All Episodes

January 30, 2024 81 mins
On tap this week: A bar renamed itself "The Gym”, Jason Kelce upstaged Taylor Swift…social media is outraged, Coors Light is bringing back the Chill Train, Anheuser-Busch is named the official beer sponsor of PBR???, The biggest crimes against beer, Could you go a month with out a smartphone?, The worst possible pizza toppings, all you can drink beer for 60 mins, all this and so much more presented by Cask Branding. Enjoy the show, Cheers!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This What's on Tap Radio podcast isbrought to you by Cast Branding. I
remember of the Texas craft Brewers Guild. Cast Branding has been supplying breweries,
distilleries and wineries with top quality merchandisesince twenty thirteen. If you're looking for
a way to promote and grow yourbrand, check out Cast Branding on Facebook,
Instagram, and online at cast Brandydot com, cast Brandy dot com,
Cash Brandy dot Com. Enjoy theshow. This is about to be

good radio. Oh yeah. Tome, a craft brewer is much more
of a mindset. We just openedtwo cans. Spread the gospel of good
beer. Beer. Tons and tonsof stuff going on in the beer world.
I love Kraft beer. I lovedifferent people's beers. It's the first
favorite. Cheers to old us beergeeks and those new to the craft.

What's on Tap? High five?Who? This is What's on Tap Radio
Beer and the culture that flows withit. Pears Beer Guru James Simpson and
beer Logics Chadpilby. Bring that trainin people all over the world. All

over the world. People join handsand I'm not going to buy the world
to coke, but I'll have abeer with you. Let's go look at
the analytics. People are listening aroundthe world. We appreciate that. Welcome
to What's on TAP Radio? Iam James. That's Chad in studio with
Chad Harbor light Bill. Welcome tothe show. Got a lot of stuff

on TAPT this week. We're reallyexcited. You know. I kind of
stayed around on Sunday just waiting,waiting. I'm like, God, can
we just get on there on theshow already? Can we start the show?
Patience my friends? But we're here, We're here, We've got time
commitments. It's like we'd like toget on earlier and then stay on later
because it's so much fun. Iwish I wish we could record our production

meeting and air that because some ofthe stuff that said in our production meeting,
even though it's like highly offensive,and people would write the radio station
complaining to get us kicked off theradio man. That's entertaining stuff, we
say, But I digress. We'lltry to do Before we went on there,
we recapped it, and all Igotta say is, oh, the
roast of Chris Bradley. Yeah,so in my memories on social media it

popped up. We did this roastyears ago twenty seventeen to be exact,
January twenty seventeen, when it wasa transition between Chad taking over second Mike
from the original co host, whichwas Chris Bradley, and we decided in
style to send him off, andthe best way we could by doing a
roast, and Chad and I decided, you know, because he has feelings,

we'll go a little blight every delicateflower he is. And then at
one point in the roast, hewas like, guys, this is all
you got. And Chad and Ijust looked at each other and we we've
been holding back pal weed up oursleeves, and boy did we let it
rip. And it got really awkward. But hey, go back and listen
to our podcast in the past andpast Bradley who helped kickoff What's on Tap

Radio, way back when you sayit was twenty seventeen, I don't know,
Yeah it was. It was JulyJanuary twenty sevente. January twenty seventeen,
January because we were freezing. Butanyway, that was then. This
is now. I'm thirsty. Butbefore we get going, we need to
thank our wonderful sponsors and as youdid, mention one of our sponsors running

stunt Beer liver in studio with meat the Beer Logic World headquarters and Drinking
imporium, harbor Light Bell. ButJames, tell everybody please, who do
we have to think? We havea lot of people to think, including
our friends in Tantric Brewing, SuperiorPest Control, Bero Logical Conference, Devinsive
Renitenation and Insurance Group, the BackyardGrill. Keeping my lights on nice and
bright if you notice Chad very brightin my studio thanks to Bill harbor Light

Brewing and of course sponsoring our podcastcast branding who I'm going to be hanging
out with mister or Ridney Campbell inthe next few weeks when we go out
to Austin for the Texas Craft BrewersGuild Conference, bring you all the information
about that. But yeah, I'vegot a lot of sponsors, go out
and support them. But our firstsegment speaking of sponsors is brought to the
table or our good friends at theBackyard Grill. I've decided to uh trust

this into talking about them and bringingbeers to the show. And we want
to say really quick, if you'rein the northwest side of Houston or in
Houston download the b YG the BackyardGrill app and basically takes everything on their
website and makes it mobile, easyto order pick up. Or you can
go ahead and shop buy your ticketsfor the beer dinners, go to your

favorite app store and download the BYGapp. Yeah, do that all right.
So I'm thirsty, I'm no chatthirsty. I'm sure Bill's thirsty,
and I'm sure you wherever you are, are thirsty as well. So let's
go ahead and kick things off withbrought to the table. Who's going first.
I'm gonna take the reins on thisone because my liver is on gray.
I like that you. Uh,this is kind of a mystery beer

here. I say kind of amystery beer because Bill brought it in and
uh, I'm looking at it,and Bill, tell everybody what this is
Mcswick from Pigeon Hill Brewing. Andwhat does it say on the can?
Absolutely nothing? Okay, there yougo, folks. It says it was
a brood and canned and beautiful Muskeganin Michigan, my hometown where I was

born, and it's Muskegan's own Pigeonhillberingcompany Mixswick. Now, if you're looking
at the label, which you can'tdo if you're listening right now, because
you know we haven't done the Pictopodcast yet. But uh, it's looking
Scottish. And I did cheat alittle bit and I checked out the old
interwebs and sure enough, according tothe untapped app, it's a nine and

a half percent Scotch aled. It'sa wee heavy that's right. And you
know what they say, if it'snot Scottish, it's crap. And I'm
gonna goad and take a taste here. Yep. Bill took the Spradley poor,
speaking of Chris Bradley took the heavypoor. All right, that's a
nine ounce poor versus Chad one ouncepoor. That's right. Yeah, it's

a twelve hours can. Bill gotnine. I got three. So this
is pretty delicious, a little dry. I was expecting something a little more
sweet, little more rich, nicemouthfield though you could really I could taste
the alcohol in it. Yeah,you can feel the booze. You can
taste the booze. Beautiful poor,a ruby color and off white, almost

tan head. That's how we kickthings off. Pigeon Hill Brewing Company mix
Swick and apparently this was a taproom only can release from Pigeon Hill Brewing
Company, Miskegan, Michigan. Allright, let me tell you what I
got kicking off this week, continueon dry January. I looked at the
calendar. It is the last weekendfor dry January. So whether or not

I'll continue next week, We'll shallsee. But I am going to continue
the trend because I promised that Iwas going to do it to our listeners
out there that I've asked us todo it over the past few years,
and I am bringing to the showfrom a listener's suggestion, the loganitas ip
inn a ah. That's the Indiapale non alcoholic. That is the rights.
Let me put out Oh wait aminute, oh by Barblaye, just

want fly in. I try tobe an I saw that. Holy look,
did you hear? That? Is? I try to be a ninja
and pull it out and then wentflying. I'm still got a child.
James is over there is like Igot Nune Chuck skills and I can use
them to open a beer bottle.No, I don't, man, I
do not have ninja skills. Allright, gonna put this over my Boston lagger,
Sam all Adams Glass, now walkat him. Just doing that.

He's gonna take a taste here.We're gonna break these beers down a little
bit more because we're coming up ona break. But James, what's the
initial tasting notes? Oh, verycitrus, c bird, I taste citra
and mosaic hops in there. Verygood, very good, zero percent alcohol
by volume. And that's what Ibrought to the table. The loganitis I
P N A N A I PA, which I'll talk more about,
and then Chat kicked it off withthe mixed swick. That's all it says.

It's just a no. It's anine and a half percent scotta shale
from Pigeon Hill Brewing Company. We'lltalk more about these beers, but first,
James, what's on tap? We'regonna talk about crimes against beer and
a gym that I'm trying to joinand all. This is so much more,
including hold my beer and watch thisand fun facts. We got an
action back radio show. Hang withus. We'll ride back. If you
encounter wine snobs, just take afull class of wine and put it to

your ear. Mindes will be blown. This is what's on tap radio at
a time when every tap and everybar served the same mass produced light logger
tho it's craft beer bars who werethe earliest proving ground for the beer revolution.
For over two decades, the BackyardGirl has been supporting the community of

brewers and beer drinkers. Is oneof the original craft beer bars in northwest
Houston to introduce guests to West CoastIPAs, stouts and amber ales. Today,
the Backyard Girl is over to overone hundred different beers with an amazing
app all with everything from classic beerstyles that respect tradition to radically experimental fruited
sours, hazy APAs, and barrelage stouts. And yes they have your

favorite mass produced lightloggers too. Locatedon the corner of Weston Jones Road,
head out on Highway to ninety orgo online to the Backyard Girl dot com
and be sure to download the theBackyard Girl app on your phone to make
online ordering from your device even easier. The craft beer bar is a pioneer
for the craft beer revolution, andThe Backyard Girl is the craft beer bar

you need to check out in Houston. Cheers now that we got your attention,
close whistles loud still attribute to thebeer Ninja Chris Rally and you and

you acting like a ninja with yourbar blade. I try to be flicked,
pull my barblade out because there's alogging e this I p n A,
which is the beer I brought thetable sponsor by our friends over at
the backyard grill. I try tobe slick. It's just went flying across
the studio. Luckily no one wasin the studio. Luckily I have a
stunt beer drinker. Because oh Billdoesn't here. Bill wasn't here last week,

so he doesn't know. Uh no, my phone still hasn't ring.
My phone still doesn't ring. Nobody'scalled me saying hey, I'll hang out
with you. I'll hang out withyou and during the show to be a
stunt beer drinker. Because see that'sthe thing. So Harbor Light Bill hanging
out with me on third mic justbecause we want to drink beer and I

can't drink all the beer by myself, so we get to open more beers
this way. And so he's,uh, he's brought his liver with him
and he's he's filling in. Andalso James put out the call he's like
for for dry January, all nonalcoholic beers on me and might want to
come over to the studio and allyou hear are crickets. Nobody's I'm still

looking on my phone right now.No one's calling. Hey, James,
I'll come hang out with you,but I will tell you right, really
really, yeah, I'm only eighteenthough. I went to New Orleans over
the break and I stocked up ona lot of good beer and just sitting
there on the beer shehelf waiting forme to crack. And so of course

I'm going to be bringing those beerslater on, you know, next month,
but I'm sure at that point myphone will be ringing off the hook.
But as of now, no one'scalling. But speaking of a brought
to the table, I want totalk a little bit about this beer.
I got some listeners suggesting it loganitisip in a very very tasty I definitely

get notes of mosaic and citra.But I wanted to take a step of
it and kind of give you aprofile, if you will, we'll smell
it's in the heat, yeah,the Boston Logger glass from Sam Adams,
so it's gonna always taste better thatway. But full flavored ipa, definitely,
it's a I get some dry hoppedwith mosaic and citra hops. It's

a confounding creation. Uses the sameagreements found in their highly balanced IPAs,
but you know they're hops malt yeastin water. But this is just just
delicious brood without any alcohol. Andagain this is the ip NA. Logging
is brewing, not alcohol. IPAat zero percent alcohol by volume, so

quite the contrast in Chad's nine percent. And folks, that right there is
how you describe a beer when you'retotally sober. Way to go James,
way to go dry or January Jamessitting there is like, yeah, I
can read this copy perfectly, allright. Anyway, Meanwhile, we didn't
have anything. It just says cannedMuskegan, Michigan. Uh. Bill brought

the Pigeonhill mixed Swick And I'm gonnajust say, overall, I think it's
delicious. Overall, I think it'sa really nice beer. It's a little
drier than what I had hoped.I was looking for a little more chew,
but flavor profiles, solid, clarityis solid, head retention is solid.

Overall, I'd drink this again.I would drink a lot of this
again. Actually, if you're writinga scorecard on a BJCP, that's a
Beer Jude certification. Always end itwith I would drink another one? That
yes, the best advice. Yeah, they if you can't tell the brewer
what they did right or what theydid wrong on a Beer Judge certification or

Beer Judge scorecard. Always, asJames just said, let them know if
you would buy it again, ifyou would drink it again, if you
would buy it for a friend,if you would stock it in your fridge.
That gives them an indication of Hey, even if he maybe doesn't know
what the heck he's talking about froma technical standpoint, it makes me feel

better about myself and I know thatI can sell this thing again. Brought
the table sponsored my friends at thebackyard Grill. All right, Chad,
let me do this now. Theofficial What's on Tap Radio fun fact of
the Week, brought to you byWho's ever checked clear this week? Because
let's be honest, that's why Ireally people are tuning in because they want

to learn something, right, allright, I've heard this before. People
have said, hey, Chad,what's your favorite beer? And I always
tell them the one in my handbecause that's the one I'm drinking. And
they're like, yeah, you're readyfor that. No, really, what's
your favorite beer, because I'll tellyou I'll play that game too. My

favorite beer is free. Now I'veheard that one. You're right, it's
hard to pass up free beer.Fat But I think we are. We're
going to talk about this later withcrimes against beer. I think it's okay
to turn down a free beer.I've done. They are going to talk.
Yeah, you have to. Ithink in some cases you have to
do it if the if the circumstancesaren't right, and we will talk about

what those are later in the show. But James, let's see here.
Would you rather have a free beerthat's just okay? Or would you rather
pay full price for a great beer, full price for a great beer bill
full price? All right? See, there you go. Standards here,

folks, we hold up there.But some people they want the free stuff.
They're looking for the deal. Now. I don't know about you,
but the best deal other than free, that I've ever seen on beer,
I was in college and we wentto a place called the Reptile House.
Those of you in West Michigan,if you're my age, you know what
I'm talking about. Division and cherryright downtown and it was a mosh pit

bar, metal bar, and theyhad this one beer on tap and I
think it was called skull Beer,and I think it was really just natural
light. And they were selling fora dollar a pint. I get down
with that in college, right.See. Now all of a sudden,
you're like, okay, now wouldyou pay a dollar for yeah? Exactly.
And we've heard of the ten centBeer Night in Cleveland and that didn't

end well, it did not,no, but maybe the ten cent beer
Night was inspired by another beer promotion. And this beer promotion takes us all
the way back to the summer ofnineteen thirty five and it's the Texan Hotel
drug Store in Dallas, Texas.Now, if you're not familiar with summer

in Big d it's hot. Thispast year was particularly hot, and I'm
sure it was in nineteen thirty fivebecause there was no air conditioning. But
the management at the Texan Hotel drugStore, they decided that they wanted to
try and entice people to come inand drink some beer to stay cool.

But not just one beer. Howabout all the beer you can drink for
just sixty cents an hour. Whatsixty cents an hour. Now that's the
equivalent of about eleven dollars today.So can you imagine walking into your favorite

bar and sitting down and say,here's eleven bucks and I can drink as
much as I want for an hour? Go wow, what could possibly go
wrong? Well, turns out thisthing made national news, and there was
even a newsreel footage of this wholething. However, the joke was on

the customer because management knew that theyhad the upper hand. While sixty cents
for all you can drink in anhour drew people in, you would have
to drink over a gallon of beerin order to make money on that because
the bar sold twenty four ounce glassesfor a time. So when customers heard

all I can drink for sixty cents, I'm in, they conveniently overlooked that
they could have just paid ten centsfor twenty four ounces and done just fine.
In fact, James, do youhave that clip? Can you play
that all the beer you could drinkwas the most of this Dallas implorian sixty

cents or sixty minutes. At thetime, beer was going for twenty four
ounces for a dime. So Itook heroic popping to beat the game.
But in mid Texas, in midsummer, before the days of air conditioning,
the one cent per minute sub salesstruck the popular fancy with beer going for
a song, who could resist joiningin? They are chugging those beers.

How hilarious is that? The guy'sjust chugging beer after beer after beer.
Well, your official once on thatradio fun fact of the week is C.
C. Brown is the only onewho ever beat the challenge and drank
more than a gallon, drinking threegallons in fifty eight minutes. But they
said, actually he drank it infifty three minutes, and he spent six
minutes playing a slot machine. Andthat's your official What's on Tap Radio fun

fact of the week. That's agood fun fact. Wow, all right,
we gotta take a break on tapthis week we're talking crimes against beer,
pizza and beer. There's a gemI'm trying to join, and Jason
Kelsey is upset the Twitter world.We'll discuss all this is so much more.
Hang with us. We'll be rightback. Believe in something they say,
we believe. We'll have another beer. This is What's on Tap Radio.

Back to James and Chad here wego heading towards the end of January.

How's your New Year's resolutions? Sowe giving them up? Are we?
Uh? Tick it to it?How are we doing? I'm nailing
it, are you? Yeah?I made a resolution not to make any
and man, I'm old. I'mliving up to my end of the deal.
Well, you know people a uhone of the big things they like
to do as a news New Year'sresolutions is join a gym, like this

is it this year? It's gonnabe the year I get my body back.
I'm gonna join the gym. I'mgonna pound the weights and I'm gonna
get that body back just in timefor summer. You know, I want
to look Goodness that that repper printspeedo that I had sitting in my drawer.
Oh that's just me, No,that's you. But there's this gym

I'm trying to join. I'll tellyou all about it's here in a second
after Chad brings his next beer tothe show. Well, it's funny you
say that, because I've seen thosememes out there and it says, uh,
yeah, I want to get inshape, but I really love beer
and talk or what is it?I've seen those people with six pack abs,
but clearly they've never had beer ortacos, and well this is kind

of the best of both right here. This was a beer I picked up.
I thought it was a from PrairieArtisanal Ales out of Oklahoma. It
does, yeah, but I hadto look at a little closer, and
it's actually from Fair State co OpBrewing Company. It's a collaboration with Bottle
Logic, and it is a bourbonbarrel aged stout with toasted coconut, caramelized

cocoa nibs and vanilla beans. Andit's the finest stout that we got stuffed
with the second finest stout, andlike straight out of straight out of the
Simpsons, mo style. And thisis called Lobster Stuffed with taco. That
was the Flaming White, the FlamingWhat a great name for a beer,

Lobster stuff with tacos. I don'tthink there were any lobsters harmed in the
making of this beer, and Idon't think I don't think there's any fish
oil or fish sauce in here.But let me take a sip. Well
that'll get the job done. Wow, that is rich. That yeah,

I know, kind of got someon my hand. Don't worry about it.
I got I got a way toclean up. So that's what I'm
drinking here. I don't know whatthe ABV is, but I'm gonna go
with high We're just gonna we're gonnago with high way up there. Yes,
would you assume it? Would youassume it's higher than the logging need
is IP and A that I'm drinkingthe non alcoholic beer that you're drinking.
Yes, oh yeah, this onecomes in there. It is in the
fine print right next to the SurgeonGeneral warning thirteen percent ABV. So that's

thirteen percent more than the beer I'mbringing to the table. This is a
little sweet, lots of vanilla,a ton. I don't really get a
ton of coconut, but nice beer. Yeah, for like the six bucks
it cost me. I'm I'm alrightwith that. A lot of residual sweetness,
lots lots all right. I thinkI just got a cavity, all

right, James, So you wantto join a gym. I'm thinking about
joining a gym, and I justcame across a gym that I'm thinking about
joining, and this is you know, you know, I love some brilliant
marketing I do. Now. Listenup, folks, I'm talking to you
guys out there. Your wife mightstart wondering why you work out four hours
a day and then come home wastedface a wait, wait, hold on,

I went to the gym. Yeah, can I come home wasted?
Yeah? I know you're cashing yourself. What kind of gym is this?
Well, that's what it's called.It's called the gym and it's actually the
a bar in the UK called theMonster's Arms, and they just changed its
name to the gym to help peoplekeep their new yar's resolutions to work out

more. That seems like a lotof paperwork to help people in the the
new name the gym, so nowthey can tell their friends and family,
Yes, I've gone to the gymevery day this week and it's in uh
Swansea. Is that how you sayit? Swansea? Yeah, and in
Wales. If I don't say itcorrectly, just send me a T shirt.
I'll give you the information. Fromthe baseball team. From the baseball

team, a local baseball team,and they put on a new sign last
week and it brought special glasses thatlook like dumbbells and if you show up
and work out gear. They'll giveyour first drink for free. What so
if you show up like Olivia NewtonJohn and that uh let's get physical video.
Oh maybe leg warmers. Yeah,you know, they'll give you your
first drink for free. That's right. Leotard like a like a leotard pants.

I mean you show up like RichardSimmons. I mean you could be
getting into some free drinks. Ohmy god, yess, that's free drink.
It's not it's not clear whether ornot there to change the name permanently
or switching it back to the oldname at the end of the month.
But brilliant marketing. A bar renameditself the gym to keep New Year's resolutions
intact. Now been well done.Now. Bill was mentioning when when he

saw this on the one sheet,there's a bar in Holland. Yeah,
we have a bar in Holland calledthe Office. It's been there for quite
a long time, and usually ifyou want to have a few, you
just tell your wife, I'm stayingat the office late. Yeah, I'll
be at the office until late.And then it's like, why what was

that that one joke I heard yearsago about the guy who was. You
know, he's always broke and hiswife is always asking. He's like,
you know, you get paid,but you never have any money. And
his friends were like, you're alwaysbroke and he's like, well, you
know, every time I get paid, I give it to charity. And
they're like, wow, that isreally noble of you giving all your money

to chair. He's like, yeah, every time I get paid, I
just give it to charity. Andthen all of a sudden, she has
all this money and people are like, wait, did you stop giving your
money to charity? And he's like, yeah, Charity doesn't work at that
club anymore. She works at anotherclub across town. I can't now I'm
giving it to Mercedes. Yeah,Charity doesn't work at that club anymore.

Oh my god. But there yougo. I gotta say, I have
got to give it to those whohave genius marketing. And there's a bar
in the UK called the Monster's Arms, who now go by the name The
Gym, so wide are off,you know, telling your folks, say,
hey, telling your wife I'm atthe gym all week and coming on
waste face. Well, you're nottechnically lying because you are at the gym.

Let's spend that out there and that'sgold. That is gold. Speaking
of a dry January. Not healthyfor a relationship, but I like I
like the idea, all right,speaking of dry jeeen a dry January for
those that are, you know,taking a break from alcohol because they want
to you know, detox and givetheir body a break kind of what I'm
doing. And you know, Istill got some beers in the fridge here

in studios and a beers that haveyet to bring the show that I will.
But it's not just alcohol. Peoplegiven up for dry January. Have
you heard of this one? Thereis a thing called dry January where there
is a company out there. It'sa campaign and it's going off dry January
where they gonna give ten people tenthousand dollars to give up their smartphone for

a full month, full month.Take it right now, sign me out.
So would you be willing to giveup your smartphone for one month in
exchange for ten thousand dollars? Iwouldn't even get on my smartphone to tell
everybody that I was going to begone for a month. I'd say take
it. Yep. There's a campaigninspired inspired by dry January, which many
are partaking but I feel like alot of people have already just given up

on it. But hey, hereI am. I'm still sticking to it
with my IP and a from logand edi. But uh yeah, they're
gonna give ten people ten thousand dollarsfor giving up smartphones for a full month,
and it's actually from a fancy yogurtbrand called Siggi's, And they're doing
this because the average person spends fivepoint four hours on their phones each day,
and they believe that the power ofliving simpler life with fewer distractions like

your phone. So if you're interested, you can apply their website, which
will dot com and you will needto write and you'll need to write a
one hundred to a five hundred wordessay on why you need a digital detox,
and the quality of that essay willfactor whether or not you get picked.
And also, because you can't goa whole month without a phone because
you know, emergencies happen, guys, they're gonna give you a one month

prepaid flip phone so you don't haveto go without a phone. And also,
while they're at it, they're gonnagive you a three months to apply
yogurts and a lock box for youto put your smartphone in for the full
month and winners will be announced inmid February, and it's unclear when the
actual digital detox will start. Butif you're interested, you can just go

to the website dot com and they'reall a sponsor. But I'm sure I
can believe this. If you justgo google it, I'm sure you'll find
it. But yeah, you couldget ten thousand dollars if you give up
your smartphone for one month. Readyfor this. I used my smartphone while
you were telling that story to golook up to see if anybody has ever

brewed beer with Siggy's yogurt, andthey have. There are people out there
making kettle sour beer because it's basicallyit's it's you know, lactose and lactobacillis
and so it's a sour culture.And people are making beer out of Siggy's
yogurt and other types of that goodbelly. They a lot of people use

good belly for that. See,there you go. But I had to
use my smartphone to do that.So if I didn't have my smartphone,
i'd have ten thousand dollars and I'dhave to actually get back to you on
that. I'll check in with youlater with the answer life before smartphones.
I'll see, I can't even rememberwhat life was like before. I give
me the answer in thirty days.All right, So get go, get

that gym membership at the bar,call the gym and then yeah, detoks
your your your mental health with takinga sobriety from your phone for ten thousand
dollars. All right, thing isa drug? Huh Yeah? All right,
speaking of not you know, hittingthe gym, Let's talk about pizza
and beer. And also Jason Kelseyis getting a beating. We're gonna talk

about that. All this is somuch more, including Crimes against beerau we'll
talk about that. All this isso much more. We'll grab a beer.
It's like pouring smiles on your brain. What's on Tap Radio continues right

on tap this week Primes against Beerand hayjer Bush has been named the official
beer sponsor of You my friend couldbe in a Super Bowl commercial. Wow,
that'll be that'll be fun. Thatcould be fun. James and I
we're available, Yeah, we areavailable. And Jason Kelsey is getting a

beating, and I'm gonna come outand defend him. I'm gonna come out
and defend him. I think,Oh, this is so much more you
think I like that. I amdefinitely defending that guy problem. Maybe all
right, I'm out here. Jamesis at studios on the west side of
Houston, and I am hanging outhere at the Beer Logic World headquarters and

drinking emporium Stunt Beer. Liver Billis in studio with me because we are
taking down a couple of big beersand uh, it's a team effort.
It's a team effort. Meanwhile,James has decided to abstain for the month
of January, and I was cleaningout a little, doing a little housekeeping
on the old laptop, and Istumbled onto this. This is out of

the cellar. This is from archive, and I think we've done this one
before, but I think it's worthbringing back to the show. And do
you remember when Anheuser Busch released Budweiserzero point zero y? Yes, yes,
actually they still sell it, theystill sell it. Yeah. Well,

I remember when it originally got releasedand we did a ripped from Reddit
on it, and I happened tofind the rip from Reddit that we did,
and it is one of the bestripped from Reddit. So ever done
reset rip from readit because we getnew listeners all the time. Right,
we haven't done rip from Reddit ina while, but while no, it
was, we haven't. It wasa great bit. Well, if you

want to sponsor it, folks,we can bring it back every week,
each and every week Oakstown Brewery speakingspeaking of pizza and beer. But all
right, we'll talk to that guylater anyway, Rip from Reddit. Reddit
is the wild West of the Internet. It's an online social media platform where
you can join different groups that talkabout different topics and pretty much you can

say whatever you want uncensored. Andthe views expressed right about now that we're
gonna share do not reflect those ofJames Simpson, Chad Pilbeam, what's on
Tap Radio, any of the producersor our sponsors, advertisers or affiliate stations.
So there's our disclaimer. In otherwords, what you're about to hear

is off the Internet. And soit was Anheuser Busch releases Budweiser's zero point
zero and in honor of James doingdry January, I thought this would be
a good time to reflect on that, and so the comments came in on
Budweiser zero point zero, the firstone which topped off on the list.
There. This is this beer isproperly named for the score that it gets

on untapped. I'm like, okay, and oh great, now the hardcore
Christians are posting on the beer pagethat the guy responds Christians say all sins
can be forgiven, but not thisone. Oh my goodness, all right,
another one here, Hey, pal, wrong group, don't bring your

AA pessimism over here. We liketo have fun again. This is ripped
from Reddit. A non alcoholic beer, Budweiser zero point zero from a year
ago. Ladies and gentlemen cover thekid's ears on this one, because this
one here, bud zero point zero. It's like watching porn on your radio,

all right, but Budweiser zero pointzero. Hey, you you do
you, you drink what you want. Just don't come to me bragging that
you drink a thirty pack. Iwas drinking. I was zero point zero.
This is so good. I mean, I just I I'm glad.

I held onto this one and itwas like help, I've fallen and my
Budweiser is broken. Oh my gosh, oh yes, oh this way here,
bud Bud zero point zero makes yousmell homeless without actually being homeless.

Oh my goodness. All right,let's see here. I think I just
okay. Budweiser zero point zero.If this is your beer, your date
must be inflatable. Wow, Ohmy goodness. Just a couple more here
now, alcoholic beer. It's forbeer for people who broke their liver.

Somewhere out there, there is areal beer crying about this post. Oh
my goodness. And finally from therip from red a non alcoholic beer,
Budweiser zero point zero. I lookat non alcoholic beer in the store the
same way some people look at apuppy that's too ugly to get adopted,

and that is ripped from Reddit outof the cellar. Bringing it back for
James doing dryer January drinking non alcoholicbeer. I did that as a tribute.
I couldn't believe I held on tothat one. And I think it's
worth celebrating because I think our stigmaaround non alcoholic beer has changed a lot.

No, because it's gotten better,right, it's gotten a lot better.
I mean it's it used to bekind of just like that, you
know, the butt of a joke. But now it's gotten a lot better.
Oh my god. The other dayI posted it. I tweeted this
picture of the just the Haze SamuelAdams non alcoholic eye, and you know

this is it's like a World BeerCup winner. It's one at the GABFL
Great American Beer Festival. So Ijust witted a picture of the of the
of the beer, saying how Iliked, and I put hashtag dry January
and then some ahle response who cares, in which I responded, my doctor.

I was gonna say, my doctordoes so. But I'm not that
kind of guy. I know there'speople out there like, well, it's
been you know that many days,this many days, and good, hey,
good for you. But I don'tgo around doing that. I don't
go right and you know, it'sbeen twenty three days since I've had a
drop of alcohol. I don't dothat, and I hate I get annoying

when people do that. You know, lotto people that go vegan, like,
well, it's been a you know, thirty three days since I've put
that nasty meat in my mouth.Right, Yeah, there's an old joke
about that. It's it's what isit, it's a CrossFit or a vegan
and a person who doesn't drink alcoholall walked into a bar. I know

because they told me all about it. All right, all right, so
let's go into the world of sportshere in Michigan just for a second,
because the Detroit Lions are like thegreatest thing to hit the state since well,
what about Michigan just winning the championship. Yeah, but that's a house

divided because U of M is ifyou're a Spartan fan, you're not a
U of M fan. Okay,it's just because there's no two NFL teams
in Michigan, right exactly. Yeah, well that technically there are, because
if you live in the up you'remore likely to be a Packer fan than
you are a Lions fan. Butthat's another story, gotcha. But I

wanted to point this out that withall of the posts going up about the
Lions and the home playoff games andthe wins and everything, the one that
stole my heart was this one pictureof this guy eating his sandwich. But
not just any sandwich. It waswhat I would call the equivalent of like

the beer snake sandwich. Now,if you're not familiar with the beer snake,
that's when you take all the cupsand you stack them all up and
they go, you know, allthe empty cups goes on a second deck
at Wrigley Field, Right. Yeah, this guy had a three foot sandwich.
How do you get three foot sandwichin there? Exactly? They sell
it at one spot in Ford Field. It's called the fifty yard line because

it's supposed to represent the length ofthe fifty yard line, which is not
three feet, but you get theidea. It's so big. It's the
width of the fifty yard line andit's supposed to feed eight to twelve people.
This guy was sitting there eating itby himself. You have to order
it. You have to order itbefore kickoff and then you pick it up
at halftime. And it costs twohundred and fifty dollars. Was he Shaggy

from Scooby Doo? I know,And I'm saying here, I'm thinking to
myself, this is awesome. Thisis a guy who's there, he's in
the moment. Now. No wordon whether or not he ate the whole
thing. But the one thing Inoticed that was so disappointing. Didn't have
a beer to wash it down with. I don't think he had any money
left over, probably could just playofftickets two thousand dollars sandwich two hundred and

fifty dollars beer money. Can youhelp a guy out? I'll even take
it on alcoholic one please? Allright, James, that's the first hour.
What do we have coming up?Next hour? Next hour we're talking
pizza and beer, crimes against beerand Anaja Bush's name, the official beer
sponsor will tell you who and allthis and so much more, including hold
my beer and watch this. We'llbe right back. Well, that meetings

sucked, we wonder, can't waitto get home? Is there beers somewhere
out there? Crack open that newIba thinking about us too? This he's
What's on tap Radio? Back toJames and Chad, hold my beer and
watch this, brought to you byyour friends at We're all the ten taking

Insurance Group located in Grand Rapids,Michigan and Holland along the Lake Shore RTI,
Grand Rapids RTI Grand Rapids dot Com. Alright, Alburt too, take

two. Hour Number two of What'son Tap Radio starts now, got all
choked up there? Wait a minute? Wait? Wait? Wait when does
it start? Right now? Wait? Hold on, holy wait and now
all right, cool, all right, cool, mikes are hot, so
we can go ahead and do this. We made it through that first hour.
I'm not gonna lie. That wasfast. It was fast. If

you miss an ounce on it,shame, shame, shame. But the
podcast available for free anywhere podcasts arefound. Check out What's on Tap Radio
sponsor my friends over at cast Brandingthey sponsor our podcast. But you can
go any podcast platform, any podcastplatform typing What's on Tap Radio, And
what I was suggest you do ishit subscribe, so then anytime the show

is uploaded, it'll go straight toyour device. You don't have to go
searching for it because I've had truth. You know, people reach out to
me going man, uh, youknow it's hard finding your podcast, which
is a lie because it's not.But to make it easy, just subscribe
to it. It doesn't matter whichplatform you subscribe to, but it'll go
straight your device. And what Iwould suggest is give it a rating,
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the show. Also, while you'redoing that, while you're subscribing, subscribe
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dot com. Don't forget to followus. He's at James in the Radio

and I am Chad the Beer LogicGuy, and that way, if you
have any complaints, just send thoseto James. Yeah, like that guy
said when I post that picture ofthat beer, who cares? Right,
Yeah, just unload all that.And if you love the show, remember
it's at Chad the Beer Logic Guy, just send it right here this way
on the complaint line. Apparently Ihave low self esteem. I can't handle

the can't handle rejection. What Ican handle though, And by the way,
it's kind of funny, I said, you know that first hour just
went fast. Just the thing isis technically it's the exact same number of
minutes every week. Yeah, wedidn't. We we didn't. We didn't
time flies. When you're having fun, right, Chad does We're gonna have
a little more fun here? Iasked, uh, Bill, who's standing

in here on stunt liver for me? On third mic from Harvard Light Brewing
Company, proud sponsors of this show, and he, I said, go
in there and reach in there andgrab a hole of this. He says,
never heard of this brewery, andit says it's a black glogger game
on. Let's go ahead and cleanseour pallets with a five point six percent
black lagger from a brewery I've neverheard of, he says, I don't

even know where wood Shop Brewing is. I was like, oh, yeah,
well I did say grab anything.So anyway, this is a beer
that comes from a home brewer.And he has his own label name and
cans. Yes, he he's gothis own canning in his garage. And

I'm gonna get this cat on theshow. I'm telling you what, Tyson,
you're coming on the show. He'sa he's a listener now, but
oh yeah, absolutely give him aname drop. He's listening right now,
all right, mm hmm. AndI may have poured a little heavy there.
Oops, that's all right, that'sall Bills like, that's fine,
Chad, you could do that.No, look at that, that's keep

going. Look at that. That'san even poor solid all right. This
is a sixteen ounce can from woodShop Brewing, which is not a real
brewery. So if you're looking forit, if you go and try and
check it in. Not gonna happen, folks, it doesn't exist. But
it's a really cool logo because hetook a hop cone and if you look

at the top of it, it'sit's like a saw blade. It's like
a circular saw blade. Yeah,because it's in his woodshop. So there
you go, wood shup. BringTyson. It makes really good beer.
I got to go and check itout, and he gave me a few
cans to bring on the show,so this happens to be one of them,
Thanks Tyson. Though light bodied butroasty, That's what I like about

it. Very roasty, but clean, real crisp clean. After i'd say,
after the sweet beers that we've beendrinking in the high ABV beers,
I feel like I'm gonna chug this. We're gonna get to another beer in
the next segment because this is gonnago down really smooth. It's a welcome
change. It is, yes,all right, palate cleanser, it's delicious.
I think it's time. Let's douh, let's push this button right

here beer and watch this brought toyou by the ring Meld of ten Hacen
Insurance Group, where they'll cover youfor just about everything except this. I'll
tell you. There's not a lotof details in this story. But what
I will tell you this is avery scary story. And uh, hey,
Bill, you want to guess whatstate this happened in. Boy,

gotta go with Florida. You winagain, my friend, you win again.
Chat tell what you want. Whatis it with Florida? Man?
Oh my goodness, this happened inMiddle Bird, Florida. A forty three
year old man named Douglas Moore wasarrested. And this happened during the holidays
when we were off. But uh, this is scary. You know people

sometimes joke about grinches during the holidayseason. Boy, mister Douglas here he
is really out to hurt people.Wow, he could have really hurt people
because he opened fire on a Christmasparade. Wait, open fire with what?
Like? Was he popping bottletops onseven to fifty millimeters beer bottles?

Was he was he cracking open bombers? Was he was he throwing cans of
beer up in the air and watchhim explode? No, Chad, no
Bill, it was a firearm.It was a firearm. Oh so oh
damn? Okay? And police say, he was really really drunk, really
drunk, and he was agitated bythe activities generated by the parade attendees.

Now wait a minute, Hold ona second. You went to a parade,
and hold on a second. Theparades are surrounded by crowds, and
you're irritated by the crowd. SoI told you there's not a lot of
details in the story. But whatI'm thinking is this might be one of
those neighborhood Christmas parades, and sothey might have just like paraded through the
neighborhood and people were probably like sittingon his lawn or like you know,

parking in front of his house.Probably didn't like that. Maybe kids were
running around in his yard. Idon't know what it was, but whatever,
he was really agitated by the paradeattendees. Fanithfully, faithfully, no
one was hurts, especially since therewas so many children involved in the parade.
But the police, of course arrestedDouglas, but they charged him with

six counts of aggravated assault with afirearm, reckless discharge of a firearm,
and using a firearm while under theinfluence of alcohol. So you're home,
my beener, and watch this isa drunk Florida man got agitated by a
Christmas parade. So once he starteddoing, you start shooting. I'm sorry,
it's what triggered him that I'm laughingat. I'm like, not the

outcome. But just remember, folksring all the ten taking insurance group.
They'll cover you for a lot ofthings, but they will not cover you
for discharging a firearm into a Christmasparade. It's not part of it's not
part of their policy. He's like, you just get off my lawn,
even if it's a even if it'sa home property insurance claim. Yeah,
you're not gonna win that one.But remember, if you're gonna use firearms

and alcohol, all always firearms first, then then alcohol. The PSA from
your friends here at What's on TapRadio, that's your whole My beer and
watching says, all right, stillto come speaking out crimes. Let's talk
about crimes against beer. All thisso much more. We'll be right back.
Sometimes we write drink beer on ourto do list. Just I feel
like we're accomplishing something. What's onTap Radio continues with James Simpson and Chad

Pilbeam. We want to thank SuperiorPest Control West Michigan for flooding our inbox
with stories each and every week.Proud sponsors of our research department, Superior
Pest Control. You can find themhere in West Michigan at Superior Pest dot
Biz. That's Superior Pest dot Biz. The story you're about to see is

true. The name said been changedto protect the innocent. They are they
have been. Now we're gonna goahead and throw some people under the bus.
Maybe maybe one of them anyway,we uh welcome back to What's on
TAPA Radio where we believe in justicefor beer and uh yes, that's why

we have that segment. Hold mybeer and watch this spotlighting drunk criminals,
reminding you it's a public service announcement. And thank you again bringing all the
ten Hacen Insurance of West Michigan righthere. I want to thank our buddy
John Klunder for helping us out withthis that segment, reminding you what not
to do. You don't ever wantto be spotlighted on that. Now we

move to a subject that I wasI am very passionate about. I'm all
about justice for beer drinkers. James'sbeer. He's got his rob on,
he has a gavel in his hand. It's all right. Actually on this
one, I got, I gotthe cuffs. I'm like, I'm like

Roscoe Pico Trade. I'm gonna cufewand stuff. That's right, Man,
I just dated myself. Everybody who'stwenty something years old goes, who is
he talking about? Just man?Just want to go peek coat train maybe
all the time? Man bow,Yeah, not a very good sheriff.

I actually I'm a little more competenton that. But I'm gonna go ahead
and I'm gonna bring. I'm gonnabring a case. I'm gonna be like
Harvey Spector from Suits. I'm gonnabring and I never lose a case.
You know. That's that's my deal. All right. There's another pop culture
reference. I got the USA Networktelevison show. But I digressed. There
was a time here, James,in the US, when all beer was
served exactly the same, and thatwas cold, and that's all that mattered.

It didn't matter. Now, maybeyou went to one of those fancy
places and it had a footed Pilsnerglass, but for the most part in
that day and age, it waseither served in a frosted mug or a
maybe a highball glass, you know, a water glass. Nobody paid attention
to born on dates because they didn'texist or best buy dates, and the

only thing you had to concern yourselfwith was whether or not from a legal
standpoint, were you in a statethat allowed you to drink at nineteen or
did you have to be twenty one? When did born on dates come about?
Born on dates? I want tosay it was late nineties, early
two thousands. Okay, yeah,I didn't look that one up, but

I know that somewhere in the earlynineteen nineties micro brewery started to give us
exposure to different styles and flavors,and then they started serving beers in different
glasswhere and we started to say,whoa why is this? We started to
learn about tradition and proper service andproper flavor and standards and beer clean glasses,

which met is more than just aclean glass. I mean, we
started to elevate this and we heldto these standards and lived up to them.
And then ever since then, youknow, we had kind of the
big boom of the micro brewery movement. And since then, though, our
attention to detail has slipped. AndI've seen this firsthand, and I'm calling

out the crimes against beer because lawlessnessis everywhere, and I am calling for
vigil anti justice. Ladies and gentlemen, you listen to this program, I
am counting on you to step up, take the law in your own hands,
and fight back. When you goout drinking at your favorite tap room,
or maybe you're visiting it a newtap room, or you're at a

beer bar, demand justice for youand the beer. So I have identified
the high crimes and misdemeanors being committedout there in the beer community. So,
James, I'm gonna go ahead andgive you my list of crimes being
committed against beer. First, themisdemeanors. These are the minor infractions which
can be corrected. Maybe you havea parole officer, Maybe you go to

a couple of meet do a littlecommunity service, and you can be you
can be have this expunged from yourrecord. But this one here, when
we talk about beer served in thewrong glass, I don't consider that a
misdemeanor. But there are certain beersthat you never serve in certain glasses.

For example, I would never servea barley wine in a twenty four ounce
mug. I would never see tomorrow. I would not serve a German pilsner
in a sniffer. It just doesn'thappen. But using the wrong glass and
not caring, that's the problem.It's just that, yeah, we don't

care as long as it comes toyou and you can drink it. Well.
If that's the case, serve itin a paper cup. It's a
misdemeanor. We can care about wineserving morlow and the proper glass. You
should care about beer being poor inthe proper glass. Exactly. Here's another
misdemeanor. Not rotating your stock.Now, not rotating your stock, that

and of itself not a problem becauseyou may not get old beer. But
eventually the beer getting pushed to theback is getting older and older and older,
and that leads to a felony,which we will talk about later.
So that right there, not rotatingyour stock, it does happen because people
get lazy and they think people don'tcare and can't taste the difference. But
that's not true. This one herereally drives me nuts. Another mistermeir,

not putting your dates on beer.Ladies and gentlemen. It's twenty twenty four.
It is time to start putting dateson your beer. I don't care
how you do it. Put iton your beer when you package them up.
You've got to let people know whatit is. Is this a package
date or is this a brew date? What do we see? No,

that's the thing. Put some dateon there. In fact, I like
the brute on date. It wasbrewed on this date. Then I get
to the side. Don't give meyour best by date. Don't give me
your expiration day, give me yourgive me the date you brewed it that
one there. Also, this goesfor the boxes too, Like they'll put
it on the cans, but thenthey'll package them in a six pack box,
and then they don't put it onthe box, so then you gonna

break open the box to read thecan. I don't think so. Now,
yeah, miss demeror put on thebox. Yeah, yeah. Another
misdemeanor here, having domestics on yourmenu. Now, I know what domestics
means. When you put domestics onyour menu, it means cheap, mass
produced light beer. But Sierra Nevadapalel Brood in the US, that's domestic

and you're not gonna give me afour dollars and fifty cent pint of that.
I'm sorry. It's just not gonnahappen, all right. So those
are some of the misdemeanors. Let'smove on to the felonies. Dirty tap
lines. Oh my god, II went to a bar in New Orleans,
yep, and I ordered a aBeta Amber and the beer came out
like it tastes like batteries exact,see exactly. And the thing is is,

we used to insist on cleaning taplines every two weeks, no matter
what, nobody ever. And thenthey are like two weeks. We can
push it to three. We cando it every month. Eh. Eh.
We don't have to change even thoughwe change the kegs, we don't
have to clean it. Listen.Ah, that's a felony right there.
Also line beer. This one here. Now, if you're not familiar with

this one, show up when abrewery opens or a tap room or a
bar and say, hey, canI get a sample of something? And
when they haven't flushed the lines andpulled the little that one ounce of line
beer out and you get that asyour sample. Oh, it tastes terrible.
That's a felony that right there.You can't do that. Frozen beer
glasses. I don't care if you'reserving the cheapest, mass produced light lagger

frozen beer glasses. Kill the beerfelony right there, bringing up on charges
right now, dirty beer glasses.Now this one here, I have seen
this firsthand. Somebody grabs a glass. It literally takes two to three seconds
to inspect the glass before you putit under the tap. But even after

you put it on the tap,I've seen them look at it, see
that it's dirty, and still serveit. I feel like this is the
most common crime at a bar.It is it is so bad or this
one here, and I'm not gonnasay, I'm not going to throw the
brewery under the bus, but it'sa Texas brewery that's out of business for
a good reason. Okay, Butthis one here, this is a felony.
Okay, if you refuse to throwthrow away a beer that doesn't meet

your standard, I'm sorry. Thisone brewery made an imperial butterscotch heff of
ison. They marketed it as animperial butterscotch hef of ison. I'm sorry,
hef nine point seven percent, Noway imperial, no butterscotch off flavor.
Dump it. This was not yourcreativity. You screwed up. Dump
it down the drain and finally sellingout of date beer. And I hold

lots of people responsible for this,but the the most, the most culpable
in this is the person at thebeer store because they don't they'll take a
feather duster and just dust it offand let it go because they know nobody's
gonna bring it back. Hey,if we can sell it and make a
buck, customers aren't gonna care enoughto complain. Now. The only question

I have is is how do weget restitution? But these are the biggest
crimes against beer and ladies and gentlemen. I'm asking you don't stand for it.
You fight back. Check the dates, demand fresh beer, demand clean
beer glasses, and do not takeline beer or bad beer from dirty taps.
Amen, well said Chad. Allright, let's take a break.

Let's come back and talk about Kelsey. Jason Kelsey that is, and why
people on Twitter are really outraged.All this is so much more. We'll
be right back. This is what'son tap Radio. All right, welcome

back to What's on Tap Radio.I know, just a moment ago,
Hi, Chad, the beer logic. I sound like angry guy, get
off my lawn. But I'm tiredof people mistreating beer we have. We've
gone from building standards to ignoring them, and those are crimes against beer.

And Bill and I were talking aboutthat during the break Harbor light. Bill,
who's in third mic stunt beer Liver, and he and I we had
to crack open another beer and it'sa beer, one of my favorite ones,
that he's never had before, andit ties in really good with everything
we've talked about. An arresting embraceof malt in Beryl from Revolution Brewing Company,

Chicago, Illinois, straight jacket barleywine and aged in bourbon barrels.
Yeah, we're sticking with the highABV, but that's because we got a
stunt beer liver coming in at fifteenpercent. It is one of my favorite
barley wines and we're gonna keep thisgoing again. Don't try this at home
without a stunt beer liver, SoBill, help yourself there. James,

your glass looks a little empty.It is indeed empty from WHOA slow down,
buddy, you're drinking na beer.Take it easy, pal. I'm
gonna continue that in a train becauseit is, in fact the last weekend
in dry January. But I stillhave so many inn a beers in my
fridge here at studios. So maybeI'll bring some more next week. But

yeah, my last week of dryJanuary here on the show. We'll see.
Maybe I may continue on until Irun out in a beers, but
the next week I'm bringing. Ibrought this brewery's oatmeal stout last week,
or maybe it was a week before, but I was really impressed with the
beer, and so I decided thatto try another beer from this brewery.
And this is Bravis Brewing, andI'm not going their oatmeal Stout. I'm

actually going completely opposite with their GoldenAle, their Golden Light. And this
is a zero percent alcohol by volume. So let me go in openness.
Trink it slowly there, take iteasy. Yeah, I'm gonna drink it
slow, slow, slow. Now. This is what I believe you said
last week. This brewery claims tobe the United States the first craft brewery

in a craft brewery. Now,I can't confirm that. I don't know
who was first. I don't knowif they were first or just what it
says in the yearbook, just whatit says on the can, the light
crisp and biscuity. So let mego and take a taste of this.
Let me tell you what I tastehere. Smells crispin clean James. Yeah,

very crisp and clean. I getsome biscuit malt, sweetness, the
moment of clarity coming through through nonalcoholic beings. Tasting this approachable brew tastes
much like one of those light beersthat the big boys brew, but hard
to believe. This is in ain only sixty five calories. Again,
the Golden Light Bravest Brewing Company ourstasted tastes like a Have you ever had

the candied sugar coat coated almonds?I do? Those are so good?
Okay? Ours is an is aslightly almond coated piece of sugar because it
is sweet dipped in bourbon. Yeah, dipped in bourbon. I mean it
is, it is. It's there'sa little bit of grain malt in there

that you can taste, but forthe most part, it's bourbon. It's
brown sugar, it's caramel or toffee. No, it's just big boozy bra
It's yummy and completely opposite of thebeer I'm bringing the Golden White Cristmas.
Wait, no, no, no, hold on a second, sold on,
you're drinking zero point zero we've gota fifteen percent fifteen divided by three

carry the one that's what's that fourpoint five percent? Yeah, okay,
yeah, four point three three percent. Yeah. So we're all just taking
it easy. We're we're all justdrinking session beers when we When you average
it out between all the livers,I feel I'm gonna be okay tonight.
Yeah you will? Yeah, allright, me too, Bill, me
too, Bill, me too.It's very sweet. I'm not I don't

like it as much as I liketheir oatmeal stout. But it's good.
It's good. I would I woulddrink another one. Anytime is a good
time for Bravis Braves Brewing Golden Light. All right. So, Jason Kelcey,
this guy is a national treasure.If you're tired of seeing Taylor Swift
and Brittany Mahomes embrace every time KansasCity scores a touchdown at the Chiefs game,

well, I think you're you're yougot your antidote last week thanks to
one Jason Kelcey. Now, JasonKelsey, he is not in the playoffs.
No, the Eagles were eliminated,right, So now he's rooting on
you know, he was rooting onhis brother who plays for the Chefs,
the Chiefs, the Chefs. Yeah, sorry, he spelled Chiefs wrong.

So when Patrick Mahomes connected with hisbrother Travis for a touchdown, there was
Jason shirtless, puffing out his hairybarrel shaped body like a viking. Now
in the article it says le Bat'sblue light. But I'm looking at I
don't think it was a little bats. I think it was a bud light.

It is because according to Twitter,it was a bud light. Now,
no one's mentioning anything about le Bat'sblue. But according to the article
who wrote the article, they saidhe was pounding a Labat's blue. But
I'm gonna say fun fact. LeBat blue is on tap in every deer
camp bar in Michigan, and ifI see it, I buy it.

Really I have never I've never beena big fan of that beer. So
well, then i'll see you nextwinter, pal, get up here,
we're going. But anyways, atone point, I don't know if you
were watching the game or not,but he hopped out of the luxury box
to pound a beer with the crowdso much that people were loving it.
He picked up some fans, somelittle little little fans, so they can

show their signs to Taylor Swift.And it was get a little rowdy,
so much that Patrick Mahomes's dad hadto come in there and and and bring
them back into the press or intothe luxury box and hey, hey,
come on, come back in becausehe's getting roundy. And even he was
even hanging out at the Bill's Mafiatailgating. Yeah beer. Now, if
you don't know what the Bill's Mafiais, that's the tailgating spectacular. That's

the one tailgate I need to getto. That's on my bucket list.
In fact, people ask me yougot something on your bucket list. I
want to drink Bill, drink Bill. I want to drink Bill with the
beer Mafia. No beer with theBill's Mafia. Yeah, there are a
wild buns. And I think itlooked like he was chugging beer out of
a bowling ball if I can seevideo, that's and then you gotta break
a table, and then you gottalight the table on fire, and then

you'll probably catch on fire. Butmeanwhile, you said, Kelsey, he's
bare chested, freezing cold weather.And then he picks up some little girl
and says, hey, Taylor,here's a fan yeah, here's fan.
Yeah, she had a sign soshe can read it. And of course
people are taking pictures with him.But it was getting a little rowdy,
and so they had Patrick Mahomes's dadgoing hey, hey, hey, mister
Kelson, can you get back intothe press box here or the luxury box.

But of course Twitter had to saysomething about it. They are not
happy with the way he was behavingbecause he's a football player. He should
be a role model. Even thoughI think he announced is a retirement of
did he I don't know. Hemay be retiring, he maybe not be
retiring. But the point is he'sin his off season. Let him have
a good time. But people tookto Twitter and they're not happy. All

the fans were happy with Kelsey's behavior, a few calling him out promoting He
was the fact that he was promotingalcoholism, wondering if drinking beer and celebrating
was ideal with kids watching. SoOne person wrote, Jason Kelsey is one
of the most disgusting men I've everseen, a fat, harry drunk.
Who in the universe would find thatattractive. One person responded, his very

smoking, hot wife. I wantto respond to that. I want to
say Hey, lady, He'll seeyou at the gym. I see you
do there. One person took toTwitter and said, what a discussing endorsement
of alcoholism. This must be thefinal straw for CBS. My two year
old son saw this and immediately startedchugging moonshine at screaming New News. Now

many think this was stage that Kelseymight have been, you know, maybe
a sponsorship deal with a bud lightdue to the brand ford manner, because
you could tell that he was drinkinga bud light. I'm not sure why
the journalist saw that it was alittle bat blue, but people thought maybe
it was a stage. But thenpeople went to Twitter saying how much is
Jason Kelsey getting paid to make surethat his bud light can is facing out

as he is shirtless cheering on TV. Another one wrote I lost respect for
Jason Kelsey rocking that bud light.Another one wrote, Jason Kelsey drinking a
bud light at the Chiefs game wasso predictable. I bet he was vaxed
too. Uh. Oh no,Jason Kelsey's drinking bud lights. One person
wrote, oh no, Jason Kelsey'sdrinking a bud light. That maggot cult

must be castling him at the moment. So a lot of people upset that,
uh Jason Kelcey out there pounding hischest drinking a bud light. But
other folks are upset the Swift.He's upset because he's upstaging Taylor Swift.
Yeah, because yeah, all thecameras around him and he's in full beast

mode and she's up there jumping around, cheering and everything else, like yeah,
we'll get back to you in aminute, because this is new,
and it's like, yeah, isn'tit funny how the flash in the pan,
you know, kind of distracts fromthe you know, the trend,
and everyone's like, wait a minute. You know how long I worked to
build this image. I'm saying,if Swift, but what about me?

Jason Kelsey's retiring, he needs tobe at every Chiefs game because I'll be
watching. That's at the at HarvardLight Brewing Company. Just for the record,
So oh, if you're a SWIFTYEand you're listening to the show right
now, that's uh yeah, yes, maybe I won't see you over there.
I'll meet you at Tantrick. JasonKelsey totally upstage Taylor swift and the

Internet is not happy. And alsothey're not happy the fact he's promoting alcoholism.
But hey, I'm saying, hey, you you do you? All
right, we got to take abreak. Last segment of What's on tab
Rido coming up. Uh, we'regonna talk about maybe putting you in a
Super Bowl commercial. Oh this isso much more. We'll be right back,
all right. We're going to eathealthy and start exercising today. Oh

look, beer, beer, beer, What's on tab Radio continues, We
don't thank our friends at Tantrik BrewingCompany located in Alegant, Michigan, right
there on the Kalamazoo River. Beautifulsites, beautiful beer, beautiful food,
and uh yeah, you see thebeer logic guy in there hanging out.
Stop by get a free What's ontap Radio? High five, great beer,

great times, great food. Locatean Alligant, Michigan, Tantrik Brewing
Company. Last segment, What's onTap Radio for this week? You just
joining us. We were just talkingabout how Jason Kelsey was really putting on

a show supporting his brother at theBill's game. You know, he jumps
out of the luxury box, takeshis shirt off, starts pounding his chest
drinking a butt light and I sawthis meme. It made me laugh.
It says Jason Kelsey, rips hisshirt off, chucks a beer on national
TV, and everyone calls him alegend. But when I do it on

a Tuesday night at Applebee's, I'man alcoholic. You're the subject to watch.
This brought to you by Ringing Allthe ten Hagen Insurance Group. Wow.
I do want to thank our friendsover at Superior Pest Control for sending
these stories our way. Oh yeah, they do a great job. I

love the fact that they listen tothe show and then they send this story.
Hey, next week, why don'tyou check this out? But this
last segment of What's on Tap Radiofor this week is brought to you by
our dear good friends at Tantrik BrewingCompany. Chat. I know it's it's
really kind of cool watching Aligan reopen. Downtown is hopping right now. I

know we have the snowstorm, butonce all the snow gets plowed away,
don't worry. Lots of cool thingshappening in downtown Alligan, and at the
heart of it, Tantrik Brewing Companybeen there, part of the community,
part of the fabric, downtown redevelopment, and great beer, great food.
Check them out free What's on TapRadio high fives Tantrickbrewing dot Com. All

right, so James, I gotI gotta bring this up. I'm old
enough to remember when cors Light wasnot the official beer sponsor of the NFL,
and then they were the official beersponsor of the NFL, and then
they weren't again. Well, itturns out that they're doing a television commercial

for the Super Bowl this year,and they're gonna offer fans five hundred dollars
in talent fees to be part oftheir commercial. Like, what hey,
sign me up, I'm in.I want to be in a commercial.
I am too. Yeah, that'sright. Cors Light is announcing the return
of the Chill Train. You mayremember when the train was speeding by and

turning every town. It's like everytown was sitting around. They're like,
Oh, we're hot, we're thirsty, we're dry. All of a sudden,
the Chill Train just and all ofa sudden, magically, everybody had
a corse Light in their hand.Everything chilled out and everybody was smiling.
They had the Love Trained song playingright, which I found funny because people
would be sweating outside in the tanktop or shirtless, and then the train

would go through and everything would beiced over. And trust me, I
live in Michigan and when it instantlyice is over and gets cold like that,
it doesn't not refreshing. It sucks, but it does. Chad.
Yeah, I know. Well,this is now a CG computer generated opportunity
to join yet the CGI train isgoing to roll through and you can upload

your photo and be part of theexperience and get one of the one hundred
available seats, and if you arepicked, you will be on the CGI
computer Generated Image train featuring the commercialthat will speed through North America at a
blistering nine hundred miles an hour thataccording to the press release. And if

you can't catch a glimpse of yourselfflying by it nine hundred miles an hour,
there'll be a slow motion version ofit because it's only a thirty second
commercial and there are only one hundredseats and if you manage to get on
there, you'll have to sign awaiver, but they'll give you five hundred
bucks and some swag. That's apretty cool deal. Bringing the train back

a primitive mug as well. Yeah, they give you some swag five hundred
bucks. They're bringing the train backpeople all the world. If you're one
of the one hundred, you'll beon the love train. Love train,
all right, I just made thatup. You get free beer, Well,
I don't think they can give youfree beer legally. They can give
you a cooping A cooping, Yeah, cooping. That's like coupon, yeah,

or cube, but they don't saycooping. But you have bragging rights?
And hey, were you a superBowl commercial? Were you? Thank
you? I was on? Iwas? I was. I was in
a super Bowl commercial? Were youin a Super Bowl? Oh you weren't?
Oh I was? Oh I was? You weren't? I was bragging
rights. I'm just saying you couldbe in a Super Bowl commercial. I
know you could. All Right,some stories to get to, Uh,

I've been teasing this. I gottatalk about Anahaja Bush name the officials beer
sponsor of what Well. On Januaryfourth, the nation's leading brew or,
Anheiser Busch, had a huge pressconference where everyone came out for it and
announced everybody was on pensanula. What'sgonna be? What's gonna be? They

are now the national marketer sponsor aPBR, which does not stand for past
Blue Ribbon Professional bull Riders Professional bullRiders and PBR is the world's premier bull
riding organization. More than five hundredbull riders compete in more than two hundred
events annually and it's a big dealwith international circuits in Australia, Brazil,

Canada, and Mexico. The newmulti year deal celebrates the Writers, Teams
and Fans, one of the fastestgrowing athletic competitions in the US, and
the new deal spans PBR's premier individualcompetition with Teams League along with the sport's
top expansion tours, making antoniser Bushone of the PBR's largest and most impactful
brand partners, and their partnership willprimarily focus on big clob Ultra saying that

right, the nation's second largest beerbrands. So now anhyser Busch named the
official beer sponsor of PBR and bythe way, that yeah right, and
another one of aneser Busch's brands theypartner with somebody else last year and it
didn't quite go as planned. Sointernally I heard Anheuser Busch is calling this

build back better. No I justmade that. I totally made that up.
I'm sorry I just did. Butanyway, James, we got ad
minute to talk about pizza. Well, let's talk about pizza. Dave Barry
actually said, without question, thegreatest invention in history of mankind is beer.
I grant you that the wheel wasalso a fine invention, but the

wheel does not go nearly as wellwith pizza. Beer for the wind.
I'm telling you, beer for thewind, Beer and pizza. That's that's
pretty much a given right. Yougot your beer. I would think so.
But I came across this, andwho knew there was such a thing.
But it is Friday night, thenight for peace for your family?

You dozza used to be? Butif so, line up. That's the
average American thing. Pizza Hut didan annual pizza report and found that Friday
is the most popular day of theweek to order. And so here are
some other stats I came across forsome pizza eating habits, including the worst
hoppings to try. The average personhas pizza three times a month and eats
a total of eight slices. Doyou eat a total of eight slices in

one sitting? No? Eight slicesthe sitting or eight slices a month.
That's what it says. The averageperson three times a month and eats a
total of eight slices. So I'mguessing, so there's eight over three,
eight over three, Okay, becauseI'm like, man, that's a lot
of I would say I eateate overthat's a lot of slices of pizza.
The top eating pizza states North Dakota, New York, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

Because it's too damn cold, nobodywants to go out, they want
delivery. Thin crust is now ourfavorite type, getting twenty eight percent of
the vote. Stuff crust pizzas nextwith twenty and thick crust at fourteen percent.
The most popular thing to dip itin isch, followed by garlic sauce.
Hot sauce is a distant third,and they didn't actually include marinara as

an option, so I thought thatwas a little weird. H New York
Style because it has marin ea onthe pizza. Yeah, all right.
New York Style is the most populartype of pizza, followed by Chicago style.
Only three states prefer something else.Detroit Style in Michigan, Saint Louis
Style in Missouri and people in Californiasupposedly prefer California style pizza with non traditional

toppings like avocado and arugula. Themost frequent order topping still pepperoni, which
is something that it's always on pizza. But what's something that never is allowed
on pizza? The top answer fishbeats, blueberries, plums, and kiwi
and put those on. Hey,people they order, let me get a

fish, blueberries and plums and somekiwi. And last, people who don't
drink beer with their pizza, theydrink I don't know, like a prune
smoothie. It's true. And onlyfour think pizza flavored cocktail sounds like something
they would try, but do nottry the pizza flavored beer from Martin Els.
So that America loves Friday Nights withpizza. Mama Me a Pizza Beer.

I actually have the bottle right outsidethe studio hanging up. I swear
Mama Me a Pizza Beer rated azero point zero on rate. Dear,
it was one of the worst beersever made with a regano and basil.
It was absolute trash. All right, we gotta get out of here,
Chad. I want to thank oursponsors that being Tantric Brewing Superior pests,

Control being a logic conference and events. We know that Tenac Insurance grew up
in the backyard grill keeping our lightson. Thank you Harbor Light Bill.
Harbor Light Brewing Company of course castsbraining. So for mister Bill Logic Chad,
he'll be I'm Beer Beer James sayingthanks for checking out what's on Tap
Radio. We hope you enjoyed it. We hope you would joyed it for
another actual time Redo show next week. Now go get yourself with pizza. Cheers O
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