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July 23, 2024 37 mins

In this episode of Understanding the Science of You, Graham Skidmore is joined by Dr. Eleanor Haspel-Portner, a distinguished expert in human design and the integration of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical worlds.

Dr. Eleanor shares her journey of recognizing her unique gifts from childhood, including seeing auras and experiencing energy shifts. She discusses her transformative Kundalini experience and how it shaped her approach to therapy and coaching. Dr. Eleanor emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and empowering the core self, providing insights into how parents can support their children's unique experiences and spiritual gifts.

Listeners will learn about the four worlds we live in—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual—and how to navigate these dimensions to align with their true selves. Dr. Eleanor also talks about the significance of living authentically and the role of synchronicities in confirming one's path. She offers practical advice for parents and individuals seeking to connect with their inherent wisdom and creative intelligence.

For more information and to connect with Dr. Eleanor Haspel-Portner, visit her website at Noble Energy Wellness or email her at

ABOUT THE PODCAST Welcome to Understanding the Science of You, a podcast founded by Graham Skidmore and EnGen. It's purpose is to help you discover untapped aspects of yourself and alternative paths to personal freedom and empowerment outside of conventional systems.

We want listeners to accept responsibility for creating change in the areas they desire. Creating change is done through personal contribution, not creating controversy.

We hope listeners will be inspired to create change within their lives after listening to our podcast because they will feel:

... Someone is fighting for them ... Cared for ... Heard ... Understood ... Hopeful ... Valued ... Appreciated ... Loved by the Universe

By living an authentic and healthy life of joy, kindness and compassion to demonstrate what's possible, our listeners will provide inspiration for others to challenge their limiting beliefs to start the movement.

To learn more about the podcast, visit

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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to another episode of Understanding the Science of You,
where we are focused on helping people to break out of the mold,
turn them back and build bridges to their most productive selves by having vulnerable
and real conversations,
so that we can be relatable to others and help each other feel comfortable in
our own skin and win together.
I think that whole win together thing, I don't know if it's just a political landscape.

I don't know if it's just, you know, energy changes, what, but that whole,
that, that, that, you know, as I'm just kind of thinking about changes in my
life and where I'm going, that, that concept winning together versus,
you know, what do you call it? At the expense of each other, right?
That's, we can get a lot farther and then there's no doubt that an infusion
of that would be very well warranted out there today.

So I don't even know what got me down that rabbit hole exactly.
But, you know, today I'm just going to say Dr.
Eleanor is joining us and I always get concerned about butchering last name.
So I tend to make things simple. Dr.
Eleanor, what's the correct full pronunciation of your name for our listeners?
Eleanor Haspel-Portner. Haspel-Portner.

I don't know why you struggle with Haspel-Portner, but yes, thank you.
And that's going to be important, guys, because after we get done talking,
you'll be like, oh, wow, she knows some pretty cool stuff. She's had some experiences.
So I probably want to reach out to her. So, you know, that's the,
you know, don't worry. We'll also make sure to post the contact information later. So Dr.
Eleanor and I came together because we were both on a mutual acquaintance,
a friend of mine, Sunshine, actually, who was a very first podcast episode on her podcast.

And we were introduced there. And then I followed up afterwards on a professional
sense, trying to understand her approach to human design.
And she definitely gave me some new perspectives and new ways to think about
things. And we enjoyed it.
And we got talking. And so Dr. Eleanor was kind enough to offer to come in and
share her story. Also, the synchronicity of certain conversations these days has been wonderful.

And the timing of this conversation and synchronicity of it is also extremely
important because I find myself trying to understand audience and some workshops
and how to expand things into more actual information and understanding the ages.
And as I'm going through that, one of the things that had occurred to me is
that many of the guests that I talked to, and yourself included,
and we're going to talk about this today, which is really exciting, is that...

Unlike me, you have a lot of memories of a child and having different experiences
than what was most common with the other kids we're having.
And knowing myself in my gifts today, I look back and I don't have those memories
where I was like, oh, I knew I was different or this or that.
Up until, frankly, fairly recently, my age of life. And so, you know,

I'm really fascinated to better understand.
And I'm sure that as we know, plenty of listeners are too, because they'll be
like, oh, that's what that experience was as a child or, you know,
and be able to maybe put some words or, you know, to different experiences that
maybe struggled with because they weren't traditional.
So I'd love to, if you don't mind, kind of start in sharing a little bit about

when you recognized yourself as kind of having some different experiences or
even whatever words you use as well to kind of understand yourself and what
that was like and how you kind of became comfortable with yourself.
And if that was whatever.
Yeah, so let's just start there and let us know how to get to know you.
Well, the interesting thing is that.

I was never really interested in being a clinical psychologist because I thought
so many of the clinical psychologists I knew were neurotic and basically I didn't want to be one of them.
But I knew from childhood that I remembered things and I was clearly different.

I could see auras from the time I was born.
I didn't know it at the time and I didn't realize it until after I had my PhD
and I was in training analysis, both in a Freudian and a Jungian training analysis.
And I was in training as a Jungian analyst.
And I had a memory. And the memory was, well, I always knew and remembered being

born because my first memory was of being cold.
And I was a C-section born in December.
So cold was always awful for me.
But the memory that surfaced was being held by my father.
And I remembered my mother being there.

And I remembered the energy between them.
And all of a sudden, the energy shifted. And I must have been two months old,
and I began to squirm, and I was uncomfortable.
But I was uncomfortable by the energy, not in myself.
And my father didn't know what to do with me.

And I have no idea why I had the intelligence to do this. But I realized unconsciously
that there was no percentage in trying to be recognized or understood.
And so I didn't stop seeing auras, but I stopped communicating about them directly

or attempting to do it directly.
And I remember as a young child saying things and doing things and the look
on people's face when I said the truth and the truth wasn't to be spoken,
but I couldn't do it differently.
And fortunately, both my father and my mother, not so much my siblings,

and I was the youngest of five, but my parents would say, leave her alone.
Or when I'd want to do something, they would say to me, if you want to do it,
we trust your judgment, do it.
So while it wasn't always an easy environment, environment.

I got support for the core of my being. And
that's something that has
really followed me as in my career in recognizing that the main pain that people
feel when they come to me for therapy or coaching is that they They haven't

really been acknowledged for the core self,
the I that is their spiritual being and their essence.
And so I've dedicated my career to empowering people and trying to fully understand

what I was seeing and knowing and perceiving in people.
I've gone pretty deep into all four worlds we live in.
And so my real work is delineating the mental, spiritual,
emotional, and physical worlds as they integrate in a human being and telling

people that we all live in multiple dimensions and that I've learned from my
research and my clinical work,
that each world is state-specific and communication-specific.
So it opens the door to empowering people at a whole different level.

So speaking of that, I want to kind of get of the taking of the information and communicating.
And this is where I kind of get a little literal. So please be patient with
me because I think that at least I can speak for myself, right?
If someone would have ever asked me throughout the majority of my life,
if I considered myself as having any sort of, you know, gifts,
psychic mediums, or she would channel and whatever, whatever.

So I wants to classify it. It would be like, no, no way. Not at all. Right.
Turns out as you are, you know, my, my human desire, which is the exact opposite,
right? I'm like, I'm a walking, you know, psychic channel and stuff. And so.
But because there's a lack of description of out there, there's a lack of relatability
to know what it is, aside from sci-fi or comic books or things that get really extreme versus real.

And so I think that that's one of the things I try to focus on in these conversations
is helping people to be like, oh, that's kind of what that is. Okay, right?
Like, I don't know. I just kind of thought that it was normal for people to
look like a walking around light bulb with certain color flow around it, right?
I don't know if that, but for me, I don't see people that way.
I'm saying that, but I really don't know how it works, right?
So that's kind of my question to you is, when you say that, is it literal for

you when you see people that you actually see the color around them?
Or is it that you kind of take in the information from them?
That's how you define that for you. Yeah.
I had a huge kundalini experience in January of 1974.
And I describe it as a direct experience of God. And I was shown a lot of things.

And it changed my life. When you have a direct experience of the divine, your life changes.
And over the next few years, I'd be sitting with a client as the therapist,
and they'd be telling me something.
And I'd say to them, wait a minute, what happened when you were five?

Or who was the person who took care of you before you were six months old?
I would see things. and they were, I didn't know what I was, how I was perceiving it.
But over a period of about five years, I learned how to see and how not to see.

Because when the door opened and I realized that I knew a lot more about my
clients than what they had ever told me.
And they began to validate what I was seeing.
I also could see things about people on the street.

And I didn't want to see things about people without, number one,
getting permission from them to look.
And number two, I didn't want information I had nothing to do with.
And the turning point for me was being at the airport in Phoenix with my mom.
And the lady at the next table was going to die in 24 hours.

And I started crying and I said, what do I do with this? You know,
I don't want to know this about people.
And I learned how not to So when I do look, what I see is the energetic layers around people.

It's not one thing.
It's an energy around someone. one.
And through my human design system that I've developed, which is based on the science of it and.
Integrates all four worlds, I learned that my gift is of hearing whether what

somebody is saying to me is really aligned at the core of their being.
If it is, I hear a resonance.
And if it's not, I hear dissonance. So part of my gift in working with people
is to be able to say to them, wait a minute, you're saying this,
but is that really what the core of your being wants?

Yeah. You know, you just hit on something really critical. I just want to interrupt
you and draw the listener's attention to, which is because we are not taught,
you know, generally speaking, right? We're not taught how to understand.
To understand beyond the five senses as a child. And so because of that,

like you said, there's a burden that comes with knowing or the burden that comes
with the abilities and gifts, right?
And so as a result of that, if you don't know how to do that,
then subconsciously, right, like your body, you'll turn the stuff off.
And so I'm saying that because there's a lot of people that I know that would
be like, you know, I wish that I had, you know, I'd love to have spidey senses

to kind of help me navigate the world.
And then like well you know everybody everybody can see
auras yeah everybody that's got
like spidey senses but you'd be surprised how many of you guys have turned
them off because you didn't recognize them didn't know how to use them and things
of that nature so that's i just want to draw people's attention to sorry yeah
you're gonna yeah i was with a couple and their seven month old baby and in

the middle of the lunch i mean the baby and i really connected we just
locked eyes and we couldn't take our eyes off each other.
And about midway through lunch, I turned to the mother and I said,
are you aware your baby sees energy?
She went, what? And I said, your baby is responding to the energy around her.

And it's important to acknowledge it.
And then later she said to me, the only time her baby ever gets upset is when
she puts her in a car seat.
And I said, do you acknowledge that she feels trapped?
Do you acknowledge what you perceive her feelings are?

She's like, say to her, I'm sorry, I have to put you in a car seat.
I said, listen to what she's telling you on a subtle level of energy and acknowledge
it for her because she's communicating non-verbally to you what her experience

is and words aren't going to do it.
You have to communicate energetically. You have to mirror the energy of the child.
And parents don't know. They just don't know. They condition it out.
My grandson was a preemie,

And when he was about six weeks old, he's looking around my room.
He was laying on my floor, just, you know, like.
And I was beginning to worry because he wasn't smiling at me. And he was six weeks old.
And I didn't know what to expect from a preemie. And then I realized he was looking at the energy.

And I said, oh, no, you're looking at the energy. He looked directly in my eyes and smiled. child.
And I said to my daughter, Noah sees energy.
Don't condition it out. Now, I didn't condition it out of my children because
I knew they were seeing energy.
So my daughter's a medical intuitive and a psychologist specializing in chronic health.

And my son is a super computer genius because he feels the energy of the computer.
So what I'd like your listeners to know is if they have children,
talk to the child's energy.
Talk to the soul. Forget the mental world. Talk to the soul.

So let's talk about that a bit because I think that's one thing that I've run across.
And parents, when I say parents, and I say the different five senses,
I've come across cross that, that somebody, you know, depending on what a parent's
belief system is, right.
That parent may, may fall underneath the gifted category, a psychic category

of being, just being extra sensitive and neurodiversity, right.
Any of those buckets, right. If any of that's kind of stuff that would be like,
I'm just throwing it out there as a first place to start, but let's say,
all right, you would say, okay, you know, some of that stuff,
you know, could be applicable to my kid.
Now when we, again, you know, parents aren't taught how to listen to their soul either.
Right. So how do we help the parents then to better understand and connect to their inherent?

Well, I start teaching about the four worlds in July, in August.
All right. And on July 22nd, I'm going to release a five-day experience of the four worlds.
It's entitled Step Over the Threshold to a New You in Five Days.

And I'm going to talk about each world and the skills you need in each world
and what each world is about.
So the spiritual world is the unifying integrated field of consciousness, in my view.

And that's where every experience we have is a working of the divine with our soul.
And the more in touch we are with who we are as a consciousness,
the more integrated we We are and can be in the other worlds because we're living

in alignment to who we are.
And people need to be taught the skills.
Communication in the spiritual world is a communication that does not carry
kinesthetic, visual, or auditory cues.
So as soon as we ask a question that leads somebody in a certain way,

we're no longer in the spiritual dimension. Does that make sense?
Interesting. Well, I'm not, I mean, yes, it makes sense. I don't obviously know
the, I'm not going to pretend to understand the world's like,
you know, as cleanly as you do that.
Although, you know, I'm trying to with our work together.
Right. And I find it, I find it very interesting. And I can say that even though
I don't know, even though I don't know the same words or I'm not able to articulate

things the same as you, when we talk in our sessions,
my experiences match what then you would describe and I go, yeah, that's it.
Okay. Right. Let me define the world for you.
The mental world is the world we live in every day, the world of work,
the world of our culture.

We live in the Western culture, we dress a certain way. If we lived in Eastern
culture, we dress a different way.
We have a language that shapes our thinking by our words and the syntax and all of that.
That's the mental world. The emotional world is an interesting world because

in the actual emotional world,
we're here to transform emotional reactivity into a higher frequency,
love and compassion and forgiveness.
And emotional reactivity only exists in the physical world and the mental world.

So when we're emotionally reactive...
If you're engaging on the mental level, you're not going to get a resolution.
In order to resolve emotional reactivity, you need to take it spiritual.
You need to ask, what do I want to have happen?
And what feels aligned to me? What is it for me to learn from this emotional reaction?

So emotional reactivity, anger, all of the typical emotions are there to teach us something
thing and for us to move beyond the ordinary parameters into what do I need
to learn from this reaction?

Where did it come from in me? Usually it's a past association.
So the emotional angelic world, I call it, is a transformative world that puts
you back in alignment with your your true spirit, which is aligned.
And the physical world is the world of the biological body.

It sort of operates automatically, but we need to take care of it.
We need to read it. We need to listen to it.
The kinds of questions for spiritual alignment are, what do I know about this now?

And what else do I know? Is it inside of me or outside of me?
And what difference does it make if I know X?
And a key for most people before they take any action would be.
Am I in the right space? Am I going in the right direction?

You could say, do I love what I do or what I'm doing? Am I joyful being where I am?
Those are all core questions.
And, you know, I always say, I've never worked a day in my life because I love
what I do and I do what I love.
And that's really a gift

that i've been given and very
grateful that i do work i love and love
what i do speaking of that you mentioned to
me another interesting point about that and i think this is one of the challenges that
people in spiritual journeys and mainstream and
income right where they're trying to find this balance right of how do i find

these lives and and right and and i made a
comment and you and you you know which i greatly appreciated challenged
me and you said no that's still your executive that's still your old executive brain
thinking right and right and i was and that was
like a cobweb in the closet i that was still sitting there i wasn't aware
of right and thinking about that and what are the and what
i want what i'm specifically referring to is when you said to me

you said look i got my phd to support
you know the spiritual work and credibility and
things like that but you know i chose how
i kind of i'm paraphrasing so please you made the
decision of how you wanted to enter into the workspace and you
and and you and as a result of right operating in line with you and your path

and you didn't go the traditional routes and let's say of advertising all those
other things and yet like you said you never you you always got what you need
so tell tell a little bit i think that's a really important well let Let me use a current example.
I'm getting ready to teach.
To human design practitioners, so they learn the truth about the system and expand it.

And I'm also wanting to teach about the four worlds.
And I was planning classes and thinking, oh, I'm going to teach and blah, blah, blah.
And then I sort of fell back into myself.
And I said, I can't do this. I can't teach academically.
I got out of college teaching because I didn't want to be one of those people

who teaches to teach for somebody else to do the same thing,
but it's not really connecting with who they are.
And all of a sudden I said, I can't teach that way.
So I announced in my webinar that I'm going to teach in groups of 10 to 12 people,

not a bigger group than that.
I want to know my students.
I want to know their issues. I want to know what they want to learn.
I want to know who they are because if I'm really going to be a teacher and
educate people on the four worlds, They need to be living authentically themselves.

And it's my job as a teacher, not just to give them the intellectual skills that they can use,
but to make sure that they're aligned within themselves for what's important
for them, for what's meaningful for them, and to do it their own way.

It's not cookie cutter I don't use a formula no two charts that I read are the
same and everybody needs communication that meets their needs I don't impose it upon anybody.
And I don't want to go into a class with an agenda that I impose on my students

I want my students to be open and I go where they need me to be,
And so that's an example of how when I got in touch with what's right for me,
I had to redesign my classes so I could get what I need and really give my students

what I'm there to give them, which is give them their spirit back.
Give them their soul back and tell them when you know what you know because
you know it and nobody can tell you you don't know it. it, stand up for it and live it.
It's not the way the world usually functions, but I'm not really in this world.

You talk about the way this world functions. I think that that's an interesting point because.
I think that one could argue that the way this world works, yes,
there is absolutely, you know, a system and infrastructure and all those kind
of things that, you know, is man's systems and the world works that way.
There's another, there's also the other part of this, though,

which, you know, which says, hey, there's also universal laws and nature's laws
and other things, you know, that to proceed, you know, man's desires.
So, you know, so they can operate in conflict otherwise, right?
And so they say, hey, it may seem like I'm not operating inside of the flow of tradition,
but I'm operating inside of the initial design, I don't know what else to say,

or the intelligent design of the system.
And as a result of that, you get the benefit of being supported by the system.
Yeah when you when you live from
your creative intelligence everything flows
because then you won with the universe again
creative i'm starting around this time creative intelligence so and

so you know i usually i'll use some
like synchronicities would be how i would have kind of described it right and
so you talk about that how have you for yourself come to recognize Recognize
those different synchronicities that affirm to you that what you're believing
is either accurate or you're on the right track. Everything flows.

When you're on the right path, there are synchronicities. I call it God's hand.
And I see it working every day in my life.
I make a, well, I had an example today. day. I made a phone call because I needed
a new credit card, a duplicate credit card.

And the banker said to me, oh, we have a better credit card for you. Okay.
You know, things just flow effortless and you get support, you get confirmation.
Things fall into place. When When there's frustration, pull back and reassess.

If it's not flowing, there's a reason.
Something's misaligned.
And look at where it's misaligned. I could go down a few rabbit holes here for the sake of time.
And I want to touch on that. I want to make sure the listeners really,
and I plug you appropriately here because listeners, if you feel like driving or whatever,

make sure to stop and re-listen because there's a lot of very deep wisdom that Dr.
Eleanor has shared and you know she made it sound really like simple but you
know it's there's nothing simple about the concepts
everything else behind it and so i just want to make sure that everybody you
know just make sure to recognize that but also then and if you

as you listen to her approaches there's
a lot of questions to drive a self-guided journey
which is something that i'm a huge advocate of right right dr
elner is not trying to put anybody you know she's helping like she's telling to be helping
people to find their own their own their soul and
their spirit back and one of the questions that that
that i had had i was going to ask about but you kind of

answered it was guiding like
how do you as a like with with the parents listening how to guide them to interact
and communicate with it with their children that whose reality they can't relate
to right but you nailed it and again very simply which was early which was support
their decisions support their decisions

and ask them a simple question.
In fact, this one simple question, if you're in an argument with someone,
will end the argument immediately.
So use it with your children. What would you like to have happen?
Given all this, what would you like to have happen?

If a parent said to a child who's in the middle of a conflict,
what would you like to have happen? The child is being given empowered authority over himself.
It's simple. You know, we're making it so complex.
And just ask, what do you want? What do you know?

Then the child is empowered. But then don't deny it.
If a child says, I want X to happen, oh, that's not possible.
You disempower it. So it's obvious that you have to offer a lot of insights
to a wide range of people and a wide range of experiences and ages and things

like that and family dynamics, et cetera.
So for the listener, is there a certain type of ideal client of yours?
Or what would you say, who are the type of people that should be reaching out to you?
People who are interested in self-growth and consciousness and are interested

in maximizing their potential without compromising their soul.
And I value integrity and honesty and authenticity.
And actually, when I moved from Chicago to California,

I decided to move my practice from my office to my home because I wanted my
clients to see that I live the way I tell them they can live.
So I live transparently. I do what I say. I say what I do.
I have a happy marriage. My husband and I have been married for 46 years.

We've been together since the day we met in India.
And I went to India because a voice told me to go.
I had no interest in the ashram, but a voice said, go.
I ended up going, and I met my husband. At the day and time,
my mentor astrologer told me I'd meet somebody.
We lived a mile from each other and knew all the same people and had never met. So, yeah.

That's quite a synchronicity. Well, it's honoring the voice that tells you what you should do and know.
And instead of denying it, you say, okay.
And when I'm challenged in my life, there's one question I always ask.

I always say, okay, God, what is so important that you would put this challenge
in front of me? What do I need to learn?
So any of you listeners who are open to learning more about who they are from
themselves, not from me, I'm not going to tell anybody what to do or who they are.

I'm going to give them the constructs to explore on their own and find their
own way back to themselves.
And how do they reach you? They can email me at ehp at noble,

Or they can contact me through, which is the website
where we do the webinar every Thursday at noon.
It's a free webinar. and it will remain free. It's free for a week.

We've just moved to a paywall.
So the webinar is free. The recording of it is free for a week and then it moves
behind the paywall and the archives from 2023 and 2024 are all available.
There are recordings, there are transcripts, there are summaries, there are materials.

And I have four bestsellers so far and a new book coming out in the next week
or two, which is available for pre-order, which is actually for human design practitioners.
And it's a book of the integrated channels in all the worlds.

And there are 148 integrated channels.
Panels so it's a manual
for reading integrated charts i'm taking
pre-orders for that one the other my other books are on amazon and in bookstores
it's pretty obvious that you have a you know based on your desire and transparency

with content and you know what we are everybody needs to make a living and there's
always finding that balance right and you've definitely erred on on the side of,
like you said, transparency and
providing information for enablement and empowerment for each individual.
And I think that's beautiful. And I think that I wish that there was more of that that was out there.

And so we're definitely going to have you back as we, you know,
when we get into some of our technical series where you and I will dump into
some of the human design stuff.
I look forward to that one here as well.
But we're going to post your information as well. So if people were driving,
they weren't able to write it down, don't worry.
Listeners, I hope you guys really enjoyed all of the deep and loving knowledge

and perspectives that Dr. Eleanor had to share.
And I hope that some of you feel compelled to reach out as well.
Well, I could tell you that I definitely enjoyed my learnings with her as well.
So thank you guys for listening.
Dr. Eleanor, thank you for sharing and being transparent. Thank you.
Everybody out there, take care and have yourself a wonderful week.
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