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May 21, 2024 28 mins

Episode 36 hits to the core of our heart as Those Crazy Bible Study Guys dive further into Jesus' Sermon on the Mount to find that when judging others we may actually be judging our own faults and shortcomings!  This episode serves as a vital reminder in a judgmental age to avoid judging a book by its cover and underscores the importance of getting to know somebody's background better to get a deeper understanding while also getting our own house in order before helping others with theirs.  Dale throws in a great analogy of how we look at sin like a bar graph where some sins appear bigger than others while God looks down and only sees the top of the bar graph (aka all are sins seen equally...a sin is a sin is a sin). 

Join Those Crazy Bible Study Guys as they gain wisdom and reminders from Jesus on discernment and the intricate balance of offering helpful feedback and passing judgment.  They importantly underscore the detrimental impact of judging others without self-reflection.  After all, it may be our own issue that we may be passing judgment on!  


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Episode Transcript

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Hello everybody welcome to episode 36 i'm jim and i'm dale and we are those crazy bible study guys,
oh and happy day everybody today's gonna be a tough one yeah hey dale could
you redo the beginning um i just didn't know yeah i just didn't like how you

you said i'm dale oh man Man, are you judging me here?
I'm just criticizing you just a little bit. Man, I think that's good because
I think we have a lesson today we can go off of.
And Jesus actually teaches us not to judge others.
So, yeah, maybe we can bring some humility here into the table today.

All right. So you're saying this one's going to be a good one for me,
I guess, is what you're kind of getting at here.
No, I think it's going to be good for all of us because, you know,
I think there's a big difference between judging people, but also providing
good feedback to people because some people, I think, you know,
we might feel like we know what we're doing.
And sometimes we do need to be humbled and realign and focus.

But I definitely think it all goes back to that one thing you always talk about, man, art matter.
So I think this is going to be a good one. Yeah. I mean, because you do need feedback, right?
Yes. And I mean, it is, this, this one is going to be good because I mean,
personally, I mean, I think even yesterday I was thinking about her or criticizing

the way someone was doing something or what have you.
And it, I mean, it's, it's an, it's, there's this fine line as to,
are you doing this to tear that person down?
Are you doing this to help to build them up?
You know so that that is
the fine i'm i mean i

need i need the master to
to school me on this one for sure because i could
use some additional wisdom and guidance and
who better than from jesus right yeah i was
gonna say don't ask it from me so yeah absolutely yeah
one thousand percent right and this is what again i just i love

how you know god knew i mean
god knows what we need like he knows what we need which
is really cool because we associate like oh we knew we need food and
yeah we need a home a place to live and a place to sleep but like
god knew we needed these words throughout every single generation that's been
you know on earth you know since especially since his ministry like he knows

you're going to be you know campaigning against people you're going to be you
know struggling with people so like he's giving all of these gold nuggets to say okay.
Focus on this not this and yeah again
just this is why they call the bible the living
word because it still relates to today like it did 2 000 years ago when he was

telling people this and no other book in history has ever done that yeah you
can learn from something that happened in an event but not the fact that it's
still living and coaching and teaching today as it did back then It's amazing.
It is. I was just looking back in six, and man, by the way, we are up to chapter

seven, man. We're making some progress here.
But these things that were kind of competing or create some separation from
God and from Jesus is, you know, first he teaches about the first one is money, right?
That's one of the largest competitors of our attention between God and focusing

on money. And then worry.
Worry is feeding the if. We kind of talked about that last episode.
And now he's getting into another thing that can impact our spirit and our relationship
with him, which is criticizing others.
So I find it interesting that those are the three kind of key topics.

He's he's focusing on here and like you and i were talking about we've read
through this a lot of times but there's been some really rich stuff that's been
coming out of our our podcast as a result of just kind of taking it slow and going through it again.
Yeah amen and you know again there's not it's it's
interesting the order there's not a mistake to the order like you

were saying you know money everybody worries about money
well then he talks about don't worry so much about this because you know again
god knows what you need versus what you want and then now we're on judging others
because a lot of times when we do feel like okay we're good we we got this under
control it's easy for us to instantly go against others in perspective Like,

well, man, they don't have it figured out.
I at least have it figured out. And then you start to judge others based on
where you're at in status.
And, and we have a great Bible example of that, which I don't think is going
to be in this section we're going to read today,
but it's kind of about that, you know, a manager or I'm sorry,
maybe not a manager, but it was basically a guy that owed this really rich man,

a lot of, you know, barley or wheat.
And so, you know, this guy wipes his debt clean, says, you know what,
don't worry about it. We're good.
Well, then, so he's all checked out. Like, all right, my life is better.
The weight is off my shoulders.
Well, then now I'm going to this
person that owes me something and I'm not going to show that same grace.
And, you know, I'm going to belittle them. And of course, the rich man sees

that says, you know what, how dare you?
I just wiped your debt clean after you begged me to do it.
I made everything right. And now you're belittling this person and you can't show that same grace.
I think that's what's cool because that's kind of what it's showing me,
like through how Jesus has taught, you know, again, that don't worry about it.
I got you. I won't let you go.

And now we need to make sure we allow others that same opportunity.
And that's why I think Jesus comes right into judging others.
Well done, sir. Well done. That was good. Oh, man, that's the Lord right there,
buddy. So, let's dive in, let's see what he says, because I think we got a lot
of things we could spend on this one.
So, yeah, this has been a life lesson this week in the old White Hart household here, so.

Oh man, all right, well, we're gonna be in Matthew 7, like Brother Jim said,
we made it to chapter seven.
And so we're gonna read verses one through six today, and I'll open us in prayer.
Lord, I do thank you for this new day. I thank you for all you do,
and I pray your kingdom will come,
Lord, and your will will be done. And I just thank you for all that you're doing for us.

I just pray that you'll help us to understand these words that you have spoken
and we have written so that we can carry your legacy on further.
We just ask and pray that it will penetrate our hearts, our minds,
so that we can do what's right that pleases you and not people,
but also to build others up in encouragement and through their faith.

So we just thank you for all things.
Thank you for our listeners. Thank you for our families, our friends.
We ask all this in your name and for your grace. Amen. Amen.
All right. I'm looking forward to this. All right. Yeah. I feel like some of
this is going to be like a slap in the face. Yeah. All right, everybody.
I'm ready to get in the box. I'm already dealing with the reality of. Yeah.

All right. Bring it, brother. This is a big one, man. Starting off right out
of the gates. You know, again, we're getting punched.
Do not. The left hook, right hook right here. Oh, man. Right here.
So everybody get ready. Just hang on there. Stick with us.
7.1. Do not judge or you will too be judged.

For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged.
And with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
That's hard. That's hard. All right. So why do you look at the speck of sawdust
in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
How can you say to your brother, let me take the speck out of your eye when

all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite!
First take the plank out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to remove
the speck from your brother's eye.
Do not give dogs what is sacred.
Do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their

feet and turn and tear you to pieces.
Yikes yeah i think we're gonna have to probably get a little more understanding
on footnote six but i think i feel good about one through five so i yeah i mean
personally that i've i've tried to.
Look at things that way you know i think of like

the old the the the people
on the street corner are saying you know being specific
about a you're bringing up a
specific sin and saying you're going into
hell because of that you know they're standing
on the street corner and whatever the sin
is and i know there's a lot of hot topics that you know people kind of really

focus on right with that and i don't want to get into that or mention those
but the point being is that you know dude look at you may not be doing that
exact sin but why don't you take a look at the.
Other sins in your life and and by the way if
if you look at you know god's god's got

this category called sin he doesn't
have like sin number one sin
number two sin number three sin you know he's got
this category of sin right and
yeah and the whole point is is i think
the whole point here right is is like hey dude

why don't you focus on your own stuff
and then when you get that taken care of
or you start to gain control of it
you know why don't you be a blessing to someone else and and help
them with that that issue and in fact there's a
lot of things we experience in life related to the planks in our eyes right

that were or even non-planks right that we go through in our life that we find
out later that we can be a blessing to someone else because we've had that experience
or had that struggle ourself.
Yeah, exactly, man. Like there's, there's a couple of points I'm already trying
to like chew through my mind on this one.
Like one verse that comes to me is like, have your own house in order before

you go help someone else's house.
You know, like it's, if I've got a, you know, a sink that's running and water
spilling all over the floor, But I decide, no, I'm going to neglect that and
go help, you know, down the road to someone who's got another plumbing issue.
Like that doesn't make sense. You would want to take care of your own house
first because you got a major problem that typically doesn't happen.

And so that way you can minimize what damage can be done.
And, you know, so again, we, a lot of times we just, it's kind of that easier
said than done perspective.
It's easier for me to tell you what to do, but not to do it for myself.
But at the same time, I've always come to, and that's why I said it's been a

commentary in the Wiseheart household this week, is because I'm teaching my son.
Kind of the perspectives too of don't judge a
book by its cover kind of a thing you know we're so
quick to judge like you were saying man like just outward
appearances or or you know just a
quick glance or whatever it could be like we instantly

judge someone so quickly and i've seen tons of videos about this like it's just
like a big thing right now like i think you know they have a title now so if
this is your name i'm so sorry that this is your name but like the karens and
the things that people talk about where people just go ballistic over something and.
You know and so for one i feel sorry because you're judged

if your name is karen you're really a good person you don't do that thing but
now you're judged because it's just your name i'm sorry about that but you know
like you don't know what people are going through yeah you know you don't you
don't know what people are going through yes like someone may do something silly
or wrong or not the right timing to do X,
Y, Z or something, or they're not thinking clearly.

Like there's a lot of reasons for us to instantly judge someone like,
oh gosh, I would never do that. That's dumb.
Like, why would you go down that style? You don't know what that person's going through.
You don't know what that person might be feeling, struggling with.
And I think this is where Jesus is going back to that mentality,
which really hit me. This one hit me hard is because I knew the do not judge

or, you know, or you two will be judged.
It's like that golden rule do other that you would want them to do to you.
But two hit me hard because I didn't pick this up or it's been a while for the
same way you judge others.
You will be judged. Okay. That makes sense. Get it from the first verse.
But with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

So like, how hard are you coming at people? Because that will be how hard they come back at you.
And that, I don't know, man, cause I, as a per I'll admit, I'm,
I'm a center on this one. I can be a perfectionist. So,
I can see things in a certain way. It's like, I wouldn't do it that way.
I would do it this way and, and be more detailed and whatnot.

And to think of that type of a measurement. And if I were to judge someone,
that could be exactly what could come back to me. And that doesn't make me feel good, man.
Like that makes me feel like, Ooh, maybe I need to be more open-minded to understand.
First and gather facts before I just go off of assumptions.

And I think that's huge. people always go off
assumptions versus knowledge that it
is such a a great insight on this and
i love how yeah i didn't i i kind of
skimmed over that the measure you use it'll be measured to you right is like
like before you assess them how are you doing and what have you done exactly

and then i like what you just added to that is not only that but what is your
background i mean it might be easy for you,
but you didn't have this particular trauma in your life that makes this difficult
for this person to be friendly or what have you.
So I love, I love that. Cause it's a, when you get to know someone initially, it's amazing.

Some of these stories that you hear from them that you're just like, Oh my gosh, I never knew.
Right. How many times have you ever said that when you get to
know someone it's like oh my goodness i never
knew so yeah so i like
that digging deep and trying to get to know someone that might
be the best first step before we start to

judge and criticize oh yeah well and there's
one more thing i was thinking of it kind of tied in what you're saying is like
when we look on the outwards appearance of sin right you know and
this is something i've showed before where you know
it's easy for us to stack things against each other so
I think of like an X like a PowerPoint graph you know or a bar graph and so
for us we look straightforward and so we can see you know things that are taller

or shorter or wider or thinner we can see that from the from the top point.
But God looks downward. He just sees the same square shape across the board. Like sin is sin.
And I think you're absolutely right, man. Like when you mentioned that some
people just may not understand.
So like we could do an example here and I'll be vulnerable. I'll admit this.

You know, like for me, I never had a desire for alcohol.
I just never did. Never understood why burning my throat is the way to go. And that's just me.
But, and so like someone like that perspective could be like,
why do people drink? Why do they do this? Why do they do that?
They don't have that understanding, but at the same time, I could be struggling
with pride or I could be struggling with lust or I could be struggling with

gluttony or whatever it might be that I could be, you know, hitting.
And that individual doesn't have those problems. Like, oh man,
I don't overeat. I don't, I don't look at the opposite sex like that.
I don't view that. And, you know, so again, it goes back to that common ground
and say, you know what? Hey, I'm a sinner.
I make mistakes. How can I help you? And it takes away that judgment perspective

because they may be better at things that I'm not.
And it just, yeah. I mean, again, don't judge the book by its cover.
Get to know the book a little bit before you decide to put it down or not.
Yeah. I think, I think we can do a lot more good for people if we focus on trying
to get our own house in order instead of worrying about getting their house in order. Amen. Yeah.

That's yeah. And, and I say that to myself as well, too, it's it and i'm serious
i've really like when i hear people and criticizing a particular,
attribute about them or whatever it's like
i've really taken on i've got to worry about what i'm doing here and then maybe

i can be a difference maker for that person but i love what you're saying like
someone else might be struggling with something else that you don't struggle
with and they're like, why are you struggling with that, right?
So I'm going to head into the footnotes here.
Yeah, let's do it. Yeah, the do not judge or you will be judged,
and then what you were just reading about, the measure will be measured to you,

says, for Jesus tells us to examine our own motives and conduct instead of judging others.
The traits that bother us and others are often the habits we dislike in ourselves.
Mmm. How powerful is that? that was
a very strong oh that is will you read
that one more time like yeah i'll do it while i underline this

in my my bible here the traits that bother us and others are often the habits
we dislike in ourselves and isn't that so true because it's easier to point
out that that person does it than to look inside ourselves of hey you know take
a look in the mirror buddy.

Our untamed bad habits and behavior patterns are the very ones that we most
want to change in others.
Do you find it easy to magnify others' faults while excusing your own?
If you are ready to criticize someone, check to see if you deserve the same criticism.
Judge yourself first and then lovingly forgive and help your neighbor.

I love that ending to that
because in the end in the end we are
all sinners we've all been given the
opportunity for grace and forgiveness we all
breathe the same air we all have the same you know color blood running through
our veins you know it's one of those opportunities where instead of putting

each other down we can lift each other up help each other and do life together
just as christ would want us
to do because christ died for them just like he died for you yeah i mean,
what a great tool for all of us to if we all started to go okay i'm about to criticize them,
let me first analyze that in my own life yeah yeah which i mean again it's that

it's that step back where you're gathering facts than just assumptions and going
off of what you may not know,
but then at the same time, it's things that you know about yourself, man, that was a hard one.
Like say that the traits that bother us are the habits we dislike.
And that, that brings, I mean, no wonder Jesus is teaching. It's like.

For in the same way you judge others you will be judged so
i i love how they pulled out of that that he's
saying hey if you're judging others for that why don't you
take a you know and then he gets into the plank in your eye right
it's like little do you realize that you're being critical of someone about
your own own issues so oh man all right so speaking of the plank in the eye

The next footnote kind of covers the beginning and goes into the plank in the eye,
and then we'll get into the pig's trampling that kind of threw us a curveball there.
So, all right, Jesus' statement, do not judge, is against the kind of hypocritical
judgmental attitude that tears others down in order to build oneself up.

It's not a blanket statement against all
critical thinking but a call to
be discerning rather than negative jesus
said to expose false teachers in seven in chapter seven and paul taught that
we should exercise church discipline in one corinthians and trust god to be

the final judge And that's also in 1 Corinthians.
So I like that, right? That discernment of, hey, what's going on here?
Let's analyze and understand this. Because, right, everyone's,
you know, one of the greatest things we can learn from is our mistakes.
I mean, one of our, the greatest areas of growth in our life is from mistakes that we make.

So it'd be a shame not to discern on those and try to learn from them and understand
and grow from them and, and, and become better as a result of them.
But judging and criticizing is basically, like he was saying here,
that term judgmental, that hypocritical judgmental attitude that tears others

down in order to build oneself up.
Yeah but this concern is such a beautiful word in this situation because again you want to see,
you know that feeling don't judge like say the book by the cover
you see someone covered in tattoos and they look kind of a little rough and
you're like oh that's got to be someone who does bad things well don't judge
them that actually might be one of the best christian you know faithful followers

you've ever met in your life because i know some of them who are amazing people
and if they just got one glance from most of the world they would be cast to the side.
But it's that discernment to say, oh, okay, is this person actually a good person
that, you know, I can grow and learn and do life with? Or is there some things
I need to be careful with?
And that discernment does come into play and allows you to really take those

actions with wholeheartedness versus just instant action.
You know knock down judgment so yeah yeah i
am i am curious about footnote six here man like i'm curious because there's
a reason why this is here you know jesus knew the people so he he said verse
six here because they would get it but it's something that i judge that's not
relatable now so like i'm curious to be humbled on this one man well i i do

want to say that i'm i'm really happy Happy that,
you know, the first book in the New Testament,
dogs made it into that book. That's right, man. Yeah.
Love my dog. That's for sure. My cat. Yeah.
So here we go. I'm going to, can you reread the verse and then I'll hit the footnote on that?

Yeah. Yeah. It says, do not give dogs what is sacred.
Do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their
feet and turn and tear you to pieces.
So again, there's a reason why Jesus said that. They would have understood what
that means. So Jim, can you enlighten us today?
Well, I can't, but the footnotes can. So I'll head there. Pigs were unclean

animals according to God's law in Deuteronomy.
Anyone who touched an unclean animal became ceremonial unclean and could not
go to the temple to worship until the uncleanliness was removed.
Jesus says that we should not entrust holy teachings to unholy or unclean people.

It is futile to try to teach holy concepts to people who don't want to listen
and will only tear apart what we say.
We should not stop giving God's word to unbelievers, but we should be wise and
discerning in what we teach to whom so that we will not be wasting our time.

Interesting. Yeah, I did not pick that up.
I didn't. I would have never gotten that from there.
But I, so let me, I think I might know, I think I'm processing this a little
better is that, hey, sometimes you tell someone something and they just don't want to hear it.

Right. So, and then there's other times that, that you tell them something and they're just like.
Oh my goodness, I didn't see that in myself. I appreciate, you know,
their heart is open to learning and growing versus seeing.
And that's, that's part of the, the issue, right?

Is the, if you don't practice that discernment, are you just judge,
as soon as you judge and criticize people, man, they just shut down. Right.
But if you, if you take some time and talk to them and And get that history
like you were talking about.
That one is really resonating with me, Dale.

They're a little more open to it and are more receptive to the words you're saying.
Otherwise, they're going to turn and trample you to bits, right?
It's going to turn out to be this war of, well, you think you're all that.
What about this that you do? And then it just, you know, turns into,
you know, tearing each other to pieces versus being an opportunity to grow and

learn from an issue or a mistake.
And I know that I'm just going to throw out an example that came to my mind.
And again, this is just what came to mind. It's not anything picking on anything.
But, you know, I think about alcohol and if somebody was intoxicated,
it's not really the time to give them, you know, wisdomly fatherly love and
guidance, right? It's one of those moments of let's get you home.

Let's get you taken care of. And then the next day when they wake up,
they've got this horrible headache and they feel sick to their stomach.
And that's when you have those moments like, well, how do you feel?
Do you feel like you made good choices? So they're probably going to be more
receptive in that moment of after the fact of what happened and how bad they
feel to maybe be open to hearing some things.
Whereas in that moment that they're completely not focused, it's probably not

the right time to be throwing that out.
You're wasting your time. So it's kind of, again, that's just an example of
good timing and, you know, reaching to the heart in the moment of real need.
Yeah, I totally would not have picked that up. And that's why we love the Life Application Bible.
Amen. Yeah. Father God, thank you again for another great story.

And help us, Lord, to discern.
Help us to learn. and when we're about to judge or criticize,
help us to turn inward and look at our own hearts and potentially us having
our own issues with that particular item that we're trying to point out in others.
Lord, we thank you for the study. We thank you for the podcast.

We ask that you bless our listening and we ask and pray all of this in Jesus' name. Amen.
Well, let's go out there, Jim. Let's not judge others, but love others.
And until next time, enjoy the gift of today.
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