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March 21, 2024 26 mins

In Episode 19, Those Crazy Bible Study Guys continue to follow the beginning of Jesus' ministry now that he has the start of his leadership team.  Being in Galilee to go where John the Baptist was imprisoned, Jesus begins providing healings from all kinds of sicknesses...both physical and spiritual!    Those Crazy Bible Study Guys continue to see how the IT > IF formula continues to be on their hearts and impact their own spiritual growth as well as discuss how, even though Jesus is with us today spiritually and not physically, the miracles Jesus was performing in Galilee still occurs today!  


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Hey everybody welcome to episode 19 i'm jim and i'm dale and we are those crazy bible study guys,
and good morning happy day to you jim how's your day going hey i'm i'm ready
to do this I'm looking forward to it.

Amen. Yeah, we're going to actually wrap up another chapter,
man. We're moving through.
So we're going to capitalize here on Matthew chapter 4.
We're going to be throwing out verses 23 through 25 to everyone.
So looking forward to it, man. So before we do that, I'm going to open us in
a quick prayer and we'll dive in.
Most Heavenly Gracious Father, Lord, we thank you for all things.

We thank you for this new day. today, Lord, again, it's just so refreshing to
be able to gather together with everyone right now, Lord, and be able to just
dive into your scriptures, learn a little bit more about you today,
grow in our relationship with you, and just learn, Lord.
It's just so much fun getting all of this information and insight that you provide
from your love letter, which we call the Bible, Lord. Thank you so much.

Thank you for my brother, Jim. Thank you for our listeners. Thank you for our families.
Just watch over everyone, keep everybody healthy, safe, and let
us have an amazing time today in jesus name amen amen hey
this one's going to be kind of fun because you know
if we look back at the the start where you know just even going way back right

mary learns that she has the special honor and privilege of of having god's son jesus and And then,
you know, the attempts of Herod to try to kill him.
And then, you know, he grows up and we go straight into the start of his ministry.
He gets baptized by John the Baptist.

And then it's really interesting, right? It's like he goes through this refining,
like, are you ready for the mission?
And, you know, like you and I would fail very quickly. Jesus passes with flying colors.
And then he's getting ready to start. So he's kind of, you know,
gone through that refinement. Because sometimes we've talked about before,

answers to prayer are yes, no, or grow, right?
Sometimes God's not saying, I'm not saying no, but the timing's not right.
I need you to be learning and refining some things.
Uh, I, I'm not sure, you know, I, Jesus was good there, but I,
it was a good, uh, application for my own life, your own life,

everyone's life related to sometimes we just need that refinement before we,
we start a ministry or what have you, or, or do some work or, you know, whatever.
Sometimes he just says it's time to grow.
And so, you know, passes the temptation. And then the next thing he does is his brother,
John, you know, John the Baptist, you know, He's concerned because his friend

had been put into prison, so he heads back to Galilee where he then forms a leadership team.
He's got some big work to do. You can't do it on your own.
He could. He's the son of God.
But again, now he starts to bring people into his ministry to be a part of it.

He could have done this on his own.
And then he selects a pair of brothers, right, four fishermen,
to join his leadership team.
And now he's hitting the road to get this thing going.
Yeah. Amen, man. And, I mean, this is kind of going to be a fun,
you know, review today with Matthew chapter 4, 23, 25, for those following along.

You know, my header on this says, Jesus preaches throughout Galilee.
So it's interesting like you just mentioned with that
beautiful recap is you know again kind of
almost towards the beginning of this chapter that was the beginning
of his ministry is preaching in galilee and what
did he preach the same thing as his brother john the baptist you
know said is repent you know so now it's

not just in galilee now he's going throughout galilee so
kind of think of like maybe downtown now he's going out to the
suburbs kind of a thing but yeah he's he's
going all around and in galilee is going to get a
taste of of the message from the lord right off
from the get-go so pretty cool yeah it
is a great recap man and i tell you you know it's that's one thing like when

you when we do these recaps we think about what we've gone and how you were
saying you're impacted with just things that we've learned like you know two
things that really impacted me is that if it statement you know when he was
tempted like that i i've actually been.
Using that a lot lately i've been noticing so exactly
it is i love that it's just

like anytime you're starting to question things you
know and that's it's so powerful it's
so simple but yeah very very powerful yep
oh yeah you yeah exactly it's so
simple that we almost like we just don't even catch it it's like wait a minute
but that's what i've been i'm noticing you know and again i don't know why it's
taking this long in my life or again maybe i learned it and forgot it over time

but you know I hope this is blessing others as well as it's it's me but yeah
I'm catching those moments of wait a minute is this an if or isn't it.
Like hang on here let me let me think about this
like you know i think of like con you know comedians and improv they could just
shoot right back and forth with each other and build a good flow like that's
how jesus was and granted it was an improv but like when satan would attack

with that if he was right on the money right away like it you know it is said or it is written and,
was able to just you know counteract instantly and i'm over here thinking wait
a minute is this an F? Is it an Ed?
What do I want for lunch today? Wait a minute. Let me go back to this.
You know, I'm so distracted.

I'm like, man, I need to, I want to get sharper. I want to get faster.
And, uh, but again, awareness is step one is wait a minute.
That's an F. I don't like that. You know, how can I contradict this?
Like with using God's word to say, wait a minute, what does Jesus truly say about this?
Yeah. Because it's just human nature, Right. To all of a sudden just kind of

go to those things versus like having that simple if it thing is like,
hold on a second is I'm doing that again. Right.
I'm listening to, to Satan's lies or his, his not necessarily a lie sometimes,
but just he wants us to question.
Right. So that we can come up with our own lies. Right. For it.

But the other thing about the if-it is I think that's a great example of one
of the things that I've noticed the more and more that I've studied the word and stuff is like,
this book is big, right?
This book is thick and there's 10 commandments and all this stuff.

And it seems complicated, but just like the if-it, if you read through things.
God is very simple and to the point in his way.
So I love that if an it thing, like, like, you know, how I'll read it later,
but you know, God just says, Hey man, love God with all your heart,

soul and mind and your neighbor as yourself.
He, he just distills it. It's like all this stuff in here is kind of getting to that point here.
So I love the, if it, and how that got pulled out
through our study because again it's it's
the heart of god of of keeping it simple but if
it's it's the heart of god of two of saying here's just a simple thing you can

do just to to test uh the test of satan right yeah absolutely and then you know
the other things and i mentioned two things and we'll jump in here in just a
second but is that you know what we talked about last week was immediately.
Immediately the disciples left their job and went for it and kind of giving
everyone a little backdoor.

To us you know is we do we actually do
meet for just a few minutes before we we you know start
the the podcast so we kind of talk about you know what we're
going to review but really like i feel like the last several
times we're just talking about what happened last time and like what's just
impacted us over the last few days and and that immediately was one of those

and that was one thing again you you mentioned to me this morning was just again
how we we just immediately jumped to do this podcast.
Like, again, for those that don't know, I mean, we're now episode 19.
So we've been doing this for a few months. I mean, we're still new.
We're still, we're still got a lot of learning and growth pains and we're,
we're trying to figure it out.
But I just remember we talked about it and within a week later,

we did it. It was an immediate action. Now, why didn't we do it right away?
We didn't have the equipment. We had to order a few things to get us going.
But once those came in, we took off the plastic wrappings and man,
we, we plugged in and we went for it.
And, and I wanted to share that with the listeners, because just like the,
you know, obviously just like us, we're not experts at this.

We're, we're new, we're learning, we're growing in just the podcast perspective.
But, and so we're not perfect, just like the disciples, the four fishermen that
we've learned about and the other disciples that will come, none of them were perfect.
None of them had really the right credentials.
Like I don't have a technical background i don't and
so i really rely on jim everyone to help

us because he does have a little bit more tech background and and so
like it's just important to know that sometimes it contradicts to that if it
statement too is god will put something on our heart and then we start to question
it because again if we were to act upon it satan doesn't want that right he
doesn't want us out there sharing the gospel reaching out to those in love and

mannering and through christ.
And so, you know, we, we take that immediate potential opportunity that we have
in front of us and we question it.
And then we, we doubt ourselves and we don't go through it with it.
And, and because again, I mean, if I would have been in that fisherman boat,
I'm like, dude, I don't have a degree.
Like I can't, I didn't take a communications class. I can't stand in front of people.

Like, you know, what am I supposed to do?
Like I'm following, do I have to write? Maybe I'm literate. I don't know how to write. Right.
So I would have been panicking to think, could I even bring anything of benefit to Jesus?
But these guys didn't think about that. Now, granted, we know that they had
already learned a little bit about Jesus. They kind of knew.

But again, what were their qualifications? They were fishermen and they still went with it.
And look at what happened. Look at how the outcome turned.
Because we do know the end of the story, right? We do know that Peter became
one of the the greatest leaders of the church.
We've learned a lot of these guys really stepped up and really reached out for

Christ because they went with the immediate, okay, God, you have this on my heart.
I'm not qualified, but knowing you're with me.
I got it i'll do it so i just thought that was a kind of cool insight
it's really been impacting me and my thoughts i just wanted
to kind of share it just so everyone knows you don't have to be perfect
you don't have to know it all just take a deep breath and

you know pray ask god's will and go for it yeah and and to tie those two things
together that removes the if right when you have that response of that immediate
response of just listening and following god you're just like i'm I'm not going
to even entertain those ifs.
So, yeah. So let that be an encouraging to you guys.
So, all right, let's jump in. We'll just talk like this. And everyone's like,

wait a minute. Did we read scripture?
I don't know. All right. Well, let's do it. So Jesus preaches throughout Galilee.
So this is Matthew 4, 23, 25 today.
And it goes like this. Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues,
proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness among the people.
News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all who were

ill with various diseases,
those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, and those having seizures,
and the paralyzed. And he healed them.
Large crowds from Galilee, the Depokalus, Jerusalem, Judea, and the region across
the Jordan followed him.
Yeah, that would definitely do it, right? Right.

It's like, yeah, like if you don't believe my, you know, if you don't believe
my words, check this out.
Oh, yeah. Oh, you know what? Yeah. Actions. Well, they say actions speak louder
than words. Right. Well, yeah.
And and and don't we do that as as as new new not only just new believers,

but believers from a long time.
Right we start to say and i think we there was a previous part in here but about
you know not testing god right jesus was talking about that when he was being
tempted in the desert but.
There's times we just like we cry out to god just show me show me who you are
just you know because we begin some i don't know about you dale but i know know, times from since when I,

you know, first committed my life to Christ, I,
I've, I've had those moments of doubt, like, God, are you really who you are?
You know, but man, if you saw, oh my goodness, this just hit me over the head
because I have him, I have seen him.
Heal people from disease and stuff so

not directly physically being there
but i think a lot
of us have seen and perform those miracles
even though he was there in spirit not there physically but oh yeah yeah yeah
i mean there's so many times like you know people try to throw out the word

oh it's just a coincidence but there's just sometimes like you you see something physically
or connected through, you know, a group that we're praying for a child or we're
praying for, you know, an adult, something serious is going on and it's a horrible situation.
But out of like nowhere, last minute, something just miraculous happens.
Like it's unexplainable.

And actually, I mean, I've talked to a couple of doctors that I know, good friends.
I mean, that's one of the most interesting things about their
occupation is there is times that they have told me
there are things that they just don't know
how it happened happened like they were like
yeah they 1000 believe that miracles happen
even to this day healing still takes place it's just yeah it's a little different

than we read about a man putting his hands on somebody you know through the
bible but it happens today like there are there are cases that just cannot be
explained And all you can do is say there is something bigger involved,
which obviously is God. Yeah. Man.
It's tough, man. I know. Yeah. I'm just, I'm just thinking, man,

like verse 23 here, healing every disease. Yes.
You know and i think i don't know why it just popped in me is like you
know anyone that's out there listening doubting wondering why is me why you
know what's happening here with this person or you know like god god you know
god can handle the cold but he can't handle this or something but man i mean

like he did he was able to heal every disease and i think about one of the disciples.
May have been john i can't remember off top my head right now but you
know he he wrote you know that if there's
not enough room in the world to write down
every single thing that jesus did
in his three-year ministry there's just not enough room not

enough books can contain all that he
did and i just cannot i don't
know i just can only imagine like like again
everybody all over you know syria are
bringing people that are ill to him because i mean just one touch
one act of look of love like boom they're
healed like everything so like god can

heal any problem that you have any disease
you have any sickness that you have you
know even it goes even to like a even demon possessed
like he can heal it you just have to give it to him you know yeah just kind
of shows that that compassion too right of now he he doesn't want to just heal

you physically he wants He wants to heal you spiritually as well, too.
And a lot of times he can reach you through that physical healing as well to
begin or create that spiritual healing in you as well.
So talking about that, I'm going to head to a footnote here that I kind of like

this, how this started. I did read a little bit ahead about here.
It says, Jesus was teaching, preaching, and healing.
These were the three main aspects of
his ministry teaching shows Jesus concern
for understanding preaching shows his concern for commitment interesting and

healing shows his concern for wholeness his miracles of healing authenticated
his teaching and preaching proving that he truly was from God.
Oh, man, I like that. That's really cool, man. Yeah.
Teaching is understanding, preaching, commitment, and healing wholeness.

It's a full, complete circle there.
That's awesome. Yeah, I think I need to break out my pen here and do a little
bit of underlining, because you know how I like to do that.
Without disturbing our flow here, but it continued on 423 to say,
Jesus soon developed a powerful preaching ministry and often spoke in the synagogues.

Most towns that had 10 or more Jewish families had a synagogue.
Interesting. Okay, the building served as a religious gathering place on the
Sabbath and as a school during the week.
All right. There's parochial school got started way, way, way back when.

The leader of the synagogue was not a preacher as much as an administrator.
His job was to find and invite rabbis to teach and preach.
It was customary to invite visiting rabbis, like Jesus, to speak.
Speak yeah it's interesting yeah I
did not not know that I did pick up where he was teaching in synagogues which

pretty interesting again you know how his message would come across and you
know as we learned later you know the Pharisees go against him but yet they
can't combat against his teaching and what he's saying but yeah it's interesting
so that he was invited to to preach.
And then, yeah, like 10 or more Jewish families had a synagogue.

Like, that's pretty interesting. Like, they would have just gathered in,
like, to their neighborhood and said, hey, let's start up a little church,
you know. That's pretty cool.
I did not know that. No, and I didn't, you know, I really, it just kind of,
why you're reading, I was listening to you while you were reading, by the way.
But I did not, I didn't really exactly connect the dots.

That he was it says right there jesus went through galilee teaching in their
synagogues so that's where i mean that's the place where that teaching occurs
by rabbi so that makes sense so,
very interesting i just yeah i just always assume like there was like a headmaster
or something right like there was like someone who you know led it which i guess

is what they reference is there's an administrator.
So again, they were not qualified probably to teach.
They just had the heart to establish the school, establish the synagogue for spiritual purposes.
And so maybe someone invited Jesus or Jesus came up and said,
hey, I'm pretty qualified to teach. I know the scriptures.

Can I talk here?
And so it's interesting. Again, it's a need.
It's an the action of reaching out just like we do marketing or
things you know we reach out we you know we slowly
allow that word to get out there and people start
talking about it so pretty cool yeah i honestly i thought it was i thought his

preaching and stuff i didn't realize it was in synagogues right here i mean
i know that's not the only place he preached but i was thinking that it was
always like you know not to give too much away on what's coming up but the mountains
you know, the Sermon on the Mount.
Yeah, yeah. Out in Times Square, you know.
Yeah, it's out in the soapbox. And the public gathers around to listen to this guy speaking. Yeah.

Here's what this new good news is that he's sharing.
So that's interesting. I didn't, that's, that's the fun part about this,
right? Is these fun facts to know and or yell.
Okay. Continuing on the footnotes, 423, and then it goes into 424,
but about the news of him spreading all over Syria.

All right. So there's, there's others up the religious chain that I'm sure are
starting to catch word about what's going on in some of the synagogues, right?
Oh yeah, for sure. Yeah. Jesus. So it says, Jesus preached the gospel,
the good news to everyone who wanted to hear it.
The gospel is that the kingdom of heaven has come, that God is with us and that he cares for us.

Christ can heal us, not just physical sickness, but of spiritual sickness as well.
There's no sin or problem too great or too small for him to handle.
Jesus's words were good news because they offered
freedom hope peace of
heart and the big one eternal

life with god that's a very beautiful beautiful written footnote because yeah
that's like a good fun tidbit for everyone like what is the gospel we we say
the gospel we say good news well it's one in the same like gospel means the
good news and they did a great job of providing What is the good news?
That God is creator, that he loves you.

He sent his son to die for you because he loved you that much and offers this
opportunity of salvation.
You come to know who Christ is and accept him in your heart.
So that's very, very lovely note right there.
Great way to remember that. Yeah, I'm going to reread that at the last sentence there.
Jesus' words were good news because they offered freedom, hope,

peace of heart, and eternal life with God.
Everything that contradicts the world. Isn't that amazing?
I mean, who wouldn't want freedom and hope and peace of heart,
you know, whereas the world's saying, you know, go out there and spin this and
material this and do all these actions. Like, it'll make you happy, but it never does.

Like, man, God's saying, hey, I got it all. It's right here, and it's free.
How even better is that? Oh, it's amazing. Thank you, Jesus. Oh, yeah. Amen.
All right, so we're going to talk about the last footnote here,
which is uh i think you did
a good job of pronouncing it decapolis yeah i
was trying to think of like megapolis yeah took out

the mega all right i like it all right well done
decapolis was a league of 10
gentile cities east of
the sea of galilee joined together for better
trade and mutual defense the word
about jesus was out and jews and
gentiles were coming long distances to

hear him and there it
is i mean it's a gospel like he says in the great commission
it's for all absolutely every single
person yeah there's no there's no
criteria to get into the club right right right
which i mean it's it's again interesting to learn this
now because i don't think i would have remembered growing up

like oh yeah like from the very get-go he was
already working with both parties jews and gentiles you
know again what is a gentile everyone that's not a jew so you know
it's been with everyone the whole time it's pretty cool yeah and i say in the
club but i don't you know mean that it's like that but you know how so much
in life you know we We segregate groups and individuals just like the Jews and the Gentiles and stuff.

Like you can get into this, but you have to have this criteria first before
you're going to be a part of it.
And Jesus is just saying, this is open, free to anyone who accepts me as their Lord and Savior.
Amen. Amen. All right, man. That's good.

That was good. That was a nice, good flow today. I loved it, man.
Again, here it is. He's out there. And next week, man, we're going to get into
the Beatitudes, which, again, you guys all know how I talk.
For the longest time, I thought it was the beautities.
But, yeah, it's the Beatitudes. So we'll be into that soon.
So awesome study, man. Yeah. Father God, thank you for our study.

We thank you for Jesus's ministry.
We thank you for just, even just these little tiny tidbits that you,
you just teach us and help us to learn more about your word.
We thank you for the healing that you provide for us.
And we just love you and ask, pray all of this in Jesus name here.

Amen. All right, folks. Well, Jesus has got the ministry and he's asking to
repent. and sharing the good news.
So please take that same message, apply it, share it with those that you love and know.
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