All Episodes

September 16, 2021 53 mins

With so much superhero and video game news this week, of course we had to make a mashup about it. Come join us in the excitement!

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Speaker 1 (00:07):
The Large Nerdron Collider Podcast is a production of I
Heart Radio. Hey everybody, Welcome to The Large Nerdron Collider Podcast,
the podcast that's all about the geeky things happening in
the world around us and how very excited we are
about them. I'm Ariel casting and with me as always

is Jonathan Konami. Code strict one up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right,
be a select start. Oh you unlocked a question I did.
I got a question for you, all right, Ariel. I mean,
first of all, listeners might not know this, but you

are in a band. But let's say that you you're
in a band that plays all sorts of different kinds
of music. Can you name a song that you would
love to cover? A song that I would love to cover? Um, Honestly,
right now I'm trying to get my band to cover
Build a Wall from the video game Bastion. Um. That

video game has just a beautiful soundtrack and that song.
I know it sounds controversial. It's not, but it sounds controversial,
therefore playing it. But one, walls have had a stigma
in the past few years, and then two or building
walls has and to like, I just need to get
off my button do it? But yeah, I want to

do that or um the Knickerbocker from No More Kings,
Um the knicker Pocker or something something from No More Kings.
I like the song. I don't remember the title. Yes, yeah, yes,
so so my band for those who don't know, Yeah,
I'm in a band. We used to play Renaissance Festival

in the Georgia Independence Day Festival and various other little things.
We play LARPs um, and we used to do a
bunch of medieval stuff and now we do pirate and
kind of bluegrass. But I always try to like virus
into like swing or other. They're sort of genres. Sometimes
you get you work in like you'll be playing one
song that will be in one genre and you'll segue

into like a pop song or a country song, and
then make your way back over into the more traditional song.
We love mashups. And I will say, though very few
people have heard it, our heavy metal version of Adelweiss
is pretty baller. What about you, Jonathan, What? Because I

know that you play guitar and ukulele and all that,
what song do you really desperately want to learn? I mean, like,
besides everything that they might be Giants? Has ever done? Uh?
I mean they might be Giants is probably the right answer,
is just like saying something like that. But the other
one would be a Jonathan Colton song. Actually, I feel

fantastic stick. It's so fast and it's just it's just
a fun, clever song. And ah, the older I get,
the more medicated I feel I need to be, so
it starts to speak to me more directly. I feel fantastic.
For those who don't know, is a song and the
point of view of the singer is about all the

different medications he takes in order for him to function. Uh,
And it is pretty clear as the song goes on
that he is overly dependent upon medication in order to function.
It's a it's a kind of a depressing song if
you listen to the lyrics, but it's very peppy and poppy,
kind of like hang up the Holly from White Christmas.

We'll see that's that's Here's the thing is that, like
that's something that's in common with both They Might Be
Giants and Jonathan Colton, right, is that both tend to
write these these tunes and the music is really upbeat
and poppy. But if you pay attention to lyrics, there's
often a darker subtext or sometimes just playin old text

to the lyrics. Uh, there's a great they might be
Giants song called um uh was it is a destination
moon and and that song, Uh, it becomes clear that
the person singing it's actually pretty clear right away if
you really pay attention to the lyrics, but the person
singing it's from the point of view of someone who

is convalescing in a hospital and is not expected to
get better. And yet again the tune is really upbeat.
Like if you're just listening to the music and you're
not really processing the lyrics, you're like, Wow, this is
just a catchy song. And then you pay attention to
the lyrics, you're like, whoa, that's heavy. Yeah, I didn't

realize I was singing about that. Yeah, speaking of things
that are a little bit heavier once you reflect upon them.
Let's talk about this new Rats of NYM show. Yeah,
so Rats and Nim is from It's actually a series
of books that were written starting in the nineteen seventies,
and there was previously a Dawn Bluth animated adaptation of

effectively the first novel in the series, Mrs Frisbie and
the Rats and Them, which they just shortened to The
Rats of Nim for the movie. Very creepy film. For
those who have not seen it, Secret the Secretive. You're right,
the Secret of Nim. You are correct, it's not the
Rats ym is the Secret of Them? Thank you very Yeah,
it's very creepy movie. I saw it when it first

came out. I saw it in the theater as a kid. Um.
I remember the owl really freaking me out in that movie.
But it's now there's going to be or at least
there's in development a a an event series, animated series
of adaptations of at least I assumed the first book,

if not multiple books. So I'm very curious to see
how that goes. Yeah. So I saw Rats of Nim
as a child as well, though not when it came out,
because you're too young for that, I think, I think, Um,
but like I remembering to understand beautiful animation. But they're
saying that this one, other than being like a complete reboot,

it's separate from the previous film story um, which is nice.
Um that it's going to be darker and more adult,
have a more adult tone to it, Like I can't
imagine the Secrets of Nim or the rest of Nims
being darker, or maybe it's just maybe I only remember
the dark parts and it wasn't as dark as I'm
remembering it was. It was fairly dark, but probably not

as dark as the book was, is what I'm I'm
guessing now. I have not read the books, so I
can't say that for certain. The cartoon definitely was. It
was not like a happy go lucky Disney film. It
was pretty you know, it had some pretty grim stuff
in it. But I have a feeling that this series
is going to be more so. Also, this is in

development for Fox, which of course is just really a
subsidy of subsidiary of Disney. But so technically we're gonna
get get a Disney version of The Rats of Nim,
but it will be through through the Fox department, not
through Disney Animation. I definitely think it'll be interesting. I agree.

I actually I'll probably want to check it out. I
like the idea of getting more animation, including animation that's
for you know, adult audiences, uh, and and having just
like more animation besides the stuff that's coming out of
either Pixar or Disney Animation. Studios. Not that I don't
like those as well, but it's good to get a

variety of stuff. Yeah. Yeah, apparently there were a little
Golden books, uh about the Nim universe, and there was
a sequel, The Secret of Nim too, all things I
didn't know, Thanks Google. Um. I used to think that
the Secret of Nim and Fifel were the same. Fivel

goes west to Nim. Yes, oh good mash up for
the future. Maybe too similar. Anyhow, let's move on away
from my ignorance into something else. I'm ignorant about the
God of War series. Yeah so uh. We recently got
a look at Santa Monica Studios God of War Ragnarok,

the sequel to the effectively the reboot of the God
of War series where Dat of War Dat of War,
where cratos is Uh finds himself in opposition with Nordic gods,
and the preview is pretty good. We get a little
hint of Thor in the in the trailer. Have you

seen the actual illustration of Thor for this version of
God of War? But I have not. I just saw
the tiny glimpse of him in the trailer. All right,
ariel A, you're gonna need to do a search search
God of War Thor and look at images so that
you can see how they've made Thor. Look for this,

because you only get to see his hip sexy. He's
a he's a big boy. He is he is. I
don't know. I kind of like that design. Yeah, no,
I do too. I think. So he's not like he's
not like giant and muscular. He's not like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
He's more like a World's Strongest Man competitor, where you know,

those guys are stout right, and so is he. So
that's interesting. Yeah, yeah, No, it's a cool design. So
I say I'm ignorant of God of War. I'm I'm
not entirely. My husband played through the last game, um,
and what I saw was cool. It was a fun story.
You know, this new trailer looks great. Prior to that,
I had only seen like the quick button mash Yeah,

of the old ones, um, which were less than appealing.
But um, it looks from what I understand, the reboot
has a really intriguing story and from the trailer it
looks like the second one War as well. Yeah. Well,
and what's interesting is that the new version, I would
say the approach to storytelling matured quite a bit in

that if you played the original Gun of War games,
there was a lot of male power, fantasy and hyper
sexuality of certain characters that was played around with there,
Like it definitely feels like it would be out of
touch with the sensibilities of today. So I think that

the reboot did a good job at kind of reimagining
the role of Kratos and the world that he inhabits
and made it a little less uh fraternity kind of mentality,
like look, fewer, fewer like gratuitous boob shots, I guess

is what I'm really getting at. I appreciate that although
you give it some some mighty thor boob that's true.
He's he's packing that is owner. Yeah, yeah, mi owner?
Who who? It looks dwarfed compared to thor U in

the trailer at least. Um. But that's not the only
video game reboot we're getting. Um. We're also getting Star
Wars Nights of the Old Republic. Yeah, we're getting a
remaster of that and uh Cotre as the kids all say,
is one of those games from way back when where
you would create a character, so you you would create

your own character in this game, and you would play
through it had semi turn based combat. It was really
turn based, but it had a little bit of action
kind of built into it too, so it didn't feel
just like you know, press attack and wait thirty seconds
to find out whether or not you hit um and
the story change depending on the choices you made. So

if you were a goody two shoes and you walked
the light side of the Force, you would and you
were really, really good, you would eventually start glowing with
this kind of bluish light. And if you were wicked,
if you went to the dark side, you would have
like these nasty looking veins and showing up against your skin,
and you would have the sort of red glow around you,

and the story changed based on that. The them their
m m O RPG they came out with later, which
I think was just The Old Republic had a similar
mechanic mm hmm. And this is this is one of
my favorite games, and that's The Old Republic is one
of my favorite like role playing games. It was also
nice because they set the story four thousand years before

the events of the Star Wars movies, so you're far
enough apart that you know pretty much anything can happen
and it's not gonna affect Like you feel like anything
can happen in that game, and you're fine. You've got
enough distance in time in the events from the series
where none of that is going to play a part

in what you're doing. It also means you don't have
to worry about the weird sensation of, well, the galaxy
is big, but I keep running into Han Solo and
Chewy or see three D O and R two D two.
You don't have to worry about that. Yeah, it seems
like most people are excited about this. The only thing
that it seems that people are not excited about is
the fact that it's coming out for PlayStation exclusively, at

least at this start. Yeah, I hope it comes to
PC because I don't. I'm mean, I've got a PS four,
but I definitely don't have a PS five because where
do you find one? Uh, you asked Santa for one,
and you hope really hard. Yeah, I don't know that
I've been a good enough boy together five. I think

I've pretty much. Yeah, I think you've gotta save like
an orphanage or something in order to be that good. Um,
and I have not done that. I've let so many
orphanages just you know, languish. Yeah, yeah, talk to you
about that. That's I go out of my way to
be bad to orphans. Oh man, I don't like this

imagined universe we've just created. No, but but I am.
I am excited to see more about this because, like
I said, Cotre was one of those games I really loved,
and I wouldn't mind a chance to play it again
with updated graphics. It's you know, I mean obviously, I
ideally I would get a new game in the same

vein as Cotour, but not the exact same thing over again,
and be able to explore some other characters in another timeline.
Cod Tour two was also a good game. It's a
little weird because you were wondering what the heck happened
to your character from cod Tour one. You know, obviously,
whenever there's a game built on top of a previous one,

they have to make decisions about what the primary character
actually did, which might contradict what you did in your
play through. And there's that disconnect, and that happened for
me in Cotar two, where I was like, I never
would have made that choice, what why did my character
turned into such a jerk? Well, I'm sorry that happened

to you. Uh, speaking of things that are incongruous for
side characters. Um, we're going to talk a little bit
about One Division, but first we're going to take a
quick break. Okay, Ariel, I'm still I'm still trying to

figure out your segue into the break. But in the meantime,
let's talk about One Division and the Emmy's. So in
a previous episode, we talked about how One Division got
I think the correct term is a metric buttload of
Emmy nominations. That is a scientific term. And while while

the you know, the televised Emmy Awards won't happen until
the nineteenth, so they're they're still coming up, they've already
awarded some of the more like technical and Art Direction
Style awards, and One Division has won some of those. Yes,
original music and Lyrics for Agatha all Along, which yes,

thank you, that's that was well deserved. Yes, um, And
then they also won for Narrative half hour Production Design
and for Fantasy sci Fi Costumes. The costumes and One
Division are superb. Well yeah, I mean, like the beauty
of One Division was that because they did that sitcom

uh you know, motif for the first few episodes, they
got to really explore a lot of different looks because
each each episode, at least in the beginning, was set
in a different era, so they got to and it
was like a TV era, so it was the idealized
version of an era. So there are a lot of
really fun looks throughout that series. And that's before you

get to any of the superhero stuff. Yeah. Yeah, I
suspect that they will come away with a few more
Emmy's by the end of it all, um, which is
pretty great for Marvel. I think the only other thing
that they've won an Emmy four is Jessica Jones, which
was technically Netflix correct. Yeah, this is the first time

that they've won anything for their Disney Plus uh streaming service,
like any any content that they've made for that And
some of the big awards that are the remain are
Leading Actress Elizabeth Olsen is up for that. Leading actor
Paul Bettany is up for that. Supporting Actress Katherine Hahn

had better be a lock in for that because Agnes
slash Agatha has become one of my favorite characters so
much so that I am hoping to see a lot
more of her in future Marvel projects. Um, I'm certainly will.
I sure hope. So uh if she does not show

up in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, I'll
be very sad. But yeah, it'll be great to see
if that, if that pays off, you know. And also
Falcon and Winter Soldier up for a few emmans themselves.
My dog is also up for me. Oh tible, good job.

So something we don't know if it will be award
worthy that's coming out a man. This is my second
week of just nailing these segues. Yes, Batman, the Batman,
the upcoming ban So The Batman obviously hasn't come out yet,
but we already know that there's a spinoff plan for it,

which is crazy, right, Like we don't we haven't even
gotten the movie yet and there's already a spinoff in development. Yeah,
apparently HBO is looking at doing a Hingwin centric show, right,
and they're in talks with Colin Ferrell to play the
part because that's who he plays in The Batman. Yes,

but there's there's no deal in place, so that's all
very tentative. Still, um, it's it is interesting to me that, um,
the it the Lauren le Frank, who le Frank who
wrote Agents of Shield, will be working on the script
for it. Um because it's kind of got that DC

Marvel crossover thing going there. Um. Also, you know, I
wasn't a huge fan of Agents of Shield personally, so
I liked I liked some of it, but I did
fall off of it, Like I really like the characters.
I got a little tired of the fact that a
lot of the episodes were kind of falling into the
freak of the week trope, the whole like thing that

Buffy did and uh, Supernatural was like the worst about it,
and Supernatural that was Supernatural was freak of the Week
for their episodes. Um. But you know, I I I'm
curious about this. Honestly, I was thinking that if they
were going to do a spinoff series, I thought it
was going to be The Riddler, because the trailers we've

seen for The Batman make the Riddler look absolutely terrifying. Yeah,
I don't we already have Dexter. I don't feel like
I need the Riddler. Yeah, but Dexter is kind of
an anti hero protagonist, like, like the Riddler just comes
out across to me is like this person has been
twisted to the point where they're just a psychopath. Um.

And like what's interesting is that, at least the way
the trailer presents the Riddler, it's in such an evocative
way that for the first time, I found the Riddler
to be potentially as terrifying as the Joker can be. Yeah,
he does look really really scary. Um. Now, there were
a couple of Batman games Batman Origin type games that

made the Riddler really scary as well video games. But
I don't know. I just and the Penguin can be
scary too, But I don't think I want to watch
something an entire series about someone that upsetting. That's fair. Uh,
and it is. It really does make you wonder what
the thrust is gonna be, Like what do you I mean,

if they're making the Penguin as sort of a crime
boss character, then it could clearly be something like the Sopranos, right,
it could be something along those lines or uh so
maybe that's what we'll get. We don't really have any
details on that. It's just kind of an interesting note, uh,
something that we do have a little bit more details about,
but I don't know that it's interesting. Is the HBO

uh animated Aquaman series? We got a trailer for it,
And why do you think about the trailer? Ariel? Well,
first of all, if I had known that this was
a thing, I had already forgotten, so uh yeah for
rediscovered craziness. The trailer is very goofy, which is, you know,

traditionally how a lot of people view Aquaman. It's I
think it's the same artistic team behind Thundercat's Roar, and
I don't particularly care for that animation style, but it's
very jokey, laughy ha ha, so maybe it will be
awkwardly a fun Yeah. It looks like an even more

primitive art style than say, um Adventure Time. Um, you
know it's it's it's very cartoony, but pretty primitive cartoony.
I can't say that the trailer did anything for me,
Like I like absurdity and I like silliness. I mean,

that's clear if you've listened to the show for heallength
of time. But this one just didn't quite land for me,
Like nothing was like everything was like, well, that's supposed
to be funny, but it doesn't actually come across as
funny to me. Yeah, yeah, like a little bit forced maybe. Yeah,
we're just like that has the pace of a joke,

but not the payoff of a joke. It's like like,
have you ever heard when a little kid tries to
tell a joke. They understand that there's a setup, and
they understand that there's a punchline, but they don't understand
how to link the two and to make the punchline. Like,
those jokes can be funny, but they're funny for the
wrong reason, right, They're funny because they're so just weird. Um.

But that's kind of how this felt to me, was
that it was like the setup and the payoffs weren't
tied there. There wasn't enough of a payoff for the
setup to work, so it didn't land for me. That
is interesting because James One, who made the Aquaman movie
and is working on the second one, also had a
hand in this cartoon. Jeemes One has had a hand

in about nine of everything that's gone on in Hollywood
over the last two years. He's got a hand and
stuff we're about to talk about in a second too.
So um yeah, he's like a busy dude. I tell
you you do, you'll launch one franchise with The Conjuring
and next thing, you know, you're just constantly working good

for him, You're conjuring up more work, you sure are.
Uh so. Yeah, So James One also is working on
Salem's Lot. Yes, he's a producer on Salem's Lot. The
guy who's directing it as Gary Doberman, who directed Annabelle
Comes Home, part of the Conjuring universe, which James One

launched with The Conjuring. So it's very much in the
family here. Um. And of course Salem's Lot is a
Stephen King novel from the nineteen seventies. It was previously
adapted into a couple of different TV movies, including one
that I thought was really effective, the first of the
TV movie adaptations. It's very low budget, but I had

some truly disturbing like imagery and I just remember a
little kid floating outside a window that's on the second
story of a house and just scratching at the ass
over and over. Very creepy. Um. And we know that,
uh that like a Alfre Woodard is playing the role

of Dr Jimmy Cody. But the thing that really has
me excited that William Sadler is in it. I love
that the article we have talks about William Sadler the
Shawshank Redemption, not William sadler death. In Bill and Ted,
he was so William Sadler's well those actors who like

he's amazing, He's he's not like super famous, but he's
been in tons of stuff. He was in die Hard too,
he was in the Shawshank Redemption, he's in the Bill
and Ted movies, and he's just he's an incredible actor
who can really inhabit characters and really inhabit menacing characters
in a really cool way. So I'm hoping that he's

Kurt Barlow, who is the big bad in Salem's Lot,
But we'll have to see because they have not revealed
what character he's actually play, which means that's probably who
he's playing. Uh, we're gonna find out on or around
September nine two because that's when it comes out. Um.
We also got news that Furiosa got pushed back from

the new launch day for that is MA four. So
we've been waiting for this for a while obviously, ever
since you know, we first heard that there were thoughts
of doing a spinoff after Mad Max Fury Road which
is remains like one of the best action movies I've
ever seen um and I will be happy to see
this even though it has the most irritatingly talented actress

in the movie. I mean, she is really good, and
Anya Taylor joy Is is a very good actress. I
think she'll play Furio so well. I'm looking forward to it.
I'm sure she'll play Furio so well. And I'm sure
I'm going to be even more jealous of her incredible
talent because she's a She's just really good and it
makes me sick that someone that young can be that good.

Fair enough, Well, that's sort of the roundup of news.
We have actually a few other items as well, but obviously,
like we can't cover everything or else, this show would
be an hour and a half long, and we still
have our mashups to get to and those tie into
a couple of other news items. So we actually managed
to sneak in two more, but you'll have to wait
till after the break to find out what they are. Okay,

welcome back to our mashup. Items are Hawkeye and Laura Croft,
your raider. I didn't want to make you eat any longer, right,
But the reason why we picked those is because we
have a couple of news stories that relate to both
of those properties. Hawkeye in this case, we're talking about
the Marvel Cinematic Universe character who has his own Disney

Plus uh streaming series coming out in November, and we
got a trailer for it. And the trailer I loved it.
What did you think? Yeah? I did too. It felt
it felt like Home Alone meets die Hard or maybe
Lethal Weapon to me, Yeah, I get that, Like you're
the second person I've heard compare it kind of to

die Hard with that that action, fast pace and then
that you still have a little bit of comedy thrown
in their two. Yeah it's a Christmas movie. Um, okay,
but Diehards. We've established the Diehard is not a Christmas movie. Okay,
We're not going back down that path again because I've
already I've already made that that defense once. But yeah,

so this the trailer looks great, And of course it
also introduces Kate Bishop, a character from the Marvel Comics
universe who is now going to be in the See
You and We'll be teaming up with Hawkeye. She actually
calls him Hawkeye. Did anyone ever else call Clint Hawkeye.
I can't remember. I feel like they did. I don't

know if anybody ever called him Ronan because before and
game he was rown in, so after I'll try. Yeah,
that's that's when he's the the the the vigilante who
is much much more deadly. And in the little trailer
for the series, we see that Kate Bishop is posing

as Ronan and thus getting a lot of attention from
a lot of organized crime, and so Clint is off
to find out who the heck is posing as his
former alter ego, partly because he's concerned about their well being. Yeah,
and this is why it reminds me of lethal Weapon,
because he's the mertile. I'm too old for this stuff, dude. Um.

But also, many of my friends have been more excited
for a brief brief I don't know, maybe it's not
brief for a gag that's in the trailer than they
are for the actual full trailer, which is Rogers the Musical.
Oh yeah, yeah, you see. Well you see that Clinton
his family have gone to attend a performance of Rogers

the Musical, referencing Steve Rogers Captain America. M I hope
that's an entire musical episode. Personally, I have a feeling
it won't be. But I do also have a feeling
that it's one of those things that if there's enough
demand for it, Disney will totally capitalize and make a
Rogers the Musical. Uh. I mean, you obviously know what

the title of the main song has to be, right,
I can do this all day? You have you have
it at the beginning of the show, and then you've
got a represe of I can do this all day
at the end of the show, and Rogers is facing
off against whoever the big bad is in that in
that show, it rights itself. You've got the big hero

song at the beginning, and then you've got the red
preees at the end. I like that. I like that.
The other news item we have is that it's kind
of Marvelie Hall. Haley Atwell has been cast as the
voice of Laura Croft in a New tomb Reader anime. Yeah,
she obviously played Peggy Carter in the m c U.

That's the connection we're talking about. She's also an insanely
talented actor. Also, if I if I may, she's dreamy.
M hm, Yeah, she's dreaming. She is. She makes an

awesome Captain America too, even though that was animated, Yes,
that was. It was one of the what If episodes,
probably my favorite of the wide If episodes. I've watched
them all up to the well, by the time this
podcast comes out, there will be another one that I
have not yet seen, but all the other ones I've seen,
and I think that one might be my favorite. I

do like that one as well quite a lot. A
lot of times for me, film actors don't always translate
to voice actor as well, but she did quite a
good job. Yeah, yeah, no, I felt like she really
captured the the character again. And yeah, to your point,
when actors are no longer like embodying a role like

you'll see during voiceover recording sessions, a lot of actors
still get really physical when they're doing their parts because
if they don't, it feels like there's a lack in
their performance. Um. I have no idea if she was
like that, like if she was doing the noises for
like dodging punches and stuff. But yeah, she definitely captured

the spirit of Peggy Carter in the What If, so
I feel that she's going to do just fine job
for Laura Croft. This is going to be on Netflix,
and um, yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing more of this. Yeah. So,
so if you are not familiar with Hawkeye, for Laura
Croft and what we just told you or tomb Rater

and what we just told you doesn't ring a bell.
Hawkeye is a Marvel Avenger who shoots arrows. He doesn't
have superpowers, he just shoots arrows. Some of the arrows
are pretty cool. He's pretty badass, but you know, he's not.
He doesn't turn into the Hulk, he's not a god,
none of that stuff. And tomb Rater is about basically
a female Indiana Jones. I mean that's good, or you know,

if you want to think of it this way, if
you play the Uncharted games, Nathan Drake is a male
version of Laura Croft. There you because she was she
she was first tomb Writer came out before Uncharted did so,
so Nathan Drake is a copy of Laura Croft, who
herself is sort of a copy of Indiana Jones. And
I have watched through the two thousand thirteen tomb Rater

game and never watched Angelina Jolie movies nor the recent
reboot of it. I think in two thousand eighteen. Um. Yeah,
I just watched through the game. I haven't seen the films,
but I did play the first of the tomb Rater
reboot games, which, uh, a well designed game, except that

you could have subtitled that tomb Rader Laura Croft falls
down a lot because like every other sequence, she was
falling down a mountain, like every bone in her body
should have been busted by the end of that game. Yeah. Yeah,
like Laura Croft Colin slinky right, Yes, she goes downstairs

alone or in pairs, yes, or or Laura Croft. She h.
We will wobbles fall down wobble, but they don't fall down. Uh.
That's a really old reference nobody will get, especially since
I said it so poorly. But Okay, we're gonna go
into our mashups, and I'm going to go first. This
is an Croft and the Solari citari Um Solari were

villains in the two tomb Raader game villains, kind of antagonists,
all right. Clinton Barton a k a. Hawkeye wasn't a
superhero in the superpowered sense, but he was super good
at what he did, which is why he kept getting
pulled into Avenger hygiens. A few people knew however, that
he had an arch nemesis, one archaeologist named Laura Croft.

You see, for every Shield operation that Barton was a
part of, there was Laura a k a. The tomb Raader,
trying to steal whatever artifact was at the center of it,
like with the Tests Are Act. While Hawkeye was trying
to keep that glowing cube away from Loki, he was
also fending off Laura, which is why he failed at
not being mind controlled by Loki. And then there was Altron,

where Laura Croft also was guns a blazing trying to
get the Mindstone. And we won't even get into the
time highest because that's too sad. But basically, every time
that Hawkeye went into retirement, it wasn't due to not
wanting to be an event. It was due to being
tired of playing the game of rock, paper scissors arrow
gun against Laura. I mean, do you know how hard
it is to win with arrows when you're up against guns?

And failure and Shield and the Avengers led to catastrophe,
and that weighs on a man's psyche. So Hawkeye was
exceptionally confused when, while in retirement, Laura showed up on
his doorstop asking for his help. After begrudgingly inviting her
in to sit down and need a family meal with him,
because that always seems to be when he's interrupted, is

when he's about to sit down to a meal with
his family, Laura told him what was up. She had
been exploring the island of Yamatai when she came across
a cult that called themselves the Solari. But when she
encountered them, she realized they were not just a cult
of sun worshippers. They were a group of Chitari that
had escaped New York and we're working with their long
lost leader, Harry Lyser, who had disappeared after World War

Two on a secret island in an effort to someone
being called Galactus to eat and destroy not only the
Earth but the whole Solar system. They had captured her
and we're going to use her to house the beacon
to someon Galactus. But she escaped, and as a part
of her escape, Laura had managed to blow up their
base on Yamatai, and now they were chasing her to
capture her and finish their nefarious plan. Hawkeye's first response

was to yell at her for coming to his home
and putting his family in danger, but then he decided
to be the bigger man and help her. So once
they moved to Shield headquarters instead of his house, they
assembled a tactical team and waited when the Chittari ship
appeared in the sky. Because of course the Chatari had
a spaceship. Still, Lauren Hawkeye took aim and prepared for
the fight that just might kill them. But before they

could fire on the incoming invasion, Shield took out the
Tatari vessel with a nitro mean device. I mean, come on,
Laura and Hawkeye were good, but the last time the
Chittari invaded, it took a superhuman strength, a hulk, and
a god to help defeat them. Apparently, Shield had been
tracking this Chitari sell for a while and when they
saw Laura going to the island, they knew she would
be the perfect Patsy to be their beacon. Now, with

all the Chittari destroyed, Shield no longer needed to let
Laura run free, so they arrested her and allowed Clint
to go back to the retirement and they all lived
happily ever after, except for the tomb Raider. The end,
I like how the threat in your Hawkeye and Laura
Croft mashup is Galactus, the Devourer of worlds, a a

an entity so enormous that he literally devours worlds. And
you put him up against the dude who shoots arrows
and the grave robber with a couple of guns. And
that's why Shield had to use their nature nitromene device.
I don't know how to pronounce it, but I know
it's a like a bomb type devices. The bomb. Also

har Clyser is for real a leader of the Citari
who is a shape shifter in World War two. Uh
so fun little who was trying to destroy the world. Yeah,
maybe not with Galactus, but they were trying to destroy
the Solar system. Okay, well that's the steaks and yours
were slightly higher than the stakes in mine. But before

we get to that, let's take another break so I
can steal myself for this. Okay, Ariel, Now it's time
for my mashup of Hawkeye and tune Rad. I'm gonna

call this one put a bow on it, so that's
that's the name of it. Not like it doesn't fit
in any capacity for the rest of this. Yeah, I
just had to come up with a penny title. All
right sore we go. Clint Barton has a problem. He's
on assignment for Shield because like this happens way before

all the Avengers stuff, and he's hunting down a few
Jittive wanted for theft. The suspect is thought to be
responsible for stealing an ancient piece of artwork with great
significance to Peruvian culture, with no apparent regard for that
pieces significance in that culture. Also no surprise here, she's English.
Her name Laura Croft. The artifact is a special golden

disc that was buried within an Incan pyramid in Peru,
and it has Shield concerned. The disc, Barton learns, is
one of three artifacts that collectively are said to have
mystical power, and this craft person just got hold of
one of them. So Clint is on her trail on
his way to get to the great Stone city of

Machu Picchu. We see Hawkeye hiking the Incan trail up
to the city. He's a little short of breath, both
from the exertion of hiking and also the higher elevation.
And he gets to the outskirts of the city and
he pulls up a three D projection map on a
tablet thing you know, something that isn't actually possible for
us to do in the real world, but in the

m c U it's like as common as an iPhone
is here anyway, He turns and twists the three D
map until he sees something a narrow cave like entrance
towards the side of the city, and he heads there.
Just as he gets there, we see some hands scrambling
from inside the cave trying to get out, gaining purchase

on the ground and scrabbling out of the cave is
a young woman, brown hair, tank top shorts that are
probably way too short for what she's doing. She's got
a pair of handguns and shoulder holsters, and she's got
a pack that is clearly filled with something. And she
hasn't seen Clint, so she continues to kind of crawl
out of this cave, and we see her hand make
contact with Clint's boot, and that's when she looks up

right at the end of a very sharp, fully drawn arrow. Hello, there,
says Clint. Laura Croft's eyes narrow, and she grabs hold
of Clint's boot and pulls hard, putting him off balance,
and she scrambles out and she goes for her guns,
drawing them, but Clint has the draw on her again.

Might not want to shoot, says Clint. Don't think i'd
hold onto this arrow if you did. Who are you,
asked Laura. I'm the guy who is supposed to take
you in. You have a lot of folks wanting to
chat with you about your archaeological exploits, says Clint, and
Laura snorts. And don't doubt it. Listen, I want to

make a deal. I'm not really the deal making type,
says Clint. Well, that may be so, but do you
know what I have, asked Laura, I'm glad to understand.
What you have is a bowl made of gold, a
matching piece to a disc that you've previously lifted from
another location, says Clint. It's the second piece of a set,
a set dedicated to Patcha Mac says Laura. Never met him,

says Clint. He was the inca god of earthquakes and creation,
A very demanding and often cruel god, says Laura. But
more importantly, the set of artifacts dedicated to him is
said to have incredible power, and you want that power
for yourself, says Clint. No, says Laura. I want it
to get I want to get it before Hydra does,

and that gives Clint pause. Hydra as in the Nazi
cult from World War Two. They're still active, says Laura,
and thereafter this set of artifacts, it appears they believe
it will power some sort of massive weapon, even if
it doesn't. The theft of these artifacts is a crime
and of itself. Now, I assure you the irony is

not lost upon me. But my intent is to keep
these away from Hydra until I can return them safely.
Do you have proof that there is this plan? Asks Clint,
and Laura nods and gestures to her bag, and she
holsters her guns and Clint gives a very slow nod.
So she pulls out a folded piece of paper, unfolds it,

takes a step forward, and Clint says, stay where you are.
Just show it to me. I got good eye. So
she holds the paper up and Clint scans the letter
and apparently as a set of orders from a Hydra
leader to a field operative, so he lowers his bows slowly. Well,
if you're making the story up, you put in a
lot of prep work. Let me call this in okay,

but could you at least tell me who you are, asked, Laura,
you can call me Clint. Clint Barton, he says. Then
we cut two later in the film, because you know,
a lot of boring stuff happens in these movies, we
can just skip to the good parts. So then we
get to a point where Clint and Laura are making
their way through a thick jungle as quietly as they can,
and we can hear the sounds of a party in

pursuit in the background, so clearly someone's after them. And
Clint and Laura mostly communicate largely through hand signals as
they move through the landscape. They are in sync, they
are working well together. They clearly both know what they're doing.
And they're closing in on a lake, and in the
center of the lake is a small island with an
unassuming stack of stone blocks on it the remains of

some ruins, and it's apparently what they're aiming for. Without
a sound, the two look at the water and they
see that there are red bellied piranha in it, even
though okay, I know that barn our river fish, they're
not lake fish. But you know, we have to have
threats in this movie. And the two stopped themselves from
plunging into the lake and they start looking around for

a solution when the hydro soldiers who were in pursuit
catch up to them, and then we get a big
old shootout fight in which Clint hides up in a
tree and uses bow to pick off soldiers while Laura
uses some wicked gun handling skills along with some hand
to hand combat to dispatch foes, and of course one
of them ends up falling in the lake, which goes
all foamy and that person's eaten. Okay, so we flash

forward again because now they're on the island because I
don't know, maybe they made a canoe or something. Anyway,
we get to them finding a secret entrance uh in
the rubble to a tomb. And the tomb was once waterproof,
many many hundreds of years ago. It was made with
incredible precision, but over the centuries the structure has become
less secure. Now it's flooded. So we get Laura and

Clint having to swim in darkness to find a golden rod,
which is the third of the three artifacts. Now, when
they come out, they see that they are surrounded by
boats that are filled with hydro soldiers. They're at least
forty of them, and so the two of them are
taking captive and we flash forward and Clinton Laura are
tied up inside a tent and the Hydra officer in
charge of the field operation is gloating and he's taking

the disc and the bowl and the rod with him
and leaving the heroes behind. But Clinton Laura use their
training to work their way free of their bonds, and
then they quietly and with ruthless efficiency, dispatched the guards
that are assigned to guard the tent. They retrieve their weapons,
they disguised themselves as Hydra soldiers, and they tracked down
the officer who is putting the three artifacts into a

giant device, and then we get an even bigger shootout
fight and Clint uses some of his specialty arrows that
he's retrieved, and then he tosses his boat to Laura.
She proves that she's really good with a bow herself.
It's really exciting, it's really cool. There's probably way too
much c g I because this is a Marvel project.
But then the officer manages to throw the switch on
the machine anyway, and at first nothing happens, but then

things start to shake, but it's not an earthquake. The
machine malfunctions and the officer is then killed in a
small explosion, and Clint looks to Laura and she says, well,
I switched the disk in the bowl for fakes, so
two of those three artifacts weren't real, and Clint gives
a grin, and then they fight their way out of
the situation, and afterward, on parting, Laura is thinking Clint
for his help and asks him to help her return

the artifacts, whereupon she will then surrender herself to custody
and Clint says, you're half right, and he does help
her return the artifacts, but then he refuses to take
her in. And you really are something, says Laura. You know,
the Peruvians held the Condor in high esteem, believing it
to be a connection between Earth and Heaven. It's a

good symbol. The Condor might be a bit grandiose for me,
says Clint. I don't think I quite measure up to
Condor status. I'm more of a hawk guy. That's it,
says Laura. That's what I'm calling you from that on
so long hot guy, and that's how Hawkeye got his name.
We're all just saying it wrong. The end I love

it and I would watch that movie. Yeah. For those
who do not know, I have a reputation for shaggy
dog stories, and that's kind of one of them. In fact,
there are a couple of moments in that story that
are almost references to other shaggy dog stories. I tell

mm hmm, yeah, yep. But you know what, here's the thing.
You said it wasn't gonna be very funny, but it
wasn't like funny ha ha, but they were definitely chuckle
moments in there. Well, that's why I for me. Before
we recorded this, I told Ariel, like we didn't share
our mashups. We just kind of talked in roundabout terms,
and I said, yeah, mine feels more like an Indiana

Jones kind of story. It has that sort of sense
of adventure to it, and there's a little bit of humor,
but it's not like the joke fest that I typically
go for when I write a mash up. But then
I couldn't resist ending it on like a terrible shaggy
dog punchline. So you know, he gets what you pay for,

I guess, And this is a free podcast, so there
you go more than more than what you've paid for.
In this case. Yes, uh, we're all paying for it,
I think in our own way. And you know, if
you guys have suggestions for mashups that we should do
in the future, because you know, Ariel comes up with

these most of the time. Occasionally we get a great
suggestion from from you and we love those. Remember, making
suggestions of things that are not inherently similar to one
another often make the best mashups. If it's too close together,
then it's it was just gonna feel like another version
of that thing. Yeah, and you can quest properties that

we've already done. So we've done like a Game of Cats,
a Game of Thrones cats mash up. But if you
want us to do Game of Thrones at something else,
we'll totally do that. Yeah, except for the Muppets because
we tried that for the video series and it did
not turn out well. But yeah, if you if you
have suggestions, you should let us know. One way to
do that is to send us an email. Our email

addresses l in C at my heart Media dot com. Yep.
You can also reach out to us on the Twitters,
the facebooks, and Instagram. On Twitter where Ellen c Underscore podcast,
and on Facebook and Instagram we're Large Neutron Collider. We
would really love to hear from you. Also, if you
like the show, like subscribe and tell your friends, yes,

leave us, leave us a review, things like that. It
always helps other people discover the show. Like, you know,
we like to promote the show, but nothing we say
is nearly as effective as what someone who loves the
show can say. So or you know what, take a take,
take like an excerpt of one of your favorite episodes
and share that with people, and then they'll think that

the whole episode is as good as that bit, and
then they'll get and they'll subscribe to our show and
they'll be tricked, but we'll already get on so so
so it's fine for us. Uh. And on that note,
we're going to sign off until next time. I'm Ariel
Casting and I'm Jonathan Polygamal Boobs Strickler. The Large nur

John Collider is a production of I Heart Radio and
was created by Ariel cast In. Jonathan Strickland is the
executive producer. This show is produced, edited and published by
Tari Harrison. For more podcasts on my heart Radio, visit
the i Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you
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