Episode Transcript
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Welcome, welcome to Women we Love. I'm Ellen Kay and we love to
focus on women we Love. Todayit is our president of Promotions, Namika
Trotter. It sounds president all right, Namika. We have been pursuing you
so hard and for so long,and now we get you in the flesh.
Thank you so much for coming onWomen we Love. Thank you for
having me. When I first startedhere at Coast just over seven years ago,
our program director at the time wasmost excited to introduce me to one
person in the building, and thatwas and he said, she is everything.
And you know I have learned youare. Oh that's a lot of
love and a lot of trust.I hope I can live up to that.
Oh, it's true. It istrue. It's almost like I feel
like it's in some ways parallels thewriter strike going on right now. Without
Namika, we don't we don't haveanything to give you on the air.
We don't have any fun things planned. Would you guys agree, she's the
only person you want to get anemail from. Yes, yes, absolutely.
Called during the day, I gojust put the phone down. Hello.
That is so funny. And Ialways feel like I'm bothering and I
don't want to feel no way Nimica, and we love, we love to
see you, hear from you.Like Ryan said, calls from you.
It's all good when it's Nimica trotter. But how did you get started in
this crazy business? You're you're sucha level headed, intelligent, beautiful woman,
and you were drawn to radio forsome reason, you know, like
many people who have dreams of beingan entertainment this was kind of one of
the first places that UM just drewmy attention in and I randomly applied.
I was doing all those crazy thingsback then when they had fax machines and
you know, I was calling peopleand all that stuff. Ended up getting
an interview and it was for KissFM. And I ended up getting interview
with two stations at the time,which was Hot ninety two point three and
Kiss, and they both wanted topick me up and I end up choosing
Kiss. But funny story about thatis I was actually going on vacation right
after my interviews, so I waslike all pre all extra with them,
like in case you want to hireme. If I don't answer, what
sound so pumping? It was likeengaze you, I don't answer, here's
why, But when I got back, there was no message, and I
thought, oh, man, wait, how long were you gone? I
was gone for a week. Wheredid you go? I went to the
Bahamas? Oh nice, it wasoff there. Yeah. Yeah, you
get back and it's just got back. No no messages. So I called
them instead of just waiting. Iwas like, hey, I wanted to
check in how the interview went.And I said, oh, the job's
already been filled. Yeah. Andthen like five minutes later, I get
a phone call from the station saying, hey, we wanted to offer you
the job. I was like,I just call five minutes ago, and
they said, oh, there wasconfusion because the person you spoke to was
an office person and I'm a managerand the job was actually filled with you
because and then it was lifted rightup. That is crazy. So she
told the person that got the jobgot the job. Yes, So things
haven't changed that much, right.That's why we love hearing from you,
because you clear things up. Andfor those listening, I think it's important
to share everything that Nimika does.Like the checklist is long, yeah,
yeah, it is. So yourmain purpose, sorry, yeah, your
main purpose is to set up ourlisteners with the best prizes, right,
yeah, I mean as far asCoast goes. Yeah. My my main
thing is to work on partnerships andsecure great prizing, help listeners that are
trying to get in touch with theradio station to fulfill those prizes. You
really promote Coast so well. AndI heart also because I know that you
know, even though you're with ourstation, that a lot of other stations
try to get ald piece into mikup. So we're happy that that we
have you for us. And Iknew you way back in the day before
you were married. Yeah, wemet at Kid's house, right, And
I think were you dating your currenthusband or were you single then? Oh?
I was single then that's right.Remember you were single and having so
a lot of life has happened fromthen at kiss to now now you have
a husband. Now I have ahusband and babies thirteen years got kids,
yes, three beautiful kids, lovethem, two girls and a boy.
Yes. And how has your jobchanged along with how much your life has
changed. I have had the privilegeof being able to just have resources around
me that have been through those differentparts of life. So it was like,
you know, being here for sucha period where I started making great
friends that got into industry with me, and then having resources where it's like,
Okay, somebody who's already had theirkids and like and give me advice
about how to manage the career andwhatnot. So I've just been very fortunate
too have examples there for me andhave the support around me. And what
do you enjoy doing when you arenot Nimica trotter of my heart? You're
just your mom, your wife,Like, what do you do to relax
or what do you like to doto get away from it all besides good
the Bahamas. Well, I'm I'mbig on traveling. Yeah, I love
to travel and for the most partof my life, I'm very like budget
oriented. I keep you know,things in line. Just why the same
reason why I'm running a promotions forme. But when I go traveling,
it's like the one place or nolemits dude, I'm spend whatever money I
want to spend. We gonna eathere, I'm gonna drink this, you
know. So traveling is the wayis when Nimica comes out Nimika. Okay,
this is kind of a two andone question. One did you ever
want to be on the air onthe radio? Did you ever try and
do that too. If you weren'tdoing what you're doing, what would you
want to be doing? Oh okay, let's go. No. I didn't
really have like true aspirations to beon air, but when I started at
the station, there was an opportunityto try out to be like the street
girl on Jojo on the radio.Oh yes, yeah, So I ended
up doing that because a lot ofmy girlfriends are on the street team at
the time, we were all likewe should do it together. Yeah,
and I did really well. Iwent far, you know in the whole
tryouts and everything. But God blessJojo. I love him. He is
like super b into like the paranormaland the scary. And one of my
audition days, I was like supposedto be locked in a haunted room on
the Queen Mary and I'm just notlike a scared kind of ghost person.
Yeah. For it was really hardto try and bring that out to like,
you know, hype it up onthe radio because obviously, you guys
can't see people can't see us.So I failed that day, but I
had I had a lot of funand it was my small stint in radio
on the air. But if Icould be doing something else. I mean,
I've been asked this a lot.I don't know where the next step
is actually going to be, butat one point I did want to do
something that was concierge style, youknow, like whether it be a specialty.
You come into a city, you'rebringing either your family or your friend
group, or maybe it's a workgroup, and it's like, hey,
here are like a couple of thingsthat we like to do. Will you
put together an itinerary for us?And whatever this company is would be like,
okay, great, here you comein. Here's the hotels that you
guys are staying out. We've gotthese activities books, your dinners are all
booked. That kind of like afancy travel agent. Yeah yeah, and
thinks are yeah, registered trademark rightnow kas neighborhood. So let me flip
the question too and ask how doyou become a promotions director? Like you
at a station, like somebody that'slistening that may want this job, how
do you do that? You knowthe best answer I can give, because
you know, for the amount oftime I've been here, there's been different
ways to become this um. Butthe best answer is always have a great
attitude and be available, like youknow, be around to learn, be
around to help. The more youcan do that, people see that you
care about what you do, andthey'll give you the opportunity to step into
a role like this. And wejust learned on our show recently that the
worst thing you can say to anemployer is I don't know. And so
you obviously have never said I don'tknow. You've obviously always said, let
me see what I can do,Yes, let me give it a try.
Because you've been the president for along time, and so that probably
also goes to maintaining your position.Is your good attitude. For sure,
I would say a hundred percent.That's what helps me to have energy and
excitement every day. And what helpsyou know, the job just be less
of a job. Yeah, MikaTrotter, President Promotions, iHeartRadio. Thank
you so much for being a womenwe love. Thank you for loving me.