All Episodes

February 12, 2024 24 mins

In this riveting episode of Force on Force TOC, host Shawn Dalrymple, along with a dedicated band of outdoor enthusiasts take you on a gripping journey through the world of competitive  fishing on TV. Special guests Danny Jackson from ArmyRedfishAnglers, and two successful marines from the ArmyRedfishAnglers Force on Force share their most captivating anecdotes right from the action-packed field. Prepare for an Podcast filled with laughter, suspense, strategy, and unforgettable moments.

Our guests provide an immersive insight into the heart of the largest outdoor military organization in America. From spine-tingling excitement to occasional humorous mishaps, the thrilling narratives serve as an exploration of camaraderie, resilience, and the wild unpredictability of nature. Tips, tricks, and tales from their triumphant triumph in the championship make this episode a must-listen for fishing enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers alike.

Going beyond mere competition, the episode brings to light the transformative journey of growth behind the scenes, the evolution of championship rings, and the impact of an appreciative audience. The guests recount endearing episodes, unexpected turns, and the special bond that formed amidst the heat of competition.

Take a plunge into the world of competitive ArmyRedfishAnglers Force on Force TV show with Force on Force TOC, replete with thrilling competition, heartfelt human moments, and lessons that extend beyond sports to life itself.

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Episode Transcript

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Force on Force features the largest and strongest outdoor military organization in the country.
These are the men and women who make it possible to enjoy the freedom to hunt and fish.
It is with great pride that we bring you Force on Force podcast.
Coming to you from the Force on Force talk.
Hey, welcome to the Force on Force talk, guys. Welcome back.

We're enjoying this new era and all the stuff we do here for all the brands,
Brands, Army Bass, Hog Hunting, Buck Hunting, and Army Redfish.
I'm Sean Downfield, guys. And Force on Force Talk, for us, we all start in the
military in the Tactical Operations Center. All our shows start here.
And, you know, it's kind of a staple for us, but also for our military career.

You know, having Danny Jackson with me today from Army Redfish.
How are you doing, Danny?
Doing good. Everything's going well. You know, and we call it the Tactical Operations
Center, but, you know, we've got to have two Marines on with us in a little bit.
They got to do everything a little bit different they call it the tactical operation
command you know they're always got to be a
little bit different from us so we'll talk a little

bit about them when they come on but you know it's been a pretty
exciting year so far we've had a lot of fun
from talking redfish to hunting stuff to you know i've been off to ata and shot
show and we cover so many aspects of the outdoors i mean i'm at shot showing
and you're you're messaging me danny to go by and talk to certain companies
looking for stuff and things like that that's That's what's cool about what

we do across the organization, right?
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I'm in the middle of building it, so it's like,
hey, swing over here and talk to this company.
So, yeah, it's cool. But I thought it was kind of cool to, we just got back
from filming the bass show down in Florida, and I kind of wanted to get you
guys on because you guys are airing on the Sportsman's Channel with Army Redfish.

You know, episode six is kind of airing right now, and I got to give you guys a little bit of a secret.
And i got to go red fishing for the first time with eric
wilkus who's one of our bass guys but he's also on
the redfish show and we're going to talk to him a little bit on the way
back from florida and so i will tell you guys it was a lot of fun
and but it's not as easy as everybody might think it out
to seem to be we saw a lot of fish and

we got some fish to turn on some baits and the weather just
wasn't quite cooperative out there so it's a
lot of good good stuff so it was pretty exciting and
and for me it was really neat because i got to ride in those mayak boats
for the the first time and it was really cool you know eric
took me back up in some stuff that was you know about a you know pretty shallow
shallow stuff and we got up in there and to kind of experience that for the

first time was really cool very nice i'm gonna get you down here at corpus and
then i'll show you what really shallow is here confessed but yeah it's.
Red fish is a lot of fun. It's definitely a different game. I always say a five-pound
red will pull a 10, 15-pound bass backwards any day of the week. Yes.

So how's that? So as far as the show is going right now, let the listeners know
where we're kind of at and how it's kind of setting up right now and where we're at with the season.
Yeah, so episode six just aired. It started on Wednesday. Of course,
it airs Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and then Saturday.
So we've still got a couple more days for it to air. for season six or episode

six episode six sets up the finalists for the national championship,
the marines that we are about to bring on board on onto the podcast they're
they were in episode five they made the round they're going to the finals so
a couple jarheads somehow put it together you know it's crazy i had this conversation

the other day these two guys.
Are nowhere near the waters that they fished literally nowhere near the waters they fished,
one of them saltwater guy eric he's
top notch the other guy bill top notch dude but he he called me he's like hey
so the sightcast stuff like can you help me out with it i'm like you're gonna

be with a pro you're gonna be with somebody that can take care of you like you're
gonna learn a lot like and that wasn't just him that was like across the board
you know we brought in some bass guys that's It's never been in the redfish
world. So it's a little different element.
We get to sight cast a lot more than what you guys do. The bass guys do sight
cast, but it's just a different element.
Different, little different style of fishing.
But yeah, it's, it's awesome. So that's where we're at now. Episode six set up for the finals.

Next week we have the national championship and it's obviously hosting it.
I know the results. I know everything that happened.
Five and six were great episodes. episodes.
Seven's going to be phenomenal as well. So yeah, it's, it's really cool.
Really exciting to see everything come to fruition.
Well, I guess let's bring those guys on. Welcome, Eric and Bill, on to the show, two guys.

And I think what's really cool is you're going to see both of these guys,
not just on Army Redfish, but you're going to see Eric on the Bass Force on
Force, and then you're going to see Bill on the Buck Hunters Force on Force. So welcome, guys.
Appreciate it. Thanks. Thanks for having us. So we wanted to have you guys on

there to kind of talk about Episode 5,
because it sets up you guys going to championship you know you guys
caught a lot of fish um i got to watch it with eric
down in panama city the other day i went to went
down there and come back from the fishing show um eric if you guys don't know
eric guides down out out of panama city simplify charters and does a wonderful
job so i'm like gonna stop in there and so i got to watch episode five and and

see the highs and lows of episode five so there's a lot going on there so So
I kind of let Danny kind of unpack it with these guys and kind of talk about,
you know, because this is what we kind of wanted to do with this podcast is
talk about the things that we couldn't talk about in 22 minutes airtime.
Some of the more finite details of how that all kind of went down.
So, Danny, I'll just let you kind of go with it.

Yeah, absolutely. And we're going to kind of back up just a hair,
just a hair back up. Go back to the first episode.
Yeah. For Mr. Bill Boop. Let's go back there. Yeah, he stole me under the bus. So.
I wasn't going to do that, Bill. i tried to keep it i know i'll do it in a heartbeat
so it's kind of it's it's hilarious i get this we get this radio hey we need

another mic i'm like wait what.
And then i hear oh somebody fell in the water i'm like oh jesus christ let's
figure this out to what boat oh it's the marine boat oh shocker yeah they just
couldn't stay out of the water what happened you know marines are amphibious too.
So what happened? Tell us a little bit about that.

Yeah, so I think we were in the flats. Night fishing, the sun would come up,
so we were able to see a little better.
I was running a popping cork, one of our four horsemen popping corks.
And just, you know, working at and end up catching a trout on, decent trout.
When I went to remove the artificial, which I was running an artificial shrimp,
and he ended up having a live shrimp in his mouth, too.

I thought it was kind of neat. so i went to go show our camera guy
cody the the fish and
as i went to step i stepped on the edge
of the boat instead of stepping down into the boat and my
left foot just was was flipped off and at that
point i'm thinking well i could grab the side of the boat and risk
breaking a rib or i can just fall off

in a boat so i fell off in a boat or fell off the
boat and i choked my my rod and the fish inside the
boat and uh i will tell you i
wasn't even that mad about it because it was sticking no
i was sweating from top to bottom when
i fell in the water i was like well at least it's cool but i was a little i
wasn't upset about ruining that mic pack but luckily it was a rental so but

the great thing is my partner my partner said you know marine down no marine
left behind so he wasn't gonna leave me so yeah at least i knew he had my back
we weren't always telling.
Yeah don't feel bad bill you're not the first person to ever fall in on force
on force so so you know you always tell everybody if you fall in just stand

up because we're yeah pretty shallow you can always see the bottom for the most part where we fish,
that's kind of a cool thing about it and hey you see the fish most of the time too.
Yeah that's that's hilarious so for those that listen and they're not familiar
with the saltwater boats.
So if you're a traditional bass guy, you don't have a gunnel really on a bass

boat, right? Everything slopes off. Everything's kind of,
aerodynamic will have you on a bass boat so where a
flats boat or the boats that we run there's a gunnel
it's you know between eight and ten inches
wide all the way around the boat so we walk on all the time so
instead of stepping on the
gunnel where you can walk it's just like walking an

ib more or less he stepped in the water yeah so
i did catch the gunnel but i only caught about half my
foot on the gun right so my toes pointed towards
the water so the body said ah this is before
we're going so that's funny yeah it
was it was it was definitely refreshing i was no longer hot that
was that was the first thing

he said at least i'm not hot anymore it was
hot that day for sure so fast forward fast forward
to you guys fished twice before going to the
championship ship uh you fished that round where
you fell in the water and then we went to the next
round and had some more excitement out of the marine boat first off i guess

because there's there's a lot left out not i mean there's a lot of info left
out between you know the show's only so long right and you had four and a half
hours to fish so there's four and a half hours of footage out there.
There's a lot that transpires in that four and a half hours and we can only
get out the best Of course, we got two really good pieces from you guys in the

first episode that you were on and the second episode that you were gone.
So if you saw episode five, then you saw what happened, right?
It was best said. No, that does not happen.
Eric was like, no, it doesn't happen. Bill's like, it's fine. No, it doesn't happen.
So, Eric, I'll let you kind of talk about that whole piece and kind of wrap
around exactly what we're talking about.

So we started off the morning and just fishing a flat. The sun kind of came up and so we made a move.
We'd caught, we'd already had one really nice fish in, in the live well.
So we made a move and we just kind of started checking some drains.
And all of a sudden there was just a big school of redfish and got a little

excited. We calmed down there, and Bill threw up, and he said,
I got one. And I said, yes, you do.
So off the tower I came. I got down below, and at least we had a dip net this time.
So that was the plus.
You guys didn't see that or hear.

Apparently Marines don't do PCCs and PCIs. So, yeah, we didn't check.
So we didn't have a dip net. on but we did
get either we did we hogged it
right on in so so we do
have a dip net this time we scoop up the fish
and me not thinking

cameraman's kind of back behind us and
i'm like well i'm going to get a really good
picture of measuring this fish so
what did i do i set it right up on
the front bow of the boat and got
ready to measure it and that red fish flipped and
flipped and i could not catch it i did everything

it went underneath the tower so i could not get to it and it flipped off in
the water just if we're bass fishing if we're red fishing we just we don't set
fish up on the decks we i just hey this is awesome view right here.
He can get a picture and get a shot of it.

And it was, and it was a big fish too.
I, I, it's, it was definitely the biggest fish of the, the event.
So needless to say, we lost it. I looked up at Bill. I said,
I'm coming back up. They're still right there.
We made two more casts and we We hooked into another one, got it in the boat,

and we decided to just leave the area. Where did you check the measurement on that one?
Think it was what 20 no where where did you put the fish in the check stick
to measure that oh yeah it was down in the floor yeah we made sure we checked in in the floor,

so he learned from his mistake yeah i learned big time uh i knew i'm up in the
tower still and because he's he's checking it and i'm already back in the water
i'm like i'm just gonna keep fishing you know let's make it see if we can get
a little better fish in our because he had a really really good around 24 and a half.
That was, I think he was four pounds. He's a big pig.

And, and so I'm like, well, I'll just keep going. Maybe we can,
you know, we can call one or something. And all I hear is no, no, no, no.
And I kind of look down and I see him just put his hands in his head.
And he's like, man, I was like, Hey, it's all right. No, it's not. Hey, it's all right.
Let's just keep fishing. Get back over here. Let's go. We got to keep going.

Yeah. You got to keep grinding when something crazy happens,
but yeah, as Eric said, again, that does not happen.
You got two fish limit on a redfish tournament and one of your fish gets thrown out the boat.
So, so we made, we made good footage and it was, it was just awesome from, from day one.

We said, Hey, there's two Marines here. Here we go. Let's battle this.
And who did he draw? and all he
kept telling me was he had learned so
much and we just put everything together
and it was an event that i'll
never forget and you know coming
to corpus being from florida it was really different

i had no days to practice so it
it was it was a grind fine and i i
can tell you we it was it was
just a fun event and we had a blast yeah i
i that that whole time you like danny was saying you
know i was calling him i was texting him hey you know i'm
going to try to get together and go fish because you know because i'm i'm trying

to prepare you i'm trying to do because i don't want to show up and look
like a complete tool you know yeah i can
do that on my own i don't want help with that then you
draw the other then you draw the other their marine no i
was stoked i'll tell you what when what was funny is
eric and i met in the in the uh the shop
there at marker 37 and they're like yeah this guy's a marine too and and we're

joking and saying hey wouldn't it be cool if we if we drew each other get to
go out and fish together and that's sure enough what happened so we had an absolute
ball i learned a ton of stuff from him you know and and just the whole organization
from top to bottom with the red Redfish guys,
you know, just everything was, was top notch.
I mean, the whole show, uh, everything was well, you know, it,

it was, it, you know, it, it's, it flows smooth.
There was some waiting around and whatnot, but that's normal.
You're just trying to make sure you're there so that when they need you,
you can get back out and do what you need to do.
But being Danny's first one, I know you talked to you, Sean,
quite a bit and trying to make sure what went.
But, I mean, it went well.

Everything went smooth. It was a whole lot of fun.
I know Eric had just bought his MIAC, and so Danny let us use his to fish.
And you know and i've already convinced my wife once
once we're ready that's that's what we're getting you know because i was
like babe i'm staying on top of this tower and fishing and
no movement everything's so stable and it's

funny we're fishing that i think i don't remember
this round if it was the championship or the or the
fifth round and i hear i hear this hollering when
we're going through the channel and underneath the bridge and
it's my family they're on the a dolphin tour boat and
we're going that's my my wife my youngest daughter
my oldest daughter two of my grandsons and i'm like oh this

is awesome and then we're fishing later on a tower and they're hollering
at us as they go by again i was like dude i just made my whole weekend that
was that was awesome yeah i do i do think it's funny i think uh one one thing
uh you forgot the mission was the special lures that you guys got at the beginning
of the show i mean i noticed that the The other team, that's a special marine lures for you guys.

Yeah, they took a little swim bait, probably like, I don't know,
maybe an inch and a half, two inch.
I don't know. It was a pretty small swim bait and duct taped a crayon to the top of it.
And that's actually what we caught our big fish on.
They just don't know. We caught them on it.
I found those in my boat later on. I know. I actually forgot.

I was like, crap, I forgot that. I was going to bring that home.
And I was going to show my family. I was like, let me check this out.
We were going to make a trophy out of those. Absolutely. It didn't happen.
Well, I mean, that's, that's what it's all another crown meltdown. Yeah.
I mean, that, that was, that was a, that was a fun, fun episode to watch.

I mean, I think it sets up kind of, you know, you guys go into the championship
round and, you know, every, every ounce kind of matters and what you do on the water.
And, and what I think is important is for the viewers, I don't care where this,
the bass side, the buck side, or the redfish side.
I think we all kind of when you
get those cameras in your face you do things that

you normally wouldn't do out there in the water yeah and
like you don't think you and you're
like you can't go back and once it's over and
done with you can't go back and change it because
i mean it happened and it's it's filming
and it's four hours and and that's what makes it
realistically and what goes goes on i think that's what's
kind of cool and i love i love seeing seeing that

and and then i know you know i'm sure it was a
long ride back to the dock especially after losing that
fish because then you don't know you know is that
going to cost you or not and you know it's kind of a a big a big stress on you
riding back to know if the other team's going to get you in that mistake you
made on the water and you just you know it's kind of frustrating so i know but

so it's kind of fun because I got to see it for the first time sitting on Eric's
couch the other day and he still was like,
that don't happen. That don't happen.
He said, I thought I was going to throw up and I said, well,
you know. I did. I thought I was going to throw up.
It was it's just it's not feeling that

bad well you know and like i said we were fortunate enough
to continue just keep grinding like you said you
know i never came off the tower he immediately you know
it took him a second to regroup but then he's right back up on the tower and
we just went and we just steady thong we could kind of see them so we're we're
trying to put that bait to where they can get to it and we jokingly said you

know i caught both of those off of color they call beer run i'm like that's
perfect fish that's perfect bait.
I gotta say that tower the tower thing's pretty pretty
neat um i gotta do it for the first time of the day we were
we were laughing because uh archer was down in the boat and
he was trying to figure out what we were doing up there and me
and eric were up there in the tower fishing and it was pretty cool up there

sight fishing from the tower so i'm looking forward to doing that a little bit
more and get to explore that because uh you know we didn't we we all had a short
amount of time to do it the other day and i could see how that could be a lot
of fun you know getting Getting to do that and seeing those fish,
you know, up there like that.
So I'm pretty excited. I'm excited to see how this championship round kind of
comes out next week and kind of sets up for a battle.

Because, you know, there can only be the only be the first.
Right. And whoever has a distinction of that. Right, Danny? Yep. That's right.
Yeah. So if you've seen the episode,
even if you haven't, the interesting parties in the final episode.

Like there's no army guys in it. And I can't tell you how many guys that weren't
part of it. And they're like, man, I just wish the army would have made it.
I wish the army would have made it and army couldn't put it together.
So it is what it is kind of thing.
So it's definitely a water crew
that, that made the championship round and we're doing something cool.

We mentioned the championship ring several times over throughout the show.
So those are still in design right now.
I've been watching this thing come to fruition through everything that I put
into it for the championship ring. It's different.
It's very cool. And it is definitely one of a kind. That's awesome.

I think once the champions are announced and they get their rings in season
two, I think everybody's going to turn it up.
Like the game thing is the game's going to change and everybody's going to turn
it up these these things are they're one of a kind they're special and they're
they've been literally in design.

We've got the 3d prints and all that stuff that's been
going on for i don't know four months like
if not longer so it's it's cool it's
cool seeing it all come together and yeah it's
i'm ready for that piece of it like well it's
pretty exciting i know i'm proud of you guys and how hard work

and listening a lot for this to come to fruition i know
you know this is the cool thing what we're doing with the
podcast to kind of you know share all these behind the scenes stories and i
mean i i'm so excited to kind of do that from what we do because i think there's
a lot of a lot of stuff to be told like these little stories behind there as
we move on we got a lot going for us going on And we're starting to get into show season for us.

You know, next week, I know you guys are airing the championship round.
And as the championship round's airing, we're taking off to Indianapolis on
the bass side and buck side to do an eight-day show.
So we'll be at the Indianapolis boat and sports show for eight days up there,
which is a big event for us.
I know Danny's getting ready to kick off all his events down there on the coast.

And so and then you know we got the red crest and the bass master classes that'll
that'll come up pretty quickly for us so it gets to be a really busy time for
us but you know that's that's what we do and we enjoy it and then we get a lot of really cool.
You know interaction with fans this is the part danny i think
you're not really ready for yet i'll share this a little

bit with the listeners i can't tell you we were down there
filming the bass show last week the number of
people that pull into the parking lot and we're like hey i
watch the show all the time i'm still humbled by it every time that that happens
and it's really really cool and we're down there filming and you know all the
guys are out there fishing and and me and chuck are back there and they were
like oh i watch i watch the show all the time i watch the show all of time and

so you know after this you know it'll be so so uh pretty exciting for you to kind of,
get to experience that because it's really rewarding for all the hard work that
you guys have put in the redfish side of the house and i can't say enough can't
can't say enough to appreciate eric and bill being on here to share the good
the bad and the ugly you know.

That's why we have you having on yeah thanks
for having this on i had a buddy
of mine send me a picture he was watching the show and it's
a picture of me and eric up on the tower and i'm hooked up pole bent
over and he goes he sends me a text he goes i might have
to get a autograph from you it's yeah exactly
and so it's it's a lot of fun and i think that's what we're really about sharing

the stories and the military moments and it's good so we just encourage everybody
to continue to listen watch watch us every quarter on the sportsman channel
and you know guys if If you want to know more about Army buck, Army hog,
Army redfish, Army duck, Army bass, just go to
And we appreciate you guys tuning in for the podcast. Thanks. Cool? You rock.

Thanks for listening to the Force on Force podcast. Join us next time as we
dive into more topics from the Force on Force talk.
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