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March 26, 2024 33 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I'm your host for the next onehour. Mandy Connell. Boy, I've

been all morning putting together the bigshow today. Just kidding. I gotta
tell you guys what's on the blogbecause I have a guest right out of
the chuote this morning or this afternoon. So head to mandy'sblog dot com.
That's mandy'sblog dot com. Look forthe headline that says three twenty six to
twenty four blog Jeff Crank is runningfor CD five. Click on that and

here are the headlines you will findwithin as an office half of American all
with ships and clipments, and saythat's going to press plant today on the
blog. Jeff Crank wants your votein CD five. The show is an
hour today. Ride RDT and seecrime up close and personal thought for the
day. A bridge gets taken outby a ship. The Colorado Supreme Court

upholds student searches, an update onthe band Superfan. What's new at Redrocks
this year? The New York Timessays school closures We're a failure. New
York City squatter laws are beyond absurd. Joe Biden's plans for social secure church
attendance is down again. Why iseverything a mental health crisis. Hamas turns

down the latest ceasefire. RFK Junioris picking a super rich unknown to be
his running mate. What Home Improvementsgive the best ROI? Sean Payton says
trading up is realistic. Joni Mitchellcaves to Spotify Planet Fitness doesn't give a
crap about women. Why Israel needsto exist? Kamala Harris claps along with

an insulting song, bless this person'sconfused little soul, free plastic surgery for
everyone. Those are the headlines onthe blog at mandy'sblog dot com. And
boy, we've got some humdingers onthe blog today. We'll get to them
a little bit later, because rightnow I would like to welcome to the
show a man that I certainly hopeyou will vote for. No, that's

not an endorsement, because my endorsementsare the kiss of death. But if
you are voting in the fifth CongressionalDistrict, I sure hope that you will
not reward a person who has corruptedthe Colorado GOP leadership, who has used
party funds in a way that Ifeel is so absolutely corrupt to promote his

own candidacy. I certainly hope youwould consider voting for Jeff Crank instead,
And Jeff has joined me on theshow. Jeff, how you doing today,
I'm doing great, Mandy, thankyou. Well, you know,
let's talk a little bit about whoyou are, because you are known to
many, but you're not known toeveryone. You don't have quite the name
recognition, even though you've been workingin conservative politics for a long, long,

long time. So give people yourlittle elevator speech of who Jeff Crank
is and why you want to runfor office. Sure. Well, you
know, I'm born and raised inColorado and this is my home, and
why I want to run for officeis because I see Colorado slipping away from
us. It's the same thing thatwe all see. Our liberties are being
taken away, and we see thatdaily. I served about eight years of

working in Congress. I worked forJoel Hefley, who is the Congressman from
Colorado Springs, the fifth congressional districtat the time, and I did work
on keeping Fort Carson open in manyof the military installations in Colorado Springs.
And then I came back home fromWashington, came back home, lived in
Colorado Springs, worked for the Chamberof Commerce in Colorado Springs for a while,

started a radio career, did fourteenyears on the radio, and enjoyed
that very much conservative talk radio.I also helped start the Chapter of Americans
for Prosperity in Colorado, which hasbeen the biggest defender of TABOR, the
Taxpayer Bill of Rights. They've justdone remarkable work over the last fifteen or

twenty years here in Colorado. Sothat's kind of the way that my path.
But I've been involved and been afighter where conservative causes my whole life.
I'm going to ask you this becauseI think it is an important conversation
that we've had over and over againon the show. Are there's a serious
schism in the Republican Party right nowin Colorado and we have the normal,

sane people on one side and whatI like to call the lunatic wing on
the other side. And you don'thave to agree with me on the lunatic
wing, but they're now casting orname calling anybody the lunatic wing if you
have done anything that they've deemed notconservative enough. Is there anything in your
past that you look back and say, you know what, that wasn't really

true to my conservative ideals or doyou stand on being a conservative running for
office in the CD fifth? Ohyeah, I stand one hundred percent on
my conservative credentials, you know,one hundred percent pro life. I've been
a firearms owner for my whole entirelife. I've been the president of the
Pikes Peak Firearms Coalition. I gotthe Champion of Life Award. I'm as

conservative as they come. I justwant to win elections, right. I
want to represent the people of thefifth District in a way that they'll be
proud and and one of the thingsthat I think that includes is ethics and
integrity and standing for the things thatyou believe in. And you know,
right now, we do have aschism in the party. There are people

who want to be conservative and leada conservative revolution in the United States again,
and that's where I am. Butwe have people other people in the
party that want to use the partyto advantage themselves their own political career.
You know, they love to calleverybody else a rhino. That word rhino,

which yeah, you know, youand I were talking about this.
You know, you know who therhinos are. The rhinos. The Republican
in name only is someone who doesn'twho says they're a Republican, but they
don't actually work to elect Republicans.And I would say that that's Dave Williams,
and it's many in this crowd.I've seen the emails that have come

out from Dave attacking people, andit's always a Republican that's attacking, whether
it's you know, the minority leaderin the House, or former Congressman Ken
Buck or Congressman Doug Lamborne. Imean he just or me. I mean
it's Republicans that he seems to attackwith Republican donors' money. And look,

I mean, I'm the am Ianti establishment guy. I'm the guy that's
looking into the system. He's theguy in the smoke philled room trying to
decide who's going to be their nextcandidate, and it hasn't worked out well
for Colorado. Well, I wouldsay he's using one of the tactics that
always shocks me. It always surprisesme when someone basically accuses their opponent of

doing what they themselves have done.So let's start back in twenty sixteen.
Who did you endorse for President?Jeff Well? In twenty sixteen, I
endorse Donald Trump. How about twentytwenty. In twenty twenty, I endorse
Donald Trump. You know that's weirdbecause I saw a mailer about you that
implied that you did not and thatyou had endorsed Nikki Haley. And I
believe that mailer came from the ColoradoRepublican Party as led by David Williams.

So let me just let me sayone thing about that really quickly. From
my audience. You may not understandthis. The Haley campaign had to pay
a ransom to the Colorado GOP inorder to get ballid access for the primary,
and then the Colorado GOP, ledby David Williams, turned around and
probably spent her own money sending outa mailer attacking her before the primary.

That's the character of the person thatyou are running against. Yeah, and
also, by the way, attackingthe Colorado Springs Gazette, which was the
only major newspaper in Colorado that actuallyendorsed Donald Trump in twenty twenty. Yeah,
I mean, you know, it'sused whatever lie you can, and
look on the Nicky Haley stuff.They were trying to connect me to the

AFP Action endorsement of Nicki Haley.AFP Action isn't running for office. I
am. I endorse Donald Trump intwenty sixteen, I endorsed him in twenty
twenty, and I've endorsed him intwenty twenty four. Why would you endorse
Donald Trump? I I'm one ofthose people like I wish I had another
candidate to vote for. I'm gonnabe perfectly honestly, I'm not a fan.

I'm voting for him in November becauseI think four more years of a
Biden administration would be a disaster,and so I'm voting for him. I'm
not enthusiastic about it. But whydid you take the step of endorsing him.
What is it about the Trump administrationthat you felt worthy of saying,
you know what, we need fourmore years of this? Well? Look,
I mean, if you look backat the policies of Donald Trump,

they were pretty darn good for America. Whether it's the tax cuts which I
helped work to get past, whetherit's the three Supreme Court justices who the
President nominated and who I helped workfrom a grassroots standpoint, get confirmed through
the United States Senate. Those threeSupreme Court justices, along with the other
conservatives on the court, are savingAmerica right now and I remember back in

twenty sixteen, debating a never TrumpI heard this audio just a little bit
ago, and then never Trumper atthe time was saying, oh, you
know, just don't vote for him. Let's go back and come back with
a better candidate, and those sortsof things. And I said, look,
you can't let Hillary Clinton win.She will transform the Supreme Court.

If we allow that to happen.And look what happened. There would have
been three, probably three open seatson the Supreme Court, and we wouldn't
have the Supreme Court saving the UnitedStates from the failed policies of the Biden
administration today. So you know,for me, it's about policy. Look,

it's not about personality. And here'sthe reality. The voters have spoken.
And it doesn't matter what people thinkif they supported Nicki Haley or they
supported Ron DeSantis or whatever. Theprimary essentially is over Donald Trump's the nominee.
People have to ask themselves is thatbetter than Joe Biden? And the
answer is unequivocally, of course.And here's the thing. And I don't

want to talk about immigration for abit, because for me, the entire
presidential election is encapsulated at the border, right because if you talk to Biden
supporters, they will tell you thereis nothing that Joe Biden can do to
stop what's coming over the border.And it's those dastardly Republicans who didn't pass
the garbage compromise bill that was putup by Mitch McConnell. As some kind

I'm so happy he's leaving, Butthat's a whole other thing. But the
fact of the matter is is thatunder Donald Trump, illegal immigration had begun
to be slowed. And on thefirst day of Joe Biden's presidency, he
undid all of the things that DonaldTrump did. So what would you do?
What do you want do see happenas a member of Congress when it

comes to immigration. Well, look, I've visited the border two times in
the last nine months. I've beento McAllen, Texas that I've been down
to Yuma, Arizona, and I'veseen it firsthand. I've gotten briefings both
times from the US Border Patrol andwhat they tell me is, look,
we we could do this if wehad the political will. That's the one

thing we're lacking right now. Andthey're very frustrated. I mean, this
was an amazing statistic to me,there are more members of the New York
Police Department. There are more policesworn officers to the New York Police Department
than there are border patrol agents inthe entire United States of America. Is
that amazing? God, that incrediblesane it is. And so they're understaffed,

they're demoralized because they have a presidentwho isn't allowing them to enforce the
law, and they become a daycarethe center essentially, you know, grabbing
people who don't even run from themanymore. They come and turn themselves in.
And so what it's going to takeat the border, certainly we do
need there are places where we needto build Donald Trump's wall. Need to
build the wall. So it's goingto take infrastructure, it's going to take

drones. Most importantly, it's goingto take political will, which right now
the Biden administration doesn't have. Andwe need to send people to Washington,
DC who are going to hold themaccountable and who are going to demand that
we get this crisis under control.And you know, the American people need
to demand it in the election.And if the American people send that kind

of a message in this election,guess what the political will will come to
be in Washington, d C.I think that, And yesterday I was
talking about, excuse me, thelatest polling shows that Democrats are hemorrhaging minority
support, and this is support they'vetaken for you know, taken for granted

for a very long time, especiallythe African American community, and I feel
like there are real opportunities there tocapitalize on this, and I think immigration
is a huge part of it.I think immigration is one of the reason
that lower middle class people are startingto look at the Republican Party because what
happens when you have a bunch oflow skill labor come in. They're coming

in, they're willing to do thejobs that are low skill Americans are doing
for way less money. So we'reabout to see an come greater for people
in the lower income brackets who aredoing these kind of service and labor jobs
right now. And I think there'sa real opportunity if Republicans take the time
to reach out and make the caseand talk about things like, you know,

immigrant, unfettered immigration is going tohurt your paycheck, and it's going
to hurt it badly. So Imean, that's the kind of stuff i'd
like to see, Jeff. ButI have a question from our text line
that I want to get in,and that is, you are one hundred
percent pro life. Are you infavor of a federal ban on abortion?
Well, I am one hundred percentpro life. I will always vote pro

life, and that's the one thingI tell people. That's just where I
am on the issue, and peopleneed to know that. If look,
the Supreme Court turned this back tothe States, and I think that's where
it's best held. But I'm goingto vote for pro life legislation if it
comes before me. I am notgoing to turn my back on the unborn
period. So if a bill comesup that says that we would outlaw abortion

with the exception of the case ofthe life of the mother, or rape
or incest, absolutely I'm going tovote for it, and I'm gonna support
it. So you would wait forthose exceptions, I would, Okay.
I want to ask about spending rightnow, because we just had another ginormous
omnibus spending bill go through. Itwas twelve hundred plus pages. It dropped

at two am on Friday morning,and they were expected to vote on it
this afternoon. Jeff, this isone of the reasons that I have become
increasingly disgusted with the alleged fiscal responseat a responsible party, which is supposed
to be the Republican Party. Nowright now in Congress, we're seeing a
schism of people who are being toldthey're unreasonable. The House Freedom Caucus,

which has some of my favorite legislatorsin it, are being told that they
we can't do it any other way. What kind of member of Congress would
you be on spending? Well,on spending, I'll take that bill specifically,
this many omnibus bill that was passed, I would have voted against it.
I mean, first of all,we've got to get away from this

idea that we can roll everything upinto this omnibus bill at the end and
shove it through because it's bad.You know, stuff gets put in there
that members of Congress don't know about. We find, as Nancy Pelosi famously
said, pass it and then youfind out what's in it. We've got
to get out of the habit ofdoing that. So I would have voted
against that bill. Now, Iam not in favor of taking a Republican

speaker and raking them over the coalson the floor of the US House of
Representatives and having an open food fightas Republicans for all the world to watch
and see without a plan, andthat's what happened before. That was dumb.
I would never do that to thespeaker. If we have issues and
we have concerns about the Speaker,we need to go behind closed doors have

those discussions. But look, Democratsare winning left and right because they don't
do those sorts of things. Theystick together and they follow the leadership.
Now again, I thought this wasa bad bill. Members of Congress could
have voted against this bill and itwould have forced the Speaker to go back
and renegotiate it. And that's whatshould have happened, is we didn't have

to have this spending bill. Butyou also don't have to tear apart Republican
leadership every moment you get a chance. The brinksmanship of this is just terrible.
It's unnecessary, and to me,it just says you can't get your
job done in the normal time thatyou were supposed to get it done.
And it's incredibly frustrating because I amhappy to be sitting in the pessimistic This

kind of deficit spending is what's goingto destroy the country. I mean,
this is you know, follow theRoman Empire, you know, just look
back and check that out. It'shappened over and over again in history.
And yet we have these people inWashington, d c. Who simply are
wilfully ignorant about that because they don'twant to have to deal with make the
hard choices. And that's what theseof US bills, they're just crammed with

so much garbage that it's deeply offensiveto me that there is going to be
bills to be paid by my grandchildrenbecause we were not brave enough to do
the hard thing. You know,honestly, it's super super frustrating. What
are ahead And both parties do it, yeah, Mandy, both parties do
it right. Both parties want tobring it to this crescendo at the end

where they all just kind of puttheir favorite things in and that's got to
end. And not only that,we've got to re examine the size and
scope of the federal government. I'vecommitted that once I'm elected, I'm going
to introduce legislation to eliminate the Departmentof Education, the Department of Commerce,
the National Endowment for the Arts,the National Endowment for democracy. We got
to get control of this. Wecan't. How do we say we can

go spend money on art projects acrossthe United States when we're thirty five trillion
dollars in debt. How do welook our kids in the eye and tell
them that's a good idea? Yeah, how about foreign aid right now?
Obviously Israel is in a war,Ukraine is in a war, and foreign
aid has been a hot potato.You have some members of the Republican Party,
some members that I love Rand Paul, who is as opposed to foreign

eight as one can be. Wheredo you sit on foreign eight overall?
Well, you know, I doclassify foreign aid to Israel differently than I
do most of the other foreign aid. So I think we spend way too
much money on foreign aid and weneed to cut way back on foreign aid.
I do support our commitment to Israelbecause I think Israel for many reasons

there are top ally in the world, and I will always support them and
stand by Israel. But I dothink on many of these other you know,
much of the foreign aid, mostof it we shouldn't be spending that.
How do we keep sending money overseasagain, when we're thirty five trillion
dollars in debt. We're not borrowingit from ourselves, We're borrowing it from

our grandkids to send to some foreigncountry. So, you know, places
are like Ukraine. We've got tofind a solution. I'm not going to
say we need to jerk the rugoutfrom Ukraine within the next three months or
whatever, but in order to getmore aid, Ukraine needs to come back
with a plan so that we knowwhat is the plan to end this thing.

We cannot have this turn into anAfghanistan where eighteen years from now we're
still sending the money. That cannothappen. Yeah, the American people aren't
going to tolerate it. Well.One of the things about Ukraine that concerns
me is they are just so there'sso much corruption already in that country,
and I'm not all together sure thatwe're not just enriching Ukrainian oligarchs. I'm

not sure that we're not just havingall that money skimmed off the top.
And I'm not opposed to making surethat they have AID, but I am
opposed to paying for Ukrainian pensions.I am opposed to some of the things
that the Ukrainians have done with ourmoney and not given us receipts. And
I know that sounds so incredibly silly, but you know I want receipts and

I don't think that is going tobe an issue. Yeah, well,
I agree with you, and againI think with regard to Ukraine, there
needs to be a review. Wecan't just write blank checks. We need
to figure it out. Look,I'm not one who thinks that Vladimir Putin
is a good guy. He's nota good guy. He was a KGB
agent. He wants to reconstitute theUSSR. That's why he went into Ukraine.

We should stand against that. Butit isn't our job to forever pay
the treasure to Ukraine to solve thisproblem. So we need to sit down
as a country and say, look, if you want more money, then
you give us the plan that makessense and tell us how this ends and
ends quickly. Jeff Crank is myguest. Jeff, I just realized what

time it was. I'm late fora break because this conversation is so good.
I have linked to Jeff's website onthe blog today. If you want
to give him money, if youwant to support him, if you want
to do any of these things.We just must defeat his opponent. It
must happen. And for those ofyou who are heating the text line saying
he just lost my vote by beingone hundred percent pro life, both Republicans
in this party are pro life,so you're going to have to figure out

what to do with that. Jeff, thank you so much for making time
for me today. Thanks, Mandy, appreciate it. We'll be right back
after this. Mandy, thanks forcramming three hours of show into the one
hour box. The people at PhonoMatt I do my best, people,
I do my best. So earliertoday, horrible story out of Baltimore about
the John Phillips Bridge that was hitby a tanker and six people are missing.

Several people have been rescued out ofthe water, which is like a
nice bomby forty nine degrees, butthe fact that only six people are missing
is pretty amazing. And if you'veseen the video, I have video on
the blog today. The ship apparentlylost power completely, got the power back,
lost power again, sent out aMay Day call, so they knew

that this was a disastrous situation.And I think it's really amazing that only
six people are missing and hopefully wewill. At this point, I'm not
sure that I would be hopeful forthem, but I am hopeful and pray
that they are found safe and sound. But man, that's just like,

that's crazy, absolutely crazy. Andthe video is on the blog at mandy'sblog
dot com. The Colorado Supreme Courtdid something good. Yeah they did,
And I want to bring it toyour attention because I'm always putting them on
full blast for all the dumb stuffthat they do. But they got it
right when they argued or agreed thatDenver Public Schools has the right to require

searches of kids who owe Francis ScottKeybridge, Thank you, Thank you,
France's Scott Keybridge, thank you.Anyway, Denver Public Schools is acting constitutionally
when they searched a student's backpack withouta warrant or suspicion of wrongdoing because the
kid in question had a safety plan. Listen to this backstory. This is

absolutely insane. So there was ayoung man who had been already in trouble
with the juvenile justice system, andhe was a ninth grader at John F.
Kennedy High School. He was adjudicateddelinquent of two gun related offenses.
Now when you're adjudicated to link,but that means you were found guilty,
but you're just a minor so andyou're in the juvenile system, so it's

just a different language. He'd alreadybeen found guilty of two gun related offenses,
so the school put him on asafety plan among protocols that included a
daily pat down in search. Thiskid was not allowed access to backpacks or
lockers and again was to be searcheddaily. So his mother tried to move
him to a different school and atthe last minute put him and Kennedy and

he went to school a couple days, nobody searched him. Well, the
third day showed up and they werelike, no, sorry, kid,
we got to search you because ofyour safety plan. They search him,
they find an illegally owned firearm becausehis miner's got another gun. And the
kid is arguing they didn't have aright to search him. Well, guess
what the court said, Yes,yes they do. Now. What they

didn't weigh in on specifically was howlong how long the safety plan would go?
How long is it reasonable that itwould go? And they did recognize
that there was some room for confusionwhen the new school year started like,
oh, new school year, newchance, knew whatever, and the court

said, sorry, it's a safetyplan. And with a safety plan,
the expectation of privacy is no more. So. Schools have been given pretty
broad latitude in the past when itcomes to things like searching lockers in case
something is suspected to be in thelocker. And this is really good,

although I hate the fact that wenow have kids who have already been found
guilty of gun crimes being allowed backinto our schools and being bolden enough to
think they could bring a gun intothe school, as this young man obviously
did. So that for me issuper concerning. But at least the Colorado
Supreme Court did it right. Okay, a lot of you are correcting me

on all of the mistakes that Ijust made talking about the cargo ship.
It is a cargo ship, nota tanker. It is the Francis Scott
Keybridge, not the Key Bridge.So I'm trying to get as much as
I can in this tiny amount oftime that I have for a show.
So please forgive me on this.Please forgive me. This person said on
the text line, I'm voting forJeff Crank because he is the better choice

over Williams, who is a Trumpwanta be. I will vote for Williams
if he wins the primary and notvote for a Democrat. The funny thing
about David Williams wanting to be aTrump wannabe is that he was actually fired
by the Trump campaign in twenty twenty. Yeah. Yeah, fired for the
Trump campaign. Fired. Yeah.Anyway, that's on the blog today as

well, not the David Williams story. I'm just throwing that in there.
It's it's, you know, anotherthing. There's a really good story from
the New York Times. I know, I know the New York Times,
and they have done a big,big day to dive into a couple of
things. They have looked into studentachievement and tried to put a, you

know, a number on how farbehind kids are because of COVID closures.
And then they also looked at whetheror not COVID closures made a difference in
the spread spread of COVID. Andthen they also mentioned briefly the fact that
behavior issues are out of control andif you talk to any teacher, they

will tell you since COVID kids donot know how to act in school and
they have more discipline issues than they'veever had before. And you guys,
the New York Times came to thefollowing conclusions. I'll save you the time
if you don't want to read it. Number One, school closures really hurt
student development. That's thing number one. Thing number two they did nothing to

stop the spread of COVID. Andthing number three they have led to serious
behavior issues. So even with theNew York Times, sometimes a blind squirrel
finds it up. My friends,and apparently today's the day at the New
York Times when we get back.If you are nearing social security, you
know, we were talking the otherday about the Republican's plan to raise the
retirement age and maybe reduce benefits forsuper high earners and things of that nature,

and Joe Biden came barreling out andhe was like, not on my
watch. I'm a creaky old manand I'm not gonna let you touch social
Security. So when Janet Yellen wastestifying in a congressional hearing, they said,
Hey, Janet, what exactly isJoe Biden's plan for social Security?
I will hell you what it iswhen we get back from this break.

Mandy Funny, how you didn't mentionTrump's but Trump's bond being lowered. Your
Trump arrangement syndrome is showing. Now. If you'd listened to the show yesterday,
you would have heard me talk aboutit as it happened. You would
have also talked to me or heardme talk about the fact that going after
his assets will get him elected andthat the entire thing is absurd. But
nice. Try. If you don'tlisten every day, you probably don't want

to try and bring the wood onthe text line. Just a little word
to the wise, because you're gonnamake yourself look dumb as that person just
did. Now I want to talkabout this because Janny Ellen was testifying yesterday
to the Senate Finance Committee, andBill Cassidy, Republican from Louisiana, said,
I'll note that there's already been fourpoint nine trillion in new taxes proposed
for those making over four hundred thousanddollars a year. It seems to be

the go to place fill in theblank. We're going to tax those over
four hundred thousand a year for whatever. Of that four point nine trillion,
none of that has been dedicated toSocial Security. Cassidy then asked Yellen what
tax rate would be on those earnersto address quote, the unfunded accrued liability
for Social Security. Because the presidenttheoretically has a plan, Janet Yellen responded

by saying, I don't have thatcomputation to offer you. The president doesn't
have a plan. He has principles. He wants to work with Congress to
find a way to protect Social Securityand extend its solvency beyond twenty thirty four.
When asked how President Biden could notjustify or could justify not having a

plan when he's been in office forthree years, she just said, the
President believes it's important to work withCongress. So Cassidy, who is on
the Senate Finance Committee, mentioned wehaven't heard word one for the president on
this, not not word one.So this is going to be another political
football. This is going to getcooked right down the road to twenty thirty

three, and then they're going tohave so massive, ridiculous, unsustainable fix
that is not going to work,just like the same kind of fixes they
do to Medicare, Like when they'regoing to lower Medicare reimbursements and then at
the last minute they change that partof the law. So they never actually
lower reimbursements to anyone, which isa dumb way to pay for Medicare in
the first place, because stuff costswhat it costs. It just does.

And every time they try to lowerreimbursement, all I think of is we're
just going to see another massive episodeof cost shifting onto other people. So
here's the last thing I want totalk about. There's a bunch of stuff
on the blog that I did notget to. I saw this tweet yesterday
and it made it made me angryabout how pathetic our society has become,

and every single thing in the universehas to be some kind of mental health
crisis for someone. The tweet thatI'm talking about simply said, oh crap,
now I can't find it, letme see it simply said, what

is sunshine guilt? Why do youfeel extra shame on nice weather days?
And I'm not even making this up. This is an actual news story from
the New York Post about how onreally beautiful days there are people out there
who must have absolutely no joy orself determination in their lives because they sit

there and feel terrible about themselves becausethey're not going outside to enjoy a nice
day. I'm not even making thisup, So of course they have to
run and find a psychologist to talkabout these people who say things like it's
an abnormally beautiful day outside, butI'm tired, So now I feel this
pressure to go outside and go fora walk and enjoy the weather. Well,

at last, I can't enjoy myselfindoors now because the whole time I'm
thinking that I should be outside.So basically my day is ruined. What
have we become in this society thatwe live in? What the double deuce
is the situation here? Because ifyou can't just decide that you don't want

to go outside and move on,and you know what, here's the thing.
Go outside or don't go outside.No one else gives a crap whether
or not you go outside or not. If you feel like going outside,
go outside. If you don't,don't. It's the most amazing part of
free will is being able to makethe choices on your own and decide exactly

what you want to do for yourselfwithout feeling guilty because you're not, I
don't know, going outside. Ugh, you guys, I just cannot with
this stuff anymore. It's all sodumb. I also have a story on
the blog today church attendants and churchattendances. I don't even know how it's

down, Like thirty percent of peoplesay they go to church weekly or on
a regular basis. Could that atall coincide with this entire group of people
who are so afraid of someone else'srandom judgment that they can't decide whether or
not to go outside or not,and that if they do decide to not
go outside, they're racked with guilt. They need a religion to have real

things to feel guilty about. Mygoodness, people, good Lord

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