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One O seven nine KBP I andyour show time for stupid stories. Stoll
y'all stop, Yes you are storiesbrought to you by steal and Steel Dealers
dot com. Sweet Steel Dealers dotcom. All right, a couple of
things in the news. It lookslike a deceased Democrat congress congressman won the
New Jersey primary on Tuesday. Ohuh, look, a decease Democrat congressman
went to New Jersey primary. Look. I don't know how you feel,
but I feel like that's good newsfor Biden. Uh, Prouse, you
don't need a post win you election. Come on, all right, get
to a couple of things. Guesssee, I think he came out to
the news over the weekend, maybeearlier this week too. Light Crew member
brother Marquis died. Do you guyssee that from Two Life Crew? Yeah?
Oh no, I didn't see that. I guess on the bright side,
he's no longer suffering from the painof being so horny. No,
just say it. I want tohear the hottest baby names trending right now?
Ooh, what's hot in trendy?Hey it's it's uh. They're saying
this inspired by the solar eclipse.Oh, okay, I pronounce a soul.
I don't know how you pronounce so l okay. Yeah, Saul,
which means sun in Spanish. Soul, I guess would be in Spanish.
And it's surging for girls, whileSonny is trending for boys. Do
not name your boy sonny, no, especially with the s U n n
y. Come on, man,don't still he's a girl's name, right.
Other related names that are picking upseen right now include Stella, Aura,
and Eclipse. Good lord, man, don't name your kiddie clips.
Oh my god, can you imagine? Oh, that'd be terrible. Name
a kid of clips like that wouldbe rough. You know, it would
be nice if you lived up yourname. So I always saw a partial
part of your face. Stella,I like though, I mean yeah,
but I feel like you named thatthere a beer. Soul is also a
beer, I believe. Yeah.Terrible names just awful. Make sure you
google your kid's name if you're gonnaname them something weird, just so you
know what they're up against. Yeah, man, you setting them up for
failure. I'm just telling you namea kid eclips that there's no doubt you
name your kid of clips You're justdestined to be a pole dancer. Extremely
amped up man wearing only a lady'stop until he drove into a lobby of
a jail from Florida Monday night.He's butt naked wearing a female top.
Apparently also threaten to light himself onfire. Oh let myself on fire?
Look, man, Natural selection needsto run its course with some of these
people. Idiots. Dude, whatare you doing in a woman's top busting
lobby the jail? Like, sityour ass down, go back and get
rested. Like people are stupid securityworkers TJ Max Marshalls Home goods. Now
we're in body cameras help thwart shopliftingbecause so many people are just walking in
shoplift and walking out. What doyou expect when you keep showing videos of
him not doing anything? Wow?Body cams though, for what? They're
not prosecuting. You know this guywas shot? Boy, you put it
up online? Anything those people care? Uh? A visitor has discovered that
China's highest waterfall actually comes from apipe. Oh really, what you can
imagine letdown? Like imagine some dudehigh kid or you know, trying to
traverse this crazy terrain like oh,I'm a good up dirt and see the
top of worlds. You're China's largestwaterfall. Only it'll find it's a big
gas pipe. Like, wait aminute, there's no big lake up here.
It's a sham, y'all, justlike a pipe up a cliff.
It cout it a waterfall. Apparently, though, apparently this high waterfall and
the water's coming out of this pipethat only happens at the China's Utan Mountains
scenic area. When when it's thedry seasons. Oh and apparently it's the
dry seasons most of the time.I mean what it looks so inspiring and
beautiful from the bottom scenic It's like, oh man, this really makes me
just calm and just beautiful. Itake it all this like there's a Kumbaya
moment. I'm just like, Iwant to climb up in front of big
gas like water pipe. It's gonnamake me rethink any waterfall I see from
now one though, right? Isthat real? Or they just pumping water
up there? Sham Sham sham cometo Sham waterfall. Twenty seven year old
in San Diego. Name of hisZeus Morales. He's in the news.
Was heartwarming tuktoks. He hires workersstanding outside home depots, takes them to
Disneyland. Oh apparently gives them cashat the end, so they go home
with money too. That's pretty cool, actually it is. Why don't you
I don't know. Once you hire, stead up, take the worker and
stay outside of home depot. Wantto take some families that are actually out
there struggle bus as well? Youcan take them to diney lamb. I'm
sure their kids would like it.Help my kids trying to do a American
mispageant. Take me in the familyDisney World. I'm sure he parked outside
of some schools trying to take somekids, and that was kind of frowned
down upon. I don't think theparents do. I tried it with a
two year old the second greater anduh ben parents really frowned on that.
Hey, kids, you want togo to Disney Toland today? Free up
van? Uh It wasn't making anybetter if it's you know, migrant workers.
Hey, welcome to America. Kidin the van. I'd be a
little nervous on that too. Freecandy though they probably get him for free
candy. Yeah, yeah, Isaid whatever, all right. A man
walked up to a camping and outdoorshop and apparently uh he uh, well,
he treated just like he was outin great outdoors, just one with
nature. Apparently he dropped down fora number two right outside the front gate.
That is unclear why he did,uh because he had to go right
or kind of yeah. Uh,we don't know the specifics that he just
targeted the store. You know what, I really hate bass pro shup,
so I'm an deficate right in frontof the door. Uh. Anyway,
he uh, he took his time. The store called little movers. They
looked through security footage apparently shows aguy pooping outside the gate for forty minutes.
Wow. I feel like that's apretty long poop it is, I
mean, the little Movers, notlittle poopers. He was pooping outside,
not into uh a facility. Makesme think squatting for forty minutes to be
pretty rough on the thighs. Dude, feel the burn, feel the burn.
The shop sharing the footage, somebodyrecognized them. I don't know what
they what they plan on doing.Calling a doctor public dedication is illegal,
but it doesn't sound like the policeare you know, pursuing the guy.
You know, there's an active investigationgoing on here. We're getting examples from
the poop. We'll let you knowin August. Just like this guy involved,
they didn't have a lot to goon. Well, technically they're taking
longer than he did. All right, So here's exciting news. Actually,
you know what, considering what licenseplate readers are designed to do, this
is probably positive news. Although youknow this is somehow gonna be used in
the various ways. Dozens of licenseplate readers have already been in a start
across Denver. There's gonna be atotal of one hundred eleven expected throughout the
city by mid month this month,by mid June, y'all, so like
a week one hundred and eleven,and you know what tween you and I,
I the same thing goes on withthe speeding cameras about half of a
quarter. I'm I already didn't startedgetting installed. Like they're out there.
They just haven't activated yet, butthey will soon anyway. Fifty five of
them have been put in place sincethe plan was announced in January as a
part of an initiative crack down onyou know, an adult thinks it's been
a big problem. Denver's got amassive problem with it and DIA seems to
be a real hotspot. Oh okay, just let you know they've been a
sad about seventy intersections throughout Denver,according to Denver Police Department. So the
license plate readers installed has so farthey are ready to Uh they've already led
to a couple. I guess youcall them success success stories literally me today.
Uh, anyway, they they didhave a story about Oh god,
it's just thought. The other day, I think they tracked down twelve fourteen
or so stolen vehicles just through tothe license plate readers. So, I
mean, for what it is,for what it does, this actually is
you know, probably not a badthing. I just wonder how they're gonna
use it and what it's gonna beused for down the road, because what
happens, these things always have agood intention, but they always use for
some weird nefarious thing like tracking youor charging you or another stream of revenue.
But you know, for a vehiclesthe guy's stolen, these are gonna
be able to identify plates, wherethey're at, where they're last we're seen.
So that's big time help for youknow, what really is a big
time problem in the city. RightsWe ring number one. It's crazy,
like thousands of vehicles get stolen here. You gotta expect that, you know,
criminals always like to stay one stepahead. I gotta imagine that license
plates are probably gonna start getting eitherstolen or removed or something along those lines.
Oh yeah, I mean like yousteal a car and take it to
a Walmart park lot, remove theplates and yeah, but you would probably
notice fairly fast if your plates weregone. Although how many times do you
look at the back of your car? Right? You know it's weird.
It's some of these some of thesethings, like you know, speed cameras
in the schools on a man,I can totally see it. Sure,
in neighborhoods, you know what,I can see it, But man,
on that twenty five I cannot seeit anyway. Backseup of stores, PBR
Sun one hundred and eighty rack ofbeer. Oh wow, yeah yeah,
pass Blue Ribbon celebrating his one hundredand eightieth anniversary this year. I guess
what better way doing the cram onehundred and eighty bad beers into a hard
to carry package. So I guessyou buy, God, this thing looks
stupid, this things massive? Youbuy six thirty racks and one giant package
for your convenience. I guess ifyou can lift it, one hundred and
eighty rack of beer is gonna beabout one hundred and seventy pounds, right,
Yeah, one hundred and sixty eightpounds. I looked, one hundred
and sixty eight pounds of beer.You gotta carry. Good luck carrying one
hundred and sixty eight pounds of beer, right, I would imagine most grocery
carts would have a tough time.We oh, they got take care of
that. More than that. Look, here's my advice. Lift with your
legs. It's crazy as sounds PBR. They offered a seventeen hundred and seventy
six pack back in twenty twenty one. Wow what Yeah, the one hundred
and eighty pack. It's on saleWow for ninety four dollars and ninety nine
cents. It's actually stupid cheap fromlike fifty can Yeah, yay, somebody
so over with the party with onehundred and eighty rack of PBR. I
dodn't know about punchs. Are youa friend or anemy? How many cans
of beard do you think would bein a keg? Good question, is
that more than a kegsworth? Idon't know. A's Google. Google knows
all right. So let's talk AIreal fast, new AI where you could
ask your future self advice. Iknow about this one, man, I'll
read the story. You decide.A team of MI t smart dudes A
right, they came up with anew AI chatbot. It's called future You,
and it allows you gives you anopportunity to ask an older and wiser
version of yourself for advice. Itlearns about you by asking a serious of
questions about your life, your friends, your family, past experiences, things
that have shaped you who you are, what your hopes are for the future.
So all this stuff you imagine feedinginto AI. Man, So everybody
on the surface things this is allgood. Oh yeah, man, here's
my hope, streams, aspirations,everything about the human spirit. I'm gonna
tell an AI chat But dude,they are getting all the day that they
need on us. Then they alsoage your profile picture so it looks like
you're talking to an older version ofyourself. There was one MIT student Wow,
who tried it. It was wildbecause he's a student MIT and the
person he's talking to his himself atsixty okay, and then I guess it
gives you advice by drawing from plausible, synthetic memories. So you're giving it
your memories based on your decisions fromthe past, and it's judging your timeline
kind of your your decisions and thenpredicting how you're going to do it in
the future. So for some peoplethat trajectory is just they're awful. You
know, you really been doing badlately. Anyway, here's example. Constudent
who's playing to be a teacher askedit to think back to one of the
most rewarding moments in her career.You know what it said, what's that?
Her future self said, she's retirednow, but it was when she
helped a kid turn their grades around. Quote. It was so gratifying to
see the student's face light up withpride and accomplishment. One of the researchers
who built it says he talked tohis future self a lot, and the
most profound advice he's gotten must spendmore time with his parents because they you
know, they won't be around forever. So on the surface, that's you
know, that's already things you shouldbe you know, understanding logical, right,
you know, it's not like there'sa sinops in your mind that says,
you know, give me a reflectionmy odor self, what should I
do? And? Oh, Idon't know. You should have lift that
building on fire. You should have, you know, hucked the car.
You should sit at the police notone hundred and eighty on the way.
No, right you log in,it says, so you've been in jail
for the past thirty Right you login. You don't f up, you're
dead. You know that drinking problemyou had, it finally caught up with
you. Liver Siosa. Anyway,he said he still thinks about it,
and that's the point. Quote.The goal is to promote long term thinking
behavior change and to motivate people tomake wiser choices in the present so they
can optimize their future. So it'slike, I mean, that's your parents'
job, right, you know whatneeds spend more time with me. I'm
not gonna be here forever. That'swhat parents always say. Anyway, it's
not clear exactly when we may getthis, but they've had over three hundred
and forty volunteers tested and it leftpeople supposedly feeling less anxious and more focused
about what they want their future tolook like. My question is they built
us on top of a chat GPTplatform, so I feel like you could
probably you probably come up with somethingclose by just telling chat GPG about yourself.
Then nas going to pretend to bean older version of you. Yeah,
but whatever. Hey, it's terrifying. You're feeding your whole life man,
your hopes, your dreams, yourdisappointments, things that motivate. You're
dropping all that into an AI chatbotand saying, hey, man, come
up with me in the future.I don't think that's good at all.
Just what Skynett wanted to know.Right, Let's understand they're a human spirit
to the point where we know howto break them. H That was like
the commander in Avatar. I needknow how to make them leave or squash
them if they don't. So allright, here you go. The best
headline of the day man killed bytrain, identified suspect eats his leg,
waves it around happening Waistco or Wasasco, California. Where that is says the
man who was struck killed by trainin Wassco back in late March, whose
leg was eaten by a man who'sbeen identified. The corner is set around
eight in the morning on March twentysecond. Holy moly, my god,
look at his name. I butchercrab out of this his name was horrible.
Have forty eight of wasco was struckby train. Twenty seven year old
man who removed uh but it wasit was leg from the scene was seen
by witnesses shortly after waving around hisleg and allegedly eating it. Oh damn.
According to viewer video, your revealslike is he is? He he's
eating it? Shut up? He'suh anyway, he was sending to a
year in jail. Also faces chargersare bringing drugs into jail. Uh the
manut was eating his leg? Weird. All types of revealed that the dude
caused the death was multiple blunt forceinjuries and the men or of death was
an accident. That's the dude whogot hit by a train. Uh.
The other guy they really really hungrydude, hungry man. Uh yeah,
he's he's a whack job. Imaginejust not on somebody's lip. What would
you start with? Calf knee?Bye? Well, the way that I'm
picturing it is he's holding it bythe ankle, the sock on. The
shoe is still on there, andit was separated at the knee or right
around that area, and I thinkhe's just nibbling. I think is a
whole ass No, it's a wholeass leg. So it's going all the
way up to the all the wayup, Okay, I mean that's a
long way to I was just picturingthat he was gnawing it like the kneecap
area. Okay, fellow a CL M C L L C L there's
right. Just you know, you'reat a festival and they got turkey legs
just the same way. I feellike, I feel like you gotta go
with the hamstring. Oh you thinkthat's the good eating Yeah, yeah,
I mean at that point you canalmost throw it over your shoulder. Let
the shoe in the cabin, youknow, and you just turn your head
and now on a little bit,it's like, uh, you know,
imagine like a fanny pack, butit's over your shoulder and it's uh t
bone steak, maybe the old fattysirloin. For some reason, I picture
this leg being extremely hairy too.Think about that. Yeah, he's probably
doing a lot of that. Butif you're not on the hamstring, like
you're eating some sunflower seeds. Yeah, he's probably what are you doing over
there? That's put out hair?But I'm pretty sure like the foot part
of it pretty much gets ignored anot a lot of meat. Yeah yeah,
the ankle and all this stuff.Right, you don't want to mess
with toenails and all that, liken ankle and above basically right right,
anything below the angle has to bepickled. All right? Oh, coming
up, here's the story. Here'sthe study. This is well, this
is who jaw dropping man. Whoevercame up with this one? Around here?
She is smart. Listen to thisheadline, a new study on flight
attendants found ready, here's the area. They got quotes around it. Ready,
attractiveness is essential, scoop. Whatjust judging this? I believe this
is gonna be a story where hotpeople have benefits. I don't know,
but I'm thinking this may be.I mean, in case y'all didn't know.
You know, what is he saying? Not sexual it's not sexual harassment?
Nless? You're ugly? Right,murder of Tom Brady's kid? Right?
Right? Yeah? Yeah, apparently, look, if you're hot,
you have benefits. Okay, Soso look it's ugly people just gotta hang
out and listen to hot people benefitstory or a study or does it.
It may tell us something completely different, okay, like attracting this is essential
to doing nothing. So a littlethrowback to the PBR story that we told
like five minutes ago. M hm, a keg will hold about one hundred
and fifty twelve ounce pores, whichwould be a beer all right, about
one hundred and fifty. So that'sbasically like buying a keg and you get
a couple extra cans on top ofit, right right, keg and a
free case. Hey, there yougo. You buy the keg, get
a free case. But instead,hey, let's stuff it all in the
individual wrap of slices of heavy likea like a gigantic box of Swiss cake
rows. But it's dead. Youdrink it. That's awesome, kind of
not really screams a headache. Iwonder if a free bottle iboprobe comes with it,