All Episodes

March 14, 2023 53 mins

As the fellas wrap up their last extended roadie of the campaign, they're joined by the incomparable Mr. Cavalier -- Austin Carr -- to talk a little Tournament, some Academy Awards and how ready the young Cavs will be when the postseason rolls around.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:18):
The hero comes and gets it. He's chased by a
Cora Martin of the quarterback to all the deep ball,
the deep bog contested break, long rebound, bad of bio
fuller now with a fresh fourteen shake on Ally's out
of bio screen. That's pluck by Mobley, whoa and a
pluck by a youngster. He swatted the butler shot with

the chasm in his game back for be the key
player of the game. Right there, broadcasting live from Rocket
Mortgage field House on the sunny shores of beautiful Lake Erie.
Here's Donovan Mitchell, seventeen in the game. Mitchell on the right,
playing jumper. Perfect Donovan Mitchell. He knows the time. In

downtown Cleveland. You tuned in to Wine and Gold Radio.
Oh my goodness, now you're your host Rafa and Jogi
hind By That for a dollar, Hey, everybody, and welcome

to Wine and Gold Radio Road Edition. Wine and Radio
Tobacco Road Edition. It's well, you know what I think
I wrote Tobacco Road. Every time I came down here
in BJRPR got upset. He got upset, and he got
he got offended. He got offended. He tightened me up,
he said, this is not tobacco. Road, He's not so now.

I never read it what i'd like to say it Road,
you know, I like I like saying it. I am Joji,
I am joined to my left where he belonged to Nandi.
First time. You rarely see me on the left. And
we're not even gonna jerk around. We're not gonna waste
any time. We're gonna welcome in our special super curtain,
are you right, our super special guest man, let's not

you know by the laugh already? Who we got, mister Cavalier,
the one see your Cavalier, the great Austin, Guy Austin,
Welcome to the show man man, Thank you, thank you
for you love having your back man, my two homies here.
I mean, I'm happy, haven't gone. If you hear our
voices a little deep today because I have a sort

of throat when sleeping inside a cooler, right, that was tough.
That was tough night. I thought something was wrong. I
had the same feeling. I was like, man, am I
catching a cold or something? But it was when you're
sleeping in the freezes. It's a beautiful hotel here in Charlo,
North Carolina. I've been having boiler problems. Yea. And it's
not like Cleveland cold, it's like forty degrees. But at

night with no heat, temperature is cold. And also coming
from Miami, Miami where where it's called inside, Oh my god,
that is to me. I would like to say what
that's called. You can't say whatever you want or what
it's called. When you get sick from the air conditioning. Yeah,
you get camel fever. Camel fever, Yeah, that's what they
call it because it's ninety degrees outside and then you

go inside and they keep it like sixty. Right. Yeah, man,
I just I hate the over air conditioning and Miami.
In the arena, the air decks were blown right down
on us, so it was cold. So if we come back,
if we come back with the flu, then you know,
in Qatar, in Qatar, they thought they were having a
different strain of right, everybody was sick, but nobody, nobody

was testing positive, and it was just they have the
AC so high in those in those stadiums. Everybody want
everybody got camel fever, they call it. Yeah, it's so
everybody is. If we're a little horse, then that's the
reason why. Hey, let's talk about what's on everybody's mind
today the Academy Awards, Right, you know, when I totally
missed that. I've just been reading headlines, and usually when

I read headlines, I get because mostly like click bit.
I saw a picture of a woman wearing a dress
that was covering the view of like twenty people behind her.
I saw a headline of Lady Gaga kissing some old
dude and had everybody traumatized. I saw Morgan Freeman wore
a black glove in the left hand. I still don't

know I did. I didn't click saw him do that before.
I wonder if that's like an Olympic thing? Like No,
I didn't click on the reason I heard, okay, I
don't know. And then I saw what else? Did I say? Oh?
I saw Angela Bassett kind of show. I don't. I
don't know what I don't. I haven't seen. I haven't
seen any of those movies because the last time I

went to the movies was in nineteen ninety two when
I went to watch Uh, Basic Instinct, and I was
under the influence of everything on the SEC Think in Color.
But I don't know what Jamie Lee Curtis, what movie
she was on and everything. But I was a little
but her shading. But I don't know what her obviously,

I'm sure I have to do with color of the skin.
That she was upset about that she got the prize
and not the other one. Well, or it was that
it was her that was Jamie Lee Curtis's first nomination.
Angela Basset's been nominated before, and so who imuci never
complaining about being nominated for the Emmy thousand times? You know,
I'm you know, I gotta say, guys, I'm a sucker
for the Academy words. I really I like watching it, man,

I think it's really cool. Even though I saw only
one movie. I only saw Elvis. I saw her everything,
everything and everywhere. Right, Okay, I saw Pinocchio on Netflix. Okay,
it wasn't really that good. Like I don't think it
won though, Like I need one animade? You know, did it?
I think we didn't want some kind? Yeah, I like it. I,

like I said, I'm a suck. Who was the acting
of the word actor was? You know a lot more
than I do about the Oscars because I know I
know Cocaine Cocaine Barr made an appearance. They appearance. Hey
what things the movie industry's going to when a damn bear,

you know. But you know what the funny think is
now they have like a whole chain of thing. Now
they're gonna come up with like cocaine, elephants, cocaine lie on.
You know what I would like to see with the
Academy Wards, I missed going to the movies. I used
to go in movies. Man, they're closing them down everywhere. Yeah,
oh man, I have to correct. I saw, I saw
top Can Maverick on the Move with you my daughter

and I went to the movies. Everybody said in Miami
they bring you chicken fingers to the table. Yeah, and
they have a place. See that's what I man. I'd
like to take my grag kids and fell asleep, you see,
was full asleep, so complete, man, and before I know

it bumping me wake up. And aside for the Academy Awards,
we have to really say a happy birthday, happy kind
of belated birthday, Happy belated birthday, Accy. We're allowed to
ask dude, the dude we're allowed to ask, Yeah, the

big one that pisses me off, That pisses me off,
because Acy is seventy five and he looks fifty seven
and fifty seven, and I look seven. If you're still
in the gym, you'll you'll you'll feel eighty and set thirty.
You look great, man. You can still you can still
go in the tournament and drop seventy. We were talking

about your tournament because Ralpha broke my chop on the
audience for us. I'm sure there are some people that
don't know about Austin, about Austin's tournament story. So Acy
you had against so oh you in the tournament, right
you's got Miami of Ohio or Ohio. Don't even do that.
U seventy one sixty sixty one points in a tournament again,

And we always talk about this and that there are
every you know how they say sports records right to
be broken, have to be broken, and they all are
broken for the most part. They're all broken. The see,
you have a record that I gotta say, will never
I'm thinking we'll never, right knock, never be broken? Do you.
I can't see a college player, even with the three

point line, and I'll get to that in a second,
even with the three point line, I can't see a
college player breaking that record ever. Yeah, because the way
they play now. I mean, well, back when I was
in my heyday with Mary Vinch and Calvin Murphy and
Bob and there, all those guys, Rick Mount, all those
guys that scored points, the coaching was different than they

let a guy if you could make five or four
shots in the row, they don't didn't let you go. Yeah,
you know, now they don't care. I mean they moved
the ball more. I mean, I mean we moved the ball,
but it was always to me. Yeah. But also, you know,
if for somebody to score sixty one points in this

in today's basketball, college basketball team would probably have to
score at least ninety. And I don't see anybody putting
up ninety points, you know, not even if if the
UNLV team didn't do it right. You know what the
last who's the last guy that you think I called?
Was it Glenn Weiss that got close to you? No?
What's his name? He scored? Da Robinson? Nay, David Robinson? Yeah,

he scored fifty. Demoral knocked out my Concrete State Vikings
back in nineteen eighties. That's right, I remember, that's right.
Remember that lost the tournament. They lost the tournament final.
This year, I I know they almost made it. I
can ask you a couple of hypothetically. I was hoping
for them when yeah, um, a couple of hypotheticals and rough.
I don't know if you knew this, because somebody tweeted

this out that ac has not only the top number
in college, the top scoring number in college, also has
the fifth, sixth, and ninth highest totals scoring a game.
Yeah yeah, so, and here's my hypothetical life. How many
points could you have scored against with the same thing

where they're feeding you and you're hot, you're right out
obviously if there's a three point arc. Oh we did
we did that before. Yeah yeah, okay, they made sure
he's sixty one point game, right, and and he came
out to like seventy four points. He would have he
would have would have been. And I'm reading more about

the Pete Merovich, Oh boy, whom he played. Again. When
you look at his scoring average and I tried to
couldn't do it, they're amazing again. And then when you
adjust for inflation, it's even more impressive. Now, what was
it like playing against him? Man? Because he was so different? Yeah,

because he first of all, he was about six seven,
do you have to guard him. Yes, I had to
guard him here, and I tried to get physical with
him because you couldn't nothing you can do with him
because you can handle the ball so well. Yeah, I
mean you reached for the ball, he's gone. I mean,
and he was so tricky. Man, he had so many
tricks with the ball. So you almost kind of had

to leave him alone and try to stay in front
of him. Yeah, because otherwise he was gone. I mean,
he was, he was. I don't know why people don't
talk about him. That man was awesome. I agree with
you on that because when you watch the highlights and
then getting you look at the numbers, he seemed like
he was ahead of his time. And I always think
this that he almost resembles physically resembles Ricky Rubio a

little bit in the face, list a little bit, and
he plays he plays like that wild yeah, in his heyday. Yeah,
I always thought you'd be interesting to see, you know,
I'm curious. He might shoot the ball. He might shoot
the ball from half court. That's so you always had
to be aware of him. And he could make a
past man. He so many times I've seen him hit

a guy in his head because he wasn't paying teeth.
He was gonna passing the ball, and he was he
was something else. He was And guys were going four
years back then, which they had to be here. Yeah,
that's another thing again. You got a freshman. He came
out my junior year. But my father wanted me to
graduate because I was the first city and to graduate
from college in our family. So that they didn't care

what I could do. That you had to get out
of You had to graduate. That's how it was. And
since you bring up your dad, I got to embarrass
you for the people who don't know, I know this
is real. Well, but the story about the first card
that you brought home after you got tracking the proper car,
purple car, and that was that was quite an experience,
uh because really back then, when you know, as a

first round pick, they gave me a car allowance along
with my signing, kind of like the bonus. I guess
I don't know. Back then like it is now they
give you a million for bonus five card. So what
happened was I bought a Tornado had just um it's

changed it my own bed just changed the Tornado model.
Then it was four lights in the back, which it
was badass car. So I said, okay, I'm gonna get one.
And for some reason I wanted to get a violent one.
It's I don't know why it stuck in me, but
we haven't watched violet car. Right. It had white interior,

a white top, and white wall, tires, so and everything
else was violet. Everything else was violent. Oh my god. Yeah.
So I got the car and I parked in front
of the student in front of the UH campus for
about a week. Yeah, that's why I parked. They let
me park there. I was proud of that car. That
was happy to that car. That's my first car. So

I pack up everything and head home. So I get
home and it was right around mid day and people
all everybody was working, maybe one or two cars out
there but mine, and nobody was in front of my
house but me. So I parked there and not going
to do it. Hey, mama was happening her daddy. I'm home.

My mother goes, where's your car? I go, it's right
out there. She says, no, no, no no, no, no, she said,
I did not raise the pim. Tomorrow, you gonna go
get that get a new car tomorrow. So I looked
at my father. He says, I got a live with you. Yeah,

that's the first time he ever did that too me
or my brothers. He never always kind of gave us
a little support with my mother because my mother would
be like she was Mile Manning. But when she made
up her mind, she made up her money, right, so
my father would always help us. That time, I had
no help out of my hand on you. Maybe you

know so you done it. The next day I got
rid of so right there. The guy took it. Immediately
he looked at that car. Man, I was damn, I
should have kept it. I'm just gonna say, for all
them years you had to be thinking, man, I wish
I had that. But the best man just to hearing
about it, like I want to see it right, the
best part, the best part about to complete the story.

You know, as partnered Patty his girlfriend know about the story.
So one time for her for his birthday, she wanted
to complete so so she got him a purple halo
like a model. I gotta sitting in my house. There
this a little purple, little purple to the little reminder. Yeah,

like you can't have the big one. I think Gotti
did it that you you wouldn't go out and buy
one now. I don't want to go buy one right now. Man,
that was crazy. Rose up a purple invertibal. I'd love it.
This guy can't get around Cleveland without being I know,
he bet. I'm saying Austin is deserving of a purple

of a purple ride with a white terrier and a
rack top. I mean, there's one in Cleveland that deserves it.
I'm sitting across from him right now. Let's switch gears
a little bit. We're on the road now. Pretty much
the longest trip of the season is yepping up. Now.
When we come back, that's the last back to back.
I think after we get back, maybe ten more games,

eleven more games. We're getting close. Okay, so we're getting
close to the end. Uh, talk about this trip. The
stop in Miami, and it was nice to get a split.
It was good to get the first one. I thought, Uh,
what were you guys impressions of the of the two
games in Miami. I thought, we played, um, pretty good,

pretty good? I said. The only only thing that's got
me as kind of almost got us yes today too,
was transition defenses a little bit lacking. That's what because
Miami came out trying to run on us both times.
And then really that's when they like last night, the
only time we had trouble is when we let them
get into the open court. Yeah, and they they they

every time we'd catch up, boom, they scored six seven
points fast break point up, catch up, same thing. And
we finally caught them and got them straight out there
and put them into a half court game. And it
was the difference was they had sixteen fast break points
in the first half, only three in the second half. Yeah,
and we had zero first half in twelve And that

changed the whole game. That changed the game right there.
And and because they, as we found out in which
I'm hoping they realized tomorrow you keep them in the
half court game, they just they prone to make mistakes.
And it was just it was just waiting. But one day,
you I was afraid of is Rose yea man, He

just he saw shots, He shot hitting shots. Then a
crazy you know, and we've been hit by that all.
She's on long somebody, But that dude specifically gets us
every game. You could put him in any jersey, could
put him in Washington General's jersey against his hometown team.
He's just he's just ready to go, you know. But

I'm thinking, I'm hoping that we'll be ready for him
now and because the one thing that's gonna have to happen,
we gotta learn how to get teams to play our
way we always played that way, and then have to
make an adjustment instead of you know, you don't see
the Philadelphia seventy six like we played him. When we
get back home, you're gonna change their game. They're gonna
keep playing the way they play and then we have

to adjust to them. We never have been able to
make people adjust to us. We're a good half court team.
Do you think that helps in the playoffs? Yeah, playoffs.
Half court game for the playoffs, possession game, and we're
suited for that. And that's why I'm anxious to see.
That's why I want that number four spot because we
could fool some people if we can get that number

four us back. I'll tell you what too, what I
liked is and we're gonna see that tomorrow night. We
saw that in Miami on the Friday and night game.
And much has been said about our group of guys,
A majority of a group of guys not having any
playoff experience. And by that, obviously you mean making adjustments
from game one too, from one game to another one.

And and it happened in Miami on Friday. We played
very well and hoping tomorrow. You know, also the coaching
staff also preparing for the playoffs. So I think this
next series is the one we in Brooklyn, the one
in Orlando. Yes, that's what I think helps the moment. Prepare,
prepare this guy into the game playing the two games,
because you know, what, what what what? What you got
on game one is not gonna be on game two.

They're on game two because they're gonna adjust before team
makes make adjustments. And the teams that win are the
teams that not only adjust from game to game, but
from quarter to quarter, from offensively, offensively everything. I'm I'm
I'm a pieceful where we are right now. I think
this this serious. Regardless of what happened tomorrow, it's been

a good series. The bench is back, you know, there's
some people the benches the score and again we did yeah,
you know, obviously, you know Jay, we were lucky with
Jah and Jerry didn't really get hurt, hurt and structural
damage on his eye. But you know again, it's it's
it's the stretch. On the stretch, they come like they say,

you know, and we believe it or not. And once
once we leave home after the who are the Wizards
come on Saturday Friday? Once we live on Friday, it's
a single digit games left the season. Man, So he's
getting real and you better better, you better get ready
to turn it on. Right it's there a c and
I talked about this on the on the bus right

to the arena yesterday and that the thing I Another
thing I like about the two game sets is, uh,
these guys are we have a nice guy team? Yeah,
we have a we have a great nice guys And
in the playoffs we talked about it actually at practice
with Anderson very jaw about how that friendly stuff has
got to end once the playoffs and playing these two

games sets might help that a little bit, because again,
you know, the game you're gonna you're gonna be tight
with a guy. The next game, then the next game
you know we've all played, you know, so it's like
things get more intense and they get a little nastier
as you go playoffs. But that's why I tried to

tell man, I've talked to a few of the players
and said, the same guy you've been playing against all
season here, he's not gonna be the same guy in
the playoffs, right, He's gonna be different. He probably won't
speak to you. He shouldn't. Least I wouldn't speak to you.
You know what I mean, I'm not. It's a whole
different thing when you're trying to win all the marvels. Yeah,
and that's what our guys gonna understand. I think that
was the one thing that hurt him by not making

the playoffs last year. They would understand what they got
to deal with now because I mean, it's gonna be rough.
And again we wait when we get back to the
place seventy six, watch how em beating them? Those guys
would be spitting male. But in terms of learning, like
I expect a different matchup and a different way of

good thing going down between Nick Richards and Mobile last night,
because I think he was to be in a little
extra aggressive with everyone last night. And I think and
I think that's scouting report, just to be physical. But
that's why now now you are just and now you
how next time he comes down he would let him
know all he banned risk trying to block a shot. Yeah,
he did, like mobiley. You know, if you think about it,

that's gonna be the whole team is gonna have to
make that adjustment because that's our reputation everybody. So in
the playoffs, it's gonna be, well, you guys are gonna
either have to step up to the plate or we're
gonna just run over here. And that's what it's gonna
come down, dude. I mean, because that's what I would
do if I was coaching against the cat, That's what
I would do. I'm gonna say, get in his face
and I don't care. You got six files if you

have to hammer him a couple of times, see what happened. Yeah,
and because you go have to. I mean, that's what
real ball is all about. Yeah. We talked about this too,
and that even though you're the we're the fourth seat,
I think you know. And we talked about the way
the guys talk to us in Miami, Yes, is if
you got a cute little team there, that's the kind
of the way you talk about it is like, yeah,

but you shouldn't take anything but what you hear in Miami. No,
I an't because the imagination. Seriously, they choose men even
if you are if you are fifteens in the standing,
one four or whatever, everybody there walks on talk like
they're all Pat Hiley. No, they act like they're the
Lakers and Celtics combined. Man, I don't know. I don't

get it. They're they're radio on TV. People always come
up to me and they start telling these telling me
about our team. Yeah wait a minute, but what about
your team? Yeah? Yeah, they did. So I think that
the teams don't I don't want to say they don't
take us seriously, but there is some of that and
they think, well, let's say, you know, I think that

they're thinking they're a young team. They're new, right, they're
not play experience, that they're gonna go away. Yeah, that's
what I see anyway. And and and that's why we need
home court advantage because this year we've definitely played better
at home. You're doing the road. Yeah, and I think
we need to get that bullet Yeah. It matters big

time people, It doesn't it does? It matters? You saw
it last year Game seven was in Boston and that
Milwaukee who went to the finals. Yeah, I mean that
you have to find all you have to do to
find out if it matters or not. You go play
at home and lose a tenth point lead and go
down ten. See what happened, right right, and go on
the road, lose a ten point league and go down

ten and right, she's if the noise is the same
or the only place that may not matter is right here, man,
Because I'll tell you what I never I don't like
bash another franchise is not the f franchise's fault. But
I know what I know. I don't know who has
the toughest home court advantage in the league, but I
know who doesn't. They were there were chants when when

Dawn was on the free throw when Darius Garland went
to the free throw line, it was eleven seconds left,
just under eleven seconds left, they were down three. Darius
goes to the free throw line, that arena pack they
got up. Everybody got up and walked out and just
walked out right. They just don't have that mean. I
don't know what they need, but man, and I got it.
Were more I swear there were more caps. I got it,
and I got it, And I gotta tell you something

since one of Gold Radios, the official show of of
of of Arena Entertainment and halftime show. Oh yeah right,
they have one of the Wars line up introductions. Oh
my god, one of those. The people so worse. The
fans didn't even cheer. They cheered because the whole book,

the whole introduction of the lineup is the dudes playing
the echo, echoing the echo, and fans are sitting there
with their hands in their laps. You know, they're likely
totally It was totally something that he's not, yeah, entertaining
when you understand how competitive Michael was. I don't understand

how he's not the friend to this. Yeah, yeah, is
it right? You're so right? He had the master Killer
and they're they're just they got no juice, man, none none.
But when we were down, I had no glory because
I thought, hey man, we have the home court of vantage. Right,
So that was a that was a weird one, yeah,

I thought. And they had really bad internet in that
Echo machine cracked me because that dude was breaking it
out all the time. There was a jump all he
went everything, he went jump all jump, jump, and something
I noticed He's like he's like there was something going
on in bound play under the basket that the cats
were defriended, and and and ball for the hornets, and

he goes seven seconds. Let's want to shot clock, shot clock, Chuck, Chuck.
And I was sitting. I was sitting. I was sitting
in this spot today practice. And there's the whole thing
that you just echo delay like push. Nobody most JB
should have got on that thing. It's been like like
I do a better I do a better job. Any

of us who do a better job introducing their line
that forget about hours Because I like the visiting team.
We go like can Carland forty five Mitchell, you know,
but then when there's it's just like bad, it's a
really bad. And I didn't really pay attention to the
half time show. I don't know what it was, but
it was definitely not one and I'm sure it is.

I mean it was, and you know, I had no problem,
Like you know, every now and again we have little
kids playing, right, yeah, even their little kids games were bad,
But man, it was the killing the kids. They halftime kids.
Our kids would have killed their kids. Everything they didn't

have was a pimple choir. Though, don't be bashing, don't
be bashing our pimple face play Hagan, Man, Hey, you see,
we gotta pay the bills here real quickly. Man, as
we pause ten seconds for Station ninety. You're listening to

Wine and Gold Radio. Hello, Hello America. Okay, So between
you say we were ten games left, MOS game is
game seenty? Okay? Um, you know when I want to

back up one quick second. I asked JB this yesterday.
We've talked about this a lot. I asked them about this.
Isaac's the only cal any one, only cav to play
in all seventy games now because he Bran started last night.
He's the only one Isaac Coral. And I asked JB.
Is uh durability still a badge of honor in the NBA?

Exp used to be, I mean great pride and playing
eighty two? Yeah? I did. Yeah, I was like that,
and I would think I take pride, you take pride
in never missing. I mean I never miss if I can, right, Um,
do you think it's going to change back? Do you
think they'll they'll get away from this? Because I even
saw today where the NBA's meeting with the Players Association.

As far as load man, oh yeah, it's well put
it this way. You think about load management hit about
seven eighty nine, ten years ago, and now it's gotten
to the point, but I think it's out. One is welcome.
I agreed because I had an experience which I don't know.
I hope they don't getting me for saying. It's telling
that one game we played Golden State this year and

caring and didn't play, None of them played, None of
them played, and and the the guy was had it
sitting right behind where we just the scores table. He
had bought tickets for him and his two kids and wife,
and the two kids were crying because they wanted to
see Curry man. And that's the first time I ever felt, man,

I gotta tell you something that I have to be
the devil's advocate here because I like to be on
the devil side, especially now that I'm not. You got
to play the devil side. So, first of all, with
with that game with the Warriors, Curry and Clay have
not been playing back to back game for management injury management,
and I think you have to take that with a

grain of salt. And then yeah, but when you're playing
for tickets, yeah, but like it or not, they played
that before then maybe you throw it at the league
for scheduling back to back for those teams on the road.
But you have to have back to backs. That is
a reality of the NBA. So you have to put,
you have to take. But again, is it next tuseday?

Fans don't look at it that exactly, Well, they shouldn't, remember,
they should not. I disagree if you they shouldn't should
ticket at the beginning of the season you look the schedule. Yeah,
but yeah, but you can't look at the schedules five
thousand dollars particular. I'm gonna be looking into it. So
if you're the NBA, what do you say that everything

too much? Research? Tell you another thing? And and JB
has made this point a couple of times, and I
think I understand it is that careers are a little
longer nowadays because nobody's taking that batch of playing old
lady two games. I'm playing hurt And now those guys

that we're talking about are playing a lady two games,
played what ten years in their career, and now these
guys are playing fifteen. So what do you want to
see Curry for ten seasons until he get plays every night?
You want to see him for fifteen seasons. But that's
too it's too technical for fans. They don't look at it.
But I understand me as a player because my career

exactly cut short because of injuries. Because of that, you
got thrown up with your knee by right right, right? Yeah, man,
go ahead right with the pain. Who everybody is playing
with pain? Right and everybody? Again, I empathize with That's
how the league was. I empathize with players who want
to make their careers last longer. I do. That's a
good thing. That is a good thing. But so well,

but I'm just saying, for a hand handful of millionaires,
and I hate to be normally handful of millionaires, you're
gonna screw thousands of fans. What's your solution. Well, I
remember Steve Kerr got not gonna go to seventy two Okay,
well then that's I don't think that there's no way
they're going to seventy two games. That's ten games that
they gotta give me away. The owners are not going

to Everybody is giving money, not just the owners though,
because advertising is going down. Revenue obviously going to go
down with with with advertising and gains not being there,
not being on the air, so all that money go
to the owners anyway. So I mean there are dudes
in the NBA that their job is to figure out
how to make money. So if you chop it down

to seventy two games, they're gonna figure out how to
kind to make that money out of it. I think,
squeeze the money. Squeeze the money out because again, if
you piss pis, fans see that money is gonna So
let's say, let's say you're so okay, let me let
me ask you this rough just real quick. So the
Boston game, say, say a fan looks at the beginning
of the year, gets the schedule, he looks and he sees, well,

the Golden State playing Boston on Friday night and then
they're coming here Saturday. You know what, let's not buy
tickets to Golden State because they're playing the second game
of back to back And I don't want to spend
that money because they ain't gonna play because it's back
to back? Is that what you want to tell fans,
right that anytime a good team, a good team, the
reality of things that they have two players one which

but they didn't they see they didn't play Draymond that game.
That's okay to play Draymond and Draymon On and Wiggins.
That's poking the fans in the A. Clay and Terry
have not played back to back games. You see what
you know what? And again behind that, did you see

what the coach at Denver did? He just set his guys?
He said, uh, I forget why he did it. I
think it's because the team he was playing against set there, guys.
He's hit well, I'm gonna just sitting my guys. No,
Denver was playing somebody who had who was sitting guys too,
and and and and he was like upset man, he was.

He was pissed. Really yeah, yeah, did he start though?
When he started, it started, and be honest, it started
like again lebron Kawhi. That was kind of that's when
I came. Remember, but remember Popovich got fine ones because
he said everybody said the grandfather. He sent Genoblie Parker
and back home and gave me in Miami. It's like

I'm not playing them, no, and he's just fine yeah,
And it's it's just no good. It's it's I don't
know how, I really don't know how to kind of
figure it out. But it's no good and it's got
a change a little bit. They gotta figure something. I
figure it out, you know. But but I don't think
anybody's gonna play eighty two games anymore. Yeah, these new
guys and maybe you know our era was different guys

is like a badge of honor. But now they're not
gonna do it. I'm saying they make more money doing that.
They like. But that's what I remember. Tristan set that record,
he set the game played record. But he will him.
I think forty seven he get for not a damn thing,

not a damn thing. But I'll say that Hill, what
are you if you remember my rookie year. I twist
my ankle and this is about the twentieth game and
I'm sitting in the locker room. I'm just getting ready
to not get dressed, and Butch Beer came in and
he said, can you walk? I said yeah, he's well,
you got the tape up, you got to play. Wow. Yeah.

I was like damn. And that was the veteran. So
I didn't know what to do. So I went to
the train, and the train and looked at me and says, well,
if you can play. Let's we gotta tape up. Why
don't you tape up? But that's how it was then.
I mean, so you didn't go to you didn't go
to Bill Fitch and say, hey, I need some load
management to rest. Well, you know, going to him was

like going to that wall over there. People told me,
well if if if you can walk, you can play.
That's just how that was the pleasant and I want
to make it everybody was like that. I know there
is an issue with that. Oh, I just think there's
two sides. There's more than two sides of the story.
And then the solution is not just because even if
you break it down to seventy two games, there's still

gonna be people's but there needs now, You're right, I
don't know if you tell them now. My point is
when you say you gotta have this many games in
order to to win awards, like how many players? That effect?
A half dozen? Yeah? What is that gonna change? Yeah?

I don't. I don't know how you do. I don't
know how you change it, right, I don't know how
you change. And I think it's maybe I don't change
because one I really can't change. You can't hook it
to their money, So there's no I don't know how
you're going to change that. Yeah, I don't neither, but
I think they're I read today, we're all I know
is go play New Orleans at ten eastern, come back
to my too, to Cleveland at five in the morning,

to play at a look at seven o'clock, eight o'clock.
And then you realize, then you tell me if you
don't think this. Guys need a rest everyone. I'm not
saying they don't. I just don't know how to. But again,
where they get the rest, it's another thing. But well,
one guy, he suggested that you only get rest at home. Yeah,
but sometimes you gotta play the calendar and sometimes you

gotta play games, and you gotta win games. And he
was like Ricky when he came back, he couldn't play,
And I don't know if he's still gonna be able
to play the both games tomorrow on Wednesday. But there
was a time when they decided to rest him on
the first game of the back to back to play
him on the second. So the coaches gotta also play
their hand too. You can't just force their hand and
say you gotta rest at home. Like, wait a minute,

maybe I have four games in five nights on the road,
and I gotta give this guy a break, right right,
And I mean that that's what they gotta get rid of,
the four back to backs, day off, back to back.
But that means the season gonna get longer, exactly, exactly maybe,
but I'm saying, but they're gonna be a solution where
everybody's gonna be happy. Yeah right, oh yeah nobody. And

they're never gonna given ten games away. That's what two weeks,
three weeks, two and a half weeks? Are you children
in the same games is almost three weeks? Okay, So
then you keep the same lens of the week of
the season and and then and then they're gonna be Yeah.
But you know what, we need more time to rest
in the All Star break because Danny Greenhay, we need
more break, We need more time, We need more time

to rest after the game so we can act. Now
you're talking, now you're gonna win another They want to
make money to get with the extra in season tournament. Okay,
so how is that going to head? So yeah, I
know how they're gonna do that in season tournament. It's
all I can tell you is my faith is in commissioners,
and I'm Silver and his team that they're gonna come
up with a way to at least you're not gonna

be Yeah, you're not gonna be able to please. They're
not gonna make everybody's not gonna please. Everybody is gonna
be happy with the decision. But I'm pretty sure considering
his track record everything he became commissioner, the first thing
he had to do was a big, big thing in Phoenix.
You know, I'm pretty sure to come up with something.
But it's not easy. That's why they got their jobs, man,

That's why I mean, taking the schedule is not easy, right, right,
But think about just trying to figure out a way
to people again, like we talked about the Oday, how
New York is out and on the West coast. Now, right,
that's that hurts, man, That's that hurts. You know, to
go out west at this point of the year, be
playing your comforts. So you take ten games out, so
I guess you take one. You no longer play your

division on four times. You're only playing three times, right,
So that's as that gives you three games, right, I
give you three four games, four games? Yeah, right, Now
you gotta come up with where you're gonna get six
games now, I don't know. You pick a division that
you only played twice, you play in your conference maybe
instead of playing three times from game two or we

play we played them four times a year. So yeah,
you know, I don't know, there's got to be I'm sure,
Adam Silver. And then you also have to remember that
all these arenas have to work with schedules of all
the professional teams or concerts, hockey, hockey, the rodeo, the
Old Stars, and it's just endless. Yeah, so so it's

not easy. I'm not taking anybody's side here. I'm just
telling you that they gotta figure out a way. I'm
sure the coaches don't like to sit people, but they
have to. They have to. And again, you're not gonna
let You're gonna You're not gonna watch this guy. You're
not gonna watch Steve kerse a his guys and say,
you know what, I'm not doing that, I'm playing my guys.
You gotta stay competitive, guys, right, you got and you

know what to buy. In those days, Bill Fitch didn't
have to answer to the medical team. He didn't, I'm
about you. Now the medical thing comes comes to the bill,
got about seas out tonight. They got about six people,
five people they gotta gotta check off before he can
get back. You gotta protect your investment because you gotta

protect your players and your franchise and everything. So now
you're talking about another wrinkle that you have to deal
with that they know better than we do. So what
you're saying is everybody will be watching the game on
TV SU It would be a broadcast if people won't
be coming to the game, right. I don't know. Again,

I don't know what the answer is. Man, Hey, do
you think Adam Silver feels bad that he's the only
commissioner who doesn't get booed? Yeah? You know what I mean?
That's Rights Commissioner Gary Batman. Yes, people hate their and
they hate they hear at Baseball one boy. Man, you

know David Stern used to come out the draft. They
boo the hell out of that big smile on his face.
He loved it. Right, Adam Silver comes out, He's like,
oh okay. It's like, yeah, if you're doing something wrong,
if they don't like you. But either way, I do
trust Adam Silver, and I think you'll make the right car.
I don't know what it's gonna be, but they'll figure
it out. They do the right thing, Holmes all the time.

You're heading to the playoffs. Now, see what do they
need to do between now and the end of the
season to get their minds and their bodies and their
game right for the playoffs. Just understanding, like I said
that they're gonna play, everybody's gonna be different now. They're
not gonna have the same They won't be smiling that year,
and if they get a chance, they're gonna cold cockie.

If they can. They might not do it. You can't
do it like they used to do it when I played,
because they put you in jail now, so you can't
do it. They can't do it. You can't do it
like that. But but it's gonna be a different thing.
And they got a hard fouls and they're gonna have
to get used to executing regardless of what's happening out there.

If a guy is getting rough, which he used you
gotta learn, you know, which I had to learn because
I was getting the ball all the time. Sometimes you
have to give it up, give yourself up to set
somebody else up because they're focused on you and we
haven't done that yet. We gotta learn that kind of stuff,
and and and making sure the bids get involved because

you don't want a disgruntled big man in the playoffs.
You want it happy, so you feed it to your
local big man. And a little just little, just little
nuances like if the big man gets early foul trouble,
like like Jared got the ear foul trouble or the
other day, then the next play down the floor to guard,

you got to go right to him. You gotta make
him play defense right away because that may you may
get two or three easy baskets because you don't want
to make a foul. Yeah, you know, it was a
little just little things that you don't learn that overnight.
You kind of have to have veterans teach you that
kind of stuff. But I just think we just gotta
understand that we gotta play every possession that's gotta be

like it's the last. And when you get used to
playing that way. If you notice all these teams of Philadelphias,
the Milwaukee's and all of them, they're playing different now.
They're playing hard nosed basketball that many they fool around
and if you come in there, tip through into the tulips.
You're gonna get killed. So I know, that's just what

I think we have to do. It's a mental thing
more than physical thing, because physically we have the talent
and understanding what plays work and what because I think
coach has done a good job of understanding how to
get uh, Donovan and Darius to play together. He's done
a good job of that. And then when he finds

out one is having trouble, what he do is here
split them up. And he had played one with one group,
one with the other group to try to get him going.
Didn't bring him back, you know, So he he's he's
he's working on it. I mean, he's done a super job.
I think I agree with you. I see, like the
one thing from us being in the playoffs, watching so
many playoffs, the biggest thing adjustments, as you said, and

the value of possessions. Yes, when that's the one thing
that I think young players, right, you know, possessions during
the regular season, possessions come and they go hey hey, yeah,
right in the playoffs, man, everyone, because you don't get
that minute. That's it, that's it. You think about them
shrinks the same shrinks. Yeah, I mean you look at

Golden State when we played him. Look how many games
they barely got over one hundred points and and doing
it back in the season. Man, they run them down
the floor. Hi't you know' Hey let's have fun. Yeah,
the playoffs come is a different world. Yeah, the world.
So they'll they'll hey, they'll figure it out. And if
they don't figure it out, you're right, you go home.
You go home. And that's the hurt. Man, that hurt.

Oh boy, the first time I felt it, that hurt.
But the whole summer I was just miserable. And it's
just it's just just oh man, it's just something that
it takes a while to get over that. Man. Then,
but that's what makes you better, yeah, is you will
work on your game then, and you will because you
understand the only thing that that kills you when you

are consistently making the playoffs is the first two months
of the season because you don't have that same juice.
You don't get that same juice you got when you
when you but but but but once the All Star
Game gets there, then that juice comes back. Then get
ready the road. But it's it's it's gonna be interesting
to see how we handle it. I just that's why
I think we need the home court will help us

get over to some of those hurdles of learning what
it's all about. Yeah, yeah, they I mean again, they're
gonna they're gonna feel that hurt and that's when they'll know,
you know, yeah, and they don't. It ain't about fearings
exact Michael Jordan said, I ain't your fiddle the core. Yeah. Yeah,
they need to get a little you know. I mean again,
you tell you about Michael Jordan, Kobe. So you guys

were nasty. Yes, are your buddies your buddies? So yeah, yeah,
they'll figure it out. They'll figure it out. I just
had a steak togetherat me, like like I'm the steak.
Hey man, let's let's say some thank yous. Why I
stick around for thank you and then uh and then
we'll go back up to our cold rooms and get
out of the blankets. Get out of the blankets. Put

my host the first time I snapped with my hat on. Hey,
we gotta thank the pr staff. B j Evans, who's
on the road with us, Cherome who he's like Lebron
and like Kobe and like Shock and that he could
be the MVP every year. Yeah, Cherome is just the man. Man,
He's just man. He didn't help me. I did get
a couple of tickets in Miami. Helped me get some

tickets in Yeah, I hit him up last night. I
was writing my game story ten o'clock in that I
hit row me up. Boom. He has He's got the
stats ready all the time, like the best slinging Sammy
who was up for Rookie of the Year until he
opened his mouth and said that he's what a second
or third year guy? There ain't no third years. Why

he don't want the Rookie of the Year because he
wants that rookie contract to be over next year. Yes,
sign well, okay, hed, so maybe he'll get that, maybe
he'll get off his rookie contract next year. But that
means that Devin Booker, you know, Devin Booker's awesome. I
think Devin Booker now moves up to Rookie of the
Year candidate, and I think with ten games to go

now it's hers to lose. Okay, So yeah, so I'm
going Devin Booker Rookie of the Year. She's got my
Why why what's up with BJ? You always say, oh,
BJ runs the department. That's why they're all so good.
As he rose the department with That's right, listen to

the show. He know you know Ryan Boo Banks. We
gotta thanks to her because she's she arranged your birthday party.
Oh yeah, she's the best. But she's about to get
the bill from from Macy's birthday dinner. Say yeah, they
basket have a closed door meeting. We gotta thank thank

our special guest, Austin car Austin Love, thank yousy birthday again.
Any time you guys want me to join you with
you love that. Man. Wait, we'll get together for play state.
They see Chones and I are coming up with a podcast.
What yeah, yeah, man, you're cheating on me. Yeah. I
guess I'm just doing doing them the same the same service. Yeah,

we're like you're like you're like a mercenary, like like Reflo. Yeah,
we're gonna do will just be focused on basketball either.
I mean, I got some bank people I'm gonna interview.
I got some golf pros at different Pepper Pike, you know,
different places around town and uh, just a different look
at things, you know. The mayor of one get him man. Yeah,

I'm gonna be talking about the new, the new, the
new movie sequels. You know, uh, cocaine possible. I mean
that would wait, would make the play of cocaine cocaine possible.
Oh my goodness, there'll be a lot of people going on. Hey.
Before I continue my thank yous, I have to do

a shout out. I've never done a shout out, but
last night a couple of my buddy, my close friends,
two sisters came. Uh the game last night people. Yeah,
so April and Susie, there's a little shout out for you.
They're from Garfield Heights, and you know Garfield Heights and
the members are going to CLOTH probably because as you know,
Garfield Heights is a very wealthy community and they're from

the wealthiest part of the wealthiest community and Garfield Lights.
So I blue bloods, blood ladies, and I didn't want
any to roup. I was gonna go be kind of
make like you should ask Joe because they know you
because they listen to the podcast. Oh, but I didn't
want it to roup. Okay, So hey, okay, who April Susie? Hello,
Uh we gotta thank Joe Fritchen. Yeah, because I couldn't

connect because of the of the of the connectivity problems
at the Spectrum Center. It's amazing and I have to
five the best. You're like five different things that I
my my my minute knowledge of engineering broadcasting. Nothing was working.
So again as I'm sorry, dude, I have to follow
you go to the bull You're connected, all right? Um,

we have to thank the best human in Cleveland, Lucy Bears. Yes,
I just want to see with her for to pack
goose at the Clute and Food Bank coming up in
March twenty something and we're in Tableau. Can I join you? Yeah,
I'd love to do that. Yeah, I think I'm love
join back in the bags that are going to be
later distributed by Lucy is the best, She's the best

aspect of the Cavaliers and the ac of I guess
the Video Department Canada, the mister Cavalier of the Video
Department the best, one of the best dudes and play
he really he's yeah, he's he's really the greatest d mac.
Yeah that's my man. You see, I knew what you see.

And then the great the dynamic duo of Dirty Kurt,
Dirty Curt and the Big Day King the day you
know what we have up a day in our rooms.
Did you check? No? I didn't see what man? What
kind of he'll billy? He'll tell is this man, I'm
just go up to day. I'm on my day day guy,

guys in Marty Allen, I'm gonna call it on the
front desk and have a ball. That's nice. I'm gonna
have install of the day in my room. I'm missing
out on it. So we'll see you guys next week
because we are on a cadence now, Rob, Yeah, we're
on a cadence now, so we will see you guys
next week. I want to go radio and as always,

good night, Freddie Mac. Wherever you are are, just cut
it out, cut it out. You're listening to Whine and
Gold Radio. Well, okay, hot jack Cleveland and this one
is over. Believe in Cleveland, savant right, y'all, America is

the baby Whine and Go Radio
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