All Episodes

January 7, 2025 19 mins
Battle almost died on the way into work this morning and listners call in to talk about how they almost died

You can win tickets to the legendary Ringling Brothers Circus all week @ 6:40 with One Stupid Question

Also, Battle tells you how you can make your New Year ROCK with tickets to two of the BIGGEST shows of the year – Metallica AND AC/DC!

Listen daily on 105.9 The Rock!

- Battle
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
In our QFM Nashville from the Moonshine Harley Davidson Studios.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
This is Nashville's classic rock listen on the Free I
heard radio apps for all your music radio and podcasts.
Free never sounded so good.

Speaker 3 (00:13):
One nine the Rock, and away we go.

Speaker 4 (00:17):
Welcome into Tuesday morning show its Battle in the Morning.
Thanks for hanging out with us on your cold Tuesday morning.
Real quick, before we get into anything, I just want
to say thank you to everybody that reached out yesterday,
whether it was calling or texting, or calling into the
show messaging me on social media.

Speaker 3 (00:38):
If you miss the announcement yesterday.

Speaker 4 (00:39):
The corporate people and program director Jonathan decided, Hey, you
know what, we think it's your time. We're gonna give
you your own show, and yesterday got to make that announcement.
If you missed it, it's over on my Instagram. You
could find me Battle on air. But yes, the corporate
people have finally decided to let me have my own show.

Speaker 3 (00:59):
Yes, Welcome into Battle in the Morning. Hey, after Billy Joel, we're.

Speaker 4 (01:03):
Gonna talk about how you could win tickets for Metallica
and ac DC Plus we're gonna get into what's trending
and a reason why you should.

Speaker 3 (01:12):
Never keep a loaded gun in your pocket. After Billy Joel, Welcome,
It's one O five nine.

Speaker 4 (01:18):
The right in Nashville's classic rock. Good morning, it's Battle
in the Morning. Thanks for hanging out here with us
on your Tuesday. A two for Tuesday to be exactly
what we'll be thrown out some two for your way
all day long. And speaking of all day long, you
wanna make sure you're listening on the iHeartRadio app all
day long because we're giving away tickets for ac DC
and Metallica. We're getting you into both of those shows

just by listening to one oh five nine in the
Rock on the new and approved iHeart Radio app. What
you're gonna want to do is, while you're listening to
us on the app, when you hear a Metallica song
and an ac DC song.

Speaker 3 (01:53):
Back to back, we're gonna give you a keyword. And
then when you hear that keyword, you're.

Speaker 4 (01:57):
Just gonna say it back to us by using the
talk mike on the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 3 (02:01):
It's pretty simple.

Speaker 4 (02:02):
Uh So, you just want to make sure you're listening
for back to back songs from ac DC and Metallica.
Listen for the keyword after the second song, and then
when you hear the keyword, you just tapped the talk
back mike and we'll say back the keyword and you're
automatically entered into winning tickets for both Metallica and ac DC.
Taking a look at what's trending, and I stumbled across
this video on social medium, but there was a Texas

rapper named too Low who is in the news after
he accidentally fired his gun in the middle of a
podcast interview. He was reaching into his pocket and it
went off.

Speaker 3 (02:35):
Here check this out and choices we got in life?

Speaker 2 (02:38):
Those were your choices? Oops?

Speaker 3 (02:42):
Oop shot oo?

Speaker 2 (02:44):
Somebody got shot?

Speaker 3 (02:47):
Oh how good? Hold on tad.

Speaker 2 (02:52):
One on one with my DA do shut me?

Speaker 4 (02:57):
I love how His response is who shot?

Speaker 2 (03:00):
Who? What is this? JR? I want to join the show.
Text rock and your message to six four eight The
Rock nine The Rock is ready to rock your new
year with tickets to two of the biggest shows of
twenty twenty.

Speaker 4 (03:15):
Five, Metallica and ac DC, both coming to Nissan Stadium
this summer.

Speaker 2 (03:24):
We want to send you to both.

Speaker 5 (03:25):
Just listen for those two bands to play back to
back on the free, iheartradioing else after.

Speaker 2 (03:34):
The second song, we'll give you the secret keyword.

Speaker 4 (03:38):
Shout it back to us using that red top back
mikel and you could win Rock your New.

Speaker 2 (03:43):
Year with Metallica and ac DC tickets from one.

Speaker 4 (03:46):
O five to nine The Rock It's one oh five
nine The Rock Nashville's Classic Rock. It's Battle in the Morning.
And today is a very special day. Why is it
a special day? Well, it is somebody's birthday. Whose birthday,
you might ask, That's.

Speaker 3 (04:03):
Right, Kenny Loggins.

Speaker 4 (04:05):
Today is his birthday, seventy seven years old. Of course,
a lot of people refer to him as the soundtrack King.
And well here's a little montage of some of the
movie songs. I mean you got Caddy Shack, Caddy Shack.

Speaker 3 (04:17):
Two top gun.

Speaker 2 (04:20):

Speaker 6 (04:21):

Speaker 4 (04:22):
Kenny Loggins turning seventy seven today, Happy birthday, Kenny Loggins. Hey,
how would you like to win tickets to the circus
Wringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Bridgeton Arena coming up here.

Speaker 3 (04:32):
In a couple of weeks. Let's get you on the phone.

Speaker 4 (04:34):
Let's play one stupid question this morning six one five, seven,
three seven, one oh five nine is the number against
sixty one five seven three seven, one oh five to
nine is the number. We'll get somebody on the phone.
We'll play one stupid question next. It's one O five
nine the right Nashville's Classic Rockets Battle in the morning,
And we have got our contestant on the phone, and
we are going to play one stupid question next. But hey,

I will tell you that if they get the question wrong,
you're gonna be able to have the chance to steal
today's prize tickets to the Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus.

Speaker 3 (05:09):
We are playing one stupid question right after Blue Oyster
called it's five nine rock. It's nine the Rock. Hi,
who's this? How is that?

Speaker 7 (05:25):
Good morning?

Speaker 4 (05:26):

Speaker 3 (05:27):
How are you?

Speaker 6 (05:30):

Speaker 3 (05:30):
Where's that? Where's work at this morning? Anybody want to shout.

Speaker 5 (05:32):
Out service doing the Lord's work, getting out there in
the rain, the snow, the sleep, the sun, whatever else
throws at.

Speaker 4 (05:43):
You ye.

Speaker 8 (05:46):
This morning?

Speaker 3 (05:46):
Yeah, no kidding.

Speaker 4 (05:47):
I am definitely not a cold weather person whatsoever. And
I don't think I could do your I mean I
I I applaud you for what you do, so thank
you for everything that you do as a as working.

Speaker 3 (06:06):
With the Postal service. We thank you. Well, here's the
of course, and uh, here's what I want to do.

Speaker 4 (06:12):
I want to try to hook you up with tickets
to go check out the circus, Ringling Brothers, Barnum and
Bailey Bridgetown Arena. If you could answer my one stupid question,
are you ready for this?

Speaker 3 (06:23):
I'm ready? All right?

Speaker 4 (06:27):
What is another word for cyclone and twister?

Speaker 3 (06:35):
Is tornado? Your final answer?

Speaker 7 (06:39):
All right?

Speaker 6 (06:40):
You got it?

Speaker 3 (06:41):
Do you even have to hesitate on that one? Congratulation?
Tell us what station hoo can you help with tickets
to the circus? Were asking you one stupid question? Answer again.

Speaker 4 (06:56):
Hot of shows that are coming to Nashville at twenty
twenty five, it's one O five on the right, Nashville's
Classic Rockets Battle in the Morning, and we want to
hook you up with tickets to not only.

Speaker 3 (07:05):
The Metallica show, but also the ac DC show.

Speaker 4 (07:08):
Make sure you're listening to one O five nine in
the Rock on the free iHeart Radio app all day today,
and when you hear back to back songs.

Speaker 3 (07:15):
From Metallica and A C d C, we'll.

Speaker 4 (07:17):
Give you a keyword after that second song. Once you
hear that keyword, you say it back to us by hitting.

Speaker 3 (07:23):
The talkback mic on the iHeartRadio app and boom, there
you go.

Speaker 4 (07:27):
You're automatically entered into winning tickets for both Metallica.

Speaker 3 (07:30):
And ac DC.

Speaker 4 (07:32):
Twent o five nine in the right Nashville's Classic Rock.

Speaker 3 (07:34):
It's Battle in the Morning.

Speaker 4 (07:36):
And something happened to me as I was driving in
to work this morning at four am. It was one
of those live changing moments where I thought I was
gonna meet my dad. I'll explain more after zz top.
It's twe oh five nine in the right. Nashville's Classic Rock.
It's Battle in the Morning. Five nine in the right,

Nashville's Classic Rock.

Speaker 3 (07:58):
Go morning. It is Battle in the Morning.

Speaker 4 (08:00):
And let me tell you, I had a heart stopping
moments on the way into the building this morning. I
thought I was gonna see my dad sooner than expected. U. So,
as I was driving in, I was on Vietnam Vets
and I was just minding my own business, being safe,
doing the speed limit, drinking my coffee, and then out
of nowhere, bam, it was like a herd of deer,

like a whole squadron just chilling on the side of
the road over there on Vietnam vets. And I'm not
talking about like one Bamby, I mean the entire cast
of Bamby and well, they were all just staring at me,
and I was like, oh God, is this about to happen?
Am I about to just drill one of these deers?
So I'm like freaking out and I'm just kind of

still doing my thing. And as I get closer and closer,
they just like scatter like cockroaches when you turn on
the light. And I was like, oh my god, Oh
my god, this is it.

Speaker 3 (08:52):
And one of them I thought was going to jump
in front of me. Luckily it didn't went the other way.

Speaker 4 (08:56):
And I was extremely like, like heart racing.

Speaker 3 (08:59):
Didn't he need the coffee anymore for that?

Speaker 4 (09:01):
And I was like, yes, I didn't die, But I
have a question for you, and I know that you're
gonna have an interesting story for me, But how did
you almost die? Was it a situation like that? Maybe
something else? I know you've got some interesting stories I
want to hear from you this morning. Six one five
seven three seven one oh five nine is the number again.
Six one five seven three seven one oh five nine

is the number I almost died on the way into work.

Speaker 3 (09:24):
This morning.

Speaker 4 (09:25):
I'm curious, how did you almost die heading into work
or somewhere six one five, seven, three seven, one oh
five nine.

Speaker 3 (09:31):
Let's talk about it next.

Speaker 2 (09:33):
We're going to join the show. Talk to us by
calling six one five seven three seven, one oh five nine,
one oh five nine.

Speaker 1 (09:39):
The rock the music we listen to all year long,
the anthems that were our soundtrack for twenty twenty four
ain't not like the stars who made the songs we loved.

Speaker 2 (09:56):
We'll all be celebrated. Let's get it started.

Speaker 1 (09:58):
In March seventeen, Lie from Los Angeles, coming back to Fox.

Speaker 3 (10:03):
Be here at twenty twenty five.

Speaker 4 (10:04):
iHeartRadio Music Awards nominees are announced Thursday at eight am
and it's one o five not on the right Nashville's
Classic Rockets Battle of the Morning. So we're talking about
ways that you almost died. I almost died this morning.
And I'm exaggerating, but I thought I was going to
die when I heard of deer decided to scatter as

I was doing seventy on Vietnam vets on the way
into work this morning. Hey Jeff, hanging out in the burrow,
How did you almost die?

Speaker 6 (10:34):
This is a story actually about my little brother not okay.
When he was in the fourth grade, he decided to
skip school because his soccer ball got caught on a
roof of a metal building behind our house. So he
skipped class one day and went back with a friend to.

Speaker 7 (10:50):
Get it off the roof.

Speaker 6 (10:51):
He climbed up there to get it off, and it
had been right and the roof was wet, and we
all know that rope was wet is really slick right, Well,
instead of picking up the ball and throwing it off
the rope, he decided kick it.

Speaker 7 (11:01):
When he did, he's still on a button and slid
off the roof.

Speaker 6 (11:04):
And uh, all it was the wind out of it.

Speaker 4 (11:07):
I mean, that could have been definitely a different story
than we were talking about this morning. Thankfully, all it
did was knock the wind out of him. If you
got an interesting story to talk about how you almost died. Uh,
sixty one five seven three seven one oh five nine
is the number if you want to get in this
morning against sixty one five seven three seven.

Speaker 3 (11:23):
One five nine is the number twento five nine.

Speaker 4 (11:26):
In the right Nashville's classic rock It's Battle in the Morning.
So we're talking about weird ways how you almost died
because while this morning driving into work, I almost died
when I heard of deer decided that they were gonna
be like, hey, let's have some fun and take off
running everywhere on the interstate twento five nine in the Rock,
justin hanging out with his in clarks. But what happened

with you, ma'am?

Speaker 7 (11:48):
Well, I was about seventeen with my friends and we
were born and broke, uh huh, decided we were going
to jump the train and getting on with easy, getting
off was hard, right, and ended up breaking my front
two teeth completely off.

Speaker 4 (12:04):
Oo. I bet that was an interesting story when you
got home and your parents were like, where's your two
front teeth?

Speaker 3 (12:11):

Speaker 7 (12:12):
Going home? Explaining that to my father was not fun.

Speaker 4 (12:15):
Yeah, I bet also probably not fun when you had
to go to the dentist as well. Six one five
seven three seven one oh five nine is the number
if you want to get in we're talking about weird ways.

Speaker 3 (12:25):
How you almost died. I know we're getting gruesome here
on a Tuesday.

Speaker 4 (12:29):
This is a two for Tuesday, giving you a double
shot of Journey at twent oh five nine in the Rock,
Nashville's classic rock It's Battle in the morning. Now, if
you want to jump in on the conversation, you can
pick up the phone and call us six one five
seven three seven one oh five nine, Or if you
can't get through, you can always hit the talkback mike.
While you're listening on the iHeartRadio app. We're talking about
weird ways. How you almost died because this morning, as

I was driving in, I saw my life flash before
my high eyes because there was like a herd of
deer on the side of the road on Vietnam Vets.

Speaker 3 (12:58):
And then they all.

Speaker 4 (12:58):
Decided to say, hey, let's go for a jog, and
they all just scattered. Let's see Jacob in Hendersonville.

Speaker 3 (13:05):
What happened with you?

Speaker 4 (13:06):

Speaker 8 (13:07):
I got a story when I was like eight years old.

Speaker 2 (13:10):
Uh huh.

Speaker 8 (13:10):
My dad loves to garage. The door unlocked and I
went into the garage. Yeah, and I was messing with
us all and trying to saw and this all kicked
the board up and it cut my forehead open. And
they took me to the hospital, and I told him
home and everything that I was walking and stepped on
the board and it flipped up and hit me in
the head. But there was a lot of blood came

out because when you cut yourself in the head, you
bleed a lot.

Speaker 4 (13:36):
Oh absolutely, I've seen enough wrestling matches when they bladed
their foreheads to see all that blood go crazy. I
mean again, thankfully, it wasn't as worse as it could be.
If you want to get in on the conversation, sixty one,
five seven, three seven, one oh five nine.

Speaker 3 (13:51):
Is the number he can't get through.

Speaker 4 (13:53):
Well, you can always hit that talk back mike if
you're listening on our iHeartRadio apps. Five nine the Right
Nashville's classic cry. It's Battle in the Morning. And hey,
just a friendly reminder, if you ever miss anything with
the Show in the Morning, you can always go back
and listen to it every day.

Speaker 3 (14:08):
We're gonna put the show up in a.

Speaker 4 (14:09):
Podcast form after the show, So go to the iHeartRadio
app or wherever you listen to podcasts, search for Battle
in the Morning hit subscribe to you.

Speaker 1 (14:21):
In our QFM Nashville from the Moonshine Holley Davidson Studios, this.

Speaker 2 (14:25):
Is Nashville's classic rock.

Speaker 3 (14:27):
Listen on the free iHeart Radio app probably your music
radio and podcasts.

Speaker 2 (14:31):
Free never sounded so good.

Speaker 3 (14:34):
Five nine the Rock, It's Battle in the morning.

Speaker 4 (14:38):
It's one O five nine of the Rock, Nashville's Classic Rock
and coming up.

Speaker 3 (14:41):
Apparently we must all have.

Speaker 4 (14:43):
This one emergency item with us, whether it's in our
car or on our persons.

Speaker 3 (14:49):
What could that item be?

Speaker 4 (14:50):
Well, you will probably be like, what the hell, and
we'll we'll talk about that. Six the beatles around now
it's twe O five nine the Rock.

Speaker 3 (14:59):
It's Battle in the Morning. It's one O five nine
in the right.

Speaker 4 (15:01):
In Nashville's Classic Rock. So when you're heading out the
door in the morning, do you go through like a
mental checklist before you walk out the door and make
sure you don't forget anything like your keys, your wallet,
your phone, of course, your spare underwear.

Speaker 3 (15:14):
Yeah, of course.

Speaker 4 (15:15):
To the survey, nearly half of all Americans carry back
up underwear with them. Yes, seventy percent of people who
carry spare underwear said that they have.

Speaker 3 (15:23):
Had it come in handy at least once.

Speaker 4 (15:26):
Yeah. I don't know about you, but I'm not carrying
spare underwear around with me. But now that I read
this survey and I read this story, and I'm like,
maybe I should carry spear and wear because you never
know when some accident's gonna happen and you're gonna be like, yeah,
I need underwear now, So do you carry spare underwear
around with you? I'm sure you didn't, but you probably

will now after we talked about it. I want to
join the show Hit There, Red hotback mic on the
free iHeartRadio at.

Speaker 2 (15:53):
Let your voice be heard. Brother the Rock.

Speaker 4 (15:58):
It's one o five nine The Right now Aashville's classic rock.
It's Battle in the Morning, and don't forget you want
to be listening on the iHeartRadio app today because you
never know when we're going to play back to back
songs from Metallica and ac DC. But when we do
play it, we'll give you a keyword. After that second song,
you say back the keyword to us, and you're automatically
entered into winning tickets to seeing Metallica and ac DC.

So when we give you that keyword, you say it
back to us on the iHeartRadio app. You could score
tickets for both of those shows.

Speaker 3 (16:29):
It's Battle in the Morning.

Speaker 4 (16:30):
It's one oh five nine the Right Nashville's classic rock.
And you know, life is all about balance, and one
of the most important balancing acts of any adults day
to day existence is separating work life and home life,
and well, unfortunately, many workers just don't know when to
take a break. If you ask my wife, I don't
know when to take a break because I'm always always working.

Speaker 3 (16:53):
Even when I'm at home the work day's over.

Speaker 4 (16:55):
I'm still finding a way to work and stay connected.
Forty seven percent of people surveyed said that they cannot
stop working. And I will tell you I may workaholic.
That is one of the traits that I got from
my dad is I'm constantly working. If I'm not doing
this radio show, I'm DJing for the Preds. If I'm
not djming for the Preds, then I'm doing stuff with
the National Sounds. If I'm not doing stuff with the

National Sounds, I'm dj ning Jim and.

Speaker 3 (17:18):
I don't know how to shut it off.

Speaker 4 (17:20):
Like when we were in Cancun last year in Mexico,
i still was working on the beach. Twenty twenty five
is the year that I shut things off. That's that's
what I hope to do.

Speaker 3 (17:31):
Well. It happened probably.

Speaker 4 (17:33):
Not twent oh five nine in the Rock Nashville's Classic
Rock and led Zeppelin. Heck, twent o five nine in
the Right Nashville is classic rock. It's battle in the morning,
things for hanging out with us here on your two
for Tuesday. I read this story and I'm like, maybe
I should do this, Maybe that might help me. A
marilynd man took a negative encounter with a rude driver

and turn it into a wopping five hundred thousand dollars
lottery win. After getting cut off on the highway by
a rude driver, the man memorized the license plate number
of the vehicle.

Speaker 2 (18:03):

Speaker 3 (18:04):
Later that day, he went to.

Speaker 4 (18:05):
A liquor store, bought ten pick five tickets with the
numbers from the license plate, and lo and behold, my
man hit ten tickets.

Speaker 3 (18:13):
He purchase earned.

Speaker 4 (18:14):
Him a fifty thousand dollars prize totally a grand prize
of five hundred thousand dollars. So if somebody cuts you
off today, remember their license plate numbers.

Speaker 3 (18:23):
Use that. It could get you some money, or it
could get your flipped off.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't.

Speaker 4 (18:33):
Time for the door.

Speaker 3 (18:36):
Well, you can't control stupid, can y. Hey it's battle and.

Speaker 4 (18:40):
A huge swath of the century just got nailed by
snow and ice. And it's always nice to see stories
about people helping people, Yeah, this isn't one of them.
Thirty two year old man in Saint Louis got his
car stuck in the snow while trying to get into
a parking garage. Luckily, another guy in a SHV shot
up and helped him get outs. But then things took
unexpect to turn right after that when the same guy
who helped him immediately robbed him. Yeah, the man who

got stuck parked his car in the garage. Then the
guy who helped him walked up with a gun and.

Speaker 3 (19:07):
Said give me the keys.

Speaker 4 (19:09):
That guy gave up his car keys, ran off, called
the cops, but it turned out the jerk who did
rob him never actually took the car still in the
garage when the cops got there, and they're now trying
to track the guy down the door.

Speaker 2 (19:19):
Of the day.

Speaker 1 (19:19):
Don't don't don't do don't don't.

Speaker 4 (19:27):
You want to join the show, text Rock and your
message to six four eight

Speaker 2 (19:33):
The Rock
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