All Episodes

February 13, 2024 81 mins
On tap this week: Truly is selling a new-flavored spicy hard seltzer, Stella Artois has an odd promotion for kleptos, A woman's lost dog ends up at with a “happy hour” ending, Patrick Mahomes’ dad arrested for DWI, A sunny day starts fire inside liquor store, Plus special guest Alex Braner stops by the show to talk about making good on a viral tweet pledging to buy out all of Swarm beer after Proctor signing. All this and so much more presented by Cask Branding. Enjoy the show!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This What's on Tap Radio podcast isbrought to you by CASP Branding. I
remember of the Texas craft Brewers Guild. Cast Branding has been supplying breweries,
distilleries and wineries with top quality merchandisesince twenty thirteen. If you're looking for
a way to promote and grow yourbrand, check out Cast Branding on Facebook,
Instagram, and online at cast Brandingdot com, Cast Branding dot com,
Cash Brandy dot com. Enjoy theshow. This is about to be

good radio. Oh yeah. Tome, a craft brewer is much more
of a mindset. We just openedtwo camps, spread the gospel of good
beer, good beer. Tons andtons of stuff going on in the beer
world. I love craft beer.I love different people's beers. It's the
first favorite. Cheers too old usbeer geeks and those new to the craft.

What's on Tap High five? Thisis what's on Tap Radio, beer
and the culture that flows with it. Keears, Beer Guru James Simpson and
Beer Logics Chadpilbe. You know wehad to do it. What's up?

Welcome, Welcome to the show.James. Then Mike cad Can Bill,
this is What's on Tap Radio?I did sure Bill's my god. I'm
like, yeah, I was,like you said, you get a little
premature introduction, Bill, settle down, all right, hold on, try

that agains here. Wait wait threetwo. This is what we do to
count down the show. Three two. Hello everybody and Bill. Right now,
I'm gonna kill your mike again.All right, kill those mic again.
Oh man, tell me, Keith, can you believe that sixty two
years of young? What the heck? Man? You know what? And
I have I felt bad because whensomebody told me the news, I didn't

have a beer in my hand,but I almost spit my beer because I
was like, no way. Andthen I realized I don't even really care
for his music. But yeah,I was still sad. Well, we
play music from time to time hereon the show, so yeah, but
hearing that, it's like, it'stotally Keith fan sixty two. Man,
all right, well today we're gonnadrink too. Uh well, you and

h our folks out there listening andto Toby Keith, why not? But
welcome to the show. Before weget underway, let's do some housekeeping.
I took out the old feather dusterand I'm dusting around a little bit.
Get their shelters nice and shiny,so I could sell those. Ah boy,
here we go, I got it. Okay, go on, No,

let's say thank the sponsors, becauseyou know what they keep They keep
this show going. And if wedon't thank them, we don't get to
open the beer. Well, Imean, we can open beer, but
we don't get to tell people whatwe're drinking and bring them this fine program
at Tantric Brewing Company Superior Pest Control. By the way, I'm looking at
the inbox, nice and full.This week, as always, Beer Logic
Conference, the events we know,the Tenaka Insurance Group, the Backyard Grill,

which is about sponsor brought the table, keeping the lights on check check
yep, yep. They're on HarborLight's Brewing, and of course sponsoring our
podcast which is available everywhere for free, thanks for our friends over at cast
Branding. So I'm excited. Chad'sgot to go to it. I'm having
a great time. I mean thisis radio, so people don't get to
see the expression on my face,but I am literally beaming from ear to

ear almost like I don't know,I'm excited to drink some beer and talk
about it. Like you said,the inbox is full. We got plenty
of stories to talk about, butbefore we do, we need to jump
start the old liver Taste buds andeverything else. Papa, Yes, and
you mentioned breaking out the old featherduster. Bill was telling me before we

got started he found some shelfterns.I'm sure we'll get to talk about that
during the show here, but beforewe get started, we want to thank
the Backyard Grill on the northwest sideof Houston. Our good buddy Fred out
there talking to her. I'm readyearlier, Yeah, name Drop talking to
him earlier in the week. Anddude, the food menu out there is
just amazing. And if you haven'teaten out there, head out to the

northwest side of the Houston. Ifyou're in the area, you know the
beer is gonna be good. Youknow the beer is gonna be there.
But the food menu for over twodecades, the Backyard Grill, and they're
bringing you this segment brought to thetable where James brings a beer. I
bring a beer and one of ushas to go first, and I don't
know James. I'll go first becauseI had because he's on first MIC and

he founded the show and he remindsme my place. He's gonna go first.
Well, I'm only doing that becauseI literally had to break out the
feather duster because I took the wholemonth of January off for dry January.
So I had some beers in thein the in the fridge that had been
collecting dust, you know, whileall was taking a sabbatical, and I

took it out. So you knowwhat, I figured my first beer that
I blew the dust off of,and I didn't get a chance to bring
it before we took a break forthe holidays. But I want to do
it right, and I still hadthis in the fridge, Chad, because
literally I took the whole month off. But I'm gonna do it right now
in February. I don't care.It might be a little dated, but
I don't care. I'm going witha nice celebration Fresh hop India, Pallel.

I'm laughing for one reason only because, okay, Rule number one,
turn off your phones, which Idid not do. Okay, so I'm
gonna quickly turn off my phone.Rule number two, don't cuss because the
FCC listens. And rule number three, no cracking open a beer until the
mics are hot and well, well, it seems like we broke a few

of those rules because Bill and Ihad one of those before the show.
I'll start, Okay, so you'renot laughing at this fact that, oh
that's not fresh, James. No, we were doing the exact same thing
as like, well, we gotto get these out of here, might
as well grab one. We hadone anyway. I had it in the
back of the fridge just because Iyou know, I took a whole month
off of drinking bit so now Iam making good at six point eight percent

alcohol by volume Sierra Nevada Celebration FreshHop India Pallel, which I still had
in my fridge thanks to January.That's what you need. I think this
is all you need to say aboutthat beer. And if you disagree with
me, James, look on yourface tells me everything that I'm gonna say
is gospel truth. Just say theabsolute best West Coast ipa ever made.

Dude, for two months old,it's so good, it's still so good.
I mean it is it is bright, it is piny, it has
just a total hit hint of citrus. I mean, I'm drinking it with
you and it's in your glass.I don't even have a beer in my
glass yet, and I know whatit tastes like. I don't even have
to tell you what it's all about, because Chad's doing it for me.

So that's what I'm kicking things offwith. For the first beer I'm bringing
for twenty four, twenty twenty fourwhatever it is, two thousand and four
four IPA from Sierra Nevada, whichI am happy to be enjoying for the

person. Ken Grossman found a SierraNevada brewing company in seventeen seventy eight,
two years after the Constitution. Waitnot the constitutions. Declaration in one of
these is what you brought to thetable? Man? Here it is.
We're gonna talk about this when wecome back from the break, But this
is a beer I brought before,but I thought because of the fun fact
tease coming up in the next segment, I'm opening up the Wizard burial Ground

from a little brewery known as BreweryLevant, a bourbon barrel age quad made
right here in East Grand Rapids,Michigan, home of President Gerald R.
Ford. Oh yeah, fun fact, fun fact upon fun fact and old
Harbor light bill and I We're gonnago ahead and pour this into the glass
and we're gonna talk about this.But this is an annual release beer coming

in at thirteen point eight percent,and we'll give you the tasting notes and
talk about that when we come backfrom the break. But this has been
brought to the table, brought toyou by our friends at the Backyard Grill
where I brought the Wizard barrow Groundfrom Bewy Vivant and James the Celebration Ale
from Sierra Nevada. James, tellthem what's on tap this week? We're
gonna talk about seller our Toallas,got a very odd promotion, truly has

a new flavor. All this isso much more, including coming right up
the official What's on Tap Radio funfactor this week. Don't worry, we
got tons more on tap. That'sjust a little teaser. Hang with us.
We'll be right back. Sometimes wewrite drink beer on our to do
list just I feel like we're accomplishingsomething. What's on Tab Radio continues with
James Simpson and Chad Pilbeam. Ata time when every tap and every bar

served the same mass produced light logger, the it was Kraft beer bars who
were the earliest proving ground for thebeer revolution. For over two decades,
the Backyard Grill has been supporting thecommunity of brewers and the beer drinkers.
Is one of the original craft beerbars in northwest Houston to introduce guests to
West Coast IPAs, stouts and amberales. Today, the Backyard Girl is
over to over one hundred different beerswith an amazing tap all everything from classic

beer styles that respect tradition to radicallyexperimental fruited sours, hazypas and barrel age
stouts. And yes, they haveyour favorite mass produced lightloggers too. Located
on the corner of Weston Jones Road, head out on Highway to ninety or
go online to the Backyard Girl dotcom and be sure to download the the
Backyard Girl app on your phone tomake online ordering from your device even easier.

The craft beer bar is a pioneerfor the craft beer revolution, and
the Backyard Girl is a the Kraftbeer bar you need to check out in
Houston. Cheers all right, welcomeback with What's on Tap Radio, where

we were just talking during the breakand we kind of got into an argument
on who's beer tasted better. AsJames is over there, this beer tastes
so good and by the way,hanging out on third Mike here this week,
we pulled them out of the cellarfrom Harvard Light Brewing Company Harbor Light

Bill and he took one sip ofthis brewery of Bourbon vil Age quad,
which we're going to talk about herein just a second. And I believe
his direct quote was it's so good. Yeah, he said that, and
I said, save it for airpel and we got to let the listeners
know. But thanks for tuning in. We appreciate you joining us because if

you weren't here, you know,our advertisers would ask questions. And you're
here every single week. And Iwant to thank you. Podcast numbers up,
yeah, yes they are. Thankyou, thank you, thank you.
Thank you for those that are goingover to our you know, wherever
they subscribe to our podcast, wesee the analytics, you know where they're

they're listening to us. I mean, of course, we have people from
all over the country. Say,we're huge in Texas, We're huge in
Missisange, in Iowa, Chicago,yeah, you know, the Midwest,
all over the Midwest. But Istarted Arizona, even Arizona's big. Yeah,
New York, we get New Yorknumbers California, but it's India.

India is a strong second, andI don't know, I don't know.
Hey, shout out to India.I know you guys are listening. Okay,
it's weird. It's weird. Theentire country of India is in the
top ten. It doesn't break itdown. But but when we break it
down by geography, and we wereable to do it more domestically, you

can see, Hey, it's showingup in Arizona's showing up in the Chicago
area like that, like the Phoenixarea right obviously, Houston, Dallas,
Fort Worth, West Michigan, GrandRapids also in this in central Michigan.
I was well more Kalamazoo area.I think it's because of all the India
plale we drink. That's what itis. No, but he shout out

to our friends out in India.They're listening right now. And I appreciate
you guys, I really do.By the way, I think India just
just knocked out Finland as a listenerbecause Finland we haven't heard much from that
anyway. First segment of the showbrought to the table where James and I
both bring a beer and that segmentbrought to you by our friends at the

Backyard Grill on the northwest side ofHouston. And I want to talk about
this beer really quickly because not onlydoes this taste good, the Wizard Burial
ground the quadruple bourbon barrel aged aleat thirteen point eight percent. This is
the twenty twenty three release. Thisis an annual release for Brewery Vivant in

East Brand Rapids, Michigan. Andthe thing I noticed right away when we
pour it is the head retention.There is none, so as a visual
you may be thinking, Eh,this is not going to be a good
beer, and then you let ithit your lips and then oh my gosh,
as Bill said, Bill, it'sso good. Yeah it is.

It really is delicious. It's gota little bit of hold on, h
h. It's got a little caramelvanilla note to actually a lot of vanilla
sweet malt. I mean, ifthere are hops in there, it's just
to basically tone down that whatever sweetmalt there is. I mean it is,

it's really great, but it alsofinishes dry, and I think that's
probably due the elevated alcohol level.But nice beer, and of course,
uh that's uh now, Bill wastalking about a beer earlier and James mentioned
he blew the feather duster off ofhis Well, it's only because not because
it's just bad. It's just Itook a hiatus for you know, a

month, right. So Bill askedme, He says, where can I
find this? And I said,chances are if we go to Brewer Vant,
they're going to be sold out.But there are a couple of beer
stores we could probably hit up,and I bet they'll have a canner two
or three and we can get thembefore the feather duster, meaning that they
haven't set on the shelf long enoughto collect dust. But we were talking

about that. Oh, it mightbe a good topic for us to talk
about the old feather duster how toshop for a beer. But meanwhile,
James, you have an iconic beerin your glass. I do. But
let that sit for a second becausewe have to do this. Chad now
the official What's on Tap Radio funfact of the Week, brought to you
by Who's ever checked Clear? Thisweek producer As I look, if you

don't push the button, I will. I'm like, okay, okay,
okay, all right, I know, I know. Well, the thing
is is I was setting it upbecause this is what's called a toss in
the in the industry. I wasletting James set up his iconic beer in
a glass so that I could dothe official What's on Tap Radio fun fact
of the week about an iconic beerin a glass. Yes, and then

unfortunately, this is a beer thatI had I brought to the show a
while back, and I haven't hadit on in just in just a hot
minute, but it is one ofthe most acclaimed beers in the world,
and there's a little bit of acontroversy around this, but I discovered a
brand new fun fact about this.I want to thank our good buddy Sam

from the Backyard Grill. Yes,Sam and Joline there. Oh, I
didn't do a name drop for Joeline, got to drop one for her Joe.
They sent Jolene, hey, youwant to play that? They would
love that. Oh it's queue itup all right, bump music. But
they are regulars at the Backyard Grilland they sent me this and they said,

hey, did you know this aboutSaint bernardist app twelve, the ABT
twelve. And I'm like, yeah, I know everything about this beer because
Saint Bernardo's app twelve. A lotof people don't know this. This is
from Belgium. It is a Belgianquadruple ale, similar to what I'm drinking
here, Bill and I we havefrom bere Vivant, except it's not barrel

aged and it comes in at twelvepercent ABV. Hence why it's called APP
twelve. It is a Belgian quador Belgian dark strong beer. But I's
like, yes, I know thestory behind this. Basically what happened was
is they were affiliated with the monksthat made West of Letteran twelve. Now

West Letteran twelve is considered one ofthe most coveted and highly sought after,
hard to get beers in the world, and you have to go to the
monastery in Belgian to get it.It's one of the highest rated perfect beers.
And they say you got to gothere and get it. And it's
like, yeah, I know thisstory because it's the same recipe. Now,

some people will say there's a difference. West of Letteran twelve is made
by monks. Saint bernardist APP twelvenot made by monks, but it's the
same recipe in two different breweries.And I was like, yeah, but
if they taste the same, theytaste the same. Okay, I know
this story, but that wasn't whathe sent me. Mine equals blown And

when I discovered that the marketing behindSaint Bernardo's App. Twelve, they didn't
have a lot of money to beable to promote their beers, and they
didn't have a lot of money tobe able to create kind of an underground
cult following or anything like that.But the brewers there wanted to do something
without consulting the owners or the marketingdepartment, and they pulled it off.

And I'm blown away by this.If you've ever gone to a restaurant that
has a secret menu the locals know, well, apparently the locals found out
on Saint Bernardo's App twelve And thisis the subject of your official What's on
Tap Radio fun Fact of the Week. Did you know that Saint Bernardo's App
twelve, which has the monk onit with his headcock sideways, holding his

chalice up in the air in onehand, beer in the other, smiling.
One out of every one thousand bottles, the monk is winking, he
is smiling at you with both eyesopen, in nine hundred and ninety nine
bottles. But they pull one outand they stick one bottle in where the
monk is winking. And if youhappen to come across one of the one

thousand bottles where the monk is winking, well you may be thinking you're seeing
an optical illusion, as many peoplehave claimed, like I swear, I
thought the monk had one eye closed. I thought I saw that, But
I'm looking at a bottle now andhis eyes are wide open. What happened,
Well, you didn't drink too muchthat night, It's not an optical

illusion. Your official What's on TapRadio Fun fact of the week is that
Saint Bernardo's app twelve, in anattempt to create kind of an underground pop
culture following little marketing buzz, hadsomebody at the brewery pull one of the
bottles out and throw in a newlabel where the monk winks at you.

And that is done for every onethousand bottles in the batch of Saint Bernardo's
Appe. That fun fact is broughtto you by our friends Sam and Joline
who hang out at the backyard.Girl. That's your official What's on Tap
Radio fun fact of the week.I want to bottle that wings at me.
I want when I want that onetoo. I don't think I have
that one, all right. That'sa good fun fact. I want that
all right. We gotta take abreak. On tap this week, there's

a woman who lost her dog.You'll never believe where the dog was found.
We talk about Patrick Mahomes and dadand a liquor store catches on fire,
and you'll never believe how A'll justso much more. Hang with us.
We'll we're at back. Well,that meetings sucked. We wonder you
can't wait to get home. Isthere beers somewhere out there? Crack open
that new Iba thinking about us too. This is what's on tap radio.

Back to James and Chad. Wewant to thank Superior Pest Control West Michigan
for flooding our inbox with stories eachand every week. Proud sponsors of our
research department, Superior Pest Control,you can find them here in West Michigan
at Superior Pest dot Biz. That'sSuperior Past dot biz. Julie, Julie,

Julie, Joey. That's gotta goout to Sam and Jolie. P
don't take moment like part man's stillkilling it, Julie, Julie. She
the uh won the Super Bowl.What was it she did recently? Oh,
it's a Dallas Cowboys game. Ohit was sad Thanksgiving. Yeah,

and she dressed up in a Cowboyscheerleading off it. Good on you,
Dolly, good on you. Iknow she's like one hundred and twelve years
old or something, and she looksfantastic. She is she she doesn't look
a day over sixty. You guys, we're gonna sixty speaks to Keith ages
sixty two. We lost him.Wow, that is just young young young

enjoy life while you're young people.That's U. Yeah, thanks for hey.
Yeah. Bill's back in studio.We sent him on an assignment last
week and he's back and he chad, I understand, has something to say.
I put a beer. I know, we poured this wizard burial ground
from a brewery levant and he's neverhad it. He's like, oh h

I with this barrel age quatda likehe's like, it's so good. And
then and then he didn't stop talking. I had to kill his mic and
I was like, save it forair, but go speak. You have
the floor bell guy just wanted tosay that the multi sweetness is really accentuated
by almost a Belgium candied flavors thatcomes out in a spectacular festival in your

mouth. Okay, he's he knewthe mics were hot. Here's what he
did. He's like, it's freakingcandy man. I feel like Sammy Davis
Junior, the candy Man, theCandyman, and he was he was sitting
there singing and I was like,holy crap, dude, dude, save
it for air. He was soexcited, like it's liquid candy. And
I'm like, tell the audience,well, if Chad would have given me

a little top hat, I'd havebeen doing a little two step over here,
like you can't. Meanwhile, bothBell and I we have a meeting.
We have an appointment with our doctorto get tested for diabetes because this
thing is so sweet. It isactually, it's not that sweet. It's
just it's just good. It's sogood. I mean, it's rich,
it's it's maple le. Yeah,it's got a lot of maple flavor to

it as well. And levant makesgreat beer. Amen, they do make
great beer. I want to play. Can I play two guys? Yeah?
It sound like you don't have somuch fun. I want to play
Reset refreshed baby God, the celebrationfresh Hop India Paleole. I'm gonna go
ahead take a sip of this.And I told Chad and Bill off the
air. But when you take ahiatus, especially for a whole month,

and you come back and your yourtaste buds have reset, man, beer
tastes so good. If you don'tremember, James took a month off dry
January. He didn't have beer beerand he cut back on his consumption to
kind of reset his body. Andnow look at dude, the smile.
Dude, So didn't you mention thathow long it takes your taste buds to

die off and regrow on your tongue. Yeah, so these taste buds are
tasting beer for the first time.I feel like I'm brand new to craft
beer, Bill, because I mean, the long cold nights of winter are
a little brighter with the celebration alI don't know if you knew that,
but I did. It's wonderfully robust, it's rich. I read that somewhere

somewhere. I don't remember where,but I read it somewhere. It's a
wonderfully robust it's rich. I readthat somewhere too, dry hopped with a
lively, intense roma. I couldtell it's brood for the especially for the
holidays. It's a perfect festive gatheringfor quite an evening at home or maybe
doing a radio show with your friends. Again, this is a celebration.
Siara Sierra, Nevada, India,pallel at six point eight percent alcohol by

volume. Hey, James, youmissed a line. Layered pine and sittress
hop Aroma's balance delicately against rich maltsweetness to shape this bold winter time classic.
You forgot that on the label.Oh no, chat, I got
it everything, I got everything.Oh sorry, Oh okay, all right,
what label are you speaking of,Chad? I'm just taking a sip.
You hear that, Hold on second, you hear that that was a

bus And I don't know if you. I don't know if you felt that,
but I just gave you a nudgeright in front of it. But
actually it was Bill who didn't becausehe's like, he hnd me the bottle.
He's like, hey, dude,show him when he missed a line.
But he had a different label onyour bottle of than ours. What
botting? What label? I'm justtaking? I took a sip of my

water tasting. Yeah, James isan expert. I'm just telling you what
I taste every time I take asip, and that's what I taste.
I taste a beer that's brewed perfectlyfor a gathering or a quieting me at
home and maybe hanging out with friendson the radio show. A all right,
anyway, So all right, James, Well, listen, we've got

a couple of beers in our glasses, and Bill and I. You know,
at thirteen point eight percent, we'reactually going pretty slow. We're pumping
the brakes here. We may becrack up in a beer in the next
segment, but right now, wekind of need to let people know what
is going on in the world,what people are talking about. And I
don't know, I've got this interestingtake on thievery. If you want to

talk about that, yeah, Ido. But before we talk about that,
because it's a very odd promotion thatCelerotwall is doing and I'm not necessarily
I don't know, I'm still scratchingmy head on it. This is a
this is a weird one, likelike, yeah, theft, let's celebrate
it. Yeah, let's celebrate theft. But real quick, before we do
that, can we give a shoutout to our friends at four J Brewing
Company. Yeah. So for JBrewing Company, great people. Four daughters

and the fourth daughter started the breweryJennifer Jennifer Edwards right and her three so
they're all they all have the sameinitial J. Jay. So they started
for J Brewing And I used tostop buy for J all the time.
It was on the way home fromthe radio station. And sometimes traffic would
be really bad, really bad,And so what I would do is I

would just pull a pitstop into fourJ and let traffic die down and hang
out with them. And if you'rein Houston, you got to understand,
James, you're one hundred percent right. I did the same thing. I'd
be driving like, is for Jopen? Please tell me they're open because
traffic sucks, and they'd be open. Yeah. And a small little place
but very cool. But they putout branch right, yeah, Spring branch

area. Yeah. But they putout the news that they're permanently retiring and
they want to theyre on their Facebookpage that's at for J Brewing Company said
thank you to all of our wonderfulcustomers for your support throughout the years.
They're retiring to go fishing. SoI want to thank them for the time
they were open, because we certainlyenjoyed their beers, their conversation. And

I'll never forget. I'll never forget. Chad and I were doing a show
over at the backyard Grill and uhoh yes, before j came on,
and I remember that mom showed up. The mom showed up, and the
mom was a huge, huge fanof the show. I hope she still
is. I hope she still is. And I get a text from Jennifer
and she says, Hey, we'reon her way and we're bringing the biggest
fan. Yeah, And so Iwas excited We're having them on the show.

And when they showed up, theybrought the biggest fan because they could
play that fan and keep us nicso cool because it was a rotating as
we joked about that. Yeah,no, they literally bought a fan.
But do you remember she would Itwas the mom who said she wouldn't listen
to us on podcasts. She wouldtune in every Sunday in Houston from three
to five. She'd sit there onKPRC and she would sit there and listen

to our flagship station every week,and she would take notes about the show
and listen and share and tell her, Hey, you know what they talked
about this week, huge fan.So we want to say thank you to
four J for serving the Houston community. And then the crop beer. The
Chronicle came out and they I don'tknow if they wrote a piece about it,
but we were in the chronicle withthe picture of the mom with the

fan. It was it was prettycool. It was a pretty cool ride
up the Houston Chronicle did. Butuh, hey, congratulations guys on the
retirement. I don't know it wasfive years. I guess they were in
business, not long. Yeah,I don't know I remember exactly. But
but go out and support your localcraft breweries, please please please. Obviously
there's you know, other circumstances.I'm sure. Yeah, right now that

that that that I tend grind isgonna get a little bit longer because you
can't pull over and go get onethere. Yeah. I mean there's other
spots in this in the in theSpring Branch area that are Soeah there's but
there was a craft beer that closedthere not too long ago. Twenty twenty
four man really shape it up tobe a good year for craft beer,
and especially we lost in Genius Brewing. We've lost Buffalo By Brewing Company.

Now four j there's so many that'sall in Houston. That's just in Yeah,
that's just in our Houston market.Now we don't know what's happening obviously
in another market. Oh, althoughI did see a headline that scares the
crap out of me. I'm goingto bring this up. Okay, go
ahead, go ahead, Bounders,Founders burn Okay, ladies and gentlemen,
if you're here, heard it here. First, Founders Buring Company tap room

closing temporarily for remodeling, for remodeling. They're closing for two months just to
remodel. Dude, I read theheadline that Founders is closing their tap room.
Oh my gosh, like no wayfor remodeling, remodeling. Like,
by the way, that's good marketing. By the way, if you if

you're good journalism, because we allclicked on it like Founders Brewery tap room
closing, and we're like, whatyou got to say? Just how big
Founders is a big monster. It'sit's the largest brewery in the state Michigan.
I mean there is huge and soJames James and I sub the same
article, like did you see this, and we were talking and we clicked

on it. It's like four remodelingand so they're closing down for two months.
They're gonna remodel the kitchen, comeback up, and they're gonna talk
about how you're gonna have a differentexperience there. I like the fact that
they're making that investment because I'm excitedabout it. Rest assured, if you're
not in the Grand Rapids market,I will be there to give you a

full recap of the changes and wewill talk about that. But if you're
ever in the Grand Rapids area,it's a great place to stop buy good
food, good beer obviously. Butyeah, they're not closing, which is
good. Yeah. Bill's looking itup right now on his iPhone five.
So oh wow. All right,man, we gotta take a break.
All right, let's come back,Chad, let's come back. We gotta

take a break. But let's talkabout this odd promotion that cellar Wall is
doing. And then we got someother news to get to. So all
this is so much more. Hangwith us. We'll be right back.
Okay. We will buy no morebeer until we drink all the beer we
have at home, we said,And then we laugh and laughed and laughed.

I cut it out. This iswhat's on tap radio. Back to
James and Chad. We go togetherbetter with James the weather? All right,

what's on tap radio? Get enoughdoing a lot of stuff to get
to it. By the way,Chad, I'm being told that next hour
we got an interview coming up.We do. I've got an interview about
this kid in Iowa who put hismoney where his mouth is and we're gonna

get him on to talk about atweet that went viral and uh, he
walked the walk, he talked totalk. We'll tell you all about it
coming up next hour. I'm prettyfascinated with this guy. I love.
When I heard what this guy did, I was so excited, as I
said, you know what, Ikind of want to get in the car

and drive out there and have abeer with him. But I did reach
out to him this past week andI said, hey, Ragbriy just announced
the route. Are you anywhere nearthe route? And he said, I
am, And I'm gonna try andhook up with this guy somewhere on the
route and have a beer with him. So he lives, he lives in
Iowa. Do we know where desMoines. I don't remember where exactly where

he is, but it's not Ionly it's in Des Moines, but maybe
around the outskirts of it. Yeah, yeah, but it's somewhere else.
But anyway, big Hawkeyes man,Oh, big Iowa hawk Eyes, big
Iowa Hawkeye fan. And we wethought our boy Mikey g was a big
Hawk Eye fan. Oh there wego over at Radio Kiah Cook kok X.

But no, this guy's fascinating andso we're gonna get him on next
hour, which I'm pretty excited totalk with him, so stay tuned for
that coming up. But there's astory that came across our news desk and
Chad's got in front of him Whilestellar, Autois, and they're known for their
chalices, right, I had probablyabout five of them. I got one

gifted. No, I have twoof them gifted to me from different folks,
one being Silver Eagle distributors. Ohyeah, we got you and I
both got one. Yeah. Theyhad our names on him. Yeah,
they had our names written on them. And then one time that Silver Eagle
shout out to our friends over SilverEagle. Uh. They had a stellar
twall party and they had this artistcoming from Belgium who was basically like engraving

the chalices. Yeah, and Ihave one that is sitting up here on
my shelf. That's really cool.But the problem is they know, you
know, Sellar twelve knows that thechalices, that a lot of them have
the gold rims on them. Alot of times people go walking off with
them. I know, I don't, and I don't. I'll be I'll
be honest with you. Statute oflimitations. I used to be that guy

in college iced to steal pint glassesfrom bars. Now I don't do that
anymore because when I got married,my wife was like, what the hell,
why is your why is your what'swrong with you? You're a grown
ass man? What the hell yourcapital bar? I'm like, well,
I have to have my Astros pintglass, my Texans pint glass, my

rockets pot class. So she afterafter a while, she kind of just
started slowly getting rid of them.So she noticed she noticed what I had.
I had two of each, andso one of them would magically just
break on their own, and she'slike, oh my gosh, how would
that happen. I was just tryingto go for a glass and it just

fell and I started noticing all theglasses that were breaking. We're ones that
duplicates of I like how James saysthey magically broke and these glasses would magically
appear. Speaking of magically appearing,my glass magically just filled up right here
because I got stunt liver Bill,Harbor Light Bill in studio. Bill,
what did you just crack open?We brought a brand new beer for us

here called the Slovenian Psyclops. Whobred that Harbor Light Brewery did downtown South
Haven? Who's that guy? Thatwould be me? Okay? You brewed
it? Okay? Cool? Andwhat what style? It's a kind of
a triple double? I p atriple double trip. Well I can't remember
if I double hopped it three timesor triple hopped it twice? But is

it a basketball ip? A double? But it comes in around ten point
nine and and it's all Slovenian hops, Stereian gold, Sterrian wolf, and
Sterian dragon. Nobody knows what Sian, but I will tell you this right
now. No, no, nopeople out there, they know this right
here. It's a hot punch inthe mouth that is a very unique flavor.

But not just unique. It's absolutelydelicious. I am not making this
up, dude. I've never hada beer that tasted like this, and
it is. It's it's floral andherbal, and normally I associate that with
English style beers. This is likethe West Coast version of an English beer.

It is bright and big and boldand strong. So nice beer here
reminds me actually a little bit ofthis Shorts Brewing winter Pills Imperial Pilsner that
we had with spruce tips. Butthat's what we had. So as James
was saying, I want to bringthis back full circle, because James was

talking a little bit about how thingsmagically appear in your collection and glass,
there was a time in a dayand an age whenever people would thieve glasses
from bars and and it was amajor problem. And then in college I
did not weak. Can we justbe honest. We all did it.

She did, I did it.Jed Ice is still toilet paper from bars?
Were you that poor? So poorin college? Yes? I was
that poor. For us it wasthe dog and SuDS mugs. Oh my
gosh, dude, I'm earlier.Yeah, you are old. Geez well.
Anyway, Stellar Artois has a chaliceand if you're not familiar with it,
it is a beautiful chalice. Ithas a etched stem, has a

wide base, and it has aopen chalice receptacle to receive stellar atois,
which is both inviting beautiful. Itit showcases the color, the bubbles and
also the head retention. But isit a better Is it a better glass
than Samuel adams Boston Logger Glass.I'm gonna say this right now. Okay,

I'm gonna go on record. Youasked the question, all right,
this is wats on tap radio.I feel like we had to hit the
disclaimer button because I'm gonna get nailedfor a freaking libel or slander or something
here. All right, there isnothing that compares to the sam Adam's Boston
Logger glass. And this is noteven close. Okay, but it does

look pretty, and let's be honestand let's get into pictures. It does.
Who hasn't taken a bar glass bymistake? Right? Air quotes by
mistake? Oh I forgot. Iwasn't supposed to walk off for this glass.
Ice have it, ice, haveit down. I would like dump
it out and pour a little waterand then throw some pip towels in there
and then put it into my wife'spress. Oh, I can tell you

right now the bar is closed.But the ginger Man in Houston, reason,
oh my goodness, they had somany glass pieces of glass where dedicated
to different styles. And yeah,I'm not going to say that super fan
number one Christine was an accomplice,guys, Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Anyway, Uh, stealing glasses.Stellar Artois has a chalice that is very
coveted and they recognize that because howmany of these glasses magically disappear from bars.
Well at Stellar Artois, they arenow saying that we admire you for
those who admire the beauty as suchand are aware of the beauty of our

chalice and made it an iconic objectof desire. Wow, that's that's a
that's quite a quote. Anyway.Uh, they are now saying, while
it's inconvenient, we understand that borrowingborrowing, because of course we're all gonna
take them back, that's right,the glassware, just so you can go

home and celebrate the beauty of yourStellar Artois. We understand. And so
now they have a campaign a tributeto those who are able to discern and
enjoy the beautiful things in life,which is enjoying a stellar artois from a
stella artois chalice. And so weare now asking you to probably display I

love this. We want you basicallyto admit your crime and post posts on
social media you enjoying your stellar artoisfrom your stellar artois chalice for a chance
to win some swag. So sellerartois now, which is owned by Anheuser
Busch ABM bev, is now invitingpeople who have stolen glassware sorry borrowed,

borrowed glassware from bars to photograph themselvesenjoying a stellar artoa from home for a
chance to win some swag. IfI steal the glass, go home and
take a picture with it, Ican win the prize. I'm in.
You get a glass and a Tshirt. It's a very odd promotion.

It's a very weird vision, likeit's inviting people to steal more glass.
All right, that's our number oneand what's on tap radio coming up an
hour number two, Hold my beerand watch this and some more stuff where
we talk about what James, wegot a big time interview coming up.
I'm excited about that. All right, we got a big I'm to find
me stolen a Stellars wall glass Ihave somewhere on my studio. All right,
all this so much more, we'llgrab back. We like to have

at least five practice beers before wehave our actual beer. All you need
now, there's lots of practice.What's on tap radio continues, Hold my
beer and watch this brought to youby your friends at Ringing All the Tenhacing
Insurance Group located in Grand Rapids,Michigan and Holland along the Lake Shore RTI,

Grand Rapids RTI, Grand Rapids DotCom. Well an hour or two
both on that video got a loton store. But you never heard wold

to say that, man, it'stwo years old, too young, too
young. Stomach cancer. I lostmy dad's stomach cancer. Not a fun
I mean, no cancer is fun. But man, it's just no I
know, I know it, andyou know it's funny. Say it's funny.
I shouldn't say funny, but youbring this up. But I saw

this story and you talked about cancer. We mentioned Wordy Thompson, a good
friend of ours, our boy WartonWordy. Yeah, Orty and Sarah Thompson.
Thank you, just you know forwhat you mean to the crappier community
and uh people rallying around them tryingto help them out, but also our

good friend Channing and his daughter Oliviajust uh, you know what they're going
through. We mentioned this on anearlier episode of What's on TEP Radio.
By the way, go listen toour podcast brought to you by Cask Branding
if you missed it. But Iwant to mention give a shout out to

Adam Cheatham, who may you don'tif you don't know who he is.
If I've met him, I don't. I don't know if you have.
But this is a guy who justrecently went uh and said, you know
what I'm gonna do. He's adude with I mean a monster long hair
and a monster long beard and he'sgonna shave it all off to raise money

to help with the cost the fundraiserfor Olivia. She's a three year old
good good friend of ours. Channingis the general manager of a great beer
bar on the south side of Houston, Nobe Public House, and Adam Chadam

decided he would shave every everything offbeard Head, Boom Gone if they could
raise ten thousand dollars, and theyraised it under a week over ten thousand
dollars, which is amazing, Iknow, I know, and he's holding
up his end of the deal.And so just a shout out from Channing

and from the What's on Tap Radiofamily to Adam Cheatham for doing this and
just helping out watching the beer communitypull together to help people out. And
again Wordy Thompson also good friend ofthe beer community. He is going through
a bunch of different transfusions and testsright now, and so just keep your

thoughts with him and be on thelookout for the fundraisers if you're in the
Texas area, and we will continueto post updates and links to those gofundmes
and fundraisers on our social media atWhat's on Tap Radio pages. Yeah cancer
sucks, you know sucks. Yeah, F cancer. I'm gonna say,

F cancer. You know it alsosucks people that break the law. Hold
my beer and watch this brought toyou by the Ring melds up ten Hacen
Insurance Group where they'll cover you forjust about everything except this got a long
one this week. Guys. Neverever, and I'm sorry if this is
your name, but never trust aperson named Frankie or Bruce. So if

you know Frankie or Bruce, youcan't trust him, at least in one
state. You want to guess whatstate, Bill Ah, Florida, A
right Florida is How do you dothis every time? One of the chances,
I'm telling you what man. Sothere's a guy named Bruce Hudson.
He was arrested and charged with burglarywith his salts or better, criminal mischief,

aggravated assault and attempt to commit afelony, and larceny grand theft.
So let's find out what happened here. So deputies were called out to the
scene and we're alerted of a possibleburglary. The homeowner said an unidentified man
who was just walking in front ofhis house, So he asked this man
if he could have something to drink. The guy walking by asked the homeowner
if he could ask him to drink. So the victim reportedly invited the man

in mistake, yeah, to givehim some water. So he said,
Hey, the guy asked me forsomething to drink. I invited him in
for some water. But the mandidn't want water. He wanted a bear
instead. He didn't want water.Probably not the most polite move as a
HouseGuest. But however, it getsworse. Apparently, the guy starts getting
aggressive and starts pushing the homeowner,and when the homeowner asked the man to

stop, the man responded by punchinghim in the nose. After being punched,
the victim went outside in an attemptto alert the neighbors. While asking
for help, the man grabbed amallet style hammer and destroyed a wall and
shattered a glass table. Hudson thenallegedly threatened the homeowner with the hammer before
running out the back door with abag of several items from the home.

Hudson usually grabbed the homeowner's immigration papers, passport, laptop, iPad, three
watches in a gold ring. Idid the same thing last Saturday at Bill's
house. Hey, I'm still waitingfor those, Okay. So deputy soon
caught up with Hudson, thank goodness, and I located the bag of stolen

belongings. However, Hudson deny takinganything from the house. I didn't do
it. It was the one armedman. Yeah, that one armed man
has a name. After finding theitems, Hudson told police he was set
up by his friend Frankie. Ohmy gosh, Frankie did it, dude?
How how do you You can't trustthat guy? No, you can't

trust Frankie, you can't trust Bruce. So this is why you don't invite
random people into your house, allright? In anything, maybe bring them
out water outside, but don't bringthem in your home. No good can
ever come from that. I wasgonna say the I believe the saying is
the road to hell is paved withgood intentions. Tell you what Hudson remains

in custody in jail. So aFlorida man story started friendly, but then
in the same way, the Floridaman robbed a house after the homeowner invited
him inside for something to drink.So, yeah, he invited him in
for some water. And then Brucegot a little aggressive, so he said,
hey, hey, you need tosettle down a little bit there,
buddy, and that's when he pickedup a hammer. The guy ran out

of the house and they Bruce guystarted beating up the house with the hammer.
So Florida man rob's house after homeownerinvites him in for a glass of
water. How about that, anyone? All right? Then, I don't
know what the because the thing isis when you have insurance on your property.
You have insurance group, by theway, that's right. I know,

I know the homeowner. He's coveredfor it. He's covered. That's
I think he's good on the liability. But bringing a lieutenant ticking insurance group
bringing you this segment and reminding youthat they'll cover you for most things,
just met out everything. But ifyou decide to punch a homeowner in the

face, especially after the homeowner invitedyou in for something to drink, Hey,
you look hot. He looks likeyou need a drink of water.
And he's like, I don't wantwater, i't want beer. He's like,
all right, look I'll get youa beer. And then guy gets
a little aggressive. All right,but the guy's being nice, opening up
his own home for him for youto get a glass of water, and
you end up beating up him,beating him up in the house, see

him on you floor to man,all right, we gotta take a break.
Still to come, Still to come. We're gonna talk about a woman
who lost her dog and you'll neverbelieve where that dog was found. All
this is so much more. Hangwith us. We'll be right back.
And the teacher said, no,Bobby, there's no such time as beer
oclock fire that teacher. This iswhat's on Taperadio. You know when you

have a stunt beer liver in studio, do you have a unique opportunity?
Ohay, welcome back to What's onTap Radio. James hanging out in studio
s on the West side of Houston. I am the Beer Logic guy.

Chad Pilgrim hanging out Algan, Michiganat the Beer Logic World headquarters and drinking
ooreum and uh hanging out on thirdMike. Hi, folks, there it
is there. It is Harror LightBill brewer Bill from Harvard Light Brewery.
There it is Okay hanging out andso you know I can crack this open

and share this with him. We'regonna crack open another beer. This is
b I L Vanilla Marris Bill Bill. That's why I did that. See
it's a collaboration beer and it isan English style barley wine aged on vanilla
beans and it comes in at twelvepercent. And when you have a drinking

buddy, you can share that.So I'm gonna hand that over to him,
let him do his job. Fillup the glasses. But as we
come back, I kind of wantto tag onto something here. I'm i
we have another story about Patrick Mahomes'dad, and I was thinking about Ring
Noldaton Hacen Insurance Group, and I'mthinking about you know who they're covering by

the way we try to get I'mgonna go ahead and do a name drop
John Klunder, my good buddy fromRing Noldton ten Hacen. I was like,
dude, come on, you youcan make it out here too,
Aleigan and he said, no,I can't, can't make it this week.
Well, you're gonna get him onthe show soon. And I said,
I want to know, would youcover this? And well, Patrick

mahomes dad is in the news.And now you may be thinking, well,
of course he's in the news becauseit's the old daddy O of the
Super Bowl quarterback. Yeah, Imean, come on, you're gonna cover
this, right of course. Well. Patrick Mahomes recently was featured on the

show and throughout social media for promotingthe cores Light Bear. Remember also the
cores Light l I G h T. The flashlight right, the flashlight and
the bear. Because he can't promotebeer. He's an active player. If

you are an NFL superstar, youcannot promote beer. Can't do it active
players, well, right, butit's all part of the cores Light thing.
And we talked recently about how coreis light. He's gonna have the
cors Light train. They're bringing itback for the Super Bowl, which is
pretty amazing, all right, andPatrick Mahomes back in the Super Bowl.
Well, Patrick Mahomes dad also makinga spectacular splash right before the Super Bowl.

And for cors Light, how todo that by getting his third DWI
whoa whoa an extension of harm underand watch this brought to you by ringing
all the ten Hagen insurance group wherewe remind you not to drink while intoxicated
or drink with an open container.Patrick Mahomes Senior, he said, three

was driving. Oh yes, hewas driving and pulled over with an open
sixteen ounce cors Light beer bottle inhis console. And this is his third
d WI. Now Mahomes his son'sthe quarterback for the Chiefs. And he

told police, yeah, I waswatching the game. I had a few
beers. And they were said,all right, well how about you step
out of the vehicle and let's let'stalk for a little bit. That did
not go well for Mahomes Senior.Hold on a second though, he kind
of knew how it was going togo because this was his third DWI.

He's had some experience, right,he could have saved the officer some time
and just said, listen, Iknow how this is going to end,
but we don't need to go throughthe exercise. But they did. And
yeah, he's found guilty. Basicallyhe's found Sorry, technically he's not found

guilty. He is alleged. Yeah, but he did fail and he was
cited in two thousand and eight andtwenty nineteen, according to police records,
this being his third d WI conviction. If well, if he's officially convicted,
he risks up to ten years inprison in a ten thousand dollars fine.

Ouch did to say what state hashappen? Yeah, Texas. I
know everybody was thinking Florida, butno, it was in Texas. And
this is the other thing that Iwas a little surprised to learn that apparently
Patrick Mahomes because Patrick Mahomes Junior,which we know as a Super Bowl quarterback
for the Kinas City Chiefs. PatrickMahomes Dad, Patrick Mahomes Senior, was

a pitcher for the New York Mets. Yeah, he also played for the
Twins. I remember when he playedfor the Twins. Yeah, played for
the Mets as well. Yeah.Yeah. First time I heard the story,
I was immediately reminded of the DonMattingley story where Don Mattingley's kid got
pulled over Hanny Blue. Remember that. Go back and listen to our podcast

Brought You a Cask Branding and DonMattingly's kid blew ba c that was his
dad's batting average. And that wasmy favorite, my absolute favorite hole by
Beer and watched this story exact Battridgewas when Don Mattingly's kid blew a BAC

his dad's Hall of Fame batting overage. That was pretty awesome. So this
is like the trifecta. D wI s it is? It is?
Well, remember when Jason Kelsey jumpedout of the suite at the Chiefs game
there? Who are they playing?I've got it? Who are they playing?
Chad? They the Chiefs? Idon't know. I don't watch enough

football, because here's the thing.Were they playing Miami? They are playing
Miami? No, No, okay, I'm sorry, I'm drawing a blank
right now. But he jumped outof suite and it was the Patrick Mahomes
who was trying to be the voiceof reason, going, hey, settle
down there, mister Kelsey, let'scome back into the suite. And here
he is. That's a uh,that's a mess right there. But we'll

see that third That must be likethat's the third strike, right, yeah,
yeah, it is. Well,we'll keep our eyes peeled on that.
We'll see any further developments in thatstory, we'll bring it. But
I do have some news coming acrossmy the Ravens. They play the Ravens.
Ravens. That's what it was.God dang it. Anyways, continuing
on, So got the story acrossmy desk. Now it makes sense to

Patrol West Michigan sent you this onebecause you know what they said it.
They said, it's like every storywe're doing this week, but this one
here, we gotta give them creditfor one of them because they loaded the
inbox. Look, every good partyneeds a hot vomit. You heard me,
hot vomit. Because hot sauce flavoredhard Seltzer is now a thing that

you can buy. Finally, thebrand truly is behind it. In that
Jim Cook. In that Jim Cook, I do believe that is the Truly
brand, Yeah, Jim cooka Bostonor Samuel Adams. So they say it's
a limited edition batch, so notsomething that you're not planning to do long
term unless it's somehow good and peoplewant more of it. But I can't

imagine that many or would want.Yeah, be a fan of it when
I want that refreshing alcoholic taste thatdoesn't have all the calories and filler of
beer, but I want heartburn.Yes, give me buffalo hot wing flavored
heart Seltzer. So chat, here'sthe deal. So you have to go
through the website, which is dotcom because we're not plugging that website because

they don't sponsor. But bad Newsalready sold out, Chad already sold outs.
Really, but they say a secondmatch is dropping rather soon. Four
packs of this stuff will run youabout twenty four dollars, so it's not
cheap. No, No, Eachchan is sixteen ounces though, because twelve
ounces of the hot sauce and boozejust wouldn't be enough, So there needs

to be sixteen. Kid, justhave twelve, you need to have sixteen.
So Truly is selling a hot sauceflavored heart Seltzer. They dropped it
for Super Bowl, but it's outnow. So if you're in there are
only two answers to this. Eitherthey they they they didn't exist, or
people are really that stupid. Ithink I want to say it does exist,

because I don't see why they wouldn't. People are that stupid. People
are gimmicky and non alcoholic. Versiondon't guess. I don't, all right,
not alcoholic hard seltzers. I don'tknow. You know what you know?
I wish boy. Anyway, wegot a great interview coming up in
the next hour, or excuse me, the next segment. And when we

come back, a guy in Iowawho puts his money where his mouth is
and he says, I'm gonna buysome beer. We're gonna tell you how
much beer he buys. This iswhat's on tap Radio. We'll be right
back, and now your weekend forecast, a chance of beer. You've got
what's on tap radio? All right, sick the ninth caller, If you

can name this fight song, we'llset you up with a pair of What's
on tap radio high fives. Takethe ninth collar at seven to three.
Oh, actually, we don't havea fun screen to They already left for
the day. Yeah, we don'thave you can't call into the show anymore.
Okay, Well I do know somebodyon the line who probably does know
this fight song. Let's bring inAlex Brainer. We have a lot in

common with Chad. Alex. Welcometo What's on Tap Radio. Hey,
thanks for having me. Do youknow this fight song? That's a that's
an easy one, that's yeh.I would fight song boys, you know
the lyrics. I don't want toembarrass myself on your radio show, but
yeah, of course you do.All right. So here's a guy,

Chad who talks a big game.He puts his money where his mouth is.
And he didn't just talk the game, he walks it. I mean,
that's the That's the thing is isin this era of social media when
you can go and post all kindsof crap and zero accountability, and this
case is no, we're here inthe heartland. We've got integrity. Well,

there's yeah, there's this bury calledthere's this bury called Exile Brewery,
right, and the first year theywanted it, their goal was to sell
fifteen thousand cases. Well then Alexcame around, and now they sold thirty
thousand cases. This we got toset this up, Alex, tell everybody
about the beer that you bought.I want to know, because it's a
beer radio show. Tell everybody aboutthe beer you bought. So what beer

did you buy? So it's avery specific beer. I don't know how
familiar everybody is with the landscape ofcollege sports, but it's more or less
pay to play at this point,and a lot of that goes through like
nonprofit donations and the Iowa variation ofthat, it's called Form. It's called
Iowa's Form and they partnered with ExileBrewing Company to create this beer called Form,

and twenty percent of all proceeds ofthat beer go to the nil fond,
which is support or the athletes atthe university, which is it's It
depends on where you're looking at it, what university and how well they follow
the rules. But like Iowa,Yeah, Iowa does a really good job

with it. I think you seea lot of the guys in the community
actually actually working for that funding.There's actually an exchange there which is the
intense. But anyway, so thetwenty of this beer sale goes to that
fund, which in turn gives usthe opportunity to bring in some higher profile
players and therefore put a better producton the field. And let's say,

Alex Brydon, this is probably ithas to be your favorite beer. Now,
it's I mentioned it in the lastlast conversation I had, and it's
I've switched almost exclusively to Swarm only. I was a big bush Light guy
before naturally being Iowa, but I'veswitched almost entirely to Swarm. The only
time I don't drink Swarm is ifI'm at a bar that doesn't have it,

and then I and then I dojudge that bar accordingly. Well,
there's a certain reason why this isthe only beer you're drinking. So let's
talk. Let's talk about this tweetthat you sent out that now millions of
people have heard about. So yeah, so yeah, long story Shore.
I'm following along on the Iowa messageboards as as fans do, as obsessive

fans do, and I'm there's there'srumors going around that Cayden Proctor, huge
recruit from the state of Iowa whowent to Alabama last year, might be
entering the transfer portal, and they'rethe conversations talking about how if he does,
we're more than likely going to havea very good, realistic shot at
bringing him home. So it's allof this is building, I'm getting excited,
and I fire off a tweet thatjust says, Wow, if we

actually get Cayden Proctor backed, I'llgo to exile and buy out, buy
him out of form right now.And that was I mean, it was
at the time, it was tonguein cheek. I'm not a big Twitter
or a popular Twitter by any means, so I didn't expect it to go
anywhere. But the brewery retweeted it, and then a couple of the local
writers picked off on it, andthen it just spread like crazy, and

there was a point where I everytime I looked at my phone there was
another twenty five thirty notifications, andit was like at that point, I
was just like, holy smoked,I'm in trouble. How many beers had
you consumed when you send that tweetout? That was I want to say,
that was a Saturday morning that Itweeted there, So it wasn't there.
It was not beer fueled. Oddlyenough, it was just fan excitement.

So I figured that it was likea Saturday night or Friday night,
and you woke up the next morninggoing, oh my god, what did
I do? Yes, it wasit was it was a mid day,
didn't think anything of it. Xileretweeted it and it hit the fan.
Talking to alex brainer here the manwho puts the money where his mouth is.
So the tweet went out. Thenwhat happened tweet went out. Those

rumors start getting more solid. It'sstarting to look like it's actually going to
happen. And he enters the transferportal. There's rumors that he's on campus
like that next day for a visit, and I'm like, oh man,
this is actually realistic, and I'mI'm I'm in trouble. Howrs were you
at this point? I financially Rightoff the bat, I was like this

is this is bad because I kindof started texting some of my buddies who
like, I've got buddies that workin breweries and I've got buddies that work
at bars, and I was like, Hey, how much stock do you
think they have like on a givenday. And one of my buddies was
like, yeah, dude, you'regonna spend well over one thousand. I
was like, oh god. Andthen at that point where like, hey,
can I borrow one hundred dollars,right, So then so then things
starts spiraling. It happens, andI'm like, I'm not even thinking about

the tweet at this point time.I'm just excited. I mean, it
happened on Saturday. We then hada we had a women's basketball game Saturday,
and then a men's basketball game Saturdaynight, and then we had NFL
football on Sunday. So it waslike a it was a it was a
weekend of a. I was alreadyexcited watching sports, going out with friends,
and then it hit me on Sundaywhen Exil like followed up on the
tweet. They just sent me likethe the eye emojis, and I was

like, oh, oh crap.So I was like, yep, I've
got to do it. I haveto. And so you did, and
you pulled up to the brewery withan okay, with the back open.
YEP. I walked in and theyoung lady up front obviously had no idea
what the heck I was talking about, and I was I was just like,
hey, I'm gonna buy a lotof form today, and she was

like, oh, yeah, okay, how much? And I was like
all of that sitting over there,you know, the barrel. I don't
want that. Yeah, yeah,what is it? Parkson Recreation? I
want all the bacon and eggs thatyou have. Okay, well I think
I think you yeah, Ron Swanson, It's like, excuse me, holdan,
I think what you heard was Iwant a lot of bacon eggs.

No, I want all the baconand eggs. So you get all the
beer. How many cases of beer? I ended up with thirty six I
think roughly just shy of five hundredindividual camps and you packed it all in
this suv. Did it all fit? Yep? Yeah, it all fit.
I was running out of space atthe end. It was I moved

like I had to take my golfclubs out and I had to take a
bunch of stuff out shiving room,glove compartment, take the spin tire out,
put where the spare tire goes.And the folks at XI were great.
They helped me carried out, Theyhelped me sack it. I mean
they had yeah. I the theinitial girl that I spoke to wasn't privy
to the previous tweets and conversation,but the their marketing person came out and

she's like, WHOA are you theguy that tweeted this, and I was
like, yeah, that's me,and she goes, I never expected to
see you here, actually, andI was like, well, honestly,
I was like, I figured I'dbe cyberbullied on Twitter if I didn't show
up. So you picked this beerup twenty cases, you took it home.
Now you live on the fifth floor, Is that right? Yep?

I'm I'm in an apartment of complexon the fifth floor. We've we've got
some like of the those wheelie cartsfor like move moving in and out and
stuff like that. So I hadto make three individual trips up and down
with that full of cases of beer. And then I got it up here
and I was just like, man, where do I even? What do
I? What do I put this? What do I do with it?
Alex Brainer's our guest, the manwho puts the money where his mouth is.

And what were your neighbor's reaction asyou're going up and down this elevator
with all this beer? You know, I don't think I actually saw anybody
in the entire interaction. I did. I went over to exile like in
the afternoon, probably four o'clock,so kind of late work day, so
I don't think anybody was around,which was probably fortunate because they would think
I was a huge ranging alcoholic.Now do you have a girlfriend? You

married? I have a girlfriend,No, no marriage, And what's your
girlfriend think about all this? Uh? It was really hard to explain initially
because she's not a sports fan andshe follows along as much as I share,
which is probably too much, butit was. Yeah, it was

a difficult explanation, but she she'dcome around to it. She thinks it's
funny now that she's seen the story, and initially it was an interesting conversation.
I want to know what how manyother players you're intending I'm buying for
the University of Iowa, because Imean, I'm sure they'll brew a beer
for you if we can get somemore high profile talent to come to the
big again there in the heartland.I mean, it's it's kind of a

unique scenario where we can us asfans can actually really make a difference on
the court, on the field,Like we could show up, we can
be loud, we can do that, but we now we can more or
less what our money where our mouthis. I mean, do I need
to be spending my discretionary income onIowa sports in this way. Not really,

but I'm a big fan and ifwe have a better product on the
field, that's going to make mehappier. So, Alex, we got
about thirty seconds left. Alex Banderis our guest, million dollar question.
What are you gonna do with allthis beer? I'm gonna drink it.
I'm making progress. So I guessif you're you're in the Brainer family,
look for Christmas presents and birthday presentsas the Swarm Golden Nail come in your

way. Well, this is anamazing story, Alice, you're a man
of your word. Alex Bander's ourguests buying out Exiles Swarm Golden ale They
you know, they set the goalto sell fifteen thousand, and yeah,
Alex still bought fifteen thousand, sendingthem over their gold to thirty so not
quite that many. But Alex,hey a best of luck with all this

beer consumption. We want to updateon how you're doing. Let's check in
maybe around the fourth of July andsee how that beer consumption's coming along.
Absolutely great, All right, AlexBanner's our guest. This is what's on
TAPA. You hang with us willbe right back. Believe in something they
say, we believe. We'll haveanother beer. This is What's on Tap

Radio. Respec to James and ChadJeddrick Burne Company, proud sponsors What's on
Tap Radio. We want to thankthem for joining us on the program each
and every week and making it possiblefor us to bring you this fine radio
program. You ever see me,Chad Pilbeam the beer log you guy hanging
out there, stop in for freeWhat's on Tap Radio? High five now.

Red Solo cup is the best receptaclefrom barbecue's tailgates, fairs and festivals.
And you, sir, do nothave a pair of testicles if you
prefer drugs from glass. Hey,rich cup is cheaping. I got Sam
Lobs Boston loger lasts, what areyou talking about? Working the last segment
of What's on Tap Radio? Bigshout outs. That was a good interview.

Right there. It's a brainer.That's a Hawkeyes fan right there.
He's having a party. That's alot of beer. Yeah, bring your
solo red solo cup to his party. He'll pour you a beer, a
lot of It's got a lot ofbeer to poor. So if you missed
an ounce of that podcast, hopshooterdid there? Make sure to check out

our podcast that's at What's on tapRadio. Uh, anywhere podcasts can be
found. Uh, make sure todescribe thanks to our friends over at cast
Branding. But we will we postlinks on our social and that's our social
at What's on Tap Radio Facebook X. It doesn't roll off the tongue as
fat. This is as good asthe tweet Twitter, but Instagram TikTok and

if you want to drop us anemail, you can do. So What's
on tap Radio at gmail dot com. That's What's on tap Radio at gmail
dot com. But yeah, stilla couple of stories to get to.
But this last segment brought to youby our good friends at Tantrik Brewing Company,
located in downtown Alligan, which isa social district. So if you

walk into one of the local establishmentsyou can, like Tantrick Brewing Company,
you can get yourself a clear solocup and fill it up and have a
party. Yeah, have a party. Yeah, hang out in Alliga in
Michigan where you can walk around downtown. And by the way, summertime always

great. But you know what,it's not summertime yet, so you must
be thinking, I'm gonna wait,don't hang out down there, go check
it out by the way Denver.I went and talked to her. She
will give you a beer, WatsonTap radio high five, and a joke.
You can ask for clean, dirty, or really dirty joke. That's
right, I'll go. I'll goin just for the jokes. I mean,

I'll get a beer, obviously,but I want a joke. I
like good jokes. Thank you.Tantrick Brewing Company Tantrik Brewing dot com.
All right, like I said,a couple of stories, get to but
before we do, I'll want tocrack a beer now. Over the holiday
break, went up to North Texashung out with family, and my wife's
aunt gave me a plethora of differentbeers. So she had a party and

people, dude, no, no, you got to understand, it's a
running joke with the show. Youhave to say plethora. You have to
if you if you're a longtime fanof the show, it's never plethora.
It's always pu thora. Right.So anyways, Uh, my wife's aunt
had a party and she had thisbeer left over, and so she not

a beer drinker, she gave themto me, and so I'm gonna bring
one of those beers to the tablethat she gave me. And this is
from nine oh three brewers, Ohbig beer. And this is a beer
called Live Laugh Fluff. It isa fluffer Nutter inspired beer, peanut butter,
banana, marshmallow flavor, tart creamale, a collaboration with you want

to take a guess with brewery MartinHouse Brewery. Come, I know that
that was a total guest. Peoplelistening right now are gonna say that was
stage No, it was not.I promise you. That was one guests

as a collaboration with Martin House BrewingCompany at Paris. Well with keeping it
country and keeping it weird and highfives. Oh it's weird, alright if
it came from Martin House. What'sthe ABV on thisa beer? You know?
Seven? Just seven? That's alight that's basically that's a that's a

session beer house Martin House right there? All right, let me crack this
peanut butter and jelly fluffer a Nutterbeer marshmallow, peanut butter. Yeah,
Oh my gosh, dude, that'sa that's a light color. It is
a light color. I expect tobe all right, what do you go
like a James head snap back.Now he's got whiplash. He's got a

class like Jiff peanut butter, andit tastes just like Jeff Wow. All
right, James, all right,we got that's a beer. Uh.
We got a couple of things wegotta get do. I gotta find out
how this liquor store caught on fire. There's this liquor store. There's an

investigation going on, and then theyare some investigators come out and they looked
at it and you'll never guess howthis fire started. So people who needed
money. We don't know. Yeah, it could have been put police respond
into a liquor store warm and theywent out, and the fire department came
out and they put out the fire. And while the cleanup efforts they were,

you know, doing their investigation,they found out the fire was started
by the sun global warming. Sun. The sun started this fire at this
liquor store. See the sun.This guy looking down and says, I
don't want this liquor store here anymore. All right, I smite you ignited

the boxes. But investigators are unableto determine. But this is a theory.
Their theory is that it was lightpassing through bottles that caused the boxes
to light up. It's like magnifyingglass and ants. Yeah, when you
were a kid and you had thatand you burned a little ant hill.
Although it has not been confirmed.But what has been confirmed is that the

sun started this fire at the Syracuseliquor store by igniting the boxes. But
the theory is, but again hasn'tbeen confirmed, that light passing through the
bottles heated up just enough on thoseboxes to start a fire. But yeah,
they came out and luckily they putout the fire and nobody was injured.

But the sun is out there startingfires. So all I know is
if you worship Ra and you owna beer store, you ever start making
a bigger offering because he may smiteyou. By the way, Ra's the
sun god. But anyway, ifthat's what you worship, how about that?
Have you ever heard of that bill? A fire starting by sunlight and

nighting boxes? That's first for me. There was actually a house in Grand
Haven, Michigan. It was alocal artist who made some glass thing put
it out in front of his house, and it actually did focus the sun
started the siding on fire and burnedhis house down. True, story.
I've heard of this about windows,new windows being put on houses and the
light reflects off it and it meltsthe sides of hot tubs that are on

people's decks. I've heard of this. So this is the real deal.
So there you go. Now that'ssomething we gotta worry about. We gotta
worry about the sun catching things onfire. So I guess put some curtains
up or some tent on those windows. I know. Anyway to close out
the show, Jan Door, wegot it. Let's end it up.
I know, let's do some DaveWard action here. And also, it's

another bear story. It is anotherbear story. It is another bear story.
I got another bear story. Soa woman in Milwaukee, her name's
Jenny Hazard, Well, she wouldfrantic because her elderly dog, a sixteen
year old shitsu named Bear, wentmissing last week. And she got all
upset because her bear, elderly dogprobably can't see that well, went missing.

But good news out of it.She got a text message letting her
know that he was okay because hewas just hanging out at the bar down
the street. See what happened ishe showed up our company. He showed
up in a popular drinking spot calledthe Finks or called Thinks. It's a

friend of a friend that was therewho called the owner and a group of
women were there bar hopping apparently foundhim outside and the bar says he was
very popular. Bear was. Sohere's Ginny talking about losing and finding her
dog Bearing Dark. I was outsidewith all three dogs. I'm looking and
where's Bear? After about fifteen ortwenty minutes, I was just sent chairs.

I was just because he's old,he's got a heart condition. I'm
like, where could he have gone? Right there? We get a text,
your dog is down at thanks great. I believe he's okay, But
what's he doing in a bar?They took good care of him, and
I guess he was pretty popular.Yeah, he was so popular. Was

doing karaoke. But she had tocome pick up figs. She had to
come pick up Bear because Bear hada little too much to drink. So,
dude, hey, good news.I'm old and I have a heart
condition and you don't know where Iam find the closest bar. Good for
that dog that dogs like, youknow what? I want one more before
I'm taking from this world. Goodon the sixteen year old Shitsu I'm sorry

we let go with Charlie at twelve. Maybe that dog should have had one
more rendezvous at taking Charlie to thebar. All right, man, we
got to get out of here.What a fun show, but we have
got to say goodbye. I wantto thank our friends and sponsors. Are
that being Tantric Brewing, Superior PestControl, be Logic Conference and Events.
We know all the TENA Insurance Group, the Backguard Grill, Yep, the

Lights You're still working thanks to theHarbor Brewing and of course sponsoring our podcast
cast branding. So for mister Bilachi, Chad Pilbeam, Harbor Light Bill,
I am berg grew jameson saying thanksfor checking out What's on Tap Radio and
we hope you enjoyed it and wehope that you would join us for another
action back radio show next week.Have a good week, folks at cheers.
No Joe got mine the world that'sout man. It takes that wild

just saying is perfect Monday. Yeah, it teaches that wild. That's not
yah yas y'all know. It's justso about it's fun
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