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February 6, 2024 22 mins

In the third episode of the Force on Force podcast, join our exciting discussion centered around the vibrant world of outdoor military activities. Enjoy specialty insights from our guest, Patrick Appling, a member of the Army Buck Hunters as we navigate the expansive realm of vendor organizations and their products showcased at the SHOT Show.

Get exclusive glimpses of the latest outdoor products from our partners at WileyX, discover advancements in thermal technologies and suppressors, and peek into the secret unveilings that left everyone in anticipation. This episode also covers the little-explored area of essential gear for your service dogs, with our very own PTSD service dog, Archer, stealing the limelight.

From the grandeur of outdoor product exhibitions to the simplicity and necessity of everyday gear utility, we provide keen insights based on our vast experiences in military, shooting, and hunting. Learn about innovative equipment, suppression selection factors, game size considerations, and the digital application procedures emerging in this field.

Finally, stay tuned as we share our plans for future episodes and talk about exciting upcoming events such as the Army Bass Anglers Force on Force and our ongoing show 'Army Redfish Anglers' on the Sportsman's Channel. Riding high on the thrill of the SHOT Show, this episode offers tactical proficiency insights, trending thermal and suppressor technologies, and behind-the-scenes comments from popular hunting shows. Don't miss out!

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Episode Transcript

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Force on Force features the largest and strongest outdoor military organization in the country.
These are the men and women who make it possible to enjoy the freedom to hunt and fish.
It is with great pride that we bring you Force on Force podcast.
Coming to you from the Force on Force talk.
Hey everyone, welcome to Force on Force talk.

We're here episode three. You're having a lot of fun with us this year.
This week I got Patrick Appling from the Army Buck Hunters with us.
We We call it the Force on Force talk because Tactical Operations Center,
every one of our shows begins there.
But also, if you're familiar with the military, everything we do is from the
Tactical Operations Center.

You either got a hasty talk we do in the field or, you know,
you got a permanent talk somewhere.
And, you know, this week, this is kind of I'm just jumping in real quick to
the back home of the talk for one night.
And then I'm off to Florida for Force on Force with a busy week.
So, excited to really just get a moment to sit down with Patrick and kind of

recap our time, what we had at SHOT Show.
So, Patrick, this is your first time out there. First of all,
welcome to the show. So, glad you were here.
Hey, thanks, Tom. Glad to be here, man. Love you.
So, what was your thoughts, impressions of SHOT Show? Everybody always wants to go, you know.
I kind of see why they want to go, man. There was, oh, my goodness.

It was almost overwhelming. You know, walk it in to the to the venue and all
the people there and then organize and get your, you know, get your pads and everything.
Then you walk in and you see all the vendors. And that was just one floor.
And it's bumping into people and walking around, talking to people. Oh, man.
It is. It is a sight to see. It is. And we have to be thankful to our partners

at WileyX because the WileyX guys, they brought us in and made us available to get into SHOT Show.
They got us our badges, and we're grateful to them. They unveiled three new
pairs of sunglasses at SHOT Show, and they have a new logo they unveiled.
Veil they have a another one they haven't a pair of sunglasses that
they haven't unveiled yet that patrick can't wait to get his his

hands on that we we got to take a look at but they
had some some some cool cool cool sunglasses
one of them being the founder sunglasses the other
one being the sierras and then the the recons really the
founders are after you know the the going back
to the founders of the company and being an all veteran company

so you know it's really uh we kind of always start our
our time at shot show hanging out with those guys and and just seeing what they
got so it's really cool to see the new products they got coming out because
they got some pretty awesome stuff yeah it was it was you know looking through
the man right there and michael helping us out and everything you know i've
already made my list of what i'm going to get for next year.

And i was using for the fishing and the hunting side it is
this is a lot of fun you know we talk about you talked about
how big it is and now it's just one floor i mean we talked
about this i mean we checked it last night my i got
actually delayed coming home so i didn't get to get home till yesterday and
and uh we have a little mascot going with us everywhere archer my service dog

and my wife last night was like he was just laying the floor just like not moving
and that and the reason being that we're just discussing before that we started this that uh.
Man, we were averaging six and a half, seven miles a day at this show.
It was a lot going on at this show, walking around, going from meeting to meeting

and looking at potential new partners.
We got some cool stuff on the horizon out there from thermals to suppressors,
just some other cool things we're looking at.
So, Patrick, what really impressed you? What did you really like,
what you saw at SHOT Show?
You go to all these vendors and all these people that are huge in the business,

and everybody was receptive to talk about their product, break it down,
give you what's coming out on the horizon, what's new, the networking.
Networking and you know it's talking talking
to the experts there and seeing their product broke down
to the base model and then build it up you know

what it can provide for you is you know be it there's tons of law enforcement
there there are tons of prior military there's huge and outdoors and how a lot
of merchandise or how to products play across all the fields and everything
thing you know when we talked that's the one of our silencer companies out there that you know.
Broke it down where you can get cleaned all

the way down to the base to the base i mean broke it down to three separate
pieces you know then going over to protein bars you know you know me and randy
go out into the field and in the gym all the time and you know put work in out
in the woods and now they got protein bars out there and then you go up to another
silencer company you you know, and, you know, why are theirs better?
You know, what they can do, what platforms they can be on.

And then the plebiscopes and thermals, oh my goodness, that was just...
Amazing. What separates different scopes from the other vendors or other people
out there is how they broke it down and what they can provide for you and what the user needs.

That's the basic thing. What do you need? You can pick and have them break it
down what platform has worked best for you.
Yeah i think that's that's kind of a cool deal
i've kind of taken it for granted getting to go out there
and talk to some of these guys you know
and what's really cool is them wanting to put some of that
stuff in in our hands to kind of test it out and kind of see because for one

that that just shows that their faith in what we're kind of doing and and and
getting into you know in our hands not just from what we do from a hunting but
we've got that military background i mean you know they They want to get it,
get that expertise of what we've done in our military career.
And I think that's, that says a lot for these companies. You can have a lot
of, a lot of people in industry,

you know, in hunting industry that is shooting world,
you know, they do a lot of things, but our expertise and what we've done to
test things and put it through the paces down range and the questions that we
ask and the feedback that we're used to giving, I think it's really important
to some of these companies.
And I think they appreciate the honest feedback from that.
Well, Sean, you know, one thing about us, you know, We're a professional company,

and all of us are technical and tactical in our profession.
We can break down and have the experience to sit there and talk about an AR-15,
an AR-10, talk about what scope platform has worked best for them.
That technical expertise of talking about their product.
And then on the tactical version of that, how it relates to what we do in our

everyday lives, be it law enforcement, military, or even to the outdoor world.
You know, we, we benefit and bring that to the table. Yeah, I think that's, that's important.
You know, a lot of guys, and it's not just about hunting. I think a really key
piece is that we, we even talked as a couple of different companies when it
came to stuff for dogs and things like that.

Cause you, you know, with your background with military working dogs and now
what you do and your civilian job,
I mean, they're, they're chomping at the
bent to want us to try and do something from that aspect especially
you know we have
an archer running around there i mean i think patrick goes archer a couple of
doggy biscuits for for some hookups that he got along the way but but more than

that patrick is an expert in what he does and people want to kind of tap into
that and want to know i mean i'll tell you if you guys ever see you guys see
archer you You see him on the TV show.
Patrick is a big part of helping me get him certified and trained and along
with Randy Garner. And I think that,
It's very evident when you when these companies talk to him.

So it's more than just for weapons.
It's all the the broad range that we we bring to the table.
And I think that's a big, a big deal that that you kind of bring to it.
And you see that out there, you know.
Yeah, I appreciate it, Sean. You know, Archer was he kind of stole the show.
You know, I was I see service dogs everywhere I go.
And, you know, it was pretty nice at the show where you see the Belgian Malawals

walking around. You see the guys that I've trained for the Department of Homeland
actually doing explosive searching there for security reasons.
But you see regular people walking around with their service dogs.
You know, the German Shepherds, Belgian Malawas, there's a Dutch Shepherd there.
There's a Dogo Argentine. There's all kinds of dogs there. But guess what?
Archer kind of stole the show where I'll be jumping ahead, trying to set up

meetings and everything else for you.
And, you know, I'd be here this time. You walk up with Archer and guess what?
But that's a topic conversation right there.
That's an opener. Archer is an opener for you.
And I guess that's kind of what I was sharing. You know, people ask me,
you know, what he does. You know, for me, it's PTSD, anxiety.
But that SHOT Show would probably wear me out with that. And having Archer there is really a big help.

And people kind of understand what he kind of does with that.
I focus more on him, and it becomes that conversation piece.
He's and naturally as an introvert as i am it amplifies
what i kind of do with that ptsd anxiety
and i i don't i can tell you i don't feel feel worn
out by it and he just he helps along the way

and he's so good at what he does and it's just i could i mean i'm always amazed
when people people ask me and i'm like you know and i'm like i i don't he's
just he's a special dog and and he's he does he does a wonderful thing and I
think all the guys kind of love having him around and kind of appreciate what he does and.

Well, you know, we kind of, you know, talking about service dogs and everything right now.
And one specific, you know, Archer, you notice how a lot of people was in each
venue, be it the basements, you know, the first floor, or you go to cross the
walkway into the other venue, especially the archery there.
And it showed in one of the episodes that's coming up on the Army Buck Hunters

Force on Force where, you know, we talk a lot of trash and stuff like that.
And I got a little nervous.
I did. And, you know, Archer kind of kind of calmed me down a little bit,
but you're going to have to watch the episode to see what happens.
But as we're walking through the shot show, a lot of people are there,
you know, and I picked right up on it.
You know, I got a little nervous a little bit, especially if I'm out of my comfort

zone talking about a product I'm not too familiar with.
Archer came over and leaned up against me. When you're talking to an individual
or whatever, be it about the company or whatever, even though,
you know, the ins and outs and you're comfortable talking about it.
But there's still questions there that you're kind of hesitant about or have a little anxiety.
Archer comes up, leans up on you or jumps up on you, and he's a small toy, Ozzie.

And that's that comfort. That's that support that he's giving you,
reassurance that's letting everybody know or letting you know that,
hey, everything's okay.
That's quality in a dog that's very hard to train. And a lot of times you can't
train it. It's genetics. It comes out, and it's the rapport you have with your dog.
Yeah, and I think that's what's good. And like I said, it goes back to you guys and your expertise.

And that's why companies reach out to us and more than just from a shooting
or a military experience or a hunting experience, because we have such a plethora
of expertise in a lot of different areas.
We even, you know, we even had some follow up meetings from ATA out there and
some companies that are just chomping at the bit.
You know, we looked at some stuff that was from that aspect again,

you know. So I think that's always a positive note when you have a follow-up
media from ATA at SHOT Show. So that's always a good thing.
Like I said, Sean, they see what we provide. We're technically and tactically
proficient in our craft and in the gear that we use.
So people see that and what we can provide for them and get their product out

there, get their message out there, and talk about we only use quality gear
in everyday life and everything that we do with our organization.
Yeah. So if you saw one thing out there, what would you say that was probably
your coolest thing you saw?
And it doesn't have to be like a partner related product or something,
you know, because I always get asked them like, what is and that shows what

all this what, you know, we talk to kind of dualities.
But what's what's the cool thing that you saw?
You know, it's there's so many avenues there.
Oh, my goodness. this i was pretty impressed with the
with the snow trailers you know that that mobile talk
you know kind of where the aspect of it where solar
panels there has a tent out there had propane had water had

everything and i'm talking to the guy about putting dog kennels in it you know
that has ac and everything and the price on it was reasonable you know even
a guy like me can afford something like that but then you look at the the h1
side-by-side jeep with the miniguns four miniguns mounted on it that you know
somebody welded together or manufactured that was just crazy,

and then look from the technical side you know thermals have came so far in
10 years you know you look at the old ones where it's all grainy and you couldn't
really see couldn't record.
To the let's just say the company that hopefully is coming on board with us
that video quality you can record off of it you can throw it up on a tv and

it's high definition it's just like me and you You look at each other right here,
you know, and the quality looking through the scope and the ballistic calibration
and everything, one shot, zero.
It's so much technology in there. But guess what? It's within the budget between
the low end and the medium range that anybody, you know, the average guy can afford it.
Yeah i think the three things that stood out yeah i think those are really cool

things i mean i i was impressed with uh with all those uh you know i think that's
all those things you you mentioned i mean i'm like you can't walk past that
minigun on on that side by side and be like.
Yeah yeah you know and i always say we walk
by the barrett booth too you and i and i said that's the one

of everything that i've ever did down range
and i've done a lot man i mean i've called and jdms all
fast movers things like that i go i looked at
you and i go man that's the one thing that i never took advantage
of to shoot when i was downrange and i you
know you get to see some of that stuff which is really you know not the you
know not not everybody gets to see that i think i think that's pretty cool to

see some of that stuff but i'm with you i think from a thermal standpoint you
know we were looking very specifically for thermal type stuff for the hog show
more More specifically,
not just about the resolution you can see to shoot with, but we're looking for
video quality recording stuff
because we're going to use it in a manner that's used on the TV show.

And I think, you know, there's just like in everything, there's things you look
for, for certain, you know, certain tools you're using.
And I think that that was kind of ability for every company to kind of lay that
out there for us to be able to let us know, hey, this is what makes, you know.
What you can do recording-wise, what you can't do recording-wise,

I think that's an important piece of that.
They let us know what separates their product from the others.
Yeah, I think that was a key piece of that. It was just a very, very cool deal.
I might or might not be back in what I call suppressive purgatory or not.

You know back on
the wait list on suppressors i can't confirm or
deny that you know yeah me you
and our producer all of us on purgatory you know
yeah so that that's my little joke i call
it you know when i gotta wait for you know the the the

seven months or whatever it's gonna be to get the stamp
you know and so i'm always
i'm a here's the deal i i'm a very big
proponent of suppressors especially someone who
you know been through a lot of combat tbi type
stuff suppressors make my life wonderful
because i think just not

how it's it's the noise and the percussion if just
taking that percussion away from the shooter makes a huge
difference good with kids it's good
with you know yourself the
health and so i think that's kind of key
piece and i'm excited i've had
suppressed i've had a suppressor for quite some time you know

got my second suppressor you know working on my third i you
know can't never have enough suppressors right so you
only you only got three shot you know come on and.
You get you know five or six you know i know right yeah
well there's a and there's
a lot of there's a lot of discussion with suppressors i think that you know
my personal preference i think if you're going for the best all around is get

you a 30 cal can you know depending on when you make a decision on what manufacturer
you go with because that 30 cal can can do so much for you until you start stepping up and then.
The bigger weapons like forms oh yeah so you
start stepping up there like a 338 lapool like patrick does or maybe uh you
know you gotta give in that you know that 350 legend and i'm shooting you you

get a little bit outside of that but that 30 cal suppressor shoot it covers
i would probably I would probably say 90% of what most hunters out there use.
And so you start getting that big game stuff where you're shooting some stuff.
Cause, cause you're handling 30 Cal all the way down to 17 HMR most of the time. So it's really.
You got the 30 Cal Haberds out there that, you know,

three three three three poo all the way down to 22 but then
once you get out like the 45 70s or the 28
oslers or something like that that's when you get into the selective you
know the cans is what you call it the cans out there you know
i mean silencers a couple long ways one thing you know that i did notice out
there you know everybody has like the kiosk system now you know every time i

bought my suppressors is all paperwork right it's paperwork and melanin and
then you then you're actually waiting 10 11 months because that paperwork gets
shuffled down that kiosk is all all digital, and he just blasts it right to them.
I heard one of my bosses out at Department of Homeland, he got his back within six months.
That's a record. And then we got our McAllen show coming up down here in South

Texas, which is hosted by one of the talented companies, and they're going to
have kiosks all over the place down there. So make it just streamlined.
I agree, and I think it's a good way they're doing it now.
And I think if you hadn't got your suppressor yet,
i mean everybody says oh it takes six
seven eight nine months i'm gonna tell you the longer you keep

pushing it down the road you keep adding six seven nine months to
whatever you're doing so just go ahead and bite the bullet and
most people they got some kind of they'll even have
some kind of payment plan where you can pay it off as
you go and so that's what's really cool with a lot of this
stuff i think as you look i mean that's my big takeaway is
it's really the thermals and the suppressors because that's

what everybody's after coming out of shot show you know
is there's a lot with you know
little things here and there but what we were
kind of looking at interested to see how all that
kind of develops because that's going to be a big part as we go forward with the
hog hunting show and how we how we we do that you know we got it we got some
potential other things other people that we're talking to so we'll see how all

that works out you never know how it goes forward or that anything else that
that you could think you know other than being in vegas and it's.
Well sasha was my first and being in vegas was my first you know,
tom played a good guy and stayed in the room and you know did
did the right thing and stuff i had to go see the strip and and

see some things but uh it was interesting it was
a good time you know it was you know it was a safe
environment believe it or not there was no craziness going on no nothing else
it was very you know very safe and fun you know fun experience you know and
only lost about twenty dollars so hey i came home i came home twenty five dollar
richer on vegas so hey i'm happy so you're good you're good when you do that you can go.

You know gain a little bit money and so i think it's good you know
we're getting ready to go in the
show season for us and not only that but our
next big event we're filming army bass anglers force
on force which has been a big staple for us
i mean i'm about to spend the next week in in florida but not only that but
we we got our current show uh army redfish anglers airing on the sportsman's

channel that's been a lot of fun to watch guys uh i mean we we're hitting on
every every avenue on the Sportsman's Channel. We're going to be on every quarter this year.
We're going to get Danny back on here and kind of talk about how that's kind
of going in the mid, you know, through the first four weeks of that show.
And, you know, as it gets down close to championship and after the championship

crown, we'll get the champion on here.
And, you know, we'll get through, talk a little bit about how the bass show's gone.
And that's always a fun deal because even Patrick's competed on the bass show.
I mean, it's a lot different. shot hey shot i'm gonna see the bloopers of the
redfish that's what i want to see.
You know what i'm talking about everybody yeah i want

to yeah we you know we used to do a
blooper an eighth episode a blooper reel that we
used to used to do out there it was it was some pretty funny stuff i think we
at some point we may add that back on not as maybe on the network but do some
reels and stuff with some of the blooper stuff that comes out of it because
some of that But some of that stuff is some pretty cool stuff that you get to

see as part of that. So pretty excited, guys.
I appreciate Patrick being on with us, and I hope you guys enjoyed this.
If you know more about army bass hunters, buck hunters, hawk hunters,
redfish, duck hunters, hey, go to, guys.
We appreciate it. Hey, Patrick, I appreciate you being home with us,
and be sure to listen, and we'll get back with you as soon as we can. Cool?

Cool. Thanks for listening to the Force on Force podcast.
Join us next time as we dive into more topics from the Force on Force talk.
For more information or to learn how to join the organization,
visit our website at
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