm saying.
Everything is not worth it. It's not worth it. I
joke a lot, it's really not. I'm right, it's not
worth it.

Speaker 2 (28:37):
You think about it, if I go, how much stuff
falls apart. I'm just saying, my family falls apart. Its
just I just thought about that, and A and a
and a. You can't take nothing serious.

Speaker 1 (28:50):
I'm trying.

Speaker 2 (28:51):
Don't take nothing nothing, real life moment, having a moment,
and you can't take nothing serious.

Speaker 1 (29:00):
Try it. I'm trying. She don't take that. You gotta
keep the peace. I'm t piece on the streets.

Speaker 2 (29:12):
That's why I do piece in the streets. But she
don't take nothing serious dog.

Speaker 1 (29:20):
He was giving out, trying to get right. I'm trying
to get right. I'm food panty, I'm doing a food pasty.
I'm trying to look all of this is good.

Speaker 2 (29:29):
I'm putting out the I'm trying to get us to
get I'm trying to have it come back on us.

Speaker 5 (29:33):
Brother, it's sister. You're gonna take nothing serious.

Speaker 1 (29:36):
You're doing right, You doing, you living what you speak.
You piece in the streets. Oh man, I can't stand
you speaking a piece of the streets.

Speaker 2 (29:46):
Let's get to the T I Tiny win a lawsuit
and it's a toy company seventy million dollars.

Speaker 1 (29:53):
God is good, honey, what do you think about this?
God is good. God is good. I am so happy
to see this happen for them.

Speaker 4 (30:00):
You know, not only did they win this lawsuit, they
also won that lawsuit with them sexual allegations that was
against them, to the point where now the lady owes
them money for making the allegations. So yeah, so whatever
you know, T I and Tiny is covered by the Lord,
and I am happy to see this for them. I
was so excited. I got so excited when the news broke.

I was like, they billionaires, and my friend Ryan was like, yo, done, man,
you can't count.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
That's not a billion dollars.

Speaker 4 (30:31):
I'm like, they almost be. He's like no, but I
was just I'm just three or for them. I'm excited
for the OMG girls. I just interviewed them not too
long ago. So y'all come on back and get y'all
plus as OMG member. I'm ready to join the group.
I could be green.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
They all got a color. I'll be green. I'm very
excited though, for them, they're very cool. Each what you think, man,
t I you gouy T I is my god man,
and he's super rich. I mean he was already rich,
that dude. You know what I'm saying. Papers, But I
like to see creatives win.

Speaker 6 (31:02):
The fact that creatives of one where a big company
didn't get to stump all over a smaller entity, a
smaller group, really makes me feel good. Yeah, because you
got to think about it. They put that group together,
their daughters in that group, you know what I'm saying.
They put their blood, sweat, and tears, and then you
come and make a lifelike doll basically of the same group,
without their permission, without anything, and you make millions of

million dollars. Seven man, you know how many I bought
them a little lol surprise things before you know what
I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (31:31):
They probably made billions of dollars off of that group.
And that's seventy one million. I bet it's a drop
in the bucket to what they made off of it. Yeah,
you know that's what I said.

Speaker 2 (31:39):
I said, for that judgement to be that high, they
probably probably so so much funny they made so much
money off of that. But this is it's interesting where
you see a person like Ti or people like Ti
and Tiny Wind because they're already successful, they already reached
and this is I mean not saying that they didn't have.

Speaker 5 (31:58):
I'm comfortable money now, but that's this is a whole
nother level of comfort.

Speaker 2 (32:03):
I wonder if you're gonna see because they are serial entrepreneurs,
are you gonna see something but from Tia where he's
gonna start maybe his own streaming service, where he's gonna
do his own they're gonna have their own movie studio.
Seventy million dollars is a lot of money, and you
you could create. Now we talk about to creatives. I

want I'm just wondering, I wonder because I know which
I ain't gonna lie. I'm gonna keep it a buck
like I like ty I as an actor, like I would.

Speaker 1 (32:31):
Like to see. I would like to see good.

Speaker 2 (32:34):
It was unfortunately like when he was starting to get
going and he had that situation. So I would like
to see him start acting. It's gonna be interested to
see what they would do with seventy because I made
seventy I'm sorry, y'all, this pod to everything over with.

Speaker 1 (32:45):
I'm done. I'm stopping. It's a price on the pod.
That's crazy. I gotta stop. You see what I'm saying.
It's good to know, it's good. It's good to know
I ain't gonna get no seventy weed like me. He's
gonna get his replacement. Benna, Are you paying us out? No?

Speaker 2 (33:09):
I definitely would. I wouldn't take. I would not make
seventy million and not give y'all.

Speaker 1 (33:13):
Some money is lying. I couldn't given us a dying
Are you kidding me? Seventy giving that's a money fun
because y'all.

Speaker 2 (33:21):
My people, if I'm gonna quit the pot, I would
give y'all about a mill mill to a piece, or
if y'all talked me into doing something, but the seventy million, Like,
hey Tom, look we could do blah blah blah with it.

Speaker 5 (33:33):
I would, I would. I would give it a try
and pay y'all salaries.

Speaker 1 (33:36):
That's how we worked for you. See, this is not
the math. Ain't math.

Speaker 4 (33:41):
And we went from you was gonna give us a
little blessing And I'm saving to death records and you
should and got.

Speaker 5 (33:47):
You're almost planning to get a playout on the pot.
I'm not giving a playoff.

Speaker 1 (33:50):
Okay, No, don't do that.

Speaker 4 (33:53):
What I'm saying is I'm trying to figure out, Okay,
if because I know what I'm doing, if I want
seventy million, you're doing, I'm still I'm gonna show up
every day and do this podcast like, ain't nothing happened now,
y'all not even gonna know. The only changes you're gonna
see is I'm getting some O zipic bb a'ma have
a lot of new wigs.

Speaker 1 (34:10):
But outside of that, ain't nothing changing, y'all. You just
change your whole appearance. All I'm gonna do is change
your whole appearance. What a little small sands. But I'm
not even gonna y'all would never know. I guess seventy
million we would. If you got small as y'all would know.
I wouldn't tell you that. You tell y'all.

Speaker 4 (34:31):
I'm gonna come Herena do this podcast every week and
laugh with y'all one hundred oh yeah.

Speaker 1 (34:37):
That going about the biggest change.

Speaker 4 (34:39):
He gonna say he gonna have a nice lifestyle with
multiple houses, houses, and he probably get a grill down south.

Speaker 1 (34:49):
Will He's gonna get him agrill.

Speaker 6 (34:51):
I'm coming here so icy. Y'all gonna be like that,
what's going on? And I would be like, right, look here,
gonna look that money bag, yo, promise. Yeah, he goes
back jury, he gonna.

Speaker 1 (35:01):
Buy them a beard, he gonna buy some muscles.

Speaker 6 (35:04):
It's gonna be I'm not gonna buy no muscles. I'm
gonna go to the jail. I'm gonna have the finest
chefs looking my food.

Speaker 1 (35:10):
I am.

Speaker 4 (35:10):
You're gonna be like, is that let's see IgA everything
you gotta? Yeah, I just grabbed the mannequin today it's Tuesday.
Why not?

Speaker 1 (35:19):

Speaker 5 (35:19):
But is a super rich thing for somebody that's already
rich and tiny?

Speaker 1 (35:24):
I know we talked about t I and what you know,
you want to see. Tiny is a visionary. So she
the type.

Speaker 4 (35:30):
You get her seventy five million dollars, she will turn
it into a billion, like she is the visionary.

Speaker 1 (35:35):
She then wrote hit records.

Speaker 4 (35:37):
She didn't thought the TV shows and that the real
remember that show, the real that she went on. Yeah,
Tiny did that first and it ended up on the network.
So she's just the type that's a visionary. She created
the OMG girls like she's gonna think of how to
flip that money.

Speaker 1 (35:53):
So them together is just gonna beautiful, a beautiful thing
to watch. And I'm happy for them.

Speaker 2 (35:57):
Yeah, I'm happy for them. It couldn't have happened too
two better people. Congratulations to them, all right, going out
for your guys. Zach Boosie in Texas, Oh no ah, man,
lock me up?

Speaker 1 (36:11):
Mine did lock me up? Pay the mind? That would
be Zach with money, Boosy, you would be. It's twenty
five hundred dollars, you know mine? Who's he got?

Speaker 2 (36:21):
Twenty five hundred dollars? Jacket over? He ain't paid the
driving twenty times?

Speaker 1 (36:26):
Pay that mine. It ain't let me out all the
way over?

Speaker 4 (36:28):
I walk.

Speaker 1 (36:31):
Might have me walking? Yeah, you want to you know
you know, that's probably what it is. That's what it was.

Speaker 4 (36:38):
It was something principal. It was a principal because I
know hoodues. Hood dudes don't play about little stuff like
that about the money. It was the fact that I
had to walk, And then I asked you because you
let me up right there. You're talking about you couldn't
let me up right there. Well, I tell you what,
I'm gonna walk, but you ain't gonna.

Speaker 1 (36:53):
Get a mother that. Yeah, you know what's.

Speaker 2 (36:59):
It was? He got made him late to the airport.
Bosie body best the fly He's like, No, he had
me waiting. Don't come outside of Coppos. Be right here, No,
Mike Cospo, be right here.

Speaker 6 (37:10):
Every time I every time I come to Wei's in
I ain't never had a problem every time I come Dallas.

Speaker 1 (37:16):
It's Texas.

Speaker 6 (37:17):
Any time I come to Dallas, the car right here,
all the way down street, somebody gets something to eat.

Speaker 1 (37:21):
Hell, no, man, ain't nothing because I was gonna stand
on it.

Speaker 2 (37:27):
When I heard the number, because I'm thinking it's a
real number. I heard to know that it was like
twenty five. I said twenty five hundred something somewhere wrong. Yes,
Boozie ain't hurt on twenty five nothing. Yeah, didn't pick
him up at the right spot. He wouldn't let him
smoke in there something like that.

Speaker 1 (37:47):
It's something in there.

Speaker 6 (37:48):
He's like, you ain't no smoking, I can't smoke. Make
so I'm gonna pay you and I can't even get back.

Speaker 5 (37:55):
Come on, come on, Kicky, get such a kick out
of it?

Speaker 1 (37:59):
What he because? I can picture you know how mad? Yes?

Speaker 2 (38:05):
Oh my god, I have I plenty to say on
this alway to always you guys go. Candice Owens says
a gangster rap isn't a part of black culture.

Speaker 1 (38:17):
Either one of you jump in, go ahead, she said,
it was created. This is a woman can can't go ahead?
Defend this? First of all, I'm not never been that girl. Well,
I just defend the woman. I look around hundred seventy
six episodes. I'm different. I'm a real If the woman wrong,
I say, the woman wrong. What I'm with you? When

you're right now you.

Speaker 4 (38:47):
Now you will find some right and some wrong, and
our heartbeat it might just maybe it's just Candice, you
ain't down to ride for. But definitely women you definitely
But tell me Zach what she said because right, I
don't want to speak.

Speaker 1 (39:06):
That's what I was waiting for.

Speaker 6 (39:07):
She said that she that it was gangster rap was
not a black It's not a part of black culture.
It was something created by the federal government to basically
amplify crime and different things to take us down.

Speaker 1 (39:20):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (39:21):
It was.

Speaker 4 (39:22):
She also said this is where she lost me, and
she said that they used gay homosexuals from jail and
made them superstars and they started doing their thing.

Speaker 1 (39:35):
Oh okay, yeah, that was That was a lot.

Speaker 6 (39:39):
But to see the thing about Kennis Owns, that statement
is epitome of how I feel about Candy's candas.

Speaker 2 (39:46):
It was.

Speaker 1 (39:46):
It's literally like I'm with you and then you went
too far, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 6 (39:52):
Do I think gangster rap was created and it's not
an essential part of the black experience.

Speaker 1 (39:58):
Absolutely, I do think that it's I do think that
it was created in term that phrase.

Speaker 6 (40:03):
Now, Ice QB came out and said that he came
out with reality rap. Okay, so a lot of the
reality rap was. Yeah, sometimes it would get violent, but
it was it was a different way. It was getting violent.
It was getting it was more getting violent to us
feeling oppressed, and you know what I'm saying, try to
fight the powers that were oppressing us, you know what
I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (40:23):
So it's f the police. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (40:25):
It is f the police for real because of how
the police are oppressing our people and mistreating us.

Speaker 1 (40:31):
That's right.

Speaker 6 (40:32):
And then it hit a switch to where it became
where we started to just glorify what tone just called
N word stuff. You know what I'm saying, Where we're
gonna glorify shooting and killing each other.

Speaker 1 (40:43):
You know what I'm saying. I don't think that was
the purpose for us to glorify.

Speaker 6 (40:49):
Murdering each other, robbing each other, stealing it from each other,
you know what I'm saying. You think about black music
as a beginning, Black music really started off as an
instrumental type thing.

Speaker 1 (40:59):

Speaker 6 (41:00):
We were in the instruments, We were in the blues,
We was in the pop, the rock, we started all
of those things. Okay, the Jimmy Hendrix, the the you know,
we are the epitome of music. Then you get to
the seventies where you had the Temptations, the Ojys, all
of this still music, still unity. We were in groups
you know what I'm saying. Then we went through an
era of singing, still grouped, all that stuff. Then all

of a sudden, we hit a turn where gangster rap
took over. And then, as you see, the other forms
of music that we did started to go to other genres,
I mean to other cultures. Other cultures started doing what
we did, and then they started to label us. So
then it became labels where this person became an urban
act versus this person's a pop act or this person's

a rock act. And it seemed like the other acts
that we started them, things started to become. Those genres
started to become white, and then everything black became urban.
Then then we had more gangster rap, less singing, more
gangster rap, less people playing instruments, more gangster rap let's groups,
and then gainst rap became the thing that turned turned
everything around, because one, that's what the uh, that's what

the record labels were signing, and that's what they were pushing.

Speaker 1 (42:10):
I think, I think I'm with you where you said.

Speaker 4 (42:13):
I think like you said her statement, but I agree
with gangster rap is not a We don't have to
claim it as gangster rap, because I like I don't
think we came up with the term gangst the rap.
I think they started calling us the gangster rap. It
was they labeled it as gangster rap, and that may
not have been what we were trying to do because
back then it really wasn't like you said, they were
fighting for other things. So I definitely don't agree with

the label. I don't like even like we evolved to
the point now where we used to be called urban.
Our our format is called urban, and when you look
at it, you have pop, which is short for popular music,
you have urban. What does urban truly mean a lot
of time urban areas that are not properly funded, low
resource income areas. So to label us that when we

when we actually are the popular music because every other
genre is copying what we're creating and what we do.

Speaker 1 (43:05):
Truly we are the popular music.

Speaker 4 (43:07):
So when you talk about gangst rap, now we more
than gangster rap because every genre is trying to work
with us, collaborate with us, and steal from us. So
truly we are the popular music. So you know, now
we're hip hop and R and B is the label
that they have on the genre. But I agree with
her in that aspect. We don't have to claim our
hip hop as gangst the rap because the word gangster

has a negative connotation to it, which means you're trying
to hurt and bring danger somewhere, and that wasn't what
our music was initially intended to do.

Speaker 1 (43:37):
So I agree with her on that aspect.

Speaker 2 (43:39):
All right, Thank god you guys having an older band
on the pot and give you some perspective.

Speaker 1 (43:44):
Young peoples. Come on.

Speaker 4 (43:50):
Years old, tell us about the blues, tell us where
gospel music starts.

Speaker 1 (43:57):
I hate that took it too far. I think.

Speaker 2 (44:02):
I think in this whole situation is just a lack
of you know, I just sometimes you talking heads.

Speaker 1 (44:10):
May not be in this space. Not might be. This
is not not me, that might not be your thing.
So you don't agree with Kendall, I don't. I don't.
I think what I you said is true.

Speaker 2 (44:22):
Is reality rap, right, and then it became gangster rap,
So you gotta look at it when we were growing up.

Speaker 5 (44:30):
Unfortunately, it is.

Speaker 1 (44:31):
What it is.

Speaker 2 (44:33):
Either you had people playing sports from your neighborhood that
made it, or you had the neighborhood drug dealer gangster
that was the the guy in the neighborhood, or the
guys in the neighborhood.

Speaker 1 (44:45):
You really didn't.

Speaker 5 (44:46):
We didn't such like like a cliff hustable. That's why
that was everybody.

Speaker 2 (44:50):
And we saw the Cosby Show, a lot of people
got to see that was from neighborhoods that weren't like
the cos be like man, you know you could, you
could really make it out here without happen to do either,
like Biggie said one of his verse, either you serving
crack rock.

Speaker 5 (45:03):
Or you got a wicked jump shot.

Speaker 2 (45:05):
It's without that, or being able being big as hell
and be able to run over everybody on the football field.
It so this this was a way of people talking
about what was going on. This was happening, and this
was happening in n w A.

Speaker 6 (45:19):
This was happening, police violence, you know, people selling drugs,
trying to make it it was. It was really talking
about what was happening in neighborhoods across the country.

Speaker 5 (45:29):
That's why people gravitated to it because we had never
heard it.

Speaker 1 (45:33):
But who led because.

Speaker 2 (45:37):
We labeled ourselves because the people that were talking about
it are gangsters. Ice Cube, if you listen to what
he has said, the way he comes from gangster Snoop
Ball Snoop Dogg what he has said gangster and how
many times, but this is the thing, let me finish.
How many times have you seen people go from being

gangsters in the neighbor drug dealers in the neighborhood, turned
into legitimate business men just because just a it's a
shame that we had to start out somewhere, but everybody
starts somewhere. Italians look at what they have, they their whole.
We learned about Italians from the movies, and they so
much more than that in their culture, so much more.

But we know them and being all mobsters. You talk
to a real Italian, they like, dude, we way more
than mobsters. That was a segment of our culture.

Speaker 1 (46:29):
But you can't you the label comes from a higher up. Nobody.

Speaker 2 (46:34):
Nobody, nobody labeled. Nobody labeled Italians mobsters. That was just
something that they were the mob.

Speaker 4 (46:40):
That we can't compare to the mob because the guests,
because Italians control their destiny, they control their whole. Saying
because you're saying that when when corporations and white people
start monetizing and picking who they're choosing, Yes, that's a
beautiful thing in.

Speaker 1 (46:56):
The don't take Hollywood monetized. Let me get all out.

Speaker 4 (47:00):
Nineties in the nineties, yes, you you're talking about that
time the nineties where you.

Speaker 6 (47:04):
Look, you said, the dope boy is the biggest dude
in the Oh. Go ahead, but hear me out.

Speaker 1 (47:10):
Hear me out.

Speaker 6 (47:11):
When we we're talking about the label of music and
the music that's being pushed. My dad sold everything in
the seventies when you were born. He was already selling everything. Okay,
he was selling everything. But guess what he was riding
in his car to Stevie Wonder the O Jay's seventy

the music. Hear me out, the action was happening. It's
a difference between exact.

Speaker 2 (47:37):
But you're trying to explain when gangster raps started, there
was still other rappers. You still had Wu Tang Claim,
you have a trip called Quest you had.

Speaker 1 (47:45):
Those people aren't popping. Those people were mainstream.

Speaker 4 (47:48):
Then what I'm trying the issue now is well, we're
talking about Candice On is saying the mainstream now has
become it's been taken over.

Speaker 1 (47:57):
And created now.

Speaker 4 (47:58):
It's that's all it is that now and that's what
and that's where the control comes in. I think people
are multi dimensional.

Speaker 2 (48:06):
Exact Jack but you to the record labels and I'm
just maybe I'm playing Devil's advocate.

Speaker 1 (48:12):
But it's like anything, bro, It's like anything in business.

Speaker 2 (48:16):
What you see works, you run it up because you're
gonna try to squeeze every goddamn dollar out of it.

Speaker 1 (48:23):
And I think that's what happened.

Speaker 2 (48:25):
You see how profitable this thing, even though it's that
they don't give its detrimental to this community by keep promote,
keep promone.

Speaker 5 (48:34):
But it's generating so much money. And why is it
generating so much money?

Speaker 2 (48:38):
Because unfortunately these people are telling black stories, talking his story.

Speaker 6 (48:48):
Thanks to rappers, I'm having a very hard time selling records.
Let me tell you you know who's generating when real
music comes out. It's getting generated.

Speaker 4 (48:54):
When Michael Jackson and Prince and all them them were
the people who was having the platinum records, the people
people were buying more. People were buying more music from
the real artists than they are the gangsters.

Speaker 1 (49:07):
But just some some things are controlled.

Speaker 4 (49:10):
Guess what, when you talk about the nineties, we think
about our sitcoms and.

Speaker 1 (49:14):
How positive they were.

Speaker 6 (49:15):
We had we were we were watching it wasn't that oh,
the we watched less TV and things now, but we
were glued to positive things just because black people, like,
I'm not saying it makes me feel like you're saying
entertainment has to be negative for black That's not my point.

Speaker 2 (49:36):
That's why you didn't get the whole gist of it,
because you didn't get to let me finish my point.

Speaker 1 (49:40):
You jumped over it.

Speaker 2 (49:41):
My point, my point being is that is that that
was one segment. You had people telling this story. N
w A was telling that story, right, But then on
the flip side of it, you had Trip Call Quest
telling their story. Then on the flip side of it,
you had what everybody considers it's the golden age of
R and B. But everybody wants to blame gangster rap

on on the demise of the black culture.

Speaker 1 (50:06):
When it's a lot more than that.

Speaker 2 (50:09):
And I didn't even say demidse of the problems that
the black culture has when really, if you ask me,
the problem that black culture has has to do with home.

Speaker 1 (50:19):
It has to start. It starts at home.

Speaker 2 (50:21):
And the reason I brought up battalions is because they
were much They are much more of a people than
than goddamn being mobs that Asians are much more than
people than Chinese fighting movies. They are much everybody, but
they for some reason people want to say, oh, gangster rap,
and everybody in black ain't against it.

Speaker 4 (50:43):
Okay, can I interject? I think the issue that I'm
having with it is gangster rap. I feel like it's
a label that was given to our music. We did
not create that label. That is a label that is
given to our music to insinuate fear, to make it.
You make people fear us, make people feel like we're dangerous,

made people feel like their kids shouldn't be allowed to
listen to our lyrics, when truly the people they were
labeling as gangster rappers like Ice Cube were not truly
living that gainst the lifestyle on their raps, they were
trying to teach us about police brutality, They were trying
to teach us about being black in America. And they
were trying to and when Ice Cube got on on,
he started making all kind of positive movies to entertain

the black culture. So would I look at Ice Cuban
call him a gangster, No, right, because gangster has a
negative connotation to it. So to me, when Candae whatever
Owen is saying, that's not a part of the black culture.
I'm kind of like, I don't want to claim that
as a part of the black culture either, because my
black men who were making songs weren't gangsters. They weren't
trying to They were making songs, so they didn't have

to do gangster, So why would I be labeled as
a gangster? That's like when y'all that's like when your
grandparents don't know what to call something or don't know
what to label it. So it's y'all listening to that
gangst the rap because you don't know what else to
call it, because you can't relate to it. And I
feel like that was that label was given to us
by the government and not so much as we labeled
it ourselves gainst the music.

Speaker 2 (52:09):
But when it but Kiki, what I'm saying, is this
what you just said because they can't relate to it.

Speaker 5 (52:15):
But we all know, we all know Zack's father, zack
father sold everything.

Speaker 2 (52:20):
But then the preacher, Okay, but know what I'm saying,
I'm saying that unfortunately, unfortunately, it has nothing to do
with us. It's unfortunately that some black success comes from
these different places that come from the negative.

Speaker 5 (52:35):
Jay Z is a ex drug dealer.

Speaker 1 (52:38):
That is that. But but I'm saying, but he's so.

Speaker 4 (52:42):
Battalion business on the down the street, calling him as.

Speaker 6 (52:47):
You're What I'm trying to say is you're connecting drug
dealing with being a gangster. Right, you see what I'm saying,
no other no other uh group of people when they
do something, they're whole old label is gangster like.

Speaker 4 (53:01):
That's the point. That's what we're trying to say. That's
the that's the industry, federal part that we're telling you. Yes,
jay Z sold drugs, and jay Z's a businessman, and
so did the other white man on a black.

Speaker 1 (53:15):
Black people do it. It's this negative thing, it's this
scary thing. It's this fear for your life.

Speaker 4 (53:20):
We accept media that we're saying that the media has
labeled us those things.

Speaker 6 (53:26):
Why that man just couldn't be in a stupe businessman.
The man the Italian is in a in a suit,
he's not even if he is selling drugs, they're not
even they not even looked at the same.

Speaker 1 (53:35):
Okay he doesn't. He's help issue.

Speaker 4 (53:38):
Comes from the label, the label of gangster. The word
gangster is a negative word. If we if we're being honest,
if you call somebody a gangster, there's nothing good about you.
Your debt to your you're tearing up your neighborhood. You're
not good for society. So if I allow somebody to
label my music that's speaking of my black experience and
call it gainst the rap, then I'm letting them call

me a gangst. And I think that's what she was
trying to say, Like, just call it hip hop, just
call it black music. Hell, just call it rap. Why
I gotta be gangster rap? Whether I rap slower fast,
it still rap. Whether I rap about popping my ass
or I'll rap about common because you look like I'm
I'm sorry. But if I rap about some peace stuff,

I'm still rapping. So let's just call it rap, you
know what I'm saying. So I think the issue is
the label in us. Something back then and even now,
sometimes we adapt to the labels that people give us
because we don't know no better.

Speaker 1 (54:33):
When it's like, nah, gee, I'm not a gangster rapper.
I'm a rapper.

Speaker 4 (54:36):
Whether I'm talking positive on this track, well I'm talking
about that time that I wasn't my best self, I'm
still just a rapper.

Speaker 1 (54:42):
Don't call me a gangster, because I'm more than a gangster.

Speaker 2 (54:46):
And this paying Devil's advocate, and I get what you
guys are saying, Well, you you have a problem with
the label. I understand that, but there are also sub
genres and other like rock for instance, yes, heavy metal, Uh.

Speaker 1 (55:01):
One of those labels.

Speaker 4 (55:02):
None of those labels mean they went out and robbed
the store because that's what a gangs to do, or
killed somebody or sold some drugs or none of their
labels means.

Speaker 1 (55:11):
You got emo rock, you got emo rock, you got
heavy metal, you got uh.

Speaker 4 (55:16):
I don't even know the other ones, but ain't none
of them got a negative connotation as far as what
is labeled as.

Speaker 1 (55:21):
And I think that's where the issue is.

Speaker 4 (55:23):
And I think that's where I actually was just crazy
agreed with Cannice on that point, like maybe we don't
need to accept that as I because I truly, if
I'm being transparent, I had no issue with us being
called the urban radio station. I had no issue with
us being called urban community. I didn't know no better,
so I was like, yeah, I'm urban, and that's popping it.
When I sat back and looked at the numbers and

the math was not and I said, nook, this is
more popular than this if we being real, So why
am I being called urban because my communities have less
income put in them? Well, we can look if we
go through the structure. There's a lot of reasons on
why my community is suffering the way it is, and
it ain't always. It ain't because against the rap.

Speaker 5 (56:04):
So I guess for me, it's for you, key, thank you, queen.

Speaker 1 (56:11):
Queen, like queen God, I'm saying, queen, look jump Holly rackaky.

Speaker 4 (56:25):

Speaker 1 (56:27):
I don't know, but I like it, like it's the braids.
What is it the braids? Yeah, I think it's love it.
But they're not like us. They're not like us.

Speaker 2 (56:40):
Come on, see how you jumped on guys you no, no, no.
I guess for me, I guess it's not it's not
the The label doesn't bother me. It doesn't bother me
because I know what against it can become. And I
and I get I guess that I don't have a

I didn't have a I don't have a problem with
that because I've watched I've watched people that I know,
some of the more scary peoples than people in my
neighborhood that I businessman, and it ain't never done nothing again.
You know, it's just I've seen it. I've seen it,
so I don't have a problem. Like, hey, yeah, y'all
call it, but I understand what you're saying. When you
spending like that, it makes it makes a lot more

sense to Yah.

Speaker 4 (57:23):
We gotta start checking these labels that we have accepted
over the years because I didn't like, I didn't know.

Speaker 1 (57:28):
I didn't know I had a problem with it until
I had a problem with exactly. And we walk around
like that a lot of times, all right.

Speaker 2 (57:34):
Lastly, the Tia Maury reveals her and her sister Ta
Mary and Maury are no longer close.

Speaker 1 (57:43):

Speaker 2 (57:44):
That has to be some weird ish with you're twins, man,
like you're twins. Yeah, that's nasty work. You ever get
like that with somebody your family? It's like, yo, y'all
not close as much as you are anymore.

Speaker 4 (57:57):
No, I love my siblings down even when it don't
like me. I love them like I'm like, I'm I
don't know, you know what I'm saying, Like I can
say I was one of my brothers. Ain't feeling me
right now, but like I still love I killed somebody
sitting in jail smoke a cigarette gladly over my siblings,
all of them.

Speaker 2 (58:13):
I don't.

Speaker 4 (58:14):
I will sit in jail smoke squares with Woody about
my brothers. I don't care nothing, Like it's nothing. I
don't think it's anything that they could do to me
that would make me not love them or desire to
be in their life. And so to me, I can't
even relate to not speaking to a sibling. And I
think it comes from I lost a sibling that I
was super close with, Like we were real close in age.

We did everything together. And I think when you lose
a sibling, your love for the siblings you got around
you still got. It's a maxim So like me and
my brothers we kick it. We were to get on
the weekends.

Speaker 1 (58:49):
Our spouse is kick it. We all everybody cool.

Speaker 4 (58:52):
So when you talk about you can't, I don't even
I can't even comprehend how you don't like somebody your blood.
And I grew up in a house with If we
got to argue with each other, we both got a whooping.
So I grew up and have you wren't fighting your
sibling like you can go fight something y'all can get
together and go fight somebody on the street. Y'all can
go fight somebody on the street one on one, But
y'all are not fighting each other.

Speaker 1 (59:12):
And if they if you're.

Speaker 4 (59:13):
Seiling out fighting the street and you ain't jumping in,
you're getting a whooping when you get here.

Speaker 1 (59:17):
So I don't. I don't.

Speaker 4 (59:18):
I grew up like it ain't no even when you
can you imagine living in the house with somebody and
you want to fight them so bad, but you know
if you do, you're gonna get a wooping. We just
have to sneak and fight each other and didn't act
like we're cool when Mom and them got back home.

Speaker 1 (59:31):
So like we used to knock out drag out brows
and then as soon as Mom of them coming home,
we had to, like you know what I'm saying, act
like nothing happening.

Speaker 2 (59:39):
So I.

Speaker 1 (59:45):
No wooings.

Speaker 4 (59:46):
They didn't get no tea in mayor them didn't know
they know whoopings because Yo, my mama ain't having this.
You ain't talking both y'all A you y'all gonna be
friends to put this man. My family don't play that, So.

Speaker 1 (59:59):
I I don't know.

Speaker 6 (01:00:00):
I love that, Oh, man, Zach, what about you, bro? No, Man,
it was sad to see because they twins, you know
what I'm saying. It just seems like it's a little
more because they twins, y'all look just like how y'all
mad at each other, and it seemed like y'all were
very close, you know what I'm saying. So I do
hope whatever they whatever they fell out about, they figure
it out.

Speaker 4 (01:00:18):
I really do because it's Den Tamyr. We grew up
watching them on TV, and you know, people grow apart.

Speaker 6 (01:00:24):
I understand that, you know what I'm saying, And they
probably spent a lot of time together and they you know,
going through it. But I do hope that they I
know twins that like man, I got a couple of
fraternity brothers as twins. They don't do nothing without each other,
like they don't, I mean like nothing, like nothing.

Speaker 1 (01:00:39):
I know the twins that I know they can't.

Speaker 2 (01:00:42):
They like one moves away and eventually the other one
has to go move in the same city. They can't
really function without each other, at least speaking. So it's
a weird situation for me and my siblings. I think
a lot of a lot of the stuff has to
do a lot of stuff. We had a different kind
of family down there in my family, but I try

to stay as close as I can with my with
my siblings and my family. But I was looking at
something that steven A. Smith said, y'all wonder if this
had to do with Ta and Tamar as well, because
they were working. You know, I think I sacrificed a
lot of friendships and family family relationships to do this.
You do this at the level that I that I
did I do this at And I saw steven A

Smith say something about it.

Speaker 1 (01:01:25):
He was like, man, I.

Speaker 2 (01:01:28):
I sacrificed a lot to do this, like a lot,
you know, you think about it all of the things.
I was like, Nah, I gotta go be at the
radio station. Oh I gotta go host this. Oh I
gotta go do this. Also I could be able to
be I guess. I used to know with my mama
and my daddy would tell me no the stuff, And

I know they weren't telling me no because they wanted to.

Speaker 1 (01:01:52):
Like it just got they got kicks off and be like, nah,
I can't do that for you.

Speaker 2 (01:01:55):
I was like, man, dang, my mama, not daddy, Mell.
Why can't get this. Why can't get this?

Speaker 5 (01:02:00):
Is crazy?

Speaker 1 (01:02:01):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (01:02:02):
They like, no, we gotta wait, No, you gotta wait, No,
we can't just And I realized, you know, when you
become an adult, like yo, they was trying to rob
Peter to pay Paul to keep everything cool.

Speaker 1 (01:02:12):
And I didn't.

Speaker 2 (01:02:13):
I you know, I always said, when I have my kids,
I don't want I don't want that. I don't want
that to be the case. So whatever I had to
do to not for that not to be the case.
So when my son wants some, my daughters need something,
they mamas need some, I could I could either say hey,
I got it in a week or I got it,
but I'm gonna get it. So that I think that
for me, But that for me, I'm always look at

people's relationships with their family and I be like and
I was say jealous but envious, like ah.

Speaker 1 (01:02:39):
Man, I wish I didn't have it, But you know
that was the sacrifice. It's hard though, I'm sorry. I
guess the thing is, I'm like that too.

Speaker 6 (01:02:47):
But now I'm about to change that and spend more
time with my family consciously because what I was doing
before I unconsciously subconsciously just working, you know what I'm saying,
because we're in our goals, we're trying to focus.

Speaker 1 (01:02:59):
But now, man, I had my aunt just passed this weekend.

Speaker 6 (01:03:02):
When I was down there with my cousins, I had
so much fun, and I just think about how much
time I don't want.

Speaker 1 (01:03:06):
To miss no more and I don't give a damn.
I'm finna stop.

Speaker 6 (01:03:09):
I'm finna be with my family because when you die,
that money, all that stuff don't matter.

Speaker 1 (01:03:14):
Man, my aunt passed. The man. When I tell you,
I have never seen so many people crying hard like her.
She was a Mason.

Speaker 6 (01:03:23):
All these like her Mason people they was They couldn't
even get through the little ceremony thing they was doing.

Speaker 1 (01:03:27):
They was told up.

Speaker 6 (01:03:28):
The pastor who was preaching was told he cried for
five minutes before he could even get a word out.
And I was like, damn, look at the impact that
she had. And it has nothing to do with her resources,
had nothing to do with her money. It was just
the time and the love that she was giving out
into the world. And that's all that people talked about.
And I think about it. I was thinking about, like,
when I die, ain't nobody gonna be like, what, man,

he was.

Speaker 1 (01:03:49):
Funny on the radio, Like.

Speaker 4 (01:03:52):
Yeah, and you know what I'm saying, he made a
lot of money, and what impact did you really have?
Like I want people to be able to tell real stories,
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 6 (01:04:03):
So that's very I just now that I'm getting older,
I just like that. Don't that it don't hit the same,
you know what I'm saying. Like I do want to
be financially straight. You know what I'm saying. I do
want to be able to provide. But also I just
don't think. I think my time in presence is just
as important.

Speaker 1 (01:04:21):
No, it's absolutely you say you gotta hit this. No,
I get no. You know I'm with you on that.
I be talking like I be talking like Zach. But
I'm gonna work like I can't.

Speaker 4 (01:04:33):
But but what I have looked at in the industry,
in our industry specifically a lot of people who I
admire and look up to. When I look at their lives,
though it ain't worth it, it ain't worth complete. It
ain't worth it because you can have so much money
and success if you don't have a family unit, you're miserable.

I don't care how much you put on the ground.
I don't care how much you put on this radio, yo.
If that if yo, you don't have a unit supporting you.
It's a very very lonely space because once this mic
is off and once them cameras go down, you gotta
have somebody real in your corner, that is in these
relationships that you have really nurtured over the years, that's

what you're gonna have left.

Speaker 1 (01:05:18):
And like when I even I use Wendy Williams as
an example, she's with a conservator.

Speaker 4 (01:05:25):
Yeah, she's with somebody she don't know hired help. Her
children are not you know what I'm saying, Like her
sister and them have been shut out her. She has
no husband. She has one son, you know what I'm saying,
and his you know, his life has been affected greatly
by the choices and decisions she sacrifices.

Speaker 1 (01:05:43):
She I'll say that that she made to have a
successful career.

Speaker 4 (01:05:45):
She means so much to us, but we can't do
nothing for her in this state when she really needs somebody.
So you think about that, and you like damn, Like, yeah,
you inspire a little, Kiki, but I can't do nothing
for you.

Speaker 1 (01:05:58):
And you now you with some random white lady you
don't know. You in your final.

Speaker 4 (01:06:03):
Stages of life, your older age of life. That's a
scary thing to look at. So I was that is
what you're saying. I ain't there yet, but I feel
you on that, Like you gotta get to a space
where you have to.

Speaker 6 (01:06:15):
But it starts with making that conscious effort. You realize
it in your brain, you know what I'm saying. Like
I saw that people just like the love they was
pouring out, and I was like, man, this is this
has nothing. This only has to do with time. All
they were doing was like they said, she was always
One of the things I took from the funeral. They
was like, she was always busy but always had time. Yes,
so she was never like too busy not to have

that conversation now he said, always in motion, but never
too busy.

Speaker 1 (01:06:40):
That was That was the quote. That's a dope. That's
a dope coming. And I was like, dangn It just
resonated with me. I was like, what am I missing?

Speaker 6 (01:06:47):
You know what I'm saying, Like I have to be present, Yes,
even in the times that we are working. You know
what I'm saying, We should be present in our time So.

Speaker 4 (01:06:59):
If one of us drop dead, God for being that
gonna be filled in bat before the commercial break over
with you heard me, before the commercial break, they're gonna
be inter switched out the promos, you.

Speaker 1 (01:07:11):
Know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (01:07:12):
So you.

Speaker 1 (01:07:16):
Know they're gonna be joint team.

Speaker 4 (01:07:18):
And by the time don't get done talking to any
within it, right, it's gonna be a whole new promo.
So you cannot live and die for this, for these microphones,
you cannot live and die. I'm talking to myself because
you know I'm not living what I'm talking, but I'm
just talking to myself.

Speaker 2 (01:07:34):
Yeah, I mean, that's it. I mean, really for me,
Thank God, I got my son. My son has giving
me balance now I got him. I got him every day,
so it's definitely balanced. So I'm like, yo, I'm worried
about homework. I'm checking emails for the high school. I'm
I'm worried about him. We're working out, he getting into
like basketball, all type of different things now that I had.
Now I got a purpose outside of these microphones. So

I'm glad I got them.

Speaker 1 (01:07:58):
And family, give us grace, give us great. It was
a great family. We try to give us grace all right, man,
final thoughts, final thoughts. It that's it. Well, it's a
good one man. It's got emotional. It did not get me.
I'm just you know, because you don't take nothing seriously.
I braided right out of her emotions.

Speaker 4 (01:08:17):
I want to say happy birthday to Ride yea writer's birthday.

Speaker 1 (01:08:28):
You only thirty one, damn why, oh my god, big
ass thirty one? Still growing? Man, Yeah, thirty one, damn you.

Speaker 4 (01:08:44):
Yeah, And told I hosted a fashion show over the weekend,
maybe you would have been in heaven. It was good, baby,
the culture of Curves fascist show. It was I ain't
never walked in there and felt like it was one
hundred meees in the same room. I said, everybody in
here is fluffy and fine.

Speaker 1 (01:09:02):
I am in heaven.

Speaker 4 (01:09:03):
So I was like, if I wanted to facetame you,
I was just like, I don't want to make the
models uncomfortable. But I'm just like, if tasa All is asking,
oh my god, he would have been in heaven.

Speaker 1 (01:09:13):
Colqueeze, he can getting hugs all night. Shout out to
my girl and everybody over there. Curve culture. That was.
We had a time. Do I have any more events coming? Up.
I hope so. I hope so. And Rider wasn't hitting
there too. I had some girls coming up to me.

Speaker 4 (01:09:30):
To myself, I know rider, I said, oh not ride
a big girl colonizing too.

Speaker 1 (01:09:35):
Oh my god, my ambitious as a rider. I won't
deny it. I'm a straight rider. You don't want to me.

Speaker 2 (01:09:49):
We gotta wrap the lot of un be able to
get uploaded. Yeah, it's too long, it's too long. Gosh,
all right, man, I have to do a buzz. Don't
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