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March 26, 2024 27 mins

In Episode 20, the word is out on Jesus as he preaches the good news and provides healings and is now getting ready to speak to his biggest crowd yet - at the Sermon on the Mount!    Jesus, knows that as the crowds and followers dramatically increase, power and money can quickly come into contention with His ability to share His message.  As a result of foreseeing this possibility, before speaking to the crowds, He gathers His leadership team and ensures they are aligned to their purpose and the contention that fame and fortune can have on following Jesus.  Join Those Crazy Bible Study Guys as we dive into the definitions of beatitudes and meekness to, once again, see how the worlds' view (fame and fortune) and God's view (the heart) conflict and are polar opposites of each other.  


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Hey hello everybody welcome to episode
20 i am jim and i'm
dale and we are those crazy
bible study guys and happy day to you jim and everyone else man episode 20 that's.
Just mind-blowing at this moment right now wow that's awesome yeah man we we

are committed to getting this content out twice a week.
So, um, uh, so apparently we've done it for the last 10 weeks.
And what's cracking me up. It's been a 19 episodes and we're only on chapter
four. We're now into chapter five. Yeah.
That's, that's kind of how those crazy Bible study guys roll.
So that's it. That's it. Just a little tidbits at a time. It's good.

Awesome. Well, we are today, Matthew chapter five.
So kind of following a quick recap, I mean, Jesus has gone through and started
his ministries, preaching through Galilee.
This is after the baptism, after the temptation out in the desert.
So now this is kind of getting into the famous spot and going back to talking,

I think last time we identified red letters, which are, if you have a red letter
Bible, it's Jesus's words, what he's spoken.
So we are actually going to get into some really big red letter words here.
Yeah, the Sermon on the Mount. this is the big one here and
it it he's he's drawn a lot of people

right with all these healings that he's doing and one
of the things we talked about in the last episode which i thought was really
cool is just showing how those healings were physical healings they were mental
healings they were spiritual healings right yeah so he's he he is the holistic
healer right he is he is the one that can make that happen.

And so now that, that crowd is starting to build on them. So.
Absolutely. Yep. The tribe is starting to come around and this is what's really cool.
This is how he really shows that he relates. Not only does he relate to God
and how he's showing God loves the world so much, but now there's also more, a deeper connection.
So I'm excited. We're going to actually hit the only six verses right now.

We'll see how we do with time, But we're going to read chapter five,
verse one through six to kick us off.
Just like you said, man, it is the Sermon on the Mount.
Which is also really cool i mean he's out in the open this is
it's what i think is really neat i mean again the you
know the days before microphones and speaker boxes
i can only imagine how you know

thunderous his voice was you know especially reaching out to to you know multitude
of people so pretty neat i'm excited about this and so i do have a little note
here no i was just going to say i mean he he didn't have the stadium tours like
they do today you know, any speaker yesterday, any great speaker.
And yeah, I just had to do the mountainside tour here.

So that's right. No laser light
shows, but he could, he could command lightning. So it's pretty good.
Good point. I could have put it on if he wanted to, right? If he wanted. Yeah.
And so this is, we start on the Mount here and it's Jesus gives the beatitudes.
Now growing up, fun fact, I
aim at times dyslexic and I read words and enunciate like a NASCAR driver.

And for the The longest time I always thought that was the beauties.
And then my wife constantly coached me is the Beatitudes, Dale, the Beatitudes.
So let's see if we can be good with our attitudes today as we learn this.
Hey, before you do that, I just had to Google it.
So the Beatitudes sum up Jesus's teaching about what it means to live as a child of God's kingdom.

That was the simple explanation there. I like that. That, yeah,
say that one more time, just so we're all on the same page.
The Beatitudes sum up Jesus' teaching about what it means to live as a child of God's kingdom.
What it means. Okay, I like that. All right, so let's do it.

5, 1 through 6 goes like this.
Now, when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down.
His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them. He said.

I'm only stopping. That's halfway through. But again, a lot of meat on the bone here.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom in heaven." I like that.
Yeah, I mean, if the world was writing this, right, or the world was speaking this.

Be blessed those that are strong spiritually and great churchgoers and just
doing everything right according to my word, right?
Yeah, a.k.a. a Pharisee or a Sadducee. Yeah. One of these top religious leaders
that thinks they have it all figured out.
But it's those times, right, where we are poor in spirit, where we really draw close to God, right?

Sometimes out of desperation, right?
Sometimes it's like, why didn't I do this at the beginning of this issue I'm dealing with?
Because we kind of get kind of backed into a corner.
And I mean, it'd be optimal if we did that all the time, right?
As soon as something was going down, we just reach out to God and plug in there, right?

And start getting his wisdom and his comfort and his peace and his direction.
Direction but i don't know if you're like
me dale i i more times
than not i i find that i i
just i plug into it when i'm kind of like backed in the corner and i'm like
why am i doing this why didn't i go there first but oh man i mean that's typical

i think i you know it's probably even human nature like even though i know god
is the creator of all and he created me and he cares for me and Obviously,
he sent his son to die for my sins and obviously the whole world.
But it's one of those things where it's like, all right, God,
I know you got a lot on your plate.

I got this one. I can be a team player. I can do this one.
And I don't need your – don't worry about it.
It's not that I don't need you. I always need you. But it's like, I got this one.
I'll take one for the team and can handle that. And at the same time,
it's instantly like, oh, man, I needed you, God.
Like you said, I should have started right from the beginning.

I knew I should have asked for help. I knew I shouldn't have done this or open that door.
And I failed miserably.
Yeah. Which again, brings back that I really think there's something special
though, when we do hit that rock bottom moment or that, that moment where we've realized,
okay, the pit is a little too deep for me just to reach up and climb out on my own.

I do need to ask for assistance or for new perspective. And that's where I think
four follows up really well with that, whereas blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted.
So again, poor in spirit, those who mourn, people who are struggling.
Like if that's you today, welcome to the team. Me and Jim struggle all the time.

And we struggled this morning with some technical difficult issues.
And that's just the least of our worries.
And, and that's what I think is beautiful. Like you said, man,
you do not have to be a hundred percent right.
And a hundred percent, you know, perfect position, you know,
to be able to do this. Like, no, it's come as you are.

And if you're broken, dirty, tired, sore, beat up, bruised, it's okay.
Come it's, it's available to you. yeah i
like i like how because i never really kind of
connected the dots here of everything that he's saying
and i'll be curious as we read through the whole thing how maybe they
connect more but you know that problem with with

us like especially us guys right
we we're not we're not good listeners but
we are good problem solvers and i'm not saying that's
all guys and women aren't that way too but the
point is is right when when we face a problem we want
to solve it right and versus getting to
this point of just coming coming to god

so i i think that's really cool right we're poor in
spirit then we cry out to god here with
the those who mourn and then that that
blessed are the meek so to me where i'm
kind of pulling that together too is just that meekness
of saying we need you god right it's
kind of that humbleness meekness of of this

is going to turn out a whole lot better if if
i make you lead the show here from
the beginning here or or or when you
you know fail and and you don't bring him in till later he's still got you right
and again it's not that he's a magic genie and is going to make it happen how
we want things to happen But just that comfort and that peace when you know

that you're crying out to God, right?
And you're letting him know what's going on and just come, join.
Lead, give me guidance, give me wisdom, give me direction on this.
Yeah. And I don't know. I really like this. Like, I'm not gonna lie.
I had to Google meek. Like what, what was the real definition?

Cause I was starting to kind of pick that up. What you're talking about is like
the poor in spirit, the morning, like there's obviously a lot of brokenness,
a lot of sadness. and I spent, I was like, okay, what does meek mean?
Like, what's that definition?
And it's having a quiet and gentle nature or being humble in spirit or manner.
And so then I started thinking again, like the personalities,
right? You have your, you know, extroverts and then you have your introverts.

Like, so like there's people who are very timid or very quiet or just,
again, just very soft spoken.
Like, again, like people who are not loud and out there and obnoxious,
like it's for anyone, like everything and then
even verse six like those who are hungry or you
know who hunger and thirst for righteousness people who are

wanting the right things the
good things i mean it's it's neat that we're seeing this pattern here yeah i
mean i think i i know a rhyme so that makes it a nice thing for us because we
like to kind of try to be funny but we we know the the wiser but But I think
when we think meek, we think weak, right?

Like you're weak.
But I think personally, I think one of the greatest attributes of a person is humbleness.
When you see someone humble, they're there. They're willing to learn.
They're lifetime learners, right? Because they know there's more that they can learn.

They kind of let their actions speak louder than their words and it's a it's
a beautiful meekness to me is probably one of the most beautiful attributes
you can have in a human being.
I like that yeah it's kind of almost like when gray i
remember my grandfather he wouldn't say much but you know it's kind of one of
those things that when he spoke you really listened kind of a humble it wasn't

always a quick answer a quick thought it was kind of a process thinking it through
and coming out with a really good perspective of wisdom from experience so,
man i like that yeah it's it's i i think that's the the biggest issue though
we think meek and we think weak and it's really more about that that humbleness

so thanks for uh man we're we're giving google a workout today yeah i mean this
is this is a neat pattern and i mean again it just,
showcases again, God's given, you know, Jesus is giving this, this talk.
I mean, like you mentioned about like what it means to be a follower of Christ,
you know, in, in coming into God's kingdom again, it's, it's not for those who

are perfect and who have done everything right and who are ready.
And I don't know, I don't know why I kept thinking back.
When we first started talking about this you know before i had
you know kids you know before any of us probably had children you
know again especially working in the financial sector it's
one of those things where like oh i gotta make sure i have enough money because i mean obviously
when i have a kid they're gonna need clothes they're gonna need food they're

gonna need you know toys they're gonna need things that you know maybe i'm not
budgeted for so i remember starting to stress out of you know like i gotta have
everything right budgeted perfect so that i can bring a child into this world.
And I remember just so many people constantly saying, if you're going to go
down the path of finance before a child, you're never going to be ready.

You're never going to be ready. And, and yeah, like it does,
it clicked. It was like, okay, I mean, I just got to trust.
I have to trust in God that we'll be okay. And maybe I sacrifice some things,
you know, maybe I don't get the nice, you know, you know, name brand cereal.
I have to go with an off brand and that's fine.
But it was one of those things that I think about that and constantly was coached

to don't stress out about the money, just let it be natural and everything will work out.
And it did, obviously it did. Again, there's times in my life where I don't
know how God helped us through, but we made it and we always had enough.
It may not have been everything we wanted, but we had enough.
And that really just resonates because I think of all the joy,

all of the moments, the memories with my son.
And I only have one kid and it's just amazing the joy that he brings in my life,
which outweighs any ounce of money.
And my time with him is the greatest. I absolutely love it.
And so I just think about that, like, had I been so concerned with doing everything

right and getting it all figured out and college already paid for before he
even was in the world, I would have missed out because I never would have been
prepared. I would have missed all those joys.
And I think that's what Jesus is kind of slightly referencing very small here.
You know, it's not 100 percent perfect, you know, match for match.
But I think he's saying, hey, come as you are and you will rejoice.

Rejoice you will have hope salvation goodness
you know you're seeking for it you you know
you're you're you're humble you're gentle you're you're you're
hungry and thirsty for righteousness like come and be filled like that's what
he says in verse six there you know and yeah i don't know i don't know if that
ties in or not no that's what's been on my mind i think you you're on the right

track here because you know when we read go back to that definition like you
were right This sums up Jesus'
teaching about what it means to live as a child of God and God's kingdom.
He's not saying be poor in spirit, but it's the heart matter.
Again, when we look at things from a worldview versus heavenly or God view,

he's always talking about the heart matters here.
So someone that's pouring spirit, and it kind of goes with the meekness too,
is just that I have an opportunity to grow here.
I want to listen. I want to reach out. I want to come as I am,
right? I don't have to figure it out. I'm coming to you as I am.
And I'm going to let you work into me because I know when I give my life to

you and you work through me, I'm going to have the best possible life on this
earth. It ain't going to be perfect.
There's going to be a lot of hard times. He doesn't remove any of that stuff.
But when you can align with his will and let him lead versus just calling out
and pulling the emergency, the house is on fire thing, I mean, it makes a difference.

And we kind of talked about this before. Then we'll move to the footnotes. Yeah.
You know if you can't go all in and
and i wasn't that person i i thought i went
all in but i wasn't but just start to use
certain areas of your life like your your
marriage or your finances or whatever just kind of be poor in spirit there mourn

out to god for help be humble be meek know that you can learn know that you
can get better with that hunger for the righteousness in that particular situation.
So, yeah. Yeah. It's basically a small step forward is what you're saying.
Yeah. Like when we get into, into the, you know, scripture and come to faith,
it's not like you have to have the Bible read within the first month of the

Christian being a Christian.
No, it's a, you know, Hey, take five minutes, five minutes out of 24 hours.
It's not that hard, you know, and, and just read a little bit or eventually
maybe take 30 minutes and listen to a great podcast about it.
Sorry, shameful plug again. end but you know but then it's like slowly build
that up and then you'll grain that in those steps in life so it's got to start

somewhere with this with the
first step so very cool man yeah and one just last note on that is that.
Just personally, what I've found, because I got into the whole Dave Ramsey thing,
and so I'm like, all right, God, I'm going to apply your ways of handling money
and stuff and your principles.
Principles and one of the and that's why i love teaching the

course because one of the great things about
it is then all sudden the principles
that you learn doing that in one area of your life you they're they're a lot
easier to apply in another area of your life because you kind of did an application
of it right so yeah anyways before we go off too far on a tangent that That

we'll, we'll head to the footnotes.
I think we've, we've hit that, but it is, it is a great, it's like with anything,
just try, try it in one area and then you can apply a lot of what you're learning
there to the other areas of your life.
So, Hey man, I am going to give you the honor on the first footnote because
I see this is a folios following.

Oh, oh, now question. Did you remember that? I did remember.
Thanks to you. I did not get the tattoo, but I did remember that thanks to you,
but I still like our fast forward too, but I'm going to give you the honors on that one.
Yeah. Well, I appreciate that. And I want to say how much better you have retained that than I did.
I had it prepped over here on Google just in case, which you're right,

which was Faleo's following and following.
So yeah, that's, that's awesome that you remember that and how shameful it is
to me that I haven't. I'm learning in this Bible study, man.
I keep learning, but that one, I mean.
I couldn't remember that one for 10 years, so you must have done something really
powerful last time you brought that up.
And that's the Lord, man. But yeah, let's check this one out.

So here's what's fun about this. This is going to kind of give us a whole spectrum
about the Sermon on the Mount with this footnote.
So it says Matthew 5 through 7, talking about the chapters here,
it's called the Sermon on the Mount because Jesus gave it on a hillside near Carpathion.
Is that right? The sermon probably covered several days of preaching.

In it, Jesus proclaimed his attitude toward the law. Position,
authority, and money are not important in his kingdom.
What matters is faithful obedience from the heart.
The Sermon on the Mount challenged the proud and legalistic religious leaders of the day.
It called them back to the messages of the Old Testament prophets who,

like Jesus, taught that heartfelt obedience is more important than legalistic
observation or observance.
I'm sorry, observance. Let me say it that way. Legalistic observance.
Obviously, the coffee has not hit with me yet today, but man,
like this is really a powerful footnote that just, I mean, think about the first off pieces.

I mean, one covering multiple days of preaching, like how cool would that have
been to, you know, had a nice long weekend and you're sitting out here,
you're by a mountain, you're probably near the sea, you know,
Galilee, like probably got nice views.
Hopefully the weather's nice, not too crazy hot. and you're just listening you're

just taking it all of this wisdom in like you've never this wisdom's never been
like this before like you've been to maybe a synagogue and a temple and you
heard some of the teachings but i mean this is just you're craving this like
i want more i want more yeah yeah it definitely resonated with people right

and i mean this was like the conference of
all conferences, a three-day conference, you know?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, or however many days it was, so multiple days or what have you.
So let me kind of describe what
the scene was there a little bit here in the footnote for 5, 1, and 2.

It says, enormous crowds were following Jesus. He was the talk of the town,
and everyone wanted to see him.
The disciples, who were the closest associates of the popular man,
were certainly tempted to feel important, proud, and possessive.
Being with Jesus gave them not only prestige, but also opportunity for receiving money and power.

Interesting. Makes sense. The crowds were gathering once again,
but before speaking to them, Jesus pulled his disciples aside and warned them
about the temptations they would face as his associates.
All right. That's wisdom of a great leader, right?
He's foreseeing what could possibly happen here and making sure people stay

in line with the mission.
Don't expect fame and fortune jesus was saying
but mourning hunger persecution nevertheless
jesus assured his disciples they would be rewarded but perhaps not in this life
there may be times when following jesus will bring us great popularity if we
don't live by jesus's word in this sermon we will find ourselves using god's

message only to promote our personal interests.
Yeah so one i really like this because
it does help and it does make sense in verse two and he began to teach them
like he had a moment where he was just with his disciples and like he already
saw he's like okay guys i mean the fame the fortune's gonna look cool but just

be ready like this is not gonna be an easy road yeah that's that's like you said a very wise leader,
yeah and i mean i think that
happens to anyone even today right is is as
people become to know them and their popularity and stuff it's like the critics
are going to start popping out of the woodwork and the people that don't want

it to happen are going to be coming out left and right here right so but i mean
even today like how often does that happen i mean we hear all of these these
stories and we see a lot of these celebrities,
even today where they had very humble beginnings.
They started off with, again, a good heart, a good mind, head on their shoulders kind of a thing.

But then as money, fame, fortune, power, which again kind of goes into some authority.
You know it overtakes their minds and they
lose the entire perspective of who they once were
and they chase after the wrong things and
here is jesus keeping them humble from the
very beginning and that's that's that's amazing

and and you know i was thinking too from that
very first footnote it did say too when he was talking about his kingdom which
relates to this footnote you know position authority and money are not important
in his kingdom yeah which is really interesting is how that is so important
here on earth but what matters is faithful obedience from the heart,

like that yeah i was right into this footnote
and what he's doing with these guys of making sure
it's a heart matter not a game matter yeah this is kind of his first discussion
first discussion about the topic of money too right yeah right yeah right that
one of the biggest enemies of the faith is money, right?

That we cannot serve to masters is oriented around money for the meaning there.
So, all right, I got one more footnote. Again, something very relatable today.
Yeah, I've got one more footnote I'm going to cover here before we close her down.
So it's for 5, 3 through 5. So blessed are the poor. He's going into those.
Jesus began a sermon with words that seem to contradict each other.

But God's way of living usually contradicts the world's. If you want to live
for God, you must be ready to say and do what seems strange to the world.
You must be willing to give when others take, to love when others hate,
to help when others abuse.
By giving up your own rights in order to serve others, you will one day receive

everything God has in store for you.
And that that hits hard today because i
mean i know we're recording and but just kind of let everyone
know you know for this episode particularly we are
in the final week as we're preparing for easter and the resurrection and i mean
again that that statement there at the very end by giving up your own rights

in order to serve others that's what christ did you know this week that's what
he gave up i mean imagine knowing you're you're being led
you know to the cross and what does
he do his last final hours he has a meal and he
gets down and washes feet and he serves and
he shows that love and compassion giving

up himself for the world like this that's phenomenal yeah yeah man i'm gonna
i'm gonna close this down brother all right man let's do it father god i i thank
you for this day lord i thank you for our study and And I thank you for helping us to see,
especially as we dive into the word, more of your view of the world versus the

earthly view of the world.
We thank you, too, for your grace and your comfort and your mercies.
We ask and pray all this in Jesus' name. Amen.
Amen. All right. Nice study, man. So just remember, all those listeners out
there, your heart matters.
Come as you are. And until next time, enjoy the gift of today.
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