All Episodes

April 24, 2024 34 mins

Dive deep into the intriguing world of the Force on Force outdoor military organization in this special podcast episode! Our host, Shawn Dalrymple, leads a riveting session with pro staff members - sharing their unique experiences and adventures in America's largest military outdoor organization.

Meet three stellar additions to our Pro Staff, each enriching our organization with their diverse backgrounds but united by the shared aim to uphold our freedom to enjoy outdoor sports like hunting and fishing. Stay tuned as Shawn recaps our recent Central Memorial Tournament's highlights and gives you some exclusive sneak peeks into our next event at Kentucky Lake.

Guest members Rick Bradley, Craig Underwood, and Ty Frederick share their captivating journeys within the organization. Listen to Rick's heartfelt tribute to a dearly departed colleague, Ty's exceptional cooking skills, and Craig's hilarious maiden journey with Shawn. They bring both inspiring and amusing tales that echo the spirit of camaraderie, passion, commitment, and the joy of being a part of Force on Force community.

This episode dives deep into what makes a fishing tournament so thrilling, the various elements that come into play, and how the unexpected challenges make the competition so exciting. Our guests Ty and Craig heat things up as they share their gripping experiences and rivalries, both on the water and ashore. Dig into the twists and turns that make tournament fishing so absorbing.

Hop on for a ride with our fishing experts as they take you through their exciting journey across mesmerizing water bodies across America. Understand how military careers have enriched their fishing experiences and how the diverse water conditions have influenced their strategies. Learn about their exploits in various fishing tournaments and how one hook hit can change their game completely.

Filled with anecdotes, advice, and laughter, this episode is a must-listen for every fishing enthusiast and anyone seeking to discover the thrill of outdoor adventures. Immerse yourself in this captivating conversation about cross-country fishing expeditions and tournament insights on Force on Force Podcast.

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Episode Transcript

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Force on Force features the largest and strongest outdoor military organization in the country.
These are the men and women who make it possible to enjoy the freedom to hunt and fish.
It is with great pride that we bring you Force on Force podcast,
coming to you from the Force on Force talk.
Hey, welcome to the Force on Force podcast. I'm your host, Sean Dalport,

in the Force on Force talk. It's been great having you guys along for this journey this year.
We took a week off last week. We had a lot of fun the week before that.
We celebrate the, you know, the month of the military child with having my oldest
boy, James, on here to talk a little bit about fishing and being a military dependent.
But this week we're back with a really special episode of Force on Force.

We're going to do something we've never done before.
We're going to introduce you to three of our newest pro national pro staff members
and then talk a little bit about Force on Force since all three of these guys are on here.
And so it's kind of a big deal. We wrapped up our Central Memorial Tournament
last week on Toledo Bend.
A lot of fun for everybody who participated. We got another one coming up in

April on Kentucky Lake. And so that's a lot of fun.
And we just really have been enjoying ourselves, having a little bit of time
off and doing some expos.
And I really want to welcome our guys here that are on this to kind of talk.
We got Rick Bradley, Craig Underwood, and Ty Frederick, who are our latest and

greatest new all here to officially announce the national pro staff members
for the Army Bass English.
Two Army guys and a Marine with Craig there. How are you guys doing? Good. Doing great.
So this is the first force we talked about kind of doing this at the classic
and we just things happen. Rick wasn't there.

And so things, the stars didn't kind of line up and so to get everybody kind
of in one location, we thought, well, why not use the podcast to kind of announce that?
And it really kind of fits into what we, you know, we're right now in week four
of force on force army bass anglers, you know, the final preliminary round,
which Ty you're actually in that one, right?
Right this episode this week you know

you're you're gonna be out there fishing can't tell everybody what's
going on but you know craig's already fished
rick's already fished we'll talk a little bit about
that and talk about all the fun we had so we'll start
with you know rick you've been around the organization a
long time and you're you we've kind
of toyed around this idea so great to have you along what does it

mean to kind of be a get on to be the pro staff
and what what it means kind of from that perspective well i
was brought into the organization by one
of my closest friends and you know i'm sean
mike carroll so becoming a pro
staff member especially after the passing
of mike means the world to me and you know

i got to share some special moments with mike uh i
got to take him out on his last tournament before he
passed on canyon lake so that meant the world
to me yeah if you guys don't know the whole
reason we call them we we call them invitational tournaments but we changed
it to memorial tournaments because of mike carroll and you can actually go to

the youtube channel and force on force tv youtube channel and watch the tribute you know army bashing.
To mike carroll and it's pretty cool he man from his
time fishing force and force it was it was really cool so i
think that's really how you kind of bring that all together to from rick
being around to to what we kind of talked about we

fished the memorial tournament last week and while we talked about and
having rick to kind of be the person who who kind
of was with mike was kind of kind of cool to
bring that perspective in and then we go to the
next level we got craig and ty so
craig underwood and ty frederick both
of you guys have worked hard on the task

force to kind of come along in the last couple of years i
know ty you know he's got that deep louisiana accent so we're going to enjoy
talking with him on on here you know i think the first time i met you ty was
you came all the way other than we're just talking online but came all the way
to the Bassmaster Classic in Knoxville last year.

Isn't that correct? Yeah, that's right. I first learned about the organization
through the Texas Aldermans.
So I saw you guys there for years.
Didn't know anybody else in it. Ended up joining.
And like you said, my first event was a classic. It's just been a great organization.
So happy to be a part of it. And here's what you don't know. Ty can cook.

I mean, that's good. We went down there to the Texas Oldman's Bass Invitational
last March, this past month, you know?
And Ty had us over to the camp there at Toledo Bend, and he cooked a nice spread
the night we got down there. So it's a lot of fun.
And then we got Craig Underwood here.

So interesting story about Craig. So, yeah.
Craig like ty started coming to some you know
some events so so we got the memorial
tournament on kentucky lake i gotta tell this story to
do is craig right so i always
try and i really like doing this is i try
to like fish with somebody different like every time we

do one of these um and i try to i'm really make an
effort to not being another pro staff member i like
to be a a task force member out there and and so i'm always trying to look for
somebody that that really needs you know really looking for someone to connect
with an organization so there's this guy craig underwood looking for a partner
on kentucky lake and and so i told craig i said i

just said hey if you you want to fish with
me i said i'll fish with you on kentucky lake he's all
excited and then i said i said man i
said we even go on your boat man i i'm i'm not
picky mickey and and so he because
i you know i had selfish reasons because i
had my brand new boat and it was not set up yet and i was gonna jump through

set it up so i could go fishing somebody else i was perfectly content with sitting
around riding so then he throws me this loophole he goes he he lets me know
he goes hey man he goes i'd really appreciate it if you would like Like,
take me out on Kentucky Lake and show me how to run this ZXR 20 I got. It's brand new to me.

And Kentucky Lake's kind of a big intimidate.
And so now I'm like, oh, man, now he's going to turn the tables on me.
Not to mention there's three and four footers on Kentucky like that. Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, right. So the day of tournament, the weather turns like crap.
And he's already not wanting.
He was like, definitely didn't want to do it. So, like, now the pressure's on
me. Like, so we get out there. And we had a fun day.

But the the story is we caught
fish i came i just we finished second or
third in the tournament did really well didn't
catch them the last hour took every benefit running around but we'll
say this i you know i'm in somebody else's boat and i have a lot of experience
on kentucky lake so i've been i mean i was stationed in fort campbell for four

years spent a lot of time on kentucky lake a lot of running around but we'll
just say that there was another manufacturer's electronics on on this boat.
And the maps got me a little bit jacked
up and i nearly run his boat up on this
sandbar that i couldn't because i couldn't
read this map nearly i think if the waves weren't as big we would have been

stuck on the sandbar i think the waves kind of took us off the sandbar i caught
it i caught it just barely at top i'm like it was it was it was all messed up
but so that was that That was Craig and I introduction to each other.
And I don't think he had any fear out of how to run his boat after that.
I mean, if you can make it through all that and live through it, tell the story.

And I'm like, it'll be okay. You know, so I gave you a chance to interject there,
Craig, and what the organization kind of, how you come along and everything like that.
So I joined a little over, I guess, about a year and a half ago.
Go. And my first event was with Ty at the Classic.
As soon as I walked in, it was like a deer in the headlights with these guys.

Right off the bat, met some of the guys. They were great. They were welcoming.
After that, I tried to get into as many shows as I could to hang out with these
guys as much as possible because it is like a family.
It's what you look for once you get out of the military, that thing that you're
missing. It's an amazing organization.
I'm excited to be here.

Yeah, it's pretty cool, I know. And that's what's really, we get asked a lot
when we talk about pro staff, and it's really like, how do you get,
it's really the effort you guys put in there to be on the pro staff that I think
is really what a lot of people miss.
I mean, you know, you guys come in, work in defense events.

Really, you know, it catches people's eye, because a lot of people don't understand pro staff is only,
you know, what that really means is is is a lot more work than they realize
than it is fishing sometimes and but i do we do have a lot of fun i mean my
my favorite story is i've never met a louisiana guy,
who doesn't know how to handle catfish that's right that's that that's time here right so,

we're doing a we're doing a you know everybody knows we do the fish tank for
the kids and i think I think it's a thing –,
So, with the whole fish tank, you got to have somebody there manning it,
helping the kids take it off and everything else.
And so, Ty is, we think, we'll give it to Ty, man. He's a Cajun.

He knows what he's doing.
So, we figured out really, really quick, Ty has not handled a lot of catfish in his days.
And so, what did you tell me when I asked you about it?
I said, how's the Louisiana guy don't know anything about catfish?
I get put in the catfish tank and I have
near zero experience with catfish been fishing

my whole life my dad and I just never never
fished catfish we always fish bass or brim or
something like that so I had to learn real quick
to be able to handle them without getting stuck
so I was able to survive the three
days without getting stuck I got a lot
better at it after the first you know a couple hours i

think i think that i think after we figured out he wasn't real
good i think we left it there just so we could watch the fun of
it at that point you know we're like we're gonna enjoy we're
gonna we're gonna enjoy this and just kind of watch him and
see how see how it goes so it was a lot of
fun watching you know that's that's kind of the hard work
that goes into everything we do whether it's the

the classic to any of the events that we do from there
and uh it's kind of good from there and rick's
done events along the way because he originally was in texas but now he's down
in florida you know he had worked at the pva a couple weeks ago down there and
so he's doing a lot of stuff with it and so a lot of cool cool things going
on but more importantly you guys let's talk a little bit about force on force

how fun was that this year.
The cold front when they come through but it was awesome yeah yeah you practice
at 70 when you're practicing 30 as soon as you start filming. Yeah.
Other than having a big old week, it was a good week.
It was a good week. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. I didn't feel any stress whatsoever

where I was at. Yeah, exactly.
It's a lot different fishing in four hours instead of eight in a normal tournament.
So, I mean, it definitely changes up your game plan when you're out there.
But and the way you have to think about it, you know, we got to make it to the
next round. And it's a challenge.
You're freaking out out there on the boat. I don't think people kind of understand

that. Hey, Ty, have you ever fished a four-hour deal before?
No, sir. I've never had. That's kind of changed the whole situation.
Air fish with the cameras like that either have you never
no sir telling me
i'm normally a quiet person so i really had to adjust my way of thinking and
just tell myself to keep keep talking and you know play the part right yeah

and and then you know we for filming purposes you know you You never know what's going to happen.
We throw this whole whatever we want to do to kind of intensify it.
From the very get-go, everybody's kind of seeing now. What did you guys think
of the flipping contest at the beginning?
I'm glad we had Eric. That's all I got to say is I'm glad we had Eric.

Yeah, because you two guys are on the recipient of your teams being the recipient of that, right?
Except he picked the afternoon, which I'm still up in the air about that one.
But whatever it worked out for everybody right.
Yeah. Ty, what'd you think about it? I thought it was awesome.
It was a different twist that you guys had never done before.

It was different and it was fun. It really was fun.
Yeah. Yeah. I think, and just the thought process behind who you guys were going
to pick to represent you, because you guys had no idea.
Did you guys have any idea what the task was going to be before you kind of went out there?
We didn't but eric eric guessed what it was going to be and he said probably

the best flipper out of all of us so he he kind of thought that that was that's
what was going to happen so,
yeah but we were scared because you kept talking about those kayaks and how
the kayaks are going to be a twist yeah i actually brought it down so we thought there was.
So people know this so so i

brought down four bonafide kayaks that
were actually going to they actually was taking
over to panama city to where they're afterwards but
i didn't tell nobody that so how i roll up in the parking lot with the trailer
you know with four kayaks on it It just has to be what a normal number of filming

that we go out would be perfectly one per angler when you send it out for filming, right?
So you can see the wheels start turning in their head, you know.
That was going to be kayak racing for sure on the lake.
So we got four bona fide kayaks. And so anything's up in the air.

I mean, and they, you know, they're, everybody's always trying to get a,
you know, a competitive advantage out there.
And I'm, I'm trying to keep you guys kind of guessing to what's going on,
because I think that's part of the, you know, this year you guys knew where we're going.
We didn't get to kind of keep it a secret because of the planning that kind
of went in to go somewhere different.

So we had to kind of think, how do we think outside the box to that?
And so Chuck and I and and Jared from deep port kind of talked about this and
said, okay We're gonna do something and we had we had done this on the box show.
The year before and it worked really really well you know and it's like we're

gonna we're gonna start off with a competition before anything gets going and
i think that really gets you guys,
taking off god gets you taking gets you taken
by in a surprise at the beginning because i mean
and i forgot all three of you guys but we're actually all on the
same side of that getting to choose how you fish because

yeah all were on the same deal and so it's just
i think i think the trash talking starts to
i mean you know from the day one
of the competition and the flipping and then going into the actual competition
on the water the trash talking takes on a whole new level yeah it does it does

because you know they i think that was kind of cool you know to watch It was
almost like basketball free throws.
You guys are right there behind the ammo cans, right?
You know, and it's like getting it going.
And then, like, so Eric hits two out of three.

Was it two out of five, I guess? Two or three out of five. And so that automatically,
because he went first, I mean, that puts the pressure, you know,
on Daniel to have to be like, you know.
How how do we match that you
know because we're standing behind them just giving it
to them the whole time behind the ammo can exactly exactly i mean and there

was a twist i mean you're used to flipping off the deck of the boat on the water
not four feet in the air off the deck of the boat into an ammo can yeah and
that that that throws a little bit to it there's a couple things to that
i've always said this so like if you
ever try to flip off a deck of boat or you try to flip you know and then try
to flip on the flat ground you have a whole issue with that because on a boat

you're at it you're elevated a little bit so you typically when you try and
flip on something like that you want to you'll hit the you'll hit the ground
or something if you're doing it right and so.
We kind of use the boat, but it's actually a lot higher than you're used to being on the water.
So there's really no way to do it.
But, you know, putting putting putting you on the boat, I think it does one thing.

It kind of it kind of narrowed it down to where you couldn't move one way or the other.
And, you know, it puts you makes you feel like you're on a out there.
I see kind of walking the plank out there in that front of that skeeter bass
boat out there. And it's like, hey, how do we get you out there and get you
a little bit uncomfortable?
And so I think that the real question is, you know, we'll see as it goes on.

We know how that competition kind of took place, how much it did kind of play
into the factor, because we don't really see that until it gets through the
latter part of the rounds of force on force to kind of do that.
I know Ty and Craig, you guys kind of can't talk so much because your episode
is actually airing this week. Yes.

That's right. The anticipation is killing us. You know, you guys' big moment is airing this week.
And so you guys can kind of see what happened where, you know,
Rick's already made it through the preliminary rounds and see which one of you
guys kind of go on to the semifinal rounds.
Rick's already there, you know, with his partner.

Matt and so you know you guys are are just kind of like well you know are we
gonna you know so what's gonna happen from that it's kind of it's kind of a
fun deal to kind of think about and
anticipation and kind of they'll do all that i think was there anything else
that kind of surprised you ty when you came to the show,

It was a good time. So not only are Craig and I going against each other, we were also roommates.
So we're always going at each other anyway. So it is very intensified,
big time. Like after we found out.
Craig's a great roommate. He doesn't talk hardly at all in the room at all. Right.

So it was fun to watch all you guys do that.
I know I still got to drop the video of, were you guys there when the Florida
ski team truck got stuck down there?
Yeah. That was the best. That was the craziest video I've ever seen,

I think, in my life. I mean, it was insane.
I mean, we could have stopped them at any moment, but I'm just telling you,
my curiosity to watch it happen got the betterment of me.
I'm like i just gotta you know it's one of these things i gotta watch it
even though i was concerned that where they were gonna where

it was gonna happen at it was gonna cause problems for us if we
couldn't get that truck out for filming purposes because where
they pulled that truck was right there where we were pulling
the boats up filming but i'm like god we can't stop this just let it go and
then and then andy gets down there and starts talking to him interview and when
he says when we drop this you everybody will know what i mean when he goes well

did you ever think about pulling down the concrete ramp over there.
It was priceless that was the
best that was the best part of it you
know and it was it was a good time
craig had you ever fished that color water
no no i've always you know fished tennessee waters that getting out there and

how stained that water was it was a totally different animal but i'll tell you
what getting that boat that skeeter into those cypress trees when you're you
know 15 20 20 yards into the cypress thickets and flipping it. It's really cool.
I mean, I had to take, sit, just sit back and take some pictures because that
was probably the most, the coolest experience I've had on the water is, is that, that lake.

So it's funny that you, you call it dirty water.
I actually call it, I actually call that clear water. So that's actually tannic water.
So true story, like Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
You know, was fishing we had a very large bass
club up there the carolina bastards we we'd have a tournament we'd
have 40 or 50 boats and a tournament i mean

that's a large that's a large club and i
always tell people you never realize like how blessed you
are to get to travel around because of the military and fish
and hunt the different places that i've got to do and so one of the places i
got to travel to and fish was the roanoke river on the albemarle sound and being

i've never fished where really the Tennessee River then got a little bit of
experience with highland reservoirs fishing like Harris and Falls Lake and Jordan,
we're going to go to the Roanoke River down there.
And so everybody tells me, and believe it or not, man, the Roanoke River used
to be phenomenal until I think, I want to say late 90s, they had a hurricane

come through there and blew it out. Yeah.
I mean, it would take, it would take 25 fish that went 25 pounds consistently to win.
And on a river, everybody knows that's phenomenal on any kind of river type system, right?
And so what they remember telling me was, go to see the tonic water, right?

And I was like, what are you talking about? Or tonic, not tonic, tonic water.
And I remember someone's describing to me,
it's like a cherry dr pepper yeah and i'll
never forget this today in my life i was
running back up this finger of this
creek and all this i mean it was just almost like a

distinct line where the muddy water and
that tannic water would not mix and as
soon as it crossed you could see it and i
was like that's what they're talking about as soon as
you crossed it and i started fishing i
started catching fish and i learned
that it was it looks that way but when you really get

to look and it's actually pretty clear water when you look it's just because
because the way if you've never seen it it kind of over intimidates you in the
first the the the first little bit and so you see a lot more of it in florida
um you really see it a lot in tidal systems really i I don't know, Ty,
have you fished the Sabine River a lot?

I haven't fished it, but I've marshaled two tournaments.
Does it have kind of that same, like when they fish that, some of that same
characteristics down there towards?
It's tidal, but it's not extreme like California or something like that.
Well, the Rona wasn't either, but like the color of the water, did it affect it?
Was it really like, did you deal with that tannic water a lot,

or was it just really, or was that tannic?
It didn't change it very much, no. So that was a new experience for you,
that tannic water, too, in Florida. Right.
Yeah, see that? So if you never, I just say that to the listeners,
Craig, because if you never experienced it, it may look dirty to you.
But, Rick, you've fished down there a lot.

You know that that's what you're looking for.
Yep, that's beautiful water. And the cypress trees, that was one of the most
beautiful lakes I've been on in Florida.
And I fished almost all of them. um and you
know lake santa fe with the cypress trees and all
that grass which hadn't come up yet it i mean

if we would have had a that cold front miss us it had a warm front i would have
been on like donkey kong i mean it was great they said the week before it was
phenomenal out there and so and so that's what you get when you travel to somewhere
like that the intimidation i think I think you did a great job kind of explaining that, Craig.
Like, I've never been to any place like that. They'd be like...

And I just try to put it into perspective to everybody else that that's when
you've never kind of experienced it.
And I take it for granted because 22 years in active duty, I've seen every type of color.
Like I hear all people all the time because I went to, you know,
up there. You go. I know you spell out 10th Ford, right?
I know a lot of people that Tennessee River guys that go to 10th Ford and they

freak out because it's clear water.
And I'm like, or Smith Lake. And I'm like, oh, man, I've made a table rock.
Places like that and you know and then
you won't really go up like going up to new york and places
like that and you see that really clear water up there i'm like i don't
it doesn't i got a 10-4 and i i don't freak
out it doesn't bother me at all that's not

really clear clear clear water right and so
from from the perspective of that so i i think that's
the story that sometimes i don't think that i
i try to tell a lot of but i don't think is that an
organization that we don't talk about from
a perspective of a military career of the
different part of the countries that you get stationed in different places and

if you get to fish or hunt or whatever in those different places that experience
that you get to kind of bribe a knowledge where i always say like you if you
If I didn't get to experience that,
you never would get to travel to go out and kind of experience those different types of bodies.
Most people are going to fish within a three-hour radius of their house,

and you may never get to experience that type of fishing.
So I think it's kind of put it into perspective of, man, we go to a new lake, and it's like, oh, man.
So it's really cool. That's like going to Toledo Bend, or you go down there
for the first time. I mean, Ty, you know, that's for the listeners,

like how intimidating is a place like Toledo been if you have never been on it?
Oh, it's very intimidating. If you you almost have to just pick a creek and
and learn it, because if you try to expand much more than that,
it's just becomes overwhelming.
I mean, one one creek in Toledo Bend is as big as most people's lakes,

90,000 acres, 90 miles long.
On so like i said if you pick a
creek and just just try to expand on on
that creek itself and then
you throw in the difficulty of navigating it down there
yeah it's like i i never mean we showed up me and jeff camel did down there

and and i was so glad he was driving the boat not me but this is that place
is i tell people it's like watching the downhill slalom in the winter Winter
Olympics with the guys, you know,
coming down the hill on their skis, you're trying to hit those poles because
that's about how close you're trying to stay to those poles and those boat lanes,

because you ain't got much room, margin of error on there.
And so from an intimidation factor to be able to.
To do that is go to different places can be kind of overwhelming sometimes.
And I think that, you know, we're in different parts of the country.
That's why I think all you guys kind of bring it with Rick's in Florida,
Craig's in Tennessee, you know, and Ty's there in Louisiana.

And really in three really good parts of the country fishing wise, I would tell you.
And so that's what's really cool about having these new pro staff guys that
are part of the organization.
Conversation i know that you guys are all looking forward
to big things to come and and seeing how
it goes i know craig craig took one for the
team on force on force it's not kind of a secret because we kind of did a teaser

video about it i mean you took one to the ear i did with what with a shaky head
it was a ned rig and i still i had a ned rig on my boat i found it the other
day and i had just just throw it off the boat i can't i can't even stand to look at an ad right now.
So what happens you know you said four hours you gotta kind of deal with it and go,

so it's a lot of fun i think you know anything else
you know you guys want to add ricky you got
anything that you you know you think you're excited to
be here i know you're working on doing some marketing stuff with us and all
that stuff yeah i mean i i think that frank and ty I would agree that having
a cameraman and fishing out the front of a deck with two guys and having the

time not on your side while you're out there on the water.
I mean, you don't think about it, you know, in that one hook that hits poor
Craig in the ear, you know, and any other tournament, any other fishing time
that would have never happened. Right.
Because he would have been on the back of the boat. But having that cameraman
there changes everything. And I'm excited to see the episode,

the upcoming episode between Ty and Craig and see how it pans out.
And I'm excited to be here bringing on new sponsors, excited about the next
season of Force on Force. I think it's going to be exciting and exciting.
We'll see what happens, but really looking forward to being here and traveling around the country,

you know, being in the army for 10 years, you know, growing up in Northeast
and getting to go to Texas and then Florida and then all the other tournaments
I get to do, the ABA military team tournament in South Carolina,
our memorial tournaments in Dunnersville and around the country.
It's just exciting to learn the bodies of water.

Craig? Yes, sir. you got anything to add
you know i know you're you're always full of things i
guess i'm the i guess i'm
the the the jokester uh of the
group most of the time but no i mean it's yeah force on force is amazing i remember
we were standing there and you tapped me on my shoulder and you were like hey

are you nervous i'm like yeah why he said you said well archer's sitting right
between your legs that's why i know you're nervous so it was a totally different experience,
it totally changes the dynamic with what Rick was saying with the cameraman in the back.
I mean, it was exciting. I'm really looking forward to what's coming up in the future.

And, you know, like this group is just an amazing group of guys.
I've made great friends out here. So I'm just, you know, looking towards the
future and ready to roll.
And what about you, Ty? You got any final thoughts on being a pro staff, the force on force?
Yeah, fresh off this second-place finish at the Memorial, like you talked about,

Toledo Bend can show its teeth. The wind came up.
Wasn't able to go to my best stuff, but that's just how fishing is.
I just want to say something about the Deep Fork guys, man. They were such a
good group of guys. They did such a good job.
It was great being in the boat with them. It's very exciting to be part of the

pro staff. look forward to big and better things the rest of the year.
Also finishing Veterans Tournament in September. I really enjoyed that last
year. Looking forward to that this year.
Yeah. So, like I said, we are really excited to have you guys on.
And you guys, we kind of wind this thing up. I know we got a lot going on.

It's awesome to have you guys as part of the National Pro Staff Game, you know, team.
And then especially you guys' involvement with this past Force on Force.
And this is kind of new for us to kind of do this on a podcast to kind of introduce you guys.
But as we move forward, we're looking at the month of May.
We've got the Memorial Tournament coming up on Kentucky Lake on May 11th.

And then Iowa actually has, towards the end of May, we have to have the West
Point Cadets coming down to do the National Championship.
So that's always a fun time. And then we'll end up with the Skeeters Owners
Tournament the 1st of June.
But not to belay what Ty said, mind everybody that we do have the Fishing for
Freedom event that's going to take place in September.

Timber and that's always a fun deal and we
are army bass anglers foundation is is actively up
doing all kind of cool stuff with that we had a great time with that that's
going to be two episodes of force on force the previous season so that fits
right into what we're talking about here today hey if everybody out there listening
wants to know more about army bass anglers buck hunters duck hunters hog hunters

or redfish go to force on force and we appreciate you
listening cool thanks for listening to the force on force podcast join us next
time as we dive into more topics from the force on force talk for more information or to learn how to.
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