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February 8, 2022 65 mins

Clare Crawley is filling in for Ashley this week and Ben has a LOT to catch up with her about! 

She sticks around to help recap this week’s episode of Clayton’s season and she shares why this is the first season she’s been able to watch since appearing on the show. 

Plus, find out what Ben thinks is a red flag but Clare finds cute!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Benn and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast
with i R Radio. Yeah. So I love being a
puppy dad, Claire. But he's into everything he is. Um.
He's getting better. He was like into this kind of
like biting every time we wanted to play stage. UM.
And he's just like he has no regard for anything

of mine, Like everything is being moved at all times, um,
like right now. It is one of the hardest things
ever to be a puppy parents for sure. I don't Yeah,
I I believe it. Jessica, you know, is an esthetician.
So she has like her um what I don't know
is it called like a spa or salon or whatever
um down in Denver, And so she has to bring

him with her some days. And I can't imagine because
she's like trying to give a facial and he's just
gnawing at her feet. It is so ridiculous, Claire, I'm
telling you, UM. But I do love him, and he
is sweet and he like makes up for his rowdiness

by like the evening times when he wants to cuddle
and he just looks at you like with these eyes
that are just like gosh, dang it, dude, I can't
be mad at you for that long. Oh. I know
it'll pay off in the long run, though, Ben, I
promise hanging there off all right? I sure hope so.
Um right now as I'm talking to you though, and
before we get started, he is sorry I'm reaching over

here because he is chewing up a nine from this
last year, which is perfect. That's just great. Yeah, it's great.
You're you're the best. Hey, Claire, enough about me, let's
talk about you. You're gonna be co hosting with me today.
I'm super pumped for it. But let's just start this
out by kind of catching everybody up on your life. Uh,
how is life going? What are you up to tell

all the listeners? Life is going well? First all, thank
you so much for having me co host on here.
I'm excited to be doing it and excited that Ashley
and Jared had their baby, like I could not be
more excited for them, so happily to take this position
for her today. But what about life has been wonderful

and crazy and up and down and all the above,
but mostly amazing. What has been involved in the amazing
or what's been involved in the ups and downs? Um?
So let's go peaks and valleys, I would say the peaks.
Over the last year, I've shared along my journey of

getting my breast implants out, and that was a big
part of my life. And I think not a lot
of people um talk about it or it's kind of
like an uncomfortable thing because it's your breasts, but in
its classic surgery. But it was something that was impacting
my life tremendously that I hid for so long for

a few years. And since I got them out last July,
um it was July thirty one, life has just gotten
better and better and better and more healing in more
ways than I can even describe. So it's been a
big part of my life lately. What kind of led
to that? Were you sick? Were you having moved? Like?

Was it emotionals? Like? What was going on? Yeah? There
there was a bunch of stuff that individually over the years,
Like it started about a year after I got my implants.
I started I started actually taking pictures of these really
bad rashes that I was getting on my arms and
on um all at my arms and on my shoulders
and on my stomach and anything and everything I did,

no matter what medication, no matter what antibiotic no matter diet, change, exercise,
anything I could do I did and didn't help the
rashes and everything. So I started documenting all that, which
was crazy, and I'm a very very healthy, health conscious person,
so it was it was a crazy thing to kind
of go through that. But then it started to kind
of like the more that time went on, the more like, um,

I could tell I would feel hungover every single day
and I don't even drink, so for me, I would
sleep nine hours a night and just be exhausted. I
had super dark circles under my eyes, and I was
getting sicker and sicker and sicker with no answers why um.
And like I said, I'm a very healthy person. So
I just couldn't make sense of it for the longest time.

And I realized, looking back now how little energy I
had that if I'm being honest, like I was already
depleting myself pouring my heart into my relationship, pouring my
heart into helping take care of my mom, that I
was just depleted on my own energy levels as well
for my own healings. So it was just getting sicker

and sicker, not being able to kind of like help myself. Um,
and I didn't realize this, but the whites of my
eyes were getting gray, which is a significant sign for
like liver toxicity. UM and that's kind of what triggered
my doctor to go maybe this is something to do

with like heavy metals in your body, which led to
implant casing. I can tell you're so excited about this
right now. I'm so, I am sorry, I'm I'm listening.
I heard about implant casing. I'm trying to make sure
that my dog doesn't chew a no electrical wire that's
plugged into the wall right now. So I'm listening and
I'm parenting. So yes, please please forgive me. I feel

like you need to also, this is great training for
a future child. Maybe that you have to start multitasking
on so many levels you don't even understand. Trust me, Yes, yes, multitask.
I'm here, I'm very present. I'm just making sure that
my puppy one doesn't hurt himself or two doesn't hurt
something I cared deeply about right now. Understandable on all levels.

So I was just just riff and giving me crops,
so okay, But yeah, it was just started. It was
a major decline in my health and when I'm a
very healthy woman. And so anyway, that's that's the gist
of that. I got him out and then I didn't realize,
like I said, how sick I was until I began healing.
And that was the only constant that was taken out

of my life, and I kept everything else. To say,
My workouts were the same, my diets were the same
after my surgery, and it's just like life has in
healing has just gotten better and better and better for me. Um.
Without that, my energy levels are out the roof without
even me knowing. You're trying, you know, I'm imagining to

tell me if I'm wrong, but from a distance from
a fan watching from the outside looking in. UH, this
last year probably like healing has been a huge part
of it in multiple ways, UM, and so feeling good
is like it's a necessity. So how much of this
really do you a credit to? Uh? Getting your breast

implants removed and also just you know, leaving a relationships,
getting back into the world, exploring again. I think it
all plays in when you have positive in your in
your life and supportive people in your life, UM, it
helps with your healing. You don't feel so alone, and

it definitely goes a lot into play when you're not
pouring yourself into something that isn't pouring back into you.
You know, it is very deepleating. So having just not
to have to do that and to have all my
energy be able to be focused on my own healing
has been honestly one of the greatest things I guess

for myself, you know, and it was in such a
crappy way, but I think somehow the universe knew that
I needed that in order to you so well, first off,
that's incredible. I'm really glad personally that you know, this
was something you did. Uh. You know, it's it's not
fun to feel bad, and then it's not fun to

feel bad always. And I mean I saw I think
it was he last week you posted like a video
um and like you had spots, Uh, you had like inflammation,
um your eyes definitely, Yeah, you definitely had discoloration, like
And so now to see you like thriving again is

such a good thing to watch from an outsider's perspective.
So now you're back into the world. We've obviously you know,
everybody in Batchel Nation wants to know. And before we
get started breaking down this week's episode. Uh, and we
are going to break down this week's episode of Clayton's
season of The Bachelor. Are you ready to start dating again? Like?
Do you have closure enough with the show and with
past relationship to get back out there? Um? I would

say that I'm definitely, definitely healing in the best way possible. Um.
There was a lot of things that happened, I guess
within the last year, especially within my relationship, that were
the behind the scenes stuff that I probably I don't
know when I'll share it or be ready to share,

but that we're really difficult that nobody knows about and
that we're private, you know, um, in my within my relationship,
but that has taken it took a big toll on me,
I guess, Um with believing in myself and UM, I

guess you know they always say and like, the hardest
relationship isn't the toxic one, it's the one right after
your toxic one, because you have to relearn to trust
your own gut instincts that were undermined and gas lit
and told that you were crazy and wrong and crazy,
I guess. And so the one right after that or
the healing right after that is kind of the hardest

part of the whole thing, to be honest, because I
had I'm still learning to trust my gut again, know
the signs, the red flags that I was discredited for. Like,
I'm just relearning everything. So I am doing that. It's
baby step in it and I don't to be honest then,
like I don't feel a rush for it. I'm more

focused on my own healing right now and taking care
of my mom and making sure that she's okay and
um comfortable. So that's that's really where my focus is.
How is she doing? Um, honestly not the greatest right now. Um,

she had COVID. She got diagnosed with COVID last Thursday,
So as somebody who's already kind of she's on hospice
already and so it was just another big dip in
her in her health. Um so it's been a little
bit of a challenge. And I'm my sisters all have children,
and um so I think I was the one that

could go that's been able to go in there, and
I guess how the honor of being able to take
care of her while she is going through this, but
I don't know, it's it's a challenging thing. You don't
really want to be around COVID and I'm, of all people,
I'm a germophobe. But my mom take care of me
my whole life, and to least I can do for her,
you know, thank you for asking. Yeah, well, um, we're

thinking about you, and you know, anybody listening, I hope
they show their support to you. It's it is a
tough time. There's no questions about it. And it's good
to say it's a tough time. Um, But then yeah,
it's it's a weird time for you because then you
have these amazing things happening and you and you have
this whole new chapter in front of you, and that's
something to be thankful for. But I get it now

when you said they there speaks and valleys right now,
I get it. It makes sense. Yeah, and I'm learning.
When I talked to have an amazing therapist, and when
I talked to her, she says, there's always this thing
with um, you can it can be two things at once.
I can be going through one of the undoubtedly hardest
times in my life right now, but also have some

really amazing moments and be thriving as well, and on
a path of thriving for my own personal health. So
they both can exist coexisting one and that that's proof
of it, I guess. Well from all of us here
before we jump into the breakdown, UM, we we continue
to wish for healing for you, you know, romantically. Um,

you know, when it comes to new relationships. You made
a great point and so many people are going to
hear that and just completely lash onto it that you know,
the hardest relationship is often the one that's after the
one that hurt you the most because you have to
unlearn things. And I get that. Someone listening get that,
and uh, but there is I mean, there's so much
beauty two when you can look back on that pain

and be like, oh no, like I made it through
and I'm better for it. Um. So yeah, we just
we wish healing for you, and we also be thinking
about your mother. Claire again, thank you for co hosting
this with me. We're gonna take a quick break and
we come back. We're gonna change gears quite a bit.
We're gonna talk about Clayton as the Bachelor and this
recent episode of the Bachelor before we take a break,
clear any advice for Clayton, I feel like you could

just give it to him right now. What would be
your one advice to him? Are we talking present? Are
we talking on the show? Uh? Let's do both, because
I think there's a lot of I think actually one
and the same. Honestly, the best advice I can give
to him is stay true to who you are and

really focus on your own mental health and whatever that
takes doing, whether it be having supported your friends, having
supported a therapist, your family. Really lean into that. Because
this is a really trying time on the show, watching
it back, going through it, watching the editing. It is

not for the faith of heart to be on that
side of it, um And I think he really just
needs to focus on his mental health and focus put
a lot of energy into that because the audience, I
think can be very harsh, and I think it's just
getting harder and harder with social media through through the years.
So to really focus on himself, that's my biggest piece

of advice. Well, I hope he listens to this and
I hope he hears it. All Right, We'll be back
with Claire as the co host on the Almost Famous podcast. Alright, Claire,
I'm assuming you've watched at least a few episodes this season.

You don't have to have watched them all, but how
many have you watched this season so far? I will
be honest, this is the first season I'm actually doubling
back into because I think I had a little PTSD
for a minute. But we are back in the game.
I'm watching for sure, and I've seen I've seen the
last few episodes, so I'm ready to get into it. Okay, perfect, Well,

this this is exciting. You know we've we've I've missed
one episode this season, but I caught up through the
notes any that was two weeks ago. I'm I'm into
this season, Claire, uh, And I want to before we
dive into the episode, I want to know your thoughts.
Are you enjoying it? Like? Are you watching it because
you're having fun with it? Are you watching it because
your feel like, well, you know, you just have to

because you were the Bachelor at one point? By knowings,
I think, do we have to watch this? But I
think it's it's easy to watch because there's so much relatability.
Is after I work relatability within these episodes and with
all these women. It's kind of like that fly on
the wall of really what women go through, not necessarily

obviously everybody's not always in this position, but the things
that go through people's minds, insecurities. And I think I
actually watched because I know we all know it's edited,
we all know kind of like the strategy behind things,
and I think it's pretty transparent to see that kind
of thing, and it's it's a entertaining, entertaining thing to watch,
but you really get to see kind of the spoken things,

and that's what I look for. I see girls are
dogging each other, when girls are throwing each other under
the other under the bus, I don't know, it's it's
it says a lot about these people individually and how
much growth they have to go through, and maybe watching
it back it can help them learn this stuff. Well,
I mean, that's the question that so many people are
gonna ask, and it is typically I would say, always

uh an excuse, not always the like the absolute excuse
that covers everything. But you know, people get off the show,
they don't look great. People are criticizing them, which hurts,
and like there's that fine line between having fun with
this and and you know, nagging and watching it as
a fan and also or like trying to ruin somebody's life,

which is never okay and no matter, it's never alright.
But typically the response is oh, it's edited, right. We
hear it every season. The villain says, oh, yeah, but
but it's editing. How much you've been a part of
this show, how much of this story is edited? Because
it's hard for me as I'm watching, like, they can't
edit out her coming to the cocktail party, taking a

trophy and throwing it like she didn't need to do that, honestly.
Then this is what I was going to talk to you,
like ask you about because we all know about the editing. Obviously,
you cannot take X amount of time and cut it
into one or two hours and expected to just flow
easily to make sense. So it's going to be edited naturally.

But I'm seeing the I t m the interviews, and
I'm watching, like, I get that you can kind of
piecings together and encourage or catch somebody on a bad day.
I get that, But a lot of stuff that she's
sang is just not acceptable period, I think as a woman,

and this is there's a difference between the edited villain
and somebody who's just outright being nasty. What are your
thoughts and that? Like what do you think about that?
Like do you see are you paying attention to all
that stuff that she sang as well in the interviews. Yeah,
it's always the shocking part, right, I mean this was
the best one. This one was when she came to

the cocktail party, apologized and then very clearly like you
can't edit somebody saying I just played all these women,
Like all these women just got the best acting job
they've ever seen out of me, and now they're on
my side again, Like, I mean that stuff's not right.
And I think as a fan, again, you don't want
to crush her. She's on a show, she signed up

for show, but as a fan of like, hey, she's
not the white right one for Clayton, Like she needs
to go home, Like she needs to figure that stuff
out on her own. Now, this is not okay to
the women involved. It's not making a more fun experience. Weird.
I was in um Pebble Beach or right, I guess
Carmel by the Sea this last week with Wells and
Dean and we were talking about this. Somebody came up

and asked, like, Hey, how edited is this show, which
gets asked every time a fan of the show comes
up to you every time, and we like did the
normal answer, like not that much, and then we came back.
I was like, do you guys really believe that? Like,
do you really believe that? And we talked about it
and we're like, no, we do. Because here's the thing.
I believe the show would love for every cast member

to become a villain at some point during the season.
I think they would love it if there was like
arguing and fighting and chaos and confusion and heartbreak all
those things going on. So the differences. Some people just
say no to it. They just are like, I'm not
gonna go make fun of that person. I'm not gonna
go to that group date. I didn't win my date.
This was the rules that were set up. I'm not

gonna like go and bash this person with with like negativity.
It's not me. I'm not gonna do it. You just
say no, and then what happens the producers going Okay, cool,
don't do it. But some people say, oh no, that
sounds awesome, like I want to make their day awful.
And that's I think where things get hard. Because I've
I've been in those environments, and I know some of

these villains are saying yes the things they should be
saying no to, even as the bachelor, and you can
probably say this is bachelor, right, there's things every day
that you probably put your foot down on and said,
I'm not gonna do it. It's not it's not the
way I'm gonna handle this situation. I mean, you're a
great example of it. You literally said, hey, I'm out
of here, and I'm you know, I found my man
and I'm out. Like there's there's no rules, and so

you just have to stand up for yourself and stand
up for who you are. Yeah, I think I think
too a lot of people in these women men that
go on these shows. It's I think a lot of them,
not a lot of them. I don't know about the
majority of what people are, but it's they know that
they're going to have fame from that. Right. You're gonna
have the followers, you're gonna know, you're gonna be talked about,

Your name is gonna be put out there. But at
what cost? When? Yeah, I'll get you that that five
minutes during the show and get the feedback and get
your name treining on that. But at the end of
the day, when you really sit back and go even
if it's a month from there, or a year from there,
or two years, three years, ten years down the line,
that's so like, have some into hegarty on. Not even

if it gets you five minutes of more TV time.
It's embarrassing. You know. Maybe that's the public service announcement
we need to give out in this podcast is I
will tell you right now one thing, five minutes of
fame is not fulfilling. It's not worth it. It's cool
when it happens to you, don't go chasing after it.
The second thing is, if you're going on this show
and this is the route you're gonna take to get

more followers, I'm telling you right now, there's zero benefit.
Like you might think there's a massive financial benefit. You
might think the world opens up to you and you
can be able to do whatever you want. I got
news for you. It's not the case. And so if
you're going on this show, try to do it well,
try to be respectful, because that's really the only benefit

you get from the show itself is maybe just maybe
some friendships, maybe a relationship, and possibly for a year,
maybe go on paradise and you have a great time there,
and maybe you have to do a couple of Instagram ads.
But then it ends. It ends, and that's it. It
ends when you walk out to dinner to hang out

with your friends or your mom and people are judging
you based on who you've shown to be and really
the words you said and what you've chosen to do there.
It's going to affect you period. You're it's gonna haunt you. Essentially,
what you don't, what you say, is going to haunt
you regardless. It haunts the people that don't even have
bad intentions, that aren't villains. A lot of things they

say and do haunt them. And it's it's like, you
have to be able to live with yourself. So I
oddly have like a weird amount of like this girl
just does not realize what she's getting herself into by
staying and doing the things that she's doing. You have
to be kind of heartless to not care and have
it not affect you long term. I agree. So here's

the thing, listeners, You're gonna watch it. It's not going
well for her. She's going to probably be eliminated. I
would assume jus at some point here soon, Uh, don't
double down. The pain of the world is going to
be enough, Like, don't double down on the criticism of
her to you know through social media, through the tweets
and all that it hurts deeply and she's I mean,

anybody comes from the show, it's just gonna have a
ton to learn, and that learning period happens right away,
like as it's airing, and so you know, our health,
the mental health of these people is very important, and
it's gonna be a really really hard time for any
villain that gets off this show. And you just don't

need to be somebody adds to it. You just don't
need to be one more person that tells them how
terrible they are, because we really don't know them as
a human and we don't know their intentions. So that's
my son, And honestly, to there, there is so much
like when it's almost it's very cringe e in like

a sad way to me when I see see this
type of like villain behavior happening. It's not because they're
happy people. It's not because they are feeling good about
themselves and confide it and unbothered by other people. This
to me, when I see this kind of like villain
behavior and words and this hurtful stuff, it clearly shows
that they are struggling with something within themselves. As it

is so exactly like you say to the public, do
not double down on these people. You have no idea
what they're going through, whether or not they said was
even awful or regardless of that they're going through. And
I think I'm I'm fully under the like belief that

a lot of people go into the show not really
not understanding all of it in entails, especially afterwards. You're
not a hated after a famous person going into this,
You're a regular human being with your own struggles. So yeah,
you're completely right. Well, that's obviously the first part of
the episode two. I mean the struggles, um, the women

in the house kind of uh, just being at uneasy
about it is really a start of the episode. But
then we get into the first one on one Day,
which Serene. Uh. It starts out with Serene jumping into
Clayton's arms, which is uh, just the most iconic over
the last five years seen in Bachelor history. Just always happens.
What were your thoughts on this day and what was

your expectations for this date before it happened. I actually
loved this date. I think dates like this are perfect
because it really gets to highlight what people love and
it gets to bring their personality out. And clearly this
is something that she's excited about. Something that she loves
is amusement parks, and so I feel like it's her

time to shine, you know. Yeah, and their connection is
fairly evident. I didn't know if they would have the
connection that probably either of them were hoping for when
the dates started, but over the date and through the
evening portion, like, the connection between them was definitely like

tangible and and it's almost like somebody that's stuck up
on us because we just haven't seen a lot from her,
because we haven't seen a lot from anybody other than
you know, the drama going down and some teddy scenes
at the very beginning. So I didn't know, but I
do think there's something there. I do expect her to
be around a while I did. I definitely think that

there's something there, especially because when your guard is down
and you're like doing these roller coasters and doing all
these things that you can't really be poised at. You're
at your rost and when you're vulnerable, and obviously he
clinged to me to look like he was nervous on
these so I feel like it was it was a

space for them to kind of connect on. And when
you have your guard down, you're vulnerable and you can
connect on that level. I think that's the best space
to be in because it's it's an openness that you
can have there. I felt that they had definite chemistry.
You know, she was my next bachelor at choice when
the season started. Well she really I love her. Yeah,

I mean I thought they would go, you know, why
not double times? Like the teacher worked out last season.
She was calm, she was confident, she was a leader.
She helped navigate this whole thing really well. And I thought, Okay, like,
go for the teacher again like she worked before. Why
not again? I would love to see a teacher, you know,
take some time to find love. So she was my pick.

I don't know right now, uh, just because it's so difficult.
We haven't seen enough yet to say, oh, yeah, no,
she's gonna be around with Clayton at the end. But
if she's not, I liked her. I think she's great,
and I think she She brought an ease to the
show that was needed during this episode because it was

so much other stuff going on. I thought she like
transcended through the issues. I think this is this date
is exactly what the show is made up to me
Aside from the drama, this is what I love to
watch on the shows is actually seeing people doing adventurous things,
doing things that they are out of their element in
and just falling in love, I guess you could say,

and seeing that part of it is what what I
love to see. Well, then we transfer transfer out of
this one on one date. She obviously got the rose
just like you don't remember this uh into the cocktail
party where Clayton shows up to talk to the women,
he pulls uh some of the women aside to speak
with them. He also then gets time to speak with

she a one on one about everything going on within
the house and all the things that are being discussed.
So they have this conversation. All right, we don't need
to pick out it. We kind of talked a lot
about this situation before. But my question within this conversation
with you, did you get the sense during it? Because
I didn't, and I thought I would that she is

actually into Clayton, like that she's doing, like that she
was talking to him because she cared about him or
just cared about being around. I don't know what her
intentions are yet, but I was not convinced that she's
that into him from this conversation, So I went into
it feeling like exactly when I saw this part, I
felt like she was not into him. But I kind

of see and I could be totally wrong, a deeper
sense of unworthiness and like an insecurity that she almost
It's it's like a self protective thing that I think
she's doing. So I think she might be into him,
but I very much think that this is obviously the
wrong way to go about it. I don't know it
just it doesn't She keeps talking about. One thing that

rubs me the wrong way is I hate when people
say the word winning this show, because then it really
makes it like this competition, competition, and it's not about winning.
It's like either it is or it isn't. Oh, you're
spot on, Yeah, the winning side of this doesn't make sense.
I don't know what you're winning because if you win,
if you win an engagement at the end of this

and you don't really like the person. I'm telling you
right now from experience, you know, that's not winning. That
makes it really hard for the next few years of
your life, for the next couple months of your life
as you're like trying to plan a life together. So
there's no winning unless you're really into the human Can
I get an amen on that? I mean, and like
I had the benefit of being like, hey, I think

this is gonna work. I think you did too, Like
I think this is yeah, this is I actually was
like into it. I can't imagine faking it. But at
some point get hard. Yeah, they get really hard. So
you're not winning if you're not in a good relationship.
They just that's not a fun season of life. It's
not enjoyable. It hurt. Honestly, there's no purpose to that

because there are people who are looking for a relationship,
who really want to fall in love and who want
to start that part of their life with somebody and
who are open to that. So I don't know winning.
I hate that you're winning with within the show. Yeah,
I doesn't make sense to me. Well, okay, so she comes.
We talked about it leaves the conversation with Clayton. He

kisses her. I think he's into her. I think he is.
He's definitely into this relationship. But she comes and talks
to the girls, uh following this conversation with Clayton and apologizes.
At that point is when we see her uh saying, hey,
I faked it. I was acting because I'm not putting
words in her mouth. She literally said, I'm acting. That
was in a performance of a lifetime. I convinced everybody

else done that. Then sorry to catch you office if
you've done that in the past. I feel like this
is an extreme version of we all think that that's
kind of what to certain people, but like somebody that
is this forward about it, I mean, give her credit.
At least she's owning it to the audience that's watching.
She's not owning it to the women. Yeah. I don't

remember a specific time where somebody has done this where
they've just literally admitted, hey, I lied to everybody in
that room. I just lied to just stick around. Maybe
we would have appreciated if people would be more honest
than and say their intentions from the jump, right. I mean,
I wish you would have done it to the women
like been like, hey, I'm gonna say this and I
don't mean any of it, but I'm gonna apologize to you.

I'm just here for a good time. Like that's I'm
gonna start this. And then she goes into apology. She
hasn't yet done it to a woman, so there is
that thing that side of it, and I'm like, yeah,
that's not fair, but at least she's admitting it to
the audience. She's also with these I T M s.
She's admitting it to the producers, which if you've ever
been on this show, the one thing you try to

do the whole time is to hide as much from
the producers as possible for as long as possible, because
whatever you say and do it's definitely gonna be used
against you in the court of the bachelor. Of course,
you gotta keep your game face on. So she lost
the game face. I don't think this gets easier for her.
Uh And we see some stuff later on the episode

that we'll get too. Well. At the rose ceremony is over.
At this point, Clayton gives a rose to Sarah Marlena, Genevieve, Mara, Gabby, Susie,
Eliza Hunter, and Chennai, Jill Sierra and Lindsay go home.
Clayton ends the Rose ceremony by being very excited I did,
saying they're traveling internationally to one of the best cities

I believe in the world. Though it's not very far,
but it's a good city, Toronto, Canada. They're on their
way to Toronto, Canada. We're gonna talk about Toronto and
all the days that happened right after we take a break.

The first one on one in Toronto, Canada is with Gabby.
Gabby is a sweet soul. She is definitely one in
my opinion, that is not at all flustered by the
cameras around her. However, she's admitting multiple times to Clayton,
I'm crazy. I'm absolutely bonkers. You don't want to know

what's going on up in my head, is what she
says to Clayton Claire as a woman. Should Clayton be
seeing that as a red flag? Or is that endearing
and cute? I find it very endearing and very cute.
I think this woman is self deprecating and kind of putting.

I don't I actually don't think she's crazy at all.
I think she's putting her stuff out there and kind
of being like, this is who I am. This is
who I am, and I want I want to show
you the hard parts and the parts that I'm not
so proud of, like this is who I am. And
I think I actually think she uses the word crazy
loosely because she's goofy at, outgoing and gregarious and just

kind of like crazy, you know, like I don't always
find crazy as something negative. No, And typically my life, Claire,
any human that can admit to me that they're a
little crazy is typically the least crazy of anybody I
ever meet, Like right, yeah, like the people are like, yeah,
I have nothing wrong with me. I'm really normal. Is

at some point when things switch and you're like, oh
my goodness. So I found it endearing. I did. I
think she was nervous, so she probably tried to double
down on a few more times, like she kind of
like tried to convince him. He's like, I'm sure you're great.
Like you know, what do you say to somebody's like
I'm crazy, You're like, oh that's cool, Like so am
I But I don't think that. I don't think she's
sitting down being like just so you know, I'm crazy.

She's like, I'm just crazy, Like I I think it's
so endearing, and you see it through the date. You
see it from the start to the finish, and when
like they're you know, the nerves are loosened up a
bit and they start hanging out and they start talking,
you see them connect and like have a lot of
fun together. And I think Clayton said, I think one
of his voiceovers, like what I loved about this date
was just how relaxed it was, because I think she

did a great job at kind of calming everyone's nerves.
She's like, Hey, I'm gonna let you know right now
who I am. We're gonna have a blast here today.
I'm so glad you invited me on this date, and
let's just have fun. And I think they did, and
I think Clayton needed it so like it was one
of his better dates so far as the Bachelor, because
he does seem so uptight or nervous sometimes. I feel

like this one he was really like starting to loosen
up a bit. I think you had fun with it.
I agree to, And I actually think watching this date,
I feel like as crazy as she calls herself or
as crazy as she can be, like rocket out role,
I actually think that watching it. She seems very grounding
and very calming, and I think when you peel back

that those layers of I mean, I'm sure you've heard
it too, where all comedians always have like the deepest
issues and the darkest paths of things, and they struggle
the most with a lot of things. That's why they
make light of it and laugh about it because it's
the easiest thing to do when you are feeling heavy. Um.
But she it's her go to move to be kind

of like crazy and funding and outgoing and everything. But
she definitely has those layers to her that I think
are super grounding and super humbling and and really real.
I guess it's a part of the show. I like watching.
You got to see real human or real humans interact.
You know, real humans try to date and it's awkward.
Dating is so weird and it's hard at times, and

you get to see two humans try it out. And
I think that's this is the stuff that I'm really
wanting to get more into. Is the season progresses is like, Hey,
I want to know your quirky side. I want to
know the things that you're insecure. But one of the
things that you're super confident in let's see if you're
a match for Clayton and well, I think after this date,
I believe Gabby and Clayton both feel like, hey there's

something here. So hey, he's two for two on one
on ones this week. But then we have a group date.
Everybody left in the house. There's nine or eleven women
in the house. Nine women on this date. Genevieve and
Gene are left off of the group date list. The
group date happens. This is such a dangerous group date.

First off, here's the concept personal. Peter is a Canadian
comedian walks into the room. He's also known for his
roasting expertise. He's really good at making fun of people.
Is what a roast really is, And so obviously the
women are gonna start making fun of themselves. Clayton Jesse
at times the host of the show. Now what I

get really nervous for these dates, Claire Same. I don't
like the idea of them. I think they're funny at times,
Like you've seen some seasons where people crush it and
like nobody's really offended and it's just kind of funny.
But traditionally, and typically these dates are always end people
being really mad at each other. Of course, it's we

had a roast on our on my season, and it
was so uncomfortable because it's I fully agree this is
there's one thing between like a good riff and a
good roast. But this house and in this environment, it's
personal and it's not just comedy and jokes. It's really

taking digs at people. And you can see how it
goes from joking about, you know, lighthearted things to actually,
really we've taken some digs and it's just like, this
is not it's just it's cringe e to me. It's
so cringe e to me. I feel awful. I feel
awful watching it, and I just it's not funny to

me actually, to be honest, well no, it's just there's
really no way it's gonna end well. But they do
take some diggs at Clayton. He definitely is a part
of most people's jokes, mostly about his failed NFL career,
which is funny to me because I still talk about
my high school football career. So the fact that he
made it to the NFL at all feels like a
massive accomplishment to me. But maybe I'm just crazy, but

that doesn't really feel like a failure to me whatsoever.
Uh So they make some fun of Clayton, they make
fun of Jesse seeing him and Clayton look exactly alike.
But then it starts sweeping through the house. At this
point in time, Claire, if you're the lead of this season,
you would think Clayton is starting to pick up that
there is an issue with Cheney, that it's not just

the one on one issue, that there's multiple women that
are like, hey, this is just not good for us.
It's very I mean, if if one good thing came
for the roast, at least I hope he has uh
an idea of one the women's personalities within the house,
and too that there's issues within the house that he
needs to be made aware of. And I thought this
is a good opportunity to do it. Would you have

picked up on that if you were the lead, of course,
I think you can definitely see where people are taking
their digs. And clearly this girl was not even at
the roast, and they're just digging in and digging in
and digging in. I mean, it went from talking about
ib s to just I mean, it took it there,

I guess, but no, no no, no, it's it's hard to watch.
It's definitely hard to watch. But um, I don't know.
I yeah, it just cringes me. I'm all four timod ibs. Like,
if you want to make fun of like my stomach issues, Like,
if you want to make fun of like my like
my bodily issues, I'm cool with that, Like, please go

ahead and do it. Like I know it's weird just
as much as you do. So we're all on the
same page here. And if you're gonna tell millions of
people that I can't stay out of the bathroom, well, hey,
at least they know now, at least everybody about me,
So be it. We're human, we get it. It's the
personal stuff that starts to get weird. You know. There's

the age jokes, there was the channey stuff, and it
just started to feel a little heavier than maybe what
is ideally brought on from these group dates. But it
doesn't ruin the date because the cocktail party still goes
very well overall. There's still a great cocktail party. I
think Clayton connects with multiple women during the cocktail party.

Alliza is one of them that kind of stood out
to me. Um Rachel obviously, and then I'm gonna ask
you who do you think had the best move during
the cocktail party. I know that names are not like
the easiest thing right now, so if you just want
to explain the scene, I'll probably able to give you
the name. But who stood out to you during the
cocktail party? Shelly? I and I got that correct, right,

she got grabbed the mike. Susie, Susie, Shelly, Shelly there, Shelly.
I don't think so, but I was gonna go with
it until the end and then just correct you. But no,
it's Susie. Yeah. I thought that was a great scene.
So why did you like it so much? I loved
Susie's approach. First of all, I just love her. I
think she's super composed. Um, I love that. I think, yeah,

I'm all for like a taxil roast and like a
playful banter. But she followed it up with a lot
of positivity and a lot of really good reinforcing things
that yes, it's all funny games when we joke around,
but this is actually what I really do like about you.
I thought that that was really cute of her to do,
and um, kind of a good a good move because

it how do you have been regardless of who you are,
to be roasted hurts on some level, and they roasted
Clayton pretty hard. So I think he needed that not
only from her, but I think his ego needed it too,
just to kind of like make him feel a little
bit better. So it was a good movie. Yeah, I
don't know if he You know, the one thing about
Clayton that I think I could probably guess is I

don't think his ego is like thriving right now being
the Bachelor. As we watched filming, I think he's kind
of feeling crushed. I think he's probably feeling confused. I
don't know if the connections with the women are as
strong is what we even see on TV, and so
I think he's probably like hurting. So for Susie to
do this is an incredible move, and it's also a

move that you learned during marriage. Right You say something
that you didn't really mean and you're joking and you
thought it was gonna be funny and it didn't land
with your partner, and then you gotta figure out a
way to apologize. But you just don't want to go
and say I'm sorry. You gotta try to like kind
of fix it and show how much you love them.
And this is kind of how you do it. You
go and you maybe bring to the situation you say, hey,

I know I said that, but this is how I
really feel. I thought it was a great move for Susie.
I think it's gonna I think it was a sign
of things to come. She's in my top three at
this point. I don't think she going home anytime soon.
But here's a crazy part. She did not get the
group date Rose. Rachel got the group date Rose. We
didn't really see a ton um. We got to see

like some conversations between it, but we don't really get
to see why she got the group day Rose. There
was definitely some great people involved. I thought Eliza could
have got it um, but she did. Rachel got the
group day Rose. She will be here another week. Well, Claire,
I feel like I know why Rachel about the group date.
Tell outside looking in on the tidbit that we saw.

To me, they have mad chemistry, mad chemistry, and I
think I can see it when he looks at her,
how he looks at her. He looks like he just
wants to eat her face to h And I think
that alone, especially from men like that goes far, you know,

chemistry does go far, and so he's so enough. Yeah,
I mean they were a little chit chatting, but then
it was like shut up and kiss me. You know.
She's like, I don't even care what you're saying. I
just I just want to be kissing you right now. Yeah. Well,
good for him, good for her. I think it takes
a lot of the stress for what's going on to

and a lot of the like pressure to have these
intense conversations. That takes a lot of the pressure of that.
And if he likes kissing her, right, if he's into it,
then like he's he'll go home at least after that day.
I know those evenings you go home and you think
through the day, you're like, oh, man, I kissed her.
She's gonna have to go home to like she's great,

but I just like it's not working there. But if
he's kissing her and he's going home and he's like,
holy cow, like this is good, right, didn't he straight
say I can't always think about you. I can't stop
thinking about you. You're all my mind all the time. Yeah,
that's that's a sign. That was a good pick up there. Claire,
nice job, because yes, that's that's a comment you make

during this show because there's so much going on and
there's so much time that you don't see that person.
You say it because you can't say too much. You
say it to let them know just how into them
you are. And I think he's really into it totally. Well,
obviously we in the episode with a cliffhanger. Literally, Genevieve

and Sanai are on the two on one day. The
only thing I really want to bring up here is,
you know, the women are very much in favor of
gen Nevieve coming back. Uh, Clayton's very stressed about this.
Day too. On ones are not ideal, They're very awkward,
But Shane says, like some things that just aren't good,

Let's be honest. She says that Genevieve is pretty much
gonna be thrown off the side of the waterfall that
you she hopes she can swim mhm, and that one
more girl is going to be going down because of her.
Why does she keep saying she's the one sending them
the home, by the way, last time I checked, she's
not the one sending them home, Like, where does she

get this entitlement of I don't know that blows my
mind hearing yet I agree, And that's pretty much what
I want to ask you is where where is her
mind at? If you could again, maybe if you put
yourself in clayton shoes and you're trying to figure out
who you're going to send home on this to one
wonder how are you going to navigate this date to
try to make it beneficial for the parties involved? Like

what are you reading into with Shai right now? What
are you seeing and how she's what she's saying, and
how she's behaving, and if you're the lead, how would
you have handled it? Well? I think truthfully, we're seeing
this from an outside perspective. We're not seeing this from
Clayton's perspective, which he I'm pretty sure has gotten tid

bits of pieces obviously from the roast and stuff. I
don't think he's seeing the side of her personality that
we're all seen. So it's hard to say what because
I think he would be making a lot of different
choices at a lot of different times, maybe sooner or whatever,
if he had seen all this stuff. But he's not
seeing all of it, so us seeing it it's very

cringe e. But I think I don't know. I think
you kind of have to be at this point blind
to be if this stuff keeps popping up. Obviously it's
a two on one for a reason. Whether or not
he was the one who chose them to go on
this two on one, I think it's it's ah, he
knows what he's doing, and I think it's a smart move.

But it's scary for the girls, like how they have
no idea what's going to happen. It's really weird for
Genevieve because Genevieve's kind of stayed out of it, like
she hasn't been as involved as what I think even
the cameras have shown. And now she's on a two
on one day with the one person in the house
that everybody else in the house is upset over. She's
not got, she hasn't She's probably not feeling great about

her relationship with Clayton at this point. I can't imagine
she's like, oh, yeah, we're thriving. I will say this,
if Draft Kings had a bet on who was going home,
I would put my life savings on China going home.
From this date, there's no shot in my mind, after
the roast, after last week, after this group, after this

to on one day that she she makes it through.
I just cannot imagine that there's no way. And I
really do think people's true colors eventually kind of show through,
and I don't I think they definitely at the end
of this date show through. They have to clear That's
my guess. I don't know how could you you got

you got you gotta be blind to not see it.
You've got to be blind, or you've got to be
not putting your foot down. So the other side of this,
and this is how will close it is what could
be happening is and and again I have no problem
with this as a fan of the show, is the
producers could be like Cleveling, you're kind of interesting, aren't you.
He's like, yeah, she's good looking, she's good kiss her.

And they can come back to him and say, well,
you should keep around a lot, and he could say, yeah,
but all these women are having issues and it hasn't
been good since the beginning and the roads and all
this stuff, and they say yeah, but like who cares
what they think? It's up to you, And he could
be saying, you're right, I'm gonna keep her around because

he has I mean, because as much as he's seen it,
he's still blinding himself to it. And he also isn't
putting his foot down. And and that's what I want
to see with him, is is he going to stand
up and say no for the sake of the house,
for the women involved, for the Rachel's of this world
that I just am so into, for the Serenes of
this world that I'm so into. She's gonna go home
because it's not worth it. We'll see next week, right,

It's that's why it's a cliffhanger, t b D. We
shall see. I this is where we would come in
handy And I don't know. I'm sure a lot of
people know this, but it would be so nice to
have assist or a friend. Then you can call and
go what do you think I should do? And not
a producer who's going I should do it? You should

do it? You know, keep around. It would be very
nice to have a friend go what are you doing?
What are you doing? Step up? Be smarter? Uh? Well, Claire,
that's this week's episode. We're gonna take a break. When
we come back, we have Bachelor headlines to break down.
I haven't read through him yet. I don't know if
you're in any of them, but if you are, well,
come on, we're coming straight from the source. We'll be

back with Claire. On this week's episode of Almost Famous,
It's time for Bachelor Nation. The headlines are resident expert
Ashley can Edtie is well, Ashley I can Edtie Haven

is now a mom and unable to join us this week,
So Claire is sticking around and talking through these headlines
with us. The first headline is this Claire the Bachelor's
Elizabeth were again ask fans to stop sending hate to
Clayton after nai drama. So clear My question for you
is it The headline pretty much speaks to the article.

She's just asked people stop being mean. Do you agree
with this? Should they stop being mean to Clayton? Uh?
After last week's drama? One thousand percent? One thousand percent.
I don't care who said, what, what did. At the
end of the day, everybody is human and we don't

know just because we see an hour clip of somebody's
life that happened a few months ago when this was filmed.
We don't know people's mental states now and what's going
on in their life and their heart and what they're
going through. And so I think two that was that
was a big move on Elizbeth's part, and I think
that was the right thing to do, and it just
shows her character, which is why I loved her. Um

But I think in me it's speaking a lot about
they know things with what each other going through, what
Clayton's going through, what they're all going through, that the
public has no idea. And I cannot emphasize this enough.
I was on I'm sure you've been on the other

side of it as well, Like there were points when
I was at my absolute lowest, and there were times
when people would just like, I'm a very emotional like
I'm a strong woman and I could handle and take
a lot, but there were comments, and when it's a
hundred comments, and when you think you're just typing something
and spouting off something to somebody, you think it's gonna

like I'm just gonna mindlessly send this, But there's hundreds
of those, and hundreds of you should kill yourself, and
hundreds of inappropriate, not okay things to be saying to
people crossing the line, like relax, you guys, relax, you know,
and so I think that was a good move on
your part. I do it. It's nice to see. It
would have mental lot to me too. When I was

on the Bachelor, if one of the contestants who I
sent home would have stood up and said, hey, let
you know, this is who he is. Nobody did, maybe
because they didn't believe that's who I was, But it
would have felt great if they would have actually know.
Everybody on my scene was very supportive and very helpful,
and friends after the same thing, the same thing. All
it takes, and and that's why I try to reach

out to people and just be like, just so you know,
I'm here if you need me, because I get it.
But it was undoubtedly one of the hardest things I've
been through, not and not to make this is not
about me, but I know exactly what he's going through
and what they're experiencing. Even on the villain side of it.
They still don't deserve this. It means they're struggling even
more so have some grace to this. And at the

end of the day, it doesn't affect your life, you
don't need to be but the hate will affect their
lives and it could be just that one comment, you know,
that one comment they could push him over the edge
that you don't want to be that person. That's a
great statement. The hate won't affect your life, it will
affect their life. Wow, Claire probably just throwing wisdom out

there at us today. Um, Claire, we could use your
wisdom on this headline because I think you're familiar with this.
Oh lord, what is it currently in your life? The
headline is this meet Jake Funk, Bachelor's star Hannah and
Sluss alleged boyfriend. So the big word there is alleged

Allegedly Hannah and is dating somebody Claire as somebody that
has been allegedly dating somebody? How true do you believe
this article is? And well then I'll break it down
all right. Well, I think being in the bachelor world,

all people really know us for is our love lives, right, so,
and all people want and I like to pray and
hope for the best of this is people want to
see and are invested in your happiness, in your love life.
But I will attest to this, there's been headlines before
about me and other people. I would say, until she

comes out with it, take it for a grain assault
until she comes out and says, meet my boyfriend. This
is what she's willing to share with you, This is
what she wants you to know about it. If it's
not talked about, if she doesn't come out and say it, um,
maybe that's there's a reason for that. Yeah, I mean,
jess and I did it for six months before we
came out public. The reason is because it's like, I mean,

even at six months, it's still a new relationship. You
don't want to put too much stress on. You don't
want people talking about it. You Also, if it doesn't
work out, I don't want a headline talking about poor
you know, Jessica Clark from Franklin, Tennessee getting you know,
and when she's like, you know, just this normal human
who's like a tracker and it from well miss, and
so I'm with few. Let's pause on the excitement and

most of this, and just to give you some idea here.
Jake Funk is an NFL football player. He plays for
the Los Angeles Rams. He selected to the NFL and one,
he had a great career at Maryland University. Uh, he
was an incredible college athlete and so yes, he's on
the Rams team who will be playing in the Super

Bowl coming up. Maybe she'll get free tickets that could
be a benefit. Have they have they talked about publicly
that this is their relationship. No, no, So this is
all coming from rumors that they spent time together in Malibu.
And then Jake commented on Hannah's recent Instagram post and uh,
she the caption reb brunch or lunch, what's your favorite?

And he commented on that something. And so people like
people commenting or people hanging out together equates a relationship.
I mean, I think it's obvious. But at the same time,
at this day and age, like I said, I know
that's how people well know this contestants from the show.
But there's also that great area in between that everybody

in the real world goes through, which is that do
I like him? You're still figuring it out. To let
her figure it out and whether she is or whether
she isn't, Like like I said, when she's comfortable, she'll
talk about it. But until then, let it be that
gray area where you're still trying to figure out maybe
it is, maybe it isn't, And don't put the pressure
on it the public to say even if it's positive

to say a great couple, your love this or that,
or no it's not good, or just let it happen organically,
let it happen naturally. Yeah, don't put too much pressure.
Pressure is heard relationship Well. The Bachelor Life Tour is
coming back. Bachelor Live on Stage tour returns with seven
fan favorite men looking for love. I was able to

co host this tour right before COVID. Now I'm married
and I have a puppy, and so I'm gonna be
unable to hit the road with the tour this year.
But Beckett Cokufern, who was my co host back in
the day, is gonna be to hosting this tour. She's
great at it. She's gonna thrive. But according to People,
Rick Leach from season eighteen, Connor Brennan from season seventeen,

Ivan Hall from season sixteen, Justin Glaze from season eighteen,
Our seventeen, Andrew Spencer from season seventeen, and Rodney Matthews
from season eighteen will be handing out roses at different
spots on the tour as it crosses America. Claire any comments,

I mean, good for them. Get it out there and
put it out there. Why not this is these are
regular people. As much as like we've talked about their celebrities,
studo celebrities have been on TV. These are normal people
wanting to date. So good for them, Good for them.
I agree. Well, a couple more headlines here. Last one
headline that will just skim through because there's the more

we talk about, the more I heard. Uh. Lauren Burnham
says it was awkward watching our a Liondyke junior is
vasectomy no dubh. That sounds like one of the weirdest
things to have to be watching. It. Sounds like she
was a part of the experience. Uh yeah, it was

very awkward for for her, She says. Um, I don't
think she like watched the incision, but I think she
was probably in the room or near the room, it
sounds like, and probably could hear. Um. You know, it's
just not a fun surgery. I hope she didn't want. Yeah,
that's that's what I need. That just feels that feels hard.

Um headline here. Tasha Adams breaks her silence on leaving
the clickbait podcast. The comments she says is I need
to work on myself. Clara read through here the the article,
then see if you have any comment. Tasha Adams is
opening up about what prompted her to leave her role
as co host on Bachelor Nations Clickbait podcast. The California

native later gave more insight into her decision during the
Clickbait episode Guess Who It's Me Tasha, She says, dang it,
I really miss saying that the season sixteen co bachelorette
comments and says she needs to take some time to
work on herself. She's stepping away from Clickbait, also saying
that it's in very, very capable hands with Joe and

Natasha and welcoming Tia to replace Tasha as co host.
So she's emotional, she's not thrilled. She spoke her piece
at this point, and one day, she says, when she
has more to say, she'll speak up about it. Clear
any comments like this girl has done so much work

over the last couple of years, and I feel like
cirtation has just been NonStop, which is all good, positive things.
But I think I think it's the right move for her.
I think it's a good move because she's just going, going,
going and doing big things, and so for her to
take a step back and really process a lot of you,
a lot of it. I think it catches up with you,

and I think, um, I believe Hannah Brown did it
as well, like you kind of have to take a
step back and recenter yourself. So I think that's really
smart things she could do. Yeah, it's I agree. At
some point you can run so fast and that race
becomes exhausting, and especially as you're trying to work on yourself.

You know, I know for me, and you know when
I was when I was in it, you know, when
I was running, I felt like a robot. At times.
I felt like I was just an answering machine to
anybody's requests. And I could, you know, stand up and
say the right thing at the right moment or do
the right thing at the right moment to fulfill a
need of somebody else. But all within that you're losing yourself.
And some people are great at it, like, uh, you know,

I'd be really excited too after this is well done.
To talk to Caitlin Bristow, who has been running a
hundred miles an hour for a long time now, she
might be able to handle it. She kind of seems
like she is. She has fun with it, she loves it.
She enjoys it, but I wasn't. And it sounds like
Tasia just need to take some time too. It sounds
like kind of brown. It sounds like you did everybody
you know, most people do. It takes a special human

to go as fast as you know, Tastia and Caitlin,
we're going, I think, doing everything, and it's wonderful stuff
to be a part of. But some I think it's
also a very easy distraction. And clearly Tassia has gone
through unfortunate breakup. Um, regardless of the circumstances, they're never fun,

public or not public, it's they're never fun. So to
take time away to work on herself and to work
on and focus on what she needs to I think
that's literally the best thing she could do, because facing
things is almost harder than to keep going going on
and going going easy, to keep going, going, going, going, going,
But when you really have to sit with yourself and

have that time, it's it's the hardest thing, but the
best thing. Yeah, well, wish and Tastia the best as
she does step away, takes a break, yes, and then
we'll you know, that's uh, that's the job of some
people behind the scenes here We'll see if she ever
comes back and talks more in detail about why she
left Clickbait, and it could just be that she needs
a break, which is fine. Well, Claire, that's all we
got for today. That's our episode of Almost Famous. Thank

you for joining me, and thank you so much for
taking the time to sit down and share about your
personal life with me and everybody listening. I know it's
not always fun or I deal, and I know you
get asked about all the time, but it does mean
a lot for you to open up to all of us. No,
thank you for having me. I think it's one of
could be a blessing and a curse to be able
to share so much. But at the end of the day,

I love opening up and sharing because I think with
everything that we go through, there's even if there's one
person out there that can connect and relate to it
and understand what you're going through, um, it can make
make their day better. So I'm happy to be part
of this kind of stuff, and and thank you for
having me on. We did great, now, Claire. Some people
get this right, some people get this terribly wrong, but

it's good either way. Follow my lead with that, everybody,
this has Been The Almost Famous Podcast. We'll be back
next week to break down another episode of this season's
uh well Clayton's season of the Bachelor. With that I've
Been Been, I have Been Claire perfect Hey, we'll talk
to you next week. Follow the Benn and Ashley I

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