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March 13, 2024 17 mins

Welcome to the "Force on Force" podcast episode, a series diving into the realm of outdoor military operations. Hosted by Shawn Dalrymple, we explore the spirited individuals who facilitate our freedom to enjoy hunting and fishing. We welcome you to join us at the Tactical Operations Center where all our shows and military missions commence.

In this episode, we take you through our latest adventures on the road, filming our first hog hunting show for three straight weeks. We also touch on our forthcoming participation at the MLF  Redcrest, where we take active roles in the Kids Fishing Zone. Our champions, William Tager and Eric Wilkas, play instrumental roles in driving the success of this initiative.

Understand the journeys, stories, and hearts of our champions. William Tager embodies determination and resilience, sharing from his humble beginnings to his journey to becoming a force of nature. Listen as we share our community commitment that goes beyond the force to ensure the love for nature is cultivated among children at our events.

We are proud to announce that the MLF Redcrest we  will see one lucky participant, due to a generous donation, go home with a prized Bonafide SS-127 kayak. Tune into this episode to understand more about our champions, our commitment to youth and community, and how we plan to transform lives—one fishing pole at a time.

In this invigorating episode, we explore the trending topic of kayak fishing and its growing influence in the fishing industry. We share plans to build new, state-of-the-art kayaks for this expanding recreational activity. We also introduce our favorite for MLF Redcrest, Ryan Salzman. He is a respected military intelligence officer turned prolific angler, highlighting his inspiring journey from a novice angler to a tutorial wizard.

Finally, the episode concludes with a spotlight on our involvement with significant events in the fishing industry and non-profit efforts. We specifically touch upon our active presence at the Texas Oilman's Bass Invitational (TOBI) and hint at our involvement in upcoming events. Enrich your knowledge by visiting our website,

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Episode Transcript

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Force on Force features the largest and strongest outdoor military organization in the country.
These are the men and women who make it possible to enjoy the freedom to hunt and fish.
It is with great pride that we bring you Force on Force podcast,
coming to you from the Force on Force talk.
Hey, welcome to the Force on Force podcast. I am Sean Darryl,

your host. We're here at the Force on Force talk.
We start everything in the Tactical Operations Center and all
our shows start out there everything in the military starts in the tactical operation
center and the force on force pod podcast stocks starts
here we're here on the road you guys
talked heard we talked about it last week being on the road for three straight
weeks and we had a lot of fun last week filming the first ever hog hunting show

we're going to talk a little bit about that in a later episode of the force
on force talk podcast but this week we're going to talk about red crest it is
coming coming up fast and furious for us.
And we are going to be one of the main efforts for the kids fishing zone.
We are the main effort for the kids fishing zone.
And tonight we have the guys that are going to be instrumental in that force

on force champion, William Tiger, who is a big part of what we do.
And then I could say, Eric, I think we had to come up with almost twice.
You've been the force on force champion between redfish and bass.
You've been so close. I mean, you lost to William. so how you
guys doing great thanks for having us

on i had to bring up that memory since you had your
your first loss you got wayv on here who snatched victory from
you in the last second there and in season you know
11 right there and welsh lake there in texas so great
to have you guys on i know it's it's a lot of fun
we do a lot of things around the country and we do a
lot of a lot of deal with uh kids kids stuff

and i know that we're looking forward to being an integral part
of what we're doing with major lake fishing
is for the red crest so william you
and i kind of talked and kind of started talking with uh mlf about
a year ago to kind of say hey how can we help you guys with the kids also kind
of talk about what we're going to be doing and uh and what that is going to

look like for uh for army bass liners we kind of take that role on for uh Major
League Fishing this week. Yes.
Got with them back in Charlotte, and we've seen some disruption going on,
and we asked them, can we help them?
And we got the offer, and we're going to be running Kids Fun Zone.

There, we will have a no-fee fishing and no-fee BB gun range.
So we got some targets, and then if you want some special targets for a generous
donation, we'll put up some ugly-looking targets for the BB gun range.
And then you can get your shoot it all up with you
what you want to do and then on the fish we're

using we're gonna have some one pound a
three pound catfish and we're gonna have some brim as big as mine and eric's
hand and we're hoping the kids have fun doing so we're also going to have at
given times the paw patrol will be coming by to visit the kids and sign autographs
So I'm looking forward to this because we're going to be,

it starts 11 o'clock Friday and goes until I want to say six o'clock in the
evening, every evening.
So we're looking forward to making the kids happy. My wife always gets the little
doodads for the youngins and some stickers for them.
So we're looking forward to seeing the kids and making sure they have fun.

Yeah, I know us, we do a lot of things kids related.
I know kids are a real big part of what you do, William. I know you do a kids
fishing derby every year.
So this is right up your alley to really get this opportunity with Major League Fishing.
So I know you're really excited because anytime you get a chance to work with
kids, that's always something really special.
So I know you talk about it a lot.
You know, you're always trying to reach those kids that don't get a chance to

kind of do this because you always say, I was one of those kids,
you know, and so I know that's really near and dear special to you.
From this perspective yep yep like
sean said one thing i did do as a what i
did as a family wasn't very we didn't wasn't very i was kind of poor i started
working jobs when i was as soon as i was a teenager which was fine because it

kind of shaped and developed me but one thing we did all the time as a family
when we had time was we always dug up some worms and head headed to the the water,
whether it be river, pond, or whatever.
But the key is I was one of them kids, like Sean said, didn't have no light at the end of the tunnel.
That's one reason I came to the service, and it's done me well.

And I wanted to share my piece of property because before I retired out of the Army,
the only thing I wanted, her requirement was that I would have a shop that would
allow me to have my boat hooked up to my truck so I could pull out tournament ready.
Well, I got blessed with a 1.5-acre lake that had fish in it,
and I've been keeping it stocked. I've had the biologists come and check it

out, and I got some over-one-pound brim in my pond.
I got white crappie, black crappie, and they're slab crappie,
big enough to fillet, like 16 inches.
Got three species of bass in there, smallmouth, largemouth, and spotted bass,
and three species of catfish, blue cats, channel cats, and flatheads.

Kids being trying to get them kids. I give them a bonus to catch the big old two flatheads.
I know we're in there, but they ain't done that yet, but one day they probably will.
Also got five species of brim and last kid's fishing derby I had,
they tore up them brim and most of them were over a pal.
They caught four out of the five species, but I enjoyed doing that because I
did hourly weigh in. It keeps it interesting.

It's good to see the kids get happy and not playing video games.
Yeah, I think that's a lot about what Major League Fishing is trying to accomplish
with the kids zone and give the kids an opportunity to kind of interact.
We bring that ability to interact with the kids. And whether it's at the fish tank or the BB gun range,
and then you bring in to have paw patrol and, and not just that,

but you know, we're going to have, you know, some, some pros are going to come
by MLF pros are going to come by the booth.
And so that's going to be kind of fun to have some of that.
And so just to really, it's going to be a great opportunity.
We, we really looking forward to being a part of this red crest because for
one, it's, it's right there in your backyard and it's, it's a really cool deal,

but more importantly, Certainly, you know, Eric Wilkis, if you guys don't know,
we've talked about Eric. He's been on here, the podcast before.
Eric got run Simplified Charters down out of Panama City Beach.
If you guys are looking for a great guy to go offshore fishing down there, I mean, give Eric a call.
But more importantly, Eric does a great job working, doing stuff with us.
And he did a great job doing a deal with a bona fide kayak that we had and raised

a good bit of money for our nonprofits.
Profits but we kind of had a bonus with
that and the person who won that kayak
asked for a little special thing with that that's going to be part of this red
crest and the kids zone so once you eric once you kind of talk about what kind
of happened with that and what what it kind of means to someone to be so generous

to do what they're going to do with that yep so last week we had a raffle and sold some tickets.
Once we got to a certain number of tickets, we went ahead and decided to go
ahead and raffle this Bonafide SS-127 off.
So that's a sit-in-the-stand fishing kayak, value at $1,700.

So anyway, we decided to raffle it off and we had a little girl come to to the
booth, as we always do for all of our raffles, and she reached in and pulled out somebody's name.
And that name said Katie. So we gave Katie a phone call,

last week and Katie came over and Katie happened to be the owner of Buck Island,
which that's where we get some of our Skeeter boats from.
And Katie decided to donate it back.
She knew we were going to be doing the KidZone MLF this next weekend.

So she said she wanted to donate it back.
So every kid now that comes through
the kid zone will get a
ticket to put in a raffle box and
we will draw somebody's name out and they
will win this bonafide ss127 so

we just have to really say thanks a lot
to katie that means a lot and just like
we said about getting kids out fishing this might change
somebody's life you know it it could be
the parents being able to take these
kids out fishing and it means a
lot to get them away from everything their electronics and just the world and

get out and see some of the nature yeah i think that's pretty cool and it's
pretty awesome katie and and basically that her ties with one of our partners
out there that she she reached out And kind of said hey,
this is what what we kind of like to do for it And I
think that goes a long way it gets out I think a lot of that goes back to you
William because she knows your commitment to what you do with the kids fishing

Derby and she's always tied into it and so she kind of knows where your heart
is and I think that really goes back and and really really Appreciative because
that all really first started where the guys over at bona fide.
Kayaks that help us throughout the year I mean all of us see from a bass side and,
on the bass boat side but the kayak industry is so big out

there i mean i'll just tell you i'm getting ready to build me a uh a
new kayak for fishing because i i just there's times
where i can't get away and i got the salt river that runs by the house that
i'm just gonna sneak sneak in and get one of the new uh prw you
know bona fide kayaks and we're gonna put it to use but it's such a big part
of the industry out there and so we're always appreciative with what the what

but with what bona fide has done with us and to have the opportunity at this
event like red crest it's It's going to be really awesome to make somebody's day out there.
And it's a really cool portion of that. And so that's going to be really a cool deal.
I didn't kind of brief you or your guys really asked you this question.
So I do have a kind of a question for you guys. It is Red Crest.

So, Eric, you got a favorite going into Red Crest?
I don't right now. I have a good friend that's on there, but he didn't make
Red Crest this year. I'm going to be rooting for him the next year.
And this year, maybe, maybe Ryan Salzman can pull it off and get out there and do something.

So I don't know. We'll see. So, so what about you, Tiger?
Oh, I'm rooting for our task force member there, Ryan Salzman. Say it. Yeah.
Yeah. So everybody said, so I didn't, I didn't kind of prop them for this,
but if you guys were We're listening to a couple of podcasts ago when we were
talking with Cody Prather and he was talking about the guy that I fish with

at UNA that has won a BPT and that would be Ryan Salzman.
You know, if I got to pick a favorite going into to Red Crest, that'd be Ryan.
He, you know, he's always kind of, if you guys don't know, Ryan, Ryan.
Served all the way up to as a captain and in the
army and he was a cadet at the university of north
alabama same program i got my commission at so really

got to spend a lot of time with ryan and a lot of people don't know
that about him and so you know it's i
think if you watch him if you've ever this is
the other thing i don't think a lot of people know and and that's what the military
background kind of understanding is have you ever watched ron
salzman on the water he was a military intelligence officer
and if you ever watched him kind of dissect things it's

very much like a military intelligence officer would
and i think that goes a lot to how he does
things on the water his decision making process things of that
you really see that from him and i think that's
when we look at he's already proven it with that bb you know that bass pro tour
win so you know he's fishing there on a lake that i know he has familiarity

with not necessarily his home lake which sometimes could not be necessarily
the best thing for you although that's been proven,
disproven you know several times in the
last you know recent many recent years used to be the used
to be the the kiss of death that gets your home late drawn for for a big big

tournament like this and so now that that's kind of out i think he's out there
to to be just as posed as anybody else so i think he he can do it you know as
we talked about last week you got to think that.
You know live scope active target all those things are going to play into it,
deal going forward the weather you know i don't know i know we're i'm actually

down on toledo i know we got we got a storm front moving through right now i
don't know exactly what the weather's going to be like in in the birmingham
area so that could play that could play a little bit of,
issue into it.
We've got 8% right here on Friday.
Yeah, so we could really see, like, the weather player positioned into it.

And, you know, that's going to be kind of, I don't know, man.
I'm just kind of looking at it to say, you know, he's as opposed as anybody
else out there, you know. I think.
One thing we learned, being at the right place at the right time, doing the right thing.
Yeah, I mean, I'd be super happy for him to walk away with it.

You know he he's definitely persevered and he kept his head down and gone through some stuff i mean.
I got some i've got some great ron saltzman stories
just to see how far
he's come you know but i think just
someone would be like he'd be like
please don't tell those of me but i think it really looks like

it from a perspective of you to see how
far somebody has come and it's just
is just you know you got to look to see where they came from i
mean i think you look at some of those and you know
he's a he's an electronics guy he knows his he knows
his he knows his graphs and so i think that's
that's really important and i'll tell

this story on him and it's kind of funny but i'll never
forget we did it we did an install back we had
the gen one lorenz's man we're big time back
then we had the five inch gen one graphs lorenz graphs
and we put him on his bumblebee and got
him put on him in my garage and i think he
i know it's happened because he i couldn't leave right right

away and he was off fishing practicing on gunnersville and me and my partner
were going to go he called me and on on there and uh he's like hey why is my
cursor you know i keep having to move the map i can't the boat's not going with
the map on there and so it was,
I was like, I had to think about it a second. I'm like, yeah.

I was like, hit the exit button, man. He'd hit the, he'd actually hit the cursor
thing and, and moved it off, off the map at the time. And, and it wasn't tracking with his thing.
And he was, but now you, we, we joke about like, he's a, he's a super user now.
And I think that's kind of goes back to what we were kind of talking about in
the last podcast, just Tom and use on the water. And that's how,

how much, how far he's come.
I mean, he's just, he's a super competitive guy and just a seed from us.
You know i'm always proud to to see
it and i talked to you know when his mom and
dad and just to see them and watch watch him
through his his social media and
things like that it's really cool to watch him do all that so i think that's

pretty cool but yeah i always go back to he couldn't figure out why his map
wasn't moving but the boat kept moving on the screen and i'm like he's calling
me all freaking out and i'm like just that's like just hit the exit button and
so it's It's just kind of, you know, and now he's like, he's like,
you got all these tutorial videos that he does on his graphs and everything like that.
And then, like I said, that tells you how far, you know, how,

how special it is when somebody goes that far that they do that, that kind of stuff.
And so I think he is really, really, you know, done such, such,
such a big deal, but he processes knowledge in a way that only a military intelligence officer can.
End so i will say this i appreciate
what william and eric are doing and uh

we're actually going to probably do another podcast this week and
draw because we're actually down at the toby which is
the texas oilman's bass invitational what i gotta do kind of on the scene with
some of the the players from the toby which that what that event is actually
one of our big non-profit things that we do which helps raise a lot of money
for the texas children's hospital and so the rest of the the way we actually

doing two, two fold operations this week.
Why you guys don't red crest. We're down in at the Toby and then next week we'll be at the classic.
So a lot of stuff going on with army bass and buck and hog and duck and redfish.
And, uh, so we always say, if you guys want to know more about us and just go
to force on force and we appreciate everything that, you know,

the viewers for watching us and listen to us.
So catch us on force
Thanks for listening. Force on force. Force Past. Join us next time as we know
more topics. Force on Force Talk.
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