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May 14, 2024 28 mins

In Episode 34, Those Crazy Bible Study Guys dive into the topic of particular, money with a capital M!   The fact that our walk with Jesus is a daily thing, there is no wonder why the number one competitor for making God #1 in our life is money!   As they dive deeper into this topic they discover the #1 tool for putting money into the proper perspective is to practice contentment.   Not deprivation, but contentment - setting and going towards new goals while being content in the current moment.

Like any other tool/resource in our life, money can be compared to a brick - it can be a tool that we use to build a building or it can be a weapon of destruction that we throw through a window.   Things get further complicated as we are bombarded daily with advertising that is selling us discontentment.

Join Those Crazy Bible Study Guys as it rains money during this portion of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount! 


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Episode Transcript

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Hello everybody welcome to episode 34 i'm jim and i'm dale and we are those crazy bible study guys.
Oh and happy day everybody hey jim how you doing today money money money oh
man i i was just i was thinking so many different song titles i could throw

out but that's okay we uh we gonna be
talking about the old dollar greenback man
i see you right now with your your uh
hand over your other hand just uh just kind
of doing what is that when they oh yeah man making
it i'm making it rain yeah yeah i see you doing it
right now oh man yeah just so

many so many good songs from back in the day you
know oh man yeah this one's
gonna be fun and this one's right up our alley
alley because i think we have a lot of investment from prior
careers and things we do and i know you're
obviously a a huge advocate with the
whole perspective of being debt free and so yeah this one's gonna be a good

one this might even be a two-parter we don't know yet this one might be a two-part
yeah this one's gonna be rich oh oh yeah yeah all right there we go yeah yeah
get Get that one in there.
Well, hey, I'm going to throw some data at you.
Oh, bring it, bring it. Because Jesus teaching about money, right?

This is a topic he knew was going to be a strong contender for our faith.
So here's some statistics on verses about money in the Bible.
16 of 38 of Jesus's parables deal with money and possessions.
Possessions, and nearly 25% of Jesus' word in the New Testament deal with biblical stewardship.

And one out of 10 verses in the gospel deals with money.
So this is a hot topic. It really is.
And I think you made a great point last, may have been last podcast episode
we did when we talked about fasting is, you know, the things that Jesus is bringing
up are true heart matters.

And I do not know the official statistic to this because I think it's changed
and changes rapidly. But again, why does Jesus like, yeah, I like your stats, man.
Why does Jesus have so many stats about money? Because it's so critically,
you know, able to just distract from vision.
And one of the number one causes for, unfortunately for divorce,

which we've read about recently of something he also talked about in this time
was one of the leading causes is financials where people, you know,
unfortunately do the wrong things, get in the wrong places.
And or have addictions next thing you
know everything you work for is gone and the stress
of a household with money it it can it i think

we all feel it we've all felt it for sure so that's
why it goes back to that heart manners your heart and the right priorities are
we utilizing the tools and resources god's providing to us in the right way
man all right well i tell you i think we have a lot to say out here go ahead
yeah no i was just gonna say i mean you know christ Bryce talks about,

you know, having a daily walk with him, right?
And I think the reason money is such a strong contender is daily,
we're using that tool, right? Money is a tool, right?
You can, I'm going to probably throw out some Dave Ramsey-isms,
but, you know, it's like a brick, right?
You can either build a beautiful building with it or you can throw it through
a window, right? It depends how you use that.

And money is the same way, right? It's a tool that can be used to help you with
living and helping you do things and helping you have some fun and helping you
make a difference in others.
Or you can just get totally obsessed with it and it can destroy your marriage
and your relationships and all that other stuff.
So that's your intro, man. I think you were going to dive into the scriptures there.

Yeah, that was actually a really good intro. And yeah, the only reason why I
was going to dive in a little early into the scriptures is because we could
go so many pathways with this.
And everyone's going to be like, why are we talking about this?
It's like now five episodes on the same thing. Like, yeah, we went off course.
So like, I would definitely want to see, because you said there's so much scripture
out there. And again, why?

Because there's so many points of perspective to how to have to manage and deal
with it. So I want to make sure we're on the right path with this one.
So yeah, today, everyone, I'm going to be in Matthew chapter six.
We're going to read verses 19 through 24.
So I'm going to go ahead and open this in prayer.
And then we'll dive right in. So Heavenly Father, Lord, wow, you are amazing.

And Lord, it's all through you. Everything that you do, it's all through your
blessings and your ways of you just providing for us, God.
And Lord, we know money is one of those ways to help us through society.
And so Lord, we ask and pray that you'll allow us to understand your words today,
that we can implement them in our lives, to do the right things,

to make sure our hearts are in check with you and that what we deposit into
the bank will be deposits from you to be able to just bless you and your word with it.
So let us just really focus into you today and just allow you to just impenetrate
our hearts to just grow deeper in relationship with you.
We ask all this in your name and be with our listeners and our families. Amen. Amen.

All right. right right let's dive in man let's see
where he's gonna take his man 19 matthew chapter
6 goes like this do not store up
for yourselves treasures on earth where moths
and vermin destroy and where thieves break in and steal but store up for yourselves
treasures in heaven where moths and vermin do not destroy and where thieves

do not break in and steal for where your treasure is there your heart will also be.
The eye is the lamp of the body.
If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.
But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness.

If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness?
Darkness no one can serve two
masters either you will hate the one
and love the other or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other you
cannot serve both god and money there's there's a couple things that pop out

right away for me one is money is capitalized do you see that,
You cannot serve both God and money. So it's capitalized here,
meaning that it's giving it a God-like form. You're basically worshiping it.
That's interesting. Are you talking on verse 24 at the end there?

Mine is not. Yours isn't capitalized. No, all right. Well, no wonder it's weird for you.
Yeah, that'd be really weird. I know it's early and the coffee hasn't fully
hit in, but yeah, I didn't see that.
Well, I, I found it interesting because, you know, it's like you're treating
it as, as a God in your life, you know, and I mean, everything we do right is centered around,

we have to have money to function in life. Right.
It's, there's just, we have to have it in our life. I mean, I know I get it.
There's some people that go off the grid and fully live off there,
but even, even they need some money to get some products and stuff.
Right to right to do what they want to do but so that's interesting that's they

decided to change that in your version but the other one was i'm going to be
curious about the footnotes i don't know if if you get any interpretation here
in like verse 22 through 23 just seemed to be like.
I know there's, I think if we dive into it, but right off hand when you're reading

it, it just seemed like this total like thing out of left field, right?
He's talking about money and then he says the eye is the lamp in the body and
your eyes are good. Your whole body will be full of light, but your eyes are bad.
How great is that darkness? this like i don't
know if you had any initial thoughts of on how that like initially

from just reading yeah the scripture pops out to
you before we head into footnotes in a little bit yeah i
i'm definitely sure the footnotes are going to really clear it up but at the
way i take it and interpret it again this is a non-theologian just a country
old boy kind of perspective here i think you know a lot of times when jesus
really was to teach he would bring multiple perspectives to the same,

you know element like when we get a little further in
like we're going to talk about like you know what it
is for like a believer you know so like when he talks about how
heaven rejoices for a believer he gives like three different examples
about a lost sheep a lost coin and then
and then i think a lost son at the same time so i think
22 23 is a tie-in to 19 and

21 through that just because when
you think about the eye of the body you know if your eyes are
healthy and you're able to see you're seeing
well but like if you ever like i know
actually just recently unfortunately and praise the
lord she's fine my wife had pneumonia and i
know she she struggled really bad with high fevers and i remember one time you

know we were i was checking on her and talking with her like how are you doing
and she's like i just feel i feel so bad like my eyes are They're just real
heavy and they're just falling down.
So her vision was slightly limited because she just wasn't feeling well,
and the fever was so high.

So if you think about if your body's unhealthy.
More than likely, you're not seeing the full picture. You're really almost in
the dark, kind of second-guessing things.
I mean, I know I've felt sick before really bad, and I'm not making the right choices.
I can barely just get up and get safely to one location to another because I just feel so bad.

But I kind of think almost like that might tie into 1921 because if you look
at 19, you know, do not store up treasures on earth where moth and vermin destroy
and thieves break in and steal.
It's, it's that perspective of, you know, you think everything is fine.
Everything is good in your eyes. You got all these fancy toys,

fancy things, but at any moment it could be taken away just like our health.
And so where's your, again, goes back to the heart matter. Where's your heart lie?
Like, it's okay. God doesn't want you not to have like, I mean.
You know, as long as you're making the right choices, I think like it's okay
if you have a nice home, nice car, you know, but are you doing it the right way?

Like, are you getting these things because you want people to look at you in
society and be like, wow,
that person right there is successful because they drive a really nice car and
have a big fancy house, you know, or is it, you know, an alternative way of,
you know, I have a bigger home and it's, it's a blessed home.
I'm not able to provide, but I have a big family. We do big events and gatherings.

And so we utilize the space for, you know, outreach or whatever it might be.
I think it goes back to the heart, but I think that's how they tie in together
about the health. Whereas it's also with your stuff.
Cause if you talk some material on 1921, then he talks about the health 22,
23. I don't know. Does that make sense?

Yeah, it does. I'm feeding off that a little bit related to like.
How like this is like extreme in 2223 and.
Guessing that what he's saying here is is
hey this is this is so important if
you get this wrong this is how this could
affect you like like if you

lost your vision like getting so focused on money you kind of lose that that
vision with your focus on christ so yeah i'll i i get what you're saying because
right right before there there your heart will also be right for where you're
trying as your heart will also be.
Because it's easy when things are good, you have everything you want.

You and I have talked about this before. There's a difference between the two words need and want.
And if you have all that you need and you're also getting all that you want,
there's an easy way for you to say, I've got everything under control.
I don't need God because everything's fine. I have security in my stuff.

And as we know, and I know tornadoes have been ripping through the county and
the country right now, anything at any time can be taken away quickly and faster
than you could ever imagine.
And yeah, I think it is definitely a spiritual perspective.
So I like that. I like that insight you have there. Yeah.
I'm going to use an example too on the whole rust and moth thing,

but a little different spin on it.
This is probably 20 years ago at
least but we used to have a snowmobile
it was a used snowmobile but we had a ton
of fun on that thing but man
it took up so much room in the garage and every year you had to tune it and
fine tune it and and then you know where i'm at in michigan it's like if it

snowed you had to get out you had to stop everything you were doing and do that
because Because you didn't know if snow was going to melt the next day or what have you.
So it was kind of like...
From, from that, actually, I just kind of learned, all right,
this thing is just like any additional thing I get with a motor is going to take time.
It's going to take energy. It's going to take money to utilize.

And then I almost have this, I almost have to make this commitment to that item
too, because I feel like I got to get my money's worth out of it. Right.
I spent a decent amount of money on it. Or if you get a boat or something like
that, it's like you, you feel like you got to use it all the time to get your
money's worth. And is that pulling you away from other things?
So that's, that's kind of a perspective personally I've developed that,

you know, it's like one less thing to have to maintain and put money into it and put time into.
So that's, that's sometimes that trap of material possessions can do that where
it kind of distracts and takes us away from things. Yeah, absolutely.
Yeah. Great perspective, man. Yeah, so in 620, this is the whole piece where,

you know, store up your treasures in heaven or moth and, mine says moth and rust do not destroy.
I like the rust. I got the vermin. Yeah, what's up with that? Yeah.
I don't know why they made that change, but. I mean, that's a big change.
I mean, we all get rusting. They uncapitalized money and they put vermin in over rust.

All right. Well, they must have been having a day or something.
So 620, storing up treasures in heaven is not limited to tithing,
but is accomplished by all acts of obedience to God.
There is a sense in which giving our money to God's work is like investing in heaven.

But our intention should be to seek the fulfillment of God's purposes in all
we do, not merely what we do with our money.
Yeah i think it goes back to the heart you know and it's and i know people are
like oh i saw you guys ever talk about but it's so critically important it's
really what it is it's gonna be,

in our episodes all the time it's it's yeah it's the major one of the major themes right,
yeah it will because i mean it goes to that perspective like okay why do we
want to store up these treasures in heaven first off i we've got people out
there who have worked really hard maybe have some rags to riches stories and
have gotten real far and well.

And it's like, you know, I've earned all of this and yeah, hard work will get you to great places.
But at the same time, everything is God's. It's all his anyway.
And in these blessings that we've been given, whether it's a good paying job
or, you know, a business, whatever it might be like, it's all his.
Is and you know again like you

said the distraction of what you're putting your your time and
money into but yeah i mean to be able to store up
treasures for yourself in heaven it's that simple perspective to realize that
everything that you have is the lord's we're just the managers of it and hopefully
we want to be good managers of it and we're going to do the right things which
will then in in you know theory store up treasures for yourself in heaven because

again you're saying saying, Lord, you're blessing me with a hundred dollars.
I'm going to take this a hundred dollars. I'm going to be smart. I'm going to be wise.
I'm going to tithe a little bit, you know, of this. I'm also going to put a
little in the savings, but then I'm going to do something too,
to maybe buy that person over here, a Bible that's been really,
you know, eager to have one.
Or even if it's the $5 challenge you've mentioned before, you know,

you can do ways to bless others through small, small acts of kindness with the
blessing that you've been given. So, yeah.
And again, it's not to post on social media being like, look at all that I'm doing.
It's just these little acts between you and the Father in heaven.
All right, God, you've blessed me with something I was unexpecting.

Let me take a little of this and bless someone else unexpectedly.
But that's just between me and you, God.
Yeah. I mean, there's nothing wrong with making money and being successful.
No, not at all. not at all in fact you know people you
know like hey i want to win the lottery and all that stuff which is
which is all fine and good to have

money but can you really
handle it i mean there's a lot of responsibility with having
larger amounts of money again what are you going to do
are you going to use that brick to throw it to the through the window or
are you going to use it to to do something good and and
you know what like anything in life right
like like how food it it

needs to nourish our bodies but is pleasurable sex right is used to reproduce
but is pleasurable the same with money right it's used to help us to do the
things we need to do but you know god also uses it for us to go out and have
some fun right but it's not going to buy happiness it's not going to by salvation.

So. Yeah, I remember once even seeing a video and it was with the,
one of the greatest in football was Tom Brady. This was years and years ago.
We showed a video in youth and I wish I could still find it.
I'm sure it's out there in digital lane, but you know, Tom Brady was talking
about, I've got it all. I've got the ring.

I've got the career, the love of what I do, the passion for my game.
I've got the big house. I've got the sports cars. I've got all the fancy things you can imagine.
But I still feel like there's something missing. And so, yeah,
you're right. I mean, you can, again, work hard and yeah, it's awesome.
I mean, there's nothing wrong with having money, just again,

like how you use it, but what's your focus on? Like, where is that purpose?
And he was completely missing Christ at that time. And I hope he knows Christ. I don't know.
But yeah, and that was definitely a quick way to show like you can have everything the world tells you.
It's important. important, but if you don't have Christ, you're going to have
something that's missing and you're going to fail.

He was a living testament to that. Back to the footnotes. I do not have one.
You said you had one for verse 21. I do. I have 21.
So 21 says, for where your treasure, for where, okay, let me restart this.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be. I'm getting older.
I'm noticing I need to probably get a bigger text Bible.
Okay. So the footnote says, Jesus made it clear that having the wrong treasures

leads to our hearts being in the wrong place.
What we treasure the most controls us, whether we admit it or not.
If possessions or money become too important to us, we must re-establish control or get rid of items.
Jesus calls for a decision that allows us to live contently with whatever we

have because we have chosen eternal values over
temporarily earthly treasures yeah i
think the whole word the the big word there to me
was contentment right it's it's like as you
pursue additional because you know we want
to continually grow we want to set goals we want to achieve things but can you

find contentment in the meantime versus saying hey when i get to there i'll
be content because that's just a that's just It's just a false game where the
line keeps getting moved back once you get to the line, right?
Yeah. You make that one goal and then it's like, what's next?
So contentment, that's probably the number one thing from teaching all the Ramsey

classes and stuff that I've found is the number one tool to being successful
with handling money is contentment.
I'm glad you brought that up because, I mean, I think that's really what also
kind of really relates to everything here is just, again, like you said, the word.
I'm going to say it again so we can get it built into everyone's mind,
contentment, because that's what marketing in America has really impacted all

of our hearts and has been very deceptive.
You know, it's nice to have a cell phone so we can communicate to others.
I mean, that's what's the purpose of a cell phone.
It's not just to watch videos and, you know, social media. The purpose of a
real phone is to be able to call, connect, make sure that you're,
you know, updating friends and family and loved ones and, you know,

calling for things that you might need.
And so what happens is the biggest, newest thing comes out and it's the hot
item. It's got all the cool, fancy features.
And so you're, you're being marketed to buy that and that it's better than what you have.
And that's fine. Again, if you want to go for the newest things,
there's nothing wrong with that again. But it's it's just that consistent cycle

is you have the new thing today.
Oh, it's so good. It feels good. Look at me. I've got the coolest,
newest, hottest item out there. It's known to man.
Then one month later, it's not you have an hour.
The new version, version 5001 that comes out now of the same thing.
It makes your phone, which is still a great phone that could be used for its

intended purposes for a long time. Yeah.
Well, now it's not as appealing because it's not the newest.
And I think a lot of people get pulled into that trap because of marketing games
and, you know, where, again, what's the purpose of the item you're buying for?
And again, there's nothing wrong if you like nice things, you know,
but yeah, I think that's that contentment is what really gets me is what's the purpose of a car?

A to B, you know, it doesn't have to be the hottest, newest,
slickest thing every, you know, three months you have to change it.
I do know people that have done that.
Yeah. Also in the heart of those. Yeah. I mean, marketing itself is basically
turning a want into a need, right?
Like I, you see something and you're like, I need that.

Right. So, so marketing is essentially selling discontentment.
So if you get that product, you will be content now that you don't have.
Yeah, so, all right, I'm going to head into the footnote here on this,
the one that I was confused about at the beginning with the eyes and all that stuff.
Spiritual vision is our capacity to see clearly what God wants us to do and

to see the world from his point of view.
But the spiritual insight can be easily clouded. Self-serving desires,
interests, and goals block that vision. Serving God is the best way to restore
a quote-unquote good eye.
A good eye is one that is fixed on God.

So I'm guessing, hey, those things are a major, like we were talking about, it's a daily use thing.
It can be a major distraction from God.
From our ability to serve God and put him number one in our lives.
So what she gets into then, that no one can serve two masters.
And I got a couple footnotes on that. Jesus says we can have only one master.

We live in a materialistic society where many people serve money.
They spend all their lives collecting and storing it, only to die and leave it behind.
Their desire for money and what it can buy far outweighs their commitment to
God and spiritual matters.
Whatever you store up, you'll spend much of your time and energy thinking about.
Don't fall into the materialistic trap because the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.

Can you honestly say that God and not money is your master?
One test is to ask which one occupies more of your thoughts, times, and efforts.
There's an old George Strait song, because I'm a true country music person.
And, uh, he says a little comment in the song is I've never seen a hearse with a luggage rack.

Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We're talking about old school country versus new school.
So anyways, we won't go off on that tangent.
No. I'm going to try to fit in this final footnote here to wrap up this episode.
Jesus, this is still on the, uh, no one can serve two masters.
Jesus contrasted heavenly values with earthly values when he explained that

our first loyalty should be for those things that do not fade,
cannot be stolen or used up and never wear out.
We should not be fascinated with our possessions, lest they possess us.
Ooh, possessions possess us. I like that. This means we may have to come,
we may have to do some cutting back if our possessions are becoming too important to us.

Jesus is calling for a decision that allows us to live Contently with whatever
we have Because we have chosen what is eternal and lasting.
Possess and possessions and contentment it's actually
pretty funny yeah that's like that's a good one and you
know and that goes back to like our fasting kind of conversation real quickly

is you know like one thing that i've given up not obviously you know so i struggle
with the food piece but you know i've given up you know a cell phone i've given
up you know social media things like that because it's easy for me to sometimes
realize like maybe i'm spending too much time,
kind of in digital world and land and i'm not really focusing my time on god
and efforts and And, you know, just taking even 10, 15 minutes to read a Bible

devotion or prayer or even into the word.
So, you know, again, yeah, are the possessions possessing over your mind?
That's a really good one, man. Yeah, I like that one.
We're going to have to hit on that one.
All right. Father God, thank you for the tool of money, Lord.
Just help us to get the proper perspective on that. to help us focus on and

learn and practice contentment, Lord, with our primitives and our eyes set on
you. In Jesus' name, we pray.
All right, man. All right, everyone. Yeah, that was a good one.
I can't believe we fit it all in one episode here.
So yeah, just remember, everyone, you know, be thankful for what you have and
take what you are given and bless others and check your heart on that.

So until next time, enjoy the gift of today.
Thank you.
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