All Episodes

November 30, 2023 24 mins
Amy King and Wayne Resnick join Bill for Handel on the News. Henry Kissinger Dies: Diplomat whop long held the global stage was both celebrated and reviled. Israel-Hamas War: Gaza truce extended by a day. Newsom announces plan to crack down on deadly street drug known as ‘tranq.’ Elon Musk apologizes for antisemitic tweet but tells advertisers to ‘go f**k yourself.’ Young Kansas City Chiefs fan is accused of racist blackface by reporter even though other half of child’s face was painted RED to match team’s colors.
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You're listening to KPI AM six fortythe Bill Handles show on demand on the
iHeartRadio. F fourteen year old girlfigures out where's the break? Where's the
gas? This big old bus wheeland steers the bus to a safe stop,

avoiding the collision. Now the busdrivers are it's a union down there.
So they made a formal complaint withthe school district against her, against
her because she was not union.Yes, they're calling yeah, we call
her a hero. They're calling hera scab. And now handle on the
news, ladies and gentlemen, here'sBill Handle, and good morning everybody.

Thursday, November thirtieth. Since Idon't know to this day how many what
months end on the thirtieth and thethirty first? Is it the thirtieth of
thirty first for November thirtieth, Sotoday's last day of November, got it?
I've never been able to figure thatout. I know, I know

leap year February twenty eighth, andthat's when people were born on the twenty
eighth? Was it it? Everyfour years they actually have a birthday if
they're born on the twenty ninth,Oh, they're born, ok? Yeah,
yeah? And I used to youdo your knuckle thing, and I've
never understood that, you know,knuckle one, knuckle two. I should

tattoo those on my knuckle and pretendthat I've been to prison. It's basically
every other one bill except July andAugust. See there you go, every
other one except this one and thatone, and then there's this one too.
My mom had a song that sheused to sing of how you could

remember it. I don't remember it, so I can't sing it for you,
Okay, I used to do thattoo. I think it was deutsch
Land New Barlas. It was asong, No, no, it was
all right, guys, let mesay a quick hello to one and all
con on. Let me start withyou, all right, good morning,
Good morning, Wayne, Good morning. Somebody could make good morning bills.
Somebody can make a lot of moneyif they could come up with something.

And I can't even conceive of whatit would be, but some kind of
a thing that you could look atthat would tell you whether the month you're
in has thirty days or thirty onedays, or twenty eight days or twenty
some kind of a reference object onyou monic, Yeah, a phrase you

know where you sort of know,No, I mean like a thing you
could like you could buy it andthen like some of them could have cute
puppies on it, but some ofthem could have sexy firemen on them.
Oh okay, it's sounded like likethat. We could make you one.
Okay, that works, too bad, they don't exist. Yeah, it's
a good idea. Actually, youshould go for it. I found it.

Oh wait, maybe I didn't.Yeah, thirty days half September,
April, June, and November,all the rest of thirty one excepting February,
and that has twenty eight. Imean that doesn't fly. No,
I'm with Bill on that. That'sterrible. Well, that doesn't fly anyway.
Let's finish saying goodbye, Amy,good morning or good morning. Yeah,

I'm already past I'm hard. It'sjust approaching nine o'clock. We're closed,
bye and good morning, goodbye.Now are you ready for this news?
As you know, Pastathon was acouple of days ago, and are
you ready? I mean, thisis unbelievable so far, and it's not
over until Sunday night. So theauctions, the items have still not been

finalized. People are still donating notonly to Pastathon, but also to at
Wendy's where you can go right upto the counter donate at least five dollars.
You get a fourteen dollars coupon bookand it's smart and final. As
of this morning, over a milliondollars and it's not even finished yet.

That's a lot of meals for alot of kids. And again it's your
generosity. And not only have behalfof Cataratas Club, but on behalf of
KFI who has adopted this charity.You have adopted this charity and on a
personal level, and this is verydifficult for me to say. We offer
profound thanks. Okay, we won'tbe hearing anything like that for the rest

of the show. Are you guysready to do it? Yep? All
right, handle on the news withAmy King, Wayne and me lead story.
Henry Kissinger is dead at one hundredand what a character he is,
actually, the word character is notfair. What a iconic figure in a

modern American history he is. AndI'm going to do more of that at
seven twenty because I want to gothrough this. I live through a lot
of this and just some extraordinary thingsthat he was part of, both good
and bad, and I will explainat seven to twenty it is worth listening
to. With just minutes to spair. Israel and Hamas have agreed to extend

the temporary truce by one more day. So apparently what happened last night is
they had some degreements, disagreements overthe hostages that would be freed. Hamas
said, oh, we'll release somelive prisoner or live hostages, but we're
also going to give you back threebodies. Yeah, as part of the
hostage release. Yeah yeah, threedead people and seven live people. And

Israel said that's not going to work, you know, to us, hostages
are still living and we want those. So it only extends through the end
of today. It's only a oneday extension of the truth and we'll see
what happens. Well. And it'ssupposed to be getting tougher now because most
of the women and children have beenreleased, and what's left are the men

and the military people, and Hamasdoesn't want to let those go. Yeah.
Well, I think there's going tobe a point in which Hamas stops
releasing and then Israel goes right backand the world, the United States is
saying, we agree with your attacks, we agree with your this is Israel,
we agree with your position towards Hamasno issue there, but make it

a more targeted fight. Don't havethis all encompassing just blowing up buildings,
moving ordinance and wiping out entire buildings, including hospitals and schools. You know,
and I read this, do youknow that fifty to sixty percent of
Gaza City, I mean, thecity entirely is has either been destroyed or

has been damaged. And it's tobe more than that. I mean,
I still don't understand Kamas. Sowhat they're you know, they knew this
was going to happen, and they'reprepared to have their cities wiped out.
It's that important to them. Socloser to home, Governor Gavin Newsom wants

to do crack No, he wantsI'm sorry, he wants to do a
crack down on street drugs, mostnotably xylazine, known on the street as
trenk. It's an animal tranquilizer.It is a non opiate sedative, and
it is another thing that is increasinglyshowing up in street drugs, put in

there because it's a cheap filler alongwith fentanyl. And now you're getting seizures
of street drugs that have both fentanyland trank in them, So he's sponsoring
a lot would increase the penalties fortrafficking in trank and also make it a
controlled substance in the state of California. That's what's He'll be allowed to use

it for its intended purpose. Yeah, and one thing about trank, you
can always tell a trank user methamphetamines, tweakers, teeth fallout in addition
to all kinds of source with tranks. With trank, it's holes in you,
it's flesh rotting. Takes a veryspecial person to go to take trank
and keep ongoing after they're looking attheir body and there's a hole through your

arm. Yeah, it's a toughone. Sorry, not sorry, that's
the scenario. So apparently Elon Muskhas apologized for what he called his dumbest
ever social media post. It wasthe one that was the anti semitic tweet
or X or whatever you want tocall it. And then he also had

something to say to advertisers who areleaving the X platform because of what they
say is rising anti semitism. Hesays, if someone's going to blackmail me
with advertising or money, go fyourself. Go f yourself. Is that
clear? No, that's an interestingmove by a CEO telling advertisers who are

either about to leave or leaving becauseof controversy about the CEO of the company
they're advertising with. I don't thinkthat's a particularly good move he did.
When did he apologize for the antiSemitic remark right after he told the advertisers
who were leaving to go f themselves? Yeah, it happened during the same

interview. No, but I'm talkingabout not at that interview. I'm talking
about prior to because it's been atleast what ten days, two weeks since
he posted the anti Semitic remark,and this is a part of the fallout
and advertisers went, thank you,we're done. Did he apologize up to

this point? I don't. Isee him. He waited yesterday, right,
he waited until the same interview.Okay, So you're saying, had
he APOLOGI sooner, maybe he wouldn'thave lost so many advertising I think so.
Oops, I made a mistake.I'm so sorry. I didn't understand.
I don't know he's panicking because youknow, normally what you might think

is if he says, oh,you don't want to advertise go pound sand
Oh. He must have so manyadvertisers it doesn't matter. But he also
said this is going to sink thecompany. So he's actually angry because it's
real and he can't really shrug itoff financially, and so this go away

from here is his anger lashing outas opposed to sincerely saying we don't need
you. Yeah, and you know, he has two companies that are created,
both transformative SpaceX and Tesla, Imean, amazing companies, a true
visionary. And then he buys Twitterand it goes in the toilet. He
pays forty four billion dollars for acompany that was worth twenty five billion dollars

in his and he did that onemorning. He woke up, I don't
know what to do, and hewent past I went to the supermarket and
you know, right next to thecandy bars at the counter there was Twitter
for sale and he grabbed it withoutthinking. And he has done everything he
can to destroy that company, andhe has done a brilliant job. At
the western edge of the San FernandoValley, I bet if you live out

there, you well know what I'mtalking about when I tell you that there
is where the burn Pit is.The burn Pit is a six acre site
where for decades workers at the RocketdyneRocket Engine Testing and Nuclear Research facility would
dump all the stuff they didn't needanymore, like chemicals and radioactive stuff and

explosives into a big open pit.And it's still there. It's now jointly
owned by Boeing. The Department ofEnergy and NASA, and the State of
California, which doesn't own it atall, has been pressuring Boeing to do
something about it, and it lookslike possibly Boeing is finally got the message.
They sent a letter to the statesaying they will start remediation on that

site in the spring. And thisis a pit that has I don't know
how many feet of yards of thiscrap in it, and it's covered up
with with dirt. And the fearis climate change. The winds is going
to expose the rains is going toexpose all of this, and everybody's going

to die, you know, withintwenty miles. It's tough. It's a
costbudy, you know, who buyssomething like that knowing And this was not
that long ago when you still knewthere was toxicity in the ground. That
has not been a secret for avery long time. And then you buy
the land and then never use it. Can't we just be fans anymore?

Okay? So this kid went tothe Kansas City Chiefs game was decked out.
You know, there are our facepainters at football games, and this
little fan was one of them.Well, a sports outlet called dead Spin
has accused the kid of wearing racistblack face and also said that he doubled

up on racism by wearing the clothessome consider cultural appropriation because he had a
headdress for the Kansas City Chiefs tothere to whoever wrote this, who's the
guy who wrote it? Sports reporterKaren Phillips. I mean he has a
point at his black face, halfhis face half his face it was and
then if you look at his fullface, it's red and it's the colors

of the team. Y boy?How's that? Huh? There you go?
People have just gone nuts. It'salso wearing a headdress, which is
beautiful, except those have been banned. Are they banned in the stadium?
A yeah, but just from itand it could have just could have gone

away very short time. By theway, did the security ask him to
remove it? Or they allowed himto wear it throughout the game. And
I don't know the answer to that. Well the game. It was the
game in Las Vegas, So maybethey're banned at the stadium in Kansas City
in Vegas or maybe the NFL.And you're right, it would probably be
the stadium itself that would do thebanning. This is one you have to

understand something. This is basically onesports writer attacking another sports writer over that
sports writer's characterization of how this kidwas dressed. Yeah, let me ask
Ann and who works at so far. Are the certain clothing and headresss,
etcetera. Are those banned at soFI? Not really. I mean,

you can't wear something that could possiblyget in the way of somebody behind you.
So you could wear something gigantic onyour head that or have flags.
There are different rules, but Idon't think anything like that. No,
what if someone had the two foottall afro, Well they can do that.
That's of course, that's your hair. Okay, that's when you take

one of those barber shop shaving littledevices, you know, those clippers,
and you go for it, allright, or God, that was a
visual and that didn't work. Thenumbers are in the numbers have been crunched
and a. California added over onehundred and twenty five thousand foreign immigrants last
year to the population. This figuredoes not differentiate legal illegal how a person

got here. It just combines USborn and non US born populations. That's
a fourteen percent increase, nowhere nearthe states that saw bigger inflows of foreign
immigrants. For example, Nevada wasup three hundred and twenty percent, Montana

one hundred and sixty two percent,West Virginia one hundred and forty four percent.
Don't they know not to go there? Well, West Virginia is up
at seventeen hundred and so if yougo from one to two ess one hundred
percent increase, Yes, it's apercent of population. You're right, it

doesn't take as much. Some statesactually had a net loss of foreign immigrants
living there. Rhode Island off thirtypercent, Mississippi twenty two percent down,
and so forth. Well, howmany Mexican restaurants are in Rhode Island,
by the way, I just andthe reason that we have so many great
Mexican restaurants here in southern California isbecause of the Latino population that's been here

forever. Probably not too many inRhode Island. Growing up in Oregon,
I thought Taco bo was authentic Mexicanfood. There you are, okay,
All you can eat shrimp, speakingof food, was just too much for
Red Lobster to swallow. Oh verygood, thank you. Business tends to
slow down in the third and fourthquarters at Red Lobster, so they do

these promotions, and so they haveThey are twenty dollars all you can eat
shrimp. It's been a tradition ofthe chain for eighteen years. You see
the ads. But apparently it workedtoo well. The company said in the
third quarter that more customers took advantageof the ultimate endless Shrimp than expected,
and the chain lost roughly eleven milliondollars in the third quarter of this year.

So raising prices for all you caneat shrimp because they lose money on
it. How did they not learntheir lesson? It was over twenty years
ago. You may remember this thatthere was a woman named Edna Morris who
was the CEO of Red Lobster atthe time, and they had that all
you can eat buffet, and herbright idea was to add snow crab legs
to the all you can Eat buffetand they lost four hundred million dollars in

stock value in one week and shewas fired over that. And here they
are two decades later and they're stillrisking it with all you can eat promotions.
Well, it does get them backtimed, it does get him back
in. It does get him backin, but there's so many people.
It's a loss leader with everybody losingor they're losing everybody. Also, I

didn't know this. The parent companyRed Lobster is called tie Union. You
know, I should have known,because you know they wear those shirts with
their names on it and the logoand those guys are all of the shirts
are all tie died. Okay,there you go. Wow. I wish

I held back from making the joke. They were shell shocked from the losses
on the shrimp better and Better.Yes, Irish too. I wish this
was television at times. So whenI do one of these that simply don't
work, you could see the facesof the people that I work with here
visually it is stunning. Sometimes it'sa relief, though, because there's that

anticipation of, oh crap, what'sBill going to say now? And so
when you just say a bad joke. We go, oh, thank god.
Yeah, yeah, yesterday when Ilocked out with Shannon, that was
when I'm want you. Yeah,it was tough, It really was.
Well. Revised numbers are in andthe economy grew at a higher rate than

the initial measure and then was projectedfive point two percent. What's wrong with
my mouth? USGDP in the thirdcorner, so stronger than first indicated stronger
than they thought that it would do. Inflation a little bit of a mixed
bag. Some price indexes went upa little bit, some went down a

little bit. But look at thisnumber. Corporate profits up four point three
percent in the third quarter. Sothe corporations will always win, don't you
have laid out about that. Laboris doing well. It has gotten raises
that go beyond inflation. Inflation isdown a GDP, which is gross domestic

product all the goods and services thatare sold and produced in the United States.
It's the economy is actually in prettygood shape, except it's not going
to help Joe Biden because prices havegone up enough that we go to restaurants,
we go to storage, and go, my god, those prices have

already hit. Mortgage rates have alreadyhit and that's going to that and the
fact that Joe Biden is one hundredand forty years old may very well cost
him the election. A woman refusesto give up on her father or the
man she says is her father.A woman in Texas says she was forced

to stay silent about Jerry Jones beingher dad for decades. She refiled a
defamation lawsuit against the Dallas Cowboys ownerand also is associates. So originally she
had filed a suit against Jerry Jones. In March of twenty twenty two,
she withdrew it, but then fileda second suit asking the court to establish

legally that Jones is her father.That case is still pending. The suit
that she just refiled is saying thatshe was defamed and harmed or her reputation
was because he's obviously not owning upto it. Oh this is interesting.
Did you, Bill, when thegirls were young, did you ever have

to get medicine for them that wasnot already flavored and then have the pharmacist
flavor it for you. No,because medicine is so expensive. I just
let whatever they had run its course. I see, I asked the wrong
parent. Apparently that's a thing.Though. We know about great flavored cold
medicine, but there are medicines thatdon't come flavored, things like a moxicillin,

for example, or tama flu,and pharmacists will add flavoring to it
so that your kid will take it. Well, they've stopped doing that in
California because it used to be thatyou could add flavoring to the drugs at
the pharmacy, and now the CaliforniaBoard of Pharmacy is going to change their

rules to not allow it unless thatpharmacy meets all the requirements to be a
compounding pharmacy. Oh yes, andthat's because a national, a national non
governmental advisory board has now decided thatadding flavoring so your kid will take it

is the same thing as mixing multipleprescription medications together, which is what we
normally think of when we think ofa compounding pharmacy that can make up something
that doesn't exist. And so thenCalifornia said, well, we don't know
what the state's gonna do. Theysay they're going to follow the federal advice.
That means we will not be allowedto do it. So we're gonna
stop doing it now. And goodluck next time your kid is sick and

needs a yucky tasting medicine. Yeah, back we go to my philosophy.
Let the sickness illness disease just runits course. It's cheaper too. Some
people care about their children, thoughI don't know what that's about. I
know, I don't understand that.It's hard for you to figure. Yes,
got more repercussions from the death ofGeorge Floyd. Several stores are in

the area where George Floyd was killedby Minneapolis police in twenty twenty are now
suing the city, accusing it ofneglecting the area and hurting business. They're
accusing the of not policing the areasince Floyd's death, and also says the
city has blocked off that intersection that'sknown as George Floyd Square with concrete barriers,

and that was blocked off for morethan a year. And he said
they said that kept people from cominginto the area and hurt their business.
That's probably true. But they're suingfor one point five million dollars, which
isn't very much. Write the checkright now. Just write the check and
settle up if it has to beso such a small figure. This is

KFIAM six forty live everywhere on theiHeartRadio app. You've been listening to the
Bill Handle Show. Catch My ShowMonday through Friday, six am to nine
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