All Episodes

January 21, 2025 • 99 mins
Willie discusses how the Democrats attempt to subvert the American people with Chris Finey. Also Israel Ellis discusses how the regime change in Washington will change the politics in the Middle East. Finally Kevin Jackson discusses how the day 1 Trump policies will grow moving forward.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:07):
Hallelujah, deliverance has occurred.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
It's been exactly twenty four hours since order has been
restored in Washington. Also last not Ohio state thirty four
to twenty three.

Speaker 1 (00:17):
I'm waiting to talk to the Rock, the Rock, see
if he comes out from under the rock on today
about two point thirty.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
So much going on and so much more. Plus we
have news out of Clark County that certain Bengal memorabilia
seemingly stolen from the home. But Joe Burrow has been
located in the hands of a gang from Chili. Chilean
gangs are roaming around. There's like five or six groups
of them breaking into multi million dollar homes like those
held by Tony Bender in northern Kentucky and Boone County.

But nonetheless joining you and I now is Chris Finnie,
Lawyer Supreme Chris Finnie. Welcome again to the Bill Cunningham Show.
And just as an overview, we watched at the end
Joe Biden issue, really hundreds, so maybe thousands of pardons
to all kinds of people, including family members. And then
a few hours later we have Donald Trump giving pardons
to Jay six and others. And I assume it's all

very legal. It's a political matter, not something for the law,
so to speak. It's political. But nonetheless, Joe Biden told
us he was not going to pardon Hunter Biden his
family members, and he did. On the other hand, Donald
Trump told us exactly what he was going to do
when he did do what he said he was going
to do. So one are both those more or less

than the same category that is presidential power and not
much for the legal system or the political branch to
do much about.

Speaker 3 (01:40):
Well, first of all, just to give you some perspectives,
Donald Trump in his first term issued two hundred and
thirty seven pardons. Barack Obama issued nineteen hundred. Bill Clinton
issued four hundred and fifty nine. Joe Biden issued eight
thousand and sixty two parts in his term, by far,

by far, the greatest number ever in history. And he
did something that is, except for the Nixon pardon by
Gerald Ford, is unprecedented in the history of this country,
which is a prospective, preemptive pardon before anybody's been charged,
before anybody's been accused, before grand jury has been presented

at anything. And it's a brave new world stuff that
we are pushing the limits of the Constitution, And there's
a great question legally about whether or not a president
can issue preempted partons because if you think about it,
back to jolly old England, which is where all this
came from, the king had the right to charge, and
the king had the right to issue pardons. But the

king would never issue a preempted pardon because he just
wouldn't charge. There was no separation of those functions. So
I think there's a legal question that may not get answered,
but possibly it should if the criminal activity by these
people is uncovered, that the preemptive pardons may not be constitutional.

Speaker 2 (03:03):
So he gave his son, who was a drug addict
and a user of young women for prostitution purposes. He
hooked his dead brother's wife on cocaine. This is a
thoroughly disreputable human being who was convicted in federal court.
So instead of just pardoning him for the offense's committed,
a prospective pardon means in the future, no matter what

you've done, you'll be pardoned for that too. So in
Hunter Biden's case, Joe Biden gave him the pardons for
his criminal irs activities and the gun charges, but then
he said for several years in the future, which was
going from sometime about seven or eight years ago until
January twentieth yesterday. He pardoned him for crimes the system

does not know he committed or not and what those
crimes are.

Speaker 1 (03:50):
So is that the argument?

Speaker 2 (03:52):
How can you pardon somebody prospectively when you don't know
what crimes have been committed? He could have committed murder, mayhem,
human trafficking, and he pardoned for all those two.

Speaker 3 (04:02):
Yeah, I mean, it's it is unprecedented in our country's history,
Like I say, except for the Ford pardon of Nixon,
which he gave him kind of a blanket pardon for
everything committed during his presidency. To do that, then there's
a there's a serious constitutional question that that we're you know,
we're pushing the limits of the constitution. So we're you know,

going to find out. We may find out now eventually
somebody may test that. But but just from a conceptual standpoint,
kind of creepy, isn't it that we don't even know
what Joe Biden's brother did or is alleged to have done,
his sister, his sister in law, and so on. He
pardoned all of them.

Speaker 2 (04:42):
Well, we'll see what happens in the future. One thing interesting,
and this is brought up to me. Yesterday Anthony Fauci
was given a pardon and and Mark Millie, the Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs, was given a part on Fauci's case.
I have brad Winstrom coming up in a day or
two because he was out of the Select Committee, and
he believes that Fauci he lied under oath repeatedly before

a committee about all aspects many aspects of COVID, And
so can Fauci now go when he's called before the
Congress again and the next month or two and take
the fifth claiming I can't give you testimony because I
may incriminate myself.

Speaker 1 (05:19):
Does he have to get testimony?

Speaker 3 (05:20):
Oh, I don't think. I don't think he's essentially immunized
for prior crimes, so I don't think he can declare
the fifth. I think when Liz Cheney is called before
Congress and asked her what she did to manipulate witness testimony,
when Fauci is called before Congress to testify about all
manner of things relating to COVID that may constitute crimes.

When Millie is called to testify about his treason when
he called the Chinese and said that he would turn
on his own president in their favor. When those things happen,
they cannot claim the fifth because they've been immunized from prosecution.

Speaker 2 (05:56):
I don't think this is well publicized because I think
most American people don't about this little element. But the
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a four star general,
calls his counterpart in Beijing to inform him as to
whether or not military action will be taken by US
forces before they occur.

Speaker 1 (06:14):
Is that correct?

Speaker 3 (06:16):
That's in my understanding, he's he said that publicly, that
he did that.

Speaker 1 (06:20):
Yes, well, how is that possible? How kind of an American
military officer called the nation's hand to me, I'm going
to tell you what's going is not a problem.

Speaker 3 (06:29):
I think it's a major problem, and I think it
should be addressed. They took down his portrait in the
Pentagon yesterday, thank god. But it's actually shameful what has
happened between the law fair that was engaged by the
Biden administration, the some of the work, not all of it,
but some of the work of the J six Committee,

and the uh, you know, the Millie and all these
things that happened in the Hunter Biden stuff. I mean,
it just goes on and on. I mean the idea,
idea that we are manipulated, that there is a vast
left wing conspiracy which includes many components of the establishment media.

It's not a fantasy and it's not a conspiracy theory.
It's the truth of what's going on in this country.
And it's a problem.

Speaker 1 (07:19):
I think, I think it's a major problem. But the
media itself.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
I pay attention to MSNBC and I read the New
York Times, so you don't have to, and they live
in some alternative universe. There was no mention yesterday an
MSNBC about all the pardons that Joe Biden gave going
out the door to family members retroactively, prospectively, and there
was none of that was it wasn't even an issue

at all. That Mark milly treason conducted by him was
not covered by the mainstream media, continues not to be covered.
And they're outrage that Mark Milly's portrait was taken down
the Department of Defense. MSNBC analysts are outraged that the
portrait was taken down.

Speaker 1 (07:59):
On top of that, the fifty one so called experts,
head of the CIA, retired, head of DIA, retired, fifty
one experts came forward and initiate a statement that the
Hunter Biden laptop was simply Russian disinformation. And those are
also lies too, And he pardoned most of those individuals
and they can be called before the Congress because they

lied and manipulated the election in twenty twenty to the
benefit of Joe Biden. And you talk about election interference, now,
that's election interference.

Speaker 3 (08:31):
But understand William conjunction with that. What happened when those
experts said this maybe Russian misinformation that led Facebook, Twitter
and all of these outlets to block a legitimate story
from the most of the New York Post about the
Hunter Biden laptop, which was explosive in the days leading

to the election, the October Surprise, and the American public
simply was blocked, literally blocked from reading about that. Anybody
that linked to it was blocked on those social media platforms.
So this pressure that Mark Zuckerberd has now testified to
about how the administration was screaming at the Facebook people
of the phone and threatening them to take things down.

We were shamelessly manipulated in that Biden Trump election. Well,
there's no question about it that it was beyond the
pale of anything. And really that's you know, people want
to point them to Donald Trump and say that he
violates all the conventions of head in this history of
this country. It's Joe Biden that that exceeded every level

of decency and fairness that we've ever had with Starting
with that continuing, somebody in the White House coordinated with
Fanny Willis, coordinated with all of these prosecutors to to
to reign hell fire on top of Donald Trump's head
during the after he announced as president, and he endured

all that, but that lawfair that that onslaught that came
at him and really all those J six protesters, that
was just a continuation of that theme that we have
to throw every Joe Biden and if he was even
conscious at the time, but his administration said, unleash everything
we have on Trump and the Jay six protesters and

throw everything we have about him because we know how
tough this twenty twenty four election is going to be.
And it didn't work. But that's what was going on.

Speaker 2 (10:29):
Mark Zuckerberger Facebook said on the Joe Rogan Show Initiative
statement that in twenty twenty, previous to the election, in
the summer and fall of twenty twenty, if there was
something posted on Facebook by a user that was hurtful
to Joe Biden, that all hell broke loose. That the
Biden administration, the United States federal government called a private

entity Facebook and yelled and screamed at them to take
down that posting of that individual American because it was
Russian disinformation and if they didn't do it, Mark Zuckerberg
was told they'll be hell to pay. So the regulators
of Facebook from the US government demanded the negative information
about Joe Biden twenty twenty be taken down posted by

a normal American, and Zuckerberg and Facebook and all the
other social media sites complied they did it keeping from
the American people necessary information. And then it's come out
that Alvin Bragg had on his staff in New York
City a guy named Colangelo, who was number three at
the Department of Justice, to coordinate the attack on Donald

Trump from New York City, and that Nathan Wade, the
boyfriend of Fanny Willis, had two meetings in the White
House with White House Counsel coordinating the attack on Donald
Trump in Atlanta.

Speaker 1 (11:44):
So this you know, the head of the snake was.

Speaker 2 (11:46):
Joe Biden, we think or somebody in the White House
coordinated legal attacks all over the place. And I would
say this, it didn't just stop with Donald Trump. There
were thirty to forty lawyers who represented Donald Trump that
have had their licenses from Some of them were sued
and lives were made miserable and indicted all over Georgia
and New York, in Arizona because they were part of

Donald Trump. That's how bad this was. And do you
think the American people knew that or figured it out?
Because this was unpresident. This makes Richard Nixon look like
a parking ticket, for God's sakes.

Speaker 3 (12:21):
I do think. I do think all the lawfare, all
the speech suppression finally got through to people because you
were hearing not just Republicans say this, but either more
libertarian people or Democrats that would have voted for Biden
the first time through said there's a problem in this country.
Even Robert F. Kennedy Junior and his running mate were

very articulate on this suppression issue. And remember, will you
take this all the way back to Donald Trump's presidency
where there was clear evidence of crimes by Hillary Clinton.
There's no question the sledgehammer to the BlackBerry that was
under a subpoena, that is a crime. And Donald Trump,
taking the high road in his first term, took a

pass on all of that. Nobody got indicted, There were
no political persecutions under his administration. He took the highroad
to avoid any accusation of that. And then we turn
around in the Biden administration and like I said, they
just let the floodgates open and they attacked everybody, thousands
of prosecutions to try to suppress the will of the

people in this thing, the lies by the intelligence community.
I think one of the greatest things that Donald Trump
did yesterday was revoked the security clearances of every one
of those complete liars to the media that participated in
that misleading of the American public with their special security clearances.
The only shame is that the ship is in the
Senate now. Who really was leading the charge in the

House at the time lying to people shamelessly about what
they were learning about the Russia hoax and Trump. I
hope Trump takes the high road. That doesn't mean not
prosecute anybody, but only the clearest and most compelling crimes.
But these preempted pardons were a continuation of, like I say,

everything they accused Trump of is what Biden was doing,
the abuse of the Justice Department, the law fair and
with the j six pardons and with the action you
know what Biden did with his family, with Liz Cheney
at Fauci. To me, you know, he has cost this

country much more than money by shutting down the economy
for two years. He cost us the credibility of the
public health authorities. Nobody believes them anymore.

Speaker 2 (14:39):
No, we got to run, but I got all these
other issues to talk about, the Modell Rule, the Bengals
Lease I four seventy one bridge, the lack of the
city's ability to remove snow. I would lastly say to you,
Chris Finny, Attorney, that Joe Biden fashions himself, coins himself
as a more than fifty year dedicated public servant, making
no more than one hundred and seventy five thousand dollars

a year in any one year. How did he get
his multi millions of dollars to build mansions on the
Atlantic Ocean If he just used his public salary. One
might ask how did he become rich? How did he
become a multi millionaire. Maybe he was the big guy
getting money through Hunter Biden from Ukraine to affect American
policy there in China. That's a different issue.

Speaker 3 (15:20):
But takes it's unprecedent in our country to ever issue
prospective pardons. But just think about what he did. He
pardoned every one of his family members that was accused
or suspected in this money laundering scheme from foreign governments
to influence our policy.

Speaker 2 (15:35):
It's frightening and largely once again like Hillary Clinton, I
guess he'll get away with it, and all right, we
got to run. Can you give me thirty seconds? Tony
Bender wants to know if he can sue everybody on
the four seventy one bridge debackle.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
He travels to Boon County.

Speaker 3 (15:53):
Here's the question of the hour for that or the month,
which is, why doesn't may Or have to have somebody
down there at the foot of the Taylor's out Gate
Bridge directing traffic and pushing that through every day at
rush hour and doing something to solve that problem. It's
embarrassing that the governor of Kentucky, the governor of Ohio,

and the mayor of this city, and candidly the mayor
of Newport, have done nothing to try to alleviate the
problem for citizens, businesses that are suffering. It's really embarrassing.

Speaker 2 (16:25):
Thank god, we don't have a fire problem here like
in La Cincinnati would burn because we have an incompetent
mayor and we have a city manager there.

Speaker 3 (16:32):
Because do you think Fpev even knows about the bridge problem?

Speaker 1 (16:35):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (16:35):
Call him and let him know because I've seen nothing
out of the city hall on that at all.

Speaker 2 (16:39):
Nothing. All right, we got to run. But Chris Finnie,
we'll get to the other issues later. But thanks for
coming on the Bill Cunningham Show. But Joe Biden eight
sixty two pardons, But that's not the news today. It's
all about Donald Trump. Thank you, Chris Finny, Thanks you will,
God bless. I'll continue with more line becomes available five one, three, seven, four, nine,
seven thousand, Destroy the documents, repeatedly, hide the money, and

pardon yourself. Bill Cunningham, News Radio seven hundred ww Roy
Dave Keaton hit the music. Here we are once again,
twenty four hours after our nation has been delivered. This
wasn't so much a renaissance by Donald Trump. It was
a Lesser's type resurrection. He was beyond dead politically, and

he came back magnificently, beaten all his enemies and the
nation's enemies in order to win win the prize of
the presidency. In the last twenty four hours, I think
have been fabulous. I think the next four years are
going to be better. I have great optimism. We'll see
what happens later today he's got some major announcement to
make at four o'clock with the Rock. We'll see what

happens there. In any fingers, and the Elon Musk doze
has been sued. The ACLU and other liberal lawyers have
been raising millions and millions of dollars from the Ford
Foundation and elsewhere George Soros to completely sue everything Donald
Trump does. To go to federal court, and they pick
a federal judge appointed by Obama or by Biden in

the first instance, in order to hear the case. And
once get to federal court on a civil matter, heck,
it can be years before it's resolved. So in a sense,
the ability to sue is going to stop Donald Trump
from enacting what the American people want to a large
extent in these cases, there's a lots of maybe one

hundred to one hundred and fifty executive orders eeos that
have been issued, and of the eos, each one's going
to be subject to large numbers of lawsuits by liberal
leftists ACLU types and to be hurt in front of
compliant judges and try to stop everything going on. It'll
take a while, it won't be immediate, but I know
that how I feel this afternoon, compared to how I

would have felt if Kamala Harris had won the presidency,
the same old, same old would continue, and we're down
the tubes. The America America, I know, doesn't exist much
anymore today, but give it, Give her and maybe ten
Waltz four to eight more years on top of this,
and we're done, absolutely finished. At least we have someone
who cares about America, cares about the southern border and

about economic expansion.

Speaker 4 (19:11):

Speaker 2 (19:11):
Secondly, I knowed it with interest, and we have dealt
with this several times over the past year. That there's
large numbers of South American criminal syndicates who have sent
through Joe Biden's open border, large numbers of gang bangers,
and others to commit burglaries and robberies, commit mayhem in
not just Hambleton County or Boone County, but all over America.

And there were four Chilean nationals arrested two weeks ago
in Clark County and they're going to be back in
court today at two o'clock. They're all, shall we say,
from Chile. And specifically they were found in possession of
an old LSU shirt and a Bengals hat believed to

be taken from the December nine, twenty twenty four burglary
in Hamley County of Joe Burrows's home, and they were
found in the groups of Black Cherry Blazer. It's an
ongoing investigation. And one thing caught my eye in the
story from Cameron Knight of the inquiry, and that is
in Clark County documents, the investigator of the FBI states

there's at least six different South American burglary groups. Some
have been arrested, five of which are Chilean nationals. The
documents did not state where the other rest were made.
They in this case, investigator said all four rested. We're
here illegally, though of course they're here illegally. Because of
Joe Biden. Their names are Jordan, Francisco Sanchez, Bastionian Morales,

Sergio Cabella. They're twenty two, twenty three, and thirty eight.
You might recall about a month or two ago there
were two Venezuelan nationals arrested. They did not speak, they
would not give any comments to anything. They got sentenced
to eight years in state prison, and they were stopped
outside the hotel.

Speaker 1 (21:04):
And that's what they do. And what happens is that
there may be as many, according to the FBI, of
one hundred groups containing six to ten men each running
around the country surveying properties and determine which ones to
break into, which ones not to break into. And young
athletes are prime target a because you know where they are.

For example, you knew where Travis Kelsey was, or Patrick
Mahomes or Joe Burrow. You know exactly what they're on TV.

Speaker 2 (21:33):
And the security is pretty good, but it doesn't match
the attempts by the South American criminal syndicates to burglarize
homes because that's where the money is. They put deer
cameras in around bushes or trees to monitor the property
remotely on their cell phones. They determine who's coming, who's going,
who's president of the house, who's not. They do internet

research as far as who the person is, what are
their habits, what kind of things did they buy, and
also their age, and who's president in the house. In
Joe Burrow's house, there was a twenty three year old
influence her who made the first call to police. Who
was there, I think to influence Joe Burrow about something.
I'm not sure exactly what it was, but she was

influencer and she called the police. They were in possession
of a criminal tools. They had seven burn heer cell phones,
two automatic center punch tools used by the South American
Theft Group to break glass and under houses. You put
this tool up against the house and it's a punch.
You hit the button and all of a sudden, the
glass shatters. They also had the parts of their resume

included the ability to cut out the glass, the charge
with all kinds of crime, and the judge in Clark County.
And I believe Clark County, correct me if I'm wrong.
It's north of north it's in the Dayton area. I
think I've been to Clark County. I think Chris Smitherman
took me there one day. That it's in more or
less around a little north of Butler County, near the

Dayton area Clark County, And I bet you a dollar
to a donut. These individuals do little or no talking,
and the reason is if they talk, their loved ones
back home can be killed. So these gangs are making
millions and millions of dollars burglarizing our homes because of
the immigration policies of Joe Burrow of Joe Biden, much

less what happened to Lincoln Riley. By the way, the
Lincoln Riley Act passed a couple days ago in the Senate.
So that means when someone who has a serious felony
conviction and ice puts a detainer on them, that the
local authorities will honor that detainer and after they serve
their sins to get the hell out of Dodge. So
this thing's going to continue to proliferate. Think of one

hundred groups, six to ten men each all over the
country burglarizing homes and doing the most professional thing imagine,
which is surveying the property from deerstand type of cameras
to determine who's there, who's not what kind of cars
are present, etc. When the lights on, one of the
lights off. One does the person come in? Where are
the children? One thing they're told, according the FBI is

to not engage the homeowners. By that we mean if
you get caught, get out, do not use a knife,
to not use a gun, don't come in any physical assaults.

Speaker 1 (24:22):
That ups it quite a bit. So that's where we
are with that.

Speaker 2 (24:25):
Secondly, and thirdly, a note with interest that Donald Trump
yesterday pardon many many and connected to January sixth, and
he did that, and one of the canards and I,
according to a friend of mine who watches the View,
which I don't, that's one thing I can't do. I
may watch MSNBC now and then to get some laughs

and report to you what goes on. But the view
began by saying that four police officers were killed on
January the sixth. If that was the case, the individuals
who did it would have been charged with killing a
police officer. And in which case, if that happened, they're
looking at the death penalty, and the Feds will give
you the death penalty if you kill a police officer.

Not one was charged with killing a police officer in fact,
none were charged with any filonious assault on a police officer.
There were four officers who died later of various medical conditions,
but none of their death certificates contained the knowledge that
they're the victim of a homicide. According to those who

know the best, that is the doctors, the pathologists, the corners.
Of the four Capitol police officers who died in the days, weeks,
and months later, none of them determined that it was
caused by what happened on January the sixth. What doesn't
justify it at all? If you kick a police officer,
ort a police officer, I think four years in jail
was sufficient, having caused no serious injuries. That if serious

injuries were caused and it could be proven, they would
have been charged with that, right, they weren't charged with that.

Speaker 1 (25:57):
You think the.

Speaker 2 (25:57):
Federal prosecutors would have loved to prosecute who killed a
police officer or calls felonious assault serious physical harm, They
would have done it. That doesn't justify what did happen.
It was bad, and those who have already served four
years in jail, four years in prison, would you know?
I'm not sure if that's right or wrong.

Speaker 1 (26:17):
Good or bad.

Speaker 2 (26:18):
But when you heard a cop, you need to go
to jail, you need to go to prison. You must
be stopped. Great majority of those January sixth were simply
invited in by the Capitol police. Much video to show that.
And they're still doubt is whether the FBI infiltrated the groups,
because they had shall we say, informants in all these groups.

And lastly, it is clearly visible on the documentary tape
of Nancy Pelosi herself saying I'm responsible for this. Nancy
Pelosi on the afternoon of January sixth said, I am
responsible for this.

Speaker 1 (26:54):
That's Nancy Pelosi. She was in charge of security. That
doesn't obviate the criminal behavior of many that day, but
it also it indicates to me that those responsible have
taken responsibility, that is Nancy Pelosi. That the security defense
was not put up, and the FBI knew or should
have known, what was going to happen. But those who

actually committed crimes inside the capitol, like that clown that
sat at Nancy Pelosi's desk and put the feet up,
and the fool, the criminal that broke into a window.

Speaker 2 (27:25):
There was one million dollars of damage. You damaged something
in there, absolutely, But is four years in jail enough?
My answer generally is yes. So I'm told in the
next couple of days, I'm going to have on one
of the January sixth rioters to talk about what's happened
to him the past four years. He's been awaiting trial
in the DC Goulog for the last four years, no trial,

many many, many weeks were spent in solitary confinement in
the dark. So that's the way they treated those individuals,
and I think to a large extent for them, justice
was done by that. I mean, they committed crimes and
the great majority got probation in a fine, and their
lives are ruined, every one of them. Their lives are ruined.
The fifteen hundred men and women that did that, their

lives are ruined. Maybe that's the punishment, but whatever it is,
we move on. I'm going to have on a guest
either on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday who's getting out as
I speak to talk to you about his experiences. It
doesn't justify it. It's not good, it's bad. They paid
a price. This guest I have coming on has spent

four years in jail and the DC jail, which is
like a gulag. Never got a trial, and he's still
waiting for trial, and he thinks he's getting out today.
I had him on about six months ago when he
was in the visitor center in the jail, and let's
hear his story. But if you would line up the

top ten reasons some were voted four or against Donald Trump,
I would say not one of the top twenty involved
January sixth. There were many other issues. And lastly coming
up in about fifteen minutes, person that has written a
great book on what's happening in Israel with the Jihat, etc.
His name is Israel Ellis has a new book out

called Wake Up. Spends a lot of time in the
book talking about college campuses and now the infiltration, the
indoctrination of kids happening on college campuses, funded by college
professors and by the Soros Foundation otherwise is a clear
and present danger in this country. I could not imagine
a circumstance or some group would call for the lynching

of black men and the rape of white women and
get away with it.

Speaker 1 (29:39):
Would that justify?

Speaker 2 (29:41):
Would college administrators administrators do anything about that? If some
groups said we need to lynch black men. We need
to rape white women. Let's get that done. How far
would that go on college campuses. I would think not
very far at all, that they would never college campuses
allow demonstrations groups of college students who favored lynching blacks

and raping women. But that's exactly what Hamas does to
Jews and the Jewish women. They kill them and they
rape them. And the college campuses are alive and alert
with students in these various college campuses urging support for Hamas,
who's in the business of killing. Hamas is a terrorist group.

They're murderers. They love death and they askew life. We
in the West, Jews, Americans, we love life and seek
to live. If you're with Hamas Hezbeala the hoodies, you
love death and you want to die. And I say
many times, let's set up the meeting. And Iran is

the head of the snake. And so when I saw
a few days ago when there's three women came out,
which was a good thing, absolutely great, I saw around
them a bunch of Hamas murderers with their AK forty
seven shooting guns in the air as if they had
some great victory. How does Israel allow Gaza to continue

with Hamas in charge when they are the murderers, they're
the rapists, they're the ones destroying Gaza by themselves because
they put their military equipment and they're controlling command centers
inside hospitals, under schools and apartment buildings. And that means
in order to win the war to go after Amas,
Hamas encourages the Jews to kill Palestinians. All it would

take is for a Mass to say, we lost, we surrender,
come in, lay down our arms, come please help us.
But all these aid trups going in will be used
by Hamas. It's not going to be used by Palestinians
to dole out to others that they favor. But as
long as a Mass is in charge of Gaza, there
will be no peace in the Middle East. And by
the way, Gaza is the beautiful it should be a

beautiful piece of real estate on the Mediterranean. But as
long as murderous gangs and thugs are in charge i e. Hamas,
and they continue to exist, there can be no peace.
It would be ridiculous for Israel to entertain peace with
Hamas still the major factor in Gossip, because you're delaying
the inevitable by five or ten years.

Speaker 1 (32:17):
Let's continue with more.

Speaker 2 (32:18):
Also later on, we scheduled Kevin Jackson, the Kevin Jackson
Network of the Black Sphere, and so much others, and
we'll see what happens down the road. I love the
comments of Chris Finney when he compared what Joe Biden
has said, and by the way, Joe Biden said in
twenty twenty when he came up repeatedly whether Donald Trump
should pardon his family members, and whether it was the
view or Nancy Pelosi or Adam Shiftless or Joe Biden,

they all said the same thing. No one offers and
accepts a pardon unless you're guilty of the crime. Does
that principle apply today to Joe Biden's family.

Speaker 1 (32:55):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (32:56):
And this whole January sixth thing needs to be put
completely behind us, and let's move on because there's a
lot to be said about it, and it's time to
deal with the problems of twenty twenty five. Not the
fact that a few hundred clowns and low level criminals
committed crime, property crimes and the capitol and there were
no police officers killed. If there was the Feds would

have charged murder. They would have loved to have done
that if that was the case, but they couldn't prove
it because it didn't happen that way.

Speaker 1 (33:25):
Terrible assaults took place.

Speaker 2 (33:26):
Absolutely those that did it went to jail, absolutely, four
years in jail for the assaults, probably about right, four
or five years. I'm okay with that, you know. I
support law enforcement. I love firefighters, you know that. But
at some point enough is enough.

Speaker 1 (33:41):
And I wonder what happened to the thousands of criminals
who burned down large American cities, killing twenty seven cops,
causing billions of dollars in property damage in the so
called George Floyd Roberts George Floyd Riots. And how did
the Blue Cities and the Blue States deal with that?
It was like a right full protest, sick of it.

Bill cunning in The Great American Live at Jerome of
the Bengals is Radio seven hundred WLW. Bill cunning In
The Great American, of course, is the new sheriff in town.
His name is Donald John Trump.

Speaker 2 (34:20):
And the failure of the Biden administration policies in the
Middle East, where we put to the side.

Speaker 1 (34:25):
We hope and joining you and I now is.

Speaker 2 (34:27):
Israel Ellis they wake up call global jihad and the
rise of anti Semitism in the world gone mad. And
this author is a father of an idf reserve is
called up to duty in October the seventh and Israel Ellis,
Welcome to the Bill Cunningham Show. And my first question
is this. I spent time in Israel. I was up
against the fence, and before we talk about the terrible

horror inflicted upon Israel by Hamas and how Trump may
assist it, how much of a shock was it to
the Israeli people that Hamas could have done this the
way they did it at a time that there was
a sense of peace coming. How much of a shock
was this to the psyche of the Israeli people.

Speaker 5 (35:09):
I think, you know, Bill, I think that's pretty obvious.
It was one of the greatest shocks in seventy five
years of Israel's entire history. No one was prepared for this,
and no one could have imagined this. And if you
would have told me as a lay person that you know,
sutchs and such is going to happen, I would have,

you know, said, there's absolutely no way.

Speaker 4 (35:34):
And that's really what the wake up call is about.

Speaker 6 (35:37):
The book was written because of the question that I'm
coming up in every conversation, and that is the bewildered
look on people's eyes, asking how how did this happen?

Speaker 2 (35:50):
And when I was there, I had a sense of
great security. I spent time in the West Bank, went
to Massada, got up against a border fence and I
was told if retiree, who was a great guy, a
major with our little group providing analysis, and he talked about,
you know, the Gaza strip is hunker down, we have satellites,

we have infiltrated parts of a moss, we have this
fence up. It's it's impossible for this to occur. Paragliders
wasn't a factor. It wasn't going to happen. IDF would
quickly respond. On October the seventh, about one two hundred
innocent men and women and children were murder hunters taken hostage.

Speaker 1 (36:30):
And my correct to state.

Speaker 2 (36:31):
Israel elis that the beginning of this, the genesis of this,
and the funding of this came because of the Joe
Biden policy of funding Iran, the head of the snake.
Then they took those moneies from us, from Americans gave
it to Hesbela Hamas and through the hooties, and except
for the policies of Joe Biden providing the money in
the arms to Ron to attack Israel, this likely would

not have happened in the first place.

Speaker 5 (36:56):
Well, I wouldn't say you're completely correct, nor are you
completely incorrect.

Speaker 4 (37:02):
I don't think I could go ahead and.

Speaker 5 (37:04):
Place the blame on any one particular person, especially in America.
I don't think anyone wanted something like this to have happened.

Speaker 4 (37:12):
However, I will.

Speaker 5 (37:14):
Tell you that the complacency and the funding of UNRA
and of the biggest scam that has existed since the
Second Gold War, since the.

Speaker 4 (37:26):
Establishment of the State of Israel, this UNRA.

Speaker 5 (37:30):
And the United Nations, that's where the blame squarely, you know,
falls squarely on.

Speaker 4 (37:35):
And it's this sort of this.

Speaker 5 (37:38):
Ignorance and not recognizing and realizing.

Speaker 4 (37:41):
What global GAD is about.

Speaker 5 (37:43):
Yes, Bendings, the need to rand has got to be
also the most stupidest thing that we could do to
undermine our own security and safety, especially knowing it's just
been bizarre. I mean, we know that they're developing nuclear capabilities,
we know what they're at it is. These people are
marching in the state, calling death to America, and yet
we continue to fund proxies that will ultimately fund it.

I mean, I'll tell you the absolute irony bill is
having my son an active duty assigned to protect the
humanitarian coronor leading into Gaza to provide humanitarian needs to
gas as much in need of these things, and those
goods are being hijacked by a mus who fuels themselves,

and we're funding these goods that are coming in so
that I must could refuel itself so that they go ahead
and they could try to attack my son.

Speaker 4 (38:42):
And it's just totally bizarre and.

Speaker 5 (38:44):
Ironic and dissonance and everything you can imagine. And hopefully
with this new administration coming in that nonsense when we
put to bed and we're going to see a very
different face of the Middle East.

Speaker 2 (38:56):
Israel elis author of the book Wake Up Call. When
I watch the of those three female hostages, I'm so
happy those ladies were released. I saw dozens and dozens
of Hamas fighters, murderers and terrorists dressed up appropriately. With
AK forty seven's shooting in the air, I have no
doubt that Hamas will reconstitute itself and will do exactly

the same thing of given the opportunity in a year,
five years or ten years. Can Israel ever be at
real peace if Hamas controls Gaza.

Speaker 4 (39:30):
No, it must must be, There can be.

Speaker 5 (39:33):
There can be no exception over here, and there is
no opportunity for flexibility. It must needs to be completely decimated.
A must needs to cease to exist.

Speaker 4 (39:43):
And I mean, you know, our.

Speaker 5 (39:46):
New president, God bless them, because it's.

Speaker 4 (39:48):
The divine intervention that he is in power today.

Speaker 5 (39:52):
He knows very well and better than anyone else the
art of the deal and the the idea of having
to be put into the impossible situation where israelly are
forced to negotiate with terrorists and to repatriate.

Speaker 4 (40:13):
Nearly nineteen hundred murdering.

Speaker 5 (40:16):
Terrorists out of prisons who've been put away and put
out of arm's way, and then put them back into
gass and a must and rearm themselves.

Speaker 4 (40:24):
It is shameful and is terrible that we're.

Speaker 5 (40:28):
In that situation. But she knows something, Bill, And then
you've been to Israel, and you know this. The Jewish
people in Israel, we are lovers of life, and we
see three souls and we see that worth almost any cost.

Speaker 4 (40:44):
We do not leave people behind. And so let's get
our hostages out.

Speaker 5 (40:49):
And then we'll deal with these animals secondary.

Speaker 4 (40:53):

Speaker 2 (40:54):
The other issue is the disproportionate numbers. I don't know
how many of the hundred are left alive. I assume
more than half for debt. I pray to god they're
all They all look like there's three hostages that came
out that they look actually better than I thought they
would look.

Speaker 1 (41:09):
But how do you come up with numbers? You give
us maybe thirty forty fifty, and we'll give you back
two thousand murderers. How come it's always like one hundred
to one or fifty to one, And who negotiates that deal?

Speaker 5 (41:24):
There is no negotiation over here, and there's just you know,
the outside world doesn't see, sir, of what happens on
the inside. It is absolutely disproportionate. And what really disgusting,
more than anything else, Bill, is when we take human
lives and we commoditize them and turn them into negotiations

and turn them into ponds.

Speaker 4 (41:46):
These are human beings, They're innocent people.

Speaker 5 (41:49):
They kidnapped them, they took them, They walked into a
sovereign state across a border, and they brutally murdered people
and kidnapped innocent women, children of all ages, men, And.

Speaker 4 (42:04):
Here we are, we're playing.

Speaker 5 (42:06):
We're playing with people's lives like chips on a poker table.
It is disgusting, demoralizing, and it just shows that how
far like the entire situation has assigned we. This should
not be allowed to happen. This cannot be allowed to
continue to exist.

Speaker 7 (42:21):
And it is.

Speaker 4 (42:22):
Painful and it's painful for the world to watch. It's
painful for Israel. It is shameful that a.

Speaker 5 (42:28):
Moss can still inflict this kind of harm.

Speaker 4 (42:30):
We are feeding right into them.

Speaker 5 (42:32):
And it is painful for those families, those poor families
that are on this roller coaster of emotions. I gotta
tell you, I am really grateful that there is call
it a deal if you want in place, but you
said it, you know, you know, the art of a deal,
to any deal that's going to be successful is when
both sides feel that they're getting value from it. Unfortunately,

I just don't see that here, and I.

Speaker 4 (42:58):
Just don't see.

Speaker 5 (43:01):
This having success into you're talking about thirty three hostages
in Phase one are supposed to be released over thirty
three over over six weeks, over a six week period,
so they've forced Israel constantly negotiating.

Speaker 4 (43:16):
Where are they negotiating. They're negotiating in Qatar.

Speaker 5 (43:19):
Who's funding terrorism, who's funding Iran?

Speaker 4 (43:23):
And Ran is involved in all of this.

Speaker 5 (43:25):
So it's this is dime, you know, biacle, diabolical plan,
that's crazy. And this is all what global she had
is about. And this is what she had ism about.
And it's not just in the streets of Israel. This
is in the streets of America as well.

Speaker 4 (43:42):
When you talk about hamas, and yes.

Speaker 5 (43:44):
It's very scary what you see there, but what do
we see here in our streets on the encampments and
the protests in New York. It's disgusting that it's allowed.
And I know that we allow free speech, but this
is this is what's This is the abuse of what
we allow, the abuse of the privilege that we give
people the freedom to.

Speaker 4 (44:04):
Go ahead, and they use it against us.

Speaker 5 (44:05):
And I don't know what the answer is that I
can tell you that these people marching down our streets
clad in their cafeas and their face is hidden and
intimidating with slogans of genocide, on it. That's got to stop.
We got to figure out how toy you know, those
people they're they're here and they're.

Speaker 4 (44:25):
Doing that thing should be sent back home.

Speaker 5 (44:27):
Let them do it over there. It's it's really as scary,
you know.

Speaker 2 (44:31):
Israel ellis author of the to me Uh. Most of
militant Islam is a culture of death, and many Western
democracies are cultures of life. We value human life from
the moment of conception to natural death, and we look
forward to an award, hopefully in heaven later. However, and

militant Islam they worship death, that you succeed in life
by killing Jews, Christians, Catholics and Americans, and they're have
any two versions in heaven waiting for you. So we
celebrate life, Hamas and Has celebrates death, and they want
to be killed to get to heaven and jihad. And
I think we should arrange the meeting. If that's the case,

let's get it done.

Speaker 4 (45:17):
Bill, you're you're you're very right about that.

Speaker 5 (45:20):
But I want to point out to you that they're
indiscriminate in terms of who is caught in the crossfire.
They don't care whether it's Jews, Christians, or Muslims.

Speaker 4 (45:31):
And they and I talk about this in my.

Speaker 5 (45:34):
Book, and this is a very big part of the
book is in the wake Up Call, I talk about
the fact that what.

Speaker 4 (45:40):
We are dealing with this global.

Speaker 5 (45:42):
Gad is is the lovers of life versus the lovers
of death.

Speaker 4 (45:48):
And that is why the subtext.

Speaker 5 (45:50):
Of the book is in a world called MAD and
that's capitalized to stand for the acronym of mutually assured
destruction because we've always we've grown up and a culture
of cold warfare where we knew that what we were
dealing with on each side were people who valued life
or who had some value of their own lives, maybe

not our lives. But the fact is that that leverage
does not exist when you're dealing with chiet. And yet
yet the left side of the political spectrum continues to
bend their knee and they continue to, you know, sort
of operate this and disillusionment that there is something here.

Speaker 4 (46:31):
To negotiate with. There is, as you.

Speaker 5 (46:34):
Said, it, nothing to negotiate with when you're dealing with
the lovers of death, because they haven't left us anything
to negotiate with.

Speaker 4 (46:41):
And it really is painful.

Speaker 5 (46:42):
Because our moral compass is all about preservation of life.
So for us to go ahead and to take out
the lovers of death, even though what we're doing is justifiable,
it is still a morally corrupt affair if you think
about it.

Speaker 4 (46:58):
It is against everything we stand for.

Speaker 5 (47:00):
And this is what they are doing to us, even
at the cost of their own lives and tarnish our souls.

Speaker 1 (47:08):
You know, I love the media's game of playing these
terrible pictures of Muslims being killed by Israeli armaments in
the Gaza, when in reality.

Speaker 4 (47:18):
You know, that's that's all.

Speaker 2 (47:20):
Of course, Hamas is killing their own people. They locate
command and control centers, arms depot underneath hospital, schools and
apartment buildings. So the Israelis in a war mustard and
they so Hamas is in the business of killing Muslims,
of killing Jews, of killing Westerners, because that's what they do.

Speaker 4 (47:42):
That's right.

Speaker 5 (47:43):
And that's the dissonance of of sort of different the
political spectrum that you know, goes ahead and and and
and feeds that that into that media h sort of frenzy. Hey,
you know, Golden my year said achieves Israel's prime minister,
and I think she was a third prime minister and
fourth Prime Minister, and she said it very clearly. She

doesn't blame the Arabs for fighting a war with Israel,
but she blames the Arabs for turning our Israeli young
men into killers. And that's what it's all about, because
that's what the jihadists do. Kihadism in itself is a martyrdom.
It's a philosophy of martyrdom, and it is really true

evil and we have to.

Speaker 4 (48:29):
Deal with that evil.

Speaker 5 (48:30):
But I don't believe that violence and war is necessarily
the long term answer. You can take out the current
situation which we must neutralize, and I completely agree with that,
but we must find what is the underlying long term
opportunity here for us to have an everlasting peace, and

that bill has got to be the syllabus of.

Speaker 4 (48:53):
Education we must.

Speaker 5 (48:56):
It is an impossible situation, especially for the God given
write a freedom of speech and for the ability.

Speaker 4 (49:02):
That we believe that we had, that there is a
peaceful way, and that there is.

Speaker 5 (49:07):
A democratic way in the Judea Christian beliefs to have
the opportunity to be able to speak and practice and
and be as you are. But what do you do
when people use that against you? What do you do
when they use that as a tool to subjugate, as
a tool to dominate, and as a tool to use

against you, that results in being and being murdered, and
and and and and being uh uh.

Speaker 4 (49:37):
They're they're abusing that, and what do we do with that?

Speaker 5 (49:39):
These are the questions that I deal with in the
wake Up Call, and they're.

Speaker 4 (49:44):
Important, very very important.

Speaker 5 (49:46):
Unfortunately present day issues that we all must confront.

Speaker 2 (49:50):
And thank god Donald Trump's in charge now. Israel ellis
the book is the wake up call. Global gihad and
the rise of a Semitism in the world gone man.
One result we have to run. But one result can't
be the Hamas still controls Gaza, accepting arms from Iran,
and then here we go again. Hamas must be totally

obliterated and defeated. Gaza is a great piece of real
estate on the Mediterranean.

Speaker 4 (50:18):
Not just a must, but a ran ran the head
of the state. They gotta go. They gotta go, Bill, And.

Speaker 5 (50:25):
Thank you, by the way, I'm on behalf of myself
and the Jewish people. I want to thank you very
very much for going to Israel. Please everyone visit Israel.

Speaker 4 (50:34):
It is safe.

Speaker 5 (50:35):
It is the envelope of love, and you will not
feel threatened over there. You're gonna feel a lot safer
than you feel.

Speaker 4 (50:41):
Here with all the protests and everything.

Speaker 5 (50:42):
Thank you so much, Bill, And please if people can
purchase the book on Amazon. You know Amazon has censored
any marketing to do with ten seven, So it's extremely
important that your listeners go out and purchase the wake
Up Call, and by Israel Ellis and leap reviews to
let Amazon mill that that is unacceptable, not to shut

us down, not to censor as a silence US Israel.

Speaker 2 (51:07):
Thank you, and may God bless Israel. And thanks again
for coming on the Bill Cunningham Show. Thank you Israel,
Thank you Bill, thank you. Care God bless you, bless God, blessure.

Speaker 1 (51:18):
Let's continue with more Bill Cunningham on News Radio seven hundred.

Speaker 8 (51:22):
You ought to get a better deal by calling Loan
Pronto right now. Loan Pronto has some of the most
compendison in the backfield. Will Howard sets up to throw,
Howard looks, Howard steps up, takes off throws and it's
incomplete and that's the ballgame. He throw it out on
the right flat and he had pressure all around him.
Will Howard and Michigan is in a position to pull
off a gigantic upset in what appears it will be

their fourth straight win over Ohio State, and a penalty
flag comes thrown well after everything had ended, and it
will keep the Buckeyes from having a chance to play
for a Big Ten championship.

Speaker 1 (51:59):
Hello, quiet Skulls, I'm broadcasting saying, much like the other team,
the Phoenix arises. They did explain that after.

Speaker 2 (52:13):
That loss, they were at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

Speaker 1 (52:16):
Oh they wanted to run Ryan Day out or hanging
from the yard arm, right, but all right, we're gonna
gut him out of Columbus. He got to the playoffs, right,
and a home game against the Volunteers of Tennessee what happened?
W Then they played I think the Ducks. How are
the Ducks? They got a dub.

Speaker 2 (52:32):
And then the third game I think was in the
Cotton Bowl in Dallas, and there the Longhorns. How they
do with it against the long Horn? They got themselves
a dub? And how about Captain Jack.

Speaker 1 (52:44):
Then they beat Notre Dame, the home of Rocky Boyman.
By the way, and if he's listening, you and him,
owe me a hot fudge. Sunday because you both picked.
Of course he's a homer and gonna go with the
Irish because he went there. I agree with that, but
you you you went on? Will you I turned your back?
I flipped on Ohio and yes, I flipped. I hope

that I hope that Mike the Wine knows about this.
But Rocky Boyman owes me a hot fudd Son, Well,
then Rocky can buy one for you, and he buys
one for me. Not that's it. Not, I'll be very
disappointed in one hour. Will he be here at some point?

Speaker 9 (53:19):
The foolishness has got No, it.

Speaker 1 (53:21):
Doesn't because I want a hot fudd Sunday today because
the Bucks are the national champs. And then we don't.
How come we don't hear the themes of the fight
song from Ohio State today? I don't know, Like we've
heard seventeen times, there we go, you say it, we
play it two Wednesday. I'm not sure that's oh what

you play in Michigan's for hell? It was this for
Tom Weaedman because he's a fig shot in Sycamore Township.
Well it's the Oregon the national champions. They'd be the highest. Stupid,
Get this off get this off the way, get it out.

It's embarrassing Ohio radio station running that crape. Give me
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Learsprime dot Com. Lear's Prime always a cut above. Bengals update.
Willie Paul deine Or Junior of the Athletic reports the
Bengals will meet with Al Golden and interview him about
the defensive coordinators vacancy tomorrow. Isn't that a done deal?
I would say so. The Bengals Update brought to you

by a good Spirits winded to back on Party Town
with thirteen convenient locations in the In the Bluegrass State,
soccer Queen City Press reports at FC Cincinnati's finalizing a
deal to send Alvaro Barriel on loan to Brazilian soccer
club Santos FC. Seems like here get rid everybody. College

basketball Tonight Big twelve battle right there. In Clifton, Texas Tech,
the Red Raiders, the home of Joe Walter Big Game,
will take on the Bearcats at six point thirty on
seven hundred WLW Big Game Bowling Green against Miami. The
RedHawks and Travis Steele have won seven in a row.
Travis Steele move up the ladder of basketball greatness. Could

be MAC Coach of the Year, saying Ducaine takes on
Dayton number twenty five. Louisvels into snow at SMU Ohio
State at do Also Willie Tomarronknight in Red's The Red's
Caravan visits beautiful Wilmington tomorrow night at six point thirty
at the Roberts Center, which is owned by RNL Carriers.
I love RNL Carriers. Let's see college football. Ohio State

transfer quarterback Devon Brown has signed with cal how much
doesn't say, can't say? How much he got Ohio State
is number one in the final AP Top twenty five
College football poll of the season. Notre Dame is number two.
What about will Howard? Will Howard, I don't know. I
guess he's is he stay in or going? Oregon, Texas

and Penn State the top five. Indiana ended up tenth
at eleven and two. Let's see. Also, congratulations to those
young men from Cincinnati that are now national champions. Hucari
Miles junior out of Lakota West, Dorian Williams out of Princeton,

the home of the Vikings, Jermaine Matthews junior from Winton Woods,
Tegra Sabora out of or Sabola out of Lakota West,
Austin Seerveld from Lakota East, maleak Hardford the Lakota West,
Eli Riggs of Indian Hill, Jupe Mitchell out of Wyoming

the home of the Cowboys. And Reese Stocktail from Little Miami.
They are national champions in college football? How about that?
How about that? That's good? They get the rings, they
get everything right. I think I think they get a
national championship ring. I saw him the other day, the
actual championship. And then I guess the Buckeyes are going

to get another ring. We need to get a hold
of Paul Keels. Do you have his number? Former former
wl WL Loveness, the voice he's got, He's got more
rings now, I think than maybe, uh Tom Brady, let's
check it. Well, I don't know about that. Well close
to it. Patrick Mahomes said, they cheat to give the
game to the Chiefs, the referees. I don't know. I'm
just I'm tired of that segment. I'm tired of that.

I'm tired of that too. What about t t I'm
tired of it. She's going to go to New Orleans?
You know they're gonna make it. What about Caitlin Clark?
Why where's Beyonce at the Beyonce this Sunday? I mean,
I don't know. I don't know what to tell you.

Speaker 2 (58:25):
So, but speaking of that, how about New Orleans under
five inches of ice and snow?

Speaker 1 (58:31):
And the super Bowl is going to be there in
a month less than that, I think, I mean, what
are you want to do? They don't they have no
like Cincinnati, they have no snowplows, they got nothing. We
Houston shut down, they got snow, and the beaches in
Florida destined Pensacola beaches under snow. How about that. Those
people have got to be going crazy. There's no snow

removal equipment, believe me. No, It's like Cincinnati. All I
can say it was snow in a half an hour ago.
In the city they don't have it. But in the
county and the state they got it. They got township.
The weed man gets it done about time. The weed
man performs pretty good stuff. I guess he's pretty happy
today too, Yes he is. O. Hi, oh, I'm just saying, yeah,

they come up with some subterfuse and uh. Sunday the
celebrate for the National Championship celebration is Sunday in Columbus
at Ohio Stadium at noon. I think there's already people
lining up, you know, I'm just I'm just saying happy
that the championship is here. The big teams in college

football now are Notre Dame, Ohio State, and Penn State.

Speaker 2 (59:39):
That's three of the four. Where's the SEC when you
need him again? You know, they suddenly doesn't school. They
are paying. They took a hit. SEC paid, that's what
they're and now everyone's paying.

Speaker 1 (59:50):
Everybody's joined the bad all of a sudden the sec.
I read this morning that that the Ohio state has
a twenty million dollar payroll for Ni l on their team.
Twenty million, twenty million total. I bet that's going on.
That's a little less than the Oakland A's have in baseball.

Speaker 2 (01:00:08):
And if you can, like a star running back from Mississippi,
you make two million dollars and get it, get the
ring right, That's that's important.

Speaker 1 (01:00:17):
Right. The rich get richer and the poor get poor.
That's why I know that that's the way it is.

Speaker 4 (01:00:22):

Speaker 1 (01:00:23):
Segment is edit in sports. But don't you have like
a little bit of a different feeling on day two?
I'm happy, Yes, wake up with the smart JB and
KH in the house. Can you mention Kamala Harris right
now because be embarrassing if you vote for her, you
should apologize, apologize.

Speaker 7 (01:00:40):
He wouldn't be.

Speaker 1 (01:00:40):
Sitting here because you and I were on a You
and I were going to be on a play's list
to the capital of Madagascar to start the Comodo Dragon
Trading camp. You have a choice either Tim Waltz is
the vice president or j D. Who do you like?
I'm going with j D. The pride of Middle town
for Tim waltz Amen. How about Donald Trump or Kamala
Harris going with the Trumpster? You gotta be kidding me either.

Are you know the vice vice president? You know who
had ought to be Sheriff Richard K. Jones ought to
be the vice vice president? You ought to be in charge.
Maybe the FBI may be in charge of the border
and get something done. Believe me, this guy's going to
get something. Are they better? I better see a lot
of people going the other way than our way in
afford it correct.

Speaker 2 (01:01:22):
Talk to Lake and Riley's family about that. Thank you,
not good segment, No, not good, fine segment. Get me
out of the student's report. And as the reds Pitchers
and catchers report, is that like February tenth.

Speaker 1 (01:01:33):
Pretty close right around of Valentine's Day? I believe not
bad segment about three weeks there, William, it was on
this day, January the twenty first, nineteen seventy four. Let
me write that down. January twenty first night, nineteen seventy four.
The Cincinnati Reds Hire thirty one year old Marty Brenneman

really to replace Al Michaels to do the play by
play alongside the old left hander Joe knoxall Marty forty
six years at a radio booth Red's Hall of Famer
Baseball Hall of Famer not Bad January twenty first, nineteen
seventy four.

Speaker 2 (01:02:14):
Joe told me early on that he thought Marty would
make it because he had an attitude and he was
spunky and he was fun to sit next to. I said, well,
how is al Michael? He said the same way, al Michael. See,
Marty could have been like the Al Michael of our time,
do national stuff.

Speaker 1 (01:02:30):
But he liked being here. Right.

Speaker 2 (01:02:32):
He did some Kentucky basketball, as you might record. Yes,
he did Kentucky with ky Wood Letford. Yes that's a
name not heard for a while. Kay Wood Letford say
the name talking about a couple of legends right there.
I tell you what Rob Sanders like to hear that name,
kay Wood. That guy was bigger than Montana and can.

Speaker 1 (01:02:49):
Didn't you bet with Rob Sanders? Yes? I did. This
was dinner at Waltz Walt's hitching post. Yeah. What I
see all this is you see we're we're we're we
won that one. We want to get paid off now
I won that one? Yeah? I think so.

Speaker 2 (01:03:09):
He had notre Dame. I took Ohio State well about
the points. The point was eight and a half. They
were eight points. All of a sudden they kicked the
extra field goald go.

Speaker 1 (01:03:18):
And that was the other That was the other day
when Saquon Barkley, Yes he didn't slid, didn't didn't score
and he slid or the betters went nuts.

Speaker 2 (01:03:26):
Well, here the betters are happy. Ohio State was giving
eight and a half, they're up by eight. All of
a sudden the field, last second field goal makes it
up by all it add to it. That's pretty good.
And it was certainly the over DraftKings sports book. All right,
I think most people better in the nation. Most people
bet on Notre Dame and took the points.

Speaker 1 (01:03:46):
I would say, so they.

Speaker 2 (01:03:46):
Were in good shape until the last what twenty seconds
to go? Yep, SEGM man give me out of the
stud's report. Please come on coming up next?

Speaker 1 (01:03:55):
Yeah, I think it's uh doctor Allen. And that next
up is Kevin Jackson, Kevin Jackson of the Black Sphere
about a black man's reaction to Trump's victory. Kevin Jackson,
will he and otnor of the cold and the tri
state and stay warm out there again? We leave you
with the immortal words of the Stood Report. Cincinnata is

a place to come. Thank you, Marty nineteen seventy four.
It's been a while segment, that's for sure. That's along
he had changed a bit. I think he's changed a
little bit. I don't know about that. I don't know
about that segment. Thank you very much, Yes, sir, fifty
one years ago, seven hundred WLW.

Speaker 2 (01:04:44):
Bill Cunningham, The Great America. One of my great guests
is Kevin Jackson of the Kevin Jackson Network dot com.

Speaker 1 (01:04:50):
He's an author, he's a public speaker, he's a great American,
has his own radio program, et cetera.

Speaker 2 (01:04:56):
And once again, Kevin Jackson, welcome. I think for the
first time this year the Bill Cunningham Show. And how
do you process? We set off the air. Maybe it's
the age of reason has come back and you set
off the air to me that maybe Democrats are happy
with Donald Trump. Explain what kind of breathing. I had
tears in my eyes during the inaugural I'm looking at it.
I loved it. I stuck with it most of the time.

Every now and then I'd go over to MSNBC in
order to get a dose of I couldn't believe what
I was hearing on MSNBC. They live in some alternative universe,
but kind of in general, how good is it that
Donald Trump has been a returned to office because of
the American people?

Speaker 7 (01:05:34):
I got to tell you it is the worldwide jubilance
of his returning. Look, I'm looking at guys like Mike Pinkus,
a billionaire that was partnered with Ree Hoffman, who's a
you know, vapid leftist. And this is the guy that
donated in twenty twenty three millions of dollars to Biden
and Harris and two days before the election he announced

on Twitter that he's voting for Donald Trump. You're looking
at look at the number of people that Donald Trump
has who are either Democrats or independents, never Trumpers didn't
like him, that now worked for him. And I'll use Steve.
I think his last name is he's a Treasury guy.

That last name starts with the ambassador or something like that. Anyway,
that guy used to work for George Sorow. This guy
was a hardcore leftist who in twenty twenty four started
working for the Trump campaign and became an ardent. Trump
supporter Donald Trump's own VP did not like him and

transitioned over. RFK Jr. Did not like Trump and now
it's part of AJHS and has people actually thinking about
their health again. Bill Tolsey Gabbert, Democrat came over. Wasn't
a Trump fan, wasn't a Maga fan per se, now
a Maga fan. I forget this billionaire Indian guy last
name like Palli Daya may to comment. You know what,

we got to stop demonizing these guys. I could go
down a list of literally twenty hardcore leftists who are
now in the Trump corner. And when I went to
military school, they define leadership as the ability to gain
willful cooperation. Look at what Donald Trump has done with
guys like Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, who wouldn't let the Washington

Post endorse Kamala Harrison now donate it to the Transition Fund.
And I could go down the list, and yes, some
of it's to do with their business, but most of
it has to do with gaining sanity. Zuckerberg falling on
the sword about social media and what it did to
thwart Trump in twenty twenty. Now, let's fast forward look
at what Trump is doing they the Democrats are acting

like it wasn't a mandate because Kamala Harris got seventy
five million, there wasn't as big of a big a
loss as we thought. It's huge. They still cheated. But
look at what Trump's doing. He's still pursuing the twenty
twenty election. They lied, Joe Biden was never supposed to
be in office. He's still pursuing. January sixth, with the
release of all of the people that were in prison wrongly,

he's still Now we get vindication through Joe Biden's pardons
that he knows he's guilty, and then we're going to
get to the to the bottom of that stuff. Because
he didn't pardon Vinman, he didn't pardon Crapper, he didn't
pardon you know, John Brennan. Many of these people are
going to be in big trouble because the people coming in,
Pam Bondi good friend of mine, Nash of Patel, good

friend of mine. These people are going to go after
this and not to be vindictive Bill, but to go
after the truth. That's what we're seeing. And so I
think a lot of the Democrats who left and are
wanted to leave that party because it's a party of
pedophiles and crazy people. They now have an excuse to say,
you know what, the sanity's back. We told you so,

this is why we left. I think a lot of
them are still going to leave as the truth starts
the leak out, Billy, these guys are going to come
over and Drove.

Speaker 2 (01:09:03):
And Kevin Jackson that the best part of this is
going to be a thorough investigation. Now that Anthony Fauci
has his so called pardon, he can't take the Fifth
Amendment anymore. So when the congressional hearings continue, he's going
to have to provide documents that there's no self incrimination involved.
I still would like to know how did Joe Biden
become a multimillionaire. He coins himself as being a fifty

four year politician, never making more than two hundred thousand
dollars a year, but he's got multi million dollar mansions
up and down the East Coast.

Speaker 1 (01:09:32):
Where did Joe Biden get his money from?

Speaker 7 (01:09:35):
Yeah, well we know where he got it. And yeah,
and I'm looking at you know, all these people that
talked about you know, let's let's just go back in
the memory machine here with Joe Biden said, I never
did any business with my son. I never involved myself
in his business dealings, none of my family took any money.
And suddenly we get this rash of pardons that excludes

him not only for the you know, a particular issue,
but excludes him from bad dated you know, twelve thirteen years,
like they did with Hunter. So what we're witnessing is
what everybody called, you know, conspiracy theories and.

Speaker 4 (01:10:11):
All this other stuff.

Speaker 7 (01:10:13):
And you gotta love it. As a conservative who's look,
you'd have to sleep under a rock. You'd have to
be a moron to not know that Joe Biden was
guilty the minute he started lying about this stuff. You
have to be I know people don't don't want to
admit it, but you'd have to be crazy if you
think Joe Biden got eighty one million votes in twenty
twenty and then what about the bigger lie. Joe Biden

was not fit. I don't know when it happened, but
I know that it happened. Joe Biden was not fit
to be president of the United States. He had access
to nuclear secrets, the things that never should have been divulged.
He was already compromised by the Chinese and the Ukrainians,
which is why he was donating all this money to Ukraine.

So again, I'm not trying to make a policy decision.
I don't know. People can debate whether they think it
was good to have a in Ukraine or not. I
personally think we should be taking care of people here.
But whether you do or you don't, what you do
have to look at is was he compromised, right? And
the short answer is yes. So you look at all
these things that we're talking about and what Trump is addressing.
And by the way, Billy, this is going to be

the year of reveals. This is where we're gonna learn
all about this, all the things that have been cooking
and brewing at Alex Jones. You know, got beat up
about that, Guys like me, conservatives that were looking at
things logically, and people going, oh, you're just crazy.

Speaker 4 (01:11:29):
You don't like them.

Speaker 7 (01:11:30):
No, I don't care. Look, I don't have to philosophically
like you. But if you're competent and you get the
job done, I will tolerate you.

Speaker 2 (01:11:38):
I'll give you a perfect example of the president's a
lack of mental attendance to his duties. I can only
imagine if we had a more serious problem, like a
nuclear attack, who would make the decision to hit the button?
Be goes Joe Biden was asleep. Speaker Mike Johnson about
six months ago one in a meeting with Joe Biden.
It took a week to get one. He finally got
the meeting, and the because Johnson is from Speaker of

the House from Louisiana, he wanted to know why Biden
is banning exports LNG exports to Europe when that means
Europe is going to get their liquified natural gas from Russia.
He goes into the meeting. He's talking to Joe Biden.
The age are standing around and he said, mister President,
I like to know, not just the speaker, but I'm
a congressman from Louisiana. I want to know why you

banned LNG exports to Europe. And he said I never
did that, and a couple of the age look around
hand Joe a piece of paper that he supposedly signed
about two weeks earlier.

Speaker 1 (01:12:35):
He didn't know what he signed, and he said, well,
I don't know about what is this. He has no
clue what he was doing.

Speaker 2 (01:12:42):
And you think about Richard Nixon when he went through
a third rate burglary and the cover up. That's a
parking ticket compared to what Joe Biden is and he
got away with it.

Speaker 1 (01:12:52):
He got away with it.

Speaker 7 (01:12:53):
Kevin Jackson, Yes, yeah, to mention Watergate, I mean Watergate
is so watered down compared to take any one of
these scanned and you know, and Watergate is nothing. And
you know what's funny. You watch these guys Bill and
they want to propagate this lie, you know, the lie
of Jay six. They want to propagate the lie that
Biden didn't do anything wrong. They want to propagate, Well,

we kind of knew, but you know, no, you knew,
you knew Joe Biden was not functional. And not only that,
did they not And they threatened him with the twenties
at amendment, but they didn't invoke it. And then they
let him stay in office until the last even when
the jig was up. Billy, they let this man stay
in office. And you ask yourself, why did they do that?

And you know what everybody's answer is because of Kamala Harris.
Oh wait a minute, but the woman you said was
the most pope, who was the worst vice president. But
then became the best possible candidate ever, and you didn't
want to let her have the office. It's so wrapped
in contradiction, and I love it because this is what
the public needs to see. They need to see that

these guys are liars that and they have not told
the truth about anything. So whenever I'm talking to my audience,
I'll tell him this. If I'm talking about Joe Biden's
cognitive you know, dissonance and inability to function. That's also
his border policy. That was his Afghanistan, that was his
inflation policy, that was his Ukraine pay whatever you do.

Look at anything that he did, and it just apply
to everything that the man touched. Everything he touched, as
I Joe turned a turd. There's nothing Joe Biden did
that you can look at and say, boy, you know,
I'm really happy with the outcome of that.

Speaker 2 (01:14:32):
And of course Obama in twenty sixteen said Joe, you
can't run, and then give it to Hillary. She lost,
and then Obama's campaign for him Michelle Obama.

Speaker 1 (01:14:42):
I never did get her act. I never did understand
why she is so popular. She's supposedly next to Oprah Winfrey,
the most popular woman in America. I never didn't understand that,
and she won't show up at various functions, and now
we have really a functional policy. The main reason that
I want Donald Trump to be the president, The main
reason is the legal immigration, which has sown in its

seeds the destruction of this country. We talk about the
ending of birthright citizenship under the fourteenth Amendment. That'll be
decided by the courts. But targeting the Cineloa Cartel in
Mexico as a terror group means the Cineloa Cartel is
similar to al Qaida, that American special forces can be
used to decimate Cineloa. It's just like they decimated ISIS

and also American troops on the border. In your mind,
Kevin Jackson, how big of a policy shift is the
idea we're going to enforce American law by making sure
in this country we have those we want to come
into this country and keep out those who don't. Isn't
that the best thing that Joe the worst thing Joe did,
and the best thing that Donald Trump can do?

Speaker 7 (01:15:47):
Absolutely? And you know it's a new day. I mean, look, people,
and I'm going to speak for the black community. We
want to walk out of our house and enjoy parks
and enjoy safety of streets the same way it is
in the suburbs, in the so called white communities, which
you know, I live in a white community, so I
can't say that there are those, but you know what
I mean. And when people go to the grocery store

and they can afford their groceries, when they can afford gasoline,
when they can afford vacations again, when they can start
talking to one another again, when they can feel safe
that we're not going to get into useless, stupid wars,
when they see our citizens being taken care of before
we send the dime outside of this country, it is
going to be a new day. And everything you outline,
and especially the one with the cartels, people don't understand

how thick the cartails are in this country. If you
want to do yourself a favor, watch the show land
Man and you'll get an idea of how big it is.
These people own governments. They are larger than our largest corporations.
And we think we can you throw something at it.
What Donald Trump did by essentially letting unleashing the special

forces on them is going to decimate the drug industry
throughout the world. So it's a big deal. And Joe
Biden compromised in every way, compromised by the cartels. That's
why we had such a leaky, porous border, compromised by China,
compromised by the Middle East. Everywhere this man touched, anywhere

Hunter Biden went, they went to make a buck for themselves,
and they sacrifice for American citizens. And you couldn't have
done a better job of showing the dichotomy between then
and now. Tom Holmand, good friend of mine, grey buddy,
I'm gonna be with him soon, is cracking down. I
love the sanctuary city, he says. Think you're a sanctuary city,
I'll come and I'll arrest you. I will put you

in jail. Mister mayor, Ms governor, you think you're going
to treat your state of sanctuary city. It's a new day.
So to your point, enforce the laws. Look at what
happened with crime. They started that the largest spent in
the bus in Mexico days after Trump got elected. They
are now cracking down on illegals in all these major cities.

And they're starting Billy with this idea, We're going to
get rid of the criminals. They're all criminals, they're taking
money from American citizens. Get in line like the legal folks,
and let's move forward. And that's true of every policy
that Trump implements. It's common sense. And now people are
paying attention. Donald Trump did something believed that nobody else
has done in modern politics. He reached into the gut,

into the comments that that guttural thing that we feel
as American citizens, and he tapped into the psyche of
this country better than any other candidate, including Bill Clinton.
And finally, we're at a point where we can look
proudly on this country and say, you know what, we
got leadership and it's impacting the world. Look at all
these elections that happened over the past few months, look

at who got elected, who's taking powers? Everybody thinks like Trump.

Speaker 2 (01:18:50):
And lastly, I would say this, Kevin Jackson has at
the fires in California, have laid bared the idea that
Democrats can be confident when running government. I look at
the disaster in Chicago with Brandon Johnson. I look at
New Orleans with LaToya Cantrell and their failure to act.
I look at Jacob Fry in Minneapolis, or of course
Karen Bass or Mike Johnston and Denver, and if they

do not, look at the Nero Newsom and I look
at the failure of liberal democratic politics. There's not one
American city control by the Democratic Party that is functional.
Public schools, have good public safety, good job creation. Every
one of them have been destroyed. Our magnificent cities lay
in ruin at the feet of liberal Democrats. And I

often ask this question, Kevin Jackson, one will black folks
figure it out that they're being used by the Democratic Party.
How much longer will it take?

Speaker 7 (01:19:40):
It's happening. Look look at the number of people that
voted for Donald Trump. Look at the heat that all
those people you mentioned, especially guys. You know, the Chicago mayor.
I mean, he's in trouble. You got Karen Bass, She's
in trouble, all these places, the DC mayor. She finally said,
you know what, I'm gonna stop talking smack. Yeah, I'm
gonna stop talking smack about Trump and get on the
t Trump wagon because I know, you know, I'm innfl

not for long if I don't stop. So it is happening.
But look at what Trump did. He says, you're gonna
get measured by meritocracy. No more DEI. ME and a
bunch of Special Forces guys, some seals and Delta Force
guys are starting an organization to go root out d
you know, to help companies decommission DEI and go back
to meritocracy. And we've got Trump guys that were working

with us. We're gonna be working with the with the
administration to help get this done. But look at what
that did across the country where people are finally are
waking up and saying, you know what, what happened in
California where the Me Too movement met the LGBT movement
met DEI and the trifecta of failure. Look at what
happened there and ask you so, is that what you want?

More of that? Or do you want people with sanity?
By the way, all managed by Davin Newsom, you know
who doesn't know you know, the deer seed from I mean,
he doesn't know deer droppings from milk does And so
we're only get is a point where the country's waking
up and say, you know what, no more in this nonsense.
We're not I don't want to hear about your your

cross dressing. You know, a transsexual Guatemalan midget and you
want special details, special distansation for whatever your deal is.

Speaker 2 (01:21:17):
Meritocracy Colin Palell said it fifteen twenty years ago, and
the military is the one place you can go whatever
race or color or sexual orientation, you will be judged
on merit got to get back to that once again.
The Kevin Jacksonnetwork dot Com a great interview. And I'll
tell you what, Kevin Jackson, let's do it again. You're
a great American. There's a new day in America. Trump

is Lazarus come from the dead and now he's going
to rule for a thousand years. Kevin Jackson, thank you
very much.

Speaker 1 (01:21:43):
Have you new year, buddy, You're the best.

Speaker 2 (01:21:44):
Thank you. Let's continue with more. And that's Kevin Jackson.
Look at the stuff at the Kevin Jacksonnetwork dot Com.
It's great stuff. Let's continue. Bill cunning in with you
every day. You're home of the Bengals News Radio seven
hundred Woo.

Speaker 1 (01:21:57):
The whole town's back about Incinnati. What a team? What
a team?

Speaker 5 (01:22:02):

Speaker 1 (01:22:02):
What a team? Hello? Buyet and I'm broadcasting. So you
had a doubt whether the Rock would show up today,
but he was going.

Speaker 4 (01:22:18):
To be here.

Speaker 1 (01:22:18):
I do win or lose win or lose. He was
going to be here.

Speaker 9 (01:22:22):
It was a good game.

Speaker 1 (01:22:24):
What happened?

Speaker 10 (01:22:25):
Yeah, we got beat by the better team. We've got
beat by a team with a roster better than ours.
Is this is the case with most football games, whether
you're seven years old, seventeen or twenty four. Usually the
team with the right this down, the team with the
best players usually wins the.

Speaker 1 (01:22:44):
Game, usually wins the game.

Speaker 10 (01:22:45):
And Ohio State had a roster of twenty two million
dollars this year of players more than the Oaks pasbro so,
so the better, better team won. Not sure, it ain't
twenty two millions. You can't say ten or fifteen and
but that's that's that's the way it works. That's what
you gotta do. Yeah, well, the good news is Notre
Dame acquired a bunch of money this year, rubbers of

twenty million from winning, you know, for for advancing as
far as they did, of which they will share with
nobody and like it. That's right, and so and more
more people will be fired up. That means more big
wigs will give money to get player. You got to
get the players. You got to get the players. Got
to get the players, got to get the players.

Speaker 1 (01:23:25):
Is that good or bad? Yeah? Is that? Is that
good or bad? For college fool They used to be
put onto school collers. Do it for a ra.

Speaker 10 (01:23:36):
It's a good question because on one hand, no, I
mean when does it stop? Is does somebody yes, somebody
gonna thrown a hundred million dollars in the pot? And
just now the other side of it is the the
dominance of the SEC, I don't think is any longer
because they used to pay the players under the you know,

under the table on to the But but these teams
in the Big ten and you know Notre Dame are
much richer alumni base, as much richer areas of the country,
you know, Northeast, you know d C, you know all.

Speaker 9 (01:24:10):
That sort of thing. So the balance of power is swayed.

Speaker 4 (01:24:14):

Speaker 2 (01:24:14):
This year for the first time, you had teams from Pennsylvania,
team from Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana right across the Midwest
and the final four and that's.

Speaker 10 (01:24:25):
SAC and Texas was in it. They're in the SEC.
This is their first year in the SC. They're not
really and they're an outlier because they got the Texas oil.
They're like a outlier of the SEC because they got
the Texas Oil money. Auburn doesn't have that kind of
money base. Alabama doesn't have that kind of LSU doesn't
have that kind of base.

Speaker 1 (01:24:41):
No Florida, maybe Florida. This may be a reshuffling of
everything in college.

Speaker 10 (01:24:47):
That's that's my one of my takeaways, one of my
many takeaways.

Speaker 2 (01:24:50):
You have to change the top four seeds can't be
the top four conference champions.

Speaker 1 (01:24:55):
You can't. Can't have Arizona State as a seeded team
when you're going up against these other teams. You can't
do it.

Speaker 10 (01:25:01):
Side note, they need to find a way to shorten
the season too. It'll never happen, but they need to
get rid of the conference title games because that don't
mean anything. It helped the higher states, and not playing
in the conference title game right week off, you don't
get a benefit to it other than in fact it
makes money. So they got to They got to shorten
the season. That means start either start earlier. It seemed

drawn out, it was right in the middle of and
whoever made the championship game on the night of an autoration.
I haven't seen the numbers yet, but I imagine that's
going to hurt that night. Tuesday night would have been perfect. Right,
it should be January first, at like six o'clock.

Speaker 9 (01:25:38):
That's what it should be.

Speaker 10 (01:25:39):
Because everyone's sitting around, there's nothing going on, there's no
NFL games, and let's turn it on not anymore. You
get the hardcore fans and you get the casual fans saying, well,
we're sitting around. There's Christmas presence everywhere, there's nothing to do.
Let's talk again. Yeah, correct?

Speaker 1 (01:25:53):
I think Alabama they don't have the alumni base of
a Notre Dame. Somebody rich like you could say, I'll
give Notre Dame ten million dollars in Alabama.

Speaker 9 (01:26:01):
That's just happening.

Speaker 1 (01:26:02):
I am not one hundred million people. I'll do what
I can, but I ain't gonna be ten millions facility.
By the way, can I go through mister Fairweather fan
over here? Can I give her our text interaction last night?

Speaker 7 (01:26:14):

Speaker 1 (01:26:15):
Oh, now the truth comes out? Huh so right, let
me let me guess he flip flops like a democrat.

Speaker 7 (01:26:22):
You think?

Speaker 4 (01:26:22):
So where it is?

Speaker 9 (01:26:23):
So at?

Speaker 1 (01:26:24):
Give me the time. Let's give me the time lapse.

Speaker 9 (01:26:27):
So the game started at seven thirty No names.

Speaker 10 (01:26:29):
First drive lasted basically the whole first quarter At eight
oh two, he texted me I knew ND would dominate,
to which I say, what a drive.

Speaker 9 (01:26:39):
One hour later, at nine to nine pm, as I.

Speaker 10 (01:26:42):
Predicted ND in big trouble, I said, oh my god,
stop it.

Speaker 1 (01:26:49):
I'm just giving you what I'm feeling at that point.
That's all I can tell you. And at the end
of the game, I'm gonna send you a text that
I knew this. I didn't want to flip flop and
then flip and then flop and flop. No, you never
do that.

Speaker 7 (01:26:59):
You never do that.

Speaker 1 (01:27:00):
I stuck with him flop flipping.

Speaker 2 (01:27:02):
Now, this is the story about Ryan Day USA today
today that says he's making ten million or so, got
a million dollar bonus, and he should quit right now
coaching Ohio State because of the kirk Herb Street factor,
that you can't stand it there if you don't win.

Speaker 1 (01:27:16):
They had security guards around.

Speaker 10 (01:27:17):
His house for three weeks. Was a fair conversation in
that regard. I felt really good for the guy. I
wanted to notre d him to win, but I felt
good for him because I've always felt I've interacted him
the little bit, always felt he's a phenomenal coach. Anybody
who's a great coach, will tell you he's a phenomenal coach,
but unrealistic fanatic fan bases like like Ohio State just

made his life, So do you know, go to the
NFL and live like hell with it.

Speaker 2 (01:27:47):
And according to missus Day, there were security guards. The
kids were harassed at school. Uh last night when they won,
they broke into the horseshoe and celebrated on the field,
like broke down the iron gage, crawled over the top.

Speaker 10 (01:28:01):
This is like some kind of say, I guess that's
the good side of it is. It's bad, but the
good side is these people care. They really care. So
that's you know that there's there's some positive about that.
The worst thing is for no one to give a
damn if you want. Okay, this year, they certainly give
a dam in Ohio State and they had a fantastic roster.

Speaker 2 (01:28:23):
Kirk Kirsty was run out of Ohio State, run out
of Columbus. He said, I couldn't take it anymore. Moved
to n Asheville because the kids, he said, It's I'm okay.
My wife and my children couldn't take it anymore. This
kid's going to Michigan about how's that going over not good?

Speaker 1 (01:28:38):
Thank you? Not good? Is he gonna make it?

Speaker 4 (01:28:42):

Speaker 5 (01:28:42):
Is he?

Speaker 1 (01:28:42):
Can he play a little bit?

Speaker 9 (01:28:44):
See what happens?

Speaker 1 (01:28:44):
I know them go to my back up. What's his name?
Derek Brown at Ohio State? He signed with cal today?
Did I see that sake? Well, they got what Julian's saying,
he's a big time recruit and they got another five
star kid. They get, they got Howard gone? Is he
gonna go to the go to the show? I don't
know if, I don't know if I'll make it the show,
but I don't think so. But he's I mean, he'll

never pay for another meal and Columbus ever, No, it
was like now about Captain Jack? Yeah, that guy?

Speaker 9 (01:29:12):
Story? Wow, great story.

Speaker 2 (01:29:15):
That's the reason because you know, in the semifinal game,
if if they didn't intercept and Texas scored, kicked the
maybe gone for two. And now we're talking something different.
But but how about Jack Sweer?

Speaker 10 (01:29:28):
He he beat Michigan zero times in his college career,
but he's walking away with a national championship.

Speaker 1 (01:29:36):
Would rather have done?

Speaker 10 (01:29:38):
Would be the answer to that? Is a non rabid
Buckeye fan is is very very ring. Give me the
national championship in Ohio State fan will say, I kind
of would like to beat.

Speaker 1 (01:29:51):
Michigan champs, but they didn't. They they didn't beat Michigan.

Speaker 9 (01:29:55):
It's a little bittersweet. Austin Elmore said it.

Speaker 10 (01:29:58):
He's you know, is a huge Ohio was saying, and
I love him to death, but I'm like, after they
lost that game, I'm like, you know, everybody needs to
hang in there, because, from my eyeballs, they got I
think they got the best roster in college football. They're
gonna make the playoff and they're gonna be a dangerous
team because they're gonna learn a lot from this loss.
And I said, but but you know that don't make
things better, right And his answer was, I'm just gonna

be a little bit bittersweet. Though I don't know what
are you talking about?

Speaker 4 (01:30:23):
You want to.

Speaker 10 (01:30:26):
So good for Ohio State. I got a lot of friends,
our high estate fans that SEC is done. Do you
agree They're done? But they're gonna have to get it
together quick. They don't have the money. I mean, so
what they used to do is, you know, they would
pay the players on the table, and from other things
I've heard, they would you know, all of a sudden
to get a top recruit, you know, all of a sudden,
their mom as a manufacturing job at a plant making

two hundred grand, or their dad gets appointed to some
board of something. That's how it used to work now,
but now it's just above board. We're gonna love board
and they don't have the dollars to keep it.

Speaker 1 (01:31:01):
And they don't go to class.

Speaker 4 (01:31:02):

Speaker 1 (01:31:02):
They said it in the study hall online, sitting in
the football building and take all the classes online.

Speaker 4 (01:31:08):
That's what.

Speaker 1 (01:31:11):
I believe.

Speaker 9 (01:31:11):
It's the same thing too.

Speaker 2 (01:31:12):
The head coach is Avir had me keep an eye
on Luther Rackley. He was a six foot eleven basketball player,
and I had to take his test and help him study.
Luthor Rackley help him study, and I never helped him study.
I said, give me the test, so we'd be in
classes together. I'd answer the question. Give him to him,
I'll take his answer him back.

Speaker 1 (01:31:31):
Luther Rackley, Hey, well you need to help them, your
amateur athletes, okay, maintain. Yeah, they had to pass, that's all. Now,
Notre Dame did they go to class.

Speaker 4 (01:31:41):
They do.

Speaker 9 (01:31:42):
They actually go to class. So there's something to be
said about that.

Speaker 10 (01:31:45):
Some people may not value that but the fact you
actually have to go to physical classes, take a real curriculum,
I think.

Speaker 1 (01:31:51):
Does take your test for you.

Speaker 4 (01:31:53):

Speaker 1 (01:31:53):
I always say I'd be sitting around the NFL locker
rooms during my career and guys, you know, you're talking
about stuff and they'd be talking about, you know, some
class they never took, or some all the tests will
be taken by some.

Speaker 10 (01:32:05):
Female, you know student or something. I had none of
those stories. I don't have any of them, Like I
actually had to go to all my classes.

Speaker 9 (01:32:13):
Kind of boring.

Speaker 1 (01:32:15):
What about today though? What about today at Notre Dame?

Speaker 9 (01:32:19):
I don't know, but from what I understand, they still
got to do the.

Speaker 1 (01:32:22):
Class unusual segment. Give me some sports and make it fast.

Speaker 4 (01:32:25):

Speaker 1 (01:32:25):
Hey, the Student reporters a proud service of your local
tame Star Heating and air conditioning dealers. Tamestar quality you
can feel in Cincinnati collwayoming air at one eight eight
eight nine nine six h v a c Sports Bengals
update brought to you by Good Spirits, Wine and Tobacco
and Party Town with thirteen locations in northern Kentucky. Paul Deener,

Junior of The Athletic reports the Bengals We'll meet with
Al Golden tomorrow Wednesday about the defensive coordinators job. Now,
a lot of people are saying, you know, this is
an indict been on Al Golden and the game plan.

Speaker 9 (01:33:02):
I thought the game plan was good.

Speaker 10 (01:33:03):
They didn't get any takeaways untill very late, and it
can't Like, how do you stop Jeremiah Smith? You don't
have the horses to do that playing and play out
not Smith, you know Mecha Buca.

Speaker 9 (01:33:15):
You know Henderson and Judkins.

Speaker 10 (01:33:18):
I mean those four guys all had over a thousand
yards on the season. Will Howard had over four thousand
yards on the season.

Speaker 1 (01:33:25):
It's dude's what.

Speaker 2 (01:33:27):
About Charles Shall Joe Burrow memorabilia being located Clark County, Springfield, Ohio.

Speaker 10 (01:33:34):
Now, the the female bishop that gave Trump that read
the rides, you hear about this, He's in there in
the masks and she goes on this big spiel about
you got to, you know, make sure your presidency you
accept the transgender kids, and and make sure that the
legals that are here they're not all criminals.

Speaker 1 (01:33:51):
What about them? What about the well the ones all
of them are here illegally a criminals. If you hear illegally.
That's a crime. So get the hell out now.

Speaker 10 (01:33:59):
And if you are part of can we all agree
that the ones that are here illegally but also commit crimes,
they should go.

Speaker 1 (01:34:06):
Is that not party?

Speaker 9 (01:34:09):
That's not what the vote said the other day. No,
there's only two Democrats that they're vote for it. Stop
just stop, lady, you had your your time, that's over.
Get out of the way.

Speaker 1 (01:34:27):
Sports, do some sports. College basketball tonight? Will you a
big East battle in Clifton? Those Red Raiders the home
of Joe Walter, Texas Tech in town to take on
the Bearcats six point thirty right here on seven hundred
W well W Bowling Green in Miami. Louisville and s
m U and Ohio State basketball takes on Purdue. They're
gett they're ripped into the stadium. The party think is

going to be on Sunday. But that is a Rabbit
fan base.

Speaker 9 (01:34:53):
It's good and bad.

Speaker 1 (01:34:54):
You gotta take them.

Speaker 9 (01:34:55):
Take the good with the bad, but the bad as
can be ugly real.

Speaker 1 (01:34:59):
How about the kids be incapable of going to school
because they're being harassed in school by other kids.

Speaker 10 (01:35:05):
I mean that's and a lot of people say, oh,
he makes ten million dollars a year. He should be
Come on, I mean that's no one should have to
deal with the Three Rocks being harassed because you dropped
a pass or something.

Speaker 4 (01:35:15):

Speaker 1 (01:35:16):
That's not right. It shouldn't be there Herb Street and
Herb Street cried after the game, did you see that?
No story is that? I saw it live. He was
tearing up and choking up about Ohio State and how
much Ohio State means to him during the At the
end of the broadcast, I thought it was a human elemating. Well,
I'm good to look it up. Good, look it up.

And he lives here a little bit, doesn't doesn't Kirk
live in Cincinnati? Yes, a little bit? How much longer?

Speaker 2 (01:35:43):
But see not much longer. Probably go back to Nashville.
So we'll see what's on the big show today Rock
if anything.

Speaker 10 (01:35:48):
Rather, Gate, Eddie and I are going to discuss the
National Championship Tosster on some of the things we just
discussed right now At four o'clock. Way have Sidney Franklin
of Cincinnati Inquiry are going to talk about the subway
underneath downtown.

Speaker 9 (01:36:01):
I've been to the nineteen twenties.

Speaker 1 (01:36:03):
Luken took me down there and I said, this is unbelievable.

Speaker 9 (01:36:05):
It's still a whole world underneath it.

Speaker 1 (01:36:08):
It's right there, and I'm thinking Central Parkway goes for
three or four miles. So they're trying to figure out
some ideas to maybe keep it, keep it going. What
was the reason they stopped the Great Depression of nineteen
twenty nine? The funding ford came. It started after the
New Yorker started their subway. It's like the Brooklyn Bridge,
the you know our bridge, suspension bridge. They said, well,
let's build a subway, and they started building it and

building it and building it with at least you see
some of the photos the guy got with shovels.

Speaker 9 (01:36:35):
I was just say, how do they do that in
nineteen twenty build a tunnel system like, however.

Speaker 10 (01:36:40):
Many feet underneath the street, It'll be fifteen feet with
not modern equipment, ventilation, the whole deal.

Speaker 1 (01:36:46):
And it just died after the Great Depression. Off and
Harry as men they were.

Speaker 7 (01:36:52):

Speaker 2 (01:36:52):
Weren't any women there where. It was all harys manos.
That's what I say, because I've seen the photos. I
saw the photos, you saw them, I saw them.

Speaker 1 (01:37:02):
And whenever it rained or snowed, guess what and mud
in the summertime, it was hotter than the hinges of hell.
You had mules and horses with fleas and flies and
mosquitoes du everywhere, v sas and just pick it up
and smear it on your face. That's just eat it.
Those guys are hairy, asked men. And then it got Colts.
You know, Colts got too.

Speaker 9 (01:37:23):
Yeah, okay that that rumor was out yesterday, but now
it's confront firm.

Speaker 1 (01:37:27):
He signed.

Speaker 9 (01:37:28):
Colt is a good organization, yea, Colts, because.

Speaker 2 (01:37:31):
I did segment. But you don't feel too bad about
Notre Dame. You lost some bets. We're still waiting to
be paid. But it's a different issue. I know we
did hot fut Sundays. I don't know you hot fut Sunday.

Speaker 9 (01:37:40):
You took another dame.

Speaker 1 (01:37:43):
Well, I switched though at one point I took give
me one day one Look at your left, who do you?
Who do you owe?

Speaker 9 (01:37:50):
All right, well, let let's talk about that. Now there
was a Sunday.

Speaker 1 (01:37:55):
I'm like the Trumpster.

Speaker 9 (01:37:57):
Bring it in?

Speaker 1 (01:37:59):
What about you owe one?

Speaker 10 (01:38:00):
Bring it in about my hot fudge Sunday bet that
was paid by you that you ate so by my account,
and you tell me will a fair's fare at hour
does not cancel echos and arbitration.

Speaker 1 (01:38:12):
I say, Rock, You're good to go. Everything's paid. That's
what I'm saying. It's all gone.

Speaker 9 (01:38:15):
You are talking.

Speaker 1 (01:38:16):
You are not a serious person. You are not a
serious person, neither one of you. If I show up
tomorrow on this show and I'll say this seg yeah,
you do not need a hot fudge Sunday, Well, I'll
go get myself one good give me out of the
stud's reports segment. I'm not gonna do it. Maybe Scott
Springer can do it. Willy and utter of a cold

day here at a tri State and or wild Man.
I was with the wild Man the other night in
the real high school.

Speaker 2 (01:38:45):
He did the play by, he did the announcing, and
I handed out the awards, and in high school hall
of Fame for the athletes.

Speaker 1 (01:38:50):
And there's the vile man. He said, tell segment, get tape,
get taped. We leave you with the immortal words of
the stood Report.

Speaker 7 (01:39:00):
At some point, the foolishness has got to stop.

Speaker 1 (01:39:03):
Thank your governor, Thank you governor. He needs a lieutenant governor.
On seven hundred worldw
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