Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
There's a battle going on for the souls of me.
He's the wyth thevery. But I'm saying within the arms
of God's dear bride, She's the keeper of my sol
chiser to Christ.
Speaker 2 (00:21):
I'll not Surrendlender. I'll have Surreyender. I'll have Surrenyender. I
know I'll always be a godspore.
Speaker 3 (00:40):
Defender, Ladies and gentlemen, Rick Bright involve of the Gospel
Defender Ministries message you are about to hear will encourage
and equin the God those who have hears to hear
to be a Christian with the armor and a gospel.
Speaker 1 (01:03):
Evenderder a hot Surrey.
Speaker 2 (01:14):
All hot surreyer ridal lout a godspool.
Speaker 3 (01:27):
Ladies and gentlemen. I have now lived past three quarters
of a century, and in that time I have seen
some remarkable changes in the ways people live their lives,
and the changes are accelerating with alarming speed. When I
was a small boy growing up in a small town,
I can remember when every store was closed on Sunday.
I can remember when eating out was something thing that
I never remember doing. I remember when my parents got
their first television and I watched Kate Smith seeing Moon
Over the Mountain, followed by Howdy Doody and his gang
of Buffalo Bob Clara Belle, Summerfall, winter, spring, mister Bluster,
and others. And even before that, I remember listening on
the radio every Saturday morning to mister Brown and his
dog Tag, who lived both in a shoe. I remember
how all of us kids played outside until dark, and
then sometimes even later. I remember dad's mowing lawns with
their push mowers, and washing their cars with a hose
and buckets. And I remember hearing mothers from all over
the neighborhood call from their back doors for their children
to come home and get ready for supper. All of
this has changed. Most people eat out about as often
as eating in television, is one of the more popular
activities most people do. I never see kids outside playing.
They're all inside with their computers, video games, and dumb phones.
Now we have lawn services do our lawns. In my
brief journey upon this earth, there have been some radical
changes in the way we live. Many things have changed
in the last few decades of the history of man.
We have gone from horse and buggy to hut rods,
from rafts to nuclear powered submarines, and from Kittie Hawk
to Tranquility Base further. But there are still some things
that have not changed in the last fifty five hundred
thousand or two thousand years. Things that are spiritual, the
things that are written in the eternal Word of God
have not changed, nor will they ever change if the
world is around for another ten thousand years. God's Word
is eternal, and the truths recorded therein are unchangeable. It
is at this time that we turn our attention to
some things that have not changed. For one thing, Satan
has not changed. He still disguises himself. There are those
among us who have tried to change him to be
someone he is not. In fact, there are some among
us who have totally eliminated him from their theology. They
deny that he is, and so therefore he is not
as far as some are concerned. Others have put him
in chains and made him powerless. But the truth is,
Satan is alive and well and has not changed his
modus operandi. He is still slick, he is still sly,
He is still as subtle as ever, and he still
disguises himself, just as he disguised himself to Eve in
the garden, as a suave, serpentine preacher. He disguises himself
today as an angel of light. Paul said in tewod
Corinthians eleven, verse fourteen, he was doing that in the
first century, and he hasn't stopped doing it since. In
Genesis three, he disguised himself to Eve as a preacher
of God's word, and he continues to disguise himself in
this way. Today. He disguises himself while dressed in a
denominational robe, holding on to a seminary degree, and people
listen to him, just as Eve did so very long ago.
As a disguised preacher, he preaches a disgusting, perverted gospel message.
He is a real, disgusting spiritual pervert. He perverts God's truth.
His perverted message is that any church is all right
with God. What God has written in Ephesians four, verse four,
there is one body. His perverted message is that any
religion is all right with God, even though Jesus said
in John fourteen, verse six, I am the Way, the Truth,
and the Life. No one comes to the Father except
through me. His perverted message is that God will accept
anyone on any terms. When God has written in John three,
verse five. Unless one is born of water and the spirit,
he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Satan is a
disgusting pervert, and his message is still disgustingly perverted. But
because most people are religiously ignorant, he more often than
not wins the argument here in this life, and consequently
millions of people go to a pitiful hell, a hell
that is a pit full of lost people who listen
to the biggest, most disgusting gospel preaching pervert of awe.
Not only does he still disguise himself, but he still
devours the saved and the unsaved. As Peter wrote in
One Peter five, verse eight, your adversary, the devil walks
about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
I do not believe that Satan is a spiritual goblin,
but I do believe he is an unspiritual gobbler who
is gobbling up a host of people. He is a
people gobbler. I know the Bible says he was a
serpent in the garden, but he must have had some
turkey in his gut, because he got gobbled up Eve
when she gobbled up the forbidden fruit. The lust of
her eye. The lust of her flesh and the pride
of her life got the best of her, And when
she gobbled the forbidden fruit, the gobbler was there to
serve it on a golden platter. Gobble, gobble, gobble. He
tried to gobble Jesus in the same three ways in
Matthew four, but Jesus wouldn't eat his ungodly fruit as
most people do. Just think of the people who have
gone to Hell because of eye lust. They have seen
something materially or otherwise and wanted it so badly they
were willing to go to Hell for it, only to
find out that Hell didn't have it. Think of the
people who have gone to Hell because of flesh lust.
They wanted it so bad they were willing to go
to Hell for it, only to find out that Hell
didn't have that either. And think of the number of
people who have been too proud, too filled with the
pride of life to admit they were lost and needed salvation,
too proud to admit there is a God, too proud
to confess their sins, too proud to repent of their sins,
too proud to be immersed into Christ for the forgiveness
of their sins too proud to go to Heaven the
Bible way, and therefore proudly went to Hell in their
own ignorance, with their own self righteousness. Satan has not changed.
Not only does Satan still disguise himself and still devour others,
but he still deceives the human race. He is the
master deceiver. He deceived Eve about what the Word of
God said and meant, and because of that he deceived
her about the goodness of God. She believed the deceiver's message,
and she paid a deadly price for doing so. In
like manner, Satan deceived the Jews of Jesus' day about Jesus.
They accused him of being no one other than a
carpenter's son who came out of Nazareth, and in their words,
can anything good come out of Nazareth? They believed the
deceiver's message, and they paid the price. Satan deceives seekers
of God to believe they are not able to understand
the word of God, and so why try. This demonic
deceiver has established a special ecclesiastical hierarchy and priesthood to
do that which any sincere seeker of God can do
for himself. Read, understand, and obey the word of God.
Not only does he deceive the lost seekers of God,
but also he deceives the once saved saints of God
to believe that the need to faithfully attend the Assembly,
give pray, study, partake the Lord's Supper, and so on
is just so much hot air preached by the few
preachers who still preach this stuff. He deceives the sinner
by convincing him that he is as good as anyone else,
so he doesn't need Christ and he most certainly does
not need religion. He tells the sinner that most people
in the church are hypocrites and to keep the sinner
from hearing the saving gospel message of Christ. When a
sinner does here, it, Satan persuades him to put off
making a Bible based decision for Christ by repenting of
his sins and being immersed into Christ for the forgiveness
of his sins. Satan has not changed, Ladies and gentlemen.
Not only has Satan not changed, but sin has not changed.
Though few churches acknowledge it, though few preachers preach it,
and though few people believe it, sin is still sin.
God still hates sin, and God still punishes sin. Sin
still divides. It divides nations, it divides friends, it divides families,
and it divides congregations. And yes, ladies and gentlemen, it
still divides men from God. Behold, the Lord's hand is
not shortened that it cannot save, nor his ear heavy
that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated you
from your God, and your sins have hidden His face
from you, so that he will not hear. Although these
words are written in Isaiah fifty nine, verses one and
two of the Old Testament, they are just as true
in this New Testament dispensation of the Church. Not only
does sin still divide, but also sin still defiles. It
defiled Adam and Eve so much so that they were
driven from the garden in Eden. The Old Testament and
the New Testament are replete with case examples of persons
who were defiled by sin. In the New Testament, Anonyas
and Sapphire were so defiled by their sins that God
struck both of them dead on the spot. But more
to the point, sin has defiled both you and me,
and unless it is repented of and forgiven by God,
it will eventually take the death toll of all unrepentant,
unforgiven souls. Not only does sin still divide and defile,
but also sin still disgraces. Ask those in prison or
in jail if their sin has disgraced themselves and their families.
Ask those who have been caught in public sin if
they feel disgraced. Ask those drunk drivers who have been
arrested and whose names have been publicized if they feel disgraced.
Ask those who have had their extra marital affairs discovered
if they feel disgraced. Ask Samson if he felt disgraced
after his affair with Delilah. Ask David if he felt
disgraced after his affair with Bathsheba. Ask a brotherhood preacher
if he feels disgraced because of having had an affair
with someone in the church, if he has any of
God's spirit left in him. My guess is that he does.
Sin still disgraces. Not only does sin still divide, defile,
and disgrace, but also sin still destroys. Sin destroys marriages, homes, congregations, schools,
and even nations. It destroys youth, It destroys mature adults.
It destroys health and even physical life in some cases,
Ask the person who has smoked and is dying of
lung cancer. If sin destroys, ask the person who has guzzled,
boozed and is dying of cirrhosis. If sin destroys, ask
the person who has had illicit sexual encounters and is
dying of a sexually tran transmitted disease. If sin destroys,
neither Satan nor Sin has changed. But thanks being too God,
it is also true that the Savior of all men
has not changed. Jesus Christ is still willing and able
to save. After all, that is what he came to do.
During his personal ministry. He saved numerous people, the Samaritan
woman at the well of John four, the prostitute of
Luke seven, Zychias, the tax collector of Luke nineteen, and
the thief on the cross of Luke twenty three, and
many many others. And he still saves. He saves people
from sin, from Satan, and even from themselves. Not only
is he able to save, but also he is able
to sympathize. Jesus wept over Lazarus in John chapter eleven,
and he wept over Jerusalem in Matthew twenty three. He
is a god of sympathy and compassion because he was
tempted in all points as we and because he knows
the battles we have, and because he knows the difficulties
Christians face. We have a sympathizing Jesus. The Great Physics
now is near the sympathizing Jesus. He speaks the drooping
heart to cheer. Oh, hear the voice of Jesus. Sweetest
note in self song, sweetest name on mortal tongues, sweetest
carol ever sung Jesus, blessed Jesus. But unlike anyone else
who may sympathize with us, he is also able to satisfy.
He's able to feed those who spiritually hunger and thirst.
He is able to fill those who are spiritually empty
and who need more than what this world has to offer.
He is able to satisfy our innermost belongings. To be
reconciled with our creator. Through Christ, we can come to
God the Father to receive the forgiveness and the blessing
and the comfort all men need. As one of God's creation.
The good news is that he has not changed, but
he is able to change us. And now a word
about the fact that salvation has not changed. Salvation is
not now, never has been, and never will be received
by any good work or deed men have done. No
one has ever been good enough to merit his own salvation.
The rich young ruler of Luke eighteen wasn't, and he
had kept all the commandments from his youth. Nicodemus wasn't,
Cornelie's wasn't. And neither are you nor a good enough
to merit salvation without Christ. As Romans three, verse ten says,
there is none righteous, no, not one. We are saved
not by our goodness, which doesn't exist, nor by our
giving up certain behavior. We are saved by our submission
and our obedience to the will of God. Salvation is
by God, through God, From God and to God. Remember
in the garden in Eden, Adam and Eve tried to
cover their sinfulness on their own, but it was God
who clothed them with an acceptable sin covering. And in
the twenty first century jungle in which you and I live,
it is only the blood of the Lamb of God
that is able to cover our sin. Salvation is received
not by our goodness. Salvation is received from God by
our obedience to the gospel message of Jesus Christ Romans
one sixteen is still in the book. I am not
ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. It is the power
of God to salvation. The Gospel, the old fashioned Jerusalem Gospel,
is still the message that saves. The preaching of the
Cross of Christ. The preaching of the Gospel of Christ,
is man's only hope to receive eternal salvation. At least
this is what is written in First Corinthians one, verses
eighteen and twenty one. Not only is salvation of God
and by the Gospel, it is by grace. For by
grace you have been saved through faith efficients two verse eight.
Thank God for the grace of God. Salvation has always
been received in this way for both you and gentile everywhere.
By his grace He has provided a person through whom
and a plan by which men are able to be saved.
Ladies and gentlemen, some things have changed in your life,
as they have in mind, but the plan of God
for your life is not. We are told in two
Peter three, verse nine that God is not willing that
any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
God tells us in One Timothy two, verse four that
he desires all men to be saved and to come
to the knowledge of the truth. There is one thing
that God does desire to change that he will not
change without our cooperation and obedience. He desires to change you.
He desires to change your relationship with Him. But whether
or not you make these changes is completely up to you.
Speaker 1 (23:30):
There's a battle going on for the soul of me,
the hest of for thevery But I'm saying, within the
arms of God, dear bride, she's the keeper of the
soul cheer of Christ.
Speaker 2 (23:52):
I'll not surreyer, I'll have surrey, I'll not.
Speaker 4 (24:06):
I dollow with me a godspel, Ladies and gentlemen, reck
writ in God Speaking.
Speaker 3 (24:18):
You have just heard another Gospel Defender Ministries radio broadcast
brought to you by the Church that Jesus built that
preaches all of the Word to all of the world.
Jesus said in Mark sixteen, verse sixteen. He who believes
and is baptized will be saved. So find someone today
who will immerse you into Christ today before it is
everlastingly too late. Our mailing address is Gospel Defender Ministries,
Most Office, Box five to seven five JELICOPI C H
I L. L I c O t H E Jila
Coti Ohio ZIP with four five six zero one. You
can also contact us to the world Wide Web at
gospel dash, Deefender dot the RG, or by email at
a gasdef A g O S D E f A
gosdiff at ruber dot com. At your request, a written
transcript or an audio copy of today's message will be
sent to you free of charge, with no obligation from you,
now or in the future. We need to hear from
you as soon as possible, so please take the time
to contact us today now until you and I meet
again at this same time and at this same place.
Our prayer is that you will be steadfastly set for
the defense of the Gospel, God, God, God