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May 17, 2024 26 mins

Welcome to a captivating episode of the Force on Force podcast featuring your host Shawn Dalrymple as he provides a glimpse into his life and the inner workings of America's largest outdoor military organization.

After a brief hiatus due to losing his voice, Shawn kicks off this episode celebrating the spectacular triumph of his brother-in-law, Kenny McPeak, at the Kentucky Derby. The episode also introduces us to Rory Layne, pivotal team member and operations manager of the Force on Force TV shows. Explore Rory's journey, his significant role within the organization, and enjoy some candid humor about his unfiltered demeanor behind the microphone.

Interestingly, this episode is not all dedicated to military discourse. Shawn narrates a heartwarming story revolving around the Kentucky Derby Winner, a big dog named Sonny, and a rush overnight delivery of a bed for the beloved labrador at the Preakness.

Sean further surprises viewers when he unveils Rory's unexpected connection with horses. A hidden memory from his tenure as the first sergeant for the horse detachment at Fort Hood, considered the last active-duty mounted cavalry unit. Join Shawn as he walks Rory down memory lane, touching upon his thrilling experience at the Battle of Little Bighorn, the unforgettable encounter with Sitting Bull's great-great-grandson, and more.

Dive headfirst into this enlightening podcast episode to draw an intimate picture of authentic war stories, timeless military camaraderie, and an enthralling narrative of a brave soldier's incredible journey, including Sitting Bull's great-great-grandson honorable performance as a Vietnam War prisoner.

The interaction keeps the listeners engaged with organic stories about the profound interconnectedness of the military world, showcasing the unbroken bonds of a military brotherhood, shared past of service, and hearty memories. Discover an untouched aspect of military subculture through the revelation of an active horse cavalry unit at Fort Hood.

Join us for this rollercoaster ride of nostalgia, bringing to light remarkable stories of valor, inspiring military journeys, and the incredible strength of our nation's armed forces.

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Episode Transcript

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Force on Force features the largest and strongest outdoor military organization in the country.
These are the men and women who make it possible to enjoy the freedom to hunt and fish.
It is with great pride that we bring you Force on Force podcast.
Coming to you from the Force on Force talk.
Hey, welcome to the Force on Force podcast. I'm your host, Sean Dowell.

We're here in the Force on Force talk.
We've enjoyed this throughout the year and I know we've
taken a couple of weeks off there's a reason for that i
have lost my voice up until pretty much
hadn't got it back here in the last couple of days we talked
a little bit about me being here in the shadows
of uh churchill downs and going to
the kentucky derby it had some connections with my brother-in-law i didn't

talk so much went back and listened to the podcast i didn't
really tell you guys who my brother-in-law was but
we're going to talk a little bit about that in the podcast and
kind of talk about what cool kind of happened from that and we're going to bring
on somebody who's been around the organization for a long time and a lot of
force on force tv shows there's a lot of work behind the scenes and that's roy

lane we refer to him as senior he's really our operations manager how you doing roy,
I'm doing great, brother. How are you doing? And really, he fits into what the
topic is we're going to kind of talk about. We're going to talk about our program boat from Skeeter.
I mean, he was the integral part in bringing it up here and kind of got the
experience coming up here to Kentucky
for the, not the first time being up here to my house, but really.

But the first time we kind of got to do some fun stuff and what was kind of
to celebrate some things we kind of learned while we were up here.
So it was a lot of fun and he told him
i said hey we we sold the program boat and
we had to deliver it to north carolina and you know
he drove it up here so fun time to have you guys
come here to the house yeah it was it was

it was a good trip you know me and my wife ran up there to kentucky and she
enjoyed it and we got to spend time with you and amy we did and so talking about
that and why i think it's so cool to have rory a little bit because i've told
you we're going to celebrate and kind of tell you why I kind of lost my voice
and Roy got to be a little bit part of this deal.
Well, my brother-in-law is Kenny McPeak and he won the Kentucky Derby.

Not only did he win the Kentucky Derby, but he also won the Kentucky Oaks the day before.
First time that's happened since 1952, Treanor has won both the Oaks and the
Derby. Put that in perspective for the listeners.
There's been five triple crown winners in that same amount
of time that that's happen and so i got to
be a part of that and kind of celebrate we talked about how he had

been so in school last year and helping me when i
needed to pick up my boat from the dealership there in arkansas we went to his
house and then went up to new york we kind of we shared a lot of pictures on
facebook roy you got a lot of funny messages from everybody about what what's
the boss doing kind of tell everybody about how that went down he's running around in a pink suit.

Yeah but we got to go to his,
sister-in-law's and brother-in-law's house and
everything and met a lot of people there a
lot of the derby people and that was really
nice everybody was beautiful there i mean
we had a good time and we talked enjoyed each
other we had the food and everything and we just got to

meet a lot of new people yeah roy's sitting there and people asking us who we
are and and me and roy usually pretty pretty quiet and and so i tell them you
know you know kenny's my brother-in-law and and sherry's my you know sister-in-law
my wife's sister and roy goes i just saw a party and i just stopped in here.
Yeah somebody asked me how i got there and i said well i

was just driving by and i'd seen the party so i pulled over and walked in
you should have seen that gal's eyes that was big as saucers
but i mean what we find out when we go to a lot
of that stuff is people are always intrigued to kind of hear
about what we are doing as part of that and so what we do with army bass and
it was kind of cool to talk to some people and they were so intrigued to hear

what we do and i kind of alluded to that last last episode when we talked about
a little bit about from this perspective and i'll tell you this this was the
other part about going to the kentucky derby,
one of the one of our camera guys had told me he said hey several of the the
camera people we did that I know are filming the Derby.

And so if you see him, just say hi. He told me who they were,
and he sent me a picture of them.
Sure enough, I'm like, there's no way I'll ever see this individual, right? But in...
We get we get there and sure enough it's the first person i
see when i walk into churchill downs on friday for the
oaks was was rick one of the camera guys that
we talked about and when i found out later after talking to

jared at deep four productions rick was
actually integral and kind of helping um finalize
jared working with us from deep four productions
type deal so i didn't i mean i didn't even know that till we
kind of i didn't know that either yeah yeah yeah it
was it's kind of kind of cool like who thought like and then
the second person i run into is somebody that that we

see have been at the expo in indianapolis
for two years that we've operated with up there so
we're seeing all kind of fishing people at derby because it's just.
Such a big deal and so to get to go be a part
of and then get to experience it from my family to for that
huge deal and so what's what's kind of cool with
this whole thing and we're going to talk more

more fishing stuff and the boat stuff and some stuff but because
it really ties into horses because we want to talk a little bit about
what roy does this because it's something i learned about roy
was up here but kenny is actually signing some
some stuff that is going to be auctioned off
at patriot sporting challenge my brother-in-law is and
it was really cool that he's going to take the time to to do

that and then another item that we're going to do with
the gala for folds of honor later in the year and so
a really cool deal that he is he's just
a very humble guy and i mean he works really hard he is
you wouldn't you wouldn't know it by meeting him i
mean he's just down to earth i mean we're gonna try to get him on the podcast
i didn't want to inundate him and i'd lost my voice with that first week and

it was kind of like hey how do we give him a little bit because he was getting
hit up so much and and and part of it is you know giving him a little bit,
because I mean, from the time he won,
they were out, he was getting phone calls and asked,
Hey, are you going to run into Preakness? And they had to make a decision.
And, uh, the best story was, so we are all dog people.
I mean, you guys know this Archer is on the show and, and, and that was the other thing.

Roy got to bring Archer's girlfriend Willow, which is really reason I wanted
a toy mini Australian shepherd, brought her up here to the house, but.
We're big dog people, so Sonny is a big old yellow lab that my brother and sister-in-law have.
The most lovable big old yellow lab there is, right?
He's everywhere. We are around the house. It's just a family icon, right?

Everybody knows him, too. Everybody knows him. I don't think there's anybody
who didn't know Sonny, right? So this is a story.
Kenny, they called and asked him if he was going to run to Preakness,
and he said, I said, well, I can tell you this.
I'm not going to do it if I can't bring my dog with me.
And so they sent him. By the next day, they had an in-boarder bed for Sonny

for the Preakness, for him to be up there at the Preakness. So I thought that was pretty cool.
You know, his first thoughts were like, hey, I'm not. I know I just went to
Kentucky Derby, but if I can't take my dog with me, I'm not going up there.
It was pretty cool to see that bed.
It was like, that's pretty cool. But I'm hoping as we get a little bit of time,
we'll get to have him because it kind of is cool to kind of talk from a perspective

of other sports and to see like, just like we talked from fishing and hunting,
how much hard work he's put into what, what he's done.
And he's done it from really from a blue collar type environment.
And I think that's what was really special about making history the way he did it.
I went back and watched the press conference and listened to him and just the

way he has approached everything.
I think it's really that's why so down to
earth i mean he would uh he it was really cool to listen
to how all that unfolded and we're hoping that at some point he
and i can get together and kind of do this when our
schedules are not so you know going crazy but it was cool because we got that
when that's gonna be i know right well it may just be one of those where i just

had to go back to new york and go fishing up there you know that's that's sneaking
your back pocket then yeah yeah
We'll just go up there and go fishing and visit him up there in New York.
And it's, it'll be a fun trip. So getting to do, getting to see that.
So just from that perspective to, he's going to, you know, what he's doing for
us for Patriot Sporting Challenge is going to be really, really cool.

And we got that coming up here really, really shortly.
Really going to help out Folds of Honor. Yeah, they are. They're going to help out Folds of Honor.
And that, that's a big deal. And he's got a heart of gold. And I think that's
really everything that we do.
You know, they never, they never, they never batted an eye about doing, I mean, it's just.
That's just the kind of person he is and so we you
know we were we wanted to have the guys

from force on force on this week from both championship boats
on this week but the scheduling has just been kind of
crazy so the plan is really next week to get those guys and we'll get back to
talking regularly stuff which is opening up to us to kind of talk this but we
here's reason we i wanted to bring roy and we joke about are we ever going to
bring roy on the podcast because Because if you've ever been around this man,

he has no filter whatsoever.
So it's always a joke about we've got to give him the microphone and let him talk. But...
I mean, that's the reason I'm kind of slow tonight. I got to think about what I'm saying.
We talk about, you know, I've known this, and I think this is really, really cool.

What I kind of learned this, this past week of him being up here,
we're doing, we're going around doing all kinds of fun stuff.
And we're, we're, we're, we're experiencing showing him around this part of
the country, you know, getting to visit some, some of the different things that Kentucky has to offer.
And in the last three or four years of your career, you were the first sergeant

for the horse detachment there at Fort Hood, Texas?
Yes, last mounted active duty mounted cavalry unit left.
So he has a long connection with horses.
And so it was kind of, that's why I thought it was kind of cool that he got
to come up here and kind of experience that.
Because I'm like, hey, you come up here and get to kind of celebrate something that has to do.

Because i know that's kind of a passion to him and you know he did
horses in rodeo stuff when he kind of got out people
don't realize how much i mean roy had appreciation for how much work
work went into that because he kind of understand saying that
but this is what i kind of wanted to talk about and
i think this is where really cool i i did not know this and and this was really
cool so we were talking and we're going around and you know you get to do a

lot of cool things in the military and we talk about this a lot throughout the
throughout the things that we get to do whether it's fishing hunting just the
people you meet the things that you get to do and
so we're just having this discussion and so he tells me i remember you a little
bit tells me about one of the things he gets to do when he's doing you know

this job he is his last job he's in the army and so i don't want to tell still
too much your thunder but.
The premise is it's a lot of we do, you know, whether it's staff rides or,
you know, ceremonial things that we do all the time throughout the military.
But I kind of want you to share the listeners the one that I think is pretty

much the awesomest thing that I've heard in a long time.
Because people, when you put it into perspective, you know, the Battle of Little
Bighorn, kind of share that with the listeners and what that was like and how
that all came together and the significance of that.
Well how it comes together is first cab
has a reunion every year and so
every other year it's at fort hood or whatever they

want to call it now but then on the
off years they always go different states so that year we
happened to go to montana and it was
in with buying horses for the horse attachment the week
prior so we bought horses and we went over to the reunion
and everything and we did a trail ride with a
bunch of uh old cab soldiers and

there's about i guess there's probably about seven of us in a wagon and we did
the we did custard's trail all the way to battle bighorn i got to ride on top
of crow's nest when i was there sitting bull's great great Great-grandson rode in our wagon all the way.
He was a prisoner of Vietnam War, and they gave him a medal up there when we finally got there.

We were the first soldiers in over 100 years to be on the Battle of Little Bighorn,
you know, and that was an honor in itself.
Yeah, that's just pretty cool. I know that was like really when you think about
it, like you put it into perspective, and I get to say this all the time,
and we get to do some pretty cool stuff.

If it i've done it but i i don't know that i've done that's like
we just that's like the guys from 101st drinking
you know wine on top of hitler's
chateau and you know austria type type thing right there you know that's those
are the things that you know that are pretty special that you know they make

movies about and things like that and i think that's really i don't think we
We've never talked that story at all in anything we've done.
No, I just don't say too much about my career at all, really.
I mean, I'm kind of quiet about it, you know. I mean, if somebody asks me,
I'll tell them, you know.
That's the way I was brought up in the ranks, you know.

You you work you do your job and go on you don't brag about it you don't talk about it or anything
i know and i think that's what was cool about you coming
up here so we we we get he's bringing
this skeeter bro he thinks he's just coming up here to bring this boat up
here and he gets around this talking about horses and then and we
get the story out of him right that we would have never gotten
out of him ever ever you know we don't we he's

never has told the story and and we i mean
he's told it people but he's just never around us he's never
kind of told the story and we get the story out and we're like i'm just
like i'm like i'm like at all like and i have people
tell me about things i've done all the time but i'm like oh i'm like i like
this story i'm like i'm like you know because people put it in perspective i
mean correct me wrong that's indian land still correct yes and so like that's

just not something that everybody anybody or anything especially Especially U.S.
Military personnel is allowed upon because, you know, just from treaties to
the way the reservations are and the things like that.
You just can't imagine what it was down there.
Right. I mean, you know, everybody can walk up top and, you know,

they got their view and, you know, where they can look down on the battlefield.
We rode into the battlefield and that was what was amazing.
Right. And that's what you talk about. That's hollowed ground.
You know you're sitting there and you're like it's sacred ground
you know you're you're there and and just from
from everybody to you know they've made
movies and books have been written about you know that

whole deal and and to get to experience it
and not just that but to have you know
sitting crow great great grant or
great grants or great great grants sitting bulls yeah yeah
i kept saying i'm sorry because the crow's nest y'all were
riding around i don't know if there's but sitting bull's
great great grandson up there i mean just to have him with you who

had you know later fought with the u.s military and then to
get him and take him and do the metal piece i mean that's just kind of a perspective
that i mean that's just kind of some of the stories that we've kind of wanted
to share sometimes that we don't get to share on the tv show we share a lot
of cool stories but i think that's what kind of makes it what we do from you you know,

the force on force brand to talk about, you know,
getting to come do that kind of stuff. I mean, you know.
Being with Army Bass, Antlered, Buckhunter, Hullhunter, Duckhunter,
Redfish, and all of them is just amazing.
I mean, the people you meet or the people that you forgot about that you served
with and all of a sudden they just pop up and go, hey, remember me?

Was it you that we were at a show and somebody came by, or was it Chuck?
I can't remember which one of those. those i know chuck
was one of the guys he was a drill sergeant and one
of his privates came by the boot but i couldn't remember we didn't
have that was that was that duck unlimited one
was there yeah he came by and said you were my drill sergeant

yeah that was that was one of the best ones
chuck chuck got through he's he was a drill sergeant for
quite some time and some soldier former former
trainee came by and recognized him he
was like you were my drill sergeant and
so you know that's that's the kind of you know impact from young to old that

you have with just our members to all the service members across and we hear
just some of the funny stories to talk some of this stuff so i think that's
really cool the things we hear and see and.
Relive you know from all our old
battle buddies and everything oh yeah yeah that's
that's the of cool stuff we all you know we always

talk it's really we what's funny is you always find like you're always
like one degree separation from this person knows
this person and you know we know that person and it's so like it's like you
know we we are just everybody's so interconnected that it's not even it's not
even funny that we we don't don't kind of you know realize how connected we

We are sometimes it's a big military,
but in the end, it's not really big from it's the one percent,
you know, the one percent of us out there. That's exactly what it is.
I mean, we're worldwide in the people you run into and then you run into,
you know, just on the lake.
Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's like, you know, and it's funny how the military connection goes.

So you brought the boat up here today to me or not today, but last week.
And I actually delivered the boat today and we're, we're doing this podcast
as we're getting back late tonight,
but I actually got, we got, I drove it to Huntington, West Virginia and met
him and we were going to go inside the bank and, and, and, and use the notary inside the bank.

And so this guy pulls up, his fisherman, older gentleman pulls up and starts talking to me.
And then we're like, we talked to him for a while and he was like,
well, we got to go inside and do some notary stuff. And he goes,
he goes, you need a notary.
He's like, I'm an attorney right here. He said, I'll go back and get my stamp
book. And he's like, I'll do your notary for you right here. So we get to talking.

The guy had served, right? This is, so you just, it's funny how you immediately
connect to those people.
So he, we get to talking about stuff and he asked me about something.
And and i he said you ever been to fort benning
i go yeah he goes so you know about sandhill and harmony
church and i go oh yeah oh yeah we know

all about you know so you when you've been to
those places and it doesn't take that long to connect those
stories to do it and it was kind of kind
of cool we were making somebody happy with a zx200 beautiful
boat that went out today but still got to connect with somebody that boat alone
just helped us connect with somebody that was a a former service member that

i never would have met ever just traveling across and and you know to meet somebody
like that from another generation to share stories it's just kind of cool.
It's kind of like when i was yesterday i was at the chamber of commerce luncheon
and i met a marine he just happened to start a non-profit you know for homeless

soldiers you know not Not wanting them on the street,
you know, buying trailers and campers and everything and putting them up.
And we sat and talked for a long time. You just never know who you're going to meet.
You never know who you're going to meet. And we come across a lot of people
and it's just fun to kind of talk with them.
That was like kind of the fun thing. Like I was like, that's,

you know, I talked about Chris Brown last time we were on a podcast that when
I went to New York up there to go fishing and around the horse racing people.
The people were so enamored to come take pictures of the boat and talk about
the fish and stuff and everything else.
But it's really the military service that kind of drives people to want to have those conversations.
And I think it's, and that's what's kind of special. You telling your story

with us on this episode, because, you know, we joke about it,
especially on the TV show.
I mean, it's crazy because there's very few seasons we go through where someone
who doesn't do an interview at some point, there's not some tears shed along
the way about, you know, we do the military moments.

Those are some of the best ones that we do and to share that kind of peel the
curtain back. And I think that's what we kind of...
Your visit may have been up here to kind of talk about, you know,
the visit may have been up here to bring the boat and kind of spend time for
us celebrating with my brother-in-law.
But at the same time, it helped me learn a really cool story that now we have

captured in a way that, you know, a lot of people may not know that,
you know, may have not ever heard that piece,
you know, and may not know that that actually had taken place.
And not only that, but they don't know that there's a horse cavalry detachment
at Fort Hood, you know, and that's just a cool thing.
There's a lot of people that still don't know it, you know, when they get there

and they go, really? I can ride horses?
Yeah, right. For the Army? And so there's all these things that we open up.
I always say, I get asked, I did an oral history interview when I was a major
about my time as a company commander.
And I did it because I wanted to preserve what my guys did as when they came back years later,

that it wouldn't mean something to some of those privates and specialists as
much as it will years down the road, because years down the road,
they'll be able to pull that up and relive and re-able to be like.
Like, and that, and I said that in an interview because I wanted,
and that's kind of a lot what we do with the military moment is be able to tell

those stories and to help people.
For one, there's the people that don't ever get to do it to,
you know, open a little bit of, you know, window to see what we go through,
but also to give a chance for others to, to, to maybe connect or if they were
part of that story to relive it type deal.
So I think that's kind of cool what we do.

See yeah you you did really good with this man yeah i did we got you through
a whole episode hey hey it's a lot of fun we've been doing and i'm actually
leaving in the morning headed down to,
alabama we're gonna go and i'm actually gonna
stop and check a couple of bass pro shops in cabela's for
lorenz one of our partners on the way and then we got the west point cadets

coming in this week and it's gonna be a lot of fun i always enjoy that event
that that's just great to have those guys start me you're ready to mess with
him a little bit tagger he's he always he's this fun deal so it's gonna be great
for us to go down and and do that we're gonna get down and
do that i'm gonna do a little bit of doing a charity shoot saturday down there

in alabama so i get to have a good time down there to do a little time to share
share some of the what we do i got some some cool stuff we're working on actually
working on some hawk optics right now on some guns that we're doing.
And so I got to build one out. We shared a little bit on what we did for our...
Our our buck hunters uh social media

page and so i'm going to work on some of those or red dots and
we're going to talk a little bit more about the hunting stuff with those optics here
in the next couple of weeks now if we get towards the third
quarter and we get ready to launch the the hog show which is
going to be off the charts kind of cool so yeah i'll be
at the nra convention this weekend talking about a
lot of partners and yeah you're gonna be in our people nra

convention i know patrick's gonna be there we're all
over the world doing stuff i know that the redfish fish
guys are doing stuff this weekend next weekend and
then we got we got pager sporting challenge so we're going
to put out you'll see go on our social media you'll see ways
to bid on auction items for the pager sporting challenge that support foals

of honor one of the big things that are going to be on the pager sporting challenge
deal is going to be a hunt with me in kentucky here at the the farm here and
it'll be a lot of fun it'll be archery hunt so if you You want a chance to win
that, you can get on there.
There's a side-by-side given by Skeeter that's going to be on there.
All kind of cool things for guns.
You name it, you can win on the online auction. You don't have to be present

there at the event to do it. So everybody can get involved to support.
No, get on there and help us out. Yeah, you have to support a great cause.
And so that's going to be great. Hey, I appreciate everybody listening.
If you want to know more about Army Bass, Bucks, Duck, and Hog,
or Redfish, go to And hey, Roy, thanks for being with us
tonight. I appreciate it. All right.
Nice talking to you, brother.

Thanks for listening to the Force on Force podcast. Join us next time as we
dive into more topics from the Force on Force talk.
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