All Episodes

November 21, 2023 81 mins
On tap this week: Enhancing your experience when visiting a brewery, Washing your hair with veer?, A Twitch star making beer with her own vaginal yeast, Beer is a secret ingredient for richer chocolate cookies, Beer also a secret ingredient for elevating your bowl of soup, The highest-rated stout in every state, All this and so much more including Hold my Beer, and Fun Facts. Enjoy the show! Cheers!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This What's on Tap Radio on demandepisode is presented by Cast Brandy. Cast
Branding is a trusted source for supplyingbreweries, distilleries, and wineries with custom
merchandise and Brandy, a member ofthe Texas craft Brewers Guild. Cast Brandy
can make your brand stand out withclass. You preach, support local,
Well, how about practicing what youpreach. Go to cast Brandy dot com,
Cast Brandy dot com, Cast Brandingdot com. Enjoy the show.

This is about to be good radio. To me, a craft brewer is
much more of a mindset. Wejust opened cans, spread the gospel of
good beer. Beer. Tons andtons of stuff going on in the beer
world. I love craft beer.I love different people's beers. It's a
first favorite. Cheers two old USbeer geeks and those new to the craft.

What's on Tap high five? Thisis What's on Tap Radio beer and
the culture that flows with it.Keears Beer Guru James Simpson and Beer Logics
Chad Pilbeam. And you remember recordplayers? Do you remember record players?
I mean it's not like a uhdo I remember record player? We just

up Yeah, we just upgraded studioas with a record player. Oh that's
right, Yeah, what was Ithinking? We get we can also afford.
We can afford Uh, what isit the forty five now or the
thirty threes? I heard next yearwe might get some CD players. What

no way, oh man, welcometo the show. We're in at cheerful
mood. We are, I guessis a this is a happy day.
We got some we got some appearancesbetween beer, people, stories, things
happening. We're back together. Ifeel like the gangs here, you know,
like we're back on the air.I feel like the bands back together.
I'll explain why. Because Chad isa special studio guest. Well,

let's just be honest. Okay,he's on beer liver is what he is.
Okay, I mean he adds color, commentary, he adds a little
flavor, Yeah, adds a littleso little seasoning to the show. And
uh, you know he brings beer. And of course, you know what,
I can't drink it all myself.Well we'll get to that in a
moment. But welcome to what's ontap Radio where for the next two hours,

James is gonna sit there, backthere and in some tunes. Records.
I got a whole bunch of records, A whole bunch of records over
here, and I was gonna sayit in some of the goal of the
show today, we're going to talkabout music from the forties and how it
influenced the fifties rock generation. ElvisPresley, this is this is your song
just came out last week. Thekids you're listening to anyways, welcome to

the show. This is what's ontap Radio. I'm Brego James Sipson.
That's for Logic him self, misterchap He'll be joined by say Hello,
Bill, Hello, everyone, there'sBill. All right, So, uh,
let's take our wonderful advertisers shining introduction. We'll get Bill brings a good
vibe of the show and we'll talkabout that here in a little bit and

you'll see you'll see when he's chimesin. But let's take our advertisers before
we get un awy, because I'mready to crack a beer. I'm sure
you guys are as well. Uh. Thank our sponsors being Tantric Brewing,
Superior Past Control, be a lotof conference events, Renolded Naked Insurance Group,
The Backyard Grill and course sponsoring ourpodcast, which is available everywhere for
free cast Brandingcast, Brandingcast, Brandydot Com. Welcome to the show.
I'm ready to drink some beer.This first segment brought to the table.

It brought to you by our goodfriends over at a good place to have
a good holiday meal, the BackyardGrill. Also book your parties over there.
They've got three different party rooms.You got want a little intimate setting
for a little Christmas gathering or Hanagaget together or maybe you know you don't
celebrate those things, but you're intothe Dickens spirit and you want some Christmas

cheer, a little Christmas beer andsome food. Head over to the BYG,
the Backyard Grill on the northwest sideof Houston, and uh, let
Fred, there's our first name.Draft. Let Fred know the byg sent
you. Just give him a call. Tell them how many people you have,
and yeah, doesn't matter how manypeople you have. They've got one
hundred different beers and a hundred differentring five hundred people. Yeah that's it.

Hey, they've catered that. Theycatered the Super Bowl winning New England
Patriots whenever they won in Houston.Oh, nice true story. I remember
that. I remember that, allright. Uh, I'm thirsty. Chad
let's bring let's let's crack a beer. Who's going first? Brought to the
table Odds Well, Vegas, Vegas. I have a brewer in my studio,
so we're going first. That's howit is. There's two of us,
one of you, and if youwant to start any static, I'll

step up. Man, here wego. I'm gonna crack this one open.
I'm not gonna tell you what itis. I'm just gonna pour.
Meanwhile, Bill, do your job. Tell everybody with us is Vegas was
gonna choose who's gonna go? Butall right, since Chad n the ring,
Well, I brought our traditional GermanMarsan style October Fest expire October fired.
It's expired. Bill, it's old. It's gonna blow up, it's

gonna it's gonna give us some sortof carson. This is this year's brand
new. It's past October thirty.First, you can't drink that anymore.
You can't drink this. This is, this is probably this might kill us.
James, if we go down onthe bar stool, you gotta do
the rest of the show by yourself. I want to go ahead and describe
this thing absolutely brilliantly clear, uh, beautiful color, nice amber, slightly

light copper, white, pillowy head, nose, big nose on this a
little fruity on the nose too,rocks. Actually it's very fruity. I'm
wow. No one, Scott,nobody, nobody got my Steve Martin reference
there. Wow, there's a multcomplexity. Dry hop dryness right there on

the finish doesn't really hang around.It leaves you. He leaves your tongue
nexs and dry. You want theirsip, all right? It makes you
feel like you want another drink.Yeah, I'll keep drinking, all right.
So that's what we have. ABVBill on Tradition Day comes in right
around point two. Tradition Day marsin Octoberfest Harbor Light Brewery located where Bell

tell them where where'd they find you? South Haven, Michigan, right downtown.
All right, that's what we broughtto the table. James, we're
drinking october Fest beers in November.I can't believe I'm not doing that,
even though I have a few inmy cooler here studios. I am not
bringing a Octoberfest to this show becauseI looked at the calendar and it's stealth
season. It's steuth season according toNovember, isn't that time for the springtime

beers? Chad's like stealth season startsin May, it's right, But I'm
going to a traditional stout, probablybrilli, not very many people heard of.
But that's okay. Uh, thisis a brewery Guinness. I guess
that's what's called get us Draft?Heard of it? Oh, get us
Draft? I've heard of that beer? Igu you know it's stouth season.

I'm gonna go ahead and port thisin my Guinness class. Yeah. Nice,
that's from that new brewery in Chicago, right, Yeah, they're selling
it. By the way, ifyou're looking for a buy a brewery in
Chicago, Guinness is for sale.But there you go. I am going
to pour my Guinness into this glassnitro right there. Look at those nice

little bubbles. Let me go andtake a little swig of this. Yeah,
the old classic Guinness roastiness right there. Mm hmm. I'm not gonna
get dive into deep into this onebecause we're almost out of time, but
definitely what it is. I mean, it's Guinness. Nobody knows this,
Chad. Oh yeah, that's right, it's brand new beer. I forgot
it's a brand new beer. It'sonly been around, you know, for

a little bit. No, I'llsell it when we come back from break.
But that's what I'm bringing the table, the Guinness Draft Stout and I'll
talk a little more about this.But Chad decided, do you know it?
After rules, we're drinking October Festafter October thirty first with the Harvard
Lbrerary Tradition Day. Thanks Bill,and that has brought to the That is

your cube, Bill right there,come on sell it and that has brought
to the table sponsored by friends inthe backgard grow. And when we come
back from break after the official What'son taprido funk backt of the Week,
we will talk a little bowl mouththese beers, but o tap this week,
we have so much to get toI can't even tease it. But
just know it's a lot. Sowhat's on top? Right to hanging with
us? We'll be right back beer. It's like pouring smiles on your brain.

What's on Tap Radio continues, Hey, you know, it doesn't matter
what kind of beer you drink.Do you like it ice cold? Do
you like it served its cellar temperature? Do you like it served in a
fancy glass? Or just drinking itfrom a long neck model. It doesn't
matter because everybody who drinks beer lovesgreat food and you're gonna find both at

the Backyard Grill, located on thenorthwest side of Houston, Texas, at
the corner of West and Jones Road, and proud sponsors of What's on Tap
Radio. It's Chad Pilbem the Beera lout you guy here telling you to
get out there and support those whosupport us. And when you go in
there, hey, like I said, it doesn't matter what kind of beer
you like. They've got it icecold beer right here. Or check out

their cellared beer menu. Oh yeah, ask for the special stuff. They
got a secret stash forty eight tapseverything you want in one hundred different food
items at the Backyard Grill. Checkout their beer beds, sign up for
their newsletter and find out more atd Backyard grill dot com. That's the
Backyard Grill dot Com turned to breakjust talking about our favorite Billie Idol songs.

Right, Oh guys, you're upto that again, huh yep.
Every now and then we gotta pullsome old tricks out of the bag.
You know, you know what Ilike is. When we went to break,
we told everybody this show has everythingeverything. We we have so much

coming up. This thing. We'vegot washers dryer, We're giving haircuts,
chicken wings, Big screet TV,Mister Toast did hair did get a dozen
donuts? All on What's on TapRadio? We got it all. We
got it all, man. Imean, so much happening in the beer

world we're gonna be talking about.We're gonna be talking about. I mean,
I don't even know where to starton the one sheet. I have
no idea where to start. Imean, do we talk about mistakes you're
making when you're visiting a brewery orwashing your hair with beer, or I
was fans, I was State fansraising money. I mean, I don't
even know where to start on this. So I'm coming up here. I

just decided to go. You knowwhat, We're just gonna do it all.
We're just gonna do it. It'sgonna hit everything, yeah, everything,
but yep, and then next weekwe hope something else happens, because
otherwise we're not gonna have anything totalk about because we just did it all.
Because the Chad and I will rollup to this, you know,
to the production meeting, thinking,man, there's really not a lot going
on, and the next thing,you know, we get this one sheet
that looks like a CVS receipt andthey we're like, man, I don't

know how I want to get toit. Just say all of it.
Well, let's say we're gonna getto all of it. Hey, you
gotta you gotta think Superior Pest Controlof West Michigan, who are sending us
the stories all the time. That'sour research department, Uh, Superior Pest
Control West Michigan not only providing SuperiorPest Control services, but they scour the
Internet and social media looking for thesestories on beer and they send us stories

all the time. So thank youguys. I want to apologize to our
listeners if you ever send us anemail at what's on tap we do at
gmail dot com. That's what's ontap we do at gmail dot com and
it gets kicked back to you becausein boxes too full. You can thank
Superior Pest Control for that, becausethey're loading our boxes like, Hey,
I love it when they say didyou get my email? I'm like which

one? So many like they're constantlyno brainer. But anyway, speaking of
a wonderful sponsors. First segment ofthe show brought to the Table, brought
to you by friends at the BackyardGrill on the northwest side of Houston.
James, we didn't even talk aboutwho's gonna be here. I just said
I've got a brewer in studio,Harbor Light Bill. I assume we said

Bill and everybody knew, right.I guess we have some new listeners.
So Bill is back. He's ayeah, he's he's a stunt beer liver
in brewer at Harbor Light Burn Company. And he brought us tradition day traditional
German mars and style beer. Andthat's how we kick things off, because
we are once again tempting fate,trying to defy death by drinking october Fest

beer in November. Well, tobe fair, I brewed it earlier and
haven't been on the show for awhile, so I was saving it for
you. I appreciate that, allright. I'm just I'm just glad he
wasn't last time he was on theshow, wasn't like three Christmases ago.
Who knows what we'd be drinking thenI was saving this chat. I'm like,
okay, well, it tastes likewhat cardboard, but I was saving

it for you. Hey, Chad, what do you think? Say something
nice? Let me talk a littlebit about the beer I brought to the
table, Guinness Draft. I wasjust kidding. People are like, what
is he talking about Guinness Draft?Everybody's had a Guinness Draft. I know,
I know, but I still wantto talk about it. I just
say, there's nothing on this planetlike a pint of the black stuff.

Right, so let me go aheadtell you what the aromas. When I
smell definitely hints of roasted coffee andchocolate, let me go ahead and take
a swig of this smoothly balanced witha bitter sweet roasted notes on there,
I'm looking at the appearance's dark rubyred with a creamy head on it.

And on the bottle, I'm lookingit has everything on there from the serving
size, how many calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat, everything, but
the alcohol by volume. It's goteverything. But yeah, the ABV on
there and it says it's gonna beyou can get some five cents back,

but it does not have the ABV. Yeah it's gonna be low. It's
probably gonna be four right around fourpercent, Yeah, four to two or
something like that. So that's whatI brought to the table. All right.
Now that we enlightened everybody what we'reconsuming, and I told you a
little bit about the aroma and taste, I think it's time to do this
now, the official What's on TEPRadio fun Fact of the Week, brought

to you by Who's ever checked Clearthis week. I see you guys doing
that air drums over there, Isee you. Oh yeah, yes,
yes, yes, all right,we're gonna kick things off with a little
bit of fun here, a littlelittle dash in the time machine. One
of my favorite shows that was ontelevision for a long time, The Goldbergs.
That's a good show. Oh it'sfunny, hilarious, absolutely, and

wait it's still all right, well, no, it's I think it's all
done. So it just so happensthat the subject that I'm going to be
talking about involves the reason the showis over. I mean, it did
have a really good run. Ithink it went for a for a decade.
But the father, Murray Goldberg,was written out of the show.
I think they said he had aheart attack or something and spoilerhops, yeah,

we let that one out. Butapparently the guy, the actor who
played Murray said something on social mediathat some folks in California didn't like,
and he didn't apologize, and well, the show got canceled. But one
of my favorite things about that showis gonna sound a little weird, but

if you remember the show, whatdid Murray do when he got home from
work? Same thing I do whenI got home from work, which is
on that lazy boy and turned onthe TV. Yep, he did that.
But right before he did that,he kicked off his shoes, and
he took off his pants, strippeddown to his underwear, and dropped into

that lazy boy and sat back inthe chair, kicked his feet up.
And occasionally he'd sit there and he'dhave beer and he'd watch television. But
he'd sit there in his underwear withbeer, watching TV, doing his thing.
And you made me wondering, Chad, is that really what you remember?
Some old, out of shape whitedude just taking his pants off,

down to his tidy whities and sittingdown and drinking beer. Is that really
what you want to remember? AndI said, well, whenever I can
turn that into the fun fact ofthe week, you're damn right. We're
gonna go ahead and do that itjust so happens that Murray was practicing the
old Finnish tradition of calsary. Connie, I'm sorry, and I know what

you're thinking. What Kazoon tight right, calsary Kenny restaurant. Yeah, exactly
right. Well, well it wouldbe a finish restaurant from Finland. This
was one of the coolest things Idiscovered. I was today years old whenever,
well, actually the other day,whenever I was doing the research on
this, uh days old or yearsold, whenever I discovered that in Finland

they put a premium on being comfortable, especially after a long day's work or
on a day that you're just goingto take off altogether. And so a
lot of the finished people, inorder to rest and relax, they will
kick off their shoes, they willtake off their socks, they will take
off anything at all that is uncomfortable, because it is all about being comfortable.

And the Finnish people they like todrink beer, just like the rest
of us. And in order toenjoy that beer, while you don't want
anything inhibiting you, you don't wantanything on that's uncomfortable, and so they
strip down to their underwear, PLoPdown on the couch and get hammer drunk
because they're not going anywhere all daylong. And the act of getting drunk

on your couch in your underwear inFinland is called cal sorry Khan, and
that ladies and gentlemen, is atradition I could get behind. I am.
I am on board with this.Remember, Jay, comfort is king.
Comfort is king. But make sureyou have drapes on the windows,
because the neighbors don't want to seethis. So your official What's on Tap

Radio Fun fact of the week isMurray Goldberg, whether he knew it or
not, was participating in a Finishor Finland tradition of being comfortable, which
has a name. I was shockedif this has a name. Sitting on
the couch getting drunk in your underweargoing nowhere all day long is called col
sorry Conney, And that is yourofficial What's on Tap Radio fun fact of

the week, which is pretty muchwhat I'm doing in studio right now.
Hey, that one guy who camein studio with no pants on. I
don't want to relive those days.We did the show. We did the
show without pants on once. Oh, we done some fun bits on this
show one time, one time,only. That's right, all right,
that's your official what's on tap RedoFun Factory week. You're gonna learn something,

all right. We gotta take abreak, but coming up, I
want you to get a pen andpaper out because I'm gonna tell you the
ingredients you need to brew your ownGuinness draft. I know it's very simple
and you can do it at home. This is what's on tap radio.
Will be right back. Yeah,we drink water, but it has to
be filtered through a brewery first.You've got what's on tap radio. Hi,

welcome, this is what's on tapradio. Now. I know this
is radio and you can't see us. I'm James, says Chad, and
we've got Bill. Well, we'reall wearing aprons. And why are we
wearing aprons? Because this is ourcooking segments, right yeah, I mean
right now the backyard grills like,hey, hey, hey, hey,

hey, wait a minute, we'reabout to bake. Why didn't we get
this segment? We're about to dosome baking on this show. So I
teased it. I teased it,going in to break that. If you
want to brew your own guinness,it's very simple. The ingredients are very
simple. That's what I brought tothe table thanks to our friends over at
the backyard Grill. And by theway, I did find the ABV and

we were correct four point two percent, so very low. Wow. Hold
on to your hat there, kid, No watch out, watch out whoaa.
But it's got one hundred and twentyfive calories, nine point four grams
of carbs, zero point grams zeropoint zero grams of fat. But what
I did find out it's fast.The ingredient I know it is tough.

Free the ingredients to brew your ownguinness. So write this down. All
you need is water, all right, water, checked, malted barley,
malted bar got it. Barley,Oh just regular regular barley, roasted barley
roast. Oh wow, that's threekinds of barley. Yeah. Hops,
hops just any old hops, justhops, just just hops, just hops.

Just throw some hops in. Thismight be a little difficult, but
you can get your hands on it. Nitrogen, oh yeah, dude,
oh yeah, and yeast, okay, yeast, all right? Can I
use a nitress from my My,My, my sports car, you know
the hit the nos baby. Sowith those six simple ingredients, that's seven
James, seven simple ingredients, bath, you can brew yourself a delicious pint

of guinness. And that's what I'mtelling right now, all right, So
I believe what you do now itit assumes you know how to cook.
And uh so my understanding is.And we we're in studio here with Harbor
Light Bill who's a brewer, andI think Bill makes all of his barriers.
By the way, we're gonna crackopen another one here. I'm just
gonna crack it open right now,and we'll talk about that in just a

second. But I'll let Bill dothe pouring. When you cook with beer,
it's basically just like brewing beer.So James has the seven ingredients to
make guinness. I think if you'relike Bill, you just throw them all
in a cast iron pan, putit on the stove and just keep stern
stern sterring and then until you havebeer. Yeah. I mean it's like

Witches brew, you know. Youjust pour it all in a pot and
chop some carrots and some celery,just like oh yeah, just like the
old Bugs Bunny cartoons that's peeled potatoesuntil it's ready. Baby. I don't
know, I don't know, man, I like it is like this is
this is what it has. Ithas multi barley, barley, roasted barley,
hops, water, yeast, nitrogen. Go. Yeah, I mean

that's it. That's all you need. All right. Follow us for more
cooking tips, or stay tuned becauseJames, by the way, before you
get into the next recipe, Igotta take a sip of this beer because
Bill just worded out, Bill,what are we drinking? Real quick raspberry
sour goes to style raspberry sour.In order to make it, get yourself
some raspberries, get wheat, mallwater, barley, malted, barley,

yeast, put it, put itin a crock pot, put it in
on it simmer for eight hours.Wow, that's delicious. You want to
reduce the amount of time, justput in a pressure cooker. Oh,
there you go, it's the potall right. So James and I we
were talking about this. I liketo cook with beer my wife. My
wife does too, But okay,this would probably drive Jen nuts. That's

a super fan number two, becausemy wife has a title super fan number
one. She'll yeah anyway, ActuallyJen's super fan number one. But don't
don't tell Christine. And uh,i've i've I have a theory about cooking
with beer, and so I wantyou to hear this. This is an
article I found and I shared itwith James. James is going to talk

about it. I'm not a bigdessert guy. I'm not either, but
I mean it sounds okay, okay, so go ahead, all right,
let me tighten up my apron.Here, my apron. I don't want
to get any mess on it.I don't want to secondent brought to you
by Betty Crocker. That's right.I don't want to get any flour or
anything on here. But have youever tried infusing your chocolate cookies with booze?
Well, if you haven't, todayit might be the day. Because
not just any type of alcohol willproduce tasty results, but stout beer,

like I'm drinking right now, thisGuinness draft can give your desserts a rich
flavor upgrade that you've been craving.So stout beer, if you don't know,
it's a dark brown, deeply complexvariety with flavors of sweet, roasted
malts, a little bitterness oft thenotes of coffee, chocolate, and hazel
nut. That's what I'm getting.Yeah, you're getting hazel nut from your

Guinness shot. You may even finda little umami flavor from the yeast,
which is slightly balances out the sweetness. But stouts are ideal for mixing into
chocolate cookie dough since the beer slightbitterness can help balance out the over arching
sweetness in these baked goods. Thisis that makes interesting, Chad, This

is so interesting. Besides adding allthose complex flavor notes, stouts can also
turn your cookies into a heartier dessert. Will work perfectly with any mix ins
you may decide to add, Andbecause the drinks tend to have a thick,
creamy texture, they may even resultthe cookies chewier. Wow Is that
right? No? Say so?If I want something to balance the intense

sweetness of a chocolate cookie and thatcompliments all the mix ins like different chips
or nuts or anything else, andI want it to be a little more
chewy and a little more chewier consistency, Yeah, yeah, but almost.
It's not like it's not gonna belike jerky. It's gonna be spun like

spongy, if you will, Likewhen you bite into it, it doesn't
crumble. It's like biting into acloud. Almost any stout can enhance the
flavor of your chocolate cookies, Buta few varieties to choose from them,
but the most famous brand maybe Guinness. Just like I'm drinking right here.
The dry stout largely sweet, creamy, and bitter with notes of fruitiness.
A splash of this beer would workwell with some added fruits in your cookies,

such as dried cranberries, raisins,and cherries. So this Friday season,
spice up your chocolate cookies by insertingbooze Guinness, preferably right. And
here's the thing that I like aboutthis recipe. First of all, I'm
not a big dessert guy, buta dumb article. No, no,
no, it's not because let's sayyou suck at making dessert, which I

do, okay, but you lovebeer. I do, and so you
can say I'm gonna try and I'mgonna put beer in here because it was
recommended. Now, they don't tellyou how much beer to put in the
cookies or you you can always blameit if the cookies don't come out right,
you can always blame it on thealcohol. Blame on the alcohol,
and you can say, hey,I was making beer chocolate chip cookies the

way Charles Dickens intended for the holidayseason. And what the first Pilgrims had
at the first Thanksgiving with the NativeAmericans, and which was beer infused chocolate
chip cookies. As we know,it went with the turkey and the yams.
But somebody had to bring dessert.And if it doesn't turn out,
you can just say, well,you know, it's because I was drinking,
and that doesn't work. But Ihave another theory on this, all

right, because we're gonna jump overfrom the dessert side to because it's getting
cold outside, baby, and peoplelike to cuddle up with a nice bowl
of chowder or soup or chili andsoup there. I cook with beer all
the time in my chili, Icook with it, my soups, my
white showders her Broughts. Oh yeah, her beer brought in mac and cheese.

Yes, it's great because anytime you'reputting it with cheese, it's gonna
add some complexity to it. Andthe beauty is is beer has a ton
of complexity and it's not just anyone'sstyle. You can play around this,
and this is something I've done.I've simmered brats in different beer just to
see how they taste different. I'veadded beer to different cheese chowders to see
how they taste different. And here'sthe thing, there really is no rule.

They give you some guidelines and like, do this, do that if
you want this and you want that. But if you do not follow those
rules and you decide to do whateverthe heck you want, it's going to
come out. Mark my words.Oh maybe we should have ran the disclaimer.
Sorry, we didn't check with theattorneys, but I just wanted to

say that it's my opinion, basedon all my vast experience of making everything,
that if it's calls for an ipaand you put in an amber all,
it's gonna be just fine. Ifit calls for a pilsner and you
drop in American light logger, it'sgonna be fine. But some things to
keep in mind. If you wantsome of that rich mouthfeel and depth and

flavor and heartiness to your soups,there's a few things that you can add.
For example, will add a nutbrown ale to some of your chowders.
If you're looking to sharpen up thatbeer cheddar soup, maybe put in
a hoppy pillsner or use an Americanstyle pilsner or light pilsner to a French
onion soup to give a little bitternessto that sweet caramelized onion flavor. And

of course, anytime you're doing chilior any stew deep with meats and lamb
and mushrooms, porters, dark brownales, stouts all that. And for
your chicken tortilla soup, try somethinga little bit lighter, maybe even a
wheat ale. But if you don'thave those beers on hand and you're making
those soups, do whatever the hellyou want, and by the way,

measure anyway you because it's still gonnabe absolutely delicious. I wouldn't pour I
wouldn't pour a keg into a fivequart pot because you'll have a mess.
But if you took a bottle ofbeer and added it to, you know,
five quarts of beer cheddar soup,I think you'll be just fine.
But have some fun. That's ourinvitation to you to give beer and cooking

a little bit of a try.This segment been brought to you by my
wife's Facebook page, The Tasty Table. Check that out all her cooking recipes
all on Facebook, where she incorporatesa lot of beer into the food.
All right, we're gonna take abreak, so to com everything everything we're
gonna talk about. We'll be rightback on average, humans walk nine hundred

miles per year, entering twenty twogallons of beer, which means the average
human gets forty one miles per gallon. Not Ben, What's on Tap Radio
continues. All right, welcome backto What's on Tap Radio. Last segment,

we got into the cooking with beerand I didn't realize this. We
had a little bit of an interventionat a moment here because of an incident
that took place Harbor Light Brewing.Bill is in studio with us and James.
I forgot to tell you we weresupposed to cut that segment. We

were not supposed to do it overthe weekend. Last week, Bill was
involved in a cooking incident. Somebodydropped a grill on his head, on
his head, and he's got sick. Yeah, I'm looking right at his
forehead right now. He's got stitches. Those stitches just a big gash.
Big Where was your harsh Where washis hard hat? Yeah? Why don't

you wear a hard hat when yougrow That's not, you know, standard
issue. But I'd like to thankmy son for it. He's the one
that actually closed the lid on myhead. Yes, the old family members,
don't you. Don't you let youknow. It's like, Dad,
I love you so much. Hey, stick your head in the grill for
a second. Wham. It's likewhen you're trying to change the spark plugs

and somebody just comes and shuts thehood on you. Yeah, thanks a
lot, But that'll teach me fortrying to tell him when to flip a
steak. Oh geez, yeah,just stand back. You never know when
the kid's gonna drop the lid onyour head anyway. So sorry, a
little bit of a PTSD moment therefor Bill. He's like cooking, What
do you mean cooking? Cooking?Where's the girl? Get it away from
me? We're baking. We're bakingcookies, and you know it. I

started thinking about it. I saidit was kind of a dumb story.
But as I started reading it,I was like, you know what,
this isn't so bad. I'm gonnajoye myself some chocolate cookies over the holiday
break with the guinness. That's whatI'm bringing drinking right now, brought to
the table. But uh, Chad'son never on beer number four or five.
I can't. Yeah, I thinkthis is this is three four thanks

three three three. But I've gota stunt beer liver in studio with me,
and we're gonna slow things down alittle bit here. I want to
thank a good friend of the show. Some when we met on the road
down in Galveston, Texas Brewmasters CraftBeer Festival, Wordy Thompson. Now Wordy
and Sarah were on my bus andwe took a beer to around. I

was a host of a beer busduring the Broomaster's Craft Beer Festival, and
I don't know how many years agothat was, but Wordy's working for a
beer distributor now. And I sawhim when I was last in town in
Houston, and he came over andhad lunch with me. He heard I
was having lunch at a local craftbeer bar and restaurant and they don't sponsor
a show, so I'm not gonnaplug him. But it's a really good
place and you'll find me there allthe time. But we were there and

he said, hey, I gota beer for you. I want you
to bring it to the show.And so here I am. I'm drinking
from nine oh three Brewery. Thisis the Barley King and has Bill so
eloquently said. He said, let'ssee, it's a strong ale aged on
black rum, soaked in coffee beansand vanilla sugar. He's like, what

else can we throw in there?Well, at twelve point nine percent and
a sixteen ounce can, well,not much else will fit. I like
this, says pairs well with here. Way for this, it pairs well
with pumpkin pie with extra whipped cream, cult classic movies and Jack and Sally.
Who the hell are Jack and Sally? I don't know, but anyway,

it pairs with them. So there'sa question. They're super cool,
super cool, like like Wordy andSarah. So thank you Wordy. Uh,
there's a name drop for you,Wordy. So check out some nine
to three brewery if you have itin your market, and just remember Wordy.
Uh. Give him what's on tapradio high five if you see him
out there bills asking the question abouta beer this strong and a sixty ounce

can. Yeah, I kind ofdon't understand that, because if you're going
to drink one, you better havea friend available, Bill who Sometimes you
just took a sip Bill. Sometimesyou just don't need to understand things.
And the fact that it probably doescome to six pack two? What yeah,
why is this not available in anineteen point two ounce stovepipe? What

the did you? Did you taste? Oh my dude, Okay, this
no joke, would you. It'sit's the perfect amount of that alcoholic taste,
but alcohol balanced fairly nicely with themalt and balanced well with the vanilla
and sugars. So remember Bill gothitting the head with a grill lids,

So no, this it's it's overhairs grown out of his head. Now,
dude, this is boozy. AndI'm I mean, I honestly I
feel I'm sure there are tons ofpeople that love, love, love,
love something this sweet. But ohmy gosh, the booze and the sweetness,

I like, Oh that's that's Imean, Oh wow, that wordy.
I love you. But man,I'm gonna I'm I don't know if
I can do much more than aboutabout three ounces of this. Who apparently
I would not want to drink sixteenounces. Oh that's high, Chad,
Wrong, Chad, You're really letme down. I remember back in the
day, man, you want ashotgun? That thing? You're funny?

Uh? Anyway, well, youknow, maybe you know back in the
day, though, I would haveshot gunned it if I would have gotten
paid for it. And you knowwhat, you know what they don't offer
us in the radio business they usI know, well, I know support
if we want, if we wantan NIL deal, we got to go

get our own deal. Nobody's helpingus out there. And if you don't
know what NIL deal is, Idon't know what that is. It's it's
name, image and likeness and it'swhat college athletes are using today as a
way of getting around the we're notgoing to pay players. So basically,
these athletes who play for college sports, they get so popular and they generate

so much money based on their nameand their image and their likeness that they
raise so much money for the universitythat they say, hey, look we
need a cut of this. Andsome people say it's ruining sports or college
sports, but it's in. It'sout there right now. In the NIL
the name, image and likeness moneytypically goes to a conglomerate or a council

if you will, at the university, and that money gets paid out the
players based on how they manage theirsocial media, what they do to represent
the university. Well, at IowaState University in Ames Iowa fans. They
had a very they had a verymission oriented goal, like we got something

we want to see here happen.They blew out BYU. And after the
big blowout of BYU in the collegefootball game a few weeks back, a
bunch of key donors got together andthey said, you know what we want
to see. We want to seesomething happen here. We want to see
if we can get the executive directorhere at Iowa State part of that NIL

collective. We'll see if we canget them to shotgun a beer. Please
tell me he's a t totller.Please tell me he's a te totller.
He's like, no, absolutely not. It's like, come on, guys,
do you really want to do that. He's like, you know what
if you want to do that,if you want me to shotgun a beer,
I'll tell you what. He's putsome ridiculous number out there. He's
like, Okay, if you canraise thirty two hundred dollars for the NIL

funds that we can pay some ofour players. Yeah, I guess I'll
shot gun a beer. And well, the executive director he agreed, as
long as those fans could raise thirtytwo hundred bucks and well, by the
time they got the Venmo account setup, there was five five hundred and
seventy three dollars and thirty four centsin there. Boom, Well he took

the opportunity to chug the beer andraise the toast to the Big twelve conference,
to Ames, Ames Lagger and thoseIowa state cyclone fans saying, you
guys just put extra five thousand dollarsin there as an opportunity to support our
athlete. Cheers to you. Youknow, I watched the video. It's

very impressive. You would think that, like you know, he would just
bomb at it, but no,he was killed it. So good for
you man, raising money. Yeah, he's not a teetotaler. Yeah,
I know, but I thought thatwould be a nice twist of the story,
and it would have been. Butnow it turns out that he was
not. All right, Uh man, we got a lot to get to

next hour. I'm looking at theone sheet and they're trying to figure out
if we can get to all ofit. But I uh, I'm looking
at it right now. Let's seehold my beer and watch this. The
highest rated stout in every state.Speaking of stouts, you know what we
didn't have time for was genetically modifiedbeer. What's going on with genetically modified
beer? Yeah, let's just throwthat out there. I mean this right

here, this is nine oh three, this bar king, which is way
too sweet for me. I wordy, I love you, but I can't
do it. But genetically modified beerright now, there's a lot of countries
that have way more restrictions on GMObeers and GMO ingredients, and they're not
gonna let brewers go into uh,you know, adding these ingredients into their
beer. But there's new yeast outthere that is now adding flavors so that

you don't have to put fruit in. Why it's genetically modified. Yeah,
don't have to add fruit, justuse the genetically modified yeast. And yeah
there you go. All right,wow, all right, coming up next
hour, Well not going on,we'll be right back. We like to
have at least five practice beers beforewe have our actual beer. Well you

need now, there's lots of practice. What's on tap Radio continues, Yeah,
yeah, you know how we doit? Side west side, All

right, kick it off our numbertwo What's on tap radio? Thanks for
joining us. Take this time toplug our social to get ahold of us
number of ways to do so,going into our social what's on tap Rado
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok. I said that kind of quick.
Let me say it again Facebook,Twitter, I guess it's called X now

yeah, right, because we're hip, Yeah, we're hip, Instagram TikTok.
And then it get to get ahold of the show. You can
simply email us what's on tap Radoat gmail dot com. That's what's on
tap Rado at gmail dot com.Like many of our listeners, I've done
so. Now reminder that if youtry to send us an email and it
gets kicked back because our inbox isfull, you can thank our good friends

over at Rinaldo Tanaka no Superior pestControl. I was get ahead of myself
because we got Renald Tanaka Insurance Groupqued up for this whole my being on.
But yeah, thanks to our friends, our superior pest control for keeping
our inbox full of stories. Goahead, Chad, kickoff beer number eight
for you and Bill. No,it's not beer number eight but the last

one that we got from again Wordynine oh three. Wordy's a friend of
the show. Nine oh three.I'm sorry that was a Boozehound. It
was sweet. I didn't even finishthree ounces of it, and I'm now
a Type two diabetic. I meanit is. That was wow. And
so we gotta slow things way down. We're gonna go back rustic, old

school experimental. By the way,again, I'm not knocking the beer.
I'm just saying it's not for me. This year, we're gonna go a
different direction. Harbor Light Bill instudio, Stunt Beer Liver. That's why
we're opening so many of these.This comes from a brewery just down the
street from where Bill lives in Fennville, Michigan Way Post Brewing Company. James
and I. We've been there,Hannah Lee, friend of the show.

She's been on before. Award winningbrewer with gold medal winnings, say Son
at the Great American Beer Festival andBill says, hey, Chad, have
you ever had a field beer?And I said, absolutely I have.
I mean you go up and downthe style at the beer Ale and it's
like, dude, I'm just tryingto find an ipa and all I see

are field beers everywhere. I Mean, I can't find a good ipa anywhere
because all the shells are just packedwith field beer. In case you're wondering
what a field beer is, Basically, it's any beer incorporating vegetables or you
know, it's really fruits vegetables.It's a wheat based beer, but the
vegetables are used as a carbohydrate adjunctthat basically add to the mouthfield to the

body, but also to the sugarswhich are fermented off. And this particular
field beer from Wavepost is a cheerfulwheat beer accented with lemon grass. I
don't even know how to say thisone agreement. I never get this one.
Is it? Is it chamma meal, That's what I said? And
ginger, bright, tangy and floral, yet grounded with a bit of earthy

spice. I like this so feelbeer. We're gonna ahead and give us
a taste here from Waypost Brewing afive percent beer. How is it?
And wow? That is fricking delicious. Wow that is it's it's it's lemon
zesty, citrusy, even a littlebit. It's very much a lemon ginger,

yes, but very light, notoverpowering. That is that delicious,
refreshing. Whoa, We're back,We're back, okay, all right man,
we're taking our taste buds on afantastic voyage like Coolio all over the
place. Uh. Speaking of goingall over the place, Uh, James,
I'm betting we're going to Nebraska thisweek. Close hold my beer and

watch this. Brought to you bythe Ring Malda ten Hacen Insurance Group where
they'll cover you for just about everythingexcept this. The last few weeks we've
given Florida the week off, notthis week, bringing it right back to
the Sunshine State. All right,So we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna
spot like a spot like a drunkcriminal from Florida. I know it's hard

to imagine, but also known asa Florida man. We're gonna give it
a shot. So, speaking ofno pants, we were talking about that
earlier in the show, Florida manwas taken to jail for portly exposing himself
to deputies and it was all caughton body camera video. So police arrested

forty year old Sean Madden on chargeof exposure of sexual organs, assaults on
an officer this early intoxication that's ofalcohol, and resisting an officer without violence
following a confrontation one Sunday in alocal neighborhood. Nice Sunday afternoon, kids
are probably playing and here comes thisdrunken idiot in a nice neighborhood. So

deputies were called out after receiving areport of a man acting belligerent and arguing
with a woman in the road.When they arrived, they found a shirtless
man later identified as Madden, actingin an aggressive manner, screaming and threatening
to fight deputies. Officials said,how much have you had to drink?
A deputy asked, can you hearsaying that on the body cam? What's

going on, Bud? Can wetalk about it? The deputy asked.
Madden replies, talk about what whatthe did I do? Madden continued,
and Madden guy little upset because officerswere reaching their arms around the back and
he thought they were about to pulla weapon out on him, and he

was trying to explain to the officersthat he didn't have a weapon on him.
All he was wearing is a pairof jim shorts, no shirts,
and he had some shoes. Andto prove that he didn't have a weapon
on him, he pulled his pantscompletely to the ground, exposing himself to
the officers, drop it, giveme the address. Four four four cop

cars. Come on, howbout youhad to drink this, let's go.
I'm swinging on everybody. Where's myweapon? Where's my weapon? Where's my
weapon? And there goes his pantsstraight to the ground. So shortly after
he was arrested, and uh,he actually surrendered to the deputies and he

was taken to jail and later releasedafter posting a two thousand dollars bond.
So, a Florida man was takento jail for exposing himself to deputies trying
to prove he did not have aweapon. Not a place to do that
guy right there in the neighborhood wherethe kids can see. Nope, he
was taken to jail for exposing himselfto deputies. And that's your hold my
beer and watch this this week.Drunk man exposes himself to prove that he

did not have a weapon. Ifeel like there's somebody in this who's gonna
pick this up, the story up, and they be like, you know
what, make belts for a living? We could we could spawn this is
this is a sponsorship opportunity. Wecould do that. Where's my weapon?
Where's my weapon? Pants to theground to prove that he didn't have a
weapon. Yeah, well they'll they'llcover you for just about everything, but

not this bringing all the Tenaching insurancegroup. I mean they don't they don't
uh cover Florida man, not this. They don't cover they don't cover Wardobe
malfunctions intentional or otherwise. No.Uh, the p s A from this
bit drink responsibly, ladies and gentlemen. That's your PSA from your humble narrators.
Here, what's on tap radio?I can't make this stuff. Story
left out was what was he drinking? Though? You know what it never

says Bill, It never says we'lldo a deep dive and more. What's
on tap radio when we come back, where As James has said, we're
gonna talk about everything, believe insomething, they say we believe. We'll
have another beer. This is what'son taps. Back to James and Chad.

If you're hearing West Michigan and youhave insurance needs, why not support
somebody who supports us ringing all theten Hacen insurance. Reach out to our
buddy John Klunder. That's ringing allthe ten Hacing insurance RTI Grand rapids dot
Com. And that's like having abelly full of food, nice cold beer

to crack some good talk, hangingout with some good people. Can't have
for anything better. Man, lookgood right now, thanks for tuning into
What's on Tap Radio. So Chad'sgot to hanging out with Bill and studio
Harbor Light Brewery and they're having allthis fun with the October Fest. I

was like, I want to playto you guys, guys, because I
had this Guinness draft that I kickedoff. It's stout season. It's stout
season, and I wanted to doit rights by bringing a Guinness draft to
this show. And then we gotinto the baking segment where you can infuse
guinness into those chocolate chewy cookies.And then uh, Chad got into maybe

cooking, making soup with chili,soup, stew, chowder, all of
it. But anyways, going backto the Harbor Light. They kicked off
the show, brought the table sponsoredby the Backyard Grill with the Harbor Light,
and I was thinking, I waslike, you know, I want
to play. I want to play, And so I went to my my
fridge here in studio s and Ipulled out a Harbor Light Brewery and this

is the this is the Oh shutup, dude, this is the well.
I don't know what it is becauseit doesn't say what it is on
the labol. So James is gonnaplay a game. Hey, he's gonna
open up. Maybe it's an octoberFest. Maybe it's chili. Who knows,
it could be anything, pretty blindbeers that we used to play on

this show years ago. But I'mgonna go ahead and fill this whole cup
up. You're just gonna commit youknow what I might You know how much
I love october Fest. Yeah,no, man, I sure hope it's
drinkable, because you know, theguy who made it is sitting in studio
with me. So all right,all right, now I don't have the
My palate's kind of blown since Ikicked it off with the stout, so
I won't be able to give youthose tasting notes and those aromas that I

normally give you that and it's notwritten on the can. Shut up,
Chad, shut up. It's abit. Shut up, Chad quick giving
away all our secrets. Oh man, that's good stuff, all right,
Well, that's tasty, that's reallywhatever the hell it is it's good.
It sure is goodf a mars It'sdefinitely a Marsin. And uh, Bill,

can you reset this beer for me? Since uh you're you're available to
too. So yeah. The octoberFest beer, a German Marsian style,
comes in a little higher than Octoberfestnormally does, around six six Brood in
April of this year sat in ourcooler all summer long. Oh I love

that. Put it on tap herein September. And because it's not written
on the can tell everybody what thename of that beer is. The name
of the beer is Tradition day.Tradition Day. That's a good neigh for
a beer. Well. I usedto work for a concrete company, Poorn
Concrete, and the first day ofsnow he would always declare, tradition day,
we take lunch and go drink beer. I like that. Wait a

minute, you worked so the firstday of snow, you wouldn't you,
Like, everybody, stop what you'redoing. We're gonna go get lunch,
We're gonna drink beer, and thenyou're gonna go mess with power tools and
heavy equipment. Oh no, wewent never went back to work. Okay,
okay, God bail the question ishow much powder did it take?
Did it take one snow flick?Guys, Tradition day? We're going or

or was it like coming down?Then you call it? When do they
call it tradition day? If theground was white? It's tradition day?
Okay, because I know over herelike it rains like one sprinkle, guys,
right out right out, we're out. You can't do that. It's
one drop of rain. We're callingit, guys, for calling let's go
drink beer. We can't work,guys, the conditions are too wet.

Oh, but that's good. Ilike it. I like it, Bill,
I'm a fan the Harbor Light TraditionDay in my glass here at studios
on the West Side. No,it is it, definitely is it.
It's definitely a Mars And I cantell thank you very much. I'm a
fan. Now. If you weren'there with us, I would still say
I like it. Yeah. Howdid that end up down there? Yeah?

When I make those frequent periodic tripsdown to Houston, I try to
bring beer for James. I'm appreciateit. Yet I do have some Tantrik
beer here in the studio. SHere is cooler, I know, Chad,
you don't want to get to thestory, but I'm gonna do it
anyways. Oh that's good, becauseguess what, I've got a story that
you don't want to do. Perfect. So earlier the show, we were

talking about things you can do withbeer, make cookies, make soup.
How about trying this? Now I'mpicturing someone doing this and then getting pulled
over and saying, no, officer, I haven't been drinking. So there's
this article that's making the rounds rightnow that claims you should be washing your
hair with beer, and Chad quicklyshakes his head. The claim is the

claim is malt, hops and iron. It can make your hair softer,
shinier, and healthier overall. Butdoes it really work? The site dot
com No, I sponsor the show, so I'm not gonna say there's no
scientific evidence to back it up.But one writer on thrill Us actually tried

it and said it did make adifference. So the experts say it doesn't,
but one guy on social media says, yep, it makes a difference.
In now our ones like, hey, guys, we gotta try this.
That's how it works these days.Some experts say it might end up
damaging your hair instead because the alcoholcould strip away the natural oils. And
for that reason some people say nonalcoholic beer would work best. But if

you do want to try it,this is how you want to do it.
First, you want to open thebeer and let it go flat.
So I would recommend probably grabbing abeer out of the crisper drawer. Don't
bring one of those nice beers thatyou've been saving enough to drink, but
let it go flat. You don'twant any carbon dioxide in the bubbles.
It creates hard water, which isn'tgood for your hair washing condition your hair

like normal. The beer is justlike extra step. Misage it into the
scalp and leave it in for afew minutes. No one talks about for
how long. But you know,like I said earlier, how much beer
do you add for the recipe?It's up to you, but anywhere from
three to fifteen minutes. How longare they showering for? And then rent
it out? Mom, I'm justwaiting for the water to get warm.

It's always it for so long.What is he doing in there? I'm
a growing boy, Mom, I'mgetting bigger washing there's more of me to
wash once Silence had a different approach. They said that just fill a spray
bottle up with flat beer, sprintsyour hair with it, and don't wash
it out. They claim it's betteras leaving in it like the conditioner.
But the downsize is you'll smell likea frat party and then have to explain

to the officer when you get pulledover. No offer, I wasn't drinking.
I was just trying to shine upmy hair with beer. I hate
this story so much for so manyreasons, not because I'm bald, but
because this is the dumbest thing.But first of all, somebody out there
is saying, oh, non alcoholicbeer. Oh, finally they found a
use for it. Because I'm notgonna I know somebody's gonna be pissed about

that, but but I don't it. After everything you describe, first thing
you do is you make sure youpick the correct beer, and then make
sure you remove all the carbonation andthen a flat bottle and then you put
it. Yeah, right, becauseI tell you this sounds so convenient.
I mean as opposed to just takeyour regular shampoo, popping the cap,
putting on your hands, right,Burt. Plus, now, since James

went ahead and did a story thatI despise. I'm gonna do one I've
been I've been trying to get thison the books and get this out there.
But I'm reminded of a line fromthe movie As Good as It Gets,
which ties into shampoo right here.It's absolutely perfect. I love this
story and it ties in perfectly.And Jack Nicholson says, people who talk

in metaphors should shampoo my crotch.Well, speaking of your nether regions,
Caitlin Siragusa, also known on Twitchand with their OnlyFans account by a morianth
is teamed up with none other thanthe Order of the Yoni. Now,

if you don't know what the Orderof the Yonie is, it is a
Polish brewery. And this Polish breweryis making that general yeast beer. That's
right. They are getting their yeastfrom ladies who have an only Fans page.
And this Caitlin Sarragusa, twenty nineyears old, who resides in Houston,

Texas, has six point four millionfollowers. She was once paid two
million dollars to let people watch hersleep and was paid eight thousand dollars to
get on the phone and call somebodyand say you're a loser. And now
she is going to work with hergynecologist to have her pap smear cultivated into

a yeast, which then goes intoa beer which will likely sell for one
thousand dollars a bottle. And thisstory discussed James on so many levels and
he hates it. And we talkedabout this one word anyway, So if
you got an extra thousand dollars aroundand well, you're a fan of this

twitch sensation, maybe this is abeer you'll put in yours your collection.
Hard pass for me. All right, I need to take a break and
reset this show. We have gottenthis show off the rails, all right,
So coming up, we're gonna we'regonna bring it back and put it
back on the tracks. This isWhat's on Tap Radio. Hang with us,
we'll be right back. Gross Afterreading about the evils of drinking,

we made up our mind. We'regonna stop reading. What's on Tap Radio
continues with James Simpson and Chad Pilbeam, My Yellow Roads and Texas. What

happens when your playlist goes on shuffle. It's called What's on tab Radio.
It's a brand new song, It'sI just bought the record I told you
when we started this show, Igot a brand new record player. We
upgraded in the studio, and itused to be we used to have a
whole band in studio. But nowyou get the band members the day off

play records. Now it's really nice. Technology is lovely. Yeah, I
don't love it all right, signfor another beer because you know I got
a stunt beer. Liver Bill's inthe studio, chat Bill. This Harbor
Light Brewery tradition day Octoberfest is reallytasty. I'm loving it. Thank you.
Well, see, I want tocrack open a beer right now that

James says tastes different depending on whereyou are. And well, I said,
I brought beer to James. Ibrought him some Harbor Light. I
brought him some Tan Brewing Company beer. And well, James says, well,
you know what, you brought thisreally tasty craft beer all the way
thirteen hundred miles to me. Whydon't I send you home with a can

of Lone Star beer. I'm like, wow, man, you really know
how to treat a friend. Thanksfor a supergeon, buddy. So I'm
gonna crack open this Lone Star andsee, uh if it tastes any different
in Michigan. I don't know ifit tastes different, it just hits different.
Well, the thing is, I'mpouring it into the Sam Adams Boston
Logger glass, so immediately, youknow, immediately it's gonna go up.

Okay, let's see brilliantly clear.And when I say brilliant, I mean
yeah, I mean seriously. Ican see Bill's fingerprints through it. Okay,
I mean that's what we're talking about, like on his hand. I
mean it's crystal clear. Let's see. Oh yeah, that's beer. That's
beer. It's it's a beer.It's it. I mean, tastes like

beer. It's there's really not that'sother than to say it's better. The
thing, I always order Lone Starbeer when I'm in Texas when I go
to a barbecue joint or what's thename of that place that we stop at.
It was called the Eagle. Ohmy, oh, the place out
when you're leaving Brass Valley Brewing Company. It's halfway. It's about halfway between

Houston and Austin. It's it's thislittle place. It's also like a little
antique shop as well. Oh mygoodness, the Iron Eagle, the iron
Eagle, Iron Eagle, the irongarden, and the beer garden is like
some plank wood thrown down on somebarrels. And he's got two giant fish

coolers, ones filled with uh michelobUltra Miller Lite and the other ones filled
with premium beer, which is LoneStar and do s Eki's and and that's
that's it. And it's cash only. And if you want a pizza,
he does have a pizza oven.It's also known as I think a microwave,

but he has one, and andhe will he will prepare the pizza
right before your eyes. He opensthe chest freezer, he takes the Walmart
pizza right out of the box,the flips the plastic off, throws it
in. No, it's actually it'sa toaster oven. He throws it in
the toaster oven, and in tenminutes you have a piping hot, delicious

pizza. Meanwhile, while you're waitingfor that pizza, you're sucking back Lone
Star beers and you're having one ofthe most interesting conversations with one of the
most interesting bartenders in the entire world. Just remember, bring cash. We
talk about BUCkies having the best bathrooms. I think they probably have a better

bathroom. It's a urdal on theirtree in the back. Oh no,
no, it is. It is. It is a urinal that is screwed
into a tree. So you wedon't want to Hey, we're civilized.
We're not gonna pee on the tree. By the way, the urinal has
a hose that goes right down tothe tree. Yeah. It's funny because
back in nineteen eighty five, Ibelieve I visited the Lone Star Brewery.

Dang, that's San Antonio, SanAntonio. Yeah, yeah, oh wow.
No, I like a Lone Starevery now and then. Man it
no, this is good. There'snothing wrong with it. One doesn't.
So anyway, that's what I said. I was going to save this and
share it with some whichever person wasunlucky. It's cold, it's cold and

wet. I know. I say, you didn't share it with the filmmaker,
You just well, I didn't knowhim that well. Yeah, make
sure you check out our previous episodeson demand. You can find our podcast
wherever podcasts can be found. That'sat What's on tap Radio, What's on
tap Radio, and we're on everyplatform that's out there. James hard work

This sounds like a set up fora joke, but it's not. I
mean, it was kind of aprank that worked a little too well.
But what happens when you get aWashington Department of Fish and Wildlife officer,
a detective, and a Border Patrolagent responding to a call of a human
remains located in a cave. Isure hope there's beer involved with this story,

because I'm like, wait a minute, human remains in the cave,
and we got Parks and Recreation Sheriff, FBI, everybody else. They're all
there. So Squad fifty one respondthree William fifty six on route. We
got a body. Okay, let'shear this. The reporting party reported finding
the remains while paddle boarding inside ofa cave near the Canadian border. So

officers took the jet skis to thecave entrance and swim inside to investigate.
Please tell me there's some chips musiclike Paunch and John Yeah, good day.
This sounds really morbid because it's amorbid story and here we are,
well yeah, they're recording to apparentlythey're a call of human remains. The

crazy thing is is we know thepunchline, so stay with us folks.
But what appeared to be a skullcould be seen from the bottom of the
inside of the cave, so theofficer dove in to get a closer look
using goggles some kind boaters head loanedto the officers. So it turns out
it was not any human remains,which is good news. What was it,

you asked? Uh? And theremains ended up being a plastic skull
beer bong. And so when apparentlystuffed full of rocks to sink to the
bottom to prank people a little,they know, the trick worked a little
too well. So yeah, whatofficers thought was going to be human remains
turned out to be a plastic skullbeer bong stuff with rocks. I can

imagine they weren't pleased with that,but I mean they were pleased that it
weren't human remains. But I needthis in my life. Have you seen
this school beer bong? I thinkI used to have one in college.
I did. I just did abeer logic show in Atlanta, Georgia,
and this group hired me. Iwant to thank them again. We got

a bunch of new listeners now tooin Atlanta. I want to thank you
guys, But when I was there, we were talking about the difference between
an invention and innovation, and aninvention is something that's new. An innovation
is something that's new, whether it'san improvement on something that's already been invented,

which in and of itself, ifyou develop a new purpose, is
an invention, but it adds abenefit. And I made the comment I
said, I said, if youdon't think that all or if you think
invention, all inventions are innovations,I give you the plastic baseball hat with
a two beer beer cans on top, which was an invention, but nobody's

life was made better by drinking fromit, so therefore it's not really an
innovations. Well, it's actually prettygood chadow. And they got that.
They got that. That's beer logicapplied beer logic conferences and events. But
anyway, all right, well wegot we gotta go to break here in
a few minutes. But I thought, maybe we got a couple of minutes
to talk really quickly about the topstouts, the most popular and highest rated

scouts from every single state. Soin the next minute, I'm gonna read
all fifty states. No I'm not, but this comes to us from Beer
Advocate, which I know a lotof people use the old untapped app,
but Beer Advocate's been out there.They were one of the pioneers. I
know some people like to GI yeah, but BA has been out there a
really long time. They good stuff. So I thought we just hit some

of the popular ones. A coupleof names that I like, Fundamental observation.
I mean, that's just I don'tknow why you'd put those two words
together, but I like it.That comes out of California A thirteen percent,
the most popular stout out of California. Out of Colorado, Oh yeah,
sure, thanks. Weld Works BrewingCompany, a beer that I can't
pronounce. It's Mediana midianoce coconut.Yeah that's right, Okay, cool A

fourteen point one percent. Geez everybody, Yeah, everybody wants to know about
Delaware. Well Utopia's barrel Age Worldwidestout because Dogfish is there. Let's go
to Florida, Florida Man drinks Hounapoo'sImperial double barrel age stout. Georgia.
We were just yeah, oh yeah, Georgia. We were just talking about
them. Wake and Bake Coffee OatmealImperial stout from Tarrap and brewery that is

the most popular stout there. Let'sjump to Iowa, Iowa Toppling Goliath Brewing
Company a twelve percent, the KentuckyBrunch brand stout. By the way,
if they get their hands on that, I'd like to try that. Please.
This one here name from Indiana fromthree Floyd's the Russian Imperial Stout of
fifteen percent. I'm not sure wecan say this, but I'm gonna say

it anyway and we can get centeredlater. Marshmallow hanjy ok. I'm not
yeah, I'm not sure what thehand what a handy is, but I'm
just gonna move on. We're justgonna keep going. Out of Louisiana rev
the Coffee Stout from Parish Brewing Company. And yes, let's see what Michigan

big shocker here CBS Canadian Breakfast Stoutfrom Founders Brewing Company eleven point three and
you know what, let's just tackleTexas here right now. Let's make sure
we get them because Bourbon Barrel TemptressLakewood Brewing Company eleven point three percent sweet
stout from Lakewood Brewery Bourbon Barrel Temptress. And these are the most popular stouts

in every state. We will posta link to our social media so if
your state wasn't mentioned, you cango and find out what state what stout
you should be drinking according to beeradvocates. All right, we're going to
take you a last break. Comingup in the last segment, let's talk
about some rules that you should befollowing when you're visiting a brewery. All
this is so much more coming upin the last segment. We'll be right
back. And the teacher said,no, Bobby, there's no such time

as bureau clock fire that teacher.This is what's on Tap Radio. Tantrik
Brewing Company, located in Alegant,Michigan, proud sponsors What's on Tap Radio
and located right here in my backyard. Chad Pilbeam, the beer logic guy.
Go in there and ask for freeWhat's on tap high five and check

out the amazing beers Tantic Brewing,Tantik Brewing dot com, Tantik Brewing.
I'm a ruling stall all alone andalone are a life of all Right,

partners, buckle up. We've beenhere, that, we've been there,
we've been everywhere. We've talked aboutit, well, not all of it.
You got all that segment. We'vedone all of it, Chad,
we did all. Yeah, we'reabout to We've got one segment left.
Oh yes, right, we leftsomething for the end if we were done,

and we talked about it all.What we're gonna do now? Open
another beer? All right, wellwe will. Okay, let's do that
right now. Last segment of What'son Tap Radio for the week, brought
to you by our friends in Alligan, Michigan, Tantrick Brewing Company. And
uh yeah. Oh. Bill looksin there and he's like, hey,
I know those guys. Those arepretty cool guys. And oh look what
I found. So I didn't evenhave So I've been saving this beer and

Bill's like, we're drinking this andI said, Bill, I'd kind of
like to save it. He says, shut up and open the bottle.
And I said, okay. Sothis is the Whiskey barrel Aged Kinky series,
Go Regimental Scottish, wee heavy,And then I remembered, oh wait,
it's a barrel age Scotch ail.Yum, my favorite love it.

The barrel Age program over there aTantrick Brewing Company Killer along with all their
other beers. They're doing some prettyamazing things. If you get in the
area, stop in to Tantrik BrewingCompany, get a What's on tap radio
high five? You have to askfor him. They're not just sitting there
on the counter. You have toactually walk up and say, can I
get a What's on tap radio highfive? Tantrik Brewing Company? Find out
more tantic Brewery dot com. Right, so I want to get to the

story about mistakes you're making when youvisit a brewery. Now. I don't
like the headline your mistakes You're makingwhen you visit brewery because years and years
and years ago, we kind ofdid a story similar to this, and
we had a listener email reach outto us what's on tap we do at
gmail dot com and said, Idon't want to have to go to a
brewery and have to follow rules.I don't I want to just go back

there and pour my own beer.I don't want to have to follow all
these rules. Why do I haveto have rules? I mean, I
get okay, I can't go behindthe bar, but why the It's like
swimming at a public pool of nolifeguard? All right, Look, so
how about this? How about waysto get a better experience when you go
to a brewery. I guess theheadline should read, well, that might

be a good idea. I mean, uh, I don't want to I
don't want to say what brewery Isaw this at, but some of this
was posted on social media recently,and and they're friends of ours. We
saw it and there were like eightor nine kids and they were they were
running around and this is a brewerthat had a big outdoor play area for

the kids, like playground equipment,swings and everything. Were the kids there,
Nope? Were they over by thestorage locker with a metal door where
all the brewery, you know,the like some of their brewery promotion stuff,
their storage. Yeah, storage closet, big old pull down metal door
where they over there, running asfast as they could and crashing into it

and kicking it and throwing rocks atit. Yep. And it was like
this public service announcement reminding you whatyour damn kids. There's like tad kids
pounding on the door, just whlike, yeah, well, she's a
strong I think the capture was somethinglike she's a strong door. But I

don't know how much worse she couldtake. I mean, look, I
have I have small children, butI can certainly understand why there's people out
there that go you know what,I don't like going to breweries where there
are children because of this, wherekids are just so there's it's not like
three or four kids, there's liketwelve of them parenting fail and you know

it's just like you know, likethe parents are you know, having a
good time talking with their friends,and you know the kids are off playing.
Meanwhile, they're not watching their kidsthrowing rocks into the street. Now
I don't know if they were doingthat, but you know, the kids
aren't being supervised right now. Theseare things that you can't control as a
patron and because somebody else's kids.But the list we're going to give you

are things that you can control andthings you can do to enhance your experience.
Yeah, just make it a betterexperience. And I like the first
one. It's just doing your researchbeforehand. And I'm not talking about like
knowing the history of the brewery andwhen they open and who the owners are.
No, just going there knowing like, okay, what styles of beer
they have, so you don't haveto go there, and especially when there's
long lines of people trying to getbeer and you're like, well, what

do you have? I'm this kindof drinker. What do you got with
that? Like that? Maybe lookat the menu and see some beers that
okay, I want to try that. Also, a good rule of hand
when you're learning about research is whetherit's kid or pet friendly. Maybe you
don't want to go to a brewerywhere there's thousands of kids running around beating
on storage lockers, So just doa little research before you go. Yeah.

So, yeah, there's other breweriesthat, you know, mistakes that
have been made. They show upand they're like, cool, can I
get a food menu? We don'thave a kitchen. Oh well maybe you
should. You know, I meanthat happens there's a there's another brewery out
there. It's like, oh wait, yeah, what kind of stouts do
you have? Oh well, we'rean IPA brewery. Sorry we do.
Like it's like, well, sorry, can't do that. All right?
How about this one? This isthis is one of my favorite ones.

When you dress inappropriately and it's yourand I say this like it's kind of
your own fault. No crop topsin spaghetti strap, no short shorts.
Well it's one of those things,particularly in the South, whenever you think
Oh, it's really hot outside.I'm gonna go ahead and dress really comfortable.
But then you realize that there's nooutdoor seating and it's all indoors and

it's all air conditioning, and thenyou go side and you freeze, or
or the other way around. It'slate in the year, basically it's getting
a little cooler out and you think, oh, I'm gonna go inside where
it's gonna be warm and heated,and it's like, no, you better
bundle up because you gotta go outside. And it's like, well, I
didn't know we were gonna be sittingoutside. Hey, see rule one,
do your research. So I thought, when you remember closed toad shoes on

the tour, I thought when hesaid dressing inappropriately, not to wear any
sea through clothes, I thought,that's what you're angled. No, you're
talking about, like, you know, don't wear open toad shoes because you
know it's a construction site and there'sheavy equipment around that could fall on your
feet when you're doing these tours.Well, you can wear sea through clothes.
Just make sure you do your researchand check ahead of time and see

if the brewery has an only fanspage. Right now, we're just discussing
ways to have a better experience whenyou go to breweries. This is the
one that it should be obvious,but I see this happening all the time.
Do not touch the brewing equipment oringredients. I know it's tempting,
but brew are very, very,you know, cautious of contamination. I

guess I was trying to say.So, think about like it being like
a giant lab or a hospital whereyou just don't touch the things. And
one thing I really noticed that I'veseen people do. They'll have the stacks
of cans and people will start goingpoking the cans and dinning the cans.
Yeah, they ruin the cans,and then that messes up the canning line.
And when you get one dent andding in a can and you start

filling out a canning line, itusually ruins about ten and it's not good.
And the other thing that you don'trealize is it's a working brewery.
You have no idea what's hot andwhat's not. Don't touch anything more than
that there's chemicals. Those are thethings you don't want to be sticking your
fingers into and then playing around with. Right, And Plus it's all about

sanitizing and think about it. It'sa food production and have a sense of
hygiene, so don't go around touchingit with your dirty hands. All right,
I want to go ahead and addthis to the list of enhancing your
experience. This one goes out toyou, Fire Marshall. Matt by the
way, I used your bottle opener to open this beer. Thank you
very much for that. Not tryinga wide range of beers. When you

go into a brewery and you say, I hate ip as, but it's
a brewery known for making really goodI pas, get your brown ale,
get your ambryal, get your stout, get your porter on a flight,
but be willing to try something different. That's how my palette evolves. That's
how everybody's palatee evolves. Be willingto try something different. So try if

you are at a brewery where theymake the beer and you're not willing to
try a wide range of beers.And on the flip side, don't over
indulge in the samples because then youruin your palette and now you can't really
appreciate the beer. And plus thosebeers catch up with you really quick.
Some of those higher ABV beers.So when you're over indulging in the samples,

sometimes those beers will catch up toyou real quick, and real real
quick before we get out of herethe brewery. After you leave, throw
something on social maybe some pictures ofthe beers that you drink or the food
that you got. Just give thema little love, especially if you had
a good time. Maybe write areview on Yelp or trip Advisor. So
just tips on how to enhance yourexperience when you go out to a brewery.

So there's some tips from your friendshere at What's on Tap Radio.
But Chad, we have got tosay goodbye. I cannot believe. Well
it's because we talked about everything.Yeah, I guess, so we're done,
but talk about we got to putup on the show. But before
we do, let's thank our advertisers, our sponsors out laos you get on
the radio each and every week.That being Tangent Brewing, Superior Past Control,
Bologic conference and events. We knowAlton take an insurance group, the

Backyard Girl of course sponsoring our podcastcast branding. I want to thank Bill
for hanging out with us. ThisHarbor Light Brewery beer very very tasty.
I also want to thank mister bioLogic Chap He'll be I am Beer grew
Jameson saying thank you for checking outWhat's on Tap Radio. We hope you
enjoyed it, and we hope thatyou would joine for another actually packed undership
next week. See then, folks, Cheers
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