All Episodes

December 17, 2021 33 mins

We're going IN DEPTH with Kaitlin Bristowe! She opens up about her relationship with Jason and how its changed after spending all of their time together. Find out her biggest challenge since stepping into the “host” role on The Bachelorette!

Plus, Ashley shares what she saw in the first 3D ultrasound of her baby boy! He’s already showing some of Jared’s “stronger” features. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is Ben and Ashley. I almost famous in depth.
I love you thing. You're just living your truth every
moment of every day, and I just love it so much.
The video the other day, ash where Jared posts and
of you just farting away on the couch really got me. No,

he didn't. I don't care about anything. Maybe I should
care more. Oh that's so cute, Ben. Oh my gosh,
congratulations face to face. I'm so happy for you guys. Thanks, Caitlin.
Good to see you, so good to see you. Yeah.
I just got in yesterday. I literally landed. I had

my last Nashville show um for casting, and then UM
like wanted to say huge to everyone who would help me.
So I took everybody out and I did dip early
because I was like, I gotta get up at five
and go dance for the whole day. So I landed. Yes,
I went straight to the dance studio and just like
got my ass kicked. Okay, so you're in l A
right now. I mean, Caitlin, I'm like stressed by how

much you have to travel, and especially since I read
that recently you felt like you had to talk yourself
out of a panic attack on a five hour flight,
So that's never fun. My sister has been going through
something where she's been having a lot of pants panic attacks,
and especially they hit on flights and you get so
caustrophobic and you have like nowhere to turn. I mean,

how are you keeping up with this travel schedule of yours?
And you know what's funny, remember like a year ago
on our show, you were like everywhere, like you told everybody,
We're like, this is the year that I'm going to
relax now and it starts and I can't do anything out.
Yeah that was a really really cute joke I made

on your show. Uh yeah, Honestly, you have to take
everything day by day. It's crazy. It's I always am
so open about because usually when I go through my
um like hormones, hormones, it's it's like clockwork every month
for me that I'm going to get depressed, that I'm
going to get anxious, And if I add all the

things I have going on, if I don't just like you, like,
take it day by day or sometimes hour by hour,
it really just piles up. And that's what I had
to do, just like to get on that plane yesterday
to come to l A I was like, oh no,
this feels like one of those times where I am
like I could easily panic or I could go into
like a really bad place because I have so much

going on and I'm so tired, and I was coming
off and getting sick, and I honestly just had to
like have a little like check in with myself. I
made sure government oils with me on the plane. I
have like my headset where I listened to a flight meditation. Uh.
I'm sure I'm just like set up for success now

on a plane in case I feel that way. Uh,
And it's it's tricky, but yeah, I felt that way.
And then you know what, I actually dancing for five
hours yesterday with anxiety, which I don't know how I
did that, but it's like I came home and I
needed to decorate my hotel room with Christmas decorations to
make myself feel better. Wait, that's so cute. We're watching
her right now. She's got blue christmaslides going around the

canopy of her bed. How at least at least predictable
with your cycle? Yes, it's extremely Like I said, clockwork,
I write it down. I have an app I track everything.
I could literally I've got it down to a science
of like when I'm going to feel this way and
I'm so happy doing what I'm doing that it almost

balances out because it's not like I'm doing things where
I'm like, why am I doing this to myself? Why
am I putting myself in these situations? Why am I
overworking myself? I get into that dance studio and I'm like,
how lucky am I right now? Like this is a
dream come true? And it helps because I'm just so
happy to be there. So, I mean, because this is
a great topic because so many even coming off of

the last couple of years, like how do you typically
processed through this? Then I mean, because Caitlin, your life
hasn't slowed down. And then as you said, you said,
so I'm an introvert and something for me if I'm
and I've been in this where you're on a flight,
you've been gone from home for three weeks. Every place
you go has a new demand and a new kind
of minds, which I have to get to. You get tired, Uh,

it feels like things pile up. And then, like you said,
then last night's people, I want to take you out
to dinner or take out the party, which is great
because they love you and they want to celebrate you,
but it's one more thing. And so how are you
keeping yourself from like going into the extreme and crashing
and burning here? I have learned to say no. I mean,

I have to prioritize my health. I know what that
feels like to get on a plane, and if I'm
hungover and have anxiety, it is being over for me.
So I need to like prioritize my mental health. No.
What like sleep, I've function on sleep, so you know,
I need to get eight hours. Last night when I
was done, some people were like going to dinner, Um,

I want to see Tasia because we've in each other.
And I'm like, I have to put myself first and
say no, I'm gonna go get my room calm and
cozy and lighted candle, and I'm going to try and
sleep for like as many hours as i can to
just like recharge my batteries. Because I weirdly enough, I
am an introvert and an extrovert, and I love being

alone and I love having the time to myself, and
I just I kind of have both in me, and
so I need to know when I'm like having the
energy to be an extrovert and when I don't and
need to recharge my batteries because I'm just like like
it's one or the other. Now, you said that it
can affect your relationship with Jason a lot of times

because he has to deal with these moods of yours.
What has been an example just because like we like
to get into the dirt here, like of a really
bad fight you've had, but you knew it was just
because of the like the state that you were in
that week. Oh that's a really I That's the the
scary part is I don't even know if it was
something specific, Like I don't know if I can pinpoint like, oh,

this was what the fight was over. But Jason and
I are actually really good fighters. That sounds like like
when we fight, it's like I I am emotional and
I do react with emotion, and I always say he
reacts with logic, but like he's actually tapped into his
more emotional side, which is nice because then he can

understand more where I'm coming from. Instead of just being
like I need to fix this, what do I need
to do? You're being like unreasonable? He's like, okay, is
it like at a time where you're feeling anxiety, like
how could I help, and then we'll like get to
the root of the issue. And so it's not always
like that, but when I am really like in a

low place of anxiety, I think he just knows to
not to take things personal. Um. And it's also something
that I need to work on. I just like bark
things when I'm in a mood and I'm just like like,
I'll just snap back and they'll be like, Caitlin, it's
stronger than me. It's stronger than me, and I think
he knows that, and there's just a lot of forgiveness

at that time of the month. But it's I'm trying
to think of a specific fight. Um. I think it
was like more I know what it is. Jason doesn't
like if he feels like someone is demanding from him,
Like he's totally fine if I asked him politely to
do something, he would do it acad If I seem demanding,

he's gonna bark back at me and it's going to
turn into something that was absolutely nothing because he doesn't
like feeling that way. And I feel like that's what
was our probably last big fight that makes sense. Well
we uh, Caitlin, we just mentioned um and and thank
you for sharing all that. Um. But we also Ben,
you're so cute because I just like went on a

rant there and I don't even know if I was
making sense, and I went on for song. You're like,
that makes perfect sense. Like it does make sense. You
made sense. You're good at this. You're good at talking, Caitlin.
It's a it's a gift that you have surprised of
the world. Um. But talking about things that you're up to. Uh,
We're gonna get through a lot of them here, uh

in this time that we have with you. But Dance
with the Stars Live to two is something you're gonna
participate in. Uh. Tickets are and sale now. To purchase
tickets and get the full list of tour dates, please
visit d w t S Tour dot com. V I
P packages, giving fans a chance to purchase premium tickets,
pre show cast, question answer passes, Exclusive merchandise and photo

opportunities will be available through Dance with the Stars Tour
dot Com. No, that was really good. I thought I
was gonna have to say all that, but you just yeah,
got you, Caitlin. With the Dancing with the Stars tour,
coming off of your Off the Vine tour. Have you
ever like thought I'm just gonna say no, like I'm
just not gonna do it, or are you like very

excited every time? It's such a good question. Um, there
are times where I'm like, why did I do this
to myself? I'm going to be an actual wreck and
I've got too much going on. My body is like
shutting down on me. But like with dancing, it's so
different from me because this is genuinely something I like

that made me happy my whole life. Dancing was something
that helped my I had O c D when I
was little, to the max it was nuts. It helped
me with O c D. It helped me with anxiety,
It helped me with my parents divorce, It helped me
go through so many things in my life because I
truly loved to do it. And when I kind of
got to a point in my career of dance where

I was like, I'm really not good enough, Like it's
only so much to love what you do, but I'm
really not at the level where I can do this
as a career. So for me to actually go back
and be able to go and dancing with the stars.
When the mirror all I thought that was, I was like, Okay,
there you go. Proof to myself. I am good enough
I would dancer, and I thought I would never be
able to dance again. So when they brought up an

opportunity of tour, like this is literally what twelve year
old Caitlin was working towards in her whole life. Was
going to be on tour bus and dance in front
of crowds with a bunch of professional dancers. And there's
no way in hell I could say no to that.
And although I'm going to be so tired and I
hate that I have to be away from Jason and
the dogs for this long, I'm going to look back

on this and like it's just going to be the
most rewarding thing in the world to me. I was
gonna say, like, if you were going to ever say
no to anything, it just could not be this one. Exactly.
Like if they were like, Caitlin, do you want to
take over on the Generous Show, I'd be like, I
might have to take it. I am tired of dancing, absolutely.
Oh man, I can't wait till next year we talked

to you again. We're like, hey, remember you said you're
not going to do the talk show. Well, oh my god,
there's an opening at up, so it's like an actual possibility.
The good news is, I don't think I am qualified
for the el position, like bringing like Ryan Reynolds to
take over. They're not. That's a that's a level a Canadian.
I'm like down on the d level. No, I don't

think you're on day. Speaking of not feeling qualified, you
did just finish your podcast here we're gonna talk about that.
You are getting ready to jump in the Dancing with
the Stars. Um, the last few weeks of this season

of the Bachelor are airing right now, So you're finishing
your second full season as the host of co host
of The Bachelor atte Was it difficult for you at all?
At any point? Did you feel prepared for this? No,
I don't feel prepared for that role in any way,
shape or form. I of course love hosting. I did

on my podcast every day, but it's like me being
me and it's my platform and I'm able to just
you know, talk about anything, I mean anything on there
and it'll go. Um. Stepping into a role where you
are responsible to carry a show and be a professional
and read a teleprompter and be able to, you know,

deliver these like iconic lines that don't belong to you.
I felt so scared one because I didn't know what
my role was going to be. When we first went
into it, I was like, Oh, we're just gonna mentor
show up for a couple of dates, like I'll probably
get to go home in the middle of it, come back,
like maybe be there for the finale. I don't know.
I didn't know I was going to be handing out

a final rows. I didn't know I was gonna be
posting not there on stage for the Men tell all,
like we had no idea what we were doing. So
going into the second season, I did feel a little
more prepared, but again I have this like imposter syndrome
where I feel like the fraud police are gonna be
called and I'm gonna go like somebody's gonna be like you,
you can't do this role. This is not your role,

and like you know, and the internet has there are
things that they are going to say about it that
might even convince me. I'm like, do I deserve to
be here? Because it is such an important, huge, iconic
role that's been you know, with Chris Harrison has been
that face for so long and so UM, I definitely
get imposter syndrome, but I also love doing it so

much and it's it's something that I feel like, you know,
every year I want to do I want to try
and be better at everything that I do and to
step into a role like that, And I'm trying to
think of it as like it's just a different perspective.
It's I'm not trying to be Chris Harrison. I'm not
trying to be like that host. I'm trying to just
be Caitlin that has knowledge and insight and a different

perspective to help the bachelortte just thrive in her role. Well,
I do want to ask a follow up question that though, um,
tell us more about this. So you, I mean, Caitlin,
your resume over the last five years as as impressive
as anybody's inn entertainment. Uh. Um, you're the Bachelorette, you
have UM a top ten podcast. Uh You've been got

you received so many accolades for that. You step in
into Dance with the Stars, you win the mirror Ball,
You'll leave Dance with the Stars, you become the co
host of the Bachelorette for two seasons, successfully doing it well,
stepping into that rule. Now you're gonna join go on tour.
You just finished another podcaster. I mean you've got engaged,
but I'm talking to entertainment. Yet you still speak to

this impostor syndrome. Can you tell us more about that?
I know I always do that. I always dive into
this with my friends in Nashville who are country singers,
where they are like the best of the best, so talented,
they've been singing their whole life, and they get up
there on stage and think like, well, why me and

how did I get here? And like they have those thoughts,
and I'm like, but what, you were literally born to
do this. And that's what they say to me there,
like you were born to do this. And I always
have to say back, like two, when I was little,
I would walk around and I would want to host
and interview people all the time I was little. It
was like something that I love to do. I love
getting to know people. I loved interviewed them. I love

being interviewed. I thought it was just so much fun.
And so I'm trying to remind myself like this is
where I'm supposed to be, and I need to stop
having the imposter syndrome because I would not wish that
on anyone. And I have so many listeners from the
podcast or people reach out on Instagram where they're so
afraid to go after what they want to do because
they don't think they would succeed or they aren't good enough.

And you know, I've been there. I felt out because
a dancer, But I think, you know, it's just that
saying of like you would have so much more regret.
And what's worse if you go do something that you're
gonna step outside of your comfort zone or take a
big opportunity or leap and do something that you love
to do, wouldn't you rather quote unquote fail which only

means you're going to grow from it, or would you
rather have a regret? And so I just keep telling
I self that over and over, like just like, of course,
somebody is always going to be more qualified for the
job or better than you in certain ways, but you're
gonna be where you are for a reason, and you
have to just like marinate in that and be like
I'm here and I'm doing this right now, and if

I fail or if it doesn't work out, or say
the Bachelor doesn't want me anymore. I did it, I tried,
I learned. I grew so much from that experience, and
you've got to take that and go to the next thing.
I love that because regret is like one of the
worst feelings that you are almost always avoid having. Yes,
so true. Okay, let's get into like a little bit

of the Bachelor relationships right now. You watch Katie and
Blake get engaged, and like, let's be honest, now that
they broke up, did you really feel like that was
gonna be a long term thing? Because watching that finale,
I didn't feel it. Okay, I don't know, because I agree.

Watching the finale, I was like, the way it happened
to get there didn't feel right because you're like, oh,
did she really want Blake or did people drop out?
And then that's who she ended up with because I
want to pose. Yeah, And it kind of felt like
a joke almost to that, Like it was kind of
like like he was like I even love you, and

she's like, oh, I haven't love you, and then it
was like it was like he was gonna teaser like
maybe I won't propose and maybe I will. It was
like keeping her on her toes and I was like,
that doesn't feel romantic, But I will say that knowing
Katie and hanging out with her after like they were
solid and they were so good and I was actually
like they could work. Um, I don't know what the

heck happened. I still like, I want I've wanted to
just sit down and talk to her for so long,
but I mean, we're both busy. But I still don't
know what happened. Because I really thought, Okay, it's gonna
be challenging for them with him gone and you know,
going into from places and she's in Seattle and then
she's moving and she's always out and about and he was,
you know, really passionate about what he was doing. And

I was like, that's gonna be really tricky. I've done
long distance before. But you know what, I actually thought
they would make work. I was wrong. A couple of
other relationships in Bachelor Nation. Obviously, um, we're in the
midst of Michelle's season right now. This group of guys

seemed to be a great group of guys. You're there
in person around them. First question is how much interaction
did you actually get to have with these guys during
this season? And not a ton. I mean again, you
want to keep it professional. So you want because when
we come in for these moments, like it's so serious,

Like I have a hard time because I always smile
when I talk, and so in these moments I have
to remember, like this, these people's emotions are so invested
and this is real. Obviously we've we've all been there
and we know how real it is. And so you
want to keep it so you know, I'm not just
shooting this with you know, Nate or something and then

have to go in and he's like, oh, there's Caitlin.
Like you want it to be real and serious, and
like I want Michelle to get to know them the best,
and I don't want to, you know, have my opinion
of them jade hers, or get in the way of anything.
So um our interaction is very little. We you know,

if we pass by in the hallway, Hey how's it going,
But uh, not a lot, because we really want Michelle
to form her own relationships and opinions. And I'm such
a loudmouth and you know me, I could talk for
hours to a wall and if I knew anything about
these guys too much. I would want to just tell
her everything. So are you able to get like, do

you feel like you're able to get a reasonable judge
of character on these guys? Then through the process, are
you that like that much separated where you're kind of like, hey,
I'm just letting Michelle fill me in when she wants
to fill me in, and I'll get a little updates
here and there. It's kind of a mixture of both
because obviously, when we're on the date, we really see
them and how they interact, and they all talk to

us and we're part of the date, so that's different,
and you can really got to get a good read
of character on the dates because you're seeing also when
the cameras just aren't on them and when like you're
just there watching and getting a judge of character for
all of these guys. Um. But other than that, we
do let Michelle. I mean, that's one of the different
most difficult parts for me being in this position is

wanting to just be such a good friend and be like, hey,
send that guy home. I know too much. Uh So
you really have to like keep it, you know, I guess,
separate and let her figure things out, but you do
get a good judge of character for sure. So then

going into the finale with Brendan and Nate, did you
expect those two to be there? Did you expect Joe
to be eliminated this week? And was there one that
you were rooting for harder than the other? Honestly, I
was shocked that Joe went home because we saw that
like connection where she used the word soul mate and

she really like it was a slow build up, but
they got there. It wasn't like they didn't get there.
And the way she was telling him, like I could
see you, I could really see this working for us,
and I'm following for you, and that soulmate material. Like,
I was really surprised because again we chatted on that

beach and I was like, this is gonna be one
of the hardest things for her, even though she's just
so confident in her decisions and when she makes them,
she's like, I'm solid. But I was like, I would
be a wreck because she genuinely like loved all three
of these guys, and Joe, to me, I thought was
almost in my mind, I'm like, was he the one
that got away? Because they were pretty special together. Okay,

So I'm not sure what happens in the end and whatnot,
But when Joe was eliminated, Kayla, just tell me that.
You can really tell that Ashley is very excited about
this topic because all of a sudden, her arms start waving,
she starts talking faster. She's so excited to bring you
this question. I just want to it's Laurena comment. But like,

I just watched that exit and I thought, like, Okay,
this actually may not be over. This might be one
of those situations where she goes back to Joe at
the end of all this, and maybe not immediately, I'm
not saying like on the finale, but like down the road,
especially since they're from the same place. It was. Okay,
when I left Paradise the first time, my sister was

down there for the first couple of days, so she
knew that Jared and I definitely like there was like
something about him. And so when I got on the
phone with her in the car when I was eliminated
or like when I was, you know, decide, we all
decided that I was time for me to go home.
She was like, I don't think this is over, And

that's kind of what I felt like with Joe and Michell, Okay,
well I'm not gonna say anything, um but I too
was like, I don't here's my um my worry is
she had such strong connections with so with the three

guys so hard that I'm like, whatever decision she makes,
I hope she feels solid in that decision because all
three of those guys seemed right for her. Isn't it
weird how that happens just people. It's crazy how you
can like fall from more than one person at one time.
It's weird. Remember when you just got absolutely yeah, we're

all doing it. We're all doing it now. Oh my god. Okay,
that made me think about Clayton because we all know
that Clayton is having he's staying it or something to
three girls, Uh, how did you like Clayton? And do
you know why they picked him to the Bachelor because

you've actually met him? Because we're still a little confused.
Have you guys not met him yet? No? Oh? Okay,
So I really like Clayton. I don't think we got
to see enough of him on Michelle season, and that
was very confusing because if you're gonna make him the
next Bachelor, we want to know why. Uh, And I

definitely don't think they showed enough. I do remember him,
and I remember going into the rooms at certain times
to drop off a date card or see how the
guys were feeling. And he was always one that really
spoke up about his emotions and his feelings, and he
was just very in tune with himself and he was
very um open of his securities and he just seems

like a very passionate guy with a really big heart.
And so with other options, I would have gone forward, Yeah,
for sure. But I do think Clayton's season is going
to be um incredible. But you know a lot of
times it's the women that that can really pull the
show too, and I think he's got some like entertaining

ones in there. So uh, I don't know. I am
rooting for him because he does seem like such a
good human. Um, but yeah, I got very triggered when
he's like I was intimate with more than one. I
was like, Uh, there we go, that happened. Happen? I know. Um, well, Caitlyn,

the last few minutes we have with you, I I
do have because you've now been involved, Um, you were
the bachelor during my time on the show. Um, and
for that, I've I've always been very being thankful. And
I remember you and I once having a conversation. It
was I believe it was the night in the Fantasy suite,
and you just said, Hey, life changes a lot, like

when you're the bachelorette, Like when you when you're on
the cast, it's crazy, and like, get a couple of
phone calls, you've been a couple of podcast interviews, it
become the bachelorrette And I remember just being like you're
just saying, like, I don't know how I'm going to
handle this, and then I became the Bachelor not knowing,
and like really related with that, like, hey, I have
no clue what to do here. So the question I
want to ask is is you've walked through these stages.
How has the show evolved now that you are hosting it?

You have seen the ins and out, you've interacted with
the fans. How's the show evolved since you started it
and now that you're hosting it? Oh my gosh. And
I've seen it evolved in crazy, crazy ways, whether that's
talking about biracial relationships, mental health, suicide, eating disorders, putting
more people of color, on the show talking more about

like women empowerment, Like so many things have changed on
the show since I was on it. And it's really
crazy because you do, like obviously actors and actresses like
they work towards roles. We don't work towards this role.
We get thrown into it overnight, don't know what the
heck TV is about, editing, getting miked up like we

don't know anything, we're so naive, and then we kind
of get chewed up and spit out and it's such
a weird world to navigate. Um, and I did. I've
gone through phases with the show where I you know,
didn't support it or I didn't know what I wanted
to do with it, or if I wanted to remove myself.
And there's so many different feelings that have gone on
between myself and the show. But we're in a good

place now. But I will say, just thinking about even
like the slut shaming and the the just shame I
felt being intimate with more than one person on the
show and as a woman, and now we're celebrating that almost.
You know, I don't know how it's gonna go for Clayton.
I'm here if he needs to shot through anything. But
you know, Hannah Brown was celebrated are having sex four

times in a windmill, and some people were like, does
that bother you that, like you didn't get that. I'm like, no,
If I opened up any doors for that to be
talked about and and celebrated, I'm so happy. But I
mean that show is evolved in in so many important ways,
whether like I said, just putting you know, even just shape,
sizes and colors being like represented on the show. And

I love that they're talking about mental health that was
never you know, like we never talked about that on
the show before, not to this extent anyways, So I'm
really proud to be a part of it and where
it's at right now, before you leave, we have to
talk a little wedding planning to let's do with speed
Round helped me. Okay, all right, so speed Round? Who

would choreograph your first dance from Dancing with the Stars
if you had to pick one person? Ardum Chick Vincent. Okay,
that's kind of obvious. Will your first dance be elaborate
like that? I kind of want it to, Like that
would be so me, like, just do this grand waltz?
I actually, do I really want to do that? Yeah? Cool? No,

I think that's awesome. I love this. What's the one
thing that you and Jason disagree on when it comes
to wedding? I think I know what it is? Is
it cost you budget? For sure? Mr Finance over there? God? Okay,
do you see the wedding being in two or three? Okay? Ben?

Do you have any what would be your ideal dinner
for all the guests? Oh? My gosh, that's actually something
I'm panicking about because, like, You've got my mom who's
definitely allergic to garlic, my stepdad's allergic to shellfish. I'm like,
it's everybody's got something with food, and I'm like, I
don't know what to do. And that's rests me out.

The food stresses me out. Okay, final question for you.
Take wine out of the consideration. It cannot be used here.
What is your cocktail of choice wedding day and wedding night?
Like a French seventy? What what you don't have a
French seventy is? Oh it's so good. Oh, it's so

like European. Okay, So it's um champagne with a little
bit of gin and um. I better look this up
lion juice and lemon lemons. I'm looking this up French.
I've never heard of it, Caitlin, you are educating lemon juice.
That's okay, it's um. French seventy five is a cocktail

made from gin, champagne, lemon juice, and sugar. It's also
called the seven five cocktail. Um. Yeah, it dates to
World War One bar in Paris, a bar in Paris.
It's very like, it's super chic. Hey, that kind of
goes with your gasby theme because I know that you
guys are still kind of stuck on that. I'm so

stuck on it, like and I love, like just nice champagne.
There you go. Come. We could talk to you for hours.
We could. We could Caitlin again. Before you go, you
just finish your tour of Off the Vine Um for
your Off Divine podcast. It was wildly successful. Congratulations on that. Um.
We will be able to watch you. If you're a

fan of Caitlin or a fan of anything that Caitlin does,
you can go and visit online it Dance with the
Stars dot com. It's actually DWTS Tour dot com. You
can get tickets to the Dancer with the Stars Live Tour.
Caitlin Bristo will be there. It's gonna be a great Caitlin.
Anything to add that we've missed about the tour. Um,

It's just it's gonna be so much fun. I'm like,
and I want everybody to follow along on Instagram because
I'm gonna be living that tour bus life and there's
gonna be some shenanigans that go down and I'm like
a frankster and people are gonna be annoyed with me.
But I do want to say before I go, actually,
look beautiful and I'm so happy for you and I
just can't wait to meet this baby. Um, and congrats
on the um the lounge. Why am I blanking on

the name stars? But we need to get sprained and
sparrows there and we've been in a little bit in
touch with their person there, but we gotta get in
touch with more. So Okay, I am so down. And
then congratulations. Tell Jess I say how she looked absolutely
stunning on your wedding day and it was just I'm
so sad I couldn't be there. Hey, I totally get it. Um,

thank you for that. What the wedding day, I will
tell you, Caitlin, Uh is everything I hoped it would be.
It's incredible, it's fun. Soak it in, enjoy it. Uh.
And finally, if you need any tour bus tips, I
just got off the tour bus last year for the um. Well,

don't take a poop on the on the bus. Um
that ruins everything for everybody. Um and uh and get
really used to taking like dreamamine because trying to sleep
while you're driving down the road is not as easy
as you would think. Oh see, I thought it would
be like soothing. No, no, no, just wait till you
hit a little bump and you bounced three inches off

your bed. It ain't great, Galen, but hey, it's a blast.
It's so much fun. I did it with Ezra Sosa,
who was on Dancing with the Stars this year. Uh. Yeah,
so he every night Caitlin would do a little dance
number for us um in the like uh living room
of the bus when we got off the and it

was like, those memories are the best, So have fun.
We love you, Caitlin, keep up the good work. Talk
to you, love you, bye for having me, Bye bye.
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