All Episodes

July 21, 2018 112 mins

Trump derangement will become a pandemic if they lose midterms. China! Buck interviews Congressman Louie Gohmert from the great state of Texas.

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
You are entering the freedom hunch. It's been quite a
week for the administration. We have so many people running
around telling us that we should care so much about Russia.
But here's a huge shock. The American people don't actually care.
We'll talk about some things they do care about, like
what's going to happen in the midterms, what's going on
with immigration, how the left thinks that now low wages

equals violence. That and more coming up on The Buck
Sexton Show. This is the Buck Sexton Show, where the
mission or mission is to decode what really matters with
actionable intelligence. Make no mistake American great, You're a great
American Again. The buck Sexton Show begins set. Can we

still call President Trump the leader of the free world?
Can we still call him the leader of the United States.
It's just as serious to me as the Cuban missile
crisis in terms of an attack or the nine eleven attack.
His performance today will live in infamy as much as
the Pearl Harbor attack or Crystal Knocked. When do we
see almost a shadow government come out and say we

cannot side with the government, whether it's the Cabinet or
the Senate or Trump has been a problem, as I say,
and now I feel it's it's a crisis of real urgency,
and I'm not sure what we can do except to
try to contain him in various ways. The definition it
meets is the first word of the impeachment article in
the Constitution, which is treason, bribery at high crimes of misdemeanors.

You had a one word reaction to what you saw yesterday.
Treason treason. Yeah, what is wrong with him? It's time
for you to stage an intervention. This is urgent. We
can't count on the President United States to do the
right thing. Welcome to the Buck's Action Show. That that
gave you a sense of how things have been this
past week, which is, uh, just a whole a whole

lot of insanity, a whole lot of people completely and
utterly losing it because of Trump's meeting in Helsinki, for
which we we don't even have the full details. Isn't
that interesting? Right? It was terrible. It was such a miss.
It was the worst thing you've ever seen, the worst
thing I've ever heard. It was, oh my gosh, I mean,

it was the equivalent of putting pineapple on pizza. Folks,
who does that. What are we savages? You're probably are
your pineapple on pizza guy, Yeah you are. John likes
pineapple on pizza. Okay, fine, maybe it's not that bad.
I know I eat gluten free pizza. Who am I
to make? Yeah? Pineapple and ham. I know people do this.
It's probably tastes delicious. By the way, I think you

can put a lot of things, um, a lot of
things on on pizza. That would be surprising, folks. But
let's get into substance. Buck. Don't get distracted just because
it's a Friday. Although see Ann is distracted you know
what by here's a shock more stormy Daniels. Oh no,
I'm sorry, this is actually is this not? This is
the other alleged mistress now that they're saying, is that?

Is that? Okay? This is a McDougal one. Oh. You
know these are the only two storylines they care about it.
And this is the cable news network the situation room
with Wolf Blitzer, you know who's whose main attribute seems
to be that his face never registers any emotion or knowledge.
It's amazing how he does that. It's like I am

Wolf Blitzer and I are reading off a prompter. You
cannot tell my political affiliation because you cannot tell anything.
My face is mostly covered with this Burnanki esque beard. Uh,
it's I've said that, I I give respect, We're due.
It is Bernanky level, It is Berna level. But these
are only stories they like to run over there. And
because the Russia thing that, I think they exhausted themselves,

like like a toddler that cries himself to sleep. I
think the left has finally gone to the point with
all the Russia stuff where it's like, Oh, you mean
that this isn't really this isn't really going to be
something we can continue to do. This isn't really going
to work the way it's supposed to work. Oh wow, Um,
I guess we have to move back to Michael Abanati
and like that, after after a week of NonStop Russia

RuSHA Russia. Sure enough, here I am in the Freedom
hud in New York City, and I see, on the
on the one hand, you've got Fox talking about trade deals,
which matters to people, matters to the economy, matters to producers,
matters to farmers, matters to people that are involved in
America also known as Americans. And then on CNN you've

got quote, I can't believe Michael would do this to
me after learning Cohen recorded their discussion of playmate payoff.
They think that they're gonna flip Michael Cohen on Trump
for a campaign finance violation of some kind, that they're
gonna just twist the law to try to make that
a thing. They will have viole related attorney client privilege

in the process, and and uh, they think that sure enough,
this is justifiable under some bizarre rubric of whatever you
have to do to get Trump is acceptable. Whatever you
have to do to whatever you have to do to

defeat this menace to America that is Donald Trump, is
on its face justifiable. Even attorney client privilege doesn't matter anymore.
Nothing matters as long as you can get Trump. So
that's why we have Michael Avanati, Michael Cohen. It's it's
almost like CNNs on some kind of a loop, like
they just keep running the same story. Oh it's time

time for some Avanati, time for some straw by annuals,
time for some McDougall ah, all over what exactly, all
over the notion that somehow, for some reason Trump, well,
if there really was, if there were these affairs, and
they had information to prove the affairs. I'm not saying

it's impossible that we wouldn't already know. It's possible they
would have held it for some reasons I'm not aware of.
It just seems to me not entirely likely. It's plausible,
but unlikely that neither Stormy Daniels nor uh Karen is
their name. I gotta get names right, and Karen McDougall's
that right, yeah McDougald. By the way, last night, guys,
I said, um, uh, I said Robert Spencer. I meant

Richard Spencer. So me wrong? Well last night, yeah, there
you go. Last night I was wrong. I just was
a mental slip. But Richard Spencer is the white nationalist.
There is no there is no known white nationalists named
Robert Spencer on the national stage. So that all said,
uh oh, my friend Ellison's on Fox News right now.

I remember when Ellison I used to do real news
on the Blaze with me way back in the day. Men,
all of my all of my Blaze. P we're taking
over the media now. You know. You've got people all
over the place. We've got all the different networks. It's
like Glenn has seeded the media with these conservative sleeper cells.
We're all just waiting for the right time to strike
for the for the constitution. Yeah, Alex Jones did say

that I was actually a c I A sleeper in
in talk radio, and I'm supposed to take over talk
radio on behalf of the c I A. How do
you know, Alex who told you? Um, Alex Jones might
get booted off on Facebook? By the way, you guys
know that there's there there's a push that he's so
outside the He's actually got pretty big reach people. People
listen for whatever reason, people listen to that show. They

absolutely do. I don't know what to say about it
other than that is the thing that they do. So
Uh anyway, Um, where was I on this whole Russia thing.
It's just the whole It's crazy, man, It's as though
you were writing it out in a script. They've been
talking about nothing but Russia all week and now they've
switched gears and now you're in a place where, uh,

they are switching to Avanati and switching to Stormy Daniels
and this is just this is the playbook. And what's
so funny is it got the gallop pole right here,
thirty seven issues. This is just this is just from
the most recent gallop pole. There are thirty seven issues
and had tip Daily Wire for this that Americans care
more about than Russia. We do not care, and why

would we. It does not really matter. It doesn't matter
to any of you. I don't come up here and
say nothing matters, right, I'm up playing some game like
whoa whatever the politicians do and say no, no, no, no.
Immigration matters, trade policy matters, law enforcement matters, like there
are things that we all need to care about, US
citizens and people living in this country. What what? What

the words that Trump uses and to describe putin all
the time, It just doesn't really matter. I know the
media wants it to matter. I know they want us
to care so much, but that just frankly isn't going
to be the case. They can't change Americans minds on this.
There is a fixation, There is a near insanity from
the left on this stuff that are maybe it's an

all out insanity. I don't think it's a near insanity.
And it just keeps getting They keep getting deeper and
deeper into it. Now now they're talking about a Manhattan
madam and they're they're just they think they're gonna find
out something in Trump's background that's gonna finally make us
all turn on him. I just don't see it, and
they're grasping, you know, you can't. It doesn't see And

then I have, like a Democrat, to to create some storybook,
some false story narrative around to tell us it's gonna
be the next Greade whatever for the Yeah, there's Ocasio Cortez,
but she needs to do a little more studying. That
was I said that nicely. That was a nice way
of saying it. I think. So we're talking about immigration

this hour, we're talking a bit more about the Mueller probe.
Got some updates on that, also discussing the lady Ist
and uh greatest from move on dot org. Oh you're
gonna want to stick around team, we gotta freestyle Friday.
In effect, many of my Democratic colleagues in the House

voted present, which I think is unconscionable. These are dangerous
jobs going after human smugglers, sex traffickers, drug smugglers, UH,
and people who are illegally entering the United States or
are in the interior of the United States. UH. And
for a candidate uh for office in New York whose
views can only be characterized as socialist, to call for

abolishing ice and then to see so many leaders of
the Democratic Party jump in behind her and say, oh, yes,
we should abolish ice. That was outrageous. So we said,
you know what, you have legislation, we'll put it on
the floor. And they turned around and said, no, no,
we're not going to vote for that. That's right, there
are voting present on on abolishing ice. They talked a

big game about it. What a surprize at Democrats when
push comes to shove a bunch of whimps, bunch of
whimps on this one. What a shock. But sure enough,
that is the situation in which we find ourselves, my friends,
after this week it was all for show, as we know, well,

this this abolished ice thing. I've been thinking about it.
I've been thinking about it, and you know what, what's
one of the things that's really interesting me is that
I thought that this was a Machiavellian based turnout plan.
You know, like you often, I fall on this trap
a lot. You You often are in a case where

you often find yourself be in a situation where you
think that the opposition. You think that your opponents are
just really really smart, you know, they really know what
they're doing. They're brilliant, and and that can kind of
throw you off your game because your assumption automatically becomes, well,
they must be thinking three steps ahead. And with this
abolish abolish Ice, Abolish Ice, with that whole campaign, with

all that stuff you were hearing, I was thinking to myself,
they must have a they must have something in mind here,
how this is going to help them, you know, get
their get their base to come out or something. Right there,
It's just too much to think that this was a blunder.

But now I'm actually switching around on this one because
I think that the abolished Ice chant was just they
they had this moment where the media was all it
was all on their side, uh and and they finally
had a chant that could get them all excited. Right Boles,
All right? I mean you hear the things that they chant,
right who streets are streets, Occupy Wall Street. You know

I've been at there. I've been at the rallies where
the've chanted black Live Matter, Black Lives Matter, And you
know that they chant is very central to the mobilization
of leftists because they ideologically tend to be collectivists. They
think in in terms of group, and they are particularly
susceptible to a hive mind ideology as a result. Right,

it's always about what's best for the group, for the
the entity that they are a part of. That's also
why identity politics is something that Democrats UH spend so
much time focused on and and operating within. But you know,
Trump said yes, so the Dems have quote a death
wish in their push to abolish ICE. I think he's right.

I think he's taking the wind out of their sales
on this one. I really do. I think that, you know,
he sees us for what it is, which is that
they're just flannling. They're just flaying. What do you think, Mike,
I think abolished ICE. I don't think that plays well
as a chant anywhere outside of San Francisco, Los angele Us,

New York, in d C. I really don't. I don't
think anywhere else. So you're gonna get a lot of
traction with that one. I agree. I think it just
pushes more voters to Trump. It's like, this is what
they offer up, this is what we're supposed to get
all Uh, you know, energized about we're supposed to think
that abolishing ICE. I also there's so much disingenuousness. They say, oh, book,

you guys will talk about how you want to abolish
the Department of Education. I'm like, yeah, we're not saying
no one goes to school. If you abolish ICE, then
you don't have anyone to do federal immigration enforcement. It's
not like there's if you abolish the Department of education.
What you're saying is the states will be in charge
of education. Already there are state departments of education. It

wouldn't be such a big deal. We we operated as
a country for a long time without that. We have
always had somebody. As long as we've had borders to enforce,
we've always had somebody, whether it was you know, the
customs houses. I mean, look, it's gotten a lot easier
to get here, right, so we've had to change things.
It used to be we had a couple of ports
of entry. They were actually sports and to get here
you had to come on a ship pretty much. And

in some of the other places you could get here,
but you had to go through uh native areas that
were a bit dangerous. From what I understand sometimes sometimes
I'm reading this book on the on the Aztecs and Quartez,
the whole thing. Man, they don't teach kids. They don't
teach kids what really was, what really went on, you know,

It's just we're all taught like, Oh, the the Aztecs,
they were basically, you know, they were reciting Shakespearean poetry
to each other all day or they were literally ripping
people's guts out for sport, to to appease gods and
doing this by the thousands and thousands, depending on the
particular ritual and holiday, you know. But but yeah, sure,

sure they were practically a bunch of a bunch of
regular Shakespeare's in the Tenochtitlan conversation for another time. Oh, any,
this whole situation with abolishing I stuff, I do think
it just shows that the Democrats have a have a
particularly weak hand, uh when going into the mid terms.

They have no economic message, They have no real immigration
message other than amnesty and more legal immigration. That's a
losing message for them. I do not think that they
can win with that as their messaging. And I think
that the more that the American people get a sense
of where all this is going, the more the American
people understand what's really happening here. You know, I'm telling

you we're gonna have to have like a secret Freedom
Hut session where we just obviously I'll do the show,
but I'm saying we're all like, okay, everybody, you know,
maybe keep the maga hats away for a day after
because if the Republicans winning the mid terms, I don't
know what the country looks like, but it's going to
be it's gonna be like one of those scenes where
Godzilla is like crushing the city and everyone's just running

around the total panic and pandemonium, except Trump is going
to be Godzilla in this analogy, like it's going they're
all gonna be running away screaming in the streets from Trump.
If the Republicans, even though Trump's not on the ballot,
but they know it's Trump's party, they know that there's
no way of getting around that He's he will have
been president for two years, and all these elites and

all these fancy fancy people that have been running around suggesting,
and all that you need is just somebody in there
who really understands the ins and outs of uh, you know,
international policy and and the really you know, has a
PhD in this or no, or it's been a lifelong bureaucrat,

a lifelong politician. You've had a guy who for two
years like, yeah, I think I can negotiate and know
some things and do some stuff, you know, And the
country has been You've been doing fantastically in that period.
The country is so strong economically right now, and I
just I have to say this. I know we've got
other stuff to get into it, and I will, and
I know it's a Friday. We're gonna have some fun too.
We've got some other topics coming up. Apparently, Uh, we're

at a point now we're getting if you're not paid enough,
that's basically violence. What We'll get to that in a
few minutes. That's right. Low wages equals violence according to Democrats. Now.
But you know, we're really at a point where I
gotta say, if Democrats had an economic message, we would
have heard it. They don't because it's not possible for
them because Trump is doing so well on the economy.

There's nowhere for them to go. There's nowhere from north.
That's why you don't hear about it, right. Could you
imagine if unemployment started ticking up considerably. Could you imagine
if we had a massive stock market rash. Oh my gosh,
we're here. Our Trump is the worst. Trump is the worst.
But they got nothing. They got nothing right now. And
that's what's so fascinating and in a sense also scary,

because they're gonna lose it. We'll be right back. He's
holding the line for America. Buck Sexton is back. You

might give them the benefit of the doubt, But why
does this always happen? Every time something happens on on
one side where we find out a new revelation about
what appears to be to be real problems in the
FBI and d o J with this investigation, then all
of a sudden they drop an indict You know, people
were telling me, people were telling me Buck the the

twelve indictments or whatever it was, of the of the
Russian trolls right before Helsinki. Trump. When I say people
are telling this, I saw reports on this. This wasn't
for my sources. So let me step back on that.
What Trump Trump wanted this to happen. They say Trump invited,
invited the notion of the indictments coming beforehand, and I go, guys,

hold on, hold on, hold on a second, Okay, hold
on a minute. Here, time out. If Roe sen Steen
comes up to Trump and Rosenstein says, hey, I'm going
to either renounce these indictments before you go to Helsinki

or after you go to Helsinki. Who thinks that it
would not leak to the press if Trump had said, yeah,
you know what, hold off on that one until afterwards.
I mean, come on, right, does anybody really believe that
if in fact, there had been a situation where Trump

had said, yes, please delay, please delay the situation of
the indictments for the twelve rudder, I mean, guaranteed, guaranteed,
it would have gone out of the press. And then
they say, oh, Trump is stock in the deck and
he's doing all this patch stuff. And you know, we

we know that the air political actors, they can't help themselves.
They can't help themselves from exposing to us what a
a clearly politically motivated operation, this whole mother prob really is.
I mean Rosen scene when he announced his indictments, whatever
it was, earlier in the earlier or last week, he

started giving some lecture about democracy, and he thinks he's
like one of the founding Fathers reincarnated. You know, buddy,
you're a prosecutor at the Department of Justice. We we
we really don't need the lecture. You can just tell us. Yeah,
you know what we decided, in our infinite wisdom and
and tremendous grace, we decided to indict a bunch of
Russians nobody's ever heard of, in some kind of effort

to uh make sure that the Russians won't set up
more fake Facebook accounts going forward, because you know, that's
a good that's something that we're gonna be really worried
about going forward. You know, you want to talk about
justice and what what the injustices that are being done
by the Justice Department all the time, all you have

to do is look at what what broke last night.
And I honestly, I look, this is one of these
stories you see these days, and you go, come on,
come on, They're not that brazen, right, They're not that
grotesque in their willingness to uh show that they are

so favorable to one side and so opposed to the other.
I mean, there's just no way that they would do that.
It's so obvious. But nope, sure enough, I have not
seen this retracted yet and producer Mike let me know
if if if I'm missing a retraction on this or
or additional updates. But Tucker Carlson last night broke on
his show a story that Tony Podesta, the brother of

John Podesta, whom I actually just sat and had a
chat with on my show TV show a few weeks ago.
But Tony podets to who is as connected a swamp
creature as you could find anywhere. I mean, if there
is such a thing as the swamp, Tony Podesta is it.
He has been offered immunity by the Mueller pro by

Special Counsel Mueller to testify against Manifort. Now, I gotta
tell you, folks, I don't think. I don't think since
they went after al Capone, has the government had such
an interest in somebody's tax vulnerabilities. Okay, I don't think
this is any although they did go after my, my

buddy Wesley Snipes real bad. You know, I was. I
was kind of like a free Wesley guy, you know,
I felt, Okay, granted, Wesley made I think it was
forty million dollars and had a very novel theory that
allowed him to pay zero federal income tax on that
forty million. Now, I know the government can be sloppy,

but if you have forty you don't pay any taxes
at all based on the I don't have to theory,
which was more or less what it was. I feel
like you're gonna get in trouble. I think what I
think Wes got three years for that. I think that's
what it was. Something like that. Um. But so they were,
you know, tax they go after people. Wesley's was quickly bad.

But but since Camposa and they haven't been so fixated
on getting somebody for taxes. I mean, they've turned Manifold
into their version of public Enemy number one. The federal
government really well, I mean they want to make an example.
They're talking about life in prison, and so far all
we've heard about is wire fraud, tax fraud. And these
are all understand this, These are all related crimes, right.

This is you're hiding money from the government. You're you know,
signing something fraudulently to hide the money from the government.
You're moving the money over the wire, you know, illegally,
to hide it from These are all connected. So it's
not like Manaford is doing all these you know, he's
he's ordering hits on people here and he's selling drugs there.
It's not like he's doing disc at bad crimes and
you add them all together. No, No, what's going on

here is they got mana for it on essentially tax evasion,
Farah registration and Tucker talking about this last night, and
I'm like, I'm glad I'm not the only body who's
been just screaming about this. They've prosecuted seven people in
fifty years for Farah violations, as they said last night
on Fox. I've been saying, it's like the Logan Act.
It's a law that's only a law when Democrats wanted

to be a law. And that's what they think of
the criminal justice system, that it is a a tool
that just screams out for left wing abuse and misuse
as long as it serves some kind of of political ends,
as long as there are some means of taking this
and and using it to their advantage. Um, I I

just but here you have it. Podesta is is, from
what we understand so far, the brother of Hillary Clinton's
top advisor who had to shut down his firm and
Hillary didn't win. Oh, it's almost like you mean he
wasn't as valuable when Hillary wasn't gonna be president anymore. Oh,
maybe the Podesta group was essentially selling access. Maybe that's

what they were doing, because because why why did he
why did Tony Podesta have to shut down just because
Hillary didn't win. I thought he was offering just really
sage advice, really good consulting. Oh you mean it was swampy,
And it was, it was indeed swampy. But he is
being offered, I meaning, just like Hillary for the production

of her laptops for her and share A Cheryl Mills
and whom abbot And they were offered immunity, right, they
didn't have to testify under oath, they didn't have grand
jury subpoenas of it. It always goes in favor of
the left with this stuff, and I think it's because
conservatives culturally and psychologically just don't. We don't think of
the law as a weapon to be abused. We actually

we are just we are disposed culturally to think of
the law as something that is sacred and important and
protects everyone. Liberals see the law as whatever I want.
It's what they want when they want it, and it
changes based on whatever needs they may have in the moment.
I mean, but the fact that the fact that this

is now an instance where we might have yet again
even more favoritism, even more favoritism shown in the prosecutorial
wing of the government, and how it's treating a Democrat
versus Republican. Manafort tied to Trump crushed, I mean, prison
for life, for life, folks, I mean Wes didn't pay.

I mean, how much taxes can we be talking about here, Mike.
If Wes didn't pay taxes on forty million, man for
is not that rich. I mean, maybe, you know, maybe
he's a hundo million kind of guy, but he's definitely not.
I mean, they're they're talking about saying to prison for
like thirty years. I'm looking around, I'm like, for what
for what? Farr registration? I mean, that's just one of

the many charges. But this is something that nobody gets
charged because it's so vague. I'm not even sure. Here's
the thing, I'm not even sure that the challenge of
a fair registration, and some of these cases, whether it's
man of Forod or others, would even stand constitutional scrutiny.
You have to registers what really qualifies as being a
foreign agent. You know, if you work for a foreign
media company in the the United States, are you a foreign agent? Well,

if you're British, orf you're Russian? I mean, how how
do we start to draw these distinctions and these designations?
You know, they don't think about this though, they don't care.
They don't think about it. They just figure whatever, you know,
whatever works for their side when it works for their side. Um,
and oh, but I've been saying this all along. Man
of the Week, folks, Man of the Week is my

main home slice Ran Paul. He has been in fuego
and he's not done. Not only is he saying that
everyone's got a case of Trump's arrangement sending for the
whole health thinky thing, he's also like, why the heck
does John Brennan still have a top secret clearance? Now?
This is alarming? And if John Brennan still has top

secret clearance? Can he research Donald Trump? Can he research
his family? Can he type my name into computer search engines?
Can he look at all of my information? Uh? It's alarming.
If he has top secret clearance as unhinged as he
is now calling the president treason, treason is saying basically
that he's for you know, the death penalty for the president. Yeah,

it's alarming if he has security clearance, it's absolutely alarming.
Notice how he pointed out treason can care penalty of death.
And so when you're calling it the president treason is
you're just making a legal argument that could have some
very very troubling ramifications. Right. I said that earlier than
week too. There you have it, sitting U S senator
saying this is all what's really going on here? And

I mean John Brennan, he he is. He is a
truly he's become somebody that I'm I am scared what
he is capable of because I think he's a true believer.
I don't think this is an act. You know, some
of the people you see on CNN and by the way,
they're all like, oh my gosh, Mike, can we get
Michael Avenati on TV. Let's hear more Michael LAVNAUGHTI We've

got this really compelling story to tell about Stormy Daniels.
I mean, CNN, the reason you are losing two reruns
of Naked Night in the middle of the day is
because you do not care about what the American people
care about. You just care about trying to think that
somehow you're right in this whole mess and that you're
gonna just you're just carrying on a feud with Trump.

CNN is no longer a channel devoted to progressivism, although
it's stealth they launder liberalism. It is a stealth progressivism.
They pretend to be centrist. I've walked you through this before,
but that's the whole CNN gimmick is we're just journalist man,
and then everyone who watches who's liberal goes, yeah, all
the things that I think can believe are somehow true
according to the journalists. Right, MSNBC is like, all right,

we're a bunch of lives talked to all the lips.
I'm I'm much cooler with the MSNBC approach. But at CNN,
I mean, they're they're essentially and just they're just now
in an open feud with the President and they're letting
that dictate their decisions about how they're gonna schedule programming
and what they're gonna do. Right. That that's what's going

on with CNA. That that's why they're ratings are so poor.
And I don't know when as a brand it finally
starts to affect them I mean, they really are kind
of a legacy institution, so it takes a long time
for this stuff to affect them. But anyway, speaking of
a progressive ism, I do want to spend a moment
to talk to you about a campaign that I just
saw today. Here's the short version. Wages that people don't

like are now violence, they say. Stay with me, I'll explain.
So I've seen a lot of things. I've seen a lot.
I've seen some stuff, my friends, but this is the

craziest one that I've seen a little while when it
comes to a left wing organization in the new direction.
So this is from move on dot org, which is
a left wing political activist group. I'm sure you're familiar
with them. I should go back and research the origins
of this group and where it comes from and all
that stuff, because you know, I feel like maybe it

saw us was writing checks. Yes, we need to move
on move on dot org. That sounds like a good
idea for the site. But sorrows aside. See, when I
used to work for Glen Man, we used to talk
about sorrows so much more. We we got a lot
of o Lynsky and sorrows time in back at the
back in my blaze days? Am I right? Is it Sorrows?

I'm amazing, dude, I am. I am like a some
kind of incredible. I'm a very stable genius stam exactly
just like that. I didn't even know that. I knew that,
and I knew it. I do when I don't and
it did. Um yeah, so it is. It is move

on dot org. I has have the many billions of
dollars and they pay for they move on dot org
and also talk about the international markets and crashing currency
of poor people. But then I talk about how much
I love progressive values and the Breton Woods system. Yessuh
So this move on dot org courtesy of Sorrows campaign

that they've got out here is low wages that I'm folks,
I'm quoting. I'm not making this stuff up. I don't
have to. They're so crazy, there's no need to make
stuff up. Low wages are violence. Knowingly letting people suffer
is violence. It must end. This is what this is
now what they do because violence is bad, right, the

same way that everything that they don't like is Hitler.
Everything that they don't like is now violence, right, or
every person they don't like as Hitler everything. The liberals
don't like his violence. They've done this with speech already, right,
they'll say speech that they don't like is basically the
same thing as violence. Speech that you know that they
get upset about might as well be considered violence, and

it's practically the same thing. And then they have this
in this ad. I mean, this is going all over
the place right now. In the South, they have a
guy who's got here's what's written. He was a young guy, um,
and he's it's something written in Spanish. So I'm assuming
he's a young his young Hispanic or Latino gentleman. Not
that I'm jumping to any conclusions. I don't know his ethnicity.

But it's written in Spanish on his sign. So here's
what he writes. Oh, no, I do know, because his
name is Miguel Cala Colosto. So I think Miguel is
probably uh, he probably of Espanol, right, I mean, that's
a fair and his sign is written in Spanish, Okay,
he does. I'm doing the jobs of three people, cashier,
baker and running the store. That's a lot of responsibility

for just minimum wage. I deserve fifteen dollars and union rights.
You know. I'm just gonna say this, like, if you're
running if you're running the bakery, you may think that
the guy who runs the bake shop is a fat cat.
That is not a way joke, by the way I'm saying.

You may think that the guy running the bakery has
got a lot of excess cash reserves. But it's a
very it's a razor thin margin business. And if he
could pay more, and if he needed to pay more
to be competitive, he would fifteen dollar minimum wage. All
that's going to do is put some businesses out of business,

cut back on people's hours. It's not as easy despite
what liberals think. They think that's about prices. They think
that's about wages. Just because you wish it were so,
it does not make it so. And trying to force
it once you realize that your wishes can't just become
real qality leads to some very bad stuff. Venezuela is

the one that we point to right now. But show
me any place where the government determines what the prices
of consumer goods and I'll show you an economic disaster.
So anyway, move on. Courtesy of status. You gotta talking
about China coming up here. I gotta get motivated every day.
I got a lot of work to do. I know

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Analysts set no Disremember with a bank with a bank,
and everybody wants to steal from and plunder, and it

can't be that way anymore. We lost five billion dollars
last year with China. We are going to end the
theft of American intellectual property, crackdown on China's trade abuses,
and confront countries that cheap. I also had a very
candid conversation with Presidency about the need to reduce our

staggering trade deficit with China and for our trading relationship
to be conducted on a truly fair and equitable basis.
We can no longer tolerate unfair trading practices that steal
American jobs, wealth, and intellectual property. China, from a counterintelligence perspective,

in many ways, represents the broadest, most challenging, most significant
threatnly face of the country. Uh and I say that
because for them, it is a whole of state effort.
It is economic espionage as well as traditional lesbianage. It
is non traditional collectors as well as traditional intelligence operatives.

It's human sources as well as cyber means. It's we
have economic espionage investigations in every state, all fifty states,
the trace back to China. Welcome back to the buck
Sex and Show. You know I've been telling you this week.
What did I say? I said you'd hear more about China. China.

There you go. I said you'd hear more because I
got I got people now in DC, I got people
that know people that know some things about some stuff.
And now that from Trump leading into this was a
that was some historical soundbites we had there. But but
Ray FBI director just from yesterday and who does he
sound like? Folks, who's her remind you of? China is

the biggest counterintelligence threat to the United States by far
that the FBI director. I'm not making this stuff up
when I come on and I tell you, I said,
China is a much bigger threat. I brought this up
on my show Rising on Hill dot TV. I bring
it up here on radio. Right. China is the real
problem because when China actually implements some of the technology

that it is stealing from us, when China takes action
based on all of this, we got a real problem
on our hands because the Chinese economy is enormous. Right
when you look at Chinese GDP and US GDP. Uh,
you know the we're we're getting neck and neck here.
We are closing the gap very rap or they're closing

the gap very rapidly. And so for them to get
access to our most sensitive economic, military, and other information
is a real challenge. But you see, the focus is
so on Russia because that benefits democrats here at home.
And this is why it's important to talk about this.
It's not a diversion, it's the truth. They spend all
this time wrapping themselves and oh, we need to protect

our democracy. All this pearl clutching snowflake is um over
Russia from the left and and they act like it's
their their patriotic duty. Now you have the former CI director,
you have the former n s A director, you have
the form all these big oh intel people who are
coming out in an actively opposing President Trump and saying

that Russia is this imminent threat and never even mind
the stuff about oh it's like pearl harbor. Oh it's
like you know what was the other one they were
saying nine eleven or oh, it's like crystal knocked. I
saw that somewhere too, the Russian intrusion into our election. Meanwhile,
on every observable front, China is more sophisticated in its

efforts to undermine US, more sophisticated in its efforts to
steal from US, more aggressive in its cyber intrusions, and
unlike Russia, we may not have a massive military and
economic edge over China all that much longer. You cannot
make the case. And this is what and I would
challenge anyone, anyone who thinks they are a national security

expert or thinks they know something about anything, to come
on and they are welcome to debby on this. You
cannot make the case that Russia is a bigger threat
than China. In fact, you can only make the case
that China is realistically a bigger threat to our national
security right now than Russia and has been for years.

So since that is the truth, since that is the
reality of our current national security situation, I would then
ask you why is it that you hear not even
ten times as much, fifty times as much in the
media about Russia as you do about China. You see,
it's not really about national security, it's not really about

the sanctity of our democracy. And and I know you
know this, but it's important that we get a chance
to say this out loud. You get a chance to
hear it, I get a chance to say it. We
can share these thoughts. The fixation on Russia and Russia
related actions, election and intrusions and everything else is purely

a partisan spasm because they're so upset, because they're such
sore losers. The Democrats are such whiny babies over Trump
beating them in the election. Russia is not a real
national security threat to the United States. Russian Facebook accounts
are an irritation. They are aggressive, they're annoying, but they

are not something to keep us up at night. And
there's certainly not anything. Yeah, we should be threatening real
military action over which I know some people are crazy
enough that they're actually saying that. I had the congressman
on my show earlier in the week saying we should
shut down the Russian banking system. That's a really good

way to get yourself into a you know, a thermonuclear war. Okay,
that's a very bad idea, um, But this is the
this is the truth of it. You see, the Democrats
are willing just as they were. And this is this
may sound a little harsh, but just as I saw Democrats,
and this is from being inside the government, I saw
people who were working for the intelligence community and people

who were you know, in and around Capitol Hill, who
were cheering for our greater difficulties and even eventual defeat
in Iraq. And I know people it say, no, it's true.
I saw it. Okay, I heard it. I heard the
conversations because it would have meant the humiliation of the
Republican Party of the Bush administration, and it would have

meant that no longer would Republicans be considered the superior
party on national security. That same at all costs mentality
exists with Democrats today when it comes to their Russia
collusion delusion, and it is that they are willing to
pretend that this is all about securing the country, even
if it means spending little to no time and energy

preparing for the much more realistic, much more serious threat
from China. They do not, I think about this. How
can they take themselves seriously when they spend so much
time talking about Russia and the cyber intrusions. I mean,
you look at the things that we think China is behind.
China is is stealing everything and then there taking it

and using it for building their own advanced military technology.
They're using it to build their own companies that are
essentially rip offs of American intellectual property. They're establishing clear
this is what they're pushing deeper into the Indian Ocean.
They're setting up a really a mer cantiles. They're kind
of replaying what the British Empire did that China is

just setting up clear supply lines of raw materials wherever
it can, however it can, so that it can feed
this massive economic engine that only a billion people could
possibly support. And they've got big plans, folks, What do
we have ahead of them? We have our ingenuity, we
have our creativity, we have the dynamism of American minds,

we have the the courage and valor of our military.
But our technological advantage, which is a big part of
by the way, our economic and military advantage of the
Chinese ease eroding with every day, and it's routing a
whole lot faster than it would otherwise because they're stealing
stuff from us and in ways that who knows, But

do you do you really think and this is just
now I'm just gonna get outside the box for a second.
You think the Chinese aren't running different scams and the
Chinese government isn't involved in trying to push US policy
in one direction or another. You don't think that they're
using shell companies and front companies and and cyber operations
and you know, and seeding things into the media. I mean,
we're not naive here in on the buck Section show.

We get it all that and not just that, not
just the Chinese, lots of countries are doing stuff like this.
Keeps bringing me back to Obama knew this was going
on and did not did not think it was a
big deal until Hillary lost. And that you see when
they say it's a nine eleven, they know that it's
not an eleven in the security sense, but it's a

political nine eleven for them. This was the last thing
that they had. They've been losing state houses, losing governorships,
and now they've lost the House, the Senate, and the presidency.
They just could not handle it because and this is
where it really gets scary. I know this is a
bit of a diversion from the talk about what's going
on with China, but Ultimately, liberalism has become a replacement religion,

replacement for religion on the left. It is. It is
a belief system that is inextricably linked to the sense
of worth at people that tie themselves to it, the
sense of worth that they have. They are good people,
they believe because of their liberalism. They are smart people
because of their liberalism. If that's all true, and that's
the case, how could they be out of power? You know,

it's somewhat similar to how I know you're gonna say, buck,
You're going from on it to now liberalism to now
Islamic fundamentalists, but it's Friday. It's a freestyle. Islamic fundamentalists.
One of the things that comes up time and again
in their literature and their propaganda is that they believe
that they have the only truth. And how could it
be possible that the people that have the only, the

only truth in the world have been subjugated and humiliated
for the last hundred years. How could it be possible
that the Western world has so wildly outpaced and out
skilled the Islamic world economically, militarily, and otherwise for the
last hundred years. It has to be wrong, and therefore

there has to be an evil hand behind all of this,
and anything is justified to turn it around. That is
a fundamentalist mentality. It is fundamentalist when it comes to Islam,
and is fundamentalist when it comes to contemporary liberals. Whatever
they have to do to get back in power, however,
they have to turn this around. That's what they want
to do, and that's how you can have this to

spare between the situation with Russia and the situation the
way that the liberals view Russia and the way liberals
view China. They're they're kind of soft on the whole
China situation. They're soft on China, but it comes to
everything except occasionally they get a little noisy about human rights.
But you know what, they don't want to get two
noise by human rights because the worst thing that China

has done on the human rights front is it's one
child policy and force sterilizations and forced abortions, and you know,
that's the one thing that liberals don't really want to
talk about. That's what the one thing that they don't
want to get into when it comes to China that
they don't want to make that part of its human
rights issue. So you know I've been telling you're gonna

hear more about China, not just on the show, but
from the government. You had that statement from Ray, and
I think it is really important that we show that one.
For national security reasons, that becomes a bigger part of
our conversation, you know, for national security reasons, that becomes
some thing that we're talking about a lot more. And
also to it just shows you. It really holds the

mirror up too. Liberals, as on this issue of oh,
it's aboutter democracy and it's about protecting America, they're just
huge phonies because the fixation on Russia is not about
keeping us safe. It's about nullifying an election and we
all know it. And China is a way of a
way for us to understand that. All right, stay with me, team.

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a great deal of work to do. But the President
accomplished one of his goals, which was to create a
way where the two leaders of these important countries can
have positive, constructive conversations that surround these incredibly important issues.
So you got Pompeo there. I brother, I'm really a
pro Pompeo guy. You know, I like them. It's kinda
seems kind of gruff, no nonsense, gets right down to business.

He was liked at the you know, they liked him
at the agency. You know, the file on him from
folks that I know were was that he was stand
up guy. People liked him. I felt like, you know,
he had the best interests of of the organization and
the people that work there at heart, and was was
doing a good job, so you know, but he said,
we gotta see we don't know. I heard so many

crazy theories about what was said between Trump and Trump
and putin in that in that meeting, and I see
it here and I say to myself, you know, at
what point is it irresponsible? At what point to liberals
find themselves thinking, you know what, we can't just we
can't take it that far. We can't be that crazy,

you know, just making stuff up as we go along.
And it'swers. I don't know. It feels to me like
there's a situation here where they just, well, we all
know that there are no limits to this. If if
they think it damages Trumpet, they think it makes Trump
look bad, are all for it. They think that it's
a great idea and a great thing. But Pompeio was like, look,

there's there's more to come. We'll see what the results are.
Speaking of results, they're also all over Trump for North Korea.
And I keep saying this, guys, I'm like, we don't
know what's Everybody, come up the coast, have a few laughs, relaxed.
We gotta see what's going on in North Korea. We
don't know. We just frankly do not know. And here's
Nicky Haley. By the way, I am pro Nicky Haley.

You know, I like Nicki Haley. Um. I also like, uh,
what's the what's the democrat from Hawaii Gabby Tulsi Tulsi
Gabbard or whatever. Yeah, they're doing good policy. They're doing Hey,
they're doing good policy work, both of them, even though
she's a Democrat. But here here's what Nicki Haley had

to say about North Korea sanctions. Play eight. Please, we
can't do one thing until we see North Korea respond
to their promise to denuclearize. We have to see some
sort of action, and so until that action happens, the
Security Council is going to hold tight. The international community,
we ask you to hold tight as we go forward.

The problem that we are encountering is that some of
our friends have decided that they want to go around
the rules. Yep. What she means by that is that
some of the countries that are supposed to be playing
ball China, there you go, no drop, Come on, man,
there we go. China is not helping us, folks. Oh

look at that. You mean China comes up again as
a major problem for another policy issue that really matters
to us, and an initiative where we could see assistance
from them, and instead we're getting a lot of nonsense.
Oh wow, what a what a shock, What a total
and complete shock that is to me. You know, maybe
if we spend more time focusing on issues that matter,

we would have quite a bit, quite a bit more
knowledge in the media on things like what's really happened
with more Korea. You gotta let that situation play out.
People are trying to judge that too early. They're trying
to judge the the outcome of the Helsinki summit. Look,
I wish Trump hadn't, you know, some of the stuff
he said, it's not what I would have It's not
what I would have said, I'll put it that way.

But it's all. They also laid a trap for him
with all the ways they're pushing stuff. They know that
if they if they go after Trump's ego, They're going
to get a certain kind of response from him, and
that's and that's what they did. But you know, I
I do think that. Oh by the way, today, um
you had uh, I think two million dollars released to
the Ukrainian government, is that right, something like that of

a direct military aid. So there's that, folks, Oh that's
right here. So he's sow in the pocket of Putin.
He's doing Putin's bidding. He's sow in the pocket of Putin.
That Trump is sending missiles and sniper rifles to the
Ukrainian government to use to take out Russians. You think
that that might get them to calm down a little

bit of the Asia in the pocket or the rushroan.
But but now sure enough they they think that maybe
maybe that's Putin playing playing four D chess. Maybe that's
that's Putin doing some some crazy tricks that are supposed
to be a shock to everybody. And I don't know.
And it's just at some point the derangement syndrome becomes way,

way too much for anyone to be able to handle.
And we're getting close to it, folks. Well, speaking of
deranging Center, we got Whoopi Goldberg later on speaking out
about what what really went down with the judge, And
we had a judge on the show this week, so
I was like, whoa. We had a great interview though.
Judge and I always have fun. I'm telling you something.
Judge and I get along just great. I see her,

she's like Buck, I'm like Judge. We hug it out.
It's great. She's a lot of fun. She's she's fierce. Man.
I wouldn't judge Yournine dark Alley, Dude, she'd go. She'd
take that beer bottle, smash it in half and come
at you. You You don't want to mess the judge knee.
I'm telling you, lady does not play games. All right,
stay with me. He's back with you now, because when

it comes to the fight for truth, the fuck never stops. Hey,
welcome back, everybody. It's Friday. I got a special treat
in store for you. We have the man himself with
us now, Congressman Louie Gomert from the great state of Texas.
He is just going to shed wisdom on all the
things right now to send you off on your weekends. Gohmer,

thanks for making the time for us. Man, you're blowing
your credibility. You got terrific credibility, and then you say
things like that about me. We gotta put you on
the spot, man, the hot seat. It's been a crazy
week in America. Just can you just tell me? Do
you know? I need to know this? And I'm usually
today I'm in I'm in New York City, but I'm

usually down in the swamp where unfortunately you have to
spend a fair amount of time too. I'm usually d
C Base now and and I just have to wonder,
you're Democratic colleagues in the Congress, when when they aren't
near a camera and when they're not on the floor
of the house, are they walking around like you know,
this Russia stuff is crazy. We gott to tone it
down a little bit because I hope that they're saying that. Well,

I haven't heard any of them say that now. Some
of them, when we get out from behind the hearings,
there is nicest can be. That's that's true. But Buck,
I haven't heard a single one say anything except how
bad Trump is and how we got to get rid
of him. And that is extremely disconcerting to me. And

I'll tell you one of the things that that made
me feel good. I went to Texas a and M
undergrad and I got I was sending a chain of
emails my classmates were sending around and they were saying,
you know the thing about Louis, if that were Hillary
Clinton and the Justice Department, we're conspiring to get rid

of her and use the Justice Department to do it.
He would be yelling just as loudly at any Republican
that acted that way. And I'm glad they realized that.
And and Buck, I've said to my colleagues and open
hearings before I brought this up a couple of times
at least. Look, you know, when when George W. Bush

was president and we found out that there were over
three thousand abuses of the National Security Letter where FBI
agists did fishing expeditions. I called the White House and
said the A G I got to go and where?
And I should have said Moeller had to go. I
didn't know how bad he was at the time, but
I go, where is the single Democrat. Where's one of

you that will open up and say, I don't care
Republican Democrat, this is wrong and it's got to stop.
And nobody says anything. It is really an outrage that
somebody doesn't stand up and say this is just wrong,
this is wrong. You know, Congressman that's I try to
talk about this in the show a fair amount. When
we use the word principle, for example, we talk about,

you know what it means to have principles. A good
example of it is, even when it's not your team,
so to speak, even when it's not your political party
that would benefit from a certain action, you take that
action or you try to enforce some accountability because you
know there's something bigger at stake than just the short
term when in the news cycle or short term political gain.

And I have not seen any Democrats that are concerned
in the least about prosecutorial misconduct. The Department of Justice clearly,
by its own admission, messing up on a whole bunch
of key points in the Hillary email investigation, the Russia
collusion investigation, the leaks that have come out. Nothing Congressman,
there is no sense of bipartisan checks and balances at all.

That's that's right. The bipartisanship is nothing but partisan. And
they say it's Republicans defending Trump. Actually we're defending the
constitution and the abuses that have arisen out of justice
and intel. And I know you've heard our friend New
English say, and if Hillary had won, we would never

have known how co optive and how weaponized the justice
and intel had become under the Democrats. And and it's
one of the things I asked Darnald Trump before I
agreed to co sponsor the Trump for President in Texas.
I said, you got to promise me that you're not
gonna do what George W. Bush did when he took office.

He was trying to be gracious, because he can really
be a gracious, decent guy, but he took office after
the Supreme Court and all that stuff weighted in, and
he said, you know what, I understand, there may have
been crimes or whatever committed in the administration, but everybody
starting fresh today and everything in the past is bygones.

And the problem with that word there were crimes committed,
and when he didn't root that out, it just festered
during his administration until it just bloomed big time under Obama.
And you can't. We have got to get these people out.
But the trouble is, as long as rosen Stein is there,
and he is really good at Schmooz and Jeff's sessions

and the president others make him think he's their buddy.
And until he has fired and out of there, we're
not gonna have any chance of cleaning things up. I
was gonna ask Congressman, what do you think the next
step should be from from the Republicans. You guys are
the majority in the House. Hopefully that will continue. By
the way, how confident are you that that will continue? Uh? Well,

it's like my friend Devon has said, if the Democrats
win the majority back, even if it's just the Senator,
just the House, the investigations are gonna be uh just
brought to an end. Do you think Democrats are trying
to and do you think that some folks that I
would call a part of the deep state cabal? Do
you think that they're trying to run the clock out?

And that's why we've seen so many delays. Buck, you're
a smart guy. You've been on both sides of the government.
You know what's going on deep down. You're part of
the intelligence. Uh you understand. You bet they're trying to
run out the clock and and why would they not
if you're if you're engaged in criminal activity within the government,

and you have seen that during the Clinton administration, they
constantly ran out the clock and after they delayed anything
being done for three or four years and they say, oh,
that's old news, I get off it, and said, no,
we still haven't gotten to the truth. And then you
look at fast and Furious resulting in murder because of
what the justice well a t F did and getting

those guns in the hands of criminals, and uh, you know,
Terry's killed out there, and and all they do it
was obfu skate and Eric Holder was one of the the
worst in the world of covering things up. And he
walks away Scott Free. Unbelievable. And so they have seen
over and over being Ghazi. Basically they never allowed the

full truth to come out. They delayed, they obfuscated, and
so Democrats have seen that is the plan to take.
That's the course of action. They have their template in place,
and that's what they're doing right now. You bet it is.
They're trying to run out the clock. And won't they
be surprised when we hold the majority in both houses

and President Trump ends up stronger. On the other side,
Congressman Louis Gomer, everybody at Texas the first Congressional District
Conston Gomer's number one. I have a great weekend, Louis.
Good to have you on. Man Thank you for joining us, Buck,
Thanks for all the routing out you do of the truth.
Thanks so much. Man, do my best, sir, you keep
it up. Alright, team, we got a big, big third
hour coming up on the show, a follow up to

the feud between Mean Whoopie and Judge Janine, a clash
of the Titans, the Hulk versus the Thing you know, Like, yeah,
that's like the biggest Isn't that the number one comic
book crossover fight? Or Superman versus Batman? Maybe I don't
know one of those things. We've got that indeed, the
next hour and oh we have an epic string of rocal.

We even have a new roll called Intro for you
tonight that's gonna be like whoa coming up. My mother
believed that my father believed that if I wanted to

president United States, I could be I could be Vice
presd MoMA lived in uh in Long Island for ten
years or so. God rest her soul and uh um
although she's wait, your mom's still your mom's still alive?
Is your dad past? God bless her soul? Chuck Graham,
State Senators here, it's not stand up shock that him,

see it? Oh God love you? What am I talking
about a man who will be the next president United States?
Barack America, Delaware. The largest growth in population is Indian Americans.
Movie from Indian You cannot go to a seven eleven
or Duncan Doughnuts unless you have a slight Indian accident.

What kind of a chance with a Northeastern liberal like
Joe Biden stand uh in the South better than anybody else.
And you don't know my state. My state was a
slave state, My state is a border state. My state
is the eighth largest black population in the country. They're
gonna put you all back in change. That was just
a compilation of the great hope of the Democrats so

far for folks, the Joe Biden blue color Joe, it
is amazing, isn't it? To watch? How when you think
about it, what Trump said, and I mentioned this earlier
in the week, is a correct by the way, which
is that Biden was really a backbench It really really

a second or third tier senator. I mean when I
remember I went to a speech by Biden and it
was like Biden and Kusinach. And this was when I
was living in d C. Over a decade ago. Like
Biden and Kusinach and a couple of other candidates. I
can't remember who it was, but you know they're the
Democratic candidate at the time who everybody's like, why is

that guy running? I mean, Biden was not a serious candidate,
and now they're saying because he served as vice president
Barack Obama, they're just grasping at straws. So then you
get and this is this is the big the big
question of the week. You get your socialist of the
month situation playing out right now. Um. And by the way,
one of my one of my listeners wanted to draw

my attention to the fact that when you look at
at a country like Norway and talk about its social
spending programs, keep in mind it has the largest sovereign
wealth fund in the world because of its massive fossil
fuel reserves. Norway people don't think of it this way.
The Norwegians keep it kind of quiet. He's got a
lot of gas money, lots and lots of it. But
anyway you have this, there's hope that the energy for

the Democratic Party is going to come from one of
two kinds of socialists. You've got the Bernie Sanders socialist,
the kind of aging boomer, left wing hippie type, come
gonna be amazing. I'm gonna get everybody free, overything all
the time. And the thing with Bernie Sanders is, you know,

he remembers the Soviet Revolution like it was yesterday. And
and then you've got or you know, the the other
end of the spectrum, you know, the on the younger
end of the spectrum, got Okazia Cortez and doesn't know
what the Soviet Revolution was. But at least she's young, right,
at least there's some possibility that she'll be able to

energize young people. I have heard, I mean, folks, we
are almost in August, we are casting ballots the first
week of November, and I have heard basically nothing from
the Democrats about what their messages about how they plan
on winning people over. I mean, I really do think
that it's just going to be a giant hate Trump

fest and that's the plan. That's the plan. And I
also think that the Democrats are more vulnerable on immigration
then they realized. I was just this was making the
rounds today and I just wanted to play this here, John,
do me a favor. Play clip fifteen here on Almo
Obama say about immigration. Oh, our message absolutely is don't

send your children unaccompanied on trains or through through a
bunch of smugglers. That is our direct message to the
families in Central America. Do not send your children to
the borders. If they do make it, they'll get sent back.
More importantly, they may not make it. You know, why

is it okay that Obama would say, Look, everything he
said there is true and good. I like that. Of course,
his policies did not match his rhetoric. And isn't that
so fascinating with Obama when he would say things that
the media wanted to hear and then do things that
the left wanted him to do. No one ever talks
about how this was not just incongruous but dishonest. And

when they would say that, you know, the abministration, they
would call him the deporter in chief. That was all
a lie, that was all a scan. It wasn't the
deporter in chief. He was just somebody who changed the
way they were calculating deportations at the border. But you know,
when Obama says, don't bring your kids here, he's not
a monster, he's not racist, he's not any of those
things that they say about Trump, and then they'll say, well,

that's because look at the policies, look at data, look
at these other things, and I say, yeah, you see,
this is the it's the reverse of the of the
problem that that people are trying to make of Trump. Right.
Trump says stuff the media doesn't like, but does things
that his base and that those who voted for him
expect him to do. So we judge him based on
the actions, and you know, they were judging Obama always

based on the rhetoric. I prefer our way. I think
that's a better way to go. And on immigration and
how that's going to affect the midterms, they're hoping that
their whole message is going to be, you know, that
Republicans are so mean and bad. This is an issue
that the Democrats haven't really figured this out. The country
is with Republicans on immigration. They don't want more illegal immigration.

They can come up with different ways to try and
change the calculations around this, they can look at different
ways to ask the polling questions. The bottom line is
the country does not want more legal immigration. And when
Democrats talk about the issue of immigration, that's the only
thing they really focus on. You know, they won't discuss

ways of uh. They're not even focused on like guests,
worker programs or things that you think would be for
those who are somewhat squishy and immigration sound like a
good idea, but they won't even they don't even talking
about that. They're getting as close to being an open
borders party as possible without actually having to come out
and and say it. And I think that's going to uh.

I think that's going to haunt them going into the
mid rooms because the American people are just simply not
with them. And I look around and I try to think,
who is the standard bearer right now? Who is the
standard bearer who is in a position to rally the Democrats?
Maybe maybe they can count on Obama to be a successful,

you know, a successful rally rally the Democrat based effort.
I don't know, um, but so far, I mean, they're there,
bench is they got nothing, And I know that they're
all excited about uh Kamala Harris, but I think that
she's gonna be one of these politicians. He's gonna kind
of remind me of Scott Walker. Everybody was really excited
about Scott Walker until they realize, I don't know, he's

a conservative. He's on the right. But so they realized,
wait a second, he's got to actually answer a lot
of questions and inspire people and do things. Kamala Harris
seems great, but I've never to the left. But I've
never seen her I have to deal with any opposition,
I've never seen. I've never seen her in a tough interview.
I've never seen her have to do anything other than
have people say, Wow, you're amazing. Thank you Kamala Harris

for representing California. You're incredible. You are the best. Um
So that's what I just don't see it. I don't
see how they're gonna be able to do this. And
Biden is not this. I know Biden is not the answer.
If they're really counting on Biden to be the one
who who comes through for them, I think that they

are going to be a very, very disappointed to watch.
That's at least my assessment of the situation right now. Um,
he just he doesn't have it. How do you go
from not being able to get one person out of
the Democratic Party's vote to being an actual contender for
the president. Can you think think about the insult contest
between trumpet by I'm actually gonna feel bad for Biden
if it if it turns into that. So I'm I

just keep I keep bringing our attention to this because
I'm almost in disbelief at how days march on, days
march on, and we don't get any more sense than
the Democrats that they understand that they might not win

this mid term, they might not win back power this
midterm election, and then the world's gonna get or this
country is gonna get real crazy. I mean, Trump arrangement
syndrome is going to turn into a pandemic this fall.
Stay would Buck Sexton remission, decoding the news and disseminating
information with actionable intelligence, Make no mistakes, American, You're a

great American again. This is the Buck Sexton Show. Activity analysts,
remember of the Sexton Aleta were under a rock yesterday.

You know all about Janine Pierro's appearance here on the show.
That thing's got hot on the air, which you expect
that happens a lot. But I want to clear up
what happened afterwards, because she talked about it on Fox
News last night and Fox and Friends whatever it is,
but she seemed to leave out some key points because

so well, she left a lot of pertinent stuff out,
and there were a lot of people backstage, and I
want to be very clear about what happened. So there's
a lot of spin she's doing and I can't do
anything about that, but I can tell you what went on.
She was upset when she died here because Anna Navarro
was here instead of Joy, which ended completely acceptable. By

the way, Joy Behart is really annoying, and you know,
she just talks like this all the time, and she
says really stupid things or television and get paid all
this month. But I will take Joey Behart over An
Navarro any day of the week. I think you could
say that when it comes to television and Main Factor,
be the worst, the absolute worst. Continue John supposed it

was not early, it was not late. It ended when
it was supposed to. She then called everybody at the
table a name I cannot repeat on TV and set
it in front of the audience. When I came off stage,
I went over the because I was a little hot, okay,
so I went to calm down. She came off. She
could have just passed me. She didn't need to stop,
but she stopped and put a finger in my face

and yelled, I've done more for victims than you ever
will than I said to her some few choice words
I cannot repeat. Yes, I did say it. I did
say it, but I did not spit on her. I
did not intimidate her. No one chased her out of here,
but she did leave here cursing at the people who

booked the show. She cursed at the guys who did
the security for the show. So I did say to
her in the middle of all this, you and I've
never had a problem before, you know. And to finish
the show, which should tell you, none of us were
chasing her because we still had another segment to do. So.
For twenty years, the show has always had people on

with different views, all right, So so you know, I'm
gonna say this, The view has actually had on people
and a lot of your buck. Why are you talking
about the view, guys? This Friday night and the mood
is right, gonna have some fun, tell you how it's
dying t G I f you guys, remember that it
was amazing. It was amazing, dude, belly cousin Laddie, he

was amazed. Dude, Belky. When you think about a borat
is kind of a rip off of Belki like boor O.
There's a lot. I mean, I know bell Ki is
from Greece basically, and boas from Kazakhstam. But the whole
like country bumpkin thing that you know speaks the truth
even though he doesn't speak the language. Yeah, that's the thing, dude.
I was a big Perfect Strangers fan full House obviously

here by the way, you see the full house. I
don't know if you were if you were on when
I said this micro in the week four million dollar house.
Now the full house house is four million dollars, so
you know, cousin Jesse wasn't exactly roughing it. Okay, that's like, uh,
this whole like, oh like their family just comes together
because they're trying to raise these girls. I've lived in

a four I live in the attic of a four
million dollar house, nice one bedroom up there in San Francisco.
You probably get about five g's a month for that. Anyway,
So where was I? Oh, yeah, why are we talking about?
Why are we talking about the the situation here with
Judge Jennin and whoopee um, Well, one is that Mike

is is that the hottest uh tempered. You've ever seen
ms Goldberg, I have to say, I've actually never seen
her blow up like that before. I've seen her get
up in people's faces a little bit that show, but
I've never seen a straight up she knutron bomb that segment.
She was like, we're done segment break go to it,
like she was done with it. Yeah, you very rarely
see somebody loser cool like that on the air. She went,

she went, she went right to we're done next, well, yeah,
exactly she was. She was like, you know, cut the mics.
Basically that was where she was on that. And I
just bring it up because one, you know, Judge Janine,
she's not gonna play with that. You know, she's just
not She's not gonna sit there and get bamboozled by
the other side. And two, uh, this is what Trump

arrangement does to people. That's it's so funny because the
whole segment was really about It started out because uh, whoopee,
I'm I'm sorry, uh not whoopee the judge, judge, thank you. Judge.
Janine kept wanting to say and A Navarro again because ah,

like I said the worst, but the judge was like,
you know, some people have Trump arrangement syndrome, and she
kind of gestured to WHOOPI Goldberg. By the way, the
reason this is all in the news today is because
they said that would be spat at her and they
were dropping F bombs and it was a total, a
total melee over at ABC Studios here in New York
at the View. And I've heard of things like this

happening before. I've actually heard of it happening at seeing
and a few years back between a couple of people
that I knew. And you know, sometimes what you see
on TV, I I I think people believe it's usually
some kind of a like a hoax. It's a it's
a ruse um. But it's you up there. And when
people get up in your people get up in your grill,

you sometimes react. This has happened with me before, and uh,
you know, people get get a little hot and bothered.
I don't want to say so anyway, So they went
into this thing. But it all started because she pointed
at will be Instid that she had Trump derangement syndrome,
and then she proceeded to get super super angry, incredibly angry,

almost like a deranged person. Wow, look at that look
at how that happened, she in fact proved her Trump
arrangement syndrome on the spot. When the mere accusation of
TDS sends you flying into a TDS tantrum, what further
evidence could you possibly have if you were not, in

fact deranged when it came to issues arounding, touching upon
in the neighborhood of Donald Trump? How could it bother
you in the least if somebody said that you were
suffering from Trump derangement syndrome. You will also note that,
and this is this just keeps coming off of my head.
We hear all this stuff about civility from the left.

We hear all this stuff about how Trump has coursened
the discourse, Trump has made things. And then when you
really think about it, who had which political party in
the last twelve months has suffered an attempted mass assassination
of congressmen? Oh, that's right, the Republican Party. Where do

we see all the stories about people being turned away
for service, being ejected from restaurants or other establishments because
of their ties to the administration, or even for something
as simple for a transgression as minor as wearing a
maga hat. Where else do you see that? And the answer,

sure enough, is that you only see it with Democrats.
And it's always the victims that are Republicans. Somehow, we're
the ones who are supposed to be nicer or or
Trump has made everybody you know, has has made everything worse. Everything,
and they always say that it's Trump's fault. But where
are the Trump supporters that are doing these terrible things

that we definitely see the Democrats doing. I I know
this is somewhat anecdotal, and yeah, I'm sure there's some
bozos somewhere wearing a maga hat who said something stupid
or you know, let a comment fly, or you know,
I'm not saying it never happens, but I'm saying, if
you're gonna really compare these things, the side that is

constantly calling for uh well, calling out Trump and saying
that he has made everything so much worse, he's course
in the discourse, they're really like the guy who who
do I don't know if you've ever had this, if
any of you had older brothers, but the the the greatest,
the greatest physical humiliation that you might suffer when you
have it an older sibling is when they take your

own hand, and they say stop hitting yourself with your hand,
and stop hitting yourself because they grab your hand and
they start slapping you with your own hand like it
adds to it adds to the aggravation you feel because
you are being forced to hit yourself with your hand.
And that is what I feel like this this call

for greater decency from the Democrats. They're running around punching us,
kicking us out of establishments, in some cases engaged in
very real political violence, attempted assassinations. That's a whole separate category,
but I just mean in the day to day, right,
it's Republicans who are being chased out of restaurants. It's
Republicans who are being picketed at their homes by lunatics.

It's Republicans who are being verbally accosted an assaulted in
the street in front of their family members, as we've
seen with Mitch McConnell and other members of the administration.
You know, it's Republicans who have a hat on that
can lead to somebody throwing a drink in their face,
as we saw in that viral video a week ago.
And yet the other side does all the complaining about oh,
it's I feel so unsafe. Trump makes me feel so unsafe.

I both so unsafe. I have to attack you. That's
what they keep doing. They claim that it's a safety issue,
and yet then they come out and physically attack us.
They claim that they're the ones who think that they're
under threat, and yet the actual acting upon threats always
comes from their side. And I just have to wonder

at what point there'll be some moment where they finally
have to face up to this reality. You know, I'm
not sure it will ever really happen, because I've just
laid out all these different cases, all these instances. They
have nothing. They'll say, oh, Trump once said something about,
you know, kick his butt or something at a campaign rally.
You know, that's one time, and I don't think anybody

actually got hurt, and Trump was a little caught up
in the moment. But that doesn't compare to the stuff
that we're seeing from the left on a daily basis,
not like eighteen months ago, two years ago, yesterday, today,
next week. We know which side the violence comes from.
It comes from the more emotional and self righteous end

of the political spectrum. That is Democrats today, that is leftist,
that's just truth. It's a reality that they do not
want to face up to. But as one that I
will not let them skate around anymore. This is, in
fact what is going on. So I just think it's,
you know, the WHOOPI Goldberg situation. Yes, I know it's
not really it's not really a big deal. Who really cares,

But it's yet another instance of Whoopy started out saying
that you know, she's feeling so upset and so threatened,
and everything is so scary now basically, and then she
proceeds a curse at somebody allegedly spitting her face. She
says it didn't happen, and there's this huge few of
this huge fight, and she invited someone into her home
in a sense, right when you invite someone on your show.

That's why I don't invite liberals on this show to
just get ripped apart on air. I think that's just
I think it's ghosh. I think it's ungallant, it's cheesy.
I want to have a real discussion with one, sure,
but I don't think you get very far, especially with
cross talk on radio. Then you just it's just a jumble.
You can't really tell what's being said. But I would
never invite somebody on with the idea that they would

be humiliated, they would be undermined, and they would leave
feeling like they had been degraded in some way. And
and libs do that all the time. They do it
all the time, and then apparently they do it on
the view now once in a while. Oh my my friends,
we have a superb roll call session on the way shortly,
so you will absolutely want to stick around for that.

And don't forget speaking of you. Former co host Jedediabela
joins me on the Freedom of podcast this week. Check
it out. I'm trying to talk about a run. I'm
trying to talk about Valiant run day out. You've told

me this three hundred times? Do you know that that's
what my tweet was about. I know you've explained this. Literally.
I thought them she was why, dadad I thought them
she was why. So that's Roseanne Barr, who is obviously

still very much uh psychologically well fragile, but also psychologically
attached to what happened with her tweet. It was not
even a full on tweet. It was a response to
a tweet. It was in It was in the replies
about Valerie Jarrett. She made a very ill advised and
racist remark. Um and and Mike, what was the content?

She's this is on her YouTube channel, and she's just really,
was that supposed to be this? Was that an outtake?
Or was that supposed to be like that? She was
aware the cameras were rolling, But yeah, I don't know
the context of it, fully because they've just released this.
This is all over the place, but it almost seems
like an outtake. I I don't know if that's an

intentional thing. I'm guessing it is. But but her whole
contention now is that she did not realize that Valerie
Jarrett was African American, so she's screaming about that. You know,
here's my question, Mike, do you think Roseanne is Are
they gonna let her make it come back? I think
she's just done. I think she's she's too toxic, crossed

too many lines too and and quite honestly, I think
that she got really her career beforehand. I don't think
she was amazing because everybody like I was never a
fan of the show of Roseanne. That's the bottom line.
So I just think she's done. But maybe maybe I'm
missing something that's uh special about her career or her abilities.
To me, she just seems kind of heinous and and
unappealing in every sense. I agree. I was done with

her after she sang the national anthem and spitting the
ground stuff. And after that, you're done. In my book, exactly,
it's like Roseanne, check yourself before you wreck yourself. But
you know, this is the thing. There was another guy
who wasn't somebody got somebody got jammed up with tweets
the last twenty for another guy, old tweets. And I've

said this so many I I it was a guy.
He was tied to the guardians of the Galaxy franchise.
I've said this, you know I'm talking about Yeah, he
was a director. I think, right was he the director? Um?
Because I've said that so many times. If I wasn't
in the commentary business, meaning that I didn't have to
share my thoughts about things that were happening as part
of my job, I would either be a Twitter viewer,

or I would have somebody professionally handling my social media
just to put out, you know, appearances. Or now I'm
thinking like, hey, I'm like a rock star, but I
just it's just not worth the risk. I see these
professional athletes that are getting with the guy at the
MLB game recently. He got on all this trouble for
for stuff, and it was stuff that he tweeted out

years ago. I mean he was seventeen when he tweeted it,
you know, So this is now we're in this world
where I think this is the this is step one
of oppo research on anyone now. And that should be
kept in mind that they just they immediately dive into
previous tweets and previous Facebook postings and and they'll, you know,
anything that you there's no context for it, right, they

just find it and they put it up there. So
you can get in a lot of trouble even if
don't say something stupid. But the reality is most people,
especially people who don't you know, for some of these people,
I feel like Mike, they didn't know that they were
going to get famous, right, they didn't know. When you're seventeen,
you don't know if you're gonna become a public person.
So so maybe you write some stupid things thinking that
no one's gonna see. It doesn't matter, it doesn't excuse it,

but you do see how somebody could be so dumb, right,
because if you're not a public figure at the time,
and you probably don't understand at the time the reach
that it's going to eventually, you know that people are Look,
everyone has a digital archive of everything. Now. It's I'm
so glad man. We are the last Mike, We're the
last generation you meet, John, you know, we we think

back to the Zach Morris giant cell phone and and
how like if you had a beeper, you're either a
drug dealer or a doctor, and like there was just
not there was this whole realm of the privacy of
life that existed that's just all gone now. Anyway, this
is kind of a rant. I know, it's really not
very much to do with the rose and thing other

than you know, one one tweet, one late at one
late at night tweet from Roseanne cost two people their jobs.
They say they're bringing back the show though, which I
feel like is not going to be successful. But I don't.
I didn't think it was good in the first place. Yeah,
did you see it? Yeah, I didn't think it was
good at all. Yeah, it wasn't good. It wasn't good.
I thought it was really the whole thing was really true.

Oh um. By the way, I did watch What Who
Is America? I watched the first episode because I was
I talked about it and I didn't want to talk trash.
It is horrible, it's not funny, it is not good.
The the one Israeli martial arts gun guy is like,

can I have some kind of funny moments his other characters?
I am shocked. He does a whole Sasha Baron Cohen
does a whole sketch, and he does kind of go
he kind of goes after not liberals, but maybe there
is one character a little bit. So I said, if
it's bipartisan, at least that's a good start. But the
problem is not even that it's liberal comedy stuff. The

problem is that it's just terrible. It is really really bad.
I'm it's disappointing, Like like when Dave Chappelle finally came
back and we're all excited for his stand up and
then we're like, Wow, you're just not funny anymore. That's
that's a sad thing that happened. You can't just go
away for ten years and not do this and come
back and like still be relevant and funny. That was

what happened. It's like that with Sasha Baron Cohen. Folks,
It's sorry, we have a roll call coming up. Stay
with me. He's holding the line for America. Buck sext

in his back rock and roll. Fellow patriots, we made
ours go up to eleven. It's time for roll call.

All right. It's Friday, which means we get to do
a double dose of roll call, which is a fun
thing for me because I get to see what all
of you think, what all you right and gives me
something to work off of, which I very much appreciate
before I get off into the weekend's craziness. By the way,
I will be on the Greg Gutfeld program on Fox News,

which airs Saturday, I believe eight Eastern, The Greg Gutfeld Show.
We are going to have a fantastic show. Please do
tune in set your DVRs for Fox for this Saturday.
Really enjoy hanging out with Greg and the gang. Greg
was the first person to ever put me on TV
at Fox, something I will never forget and always appreciate.

And we some great shows back in the red eyed days,
and I think you're gonna see we have a great
show here for your Saturday night enjoyment. Even if you
go out Saturday night, folks, make sure your DVR it.
It's fun to watch Sunday night when you're at home too.
All right now, Official Team Buck at gmail dot com
in the inbox, here's what we've got, and then we'll

get to some Facebook in the next part of our
roll call. All right, Kyle, He writes, it's basic human
nature to unite people against a common enemy, resulting in
strong and positive bonds within that society. Think World War two. Currently, though,
we are lacking a common enemy, so the left is
acting by pitting or actively pitting smaller and smaller groups

against each other, thinking they will divide and conquer and
then take power. Problem is, as we learned from the
Roman Empire. For one, when there is no remaining common
enemy unifying the citizens of a diverse country, the civilization
was destroyed from within. It's not China or Russia that
I'm worried about taking the US down militarily. I think
it will be ourselves, and it will be attributable to

the left, desperate and misguided ploy for power. I wish
our politicians actually learned history in school instead of just
memorizing important dates and people. Lack of historical perspective is
the number one reason for most of our current societal problems.
That's why we are doomed to repeat it. From Kyle H. Kyle,
let me just say also, I agree with you and
with regard to the teaching of history, history is stories,

uh and needs to be taught as stories. Now you
need dates and names to go with the stories. You
can't tell a story without dates and names. You don't
have characters, you don't have any sense of movement, you
don't have any sense of progression. But it is a story.
And I think a lot of the history that I
was taught was it was almost like you were just
supposed to memorize entire paragraphs and not understand what was

really going on. And given all of the just the
proliferation of different videos and audio and visual tools you
can use now to learn history, to understand the stories,
to get deeper and deeper into it. Man, it'd be
amazing to be able to go back and do you
know medieval Like I? I studied the history of the
Crusades in college. Some of you are like, Buck, why

do you like these things so much? I studied history
the Crusades in college and to be able to even
to go back now, there's just so much more information,
And I could pull up videos, I could pull up
photos of actual Crusade era weapons on my phone and
study them, and and I could reach out and email
the You know, maybe maybe this was possible when I

was in college, but it was a little a little
less rich, little less stuff online, but certainly wasn't possible
when I was in high school and when I also
did study of medieval Europe. So anyway, I'm I'm nerding
out on the history. But yeah, politicians don't know our history,
that is for sure. Paul writes book, I'm disinclined to
believe that Robert Spencer is white nationalists scum. From around

the first half hour of your July Thursday show. His
name does sound pretty white nationalist, maybe blurrbal with some
genuine white nationalist. He is the spokesman for g Hodwatch,
which is affiliated with David Horowitz. Yes, Paul, you are correct,
and this is a correction I've already issued. But just
to clarify, I was referring to Richard Spencer, the white

nationalists mentioned in the or I was I was intending
to refer to Richard Spencer, the white nationalist, open white nationalists.
Not that's not a a description of him that requires
any editorializing. He is a white nationalist, uh not Robert Spencer,
similar ish name, but Robert Spencer is an author of
the g Hodwatch series tied to the David Horwitz Freedom Center.

Not only is he not a white nationalist, but you
know he's he's on our team, right, Robert Spencer, not
Richard Spencer. Robert Spencer is on our team. So I
got the names. Look, it's live radio. Sometimes it will happen.
I got the names. Uh, I was not thinking of
Robert Spencer when I said that. I just got the
names wrong. So Robert Spencer, author g Hodwatch, David rich

Freedom Center guy, has absolutely nothing to do with Richard Spencer,
who is white nationalist scum. And uh, there you have it.
So that that is the correction, official on air correction
once again. But yes, Paul, anytime I get something wrong,
let me know, all right, I want to know what's
going on there? Uh do solutions? What the what? No?

Sounds like something the wife unit hiatus from the hut? What?
I don't know what's going on here? Do solutions, but
thank you for the email. I don't even know. I
don't know. I don't know what's going on with that one.
Another communication request from a county jail. Um, I, I
guess I'll have to accept. Uh what do you? Yeah,

I'll accept, but I don't have anything to read here
right now. So next up is Cynthia, who, right Steerbuck,
love your show. I whole heartedly agree with your caller,
who appreciates that you fill a void in the six
pm to nine pm hour when I get home from work.
It's so often hard to get that second win and
do all the homework I need to UM, So when

you started your show, I found more energy because I
can listen to you while I'm getting all my mundane
chore is done. So thank you for that. It was
neat to hear the audio of Larry Couldlow on your
show Wednesday night. He's one of my favorite persons. The
only drawback with his new job at the White House
is that we are no longer able to hear his
radio show on Saturday. I love how he was is

never afraid to debate an issue with his guests and
always treated them kindly and foster that atmosphere on his
show regarding plants, plants actually use oxygen to breathe. They
have a process of respiration which, just like humans, takes
into oxygen gives off carbon dioxide. It's the process of
photosynthesis that uses carbon dioxide and gives off oxygen. Yes, correct, true, Um.

And in fact, during times of high heat, photosynthesis rates
are reduced more than respiration, so more C O two
in the summer, and yet they survive. Wow, a lot
of siance here, thanks Cindy. Cindy's dropping all kinds of
science knowledge here. Uh. And she says that's the very
small percentage of our atmosphere people are fussing over anyway. Yes, yes, true,
Thank you, Cynthia. Um, here we go. Uh, we have

j m A right buck. Love the show, and I
think I've converted a number of my co workers into
tuning in. Just a quick correction for you. On ly
eight you comment. You commented on Obama winding about the
economy and how it was unfair. You made a quick
comment passing through the point some of the effects of Bush.
Didn't see it coming. But whatever, Perhaps I misunderstanding you,
but I never want to miss an opportunity to lay

down clearly where most, if not all, others blame or
the blame for that crisis belongs. Bush did see it
coming early in his time at the White House and
raised alarms for years, but was ignored by Congress and
the media and largely seemed to refuse to relay the message. UM,
here's a timeline. Thanks for bringing this quality information. I

have two folks I listened to daily three of time. Allows. Uh.
You're one of the two for many reasons. Made a scoop,
live long, healthy and happy with shields high. Jared, well, Jared,
thank you. Um. I have to go back and see
if Bush was really raising the alarms on this one.
I know he wasn't responsible for the financial crisis, but
because he was president, it was laid at his feet,
laid at his doorstep, and that's just the way politics works.

But I'll check it out and see if he was
trying to do more to stop it. But there was
a lot of spending during the Bush years, a lot
of spending. Andrew rites hi Buck you face you see
in the new movies very well, and for that much respect,
would you consider the Princess Bride an action movie? At
first thought you'd say, no, idiot, that's a comedy of romance.

But the more you think about it, it has sword fights, poisonings,
setting a blanket on fire, torture, et cetera. P s.
I'm trying to bulk up and dresses Jack Burton for Halloween.
Nobody will understand it, but I will. And that's all
that matters. And it's all in the reflexes from Andy
well any. First of all, Jack Burton is a homeless character.
Second of all, Uh no, I gotta throw a flag

on this one. The Princess Bride is not It is not,
I repeat, an action movie. It is a historical epic.
It is in the fantasy and fiction genre. But I
cannot give I cannot wave you through on action movie.
Not enough violence. It's also a kids movie. I mean
it's great, I still watch it to this day, but
it's also kids movie. Uh. Chuck writes, I've been super busy,

so I have not been able to write you a
thank you compliment. I wanted to thank you for the
riff reminding people that socialism is a top down control philosophy.
I thought you did that in a way that went
beyond the usual. The left wants control now let's keep
that message and start reminding listeners of what real freedom
looks like under Americanism. I know that as not as Yeah,

there we go, Thanks again, Chuck. Well, thank you very much, Chuck.
I appreciate the support and the kind note. Steve writes,
exclamation point. Thanks Steve. I'm hoping it's a good exclamation
so I'll take it. Uh. Daniel writes, my head hurts. Okay,

I hope you got some adville for that, Daniel, take
care of yourself. Larry writes, uh FBI circular evidence in
the In the headline here, he writes, and also, hey,
I like your Freedom Hut podcast to love your show
shields high. Since I listened by podcasts sometimes I'm late
to the topics, but why not. The f behind their
circular evidence brought to mind an incident of my own

from thirty years ago, and he goes into tremendous detail here. Um,
let me just say, Larry, I will read your whole note,
but I don't have time to read this all on
air right now, but it will get read by me
and I'll respond as soon as I can. That said,
it is where we have to uh take a station
break out to pay some Freedom Hunt bills, folks what

we do, but we have more roll Call come it
up and remember if you want to be a part
of this amazing party known as roll Call, Facebook, dot Com,
slash buck Sexton, the best way to do it, which
is coming up. Guys, don't forget about the Freedom Hunt podcast.

I had a great chat with my friend Jedediah Biela
about life in the media, what's going on in politics
right now, also cell phones and how they are destroying
and taking over our lives. At the same time. I've
known jededia now for seven years, so we go back
the ways and I think you'll really enjoy it. It's
a It's a perfect thing to put on and just

listen while you're doing the dishes this weekend, while you're
grilling up some steaks or burgers, you know, while you're
going to the store to pick up some beer. Whatever
it is. It's it's a quick show, but please do
check it out. Just go on iTunes or Stitcher and
type in the Freedom Hunt and it will pop up.
If you're already in a podcast of ascriber, it should
be in your fee, but you might have to go
into your iTunes and actually click listen on it, So

please do that when you get a chance. And with that,
we have a bit more role call to get through today,
because you know, you know I love the roll call.
You know I love the role call. Uh. It's the
greatest part of anyone's day every day. Well that might
be a little much, but it's still really good. I
really do enjoy it. Um. And I'm also stalling because

my Facebook page has as I am now live on
air with you, decided to freeze because why why not technology?
Why not fail me when I'm on a Nashally syndicated
radio show with a mass of people listening. Okay, here
we go, uh, Jen, right, thank you for helping me
laugh every day at the Left and their nonsense. Ms

Molly is a lucky lady, shields Hie. Well, thank you, Jen.
Ms Molly will be probably quick to remind you that
I'm actually a very lucky man, but I I appreciate
you looking at it from my side of of things
for a moment. And uh, I I try to make
people laugh, try to inform, try to bring some insight. Uh.
And this is the best part of my day. My
favorite thing that I do in media is this radio show.

No question, just the way it is. And talking to
all of you, some of you have probably realized that
because I do a show where I have to deal
with liberalism and progressivism in the morning on TV, that
when I get to just be myself and do my
thing at night, there's a little extra fire in the belly.
I think it's probably true these days, because I'm like, oh,
let me just tell you guys the truth. Okay, this
morning I had to be polite. I don't want to

be polite anymore. Let me just go and that's what
ends up happening. On the radio show, Adam writes on
getting Jordan Peterson, I approved give him a lot of
time to explain though. Okay, Adam, um, you know what
a producer, Mike, let's reach out to Jordan Peterson ceviill
come back on. We had him out a few months ago.
I haven't. I'm kind of curious what your what's your

thoughts are on this team. I haven't had that many
guests on. It's not because I don't. You know, Look,
I it's great to have on, uh, Guy Benson and
Ben Shapiro and Emily's Nadi, and there's some people that
that have a specific area of expertise that I think
we need for the news cycle, but just other people
who are great media commentators, you know, I feel I look,

I'm a little I'm a little jealous of your time,
and I like to get to talk to all of
you as much as I can. But if you think that,
you know, we could get a couple more guests in
the mixed day in and day out. Let me know
if if you're happy with the vibe of the show
right now, where it's just us talking and some roll
call and some phone calls with the occasional guest, uh,
then let me know that too. Joseph Rights, Hey Buck,

not sure if you thought of this comparison before, but
it came to me while watching TV referring to the
awesome movie Caddyshack. Think of Donald Trump as Rodney Dangerfield's
character and the swampy establishment democrat and Rhino as Ted
Knights character Judge Smails. The Bushwood Country Club members, led
by Smails, were applauded at the thought of the We're appalled,
not applauded at the thought of the uncultured millionaire joining

their club and did everything in their power to stop him.
Sound familiar love your show, Broke keep hammering those lunatic
leftists from Joseph. Well, thank you, Joseph, And yeah, I
do get the comparison you're making their Caddyshack one great movie,
timeless uh Cindelo story, timeless movie Kenny Shack two doesn't

really hold up with Jackie Mason, not not nearly as good.
But thank you for your kind note, Robert. Next up here,
I cracked up during your Wednesday podcast about sanitary conditions
in San Francisco when you responded to a caller with
the defecation situation. That's a great euphemism for a blank show,
or a blanky situation. Might make a good segment title

for your show, the defecation situation, Robert, Well, thank you, Robert.
I'm glad I I chuckled a little bit that one
later on too. It just kind of came out, so yep, yep,
and here we go. Brian. Brian writes Buck wondering when
the Freedom Hut podcast that is going to be on
Stitcher shield time. My friend, well, producer Mike. But I'm

taking producer Mike out for drinks tonight, so I'm gonna
get you. Guys are gonna lay it on Thick. Now
tell me what I need to do. I need to
give producer Micael code red. I was thinking I was
going to get him some scotch, but we could also
just give him a code red. Uh. But no, let
me know if if if there's a platform that we're
not on that we should be on. Um I've gotten.
I'm reaching out to our digital team about what's going
on with T shirts. You know, we we gotta stay

on top of I gotta stay on top of all
these things to make sure that those of you who
are kind enough to spend your time with me, we're
not just having an optimal experience in terms of the
content of the show, that's number one, but also that
we're you know, the sound quality is always good, and
you know, any of those things I like to know
about I dare I say I am an audio radio perfectionist,

or at least I I aspire to be somebody that
you call a perfectress on this stuff. All right, everybody's
gonna be it for the Freedom Hunt for today, Please
do check out the Freedom Hunt podcasts. Like I said,
Jededi Abila is the guest this week. Excited to be
with you every day next week. Until then, have a
great weekend. Everyone shields high. Simply Safe is simply the

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