Episode Transcript
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There's a battle going on for thesouls of me. He's the war thevery
But I'm saying, within the armsof God's dear brid He's the keeper of
the sage brist I'll have Surreyender,I'll have Surreyender, I'll have Surreyyender.
I know I'll always been a godsborndefender. Ladies and gentlemen, Rick bright
and fall of the gospel defender ministriesGod. The message you are about to
hear will encourage and equip the God. Those who have ears to hear to
be a Christian cloth with the ardorof a gospel defender, a survey alha
survey ridalow a godspel. It iswritten in Mark sixteen, verse fifteen,
that the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ spoketo his apostles, who numbered eleven at
that time. Judas would never havethe experience of carrying out the marching orders
of the Lord to go into allthe world and preach the Gospel to every
creature. When he betrayed his Messiah, the only begotten Son of God,
it would not repent of that sin. Acts one, verse twenty five says
he went to his own place inhell, and then in Acts one,
verse eight, it is written thatthe Lord commissioned those same apostles to be
witnesses of him in Jerusalem and inall Judea and Samaria, and to the
end of the earth. They knewtheir destination as far as preaching the Gospel,
it would be the whole earth,and we see them doing it.
In the Book of Acts. Therewas no complaining or griping. No one
said the Lord was expecting a bittoo much of them. But such was
not the case with Prophet Jonah.He was told by the Lord to go
to Nineveh, that great city,and cry out against it, for their
wickedness has come up before me,and he wanted nothing to do with it.
God called Nineveh a great city fourtimes in this short book. God
said Nineveh was a great city,once in chapter one, twice in chapter
three, and once in chapter four. Jonah didn't agree. He didn't think
it was so great. But itdidn't matter what Jonah thought. It only
mattered what God thought. The sameis true regarding how a person receives salvation
from sin. Preach over this radiostation the Words of Jesus in Mark sixteen
sixteen and the words of Peter inActs two, verse thirty eight, and
people ask, what's water got todo with salvation? People lacked a second
guess what God has written. Butas in the case of Jonah, it
doesn't matter what people think about God'splan. It only matters that we follow
God's plan. In the case ofwhat God told Jonah, God was right,
as he always is. Ninevah wasgreat in its size, according to
Jonah three verse three. Now,Nineveh was an exceedingly great city, a
three day journey in extent, andJonah began to enter the city on the
first day's walk. Some say ittook three days to go through the city,
others say it took three days togo around the city. The size
of Ninevah was great, and thewalls that surrounded it were great. It
has been speculated that its walls wereso great in their thickness that four chariots
could be driven side by side onthe top of them. It was not
only great in its size, itwas great in its population. Its population
was about six hundred thousand people,of which, according to the last verse
of this book, at least onehundred twenty thousand persons couldn't discern between their
right hand and their left. Itwas great in its size, it was
great in its population, and itwas great in its wealth. Prophet Nahoum
wrote in chapter two and verse nineof his book that there was no end
of treasure or wealth of every desirableprize in this great city. In spite
of their great size, their greatpopulation, and their great wealth, their
wickedness was also great. And thisis what got the attention and aroused the
anger of the Almighty, Holy CreatorGod. When Nahoum prophesied in the third
chapter of his book the forthcoming destructionof this great city, he called it
the bloody city. Was full oflies and robbery. It overflowed with murderers
and harlots and sorcerers. It wasa city devoid of any knowledge of the
One True God. God Almighty toldJonah the city's wickedness had come up before
him. Nineveh was as bad asSodom and Gomorrah, and maybe even worse.
The Lord said in Genesis eighteen,verse twenty, the sin of Sodom
and Gomorrah was very grave, andbecause of it he rained brimstone in fire
on them and all their inhabitants.Even before that, in Genesis six,
the wickedness of man was great inthe earth, and every intent of the
thoughts of his heart was only evil. Continually. Unless God intervened, Ninema
would suffer a fate similar to Sodom'sand Gomorus because of its unrighteousness, its
wickedness, and its debauchery. Itis not possible to read these words of
Holy writ and not ask ourselves isthe condition of the United States of America
any different from that in Genesis six, or Sodom and Gomorn or nineveh.
America has its houses of prostitution.Adult bookstores are advertised on the billboards that
line our major highways. Pornography isa multi billion dollar business enterprise that is
freely accessible to anyone who owns acomputer. Divorce rates have dropped, but
so have marriage rates. It isnow increasingly popular and acceptable for people to
cohabitate. We used to call itshacking up. Having babies outside the bonds
of marriage. Nothing out of theordinary. Once upon a time, it
was embarrassing to be discovered in thecloset and exposed as a homosexual or lesbian.
Today that's kids stuff. Gender transitionand gender fluidity do not hide in
a closet. It now parades downMain Street and out onto the national stage
as if it is as normal asbeing a heterosexual. The lgbt QIA plus
crowd has their own flag, andthey fly it proudly from front porches and
hang it alongside old Glory in frontof businesses and in the center of the
public square. Mainstream denominational religious groupsunashamedly defend behavior that God calls an abomination.
Rape, murder, robbery, andother crimes are skyrocketing, and few
are held accountable. Ladies and gentlemen, Sodom and Gamara and Nineveh have become
the norm, and to preach theyaren't put one's freedom of speech at risk.
If God told Jonah to cry outagainst Nineveh and he did, what
must God be saying to the churchthat his only begotten son, built and
purchased with his own blood as hesits on his heavenly throne of majesty at
the right hand of God. Thechurch's voice must scream, holler, and
shout the word of God and itssalvation message from the housetops and from pulpits
too. If the church doesn't doit, no one will, and an
increasing number of congregations won't after all, how are you going to build the
local church preaching against sin? Theprophets of old would turn in their tombs
if they knew how the twenty firstcentury church has changed God's word to accommodate
the lost world. In the midstof all the ungodliness and unrighteousness of Nineveh,
God's hand of grace was upon thatgreat city. He loved every soul
living in that city and grieved overtheir sin. He knew their future.
Unless they repented of their wickedness,they would be overwhelmingly destroyed, and their
city would be laid to waste.And because of this, God commissioned Jonah
to go and warn them of theirimpending destruction by preaching the despised message of
their need to repent. The samemessage John the Baptizer and Jesus the Christ
preached, the same message. Peterpreached, the same message Paul preached,
and the same message all preachers ofGod's word must preach. Repent or be
destroyed. Repent or perish, turnor burn. Most of the human race,
including those who profess to be religious, hates that message. The last
thing God's creation wants to hear isthat to be right with him, they
must repent. Most people in theso called religious world do not want to
hear what they must do to besaved. The message of salvation preached by
the apostle Peter Enacts two verse thirtyeight is scoffed and ridiculed and rejected as
being applicable to present day Christendom.Repent, be baptized in water in the
name of Jesus Christ for salvation.You've got to be kidding me. I
don't have to do anything for salvation. Jesus has already done it. All.
All I have to do is tobelieve in Jesus, claim the forgiveness
he purchased on Calvary's cross just forme, and it's mine. The great
God and Savior of the universe isconcerned about every person in every ninevah on
the face of this globe. Hedied on Calvary's cross to save today's Ninovites
from themselves. The Church that Jesusbuilt is the Jonah who has been called
to cry out to preach the savingmessage. He who believes and is baptized,
will be saved. There are thousandsof great cities whose wickedness comes up
before God every hour of every day, and every Christian is called upon to
cry against it. The Book ofJonah should be required reading in every jail
and every prison that are filled withmen and women who have made great mistakes
and committed great sins. Like them, so did Jonah and the Ninovites,
and so have we. All allof us have sinned and fall short of
the glory of God. But inspite of all the past and all the
present crud in our lives, Godloves us even when we don't love him.
First, John four, verse nineteensays we love him because He first
loved us. It is written inRomans five, verse eight God demonstrated his
own love toward us in that whilewe were still sinners, Christ died for
us. God has given sufficient warningto the human race that a day of
judgment is coming, not only forthe out and out wicked jail birds,
but also for those who are niceand respectable. All men and all women
will appear before the judgment seat ofChrist, that each one may receive the
things done in the body according towhat he has done, whether good or
bad. Everyone needs salvation from sinthat is received only through the blood of
the Lamb of God. The meritsof which are received only when one obeys
the plan for salvation that God hasinstituted, not some popular scheme devised and
preached odd nausea by mistaken and misleadingtheologians. Like it or not, Ladies
and gentlemen, the only plan thatcan save anyone is the plan written in
your Bible, and no one butthe sovereign God can change it. Not
you, not your preacher, andnot this preacher. As Paul reminded the
Galatians, even if an angel fromheaven preach any other gospel to you than
what we have preached to you,let him be accursed. It didn't matter
what Jonah thought of God's commission,and it doesn't matter what people think of
God's plan. To execute his vengeanceand his wrath upon those who do not
know God, and on those whodo not obey the gospel of our Lord
Jesus Christ. They shall be punishedwith everlasting destruction from the presence of the
Lord and from the glory of hispower. When the Church honestly believes the
message of the Lord, she willarise, go to Nineveh, that great
city, and cry out against it, for their wickedness has come up before
me. There are thousands of greatcities in the world, and God Almighty
sent his only begotten son to thisearth for the salvation of every person in
every one of them. Los Angeles, New York, Washington, d C,
London, Beijing, Moscow. Hewas sent to deliver the inhabitants of
these great cities from the coming worldwidejudgment and wrath of His heavenly Father.
On sin, the wickedness of thesecities comes up before God every minute of
every hour of every day. Wethank God that we do not have to
hear, see, or smell thestench that ascends to the ears and eyes
and nostrils of God. We wouldnot be able to handle it. Noted
Jonah's divine commission. Now let usnote Jonah's deliberate disobedience. It is written
in verse three. But Jonah aroseto flee to Tarshish from the presence of
the Lord. He went down toJoppa and found a ship going to Tarshish.
So he paid the fare and wentdown into it to go with them
to Tarsish from the presence of theLord. The Lord's call came, and
Jonah had to make a choice.He must either obey and go to Nineveh
as the Lord commanded, or disobeyand depart from God. That's the way
it is. When God's call comes, no one can sit on the fence.
You are either for Christ or againstChrist. You either believe that Jesus
of Nazareth is the resurrected Son ofGod, repent of your sins, confess
your faith in him, and beimmersed in water in his name for the
remission of your sins, and besaved from your sins, and enter the
New Jerusalem, or you reject hiscall and go to Hell. Those who
are not a Christian have made theirchoice. Those who are a Christian have
made theirs. Jonah decided to disobeyand depart. He decided to be his
own God and do his own thing, regardless of what the true God of
creation said or thought about it.He had no fear of the one who
created him and to whom he wouldultimately answer. There are many among us
like Jonah. We wonder what itis that causes people to reject the Gospel
invitation to be saved from sin andreceive the gift of eternal, everlasting life.
In the case of those we meetalong the pathway of our life we
can only speculate. But in thecase of Jonah, we know why he
did what he did. It wasn'tthe long journey that would be required of
him. It wasn't a concern forhis health or the danger of meeting wild
beasts or robbers along the way.We are told the reason in chapter three,
verse ten through chapter four, versetwo. God saw the Ninevites works
that they turned from their evil way, and God relented from the disaster that
he had said he would bring upon them, and he did not do
it. But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he became very angry. So
he prayed to the Lord and said, Ah, Lord, was not this
what I said when I was stillin my country. Therefore I fled previously
to Tarshish, for I know thatyou are a gracious, merciful God,
slow to anger, and abundant andloving kindness, one who relents from doing
harm. And you believe it.Jonah resented that God was going to bless
the Ninovites because of his preaching themessage of repentance. He knew God would
save them, and he wanted nopart of it. No one dare say
it, But there are those inthe church today who resent God blessing others.
In their twisted opinion, they believetheir little church group is big enough.
Outsiders are not welcome, and itis obvious to anyone who just happens
by mistake to visit their little group. New people have to escape down the
center aisle by themselves to find aplace to sit, and when they do,
they remain there by themselves in isolationamong the frigid members. The welcome
sign they read in the front lawnof the church building was false advertising.
The only people really welcome are thosewho are part of the private clan.
Jesus died for everyone in the littleclique, but for those who are not
part of the clique, well goodluck. When Jesus started his church and
Acts two, almost three thousand peoplewere baptized into Christ for their salvation,
and Acts two, verse forty sevensays there were people being saved and added
to his church every day. TheChurch of the New Testament, the Church
that Jesus built, is a growingchurch, not a dead church, not
a dead one, not a shrinkingone, not a private one. Everyone
is invited to be a member ofthe church that Jesus died. To build.
Even those whose lifestyles are far fromwhat God expects of his creation are
welcome to attend and hear the wordof God preached, with the hope and
prayer that they too will decide tobecome a follower of Jesus Christ by repenting
of their sins and being immersed inHis name to receive the remission of their
sins. The Lord of the Churchextends its invitation to awe. Come to
me, all you who labor andare heavy laden, and I will give
you rest. Take my yoke uponyou and learn from me. Or I
am gentle and lowly in heart,and you will find rest for your souls.
My yoke is easy, and myburden is light. The Spirit and
the Bride say, come and lethim who hears, say, come and
let him who thirst come, whoeverdesires, let him take the water of
life freely. Even rotten, nogood, lord down, disgusting, vulgar,
unrighteous, ninovites may come. Soin this hour come to Christ,
who is waiting to cleanse you fromyour sins in his own precious blood death.
There's a battle going on for thesouls of me. The he's of
warthvery but I'm saying within the yardsof God, dear bride, She's the
keeper of my soul. Cheers ofChrist. I'll have Surreynder, I'll have
Surreyender, I'll have surrender. Iknow I'll always be a godspol emender.
Ladies and gentlemen, Rick Bright andBoss speaking, You have just heard another
Gospel Defender Ministries radio broadcast, broughtto you by the Church that Jesus built.
Preaches all of the Word to allof the world. Jesus said in
Mark sixteen sixteen, he who believesand is baptized will be saying it.
So find someone today who will immerseyou into Christ today before it is everlastingly
too late. Our mailing address isGospel Defender Ministries, Post Office Box five
seven five Chilla Coati c h IL l I c ot h E E
Chillicothe, Ohio, ZIP four fivesix zero one. You can also contact
us to the world wide Web atGospel dash Defender dot or or by email
at a God's Death a g OS D E F A Godsdeath at roadrunner
dot com. At your request,a written transcript or an audio copy of
today's message will be sent to youfor your charge with no obligation from you
now or in the future. Weneed to hear from you as soon as
possible, so please take the timeto contact us today now, until you
and I meet again at this sametime and at this same place. Our
prayer is that you will be steadfastlysent for the defense of the Gospel.
A God, a gode, goldeng