All Episodes

October 19, 2022 26 mins

Ben and Ashley are live at Audrey's Coffee House and Lounge in Rhode Island and Jill Chin from Bachelor in Paradise is with us! 

She's BRUTALLY honest about everything that went down on the beach, and you won't believe what she has to say about everyone and everything.

Plus we hear what really happened on what might be the first truly "naked date" in Bachelor history!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast
with i R Radio. We have so much talking to
Jill about tonight, it's gonna be a little outrageous. I
don't know if you saw the last episode of Paradise,
Jill got naked and so we gotta ask her all
about that. But I just want to tell you that
from uh and it doesn't always happen. This isn't always
the case. Not everybody that comes on this show is awesome. Um,

they're all humans, so we love them, but they're not
all people you want to hang out with. But when
Ashley first met Jill, she called me right away and
said I just met Jill and I love her. And
then she came on Paradise and Ashley will protect Jill
with everything she has. So if Ashley gets defensive tonight
at me, it's not awkward. It's happened before. Um, but
it's time to get started. Well okay, then that's a

great way of leading us in. Ben and I were
just saying a podcast over at his hotel and we
were set, we were talking, we were recapping this past
episode and we were talking about how you got naked
with Jacob and I was like, I would never do that.
This is something that the show has really never done before.
We've been risque before, we've gotten sort of naked before,

like we've put like sushi or tacos on nipples and
stuff like that, but we've never gotten like full frontal
chest to chest naked with somebody else. So you did
that broke some boundaries here on Bachelor in Paradise with
Jacob this week. So how just walk us through all

the feelings of this date and how like you've got
the courage, the guts, the self confidence, but like, um,
even like the sensuality to do it. Okay, So we
had no idea what the date was going to be obviously,
like you just kind of walk up and so we
saw the shaman. We were like, oh, just like right up,
Arouny'll be great. Must be a shaman on every Paradise

date every season. Yeah, so we were pretty excited we're
gonna get the shaman date. Like we're talking about the
full moon before. We're both very like spiritual and like
we were just excited. Um, and then she was like,
it's better if you do this as you came into
the world, you need to do this ritual. But you
need to be naked, and so we just looked at
each other. We're like we both just kind of didn't

know what to do. And you know, he was okay
with it. He was okay with it. His intro has
just a leap on his you know, that's so true.
That's so true. Yeah, I didn't really think about that.
I don't. I tried to forget about that. Um. So yeah,
I was just I mean there's a moment where you
gonna look at each other and we're like are we
gonna do this? And then we're like okay, yeah, like
let's do it. Um. We had told ourselves like before

the day you kind of get to like hang out
in a holding area, We're like we're gonna say yes,
we're just gonna goof We're just gonna have the best time.
That was like my favorite part of the day honestly,
was just like getting to hang out with him with
like out any cameras and just like it was the best. So, um,
when day when she was like I get naked, we
looked at each other, We're like, okay, like let's do it.
But then it was like time to get naked, and
I remember looking at my producer and like there were

tears in my eyes, like I was really not sure
if I wanted to do it. This feels unhealthy potentially potentially,
and they're like, no, it wasn't like that. It wasn't
like that. Um. But obviously at reservations and like my
parents are gonna watch this, you know, like it was

just emotional um and being vulnerable. It's just like hard.
And I knew I I wasn't like before the show,
I wasn't really self conscious on my body, but then
like going on the show and have everybody compare you
to other girls and have everybody talking about you, it's
just like, yeah, it's hard. And so I wasn't sure
if I wanted to put myself out there in that way.
But then once I did, I was like, oh my god,
this is so freeing. I don't give a rip what

anybody says. Like we just had the best time. And honestly,
like I said it on the show, it's like I
would not have done that with anybody else because I
just felt so comfortable being myself with him and it
was just like freeing and so fun and he was
still respectful, like he just like looked a little bit
was like me, like, did you look a little bit? Yeah,
of course it is? So is he? Is he a
grow or show or I've had two drinks now? Um.

I don't know if it's fair to him that I
say that, but he's he's a look a guy. You know,
he's a good looking guy. Oh my goodness, he has
a beautiful penis. All right, he's gonna love that. I
don't know, it just seems like that was you're alluding to. Okay,
so hold, we just got to take a breath here.

I feel like it's only appropriate to take a breath. Uh.
There's so much to this that we've got to dissect.
But I want to go backwards a little bit and
just ask you the simple question, because it's obviously gonna
get brought up. It's a little more serious of a question.
Is do you feel like this is appropriate? Like for
the show to put you in the situation to say

yes or no to this, um, and for the show
to even have this on their mind. Uh, do you
feel like you did feel at all pressured? Do you
feel like it was it was an unhealthy environment? Do
you do you see how this actually fostered whatever it
is they were hoping you two got out of this experience. Honestly,
I feel like I did get out of it, what

like it was intended. Um I they made it very
clear I didn't have to do it. They're like, we're
a strapless bathing suit, you know, so we can you know,
we can always blur everything out. Everything's me fine. You know.
They're really good about consent, and so I was just
going into it being like they're like, at any point,
if you don't feel comfortable, you can say no, Like
we can turn the cameras off. And even when we

were naked, like the producer, anybody who didn't have to
be around turned around or just like left. So they
made it like a super comfortable space. And I honestly
think that I would have regretted if I didn't like
go put myself fully into it. I told myself I
was gonna be myself. I was gonna like give because
that's what I wanted. And so I don't regret at all.

I think it's like to some people, yeah it could,
it could be unhealthy, but for me, like I'm kind
of I'm kind of crazy anywhere. Um So I was
just like, yeah, like let's do it, let's get naked um.
But it took a little bit not a little bit
of convincing, but like I just had to have the
right group, and I really had like such a good
group of people, and like all of like the cameraman
and like the like the audio people I was close

with were there, so like they obviously knew what was
going to happen and I didn't, but they were just
like so reassuring and yeah, I mean you could always
say no, You could always say no. Yeah, okay. So
Jared and I obviously have been featured heavily this past
week as a vastel nation has been annoyed by God.
I was even annoyed. I was I'm not annoyed. I

was worried as a married person who has a baby
about all the sex talk in the boom boom room
and the fact that my parents are going to watch
and I'm like, oh my gosh, I don't need my
parents to know that that happened exactly in that room
on that day, like like the specificy need to be there.
So how did your parents and my parents like have
not even address that. They're like, great tonight, we love

watching you. It's really nice, But how did your parents
take the whole nicky thing. So when I got home,
I was very upfront with them about what happened. Um.
And I mean my dad he was really like my
dad is like typical Chinese dad, like very like grades everything,
Like even when I just went on the show, he
was like a little bit like what are you doing? Um?

And so when I told him he didn't like he
just put his head down and shook his head. And
I was like, I had just reassured I would never
do anything to like to jeopardize the Chen name, you know,
like I would never do anything. I didn't think was
gonna be like it was going to be like a
good look and nothing. It was like, oh my god,
it's such a good look being Nike it on TV.
But it was definitely like I took it more is
empowering and it was a ritual and it was something

I would do and so I just think I had
to kind of like explain that to him, and I'm
I told him. I was like, not a lot of
people watch the show. I was like, no, that's gonna
see it. And then he's like the electrician just came
over and he's telling me, so I can make it
on TV, and I'm like, well, I know that that's

a tough one. Like when he's like fixing your lightbulb
and you're like, he saw your daughter. I know it's
how bad. I do feel bad, but like you know,
he he just has to accept that, like this is
who I am, and like you know, it loves me.

I don't know how to phrase this question. Um, I'm
very interested, uh myself, it could not be okay that
I'm even interested in this, Um, but like the biology
of humans is interesting, and when you see another human
that you're attracted, two things happen in the body. Um,

you're asking if Jacob and don't. I won't go there.
I won't go there, but our hardcore points. Yeah. So
my question is that no matter what, even if this
is a ritual and this is a beautiful moment for
the two of you and you're naked and unashamed and unafraid,
which I do believe, isn't powering moment for humans? When

you can do that, things happened. They become a little weird.
They do, yeah, they can. Did it happen? And how
did you handle it? Okay, So I only took one
quick little glance. I think and that's it. Um. And
then we were back to back most of the time.
And then because I don't want to be like hey,
like just like what's up, you know, um, And he

was really respectful too, and so and then we were
in the tub, so like we were in separate tubs,
like next to each other. It's like murky water. So
I didn't really see to my knowledge, she didn't, um.
But then Victorian Fuller, UM, so it's like, obviously she's
with Johnny. And so Jacob went back and was like,
I saw her bibs and her and her like downstairs,
and they were really good. That's that's what Jacob said

to the boy because they're the boys like. And I
was like, oh my god. And I was like, nah,
that's Jacob, So I think he liked what he saw.
But yeah, I mean I didn't see anything. I didn't
see anything, not to harp on the day, good thing.
But we do love like, Okay, we're so we're not
really encouraged to talk much to the audio or the

video guys, right, which is sad because um, they seem
awesome and when they laugh at you in an interview,
it completes your world and you're like, Wow, I have
succeeded today because I made them laugh because they're not
really supposed to show any emotion. So when the guys
that were part of your your date, did you sit

in an interview with them a couple of days later
and be like, all these guys have seen me naked? Yeah, yeah,
yeah I did do that. Um. I didn't really get
a good look at the cameramen that were there. They
were men, um, but I'm like, this is their job.
They probably seem like crazier things, and honestly, like we're
getting this for free, you know, they're like like they're
getting like they're getting so like I didn't really like

I honestly was just like yeah whatever. But the audio
woman that was with me, she she was like my
favorite audio woman ever, Like I know who you're talking about.
She's a I think she's been there for like decades.
So she's like you like right, honey, Like I could
never do what you do. And it was just like
I was like thank you, um so yeah, Like I
mean what like once you just do it, like you're
all hanging out there like they've definitely seen crazier. Well,

I don't know if they've seen crazier things. You think. No,
I'm telling you that was maybe like the most that
we've had. Yeah, i mean besides like the boom boom
where I'm like, God, bless the editors who have to
like go through that footage. I'm telling you guys, and
they were everything in the back room, and they swear
to us that they don't even they see that's happening.
They go, I'm not looking, my god. Yeah, And I

remember like my first like even yeah, when I was
in the Bachelor, so like you're always miked up, and
so I would if I was going to the bathroom,
like even when you're going to the bathroom and they
listened to you sometimes and so I would literally go,
Joll's from the bathroom. She'll takeing a like turn the
audio down. So I always talked to my mike. And
then in Rachel and I I was speaking on back
ground sweating and like it was just yeah, so you

get really comfortable, oh my god, because you're naked around
the hand is all the time. You're nake it around
the producers all the time. I was not, it's just you.
I've never been like, oh my god, Gabby naked all
the time. Really, Yeah, we're always naked around each other. Okay,
so when we get miked up now, like for anything,
like yesterday, Jared and I like filmed the commercial at
the House, which is really cool, but like lots of

audio guys will be like, is it okay if I
put my hand down your back or like can I
put it here? And I'm like, but I'm Bachelor in Paradise.
You can touch me on anyway. Yeah, you know, and
they're super respectful to like, they're really respectful. But yeah,
we didn't have any mics on for that obviously, so
they were booming us and I was like, yeah, but
it was I mean, it was fine. I I got
really comfortable with everybody there because you just have to
and like cares. Honestly, it's a body, come on, we're

all hot. Yeah, that's what I was gonna say at
you know, yeah, like it's gonna be great. I bet
they love it. I would say I will say this
to close out this really fun segment get her off
here is uh, it does take courage and it is

something like even when it's on television, I'm like, there
was never this like oh my gosh, maybe it was
I wouldn't do that, but it wasn't because I think
it's crazy for you to do. I was like, it's
just empowered. It takes a lot of confidence. It takes
a lot of courage. Uh, And I'm impressed that you
did it, and you obviously are somebody that can not
only laugh at it but show but say I got
something good out of this. Yeah. You know. It's interesting though,

because I do feel like that date probably bonded the
two of you no matter what. Oh my god. Yeah,
we were so connected and grounded and just like we
were just looking to each other's eyes and we were
just like so peaceful. And then we got back then
Heira came back and it just like destroyed. I mean,
it didn't destroy our night because then like we ended
up making out after. It's fine, Um, but we were
just like everybody could see they're just like this really

worked for them, Like it was exactly what we needed.
And yeah, I'm happy that we did it together because
it really bonded us like beyond like what Like I mean,
people go on dates all the time like pizza, beta
and break and like obviously that went nowhere, So we
like really took advantage of the time that we had
together and we really bear it at all. Would say,

you know, you you bond and you come back to
the house, then yeah, and the drama immediately starts. What
are the emotions that maybe we didn't get to see
on television that you're experiencing at the time. Is it frustration? Frustration? Yeah?
It was mostly frustration. Like I wasn't going to just
to like clarify, Kira is basically there when she gets back,
so like that was somebody that you know, Jacob had

previously made out with, and of course it happens to
be there once you come back from Yeah, And I
remember thinking like obviously, like Kira didn't know that Jacob
and I had just gone gone on a one on one,
you know, like obviously she didn't know that. But I
literally was like, you come to me with this on
the eve of my one on one, Like you're really

gonna do listen to me on me on one on
one day? Like So I was just super frustrated because
it's like we were we just had the best day ever,
and She's done this to me many times, like over
and over again, and I'm like, what, Jake, I'll like,
come on, like I like Romeo is gone like by
like done with that, Like you know, she came for Romeo,
but she just had to talk to Jacob. I don't know.
I really don't know, because she she pivoted real quick,

and so did he. Like Romeo really like went in
for the kill. God bless him. Um, but I just yeah,
I was really frustrating. It sucks because I watched myself
back and I'm like cursing and like I look insecure
and I look annoying. I look annoying all the time.
I to you whatever. Um, but like I was just like,
oh my god, like I look awful, Like I look

like a bitch. But I mean everyone was like it
was super understandable because like how like if this happened
to anybody else, like you've be pissed it just happened
to you, you'd be it doesn't matter whether I know that.
It was like all the timing was like congruent, and
I'd be like I'd freak out. Nonetheless, yeah, oh yeah,
we forgot like the drop of a hat. Okay, Okay,

so before we let Jill off the hook here, um,
we want to know like the dirt on everyone, So
like can we throw out some names, and then you
tell us like something interesting or like a first word
that comes to your heads, like juice, you know, and
I know you you're good with juice. So I'm gonna
just say one too. Through Andrew. Oh the worst feet

I've ever seen in my life. God, he's got the
ugliest dogs. And I tell them us all the time.
Every every time I see a pictures feet, I'm like,
oh my god, have you seen my feet? Oh? I
want to getting him out. We're doing them right now,
We're doing it right? Bad are they? I bet they
are not as bad as Andrews. I have a picture
of the actually has he's massive bumps on them. Yeah, no,

that's not great. But not great either. I have like
finger feet that go like but um yeah, I mean
but Andrews. I was like, Oh, it was a lot. Wait,
why are they so bad? Described I'll show you a
picture of him right now. I literally sent this to Rachel.
I was like, if if I have to see this,
you have to see this too. She goes, why are

they so vainy? She goes, why why do they need
this much? What else is that you guys? Oh mg?
Everybody come up to Jill Tony and say show me
on the Bachelor in Paradise Instagram. They're really bad. And
then we lived this after said this name of that guy.

They're so bad. I tell them all back, go back,
go back. Oh my god, far and beyond. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
And that looks like a paw paw of a bigfoot.

All right? Who else do you want to hear about? Names?
Brandon Brandon, Oh my god, Brandon is such a girl's girl,
Like he loves the goss. Like I'll be like, what's
the skinny and he'd like, you know you, Like this
guy's really feeling you. And I'm like okay, Like he'll
he really is a girl's girl. Love him. Anytime I
was like, man and please I'll meet he would? I

love him yelling another name? This is great. A dirty grandpa.
He gets, he gets the edit, he gets the angel
ed it like, oh man, it's like like he's a
dirty grandpa. And I love him to death and I
say it all the time, but he's a dirty grandpa.
I think he gets way more girls than he like
alludes to nothing. Yeah, but I love him. He's the

most Wells could be a butter marketender. And I do
hate to say it. I do hate to say what
why why why do we drinks week? Because there's not
They don't get us drunk. They don't get us drunk.
We literally could not get drunk on Paradise. Could were
like care god, I know, like Maron Wells, I know

I'm going to get a reaction from Jill from this
name one to three Jesse Palmer. I I love Jesse Palmer.
Like everyone's like, oh my godna miss Chris Harrison and like, yes,
like okay, like he had his moment, but Jesse is
like okay. So I was on Clayton's season and when
you see Clayton Jesse Stanton at each other, you know,
things kind of like the lines kind of blur. And

so I was like Jesse, like I want to get
so excited to see Jesse and just Clayton. And I
was like, hey, um, but Jesse, and he cares about
us too. He's so sweet, like he'll Texas and be like, hey,
how's it going on? Love him? Love him? Ever, give
him a chance. Let's throw on every name I know woo. Um.
So so like she's done some indefensible things for sure,

Like she like, I'm on girl, I can't really defend that,
but um, but I think you will be surprised with
her this season, like she hasn't been a diabolical bitch.
Yeah yeah, yeah, Okay, two more here Victoria Fuller. Oh
my god, what can I say about thedorable or um? Wow? Yeah.

I was pissed when she came down because I was like,
this is not fair, Like I'm already like, oh my god,
it was so awful. But she, Um, she's hilarious and
I was so intimidated by her. But she's actually super
funny and I was like, want to wear her skin,
you know what I'm saying. Well, yeah, here's a funny
story about Victoria. So she was in Vegas with me
two weeks ago and uh, I come to I come

out for lunch after being at the stadium and all
the girls are sitting around and Rachel and Genevieve and
Victoria sitting there and I asked, Hey, can I sit
with you? Um and said like, yeah, come sit. And
I look over Victoria and she is one of the
most beautiful people you'll ever see in like with your
like kardash Yeah, Like she's in this white robe, like

she just like kind of threw a white robot to
come to lunch, and her robe is covered in pizza
sauce because what she's doing is eating like which doesn't
make any sense to me. But she's just eating like
pepperoni pizza and just it. I know. We literally we
slept in a twin bed together for like a couple
of days. Why a twin bed. There's big beds there.

Maybe not what happens next week. Okay, so boy comes
into the girl's beds. It sounds like yeah, so like yeah,
but Victoria is to watch. Yeah, she's She's a very
special human being. I've never met anybody like her. Truly,
she isn't. She's like really fun to be around, though

she says ridiculous, ridiculous dry. She is funny. She's not
one of those hot girls that has no personality. That's
she's a personality. Now let me say one thing I
told her, and I don't think it made the cut,
but I go, Victoria, I'm gonna tell you a second now.
I was maybe maybe Wells did give me a strong
enough drink. I was like, um, and as well as

you know, I almost blocked you on Instagram during my
pregnancy because I couldn't deal with your hot now. Oh yeah, no,
I remember you saying that. Yeah yeah, and she was like,
oh my, actually you're so hot and I'm like no.
Like she would literally be in the room, like I'd
go into our room and she'd be doing conscious and
I'm like, oh my god, Like, yeah, she's committed to

the She's committed to it. Last name all throughout there,
unless somebody out here has another name they're really dying
to hear about. Is Genevieve somebody? Oh my god? Okay,
so everyone, God, Okay, Genevieve is one of my closest friends.
She's too close to give a good That's exactly why
I wanted to give some Okay. So the thing is
like Genevieve comes off very like erratic because she is

like she is nuts. Like, don't get me wrong, she's nuts,
but she would never her to fly. Like she is
like the sweetest human being and she cares like so
deeply and like it's weird to hear like her dreams
and aspirations because they're like so humble and sweet. She's like,
I just want five kids and she loves babies, and
so I think she gets kind of like especially last
episode she kind of gets a bad rep um, but

she she is really that crazy in real life. Like
I don't really know what to respect from her, but
I love her to death and everyone should do. She's
she was so worried in Vegas when we were sitting
at lunch, that's about what she was going to come
off like. And I said, Genevieve, the one thing with
the Paradise especially is people just want to see your
real personality. Like they want to see the crazy, they
want to see the funny, they want to see the

romantic side. Nobody judges you for being human, right, that's
when we watch well, I mean they come at you
for anything. Um, But people love to watch the show
these days to hate the show. Yeah they oh my god,
people the craziest. Yeah, but most people will love Genevieve
because she's human. On she's human and I'm honestly so
proud of her for being that and being emotional and

raw because on last season, like remember she got to
like the emotional day and she was like I can't
do it, Like she just could not get and so
she's come a really long way and being able to
express her emotions. And I was like she would. She
hates to cry, she hate but like I'm proud of her. Honestly,
I think she's come a long way. I'm finished this

podcast with one more quick reaction name Okay Clay Neckert,
Oh Clay Hooky. Um, God bless him. Um, yeah that's
all it. I mean, God bless him. He really was
having a hard time and um, you know, all the

best to him. Could he have laughed at a couple
more of my jokes? Yeah? Um, could he kept me
around for longer? Yeah? Absolutely? Um, but you know I'm
not everyone's cup of tea. Um, what what you did
to Rachel? Yeah that was pretty bad. Um, but he's
not a he's not an evil person. He's just he
needs to grow, you know, exactly. Thank you so much

for being here. Thank you Jill for being here. Let's
give Jill a huge one of a buss are entertaining, Queen,
I know it's too much. Um. So Jill has just
been such a wonderful asset to Audrey's over the past,
like I want to say, almost nine months. She comes
in Like anytime we're like, hey, Jill, you want to
come in, she comes in and she's just the best

and I just remember the good old days. Before her
season aired, she'd like said the bar with me and
freak out that she's gonna look crazy, and I was like, listen,
looking crazy is a great look. Yeah, okay, alright, So
thank you, Jill Bang. Yeah. We have a great team.
Emily and Easton over here. They traveled in from Los Angeles,

Uh for this evening. They flew in. Thank you to
the two of them. Make sure you say thank you.
They're helping us. They're always helping I heart in our podcast.
It's a big deal that day came in for this. Uh.
This is a very special evening for us. Uh. It's
something we've been planning for a long time, um for
for us to come here and do this with all

of you. So thank you. We still have one more show,
two more shows, one more show, but round of applause
for Jill Yeah. Followed the Bennon Ashley I Almost Famous
podcasts on I Heart Radio or subscribe wherever you listen
to podcasts.
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